guns n' roses



  • I went and saw GNR yesterday at Auburn Hills Michigan. The show was awsome. Axl was on fire. He was singing amazingly. He still has it. Wow. The band sounded good but not as good as the original. As far as someone comapring them I would think that by having an extra lead guitar player on stage they could play more like the album because most albums have layered guitars. In real life you cant play every thing unless more guitarists are on stage. But without slash I think the guitar work loses it's sole. Face it there is only one slash, duff, and matt.

    You can't replace them all and have a band that can play the songs flawless and have the same sole. None the less the new GNR is as good as it could be with out slash, matt, and duff. They do a great job playing the old songs on a few songs they sounded really on. The rest were great but you know they were 95% there as far as being as great. The new songs are about as good as the worst songs on the user illusion album from what I can tell. By the way I like all the songs on Use Your Illusions so that is not bad.

    The new songs chinese democracy & better are the best new songs so far. I heard them last night and they did sound good live. Axl sings more normal on those two that is why I like them best. On some of the others Axl just does not sound right on the vocals in my opinion. I want to hear the new album soon.

    I think chinese democracy sounds like a song that could have been on the use your illusion albums other then the drum work sounds like a drum machine. If you get a chance go see GNR they put on a great show.
  • by the way Sabastien Bach opened singing all the skid row songs. Man that guy does not age. He still sounds great and is a great preformer. He was so full of energy. He was swinging the mic around a lot and doing a lot of head banging. He looked like he was having a blast. He did come back and do a song during the gnr encore.
  • elmerelmer Posts: 1,683
    nearing december now and its the same old story, the situation is becoming untenable, im starting to despise this damn thread
  • holtzholtz Posts: 509
    elmer wrote:
    nearing december now and its the same old story, the situation is becoming untenable, im starting to despise this damn thread

    Well I don't think Chinese Democracy is coming out any time soon but I'm seeing GNR again on Saturday, I feel this thread is more about the shows than that album.
  • Have fun holtz.
  • holtzholtz Posts: 509
    I'm planning on it, first time I've seen them this year and my 13th GNR show ever. THey dropped ticket prices for the show so I was able to get some more people to go with me. Thankfully its on a Saturday night so the 2AM finish won't be that big of a deal.
    holtz wrote:
    I'm planning on it, first time I've seen them this year and my 13th GNR show ever. THey dropped ticket prices for the show so I was able to get some more people to go with me. Thankfully its on a Saturday night so the 2AM finish won't be that big of a deal.

    Enjoy the show - It seems the first 8 songs or so are pretty much a set thing, but they are changing up the Democracy songs a bit, some nights playing Madagascar , some not -

    They did'nt play it at MSG - which bothered me because they found the time to play My Michelle with Sabastian Bach - which did nothing for me

    Anyway - enjoy
    I'll keep taking punches
    Untill their will grows tired
  • DCGARDEN wrote:
    Enjoy the show - It seems the first 8 songs or so are pretty much a set thing, but they are changing up the Democracy songs a bit, some nights playing Madagascar , some not -

    They did'nt play it at MSG - which bothered me because they found the time to play My Michelle with Sabastian Bach - which did nothing for me

    Anyway - enjoy

    ya, i dont like the duet w/bach. i was lucky enough to have 5 of the new songs played when i saw em live:

    the blues
    chinese democracy
    and rocket queen...since it is played so few times it feels like a new song :)
    Whats got the whole world faking?
  • oh, and go dec. 19th!!!!

    i know cd won't come out, but it's my last hope......bring on 2007
    Whats got the whole world faking?
  • uninnocentuninnocent Posts: 1,565
    the maple leafs will win lord stanley's cup before chinese democracy comes out. probably neither will happen in my lifetime, but i'll still eagerly await both.
  • uninnocent wrote:
    the maple leafs will win lord stanley's cup before chinese democracy comes out. probably neither will happen in my lifetime, but i'll still eagerly await both.

    no, when the BRUINS win the cup, then CD will come out
    Whats got the whole world faking?
  • uninnocentuninnocent Posts: 1,565
    no, when the BRUINS win the cup, then CD will come out

    don't get me started with the bruins. i was at saturday's game. it was my first regular season game in 7 years, and my leafs played horribly.

    but i don't think the cd will come out that soon. axl's just holding out for the buds now.
  • elmerelmer Posts: 1,683
    holtz wrote:
    Well I don't think Chinese Democracy is coming out any time soon but I'm seeing GNR again on Saturday, I feel this thread is more about the shows than that album.
    yeah I know, just venting my frustration. have a good night
  • holtzholtz Posts: 509
    Tonight's my show, looks like a good long lineup tonight with Suicide Girls, Bach and then Helmet before GNR hits the stage.
  • with all this guns n roses talk, does anybody know what slash has been up to lately? Is he working on any current projects at all? Now i understand this topic might have been covered throughout the 20+ pages of this thread, but i didnt really feel like searching through them all.
  • holtzholtz Posts: 509
    Slash is supposedly working on the new Velvet Revolver album, I think its supposed to be out next year.

    Saw GNR last night, way better than '02 and right up there with the shows I saw of the old band, 2.5 hours, they did Down on the Farm, Used to Love Her and Rocket Queen, the three I really wanted to hear.
  • uninnocentuninnocent Posts: 1,565
    holtz wrote:
    Slash is supposedly working on the new Velvet Revolver album, I think its supposed to be out next year.

    Saw GNR last night, way better than '02 and right up there with the shows I saw of the old band, 2.5 hours, they did Down on the Farm, Used to Love Her and Rocket Queen, the three I really wanted to hear.

    down on the farm & rocket queen? i'm envious.
    i would say that i'd've rather went to the show you went to, but quite frankly i wouldn't trade dizzy's solo 'like a hurricane' (neil young) from the toronto show for anything.

    thankfully the toronto show is finally on dimeadozen, so i'm a happy man. (50% complete right now)
  • holtz wrote:
    Slash is supposedly working on the new Velvet Revolver album, I think its supposed to be out next year.

    Saw GNR last night, way better than '02 and right up there with the shows I saw of the old band, 2.5 hours, they did Down on the Farm, Used to Love Her and Rocket Queen, the three I really wanted to hear.

    Dude, how was helmet?

    Did they play unsung?
  • with all this guns n roses talk, does anybody know what slash has been up to lately? Is he working on any current projects at all? Now i understand this topic might have been covered throughout the 20+ pages of this thread, but i didnt really feel like searching through them all.
    Slash is about to go into the studio this week i think to start recording the new VR album they have loads of tracks written and wonderboy Brendan O'Brien is producing so this should kick the first albums ass:)read all that on
    Cornell pwns u
  • holtzholtz Posts: 509
    Dude, how was helmet?

    Did they play unsung?

    They opened with Unsung, after that it honestly all sounded like one long song.
  • holtzholtz Posts: 509
    uninnocent wrote:
    down on the farm & rocket queen? i'm envious.
    i would say that i'd've rather went to the show you went to, but quite frankly i wouldn't trade dizzy's solo 'like a hurricane' (neil young) from the toronto show for anything.

    thankfully the toronto show is finally on dimeadozen, so i'm a happy man. (50% complete right now)

    Dizzy did Angie in Mpls, it was cool but I don't think many people recognized it. I was pleasantly suprised by the Richard Fortus and Robin guitar solo, they did Little Wing which was awesome, so much better than when they do Beautiful.

    BTW I'm gonna download the Toronto show soon, looking forward to hearing it.
  • holtz wrote:
    Tonight's my show, looks like a good long lineup tonight with Suicide Girls, Bach and then Helmet before GNR hits the stage.

    Were you around to check out the first band, Modern Day Zero?
  • I have 4 tickets in Sec 236 available for sale. Tickets are $75. Please PM if your interested.

    Venue: December 7th at Rexall Place
    Time: 8pm
    Opening: Sabastien Bach, Suicide Girls, and Helmet.
    "This melody, inside of me, still searches for a solution."
  • I saw modern day zero about 2 years ago, they werent too bad, although i was only familiar with their one song.
  • G'N'R are wank. Easy, really.
    Too many cowboys, not enough indians, so just go ape shit!

    I may be boring but at least I'm not Jack fucking Johnson.

    TV is such shit; let's go outside and ride bicycles, right now!

    Madrid 07/09/06 - Little mofo'ing Wing!!!
    Wembley 06/18/07 - Speechless
  • holtzholtz Posts: 509
    Thursday, December 14th 2006
    An open letter to our fans:

    Guns N’ Roses regrets to announce that the following concert tour dates have been cancelled:

    January 10th Sacramento

    January 11th Bakersfield

    January 13th Reno

    January 16th San Diego

    Due to the schedule of these particular shows valuable time needed by the band and record company for the proper setup and release of the album Chinese Democracy would be lost. Rather than delay the album yet again all involved have decided to remove these shows from GNR’s schedule. We sincerely hope our fans understand and we apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused anyone. Tickets may be refunded at local point of purchase.

    To say the making of this album has been an unbearably long and incomprehensible journey would be an understatement. Overcoming the endless and seemingly insanity of the obstacles faced by all involved, not withstanding the emotional challenges endured by everyone: the fans, the band, our road crew and business team has at many times seemed for all like a bad dream where one wakes up only to find they are still in the nightmare and unfortunately this time it has been played out for over a decade in real life.

    The true ongoing behind-the-scenes triumphs and casualties are much more complicated than any negative speculation that media or otherwise has managed to hit upon. For much of the time some form or another of legalities have been taking place that really the best way to deal with publicly was to keep our mouths shut in an attempt to ensure the best outcome and especially one that wouldn’t jeopardize the band or the album. One can easily point to how others have done things or how they themselves feel that they would were they in the same situations but without full knowledge of the various dynamics and circumstances involved, again these types of comments or commentary are uninformed, outside, generally useless and often hindering speculation.

    When I agreed to do our recent North American tour I agreed with the understanding that I and my manager Merck Mercuriadis were in full agreement as to our strategy, touring plans and most importantly that any and all things needed to release the album at the latest by Dec. 26th were to be in place. Unfortunately this turned out not to be the case and not only do I regret to say that again the album will not be released by the end of the year but that though many things went extremely well and were very exciting there were in our opinion unnecessary and avoidable complications on our tour having to do with the tour routing, scheduling and album and video plans that played hell on all involved especially our crew. This was compounded by an overall sense of a lack of respect by management for the band and crew and each individual’s particular expertise that has resulted unfortunately in the end of both Guns and my relationship in having a management or sense of band involvement with Merck Mercuriadis.

    In regard to a release date for the album itself certain minor and by that I do mean minor things and or additions as well as contract negotiations need to be completed and barring any unforeseen complications these things have now been adequately scheduled. Both the band and I along with our record company feel that this record deserves the proper setup and promotion not the “13 Tuesdays left” and “it may just appear in your record store” approach offered by management. We believe this strategy may have been used in order for management to sell this latest tour to the various promoters. We feel that if this was so, this was obviously unfair to them. The stress of dealing with this situation has been considerable for everyone as well as to the band themselves as a whole but that this was more importantly in our opinion something utterly insane to do to our fans. Our apologies and please know we have been laboring over this with management for the entire North American tour.

    It takes approximately 8 weeks for an album to hit the shelves once it has been turned in to the record company. For whatever reasons it appears it may have been mistakenly inferred by management that this could be condensed to three. That being said this is not a promise, a lie or a guarantee but we do wish to announce a tentative release date of March 6th. This is the first time we have done this publicly for this album. Any and all other dates have been made up by others for their own reasons. We would like to assure the fans that though tentative everything in our power will be done to meet this date. Once it is finalized and official you will be notified. If we are delayed for unseen reasons you will also be notified as soon as possible in regard to a new date and the album will be released as shortly thereafter as is possible. We thank you for your patience.

    In the end it’s just an album and one that I, the band, our record company and all involved believe and feel is a true Guns N’ Roses album. Ultimately the public will decide and regardless of the outcome our hearts, lives and our passion has been put into this project every step of the way. If for no other reason we feel those elements alone merit your consideration. We do hope you can hold on just a bit longer and if not we hope you would please feel free to take a break and we’ll be more than glad (if you so choose) to see you again later.

    Once again, our sincere apologies and our deepest thanks, Guns N’ Roses would also like to thank all the fans who attended the 70 concerts in 21 different countries for their support in 2006. All the best to each and every one of you over this holiday season, thank-you and God bless.

    Axl Rose
  • bobasfeetbobasfeet Posts: 1,168
    holtz wrote:
    Thursday, December 14th 2006
    An open letter to our fans:

    Guns N’ Roses regrets to announce that the following concert tour dates have been cancelled:

    January 10th Sacramento

    January 11th Bakersfield

    January 13th Reno

    January 16th San Diego

    Due to the schedule of these particular shows valuable time needed by the band and record company for the proper setup and release of the album Chinese Democracy would be lost. Rather than delay the album yet again all involved have decided to remove these shows from GNR’s schedule. We sincerely hope our fans understand and we apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused anyone. Tickets may be refunded at local point of purchase.

    To say the making of this album has been an unbearably long and incomprehensible journey would be an understatement. Overcoming the endless and seemingly insanity of the obstacles faced by all involved, not withstanding the emotional challenges endured by everyone: the fans, the band, our road crew and business team has at many times seemed for all like a bad dream where one wakes up only to find they are still in the nightmare and unfortunately this time it has been played out for over a decade in real life.

    The true ongoing behind-the-scenes triumphs and casualties are much more complicated than any negative speculation that media or otherwise has managed to hit upon. For much of the time some form or another of legalities have been taking place that really the best way to deal with publicly was to keep our mouths shut in an attempt to ensure the best outcome and especially one that wouldn’t jeopardize the band or the album. One can easily point to how others have done things or how they themselves feel that they would were they in the same situations but without full knowledge of the various dynamics and circumstances involved, again these types of comments or commentary are uninformed, outside, generally useless and often hindering speculation.

    When I agreed to do our recent North American tour I agreed with the understanding that I and my manager Merck Mercuriadis were in full agreement as to our strategy, touring plans and most importantly that any and all things needed to release the album at the latest by Dec. 26th were to be in place. Unfortunately this turned out not to be the case and not only do I regret to say that again the album will not be released by the end of the year but that though many things went extremely well and were very exciting there were in our opinion unnecessary and avoidable complications on our tour having to do with the tour routing, scheduling and album and video plans that played hell on all involved especially our crew. This was compounded by an overall sense of a lack of respect by management for the band and crew and each individual’s particular expertise that has resulted unfortunately in the end of both Guns and my relationship in having a management or sense of band involvement with Merck Mercuriadis.

    In regard to a release date for the album itself certain minor and by that I do mean minor things and or additions as well as contract negotiations need to be completed and barring any unforeseen complications these things have now been adequately scheduled. Both the band and I along with our record company feel that this record deserves the proper setup and promotion not the “13 Tuesdays left” and “it may just appear in your record store” approach offered by management. We believe this strategy may have been used in order for management to sell this latest tour to the various promoters. We feel that if this was so, this was obviously unfair to them. The stress of dealing with this situation has been considerable for everyone as well as to the band themselves as a whole but that this was more importantly in our opinion something utterly insane to do to our fans. Our apologies and please know we have been laboring over this with management for the entire North American tour.

    It takes approximately 8 weeks for an album to hit the shelves once it has been turned in to the record company. For whatever reasons it appears it may have been mistakenly inferred by management that this could be condensed to three. That being said this is not a promise, a lie or a guarantee but we do wish to announce a tentative release date of March 6th. This is the first time we have done this publicly for this album. Any and all other dates have been made up by others for their own reasons. We would like to assure the fans that though tentative everything in our power will be done to meet this date. Once it is finalized and official you will be notified. If we are delayed for unseen reasons you will also be notified as soon as possible in regard to a new date and the album will be released as shortly thereafter as is possible. We thank you for your patience.

    In the end it’s just an album and one that I, the band, our record company and all involved believe and feel is a true Guns N’ Roses album. Ultimately the public will decide and regardless of the outcome our hearts, lives and our passion has been put into this project every step of the way. If for no other reason we feel those elements alone merit your consideration. We do hope you can hold on just a bit longer and if not we hope you would please feel free to take a break and we’ll be more than glad (if you so choose) to see you again later.

    Once again, our sincere apologies and our deepest thanks, Guns N’ Roses would also like to thank all the fans who attended the 70 concerts in 21 different countries for their support in 2006. All the best to each and every one of you over this holiday season, thank-you and God bless.

    Axl Rose

  • uninnocentuninnocent Posts: 1,565
    wow. didn't need that full explanation. a simple 'screw the fans, we do things my way' woulda sufficed.
  • Gary CarterGary Carter Posts: 14,067
    thats some great band there,great way to look out for your fan base.i wish axl would just fade away
    Ron: I just don't feel like going out tonight
    Sammi: Wanna just break up?

    The music has nothing to do with the personality of the singer

    He's a prick, yeah, but if you needed a nice guy to be the singer of one of your favorite bands, go listen to Clay Fucking Aiken

    Finally some communication from Axl Rose , I cannot believe it - Sucks that he cancelled more shows, but if it does in fact mean the eventual release of this album, then I guess it's a good thing
    I'll keep taking punches
    Untill their will grows tired
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