***Official Please Play The South Petition***



  • tybird wrote:
    Count me as a signatory to this here petition........Please play somewhere close besides Cincy......

    YA!!! No Knoxville, Lexington, Indianapolis this time around. I understand it's a big world, but WHAT ABOUT MY FEELINGS?! Huh? Afterall, the songs are written just for me ya know! But seriously, I yearn for them to touch base in the Western Mid-west again before next album tour!
  • pearlwax wrote:

    Hey, Pearl Jam is an AMERICAN band and I say fuck the rest of the foriegners, I don't need to share. Pearl Jam writes for me, an AMERICAN! Why should they play for a group of green-blooded Europeans anyway?

    HA! Now that I have your attention, let me say that I am being sarcastic in the utmost way! Pearl Jam's music is like a healing herb that should be distributed not only across the globe but it should be bottled and sent into space for aliens to get off on as well!

    I just wanted to say that I understand there are probably very good reasons they set the tour up like they did. I agree with whoever said we should have been made aware ahead of time. I skipped a few shows on the leg 1 because they have always came to all the cities around me. Had I known this tour would be different, I would have gotten Chicago tickets and others on leg 1. I can only pray to my non-God that the rumors of '07 are true, but you know what...

    ...there are spots in the world where people are dying faster than me to see them and I've seen them 10 times. SO jam on my friends and may the world experience what I have at these amazing soul-lifting shows! Keep on Rockin' in the Free world!
  • PearlJam24 wrote:
    speaking as a rocker from the south...quit whining already! next time get in the car and drive. that's what i did, 3500 miles in a week...like L1quid said, are you going to cover their costs for all the south shows that don't sell worth a crap?

    I believe one of his main complaints is that the band gave southerners the shaft by not being upfront from the beginning. I drove north to see two shows (camden II and DC) but that's only because I was lucky enough to kind of get that opportunity from a friend. From what his post says it seems like he WOULD have gotten in a car and gone to other shows had he known from the beginning that there would be no southern shows. In this regard I agree with him, the band should have done a better job communicating and let us all know from the beginning that there would be no shows in the south, thus allowing many people to buy tickets for other shows when they were still available. PJ dropped the ball in that regard but I still think they'll be down here in '07. Keep the faith my friend.
  • Some of you guys are pounding this guy for not hitting the road. Did you miss the part where he said he has a family??? Few wives want to be alone with 2 kids overnight. And they shouldn't be. The guy has responsibilities that outweigh roadtrips. I don't think you realize either how many miles are involved and gas was over 3 bucks then.

    Let me end this thread by saying:

    You cannot complain at all about them not coming close to home. They are on a full tour and if they don't play in one place they open up opportunity in another. The only valid complaint and it has been said, is that we should have known ahead of time. What else can be said, let the thread die with dignity.
  • You guys are making it sound like the band started off touring, intentionally planning on skipping the south. Its probably just something that ended up not working out (yet anyways... i still think they will early next year). Anyways, the band wouldnt be able to announce that they werent going to play the south if they didn't even know themselves.
  • lgtlgt Posts: 720
    JD Sal wrote:
    I bet a lot of people would be grateful to see their favorite band 9 times in their local area.


    btw, as others have stated, in Europe we have waited 6 long years! the pay-off for such patience is amazing.

    I'm sure they will play the South some other time. Keep believing! :)
  • i may have to get tickets to tha show on Mars that you mentioned.

    i hope airfare isnt too expensive.
  • culot4culot4 Posts: 775
    So here goes my first post here and it's going to wind up being a rant. If it only serves as a venue for me to vent, so be it.

    I know the whole isssue of the band not touring the South has been beaten into to the ground already but I feel the need to finally chime in with my two cents or perhaps a dollar. Let me start by saying that Pearl Jam is my favorite band and the only band that I truly care about seeing in concert. I can't even begin to express how upset I am that they aren't performing in the southeast on this tour which is supporting the best CD they've released in years (which is really saying something). I'm even more disappinted in how this entire issue has been handled by a band that claims to care so much for their fans. Like many of you I watched the website, checking the tour dates waiting anxiously to find out where and when they'd be playing in the South. Announcements came..leg 1, leg 2, Europe, Mars but no mention of the South. It wasn't until I finally visited this forum that I discovered the dates for the South simply weren't coming.

    I find the fact that this band chose to ignore an entire region of the country ridiculous and the way they handled it totally disrepectful and quite frankly arrogant. I've seen many posts where people mock the situation by asking if the band should list each city they aren't visiting. Obviously nobody would expect this but if you're bypassing a third of the country make it known up front so people can plan accordingly, common sense and simple courtesy come to mind.

    Now for the rant...the only excuse I've seen for the band skipping the South is poor ticket sells on previous tours in the region. Sounds funny for a band that has shunned commercialism for so many years, doesn't it? If you want to sell more tickets do more to promote your product and expand radio airplay of your excellent material. Sounds like simple marketing to me, but what do I know? Another solution might be to play fewer venues. For instance in my state, North Carolina, skip Raleigh and Charlotte to play Greensboro which has a very large coliseum located between those two cities (you've been there before, I was in row 16 when you nearly blew the roof off the place). It can't be that difficult guys, it's not like you travel with 20 tractor trailers to put on your "production". My neighbor has more lights and props for Halloween than you do for a show. Not a problem mind you, I care more for the quality of the music than any theatrics, just a point.

    Rant finalized...and this is for the band as if they'd read it. Guys, I "drink the kool aid" everytime you offer it. I'm a member of the tenclub strictly for the chance to get decent tickets to see you and this time around I won't even get that chance. I'm married and have 2 kids, I can't afford to jet off somewhere to see my favorite band. I've seen you in concert 9 times here in the South and each time I left amazed, knowing that I'd seen the greatest band ever pour their hearts and souls into their performance. That being said, I've also paid my dues. I've waited for 4 hours in the scorching Atlanta sun to pick up my tickets for your show. I've purchased over a dozen of your bootlegs...to hear one song live, to hear what you played on my birthday and to hear the shows that I attended. I've also purchased all of your terribly produced dvd's, ever hear of focus or professional production? (As a side note, check out the Eagles Farewell Tour dvd to see and hear how well one of your shows could be captured) These things being said, I'm still a Pearl Jam fan and I'll enjoy your music for the rest of my life. I just hope you'll understand and appreciate how hurtful your tour decision has been for many of your fans.

    Thanks to those that sponsor this message forum. Whether you agree with my opinions or not is of minor importartance, I'm just glad to finally express what's been running through my head.

    No offense but when you got married and had kids you had to make certain sacrifices..you know that. You could have very easily come up for the D.C. show from North Carolina if you really wanted to. If you were unable to make it happen because of your responsibilities then don't blame the band for it. Granted they didn't show up to play your backyard but they still might and if you really wanted to see them you could have made it happen.
    Once in a while you can get shown the light, in the strangest of places if you look at it right.
  • tybirdtybird Posts: 17,388
    The Steve Irwin Memorial Bump.........
    All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a thousand enemies, and whenever they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you, digger, listener, runner, prince with the swift warning. Be cunning and full of tricks and your people shall never be destroyed.
  • The boys from PJ could walk on water and there'd always be someone around to say, "see, I knew the bastards couldn't swim". I can't think of another band that gives like they do, and in so many ways.....
  • WOw. Just wow. I am totally appauled at most of the responses in this thread. If anyone took the time to search the archives, I'd be willing to bet that many of you were venting your frustrations before your tour dates were announced. I am in the same boat as the OP. I am a mom with 3 kids and a hubby. I cant take off for a day or 3 to travel around & see PJ. It just isnt a possibility for me. It does blow that we have had no mention whatsoever about the south from the band. So many of you guys are so quick to jump on anyone who is frustrated. And Culot4...that is possibly the worst reply ever. Are u suggesting that noone get married and have kids so they can follow PJ around? Please....grow up.
    I come to this board everyday hoping for news, and everyday there is none. But everyday I play nice with you guys, but the minute someone gets frustrated (and show me a southerner who hasnt!) everyone wants to jump on him! I have to say I lost alot of respect for some of the members here after reading this thread.

    Now..I am off to get a divorce, put my children up for adotion, and anything else I can do that will allow me to travel aound to see Pearl Jam since I was not aware doing those things jeopardized my ability to see a damn good concert. Off to the courthouse!
  • Bumping to release frustrations with jackasses who slam anyone who posts about no southern dates. Biting my tongue for this bump.
  • culot4culot4 Posts: 775
    And Culot4...that is possibly the worst reply ever. Are u suggesting that noone get married and have kids so they can follow PJ around? Please....grow up.

    No I'm suggesting that the thread starter lived 8 hours from the DC show and still complained. Even though 8 hours isn't around the corner it isn't the moon either. If someone from Miami would have written this rant It would be more. understandable but don't act like PJ is supposed to revolve around your family. I don't know where you got the idea I ever meant to say nobody should get married and have kids but from the general vibe of the rest of your post you appear to be pumping in the drama.
    Once in a while you can get shown the light, in the strangest of places if you look at it right.
  • tybirdtybird Posts: 17,388
    Bumping to release frustrations with jackasses who slam anyone who posts about no southern dates. Biting my tongue for this bump.
    The jackasses are probably people living in Boston, a city that truly sucks!!!!!
    All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a thousand enemies, and whenever they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you, digger, listener, runner, prince with the swift warning. Be cunning and full of tricks and your people shall never be destroyed.
  • btb002btb002 Posts: 183
    Red Hot Chili Peppers didn't tour the south. Pearl Jam and Red Hot Chili Peppers southern tour? A boy can dream.
    You are just a negative mindless pud.
  • Pearl JuliPearl Juli Posts: 1,213
    Bump For The Faithful! :d

    ♪ Juli ♪
  • tybirdtybird Posts: 17,388
    btb002 wrote:
    Red Hot Chili Peppers didn't tour the south. Pearl Jam and Red Hot Chili Peppers southern tour? A boy can dream.
    Please God........not the Chili Peppers!!! Sorry, my friend..........I a hater of the Chili Peppers. Pearl Jam......YES Chili Peppers.......NO
    All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a thousand enemies, and whenever they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you, digger, listener, runner, prince with the swift warning. Be cunning and full of tricks and your people shall never be destroyed.
  • tybird wrote:
    The jackasses are probably people living in Boston, a city that truly sucks!!!!!

    good point

    now i understand everything :rolleyes:
  • NCBRINCBRI Posts: 1,902
    Just a reminder that the purpose of this thread is to show how much The South loves PJ and and how much they want to be able to see them somewhere near them. It wasn't started so that people would argue with each other and bash people based on their geographical location be it The North, The South, Europe, (or even Mars). Keep it possitive and keep the posts "of support" coming. There are other threads around here where you can piss on each other and mark your territory. In the meantime, I hope everyone who has gotten to see a show this tour has enjoyed it. Especially the Europeans who have waited since 2000 for a show anywhere near them. We are all fans of this amazing band.
  • FlaggFlagg Posts: 5,856
    culot4 wrote:
    And Culot4...that is possibly the worst reply ever. Are u suggesting that noone get married and have kids so they can follow PJ around? Please....grow up.

    No I'm suggesting that the thread starter lived 8 hours from the DC show and still complained. Even though 8 hours isn't around the corner it isn't the moon either. If someone from Miami would have written this rant It would be more. understandable but don't act like PJ is supposed to revolve around your family. I don't know where you got the idea I ever meant to say nobody should get married and have kids but from the general vibe of the rest of your post you appear to be pumping in the drama.

    I am married and have kids and my wife and I were very lucky to be able to go to Philly to catch the two shows there.

    I did that without knowing the rest of the tourdates yet and I think that is the main point of frustration for a lot of people. We sat around thinking that there would be southern dates on a future leg, so most people didn't bother with 10c tickets for northern shows. Becuase they chose to release the dates a piece at a time and leave out over half the country is the main reason people are upset.

    Like I said, I am lucky I got to go but a lot weren't as fortunate. I can understand the frustration.
    BOS-9/28/04,9/29/04,6/28/08,6/30/08, 9/5/16, 9/7/16, 9/2/18
    MTL-9/15/05, OTT-9/16/05
    ATX-10/4/09, 10/12/14
    Bridge School-10/23/2010,10/24/2010
  • FlaggFlagg Posts: 5,856
    NCBRI wrote:
    Just a reminder that the purpose of this thread is to show how much The South loves PJ and and how much they want to be able to see them somewhere near them. It wasn't started so that people would argue with each other and bash people based on their geographical location be it The North, The South, Europe, (or even Mars). Keep it possitive and keep the posts "of support" coming. There are other threads around here where you can piss on each other and mark your territory. In the meantime, I hope everyone who has gotten to see a show this tour has enjoyed it. Especially the Europeans who have waited since 2000 for a show anywhere near them. We are all fans of this amazing band.

    Excellent point.
    BOS-9/28/04,9/29/04,6/28/08,6/30/08, 9/5/16, 9/7/16, 9/2/18
    MTL-9/15/05, OTT-9/16/05
    ATX-10/4/09, 10/12/14
    Bridge School-10/23/2010,10/24/2010
  • electronblueelectronblue WPB Florida Posts: 3,463
    "Forgive every being,
    the bad feelings 
    it's just me"

  • electronblueelectronblue WPB Florida Posts: 3,463
    F L O R I D A...~
    "Forgive every being,
    the bad feelings 
    it's just me"

  • culot4 wrote:
    And Culot4...that is possibly the worst reply ever. Are u suggesting that noone get married and have kids so they can follow PJ around? Please....grow up.

    No I'm suggesting that the thread starter lived 8 hours from the DC show and still complained. Even though 8 hours isn't around the corner it isn't the moon either. If someone from Miami would have written this rant It would be more. understandable but don't act like PJ is supposed to revolve around your family. I don't know where you got the idea I ever meant to say nobody should get married and have kids but from the general vibe of the rest of your post you appear to be pumping in the drama.

    OK, my 2 replies to 2 diff threads have been merged, lol. So...

    Noone said PJ is supposed to revolve around any 1 person. But you better believe that ATL sells out or comes Damn near it every time they play here. I dont know about the OPs situation, but i can tell you that for me, 8 hours 1 way would be out of the question. And I'd be willing to bet I'm not the only one. Just because u have the freedom & liberty to travel doesnt mean everyone else does. And no, I was not "pumping in the drama", your reply truely struck a cord with me. I have seen PJ every time they have played Atlanta, which they have done on EVERY OTHER TOUR. If it was your area that had been skipped, I'd be willing to bet you'd be a little frustrated too.
  • Bump for all parts of the country that didn't get shows, especially South Carolina, North Carolina and Georgia.......
    Atlanta 3/94
    Charleston 10/96
    Greenville 4/98
    Charlotte 8/00
    Charlotte 4/03
    Gorge I & II 7/06
    Columbia 6/08
    Jazz Festival 5/10
    Noblesville 5/10
  • tybirdtybird Posts: 17,388
    Bump in memory of the "disgruntled fan" thread............:(
    All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a thousand enemies, and whenever they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you, digger, listener, runner, prince with the swift warning. Be cunning and full of tricks and your people shall never be destroyed.
  • BeBeBeBe Posts: 229
    tybird wrote:
    Bump in memory of the "disgruntled fan" thread............:(

    lol! I was thinking the same thing!!!!
    Where is Lowlight?
  • AnonAnon Posts: 11,175
    please don't hijack this thread bump
  • tybirdtybird Posts: 17,388
    Dollpartz wrote:
    please don't hijack this thread bump
    Okay.........Play the South in memory of Steve Irwin and the "disgruntled fan" thread..........;)................better? :D

    BTW, Please play the South............soon............like in early 2007.
    All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a thousand enemies, and whenever they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you, digger, listener, runner, prince with the swift warning. Be cunning and full of tricks and your people shall never be destroyed.
  • Dollpartz wrote:
    please don't hijack this thread bump
    bumping cuz the "other" thread was merged here.
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