Yeah, he loves the stuff thats really hard to play like Dream Theater. I guess theres nothing wrong with it because he can become a better player. Im the opposite, I love simple stuff(for the most part). Im an energy type guy too. See, when I watch certain bands live if they dont have energy and a good vibe I lose a lot of respect for the band. I dont like Dream Theater live, so I kind of drift away there. Not saying its bad, its almost perfect! But, its just so stiff where its trying to be perfect. Thats a big reason I love PJ and Metallica. SO MUCH ENERGY!
Not to say I don't love something close to perfection (or what is perfection) but sometimes with music perfection is not being perfect. It's more about the feel, the energy, the emotion. One reason I love Eric Clapton so much is he is so damn perfect yet so much emotion. Stoney has the vibe.
"Longitudes, latitudes, it's so absurd
I just need someone to be there for
I just want someone to be there for
Someone to be there for me"
"Well, you say it’s bad luck
To have fallen for me
Well what can I do to make it good for you
I’ll call you beautiful if I call at all"
Not to say I don't love something close to perfection (or what is perfection) but sometimes with music perfection is not being perfect. It's more about the feel, the energy, the emotion. One reason I love Eric Clapton so much is he is so damn perfect yet so much emotion. Stoney has the vibe.
I can agree there. I think so many people dont like live cds(etc) becuase they want a perfect sound and everything. Most of the time studio recordings lose a lot of energy because it has to be perfect. PJ has a lot of energy in both studio and more so live.
My first PJ show to witness was at Bonnaroo. How is that for lucky?
This is *officially* my most fav pic! LOOK AT THAT!!!! BFF! SO MUCH LOVE!!!! They love each other so, so much! Don't it make ya?? HELL YES it does. Love it. Love the Love snuggle bugs!!!
I can agree there. I think so many people dont like live cds(etc) becuase they want a perfect sound and everything. Most of the time studio recordings lose a lot of energy because it has to be perfect. PJ has a lot of energy in both studio and more so live.
Very true. I think that's why a lot of bands are better live. They are allowed to cut loose more. And that is never a bad thing.
"Longitudes, latitudes, it's so absurd
I just need someone to be there for
I just want someone to be there for
Someone to be there for me"
"Well, you say it’s bad luck
To have fallen for me
Well what can I do to make it good for you
I’ll call you beautiful if I call at all"
Cuddle-duck! That picture of him hugging Ed is the cutest fucking thing I've ever seen! It's almost sickening...I think I just threw up in my mouth a little bit. Ok sorry, I'm being gross.
btw when do you think Brad will tour again? Not trying to be a demanding fan or anything, I just never got to catch em live yet. I'm sure he's gotta take a rest after a friggin world tour. He can't spread himself too thin. But I'd love to see Brad...a solo tour would be the ultimate, but highly unlikely.
"This calls for a very special blend of psychology and extreme violence" - The Young Ones
YES I DO! I've been slacking.....A LOT. Haven't been on RM in a while
I think I'll make a little visit..
As good as I can be.
Cool. I'll look for you over there. We've talked about making a new shirt after the tour. Some great ideas floating around I think. I'll be looking for ya there.
"Longitudes, latitudes, it's so absurd
I just need someone to be there for
I just want someone to be there for
Someone to be there for me"
"Well, you say it’s bad luck
To have fallen for me
Well what can I do to make it good for you
I’ll call you beautiful if I call at all"
<~~ just got home and immediately put on EVERY WHISPER!
This thing has been stuck in my head the whole few hours I wasn't listening to it. This frickin song is outta control!!! ! As am I.
But the evidence of our love is the message in this song
I can't believe how strong I feel
The way his voice shakes and the way he carries out those last words too? *fans self* Daaaaaamn! Thanks again so much for this Kelly!
Nadi, my little pony!! I am soooooooo happy that you're gonna do BOTH nights in PONYLAND!! Wooooooooo!!!!
Uh oh....
I got 2 tickets to PONY PARADISE
Back to back cuze twice is nice
I got 2 tickets to PONY PARADISE
*comes to*
Whoa! What just happened?! :eek:
Oooo yes, the group shot is a must baby ducklings. A must.
PONY & BITCHES shirts will be out and about for sure!
Kelly & tama_drummer91...very much diggin your convo there. Reminds me of a quote that always pops into my mind when thinking of the mighty SG....
"because it makes no attempt to be is therefore extremely great"
Mmmm hmmmm.
HAAAAAAAA!! OMG seriously made me laugh out super loud!!!@%#! Threw up in your mouth a little!? HA! YES!! It is sickening...I agree. It also makes me angry too! This really happened in the really real world! :eek: CUDDLE-DUCKIN?? LOL!! Looooove it. I've said it before and I'll say it again.. it's riduckulous how fuckin cute this shit is! DAMN YOU BOTH!
LeilaMoonTurtle..yes, the disgustingly adorable picture that we're referring to is indeed from 6/3.
Also ScreamingLemur...still not sure about when BEST FRIENDS will come out. All I've heard is "this year". As far as them playing together...Nadia and I have talked about this a lot too, but I guess last time they did that Stoney said it was way too exhausting so he can't see it happening again. Which is kinda weird...since he's superhuman and all.
yahamita...wooow! Hail Hail that lucky/rich one. That's all I gotta say. There's really no price for what an amazing evening that is gonna be....
Uh oh though, check out this Stone Gossard anagram.....
Rearranging the letters of 'Stone Gossard' gives:
"Gross on dates"
Alright I also just must add once again that I am LOVIN the NON-STOP love in this thread. I remember when it use to just be me and Nadia BUMPING this baby....and now it just has a love life of it's very own. It's beautiful and I can't praise it enough. It's about damn time our talented ass duck got showered with the non-stop lovin he so righteously demands just by his very existence!
"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√
Perfecto! But then can we have dinner with Stoney? haha I'm going to be on my best behavior if I ever meet him.
if we can drag him to have dinner w/us, that would be nice:) Gosh, I just can't believe that auction has gone UP! ahhh! oh why oh why do we have to be broke ass bitches!! :(
oh well...but as Lyd said, we MUST take that Stoney Ponies/Bitches pic at the gorge!!
HI JULI!! we miss you!!:)
now i have to get back to work! hehe
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
Damn I need a rich man NOW!! Still at least we know that Stone will be dining with a rich person, although perhaps he won't like that. He might try and persuade them to put some money into some environmental project he has going on :cool:
I know I would if I had that kinda money
20/04/06 ~ 23/08/06 ~ 09/09/06
14/09/06, 16/09/06, 17/09/06, 19/09/06, 20/09/06 ~ The Stone lookalike leg of the 2006 tour
18/06/07 - Amazing, just amazing
04/07/06 ~Proud to be part of the AIC Astoria Crew~
if we can drag him to have dinner w/us, that would be nice:) Gosh, I just can't believe that auction has gone UP! ahhh! oh why oh why do we have to be broke ass bitches!! :(
oh well...but as Lyd said, we MUST take that Stoney Ponies/Bitches pic at the gorge!!
HI JULI!! we miss you!!:)
now i have to get back to work! hehe
We will definitely have that pic taken.
"Longitudes, latitudes, it's so absurd
I just need someone to be there for
I just want someone to be there for
Someone to be there for me"
"Well, you say it’s bad luck
To have fallen for me
Well what can I do to make it good for you
I’ll call you beautiful if I call at all"
come on how many people in the world are named "stone?" thats just awesome.
Beavis: All my friends are brown and red? What does that mean?
Butthead: It means that his friends are like turds and that they like suck.
Beavis: Heh heh. Oh yeah. Yeah! Get those spoons out of my face before I shove them up your butt!
Butthead: Huh huh.
come on how many people in the world are named "stone?" thats just awesome.
oh i know! Stone is a SOLID name!! And what a better middle name too: Carpenter!! that kicks ASS!!
and stonesgstring, I hear ya on the dough! gah!! I hope it is a devoted PJ fan that will wine and dine w/Stone and Kelly! AHHH!! Lucky punks whoever wins it!! oh someday, we'll meet the wonder of Stone.
Since my better half, Lydia showed her Stoney pics from that AWESOME solo show, I thought I would share mine! :cool: Of course, her pics are WAAAAY better than mine hahaha
oh no problemo Kelly, anything for my fellow Ponies/Bitches
yeah, I wish you were having dinner w/him too! Hell, I wish we ALL could have dinner w/the duck man, the roboduck! :cool: Lyd and I were joking that we can stand outside of the restaurant looking rather sad. hahaha.
I say Ponies/bitches, lets start a chant @ the Gorge. Hell, it happened once b/f and it CAN happen again! :cool: B/c everyone knows that Stone is COOL like that!!;)
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
oh no problemo Kelly, anything for my fellow Ponies/Bitches
yeah, I wish you were having dinner w/him too! Hell, I wish we ALL could have dinner w/the duck man, the roboduck! :cool: Lyd and I were joking that we can stand outside of the restaurant looking rather sad. hahaha.
I say Ponies/bitches, lets start a chant @ the Gorge. Hell, it happened once b/f and it CAN happen again! :cool: B/c everyone knows that Stone is COOL like that!!;)
Haha, I'll join you all sad-like outside the restaurant.
"Longitudes, latitudes, it's so absurd
I just need someone to be there for
I just want someone to be there for
Someone to be there for me"
"Well, you say it’s bad luck
To have fallen for me
Well what can I do to make it good for you
I’ll call you beautiful if I call at all"
If you had dinner with Stone would you be able to handle it? I don't think I would. I'd be so nervous I would lose my appetite, and the fork would be shaking in my hand as I tried to get it to my mouth, dropping my food into my lap. Or I'd be wearing a big dorky grin on my face the whole time with food stuck in my teeth. The possible horrific scenarios are endless.
"This calls for a very special blend of psychology and extreme violence" - The Young Ones
If you had dinner with Stone would you be able to handle it? I don't think I would. I'd be so nervous I would lose my appetite, and the fork would be shaking in my hand as I tried to get it to my mouth, dropping my food into my lap. Or I'd be wearing a big dorky grin on my face the whole time with food stuck in my teeth. The possible horrific scenarios are endless.
Haha, so true. And all of the smart things I could normally talk about would never get out of my mouth. Only the stupid things I say/do would.
"Longitudes, latitudes, it's so absurd
I just need someone to be there for
I just want someone to be there for
Someone to be there for me"
"Well, you say it’s bad luck
To have fallen for me
Well what can I do to make it good for you
I’ll call you beautiful if I call at all"
I just need someone to be there for
I just want someone to be there for
Someone to be there for me"
"Well, you say it’s bad luck
To have fallen for me
Well what can I do to make it good for you
I’ll call you beautiful if I call at all"
I can agree there. I think so many people dont like live cds(etc) becuase they want a perfect sound and everything. Most of the time studio recordings lose a lot of energy because it has to be perfect. PJ has a lot of energy in both studio and more so live.
Mihi cura futuri.
The elements they speak to me.
so cute they are
I just need someone to be there for
I just want someone to be there for
Someone to be there for me"
"Well, you say it’s bad luck
To have fallen for me
Well what can I do to make it good for you
I’ll call you beautiful if I call at all"
No sir.
btw when do you think Brad will tour again? Not trying to be a demanding fan or anything, I just never got to catch em live yet. I'm sure he's gotta take a rest after a friggin world tour. He can't spread himself too thin. But I'd love to see Brad...a solo tour would be the ultimate, but highly unlikely.
I just need someone to be there for
I just want someone to be there for
Someone to be there for me"
"Well, you say it’s bad luck
To have fallen for me
Well what can I do to make it good for you
I’ll call you beautiful if I call at all"
♪ Juli ♪
How's it going? You need to post in the bitches thread more.
I just need someone to be there for
I just want someone to be there for
Someone to be there for me"
"Well, you say it’s bad luck
To have fallen for me
Well what can I do to make it good for you
I’ll call you beautiful if I call at all"
There ya go!
Pretty good, how are you?
I think I'll make a little visit..
♪ Juli ♪
Cool. I'll look for you over there. We've talked about making a new shirt after the tour.
I just need someone to be there for
I just want someone to be there for
Someone to be there for me"
"Well, you say it’s bad luck
To have fallen for me
Well what can I do to make it good for you
I’ll call you beautiful if I call at all"
Now, for it to happen.
I just need someone to be there for
I just want someone to be there for
Someone to be there for me"
"Well, you say it’s bad luck
To have fallen for me
Well what can I do to make it good for you
I’ll call you beautiful if I call at all"
Wishlist Foundation-
I just need someone to be there for
I just want someone to be there for
Someone to be there for me"
"Well, you say it’s bad luck
To have fallen for me
Well what can I do to make it good for you
I’ll call you beautiful if I call at all"
This thing has been stuck in my head the whole few hours I wasn't listening to it.
But the evidence of our love is the message in this song
I can't believe how strong I feel
The way his voice shakes and the way he carries out those last words too? *fans self* Daaaaaamn! Thanks again so much for this Kelly!
Nadi, my little pony!! I am soooooooo happy that you're gonna do BOTH nights in PONYLAND!! Wooooooooo!!!!
Uh oh....
I got 2 tickets to PONY PARADISE
Back to back cuze twice is nice
I got 2 tickets to PONY PARADISE
*comes to*
Whoa! What just happened?! :eek:
Oooo yes, the group shot is a must baby ducklings. A must.
PONY & BITCHES shirts will be out and about for sure!
Kelly & tama_drummer91...very much diggin your convo there. Reminds me of a quote that always pops into my mind when thinking of the mighty SG....
"because it makes no attempt to be is therefore extremely great"
Mmmm hmmmm.
HAAAAAAAA!! OMG seriously made me laugh out super loud!!!@%#!
LeilaMoonTurtle..yes, the disgustingly adorable picture that we're referring to is indeed from 6/3.
Also ScreamingLemur...still not sure about when BEST FRIENDS will come out. All I've heard is "this year". As far as them playing together...Nadia and I have talked about this a lot too, but I guess last time they did that Stoney said it was way too exhausting so he can't see it happening again. Which is kinda weird...since he's superhuman and all.
yahamita...wooow! Hail Hail that lucky/rich one. That's all I gotta say.
Uh oh though, check out this Stone Gossard anagram.....
Rearranging the letters of 'Stone Gossard' gives:
"Gross on dates"
Alright I also just must add once again that I am LOVIN the NON-STOP love in this thread. I remember when it use to just be me and Nadia BUMPING this baby....and now it just has a love life of it's very own. It's beautiful and I can't praise it enough. It's about damn time our talented ass duck got showered with the non-stop lovin he so righteously demands just by his very existence!
"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√
And ever since I had that thought
???? = I hardly smile at all
Thinking that I let you down
"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√
Uh oh though, check out this Stone Gossard anagram.....
Rearranging the letters of 'Stone Gossard' gives:
"Gross on dates"
HAHAHA! What's wrong with that? Could make for an interesting evening at the dinner party whoever wins it!
Wishlist Foundation-
if we can drag him to have dinner w/us, that would be nice:) Gosh, I just can't believe that auction has gone UP! ahhh! oh why oh why do we have to be broke ass bitches!! :(
oh well...but as Lyd said, we MUST take that Stoney Ponies/Bitches pic at the gorge!!
HI JULI!! we miss you!!:)
now i have to get back to work! hehe
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
Damn I need a rich man NOW!! Still at least we know that Stone will be dining with a rich person, although perhaps he won't like that. He might try and persuade them to put some money into some environmental project he has going on :cool:
I know I would if I had that kinda money
14/09/06, 16/09/06, 17/09/06, 19/09/06, 20/09/06 ~ The Stone lookalike leg of the 2006 tour
18/06/07 - Amazing, just amazing
04/07/06 ~Proud to be part of the AIC Astoria Crew~
Rockin' out to Creadles
I just need someone to be there for
I just want someone to be there for
Someone to be there for me"
"Well, you say it’s bad luck
To have fallen for me
Well what can I do to make it good for you
I’ll call you beautiful if I call at all"
I just need someone to be there for
I just want someone to be there for
Someone to be there for me"
"Well, you say it’s bad luck
To have fallen for me
Well what can I do to make it good for you
I’ll call you beautiful if I call at all"
Butthead: It means that his friends are like turds and that they like suck.
Beavis: Heh heh. Oh yeah. Yeah! Get those spoons out of my face before I shove them up your butt!
Butthead: Huh huh.
oh i know! Stone is a SOLID name!! And what a better middle name too: Carpenter!!
and stonesgstring, I hear ya on the dough! gah!! I hope it is a devoted PJ fan that will wine and dine w/Stone and Kelly! AHHH!! Lucky punks whoever wins it!! oh someday, we'll meet the wonder of Stone.
Since my better half, Lydia showed her Stoney pics from that AWESOME solo show, I thought I would share mine! :cool: Of course, her pics are WAAAAY better than mine hahaha
enjoy fellow Ponies/Bitches! And yes, Steve Turner could easily passed as Stone's TWIN brother!!
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
I wish it was this Kelly having dinner with Stoney.
And I adore Stone as a name, but I think you all already know that. lol
I just need someone to be there for
I just want someone to be there for
Someone to be there for me"
"Well, you say it’s bad luck
To have fallen for me
Well what can I do to make it good for you
I’ll call you beautiful if I call at all"
yeah, I wish you were having dinner w/him too! Hell, I wish we ALL could have dinner w/the duck man, the roboduck! :cool: Lyd and I were joking that we can stand outside of the restaurant looking rather sad. hahaha.
I say Ponies/bitches, lets start a chant @ the Gorge. Hell, it happened once b/f and it CAN happen again! :cool: B/c everyone knows that Stone is COOL like that!!;)
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
Let the Stoney Brigade BEGIN Pati!!!
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
I just need someone to be there for
I just want someone to be there for
Someone to be there for me"
"Well, you say it’s bad luck
To have fallen for me
Well what can I do to make it good for you
I’ll call you beautiful if I call at all"
I just need someone to be there for
I just want someone to be there for
Someone to be there for me"
"Well, you say it’s bad luck
To have fallen for me
Well what can I do to make it good for you
I’ll call you beautiful if I call at all"