The Definitive Zeppelin Thread



  • yosi1yosi1 Posts: 3,272
    No quarter was omitted because TSRTS Version is flawless. No need to try and top perfection...

    Haven't seen it (only heard audio of it). But I hear that DVD is kind of weird.
    and the "editing sucks" is actually great editing. Most of the places with cheesy effects are used due to the fact that actual pieces of the video were missing, so they'd have to draw parts out a bit... and other times its actually bootleg videos that Jimmy obtained in order to complete parts where the "official" copy had dry rotted.

    I was actually referring to the editing during the Knebworth performance. I think a lot of it is kind of poor in terms of changing cameras and views, and very jumpy. And sure, I understand why the cheesy effects were used, but that doesn't keep them from being cheesy. Overall though, I was definitely FAR from disappointment. I loved this DVD.
    you couldn't swing if you were hangin' from a palm tree in a hurricane.
  • yosi wrote:
    Haven't seen it (only heard audio of it). But I hear that DVD is kind of weird.
    It is. Now THAT's a film with cheesy editing. In general they are kind of hamming it up throughout the whole show... But No Quarter is near perfect.
    yosi wrote:
    I was actually referring to the editing during the Knebworth performance. I think a lot of it is kind of poor in terms of changing cameras and views, and very jumpy. And sure, I understand why the cheesy effects were used, but that doesn't keep them from being cheesy. Overall though, I was definitely FAR from disappointment. I loved this DVD.

    It is mainly the Knebworth show where they did not have all the footage, so in spots where they were stuck using bootleg footage to complete it, their camera shots became limited only to what was recorded by a late 70's audience recording- including filiming of the big screen.
  • yosi1yosi1 Posts: 3,272
    It is. Now THAT's a film with cheesy editing. In general they are kind of hamming it up throughout the whole show... But No Quarter is near perfect.

    It is mainly the Knebworth show where they did not have all the footage, so in spots where they were stuck using bootleg footage to complete it, their camera shots became limited only to what was recorded by a late 70's audience recording- including filiming of the big screen.

    Cool. Got it. Still haven't seen the entire DVD (its long :o:D), so I guess the rest is probably even more amazing.
    you couldn't swing if you were hangin' from a palm tree in a hurricane.
  • lucylespianlucylespian Posts: 2,403
    I dunno how old you are yosi, but ya gotta remember that this is the sum totoal of all teh footage that was ever shot of ZEp. This is the day before video captured every waking move of every budding famous person. No Quarter was probably omitted, because there was no other version available, TSTRTS was probably it.
    A lot of that cheesy editin, esp teh shadow imafes etc was really cutting edge in teh day. The big screen stuff was really avante agrde as well. We take it for granted noew, but it was relvolutionary at the time.
    The performances are truly humbling, as I think you do agree !!!
    White Summer, amazing !!
    Acousstic stuff, so inspirational !!
    Music is not a competetion.
  • yosi1yosi1 Posts: 3,272
    I dunno how old you are yosi, but ya gotta remember that this is the sum totoal of all teh footage that was ever shot of ZEp. This is the day before video captured every waking move of every budding famous person. No Quarter was probably omitted, because there was no other version available, TSTRTS was probably it.
    A lot of that cheesy editin, esp teh shadow imafes etc was really cutting edge in teh day. The big screen stuff was really avante agrde as well. We take it for granted noew, but it was relvolutionary at the time.
    The performances are truly humbling, as I think you do agree !!!
    White Summer, amazing !!
    Acousstic stuff, so inspirational !!

    I am well aware of all this, but it still doesn't change how it is now. Also, I don't think it would have been a big deal to reuse other footage. If it's good, why not put it on. It certainly wouldn't take away from either DVD.
    you couldn't swing if you were hangin' from a palm tree in a hurricane.
  • yosi wrote:
    I am well aware of all this, but it still doesn't change how it is now. Also, I don't think it would have been a big deal to reuse other footage. If it's good, why not put it on. It certainly wouldn't take away from either DVD.

    Why would they release footage on the 2nd DVD that already was available on DVD?
  • I understand this thread is still young, but how the fuck have Trampled Under Foot and The Wanton Song not been mentioned?!
  • yosi1yosi1 Posts: 3,272
    Why would they release footage on the 2nd DVD that already was available on DVD?

    To make the 2nd DVD better than it would be without it. I don't understand, this kind of thing happens all the time. Its just one song.
    you couldn't swing if you were hangin' from a palm tree in a hurricane.
  • lucylespianlucylespian Posts: 2,403
    yosi wrote:
    To make the 2nd DVD better than it would be without it. I don't understand, this kind of thing happens all the time. Its just one song.

    I can see your point of view. I guess PAge made a call. There may have been space restictions as well. I agree that No Quarter is an amazing song.
    BTW did no see the recent guitar mag that had a CD full of Zep covere son it? It has an amazing Tea for One by Joe Bonamassa.
    Music is not a competetion.
  • yosi wrote:
    To make the 2nd DVD better than it would be without it. I don't understand, this kind of thing happens all the time. Its just one song.

    So should they cut a scene out of Casino, because Goodfellas had a better one?
  • yosi1yosi1 Posts: 3,272
    So should they cut a scene out of Casino, because Goodfellas had a better one?

    I think we can both agree that the analogy fails. Goodfellas and Casino are two totally different movies. Plus, you would then lose a scene from Casino, and storyline, and plot, and it would make no sense. This idea just doesn't actually make any sense.
    However, if they are doing two DVD's of concert footage, why not include the footage on both. It wouldn't interrupt anything on either DVD and neither DVD would lose anything.
    Its like saying that Yellow Ledbetter shouldn't be on RVM, because its on Lost Dogs. Why not just have it on both (which it is, and should be)? Why not have No Quarter be on both DVDs?
    you couldn't swing if you were hangin' from a palm tree in a hurricane.
  • yosi wrote:
    I think we can both agree that the analogy fails. Goodfellas and Casino are two totally different movies. Plus, you would then lose a scene from Casino, and storyline, and plot, and it would make no sense. This idea just doesn't actually make any sense.
    However, if they are doing two DVD's of concert footage, why not include the footage on both. It wouldn't interrupt anything on either DVD and neither DVD would lose anything.
    Its like saying that Yellow Ledbetter shouldn't be on RVM, because its on Lost Dogs. Why not just have it on both (which it is, and should be)? Why not have No Quarter be on both DVDs?

    Have you ever tried to rip a copy of the zep dvd? Its 100% packed... they would have had to trim something else to fit it on, without question.

    and your Ledbetter comparison is more ridiculous than my Goodfellas/Casino comparison... Ledbetter is a readily available piece of music.. It had another, official release. The TSRTS was an officially released live album and movie within 5 years of its recording...

    The Led Zeppelin DVD was NOTHING but things that were not otherwise available officially... The MSG stuff on there was only things that had to be trimmed from the film initially (and i would argue that stuff should have been a special feature on TSRTS DVD)... As a long term, obsessive Zeppelin fan, i would have been pissed that they wasted space on the DVD with something that was already out there for 25 years. The DVD was not intended to be a "best of" like RVM, it was closer to Lost Dogs- Shit we recorded, but hasnt really been heard.
  • yosi1yosi1 Posts: 3,272
    Have you ever tried to rip a copy of the zep dvd? Its 100% packed... they would have had to trim something else to fit it on, without question.

    and your Ledbetter comparison is more ridiculous than my Goodfellas/Casino comparison... Ledbetter is a readily available piece of music.. It had another, official release. The TSRTS was an officially released live album and movie within 5 years of its recording...

    The Led Zeppelin DVD was NOTHING but things that were not otherwise available officially... The MSG stuff on there was only things that had to be trimmed from the film initially (and i would argue that stuff should have been a special feature on TSRTS DVD)... As a long term, obsessive Zeppelin fan, i would have been pissed that they wasted space on the DVD with something that was already out there for 25 years. The DVD was not intended to be a "best of" like RVM, it was closer to Lost Dogs- Shit we recorded, but hasnt really been heard.

    I think theres a misunderstanding in our disagreement. I wasn't saying that No Quarter should have replaced something else. I would have just liked to see it added on. Also, I wouldn't have had a preference of what concert it came from. I guess I can understand your point, but I think it would have been nice to have been on there too.
    you couldn't swing if you were hangin' from a palm tree in a hurricane.
  • yosi wrote:
    I think theres a misunderstanding in our disagreement. I wasn't saying that No Quarter should have replaced something else. I would have just liked to see it added on. Also, I wouldn't have had a preference of what concert it came from. I guess I can understand your point, but I think it would have been nice to have been on there too.

    Yes, but you seem under the impression it just could have been added to the DVD... To see it on there, you HAVE to cut something else... The concert only matters because TSRTS is ONLY stuff from MSG.

    Its kinda like when you like one whole album, and a song from another, and just try to slide it on the back end.. no matter how good the song is, it just doesnt fit, and if you try to force it on... it hurts the album AND the song.

    I love Vitalogy. I love Alive.... but Alive would be out of place on Vitalogy.
  • danny72688 wrote:
    I understand this thread is still young, but how the fuck have Trampled Under Foot and The Wanton Song not been mentioned?!

    Trampled Under Foot was definitely gonna be on my list.

    Mine starts with Ramble On though. No matter what my mood is, that song always fits.

    Also on my most played list....

    Travelling Riverside Blues
    The Ocean

    There are very few songs that I don't love though.
  • totally rocked the 2 times i had the pleasure to see them . 1975 & 77 it was beyond electric the anticipation before the show .

    There are no words to explain my jealousy. How I would love to sit and chat with you all day about those shows.
  • wcsmithwcsmith Posts: 165
    Back in the day, when I was in high school (class of '95), I was the guy who was absolutely obsessed with LZ. When I got in a mood to listen to something else, I just put in a different Zep cd. Needless to say, I got burned out after a while. But then, I got a hold of the BBC Sessions in college, which piqued my interest again. And then How the West Was Won and the DVD came out, and I went through a another Zep phase.

    I haven't listened to them in a while, but I can give you a list of faves:

    How Many More Times
    Ramble On
    Since I've Been Loving You
    When the Levee Breaks
    The Rain Song
    In My Time of Dying
    Ten Years Gone
    Hots on for Nowhere
    In the Evening
    Poor Tom

    I could make 5 more lists just like that with different songs and not have any decrease in quality - that makes them the best band in rock history, imho.

    To reply to an earlier poster, they are untouchable because they did it first and they did it best. No one since can claim a consistent body of work that sounds so diverse, and maintain excellence for longer than a decade. Consistent quality. Proficiency at several types of what can be considered rock music. In my opinion, they were better than the Beatles in terms of being a 'rock' band. They were also better than the Stones in terms of consistent quality. The other three bands in the conversation of "best classic rock band"/"best band ever": The Who, The Doors, and Pink Floyd - but they were neither consistent, as diverse, nor did they have the broad impact or appeal like Zeppelin.

    Obviously, we all have favorite bands that we consider to be the best. I wish King Crimson was in the conversation (I also wish that Genesis had not gone "pop" and therefore killing their chances) for "best band", but both of those bands have limited appeal. Zeppelin had it all:

    punk before punk: Communication Breakdown
    Psychedelia: Whole Lotta Love middle section
    Folk rock: Babe, I'm Gonna Leave You, Bron-Y-Aur Stomp
    British Blues: You Shook Me, I Can't Quit You
    Basic Hard Rock: too many to name, but Living Loving Maid, Good Times, Bad Times, et al
    Prog: No Quarter
    Mellow Rock: The Rain Song
    Eastern-tinged epic: Kashmir
    Funk: The Crunge
    Straight Blues: Since I've Been Loving You, Tea for One
    Country(!): Hot Dog (probably the only Zep song I don't like

    I could go on...

    Zeppelin...the best, no question
    "I'll ride the wave where it takes me"
  • awwhotdog
  • lucylespianlucylespian Posts: 2,403
    Similarly, when talking about diversity of guitar style, Page is hard to touch

    6 string electric, lead and rhythm, the consumate guitarist
    12 string electric
    6 string acoustic, in standard and open tunings, flatpick, fingerstyle and hybrid picking
    12 string acoustic
    Slide, both electric and acoustic

    and of course the bow !!
    To the musical style, add delta blues, ref white summer, Hat's off to roy harper

    I'd be interested to hear of any other player who touched all those styles, with such effortless mastery, maybe Ry Cooder ??
    Music is not a competetion.
  • Edved82Edved82 Ireland Posts: 1,279
    Similarly, when talking about diversity of guitar style, Page is hard to touch

    6 string electric, lead and rhythm, the consumate guitarist
    12 string electric
    6 string acoustic, in standard and open tunings, flatpick, fingerstyle and hybrid picking
    12 string acoustic
    Slide, both electric and acoustic

    and of course the bow !!
    To the musical style, add delta blues, ref white summer, Hat's off to roy harper

    I'd be interested to hear of any other player who touched all those styles, with such effortless mastery, maybe Ry Cooder ??

    I cant think of anyone that comes even close to the greatness of Jimmy Page, even though his post-Zep output has been a tad disappointing. Love the live CD he put out with the Black Crowes in 99, and cant wait to see what he comes up with on his new album - apparently he's got the album written and is recording this year. Wonder who's gonna be on vocals??
    "...though my problems are meaningless....that don't make them go away...."
  • lockedlocked Boston Posts: 4,039
    Page /Plant OPENED with Wanton Song when I saw them back in 1995 (after a quick tease if Immigrant song)...

    My jaw hit the floor becuase they really pulled it off live...even with that much time gone by..

    Other LZ "untouchables" IMO:

    Ten Years Gone
    Achilles Last Stand...
    "This here's a REQUEST!"
    EV intro to Chloe Dancer / Crown of Thorns
    10/25/13 Hartford
  • lucylespianlucylespian Posts: 2,403
    Bumping this, cos I got Robert Plant and the Strange Sensation DVD for me barfdy yesterday, and was seriously impressed by it.
    Some great bent out of shape but hooting fun Zep sonsgs, great guitars/mandolin/zither (i think).
    What up anybody ??
    Music is not a competetion.
  • yosi1yosi1 Posts: 3,272
    The "Led Zeppelin" DVD that I had been watching was a borrowed copy, but my girlfriend got me my own for Valentine's Day :D.
    you couldn't swing if you were hangin' from a palm tree in a hurricane.
  • lucylespianlucylespian Posts: 2,403
    yosi wrote:
    The "Led Zeppelin" DVD that I had been watching was a borrowed copy, but my girlfriend got me my own for Valentine's Day :D.

    Yeah, it's just great, start pushing for the Plant one, it is great, really great.
    I'm gonna start lookng for Live at the Greek !!
    Music is not a competetion.
  • The greatest band ever. The reason I started playing guitar. The self titled DVD is so mind blowing. The version of Since I've Been Loving You on the DVD makes me want to never pick up my guitar again because I will never come close to that level of badass-ness (and I can play). Physical Graffiti and II are tied for my favorite album, depending on the mood I'm in (II for great riffs and solos, PG for epics and variety).

    I'm not old enough to have seen them live, but I did see the Plant/Page tour for Walking Into Clarksdale and it was phenomenal. They opened with Wanton Song, followed I believe by Heartbreaker. Page and Plant were both in top form.

    Plant's stuff with the Strange Sensation is great, too. Obviously, his new guitarists aren't the same caliber as Page, but they don't try to be. They bring a different, very cool flavor to the music. Plant's last album, the Mighty Rearranger, is the best thing he's done since Zeppelin in my opinion, and was one of the best rock albums to come out last year. There's a very cool North African vibe to alot of the guitar work on it. If you like Ali Farka Toure or Tinariwen, you should check it out.

    I wish Page would get off his ass and get some new stuff out.
  • yosi1yosi1 Posts: 3,272
    hendrix78 wrote:
    The greatest band ever. The reason I started playing guitar. The self titled DVD is so mind blowing. The version of Since I've Been Loving You on the DVD makes me want to never pick up my guitar again because I will never come close to that level of badass-ness (and I can play).

    Bonham often makes me feel the same way about the drums, and also on Since I've Been Loving you, especially the BBC version.
    you couldn't swing if you were hangin' from a palm tree in a hurricane.
  • Bonham's greatness can not be overstated. So many of their songs are really driven by the drums. I really don't think there has ever been a combination of musicians that match the musicianship and chemistry of Page, Jones, and Bonham.

    And that Plant guy's not a bad singer either.
  • yosi1yosi1 Posts: 3,272
    hendrix78 wrote:
    Bonham's greatness can not be overstated. So many of their songs are really driven by the drums. I really don't think there has ever been a combination of musicians that match the musicianship and chemistry of Page, Jones, and Bonham.

    And that Plant guy's not a bad singer either.

    I totally agree. It's always mind boggling how much talent there was in one band. Its funny cause whenever I try and think of who I would pick to from all bands in order to make the most talented/best rock band supergroup, I always just pick these guys.
    you couldn't swing if you were hangin' from a palm tree in a hurricane.
  • josevolutionjosevolution Posts: 30,584
    i love this thread LED ZEPP were my absolute favs growing up ,i was listening to COMUNICATION BRAKEDOWN man that song has the best solo ever in my mind PAGE just kills on this song,i wonder what parents thought when this record came out .........
    jesus greets me looks just like me ....
  • so02seeso02see Posts: 238
    Got to be Tangerine, Achilles Last Stand and BronYAur for me.

    Luckily I got to see them at Knebworth in 79, their last ever UK show I think? I was 14 got teary with the emotion of it all. Quite an into to all things Rock.

    Oh and the fact that I live near Percy's favorite football club means I've seen him do his solo stuff many times and got him to sign a few things making him late getting to the match.
    Manchester 2000. Leeds 2006. Wembley 2007
    SBE/O2 London/Manchester UK/Seattle 2/LA 2/Philadelphia 2/3/4 2009
    MSG 1 & 2 2010. Dublin / Belfast / Hyde Park 2010
    Eddie solo NY 1 & 2 2011
    PJ20 weekend & My Birthday party 4th Sept
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