I agree with this statement. And I understand that the silence is maddening.
But its not their fault that a huge number of people showed up at the last minute.
if you insist on using that phrase, at least be accurate, and state that a huge number of people showed up in the last 90 minutes
There were easily 1000+ people in that line at like 8:30
5 Tenclub windows, so at best you would have 200 per window
so if each person took 30 seconds, which is fast...thats 100 minutes.
now add to that people cutting the line, every 10c member examining their tickets, asking to speak to a manager becuase they arent good enough, throwing a hissy fit..
if it was "a huge number of people showed up in the last 30 minutes", then that's a different story
exactly! i mean, i've only been to one previous hartford show in '06 and we got to the venue after MMJ played, AND we got our tickets in a matter of minutes. who the hell figures "oh, i gotta get there 5 hours early, despite the fact that previous experience has shown me getting there a half hour before they come on is fine"? and i was there at 7:45. that's an hour and a half before they came on, and ALREADY there was a line for blocks. so obviously it wasnt just people getting there late, because at least something would have been going on, not an hour+ of absolute nothingness
There were easily 1000+ people in that line at like 8:30
5 Tenclub windows, so at best you would have 200 per window
so if each person took 30 seconds, which is fast...thats 100 minutes.
now add to that people cutting the line, every 10c member examining their tickets, asking to speak to a manager becuase they arent good enough, throwing a hissy fit..
you can easily see how this will add up
or you could add to it what really happened: some douches cutting in line, no 10 Club memebers examining their ticket until they got inside, because they already missed 1/3 of the show, and wanted to get inside fast. Noone asking to speak to a manager, because that would only make you miss more of th show, the only fits were when members were asked for their autograph on their envelope, but they just wanted to get inside, due to the aforementioned ALREADY HAVING MISSED 1/3RD OF THE SHOW
the 10 club is not going to give you front row, center because you cam eon here to defend them, espcially since noone blames the 10 Club. the only gripe with the club is that they haven't so much as acknowledged it even happened
Wow, this is the first I heard about this. I’m sorry to everyone who got screwed and missed some of the show. That blows.
There was an issue in Camden, and the band actually waited for a period of time, I think they started maybe a half hour later than normal. And Ed said, did you all make in ok? I figured that's why they started late.
I was surprised too when I saw the lines in Camden but they moved fairly quickly.
or you could add to it what really happened: some douches cutting in line, no 10 Club memebers examining their ticket until they got inside, because they already missed 1/3 of the show, and wanted to get inside fast. Noone asking to speak to a manager, because that would only make you miss more of th show, the only fits were when members were asked for their autograph on their envelope, but they just wanted to get inside, due to the aforementioned ALREADY HAVING MISSED 1/3RD OF THE SHOW
the 10 club is not going to give you front row, center because you cam eon here to defend them, espcially since noone blames the 10 Club. the only gripe with the club is that they haven't so much as acknowledged it even happened
well, you obviously missed my earlier posts where I blame the 10c, the venue, and late arriving fans. The 10c is antiquated with this day of the show ticket policy, I hate it and the venue couldnt handle the mad rush and reacted too slowly.
Listen, it sucks..and im not pining for better tickets by defending the club, I just think some of you need a reality check...If you get any sort of refund, I will be blown away.
maybe folks later didnt complain, but I was in line without about 10/15 people at 5:30.....literally every person said, "this can't be right" or "im too far back", " I need to speak to someone from the 10c".....
I feel lucky to say I had my tickets by about 8pm. What sucked, though, was there was no exit at that point; I had to fight my way against the grain through a swarm of sardine-packed, pissed-off people.
I looked at the security guard there, as if to say "Really? No exit?" and he just kind of shrugged.
"They said ... timing was everything
made him ... want to be everywhere
there's a ... lot to be said for nowhere."
I cut the line and had my tickets in 10 minutes. The line was way 2 long to wait.
of course i wasn't in line at that time and got my tix at 3:45. though at 3:45 there was a solid ten minute wait. i was pissed. i think i missed out on at least 1 possibly two beers. fuck! i want a refund!
I tell you what... I just made it in for the beginning of the show. The lesson I learned is to not wait until the last minute if possible. I could have easily driven over to the Dodge Amp. earlier in the day to pick up the tickets. Not going to let this happen again.
Hello, I am a 10c member that ran into problems at Hartford. As I have been to many, many shows, via the 10c before, I was for the lack of better words, heartbroken in Hartford, regarding the 10c line.
I was in line at 7:52,(we would have gotten there sooner, but they said they were out of handicapped parking, and we had to walk for a long while, and I'm sorry but, I walk REALLY slow now). By now, the line for the fan club tickets was already WAY out into the SCARY parking lot. Where we then had to endure VERY drunken people, peeing everywhere, and broken glass as far as the eyes could see.
Being a disabled fan has never concerned me before, because I always had faith and trust in the "Pearl Jam family" of fans. However, this was the first time to ANY show where I felt my personal safety was at stake. At one point a VERY DRUNK man fell on me, and knocked me to the ground. Even though I showed my disabled ID, and was walking with a cane, asking the venue staff to see if I could pick up my tickets and go inside was denied. I was even accused of FAKING it, to try and get in!
I, (along with MANY HUNDREDS of other dedicated fans), were then forced to stand in the line, for almost TWO HOURS. Then, well after the band took the stage, we then again feared for my safety, when the band came on, (and there were literally still, HUNDREDS of fans online), people started pushing and shoving each other, (not too hard, but enough to again question my safety), trying to get the line moving. I actually had an "escape" plan from the line, to duck out behind the ambulances, if it got too rough). When I finally got my tickets, and got into the venue, it was now, during the last notes of Daughter.
Now, not only was I in massive amounts of pain from standing, but I was also in tears, that I missed MOST of the show. People have said, "that at least we got to see part of the show, and to be cool with it. But, how can you go to a show and be treated like this, and then "enjoy", the part that we got to see. I honestly was in tears. There was no enjoying the part that I saw. That would be like coming into a movie an hour late. ?Seriously, how could ANYBODY try and enjoy that movie? When the guy next to us, showed us the set list that he was keeping, it brought me down even more, now knowing what incredible songs I missed, while waiting in that God awful line.
My best friend, and I take our vacation time, away from our families, and center it around the tour. Having traveled to Canada to see the band, this was not unusual for us. But with gas at 4.25 a gallon, and the ticket prices going up so much, (which I understand totally, it's got to be a huge chunk of bucks to take a band like PJ, on the road). For us, it was going to be a special, but expensive, vacation.
We traveled from Camden to NYC, to Hartford, only to have an ending like this, to an otherwise perfect trip, and tour. Can somebody PLEASE answer my questions as to how, and why the 10c fans, were treated, like we were, in Hartford? I have always felt special being a 10c member, and make sure that my dues are paid each year, so I don't lose my number, and have first shot at the tickets.
(That being said too, in NYC for night two, we were given tickets to the VERY TOP section of the Garden. Even with disabled seating, why this was done, I don't understand given that my number is in the 212's. But, it was cool, we at least SAW, a great show.)
It's just that the "boys", don't come around, as much as all of us die hard fans, would like them too. And seeing them, has ALWAYS been something special, for me and my friend. It's "our thing". So, the disappointment of missing one of the best shows on the tour, is more than I can express. It's been three days, and I haven't even been able to talk about it until now.
The night has left me wondering whether being a 10c member, still means something. A fan, should never have to miss, almost an entire show. Nor fear for their safety, by being forced to wait in a parking lot, full of people, that are only there to party, and get drunk. They, are not the REAL fans of the band. When the drunks actually laughed at the fans and called us LOSERS, while flashing their tickets at us, it left me feeling humiliated beyond words.
I know that you, yourselves, didn't have control of this situation. BUT, SOMEBODY from the road crew, should have seen what what transpiring outside, with the fan club line, before it got so out of control. Pearl Jam shows were always very special to me, yet now, the only thing that I can remember out of five shows, from this tour, is this horrible night. How did this happen?
Now, I am actually frightened, to attend another show. With all the things in the past, that the band has gone through, (regarding people being safe at their shows), 10c members, should not have been placed in such a situation. The situation in Hartford, was a very close call for me. I have had fourteen back surgeries, and really cannot afford to have drunk people falling on me, and knocking me to the ground.
It was so bad that, that for the first time ever, I am now afraid, of attending a Pearl Jam show, (in case this happens again). I always felt safe being in with people, that know how important it is to remain "cool" at a show. Ten club members have always looked out for each other. Even Ed, asks folks to take care of their neighbors, and keep each other safe.
Yet, on this night, the frustration factor was so high, (because of that line), tempers were starting to flare, and people were upset. If the people in the line were not Pearl Jam fans, I know, that as soon as the first notes were played, (while we were on line), they would have lunged forward, even more than they did, and I know, that I would have gotten hurt. I am a pretty small woman, and (being only 5ft tall, and 100lbs), I would have literally been a speed bump, for them, to ram and step over, while trying to get in before they missed anymore tunes.
I don't know what else to say,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, except that it was, and is just very sad.
If these people were there they'd be singing a different tune for sure. I still haven't gotten a response back from 10club, & believe me, I do not back down when I am right. If I don't get a response, I will be calling Friday & 10club is no less immune to my wrath than anyone else. lol.
I almost always pick up tickets early because it would be horrible to miss any of the show. Was in the venues before the opening band in DC, MSG 1, MSG 2.
Ran a little late and didn't leave NYC until around 3 pm on Friday but that seemed like *plenty* of time. ... horrid traffic... got to Hartford at 8 pm. Knew I was missing the opening band but figured that there was *no way* there would be a ticket line that late and PJ was starting at 9:15 so might as well grab a quick bite to eat after a long drive.
... how was I to know? arrived at the venue (walking) just before 9pm... thought the line was insane. ... then found out that I was in the regular ticketmaster will call line... 10C line is over there.... wow... wow... it just went on and on.. and on... and you get it.
I was at the end of the line. Maybe 20 people behind me. Got in during the middle of In Hiding (10 songs?)
On the up side... people were complaining and upset around me but I thought that considering the circumstances they were fairly well behaved and took it as well as possible. I tried to have a good attitude about it all.
I really don't blame the 10C... they try... these things don't happen very often but with so many people picking up tickets there's bound to be problems sometimes. At the vast majority of shows things go fine. I was at the other show with a big ticket line problem (Gorge I 2006) but luckily I arrived before the big crowd at that one so I was ok there.
It really especially sucks for anyone that was going to just that show. Was an amazing set to miss for everyone though.
That being said... I hope that 10C is going to try to figure out what happened and ways to prevent it in the future. Would be cool if we got the boot for free or something like that. Still had a lot of fun and really enjoyed the 1.5 hours or so that I saw.
i just wanted to say how sorry i was that you and your best friend had such a horrible time at the hartford show.
i'm not in any way affiliated with 10C, nor am i a member any longer (groucho marx, i think, said it best: "i wouldn't want to be part of any group that would have someone like me as a member ."), but i know how wonderful a great show can be, how magical the whole experience is when everything clicks.
i wish you all the best, and hope that you get to see more shows in the future (pj and whomever else), and they do what good music is supposed to: move you, inspire you, make you feel like all is right in the world.
take good care,
will tupper
(and, i imagine, tons of pearl jam fans everywhere)
the fact that so many people posting in this thread are posting for the first time ever just is further proof of how bad this was. People who have been fans for 10 or more years, who have never posted on this board, are registering just because of the Hartford Clusterfuck
I can understand the feeling completely, being disabled myself. The only time I ever felt afraid for my safety was at the Nassau Coliseum (Uniondale, NY) in 2003. I was 20 days removed from having my cervical spine fused, at 2 levels. needless to say, I was incapable of defending myself, and that situation had the feeling of getting very ugly, very fast. i was in the 2nd or 3rd row of the wings, about 20 feet from Mike.
if you insist on using that phrase, at least be accurate, and state that a huge number of people showed up in the last 90 minutes
90 mins is a LONG goddamn time
if it was "a huge number of people showed up in the last 30 minutes", then that's a different story
5 Tenclub windows, so at best you would have 200 per window
so if each person took 30 seconds, which is fast...thats 100 minutes.
now add to that people cutting the line, every 10c member examining their tickets, asking to speak to a manager becuase they arent good enough, throwing a hissy fit..
you can easily see how this will add up
9/13/1998 Hartford
8/30/2000 Mansfield 2
7/9/2003 MSG 2
5/13/2006 Hartford
6/27/2008 Hartford
exactly! i mean, i've only been to one previous hartford show in '06 and we got to the venue after MMJ played, AND we got our tickets in a matter of minutes. who the hell figures "oh, i gotta get there 5 hours early, despite the fact that previous experience has shown me getting there a half hour before they come on is fine"? and i was there at 7:45. that's an hour and a half before they came on, and ALREADY there was a line for blocks. so obviously it wasnt just people getting there late, because at least something would have been going on, not an hour+ of absolute nothingness
eV: 8/4/08, 8/5/08, 6/21/11
SG: 10/4/08<-- MET STONE!!!
or you could add to it what really happened: some douches cutting in line, no 10 Club memebers examining their ticket until they got inside, because they already missed 1/3 of the show, and wanted to get inside fast. Noone asking to speak to a manager, because that would only make you miss more of th show, the only fits were when members were asked for their autograph on their envelope, but they just wanted to get inside, due to the aforementioned ALREADY HAVING MISSED 1/3RD OF THE SHOW
the 10 club is not going to give you front row, center because you cam eon here to defend them, espcially since noone blames the 10 Club. the only gripe with the club is that they haven't so much as acknowledged it even happened
There was an issue in Camden, and the band actually waited for a period of time, I think they started maybe a half hour later than normal. And Ed said, did you all make in ok? I figured that's why they started late.
I was surprised too when I saw the lines in Camden but they moved fairly quickly.
well, you obviously missed my earlier posts where I blame the 10c, the venue, and late arriving fans. The 10c is antiquated with this day of the show ticket policy, I hate it and the venue couldnt handle the mad rush and reacted too slowly.
Listen, it sucks..and im not pining for better tickets by defending the club, I just think some of you need a reality check...If you get any sort of refund, I will be blown away.
maybe folks later didnt complain, but I was in line without about 10/15 people at 5:30.....literally every person said, "this can't be right" or "im too far back", " I need to speak to someone from the 10c".....
definitley added to the wait for me
9/13/1998 Hartford
8/30/2000 Mansfield 2
7/9/2003 MSG 2
5/13/2006 Hartford
6/27/2008 Hartford
I looked at the security guard there, as if to say "Really? No exit?" and he just kind of shrugged.
made him ... want to be everywhere
there's a ... lot to be said for nowhere."
of course i wasn't in line at that time and got my tix at 3:45. though at 3:45 there was a solid ten minute wait. i was pissed. i think i missed out on at least 1 possibly two beers. fuck! i want a refund!
I was in line at 7:52,(we would have gotten there sooner, but they said they were out of handicapped parking, and we had to walk for a long while, and I'm sorry but, I walk REALLY slow now). By now, the line for the fan club tickets was already WAY out into the SCARY parking lot. Where we then had to endure VERY drunken people, peeing everywhere, and broken glass as far as the eyes could see.
Being a disabled fan has never concerned me before, because I always had faith and trust in the "Pearl Jam family" of fans. However, this was the first time to ANY show where I felt my personal safety was at stake. At one point a VERY DRUNK man fell on me, and knocked me to the ground. Even though I showed my disabled ID, and was walking with a cane, asking the venue staff to see if I could pick up my tickets and go inside was denied. I was even accused of FAKING it, to try and get in!
I, (along with MANY HUNDREDS of other dedicated fans), were then forced to stand in the line, for almost TWO HOURS. Then, well after the band took the stage, we then again feared for my safety, when the band came on, (and there were literally still, HUNDREDS of fans online), people started pushing and shoving each other, (not too hard, but enough to again question my safety), trying to get the line moving. I actually had an "escape" plan from the line, to duck out behind the ambulances, if it got too rough). When I finally got my tickets, and got into the venue, it was now, during the last notes of Daughter.
Now, not only was I in massive amounts of pain from standing, but I was also in tears, that I missed MOST of the show. People have said, "that at least we got to see part of the show, and to be cool with it. But, how can you go to a show and be treated like this, and then "enjoy", the part that we got to see. I honestly was in tears. There was no enjoying the part that I saw. That would be like coming into a movie an hour late. ?Seriously, how could ANYBODY try and enjoy that movie? When the guy next to us, showed us the set list that he was keeping, it brought me down even more, now knowing what incredible songs I missed, while waiting in that God awful line.
My best friend, and I take our vacation time, away from our families, and center it around the tour. Having traveled to Canada to see the band, this was not unusual for us. But with gas at 4.25 a gallon, and the ticket prices going up so much, (which I understand totally, it's got to be a huge chunk of bucks to take a band like PJ, on the road). For us, it was going to be a special, but expensive, vacation.
We traveled from Camden to NYC, to Hartford, only to have an ending like this, to an otherwise perfect trip, and tour. Can somebody PLEASE answer my questions as to how, and why the 10c fans, were treated, like we were, in Hartford? I have always felt special being a 10c member, and make sure that my dues are paid each year, so I don't lose my number, and have first shot at the tickets.
(That being said too, in NYC for night two, we were given tickets to the VERY TOP section of the Garden. Even with disabled seating, why this was done, I don't understand given that my number is in the 212's. But, it was cool, we at least SAW, a great show.)
It's just that the "boys", don't come around, as much as all of us die hard fans, would like them too. And seeing them, has ALWAYS been something special, for me and my friend. It's "our thing". So, the disappointment of missing one of the best shows on the tour, is more than I can express. It's been three days, and I haven't even been able to talk about it until now.
The night has left me wondering whether being a 10c member, still means something. A fan, should never have to miss, almost an entire show. Nor fear for their safety, by being forced to wait in a parking lot, full of people, that are only there to party, and get drunk. They, are not the REAL fans of the band. When the drunks actually laughed at the fans and called us LOSERS, while flashing their tickets at us, it left me feeling humiliated beyond words.
I know that you, yourselves, didn't have control of this situation. BUT, SOMEBODY from the road crew, should have seen what what transpiring outside, with the fan club line, before it got so out of control. Pearl Jam shows were always very special to me, yet now, the only thing that I can remember out of five shows, from this tour, is this horrible night. How did this happen?
Now, I am actually frightened, to attend another show. With all the things in the past, that the band has gone through, (regarding people being safe at their shows), 10c members, should not have been placed in such a situation. The situation in Hartford, was a very close call for me. I have had fourteen back surgeries, and really cannot afford to have drunk people falling on me, and knocking me to the ground.
It was so bad that, that for the first time ever, I am now afraid, of attending a Pearl Jam show, (in case this happens again). I always felt safe being in with people, that know how important it is to remain "cool" at a show. Ten club members have always looked out for each other. Even Ed, asks folks to take care of their neighbors, and keep each other safe.
Yet, on this night, the frustration factor was so high, (because of that line), tempers were starting to flare, and people were upset. If the people in the line were not Pearl Jam fans, I know, that as soon as the first notes were played, (while we were on line), they would have lunged forward, even more than they did, and I know, that I would have gotten hurt. I am a pretty small woman, and (being only 5ft tall, and 100lbs), I would have literally been a speed bump, for them, to ram and step over, while trying to get in before they missed anymore tunes.
I don't know what else to say,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, except that it was, and is just very sad.
Caron B.
10c number 212***
Seriously, 90 minutes is hardly "last minute."
If these people were there they'd be singing a different tune for sure. I still haven't gotten a response back from 10club, & believe me, I do not back down when I am right. If I don't get a response, I will be calling Friday & 10club is no less immune to my wrath than anyone else. lol.
Ran a little late and didn't leave NYC until around 3 pm on Friday but that seemed like *plenty* of time. ... horrid traffic... got to Hartford at 8 pm. Knew I was missing the opening band but figured that there was *no way* there would be a ticket line that late and PJ was starting at 9:15 so might as well grab a quick bite to eat after a long drive.
... how was I to know? arrived at the venue (walking) just before 9pm... thought the line was insane. ... then found out that I was in the regular ticketmaster will call line... 10C line is over there.... wow... wow... it just went on and on.. and on... and you get it.
I was at the end of the line. Maybe 20 people behind me. Got in during the middle of In Hiding (10 songs?)
On the up side... people were complaining and upset around me but I thought that considering the circumstances they were fairly well behaved and took it as well as possible. I tried to have a good attitude about it all.
I really don't blame the 10C... they try... these things don't happen very often but with so many people picking up tickets there's bound to be problems sometimes. At the vast majority of shows things go fine. I was at the other show with a big ticket line problem (Gorge I 2006) but luckily I arrived before the big crowd at that one so I was ok there.
It really especially sucks for anyone that was going to just that show. Was an amazing set to miss for everyone though.
That being said... I hope that 10C is going to try to figure out what happened and ways to prevent it in the future. Would be cool if we got the boot for free or something like that. Still had a lot of fun and really enjoyed the 1.5 hours or so that I saw.
i just wanted to say how sorry i was that you and your best friend had such a horrible time at the hartford show.
i'm not in any way affiliated with 10C, nor am i a member any longer (groucho marx, i think, said it best: "i wouldn't want to be part of any group that would have someone like me as a member
i wish you all the best, and hope that you get to see more shows in the future (pj and whomever else), and they do what good music is supposed to: move you, inspire you, make you feel like all is right in the world.
take good care,
will tupper
(and, i imagine, tons of pearl jam fans everywhere)
I can understand the feeling completely, being disabled myself. The only time I ever felt afraid for my safety was at the Nassau Coliseum (Uniondale, NY) in 2003. I was 20 days removed from having my cervical spine fused, at 2 levels. needless to say, I was incapable of defending myself, and that situation had the feeling of getting very ugly, very fast. i was in the 2nd or 3rd row of the wings, about 20 feet from Mike.
Guess, I'm one of the lucky ones...thanks to my Canadian friends, who drove 5+ hours and got there around 6:30 and got me the extra...
EV- 08/09,10/2008.06/08,09/2009