Hartford 10C Ticket Debacle



  • jimc3jimc3 Posts: 230
    Jeanwah wrote:
    True, but it's been days since. Venting about it within the first 72 hours makes sense, but now that some time has passed, the bitching gets old. Sorry. Time to act.

    I'm not advocating not acting, what I'm advoacting is people talk about it and try to figure out what happened and why so they can best effectively act.

    why is 72 hours the official cut-off for "bitching"? I say we let the people who missed the first 30+ minutes one of the best shows in years mainly because of venue incompitance decide that. a lot of people aren't around on the weekends to sit around and post.
  • Jeanwah wrote:
    True, but it's been days since. Venting about it within the first 72 hours makes sense, but now that some time has passed, the bitching gets old. Sorry. Time to act.

    beyond getting old, it's just pointless. they will continue to operate how they see fit. i think they just kind of see it as, they're never going to be able to please everyone, so we basically just have to take what they dish out--be it good or bad.
  • jimc3jimc3 Posts: 230
    beyond getting old, it's just pointless. they will continue to operate how they see fit. i think they just kind of see it as, they're never going to be able to please everyone, so we basically just have to take what they dish out--be it good or bad.

    who is "they"? the 10 club?

    so you think that after years of no problems (despite a bizarre 2003 and the Gorge f-up) on a scale like this they suddenly lost complete and total competance?
  • jimc3 wrote:
    who is "they"? the 10 club?

    so you think that after years of no problems (despite a bizarre 2003 and the Gorge f-up) on a scale like this they suddenly lost complete and total competance?

    of course i'm referring to the 10c as they. and you obviously haven't been paying close enough attention over the years. i'm not here to argue with you, but there have been many problems before and since 2003. some just let certain things roll right off, some are more vocal. i've given up writing the 10c or complaining about them because they very rarely take our suggestions or concerns seriously.
  • jimc3jimc3 Posts: 230
    of course i'm referring to the 10c as they. and you obviously haven't been paying close enough attention over the years. i'm not here to argue with you, but there have been many problems before and since 2003. some just let certain things roll right off, some are more vocal. i've given up writing the 10c or complaining about them because they very rarely take our suggestions or concerns seriously.

    I've been paying attention.

    Are the "problems" you mention ALL ticket distrobution on the day of the show problems? Or a bunch of other problems, and this once incident this year?

    Because I'm just talking about ticket distrobution on the day of the show.

    There was '03 when they were adjusting to the whole block seating thing, the isolated Gorge incident, and Hartford. I've never witnessed or heard anything like what happened Friday otherwise. I think if you ask most 10C veterans, their average time on line for ticket pick-up is anywhere from 5 to 20 minutes.
  • jimc3 wrote:
    I was there on Friday and here is what I think happened.

    The Dodge center has an insanely poor parking system. There are 2 main "free" lots and one other "free" lot about a 7-8 min walk away. I say "free" because you don't have to pay, but there is a $6 parking fee included on your ticket.

    Then there are all these non-venue lots that charge $20 - $25. You see these before you see the "free" ones (and they are open much earlier). So when you are thinking about getting in some nice tailgaiting time, you have a choice to make. Do I suck it up and spend the extra $ so I get in an extra 1/2 or so or tailgaiting (plus get out of there quicker later)? or do I wait in traffic and go to the "free" lots (which I think, correct me if I'm wrong - didn't open until around 6)? some of these non-venue lots are also a significant (~10 min) walk to the ticket window.

    so again, tough choices. with work and traffic, if you went to one of the non-venue lots, you would have had to have forfieted your whole tailgaiting time because it would have taken you 10 mins to walk over there, 20-30 mins to wait in line, 10 mins to walk back to your car and then ANOTHER 10 to walk back to go in. tailgaiting is not just fun but cost-efficient as well - considering the prices of beers inside. there are no bars around the Dodge like there are at many other places either. it's the parking lot or inside, period.

    so what you have is a situation where people who have been to tons of shows and never had any real ticket pick-up problems say, if I get on line at 8, and PJ takes the stage at 9:15, there is no way it will take and hour and 15 mins. so they either go to one of the non-venue lots that are far away, or the "free" lots that don't open up until pretty late in the afternoon. either way, that's a ton of people waiting until 7:30 / 8 ish to get in line. And all for reasons that legitimately make sense.

    I, unlike many others, have had 10C ticket pick-up problems in the past. so I get on line as early as humanly possible. in this case it meant giving up an hour of tailgaiting and spending probably $50 for beer inside all told. But I wouldn't have enjoyed myself anyway without the peace of mind of having my tickets in hand.

    So I got in line around 6:45. The line was slow but moving. When I got into the 10C ticket fenced-in area, there were NO alpha break-outs of the lines. I have never seen this before. the Dodge center employees were taking members ID's to the back and getting the tix from the 10c employees. I got my tix about 7:15. Not a problem but not terrificly smooth either.

    My buddy and I then went to meet some other friends, and by 8pm we started to go in. I obviously noticed the 10C line and was astounded.

    So...what I think happened was, around 7:30 - 7:45 the 10C employees, based on experience, noticed that there were still a TON of tix left to distribute. Since the line was moving pretty slow as it was, they probably said to the Dodge people, look - unless you want a real mess on your hands, just listen to us and let us do the alpha-break out lines. this probably resulted in a 10 - 15 minute arguement/discussion and when decided on prob took another 15 - 20 mins to impliment. this change in tactics, which obviously happened since people after this time are reporting there WERE alpha-sorted lines, obviously slowed things down to a crawl. Compound that with all of the people who got in line later than they normally would care to - it was the friggin perfect storm.

    mostly the venue's fault - for the natural set-up of it, the parking retardedness, and them not listening to the 10C on the best way to do it until it was too late.

    well said, and well thought out. Sounds almost as if you were a fly on the wall inside the ticket window. I would add one thing to your perfect storm, and that's traffic. A lot of people came from the NY/NJ area, and there wa sa massive traffic delay. Mapquest said it would take me 3 hours to get there, and it took more than 4. I expected to be at the ticket window at 7:00, more than 2 hours before they took the stage. There are probably hundreds of people with similar stories. I love how there are people kissing up to the 10 club, and valiantly defending their honor, when everyone who is complaining is complaining about the venue. I haven't seen any serious complaints aout the 10 club. They're not gonna give you front row center because you came on here and said people should have taken the day off and got there at 2 PM.
  • the 10c very rarely takes responsibility or even acknowledges ticket screw ups. and they very selectively reply to emails regarding problems with 10c lines or even ticket problems themselves. the venue has very little to do with how the fan club distribute tickets.

    I emailed them yesterday. Stayed very calm in the original email. Long story short, I explained to them how much missing that show meant to me & told them at the very least I deserved a refund, because whether or not they had control of the situation, they took my money, not the venue.

    I got a standard reply, & they claimed they were "taking full responsibility" for what happened, as they told me they couldn't give me a refund because "All ticket sales are final." WTF? Oh they did offer me a free dl of the show or a free year membership to the club (which at this point I don't know if I'm rejoining.) How the hell are they going to try to use the "All tickets are final" line when they didn't produce the product? Believe me, my reply email was not as nice as the original, and I have not received a reply. If I don't get one tomorrow, I will be calling their office tomorrow.

    I don't know if they think that all their members are a bunch of 15 year olds that will just be like "oh, ok, I'll take a free download!!" I'm a 29 year old woman who works hard for my money & am not about to be dismissed like that.

    I missed most of the best fucking show of the tour due to incompetence & they're going to make an issue of refunding my money? (Not that that can even begin to make up for the disappointment I feel over the whole situation...but it's all I can ask for at this point.)

    I will not let it go, & all you others who got screwed shouldn't either. Un-fucking-acceptable.
    "Oh, a flower you are to my land..."
  • Get_RightGet_Right Posts: 13,520
    I emailed them yesterday. Stayed very calm in the original email. Long story short, I explained to them how much missing that show meant to me & told them at the very least I deserved a refund, because whether or not they had control of the situation, they took my money, not the venue.

    I got a standard reply, & they claimed they were "taking full responsibility" for what happened, as they told me they couldn't give me a refund because "All ticket sales are final." WTF? Oh they did offer me a free dl of the show or a free year membership to the club (which at this point I don't know if I'm rejoining.) How the hell are they going to try to use the "All tickets are final" line when they didn't produce the product? Believe me, my reply email was not as nice as the original, and I have not received a reply. If I don't get one tomorrow, I will be calling their office tomorrow.

    I don't know if they think that all their members are a bunch of 15 year olds that will just be like "oh, ok, I'll take a free download!!" I'm a 29 year old woman who works hard for my money & am not about to be dismissed like that.

    I missed most of the best fucking show of the tour due to incompetence & they're going to make an issue of refunding my money? (Not that that can even begin to make up for the disappointment I feel over the whole situation...but it's all I can ask for at this point.)

    I will not let it go, & all you others who got screwed shouldn't either. Un-fucking-acceptable.

    So in the grand scheme, what can you really do about it.
    Nothing. If you bought tickets from the 10C before or were around in 2000 when they had the block system, you know long lines are always a possiblility. Further Hartford has a history of fucking over pj fans.
    No surprise actually. Same with the after show mess.

    You can accept the 10c and its idiosyncracies or you can buy tickets elsewhere. Its really that simple.

    95% of the time they deliver.
  • dnice1997dnice1997 Posts: 15
    I cant believe this is still going on. Ugh

    I know there are alot of you that are bent from missing part of a sick show but why would you get a refund? seriously, they opened the windows at 2pm.

    Who's fault is it exactly that probably 50% of the fan club decided to show up an hour before showtime? If you were one of the ones with jobs, babysitter, traffic issues...I understand, that shit happens and Im sorry you got there late....if you were tailgaiting..tough shit.

    The fan club did have like half of the venue's entire will call windows dedicated to them.

    Here's the bottom line:
    The 10c still operates in the stone ages with this crazy distrbution method
    The venue was open well in advance, but obviously reacted too slowly to the perfect storm that hit them
    Too many 10clubbers got there too late

    Blame all around!

    I've been to every Hartford show, here is my recommendation:
    Get there early, especially if travelling from NYC area, especially on a Friday in the summer.
    Pay the $25 for Premier parking....its that lot that all you were stuck in that line....makes it easy to park, walk 2 minutes to ticket window, wait 2 minutes to get tickets, walk back to car and tailgate for hours before show.

    and for all you folks claiming to boycott hartford over the tickets, or boycott Mansfield over the no tailgating, or dropping out of the 10c alltogether...please do, better tickets for the rest of us
    10/2/1996 Hartford
    9/13/1998 Hartford
    8/30/2000 Mansfield 2
    7/9/2003 MSG 2
    5/13/2006 Hartford
    6/27/2008 Hartford
  • Get_Right wrote:
    So in the grand scheme, what can you really do about it.
    Nothing. If you bought tickets from the 10C before or were around in 2000 when they had the block system, you know long lines are always a possiblility. Further Hartford has a history of fucking over pj fans.
    No surprise actually. Same with the after show mess.

    You can accept the 10c and its idiosyncracies or you can buy tickets elsewhere. Its really that simple.

    95% of the time they deliver.

    There is no such thing as not being able to do anything. I WILL get a refund. Yes, 95% of the time they deliver...I'm not asking for a refund cuz I got crappy seats, I'm asking for a refund because I paid for a product I didn't receive. I've accepted their "idiosyncracies", until this point which is why I continued until now to purchase from them. If they choose to distribute tickets this way, & choose take our money...they should damn well have someone from the club there making sure things go smoothly. Because bottom line is, once they take our money, THEY become responsible for giving us what we bought.
    "Oh, a flower you are to my land..."
  • AndySlashAndySlash Posts: 3,263
    they told me they couldn't give me a refund because "All ticket sales are final." WTF?

    Unless I am mistaken, this is quite clearly stated in the ticket information emails prior to the shows going on sale (if not on the ticket ordering page as well). When you buy the tickets, you implicitly agree to this stipulation.

    It sucks, yes. You should be grateful they are offering you at least something for your trouble, because they certainly do not have to offer you anything.
  • I emailed them yesterday. Stayed very calm in the original email. Long story short, I explained to them how much missing that show meant to me & told them at the very least I deserved a refund, because whether or not they had control of the situation, they took my money, not the venue.

    I got a standard reply, & they claimed they were "taking full responsibility" for what happened, as they told me they couldn't give me a refund because "All ticket sales are final." WTF? Oh they did offer me a free dl of the show or a free year membership to the club (which at this point I don't know if I'm rejoining.) How the hell are they going to try to use the "All tickets are final" line when they didn't produce the product? Believe me, my reply email was not as nice as the original, and I have not received a reply. If I don't get one tomorrow, I will be calling their office tomorrow.

    I don't know if they think that all their members are a bunch of 15 year olds that will just be like "oh, ok, I'll take a free download!!" I'm a 29 year old woman who works hard for my money & am not about to be dismissed like that.

    I missed most of the best fucking show of the tour due to incompetence & they're going to make an issue of refunding my money? (Not that that can even begin to make up for the disappointment I feel over the whole situation...but it's all I can ask for at this point.)

    I will not let it go, & all you others who got screwed shouldn't either. Un-fucking-acceptable.

    i'm so sorry that happened to you. it took four hours to get from queens to hartford. we got there at 7. when we got there, the line was a nightmare. i thought it was going to take FOREVER. luckily, we moved up pretty quickly. we must have just missed the real clusterfuck. we didn't miss any of the show. i cant imagine missing as much of THAT show as i've heard some have and that really sucks. some people missed like 9 songs. that's like 30% of the show. they should refund 30% of the ticket costs to them.

    and i emailed them several times about the problem with the msg 1 windows being opened at 330 instead of 2, which made me late from my lunch break and got me in trouble with my boss. there was another issue and they ignored that, too. i'm not gonna go into anymore detail because i'm in enough trouble with them, but they offered me a whole lotta NOTHIN'.
  • dnice1997 wrote:
    I cant believe this is still going on. Ugh

    I know there are alot of you that are bent from missing part of a sick show but why would you get a refund? seriously, they opened the windows at 2pm.

    Who's fault is it exactly that probably 50% of the fan club decided to show up an hour before showtime? If you were one of the ones with jobs, babysitter, traffic issues...I understand, that shit happens and Im sorry you got there late....if you were tailgaiting..tough shit.

    The fan club did have like half of the venue's entire will call windows dedicated to them.

    Here's the bottom line:
    The 10c still operates in the stone ages with this crazy distrbution method
    The venue was open well in advance, but obviously reacted too slowly to the perfect storm that hit them
    Too many 10clubbers got there too late

    Blame all around!

    I've been to every Hartford show, here is my recommendation:
    Get there early, especially if travelling from NYC area, especially on a Friday in the summer.
    Pay the $25 for Premier parking....its that lot that all you were stuck in that line....makes it easy to park, walk 2 minutes to ticket window, wait 2 minutes to get tickets, walk back to car and tailgate for hours before show.

    and for all you folks claiming to boycott hartford over the tickets, or boycott Mansfield over the no tailgating, or dropping out of the 10c alltogether...please do, better tickets for the rest of us

    If you were standing in that line while that amazing show was going on, you'd be singing a different tune. Most of us were there in plenty of fucking time to get our tickets. What do you people NOT understand about that??? The line did not fucking move for over an hour. NOT our fault. When they finally started letting us in, it went fast, therefore, your theories of "too many people" are incorrect, my friend. No where when we purchased tix did it say we had to pick them up at 2pm to ensure timely entrance to the show.
    "Oh, a flower you are to my land..."
  • i'm so sorry that happened to you. it took four hours to get from queens to hartford. we got there at 7. when we got there, the line was a nightmare. i thought it was going to take FOREVER. luckily, we moved up pretty quickly. we must have just missed the real clusterfuck. we didn't miss any of the show. i cant imagine missing as much of THAT show as i've heard some have and that really sucks. some people missed like 9 songs. that's like 30% of the show. they should refund 30% of the ticket costs to them.

    and i emailed them several times about the problem with the msg 1 windows being opened at 330 instead of 2, which made me late from my lunch break and got me in trouble with my boss. there was another issue and they ignored that, too. i'm not gonna go into anymore detail because i'm in enough trouble with them, but they offered me a whole lotta NOTHIN'.

    Finally a voice of reason. I am one of those people, 9 songs exactly. Got in after In Hiding...In-Fucking-Hiding. I was standing in that line while they ripped out those amazing songs. Sad & Brain of J were 2 of the songs I wanted to hear most this tour & fucking missed those too. Glad you got in & saw the show. Sorry for your issues as well!
    "Oh, a flower you are to my land..."
  • Finally a voice of reason. I am one of those people, 9 songs exactly. Got in after In Hiding...In-Fucking-Hiding. I was standing in that line while they ripped out those amazing songs. Sad & Brain of J were 2 of the songs I wanted to hear most this tour & fucking missed those too. Glad you got in & saw the show. Sorry for your issues as well!

    i just call it as i see it. the msg shows were disappointing to me, so the hartford show was just insane! i really feel badly that you didn't get the entire experience of that show because it was just sick.
  • dnice1997dnice1997 Posts: 15
    OK, keep trying for your refund...god bless

    I was in that parking lot from 4:30 until 8:30 watching the line grow, so I know that a TON of fan clubbers came after 7 to get their tickets

    I just dont see how you have a leg to stand on.....they gave us all ample time to get our tickets. Im not saying that they (venue and 10C) reacted well to the big rush.

    to me, its like an accident on the Whiteston on your way to Laguardia, sucks but what are you going to do, call the New York highway department for refund on your plane ticket?
    10/2/1996 Hartford
    9/13/1998 Hartford
    8/30/2000 Mansfield 2
    7/9/2003 MSG 2
    5/13/2006 Hartford
    6/27/2008 Hartford
  • UpSideDownUpSideDown Posts: 1,966
    Mansfield I..........there was one person in line ahead of me (7:45 pm).

    Mansfield II........nobody in line ahead of me (8:10 pm).

    I didn't go to Hartford, but I'm honestly confused as to what could have really caused such a delay........i thought the tickets were already placed in envelopes and you just needed to sign for them (like how it normally works?)
  • dnice1997 wrote:
    OK, keep trying for your refund...god bless

    I was in that parking lot from 4:30 until 8:30 watching the line grow, so I know that a TON of fan clubbers came after 7 to get their tickets

    I just dont see how you have a leg to stand on.....they gave us all ample time to get our tickets. Im not saying that they (venue and 10C) reacted well to the big rush.

    to me, its like an accident on the Whiteston on your way to Laguardia, sucks but what are you going to do, call the New York highway department for refund on your plane ticket?

    Ok, so fans got there after 7 to get tickets for a 9:15 show...Your point?
    "Oh, a flower you are to my land..."
  • Mansfield I..........there was one person in line ahead of me (7:45 pm).

    Mansfield II........nobody in line ahead of me (8:10 pm).

    I didn't go to Hartford, but I'm honestly confused as to what could have really caused such a delay........i thought the tickets were already placed in envelopes and you just needed to sign for them (like how it normally works?)

    Those of us who were there are still confused. There was absolutely no explanation of why the line did not move. The issue wasn't the amount of people, the issue was all of us standing in a line that didn't move for over an hour...& no one told us why.
    "Oh, a flower you are to my land..."
  • dnice1997dnice1997 Posts: 15
    I already said there was plenty of blame to go around...Venue, 10c, fans included..... i just think you're in a tough spot to get a refund.

    Whatever happened behind that glass happened, it doesnt matter...I think the 10club's simple argument to you will be....We gave you 6 hours to pick up the tickets before things got hectic
    10/2/1996 Hartford
    9/13/1998 Hartford
    8/30/2000 Mansfield 2
    7/9/2003 MSG 2
    5/13/2006 Hartford
    6/27/2008 Hartford
  • Those of us who were there are still confused. There was absolutely no explanation of why the line did not move. The issue wasn't the amount of people, the issue was all of us standing in a line that didn't move for over an hour...& no one told us why.

    and i showed up at msg before 2--the windows were supposed to open at 2--didn't open til 330. there's no ryhme or reason to any of this. i didn't miss any of the show, but why were we forced to be corralled in barriers not moving for an hour and a half? and the line went down to the street, luckily, i was covered, but it started to rain and people got soaked. if they would have opened on time, those people would have remained bone dry.
  • dnice1997 wrote:
    I already said there was plenty of blame to go around...Venue, 10c, fans included..... i just think you're in a tough spot to get a refund.

    Whatever happened behind that glass happened, it doesnt matter...I think the 10club's simple argument to you will be....We gave you 6 hours to pick up the tickets before things got hectic

    We're going in circles here, but It DOES matter. My simple argment to them, again, will be "show me where it states that we NEEDED to be there hours early to pick up tickets to get into the show." :)
    "Oh, a flower you are to my land..."
  • VeddernarianVeddernarian Posts: 1,924
    We're going in circles here, but It DOES matter. My simple argment to them, again, will be "show me where it states that we NEEDED to be there hours early to pick up tickets to get into the show." :)

    I am a huge fan of 10C and grateful for what they do. However, you have every reason to be angry. It isn't like an accident on the way to the airport. There was no accident. The building didn't lose a beam which unexpectedly blocked the doorway. This wasn't the 1st time a concert was played there and it wasn't the 1st time PJ played there. Something went terribly wrong. Being there 1:15hr before an event is to start is not unreasonable. I have kids and a profession and I love these people who say to spend the day there. For a concert? Lets put things in perspective. This is a concert, not international travel 10 days after 9/11. An hour is reasonable; should be reasonable. If you showed up at 9:00 and missed 1 or 2 songs, I wouldn't feel sorry for you. But you didn't. You bought something in good faith, and the incompetence surrounding the ticket distribution resulted in your missing 30% of the show at no fault of yours. You should be entitled a partial refund. Probably 50%. There is more than a percentage of the show. You'll live the rest of your life knowing what you missed, and knowing that non-fan club members walked right in. 10C members are going the extra distance, shelling out memberships, etc. We're the ones cheering the loudest, pumping up the bandmembers. Don't piss where you eat, I say. They should reconsider doing you right. I live in California and was 3000 miles away watching the setlist on a Blackberry from a gold-line train in amazement. I wholeheartedly feel for you.
    Up here so high I start to shake, Up here so high the sky I scrape, I've no fear but for falling down, So look out below I am falling now, Falling down,...not staying down, Could’ve held me up, rather tear me down, Drown in the river
  • and 30% of the hartford pair is $44.40, which is TWO years membership and 3 bootlegs. i cant believe how cheap they are considering the amount of money we spend on them.
  • PinstrpsPinstrps Posts: 109
    Well, those who stood in line for that long...did you not ask the people at the window wtf was going on? When you finally got your tickets how long did it take that person to get them to you? I'm just curious if people vented at the window and what they had to say
  • I am a huge fan of 10C and grateful for what they do. However, you have every reason to be angry. It isn't like an accident on the way to the airport. There was no accident. The building didn't lose a beam which unexpectedly blocked the doorway. This wasn't the 1st time a concert was played there and it wasn't the 1st time PJ played there. Something went terribly wrong. Being there 1:15hr before an event is to start is not unreasonable. I have kids and a profession and I love these people who say to spend the day there. For a concert? Lets put things in perspective. This is a concert, not international travel 10 days after 9/11. An hour is reasonable; should be reasonable. If you showed up at 9:00 and missed 1 or 2 songs, I wouldn't feel sorry for you. But you didn't. You bought something in good faith, and the incompetence surrounding the ticket distribution resulted in your missing 30% of the show at no fault of yours. You should be entitled a partial refund. Probably 50%. There is more than a percentage of the show. You'll live the rest of your life knowing what you missed, and knowing that non-fan club members walked right in. 10C members are going the extra distance, shelling out memberships, etc. We're the ones cheering the loudest, pumping up the bandmembers. Don't piss where you eat, I say. They should reconsider doing you right. I live in California and was 3000 miles away watching the setlist on a Blackberry from a gold-line train in amazement. I wholeheartedly feel for you.

    Thank you, very well said.

    For the record, if they replied saying "we'll give you 1/2 your money back", I would have been okay with that. Nothing is going to change what happened, but their "offer" was insulting.
    "Oh, a flower you are to my land..."
  • Pinstrps wrote:
    Well, those who stood in line for that long...did you not ask the people at the window wtf was going on? When you finally got your tickets how long did it take that person to get them to you? I'm just curious if people vented at the window and what they had to say

    I didn't ask anyone anything cuz apparently no one that did were getting answers. I knew I would go off on someone & didn't wanna get thrown out of the venue with that tight ass security. It took all of 1/2 a min. for them to actually get the tix when I finally got to the window & once I finally did I wasn't wasting another second arguing with anyone. I signed my name & "pissed" under it on the envelope, grabbed the tix & ran inside.
    "Oh, a flower you are to my land..."
  • robxrobx Posts: 1
    Has anyone thought about calling Visa and Mastercard to dispute the charges and request a refund?
  • Ryan_WFCRyan_WFC Posts: 1,351
    Get_Right wrote:
    You can accept the 10c and its idiosyncracies or you can buy tickets elsewhere. Its really that simple.

    95% of the time they deliver.

    Amen. And they "deliver" a ton for us.
    "They said ... timing was everything
    made him ... want to be everywhere
    there's a ... lot to be said for nowhere."
  • Get_RightGet_Right Posts: 13,520
    Because bottom line is, once they take our money, THEY become responsible for giving us what we bought.

    I agree with this statement. And I understand that the silence is maddening.
    But its not their fault that a huge number of people showed up at the last minute.
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