That venue was complete junk. I got to the venue as early as possible, I got to the line at quarter of eight. If I missed some of Ted Leo's set that's one thing, but I missed all of his set and some of Pearl Jam's set. There was no communication from the venue at all. I think that adds up to incompetence.
I've seen 10+ PJ shows, arriving at the show at about then same time and never experienced anything remotely as bad as that.
they should mail out tickets printed with the name of the 10club member on them. at the venue, they should have a special entrance for 10club tickets. you have to show your i.d. with the ticket to get in.
So it sounds like sometime between 7:30 and 7:45, everything went down hill. The problem was that a bunch of people up front were cutting in so it added to the mess.
after reading this entire thread, i'd like to commend everyone in that ridiculously long line for keeping their cool. i shudder at the thought of what could've happened if some people in line would've pushed forward upon hearing the band start, which could've caused an unthinkable tragedy. this band would never survive another black cloud..............
regardless of where the fault lies, i truly hope beyond hope that the tenclub is taking notes for future ticket distribution methods.
"Can I ask you a question?" ( just did.....)
this band would never survive another black cloud..............
Coming from someone that truly believed the band was finished after Roskilde I will have to strongly, emphatically say that the band would take 2008 off and be back next summer.
"It's OK, It's OK, It's OK, I got college tuition to pay".
don't hurt your shoulder patting yourself on the back, fella. I left my house 5 hours prior to show time, with a 3 hour drive ahead of me. When we hit I-95, we were greeted almost immediatley with a sign that said
....from work at 4 PM
This show was last night?
With all due respect to you (and your family situation) but man, did you leave at 4pm from Long Island on a Friday? What'd you take, the LIE? I mean not for nothing but 95 is going to be backed up on a good day, but on a Friday in the summer, and there's a concert going on? I can only imagine the schlepping that entailed.
The ticket situation does sound pretty crazy though. I'm sorry that happened. I wish there was a way they could mail yous the tickets or FedEx them in advance so you wouldn't have to go through that?
" a word misplaced, nothing said, what a waste.."
"Sometimes life should be consumed in measured doses"
Free Speedy
and Metsy!
I feel horrible for all who got screwed but the fact of the matter is the dodge center from security to the janitors was run like a chinese firedrill! Being there early is KEY!
I had some punk pissing in a cup next to my girl, he is lucky she told me this when we were already out!
The show was great as always but not as good as the the MSG shows!
Chef Rah
"I'll wait up in the dark for you to speak to me"
"We are on the brink of forever"
It wasn't just everyone showing up at once. If that were the case we would have moved, even just a little bit. We stood still for a good 45 minutes or more. Noone was getting tickets. Just to show an example of the incompetence, they broke the line down by alphabet. 5 groups. One of the groupings was
Dayum. I guess they expected a lot of Ls and Ms!!
That really sucks what happened
So I'll just lie down and wait for the dream Where I'm not ugly and you're lookin' at me
wow. thats fuckin bullshit. Ive never had to wait at all to pick up my fan club seats. If I were you guys I would demand a refund. DEMAND. I would even go as far as calling a lawyer. If the tix weren't obnoxiously expensive, I would say fuck it....but for $200....get your money back or compensated with merch.
This show was last night?
With all due respect to you (and your family situation) but man, did you leave at 4pm from Long Island on a Friday? What'd you take, the LIE? I mean not for nothing but 95 is going to be backed up on a good day, but on a Friday in the summer, and there's a concert going on? I can only imagine the schlepping that entailed.
The ticket situation does sound pretty crazy though. I'm sorry that happened. I wish there was a way they could mail yous the tickets or FedEx them in advance so you wouldn't have to go through that?
mapquest had it at 3 hours, I allotted 5. The original plan was to take the Port Jeff Ferry, but the LIE Eastbound traffic made that impossible. We turned around at Exit 55, and headed to hartford. Westbound on the LIE, we flew. No traffic whatsoever until the 22 mile delay in CT. That was nowhere near the venue, had nothing to do with the show.
I took a half day from work and drove down from Boston with my wife and a friend. It was our first time going to the Hartford venue. We had heard it was a lot like the Mansfield venue.
Mansfield was our first choice but it sold out quickly for the Monday show.
The cops directedd us to a pay lot and told us the free parking was full. I was kind of pissed when I was walking to the venue and saw that there was one free parking lot that was closed and we had just paid $20 to park. I wondered if the cops were getting some kickbacks to forceyou in a pay lot.
We got in line as soon as we got to the venue so it was shortly after 7 PM. We were about halfway between the ticketbooth and themain entrance to the venue parking lot. The line did not move for at least the first 30 or 40 minutes we in it. We moved a few feet every 15 to 20 minutes.
We saw a couple of guys taking out their frustrations by yelling at the cops and security. A couple of guys got arrested right in the line.
The problem was that they did not have more than one line. Every other show I have been to, there were more lines and better organization upfront to sort people. I did not see any one from the venue until I was near the front of the line. They should have been walking up and down the line and doing a better job of communicating and organizing the lines.
The end result was I got my tickets at 9:30 so I only missed 4 songs.
The show was sick. The guys really threw down a great show. I am happy I got to see what I did. I feel bad because there were so many people still behind me when I got my tickets.
What was the latest people got their tickets? I figured it would have been at least 10:15 to 10:30.
mapquest had it at 3 hours, I allotted 5. The original plan was to take the Port Jeff Ferry, but the LIE Eastbound traffic made that impossible. We turned around at Exit 55, and headed to hartford. Westbound on the LIE, we flew. No traffic whatsoever until the 22 mile delay in CT. That was nowhere near the venue, had nothing to do with the show.
sounds like a nightmare from start to finish. and the set list was the most phenomenal so far imo, which would've peeved me off even more!
" a word misplaced, nothing said, what a waste.."
"Sometimes life should be consumed in measured doses"
Free Speedy
and Metsy!
Interesting thing that came out of another thread that was locked:
someone said that the ticket window WAS NOT sorted by letters of last names. When I got my tickets, it most definately was sorted by letters. I remember
not sure how it went after that, as I'm an E-K. And how could you miss L-M?
When I got close, I was 5th or 6th in the E-K, and there were 5 or 6 people in A-D (including Captain Cuts-In-Line, who's date for the evening was Lenny from Of Mice and Men). L's-M's were walking up one at a time, as you would imagine, whatwith the 2 letter block.
Did they switch to blocks of letters late in the process? is that why we didn't move for an hour?
Whatever the story, i'm just about ready to put it behind me. i should state for the first time, since I've been one of the people who have brought the ugliness up most today, that I do not believe this was a 10 Club issue. I agree with the many who say, this was a Dodge Music center issue. If I do have a gripe with the 10 Club, it's that they've remained silent about it. Even if it was the venue's fault, 100%, it would be nice to hear from them on the matter, here on the board. At least an acknowledgement that it happened, and that they are aware of it. And yes, i'm sure I could e-mail them, and get the stock reply. I don't want to bother them, I'm sure they have enough to do, and have gotten enough e-mails about this.
If I do have a gripe with the 10 Club, it's that they've remained silent about it. Even if it was the venue's fault, 100%, it would be nice to hear from them on the matter, here on the board. At least an acknowledgement that it happened, and that they are aware of it. And yes, i'm sure I could e-mail them, and get the stock reply. I don't want to bother them, I'm sure they have enough to do, and have gotten enough e-mails about this.
*cough free tickets for those of us who were fucked cough*
after reading this entire thread, i'd like to commend everyone in that ridiculously long line for keeping their cool. i shudder at the thought of what could've happened if some people in line would've pushed forward upon hearing the band start, which could've caused an unthinkable tragedy. this band would never survive another black cloud..............
regardless of where the fault lies, i truly hope beyond hope that the tenclub is taking notes for future ticket distribution methods.
Yeah, I second that. As upset as everyone was, I'm glad that everyone kept their cool. The folks around me in the line were great...we were all obviously angry and disappointed, but everyone kept a sense of humor about the godawful situation.
If I do have a gripe with the 10 Club, it's that they've remained silent about it. Even if it was the venue's fault, 100%, it would be nice to hear from them on the matter, here on the board. At least an acknowledgement that it happened, and that they are aware of it. And yes, i'm sure I could e-mail them, and get the stock reply. I don't want to bother them, I'm sure they have enough to do, and have gotten enough e-mails about this.
Yeah, I agree 100%...I don't blame the 10 Club for what happened, and I'm not going to email them about it, but it would be nice to hear a "sorry things were fucked up." I am pretty surprised they don't have a representative at the show, and I would love to see the band move to some kind of mail process for our tickets.
Tonight, at least, went well. Made sure to get to the venue early, got my tickets first thing, good seats, good set list...but man, if last night were my only show of the tour, I'd be pretty disappointed.
It wasn't just everyone showing up at once. If that were the case we would have moved, even just a little bit. We stood still for a good 45 minutes or more. Noone was getting tickets. Just to show an example of the incompetence, they broke the line down by alphabet. 5 groups. One of the groupings was
They must have switched to that because when I was in line people walked up to whatever window regardless of name. Maybe that's why the line was moving quickly prior to 7:30. Why on earth would they switch to alphabetical?
It's not really cool to blame people in the line. Were some of them just getting wasted in the parking lot? No doubt. But I spoke to a good many who were out of work as soon as they could be, fought traffic on the way, and still arrived at the venue more than an hour before showtime, only to get in 6-10 songs into the set. Not sure where blame lies exactly, but to suggest people should just shape up and stop bitching is a pretty narrow view of the situation.
Exactly..... Well said. I too was one of those who had to work, deal with child care and fight traffic.
People seem to dismiss the fact that there was an obvious lack of communication between PJ's people (not 10c but the band and tour manager) and the box office.
I have a very extensive theater background and have played venues all around the world.
NEVER would we start a show without checking with the boxoffice first. This should not have been any different.
And I tried to warn everyone about traffic.
I also had only pleasant exchanges with the security and the cops....just one nasty little guy at the box office...wearing a black porkpie type hat.
I am very sorry to hear so many stories about people missing a good portion of the show. :( It was awesome.
Cause I'm broken when I'm lonesome
And I don't feel right when you're gone away
Has anyone emailed the 10C about what happened?? Any response?
I got stuck in that awful line too. I usually pick up my tix as soon as I can - but traffic & a problem with our hotel prevented that. I'm never doing that again......
Ok, it's now Sun. I'm still fucking pissed that I missed the best setlist of the tour because of this piss poor organization. I'm starting to get more pissed with the fact that nothing has been mentioned about it at all from 10 club staff here on the board, no sorry, no anything. I understand that they wanna prevent scalping, but at this point with these crazy ticket systems, the people you're really hurting when nonsense like this happens is the TRUE fan. I still can not fucking believe I missed all those amazing songs waiting in line to get my fucking tickets. My blood is boiling just thinking about it.
I went last nite, it was last minute so I had crappy TM seats, but I felt so much more confident walking in there with a ticket IN HAND. (Awesome time, btw...had some drunk casual TEN fan next to me, who asked me a million questions, one being "this is Wishlist, right?" During fucking RVM! LOL. I told him what it was & he was all "wow, you know your shit!" haha.
Anyway, at this point (after getting screwed by 10club with my tickets last tour as well, no seats for me when I got to the window for Chicago one, so they pulled out some in the boonies & then night 2 NO SEATS at all, couldn't even get in), if they don't fix the system, I am seriously considering saying say screw it & just start getting crappy seats from TM, which would be a shame...but at least I'd KNOW I'm getting into the fucking show.
Something definitely needs to be done about this. 10club needs to learn from it. Mail the fucking tickets next tour. Yeah, maybe a few bad apples will get their hands on them...BIG FUCKING DEAL. The diehard fans will get their tickets & THAT'S what matters. I highly doubt there are any scalpers left in the club & if they join now if they start mailing, well, they'll have a shitty ass # & not get much for them anyway.
Fucking unacceptable that my best friend & I, along with many other die hards missed that unbelievable set due to all this incompetence. Fuckin shame.
(Thanks to the people in line around us for being so cool at least....& to the guys who let me buy 4 beers for 7 bucks, rock on. lol. )
Ok, it's now Sun. I'm still fucking pissed that I missed the best setlist of the tour because of this piss poor organization. I'm starting to get more pissed with the fact that nothing has been mentioned about it at all from 10 club staff here on the board, no sorry, no anything.
ITS THE VENUE that distributes the tickets.
Out of curiosity what time did you get there?
Mail the fucking tickets next tour. Yeah, maybe a few bad apples will get their hands on them...BIG FUCKING DEAL. The diehard fans will get their tickets & THAT'S what matters. I highly doubt there are any scalpers left in the club
never happen and you are dead wrong about scalpers not having memberships
they play all the angles brother
Now you know-get there early to pick up your tix-Ive been doing that since the debacles of 03.
My wife and I too stood in that line for almost two hours, missing about the first half of the show. We came up from New Jersey, spent a lot of money on tickets, hotel, etc. It's pretty frustrating to get no explanation and nothing offered in return for this debacle.
Has anyone emailed the 10C about what happened?? Any response?
it's not 10c's fault they had idiots running the windows. they don't have any control over the people that work at the dodge.
2003 Mansfield III 2004 Boston I 2006 Boston I 2008 Bonnaroo, Hartford, Mansfield I 2010 Hartford 2013 Worcester I, Worcester II, Hartford 2016 Bonnaroo, Fenway I, Fenway II 2018 Fenway I, Fenway II 2021 Sea.Hear.Now 2022 Camden 2024 MSG I, Fenway I, Fenway II
I got to the line around 8pm and it was super long. When I went up to the front to check out the situation I noticed that they had everyone in one line for will call and for fanclub. HOWEVER....they had the ten club section blocked off and there was a venue worker letting people through the gate one by one. To top it off they only had a few (maybe 5) windows open for the fanclub tickets when there were probably 7-10 windows open for will call. I was an ass and decided to sneak in line. Still, we missed the first 20+ minutes of the show walking in during Elderly Woman. I have seen them 30 times and I have never had an issue with picking my tickets up right before the show. Had I waited in line the whole time I wouldn't have made it in there until the first encore! (that's when the ppl in front of us made it in) Since this was my boyfriend's first PJ show I was not about to let that happen.
It seems it was more of a venue management issue than a 10c issue. However, I'm hoping this incident will prompt them to consider other options. Like, emailing the tickets to us the day of the show which we can then print out. Or maybe they print your name on the tickets (like in 1996) and have you present ID when you enter the venue. All I know is that some of us are unable to get to the venue at 2:00 PM as we are working (in order to earn $$ to pay for all these PJ shows).
I do have one suggestion for the other clubbers out there...when you do pick up your tickets, can you please wait to look at where your seats are until after you have exited the line?! I noticed quite a few people who held up the line because they were taking their sweet time to examine there tickets! Especially after waiting in that should be considerate of the others and hustle. Keep it movin'.............
All in all...amazing show, loved every moment of it as always!
I like your ideas about the ticket distribution. Please share them with 10c so we don't have to suffer like this again. This is also a great way to slow down the re-selling of fan club tickets.
I am not sure who is to blame here, if anyone. I still do not think it is unreasonable to get to a venue a half hour before Pearl Jam takes the stage to expect to receive your tickets. This was my 35th show. After being relly pissed off, I was pretty grateful simply to get in to the show and to have seen so many shows by this band. I do know from experience that this venue is poorly run. As far as police, I only saw two or three. The closest thing to this was one of the shows at the Gorge in 2006 where the band actually started later than planned. I am not sure if this was simply due to the delay in the line. This venue does have scattered parking. I saw the Dave Matthews Band there in July of 2004 and the scene was herrendous. As some people had stated, many of us did have to work. My friends and I left New York City just before 5pm. Out of curiosity, has anyone contacted the 10C about this matter? I am not blaming any party. I always thought that individuals from the 10C traveled along the tour for ticket distribution. If they leave it up to the venue, it is up to the venue to make certain all goes smooth. Somoneone also suggested not making this venue a stop on this tour. Still, this is not fair to those living in CT and who can only make it to this area. However, isn't there a venue in Hartford downtown? I saw Bruce Springsteen there in February (where the Hartford Whalers used to play). I also wonder if the band received word of this matter? Perhaps it would make a statement to the venue if they performed somewhere else in the future. Anybody have thoughts on this.........?
ITS THE VENUE that distributes the tickets.
Out of curiosity what time did you get there?
never happen and you are dead wrong about scalpers not having memberships
they play all the angles brother
Now you know-get there early to pick up your tix-Ive been doing that since the debacles of 03.
Sorry you missed part of the show.
I know the venue fucked up, but TENCLUB decides to distribute the tickets this way. They take our money, not the venure, therefore they are responsible for compensation. & You are dead wrong, Sir, if you think people have no life & can donate their whole fucking day to getting to a venue 6 hours before the band takes the stage to get tix they already paid for, nor should we have to. I got to the venue about 8. (PJ took stage @ 9:15 that night.) Again, it had NOTHING to do with time, it had to do with them not moving the fucking line for over an hour. 10club should be communicating with the venue, or have someone their over seeing things. As I said, if a few bad apples get their hands on some tix, then so be it at this point. Just get the fans their fucking tickets.
I was at Hartford on Saturday. There is really no excuse for the poor level of management at this venue. I can count three main areas handled very, very poorly:
1) Poor overflow parking organization and management (also very far from the main lot)
2) The line to pick up tickets was unbelievably long for both the 10Club (90 min+) and Will-call (40 min)+. The only short line was for buying new tix.
3) Very poor trash management (I wanted to throw things out multiple times, but just couldn't find easily accessible trash cans).
Obviously, Number 2 is what annoyed so many people, including myself. I can also tell you that I will be filing a complaint with the BBB about the Dodge Music Center. It's the least one can do after a terribly managed evening. I hope many of you do the same.
My husband and I were in line for about 1.5 hours too - and it wasn't because we were drinking in the parking lot, it was because we couldn't leave work as early as some people could. We talked to one of the security guards (one of only about 3 that I saw outside) and he said that the box office never told him about the 10C tix so that he didn't have time to plan for a better system. Either way, we missed a few songs, but the show was AWESOME anyway!
~~How many of you believe in psycho-kinesis? Raise my hand.
2003 Tampa, Atlanta, St. Louis, Pittsburgh, Albany, Buffalo, State College, Bonner Springs, Council Bluffs, DC, Camden I & II, MSG I 2006 Albany, Hartford, Camden I & II, 2008 Hartford, Mansfield I
I've seen 10+ PJ shows, arriving at the show at about then same time and never experienced anything remotely as bad as that.
regardless of where the fault lies, i truly hope beyond hope that the tenclub is taking notes for future ticket distribution methods.
Coming from someone that truly believed the band was finished after Roskilde I will have to strongly, emphatically say that the band would take 2008 off and be back next summer.
"It's OK, It's OK, It's OK, I got college tuition to pay".
This show was last night?
With all due respect to you (and your family situation) but man, did you leave at 4pm from Long Island on a Friday? What'd you take, the LIE? I mean not for nothing but 95 is going to be backed up on a good day, but on a Friday in the summer, and there's a concert going on? I can only imagine the schlepping that entailed.
The ticket situation does sound pretty crazy though. I'm sorry that happened. I wish there was a way they could mail yous the tickets or FedEx them in advance so you wouldn't have to go through that?
"Sometimes life should be consumed in measured doses"
Free Speedy
and Metsy!
I had some punk pissing in a cup next to my girl, he is lucky she told me this when we were already out!
The show was great as always but not as good as the the MSG shows!
"I'll wait up in the dark for you to speak to me"
"We are on the brink of forever"
Dayum. I guess they expected a lot of Ls and Ms!!
That really sucks what happened
Where I'm not ugly and you're lookin' at me
mapquest had it at 3 hours, I allotted 5. The original plan was to take the Port Jeff Ferry, but the LIE Eastbound traffic made that impossible. We turned around at Exit 55, and headed to hartford. Westbound on the LIE, we flew. No traffic whatsoever until the 22 mile delay in CT. That was nowhere near the venue, had nothing to do with the show.
Mansfield was our first choice but it sold out quickly for the Monday show.
The cops directedd us to a pay lot and told us the free parking was full. I was kind of pissed when I was walking to the venue and saw that there was one free parking lot that was closed and we had just paid $20 to park. I wondered if the cops were getting some kickbacks to forceyou in a pay lot.
We got in line as soon as we got to the venue so it was shortly after 7 PM. We were about halfway between the ticketbooth and themain entrance to the venue parking lot. The line did not move for at least the first 30 or 40 minutes we in it. We moved a few feet every 15 to 20 minutes.
We saw a couple of guys taking out their frustrations by yelling at the cops and security. A couple of guys got arrested right in the line.
The problem was that they did not have more than one line. Every other show I have been to, there were more lines and better organization upfront to sort people. I did not see any one from the venue until I was near the front of the line. They should have been walking up and down the line and doing a better job of communicating and organizing the lines.
The end result was I got my tickets at 9:30 so I only missed 4 songs.
The show was sick. The guys really threw down a great show. I am happy I got to see what I did. I feel bad because there were so many people still behind me when I got my tickets.
What was the latest people got their tickets? I figured it would have been at least 10:15 to 10:30.
sounds like a nightmare from start to finish. and the set list was the most phenomenal so far imo, which would've peeved me off even more!
"Sometimes life should be consumed in measured doses"
Free Speedy
and Metsy!
someone said that the ticket window WAS NOT sorted by letters of last names. When I got my tickets, it most definately was sorted by letters. I remember
not sure how it went after that, as I'm an E-K. And how could you miss L-M?
When I got close, I was 5th or 6th in the E-K, and there were 5 or 6 people in A-D (including Captain Cuts-In-Line, who's date for the evening was Lenny from Of Mice and Men). L's-M's were walking up one at a time, as you would imagine, whatwith the 2 letter block.
Did they switch to blocks of letters late in the process? is that why we didn't move for an hour?
Whatever the story, i'm just about ready to put it behind me. i should state for the first time, since I've been one of the people who have brought the ugliness up most today, that I do not believe this was a 10 Club issue. I agree with the many who say, this was a Dodge Music center issue. If I do have a gripe with the 10 Club, it's that they've remained silent about it. Even if it was the venue's fault, 100%, it would be nice to hear from them on the matter, here on the board. At least an acknowledgement that it happened, and that they are aware of it. And yes, i'm sure I could e-mail them, and get the stock reply. I don't want to bother them, I'm sure they have enough to do, and have gotten enough e-mails about this.
*cough free tickets for those of us who were fucked cough*
eV: 8/4/08, 8/5/08, 6/21/11
SG: 10/4/08<-- MET STONE!!!
Yeah, I second that. As upset as everyone was, I'm glad that everyone kept their cool. The folks around me in the line were great...we were all obviously angry and disappointed, but everyone kept a sense of humor about the godawful situation.
Yeah, I agree 100%...I don't blame the 10 Club for what happened, and I'm not going to email them about it, but it would be nice to hear a "sorry things were fucked up." I am pretty surprised they don't have a representative at the show, and I would love to see the band move to some kind of mail process for our tickets.
Tonight, at least, went well. Made sure to get to the venue early, got my tickets first thing, good seats, good set list...but man, if last night were my only show of the tour, I'd be pretty disappointed.
They must have switched to that because when I was in line people walked up to whatever window regardless of name. Maybe that's why the line was moving quickly prior to 7:30. Why on earth would they switch to alphabetical?
Exactly..... Well said. I too was one of those who had to work, deal with child care and fight traffic.
I have a very extensive theater background and have played venues all around the world.
NEVER would we start a show without checking with the boxoffice first. This should not have been any different.
And I tried to warn everyone about traffic.
I also had only pleasant exchanges with the security and the cops....just one nasty little guy at the box office...wearing a black porkpie type hat.
I am very sorry to hear so many stories about people missing a good portion of the show. :( It was awesome.
And I don't feel right when you're gone away
I got stuck in that awful line too. I usually pick up my tix as soon as I can - but traffic & a problem with our hotel prevented that. I'm never doing that again......
I went last nite, it was last minute so I had crappy TM seats, but I felt so much more confident walking in there with a ticket IN HAND. (Awesome time, btw...had some drunk casual TEN fan next to me, who asked me a million questions, one being "this is Wishlist, right?" During fucking RVM! LOL. I told him what it was & he was all "wow, you know your shit!" haha.
Anyway, at this point (after getting screwed by 10club with my tickets last tour as well, no seats for me when I got to the window for Chicago one, so they pulled out some in the boonies & then night 2 NO SEATS at all, couldn't even get in), if they don't fix the system, I am seriously considering saying say screw it & just start getting crappy seats from TM, which would be a shame...but at least I'd KNOW I'm getting into the fucking show.
Something definitely needs to be done about this. 10club needs to learn from it. Mail the fucking tickets next tour. Yeah, maybe a few bad apples will get their hands on them...BIG FUCKING DEAL. The diehard fans will get their tickets & THAT'S what matters. I highly doubt there are any scalpers left in the club & if they join now if they start mailing, well, they'll have a shitty ass # & not get much for them anyway.
Fucking unacceptable that my best friend & I, along with many other die hards missed that unbelievable set due to all this incompetence. Fuckin shame.
(Thanks to the people in line around us for being so cool at least....& to the guys who let me buy 4 beers for 7 bucks, rock on. lol.
ITS THE VENUE that distributes the tickets.
Out of curiosity what time did you get there?
never happen and you are dead wrong about scalpers not having memberships
they play all the angles brother
Now you know-get there early to pick up your tix-Ive been doing that since the debacles of 03.
Sorry you missed part of the show.
it's not 10c's fault they had idiots running the windows. they don't have any control over the people that work at the dodge.
2004 Boston I
2006 Boston I
2008 Bonnaroo, Hartford, Mansfield I
2010 Hartford
2013 Worcester I, Worcester II, Hartford
2016 Bonnaroo, Fenway I, Fenway II
2018 Fenway I, Fenway II
2021 Sea.Hear.Now
2022 Camden
2024 MSG I, Fenway I, Fenway II
I went and got my tix @ 6 and it was fine.
I like your ideas about the ticket distribution. Please share them with 10c so we don't have to suffer like this again. This is also a great way to slow down the re-selling of fan club tickets.
I know the venue fucked up, but TENCLUB decides to distribute the tickets this way. They take our money, not the venure, therefore they are responsible for compensation. & You are dead wrong, Sir, if you think people have no life & can donate their whole fucking day to getting to a venue 6 hours before the band takes the stage to get tix they already paid for, nor should we have to. I got to the venue about 8. (PJ took stage @ 9:15 that night.) Again, it had NOTHING to do with time, it had to do with them not moving the fucking line for over an hour. 10club should be communicating with the venue, or have someone their over seeing things. As I said, if a few bad apples get their hands on some tix, then so be it at this point. Just get the fans their fucking tickets.
its no different than catching a flight... gotta leave time for anal cavity searches and stuff just in case
1) Poor overflow parking organization and management (also very far from the main lot)
2) The line to pick up tickets was unbelievably long for both the 10Club (90 min+) and Will-call (40 min)+. The only short line was for buying new tix.
3) Very poor trash management (I wanted to throw things out multiple times, but just couldn't find easily accessible trash cans).
Obviously, Number 2 is what annoyed so many people, including myself. I can also tell you that I will be filing a complaint with the BBB about the Dodge Music Center. It's the least one can do after a terribly managed evening. I hope many of you do the same.
2003 Tampa, Atlanta, St. Louis, Pittsburgh, Albany, Buffalo, State College, Bonner Springs, Council Bluffs, DC, Camden I & II, MSG I 2006 Albany, Hartford, Camden I & II, 2008 Hartford, Mansfield I