I see the street teamers are mobilizing. Marching orders from on high?
Any time Cornell does something publicly from now on, there is going to be major damage control from those street teamers. He is embarrassing himself and those who have been long time supporters.
i don't think he expects to win over soundgarden fans with this style of music , maybe that's his point !! he aint with soundgarden !!
and any attempt to carry on in the rock/grunge genres would bring " oh it's not as good as the soundgarden days"
the guy can't win really !! .
maybe the pipes cannot handle that style of singing anymore & does not want to fade away as a fallen rock idol .
he maybe thinks a change of vocal style (more comfortable ) & genre will bring new horizons & fans to a career that was standing still in general .
it's his life , not ours .
he is not expecting us guys to like it , it's not our style .
let him move to pastures new & remember what you will of his previous catalogue . you never know, he might just appreciate your blessing !!
beat it streetteamer! without his voice he is nothing. get a clue.
Yeah just 500 posts.. I must be a street teamer :rolleyes:
I'm not sure I follow your logic, but then again, I'm not sure I could possibly follow the logic of someone supporting CC at this point. Anyway, how does having 500 posts on the PJ message board prevent one from being a cc street teamer?
Idaho's Premier Outdoor Writer
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i don't think he expects to win over soundgarden fans with this style of music , maybe that's his point !! he aint with soundgarden !!
and any attempt to carry on in the rock/grunge genres would bring " oh it's not as good as the soundgarden days"
the guy can't win really !! .
maybe the pipes cannot handle that style of singing anymore & does not want to fade away as a fallen rock idol .
he maybe thinks a change of vocal style (more comfortable ) & genre will bring new horizons & fans to a career that was standing still in general .
it's his life , not ours .
he is not expecting us guys to like it , it's not our style .
let him move to pastures new & remember what you will of his previous catalogue . you never know, he might just appreciate your blessing !!
Erm, I'm pretty sure his pipes CAN handle that style of singing. If they couldn't why the hell would he play Soundgarden songs every night? Your whole argument makes little or no sense whatsoever.
I just caught Chris trying to put sugar in my gas tank! He's really gone bad now!!
C'mon, I think we all know that CC wouldn't be caught anywhere near the unfashionable city of Seattle at this point in his life. It might have been his brother or something. I hear he is as disgusted with the whole CC mess as anyone and is currently using his physical likeness to cause random people harm and further the CC smear campaign. Kudos to him, I say.
Idaho's Premier Outdoor Writer
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oh boy! another chris thread! we just cant pack enough hate into 1
what angers me the most is that theres no way he hasnt heard the the uproar by now... he CLEARLY doesnt give a fuck! we could start 50 threads and email him the links directly and he would still tell us to fuck off
oh boy! another chris thread! we just cant pack enough hate into 1
what angers me the most is that theres no way he hasnt heard the the uproar by now... he CLEARLY doesnt give a fuck! we could start 50 threads and email him the links directly and he would still tell us to fuck off
Honestly, I don't think Chris should care what I think, but that certainly isn't going to stop me from voicing my opinion.
You can put lipstick on a pig...
Idaho's Premier Outdoor Writer
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Honestly, I don't think Chris should care what I think, but that certainly isn't going to stop me from voicing my opinion.
You can put lipstick on a pig...
i think he should to some extent... not saying he should just mindlessly pander to us by doing the same song over and over while ignoring his own creative desires.... but hes instead pandering to an audience who and has and will never give any recognition to him financially, emotionally, or otherwise... he clearly cares what other non-fans and superficial music suits think of him, why shouldnt he care what we think??
Eddie seriously needs to go over to Chris Cornell's house with a case of beer...a couple of joints...whatever...and have a real heart to heart.
This man has lost his direction.
"Umm...Ahh...Uhh...Chris...WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU THINKING MAN"??
hahahha, if this won't happen soon, i'll begin to doubt from eddie and rest of the fellas too. stand the fuck up and raise you voice fellas! somebody gotta stop this prick from ruining his past
i think he should to some extent... not saying he should just mindlessly pander to us by doing the same song over and over while ignoring his own creative desires.... but hes instead pandering to an audience who and has and will never give any recognition to him financially, emotionally, or otherwise... he clearly cares what other non-fans and superficial music suits think of him, why shouldnt he care what we think??
Well, I would certainly rather he cared what long time fans think as opposed to caring what the masses of 13 year old dumbasses think.. Which, I guess is my point. He should do what he wants based on artstic merit and integrity but I don't feel any of that in his latest work. Scream feels like a deliberate effort to pander to the masses in order to regain some sense of popularity and to me that isn't honest at all. It's selling snake oil. Basically, if he didn't care what anybody thought and acted that way, I could respect and even admire that, but that doesn't seem to be the case at all.
Idaho's Premier Outdoor Writer
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The worst part about this is it isn't going to do him any favors. He's obviously been trying to break though into the mainstream world as a solo act. He was a part of Linkin Park's tour and he decided to work with Timbaland for his new record. Notice the crowd was dead when he did his part of the fashion rocks performances. It isn't his audience and I suspect in never will be despite his efforts. His new album will probably do a little better than Carry On (which as of last week hasn't even sold 200,000 copies). I'd be very surprised if a single makes a dent on any of the formats he's hoping to reach. It'll probably debut in the top 20 or so and quickly fall off the chart and this little experiment will be over. I'm probably being generous.
It's a shame she is being dragged along by all this... back in the Audioslave days she was a fantastic member of the community and well liked up all. Now she's become a laughing stock as the apparent ring-leader of the whole street-team / fanatic thing. I guess as the owner of the main CC fan site she's got no choice but to play along, either that or give up the whole thing. But still, that whole album review thing a few posts back was just dreadful, I doubt very much she even believes half of what she wrote deep down. It's all very sad :( I'd love to be able to go through old Audioslaved / CC forum posts she wrote years back, and see how much she's changed her tune in terms of genres / snobbery / artisitic dignity etc...
It's a shame Clare is being dragged along by all this... back in the Audioslave days she was a fantastic member of the community and well liked up all. Now she's become a laughing stock as the apparent ring-leader of the whole street-team / fanatic thing. I guess as the owner of the main CC fan site she's got no choice but to play along, either that or give up the whole thing. But still, that whole album review thing a few posts back was just dreadful, I doubt very much she even believes half of what she wrote deep down. It's all very sad :( I'd love to be able to go through old Audioslaved / CC forum posts she wrote years back, and see how much she's changed her tune in terms of genres / snobbery / artisitic dignity etc...
She'll always stick with Chris. As soon as Audioslave announced the split she immediately stopped posting and ended her involvement with the Audiophiles fan club. No need to discuss the memories or thank the fan club, on with the next project!
She'll always stick with Chris. As soon as Audioslave announced the split she immediately stopped posting and ended her involvement with the Audiophiles fan club. No need to discuss the memories or thank the fan club, on with the next project!
Not only that, she went from adoration and praise of the AS boys to pointing out their musical limitations in a big hurry. I actually liked her at one point but now I can't take her seriously.
Idaho's Premier Outdoor Writer
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Not only that, she went from adoration and praise of the AS boys to pointing out their musical limitations in a big hurry. I actually liked Clare at one point but now I can't take her seriously.
My thoughts exactly!!! She was so pumped and positive and got everyone in the mood for Chris, now this...I had total respect for her until she wrote to me and told me to "Be Brave" and explain myself to the team for my action of posting in these threads. I would love to post my response back to the team, but I'm not into the drama..
I knew all the rules, but the rules did not know me...GUARANTEED!
My thoughts exactly!!! She was so pumped and positive and got everyone in the mood for Chris, now this...I had total respect for her until she wrote to me and told me to "Be Brave" and explain myself to the team for my action of posting in these threads. I would love to post my response back to the team, but I'm not into the drama..
Jeebus! Seriously Yahamita, getting booted from that nasty little clique was probably the best thing that could have happened to you.
Idaho's Premier Outdoor Writer
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dont bring up specific peoples names guys! thats what got the first CC thread closed! its slanderous... i wanna keep things ones going as long as possible since i like the constructive conversation... its therapeutic for me
dont bring up specific peoples names guys! thats what got the first CC thread closed! its slanderous... i wanna keep things ones going as long as possible since i like the constructive conversation... its therapeutic for me
Good call..I'm glad I type "she"....can everyone else edit their posts, please. this is the most excitement these boards have had in weeks!
I knew all the rules, but the rules did not know me...GUARANTEED!
I'm just so, so sad. There is so much wrong with all of this I don't even know where to start. What get's me most is the treatment of the people who actually give a crap about this guys music. Do you think on any level he actually realises the extent to which he is alienating himself from everyone? I'd be devastated.......
My thoughts exactly!!! She was so pumped and positive and got everyone in the mood for Chris, now this...I had total respect for her until she wrote to me and told me to "Be Brave" and explain myself to the team for my action of posting in these threads. I would love to post my response back to the team, but I'm not into the drama..
It's as if CC is some sort of cult leader, and they are preparing his minions for the final drink of kool aid.
"Invasion of the Body Snatchers" comes to mind.
Eddie seriously needs to go over to Chris Cornell's house with a case of beer...a couple of joints...whatever...and have a real heart to heart.
This man has lost his direction.
"Umm...Ahh...Uhh...Chris...WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU THINKING MAN"??
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I'm starting to wish I'd stayed in it now, just so I'd know what was being said. I'm so curious...I could have been a mole
Yeah just 500 posts.. I must be a street teamer :rolleyes:
I'm not sure I follow your logic, but then again, I'm not sure I could possibly follow the logic of someone supporting CC at this point. Anyway, how does having 500 posts on the PJ message board prevent one from being a cc street teamer?
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Wishlist Foundation-
"Sitting on a cornflake, waiting for the van to come...."
C'mon, I think we all know that CC wouldn't be caught anywhere near the unfashionable city of Seattle at this point in his life. It might have been his brother or something. I hear he is as disgusted with the whole CC mess as anyone and is currently using his physical likeness to cause random people harm and further the CC smear campaign. Kudos to him, I say.
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what angers me the most is that theres no way he hasnt heard the the uproar by now... he CLEARLY doesnt give a fuck! we could start 50 threads and email him the links directly and he would still tell us to fuck off
Honestly, I don't think Chris should care what I think, but that certainly isn't going to stop me from voicing my opinion.
You can put lipstick on a pig...
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hahahha, if this won't happen soon, i'll begin to doubt from eddie and rest of the fellas too. stand the fuck up and raise you voice fellas! somebody gotta stop this prick from ruining his past
Well, I would certainly rather he cared what long time fans think as opposed to caring what the masses of 13 year old dumbasses think.. Which, I guess is my point. He should do what he wants based on artstic merit and integrity but I don't feel any of that in his latest work. Scream feels like a deliberate effort to pander to the masses in order to regain some sense of popularity and to me that isn't honest at all. It's selling snake oil. Basically, if he didn't care what anybody thought and acted that way, I could respect and even admire that, but that doesn't seem to be the case at all.
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"Oh, hello! You just caught me checking my e-mails on the NEW BLACKBERRY!"
Wishlist Foundation-
Not only that, she went from adoration and praise of the AS boys to pointing out their musical limitations in a big hurry. I actually liked her at one point but now I can't take her seriously.
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Wishlist Foundation-
They say every sin is deadly but I believe they may be wrong...I'm guilty of all seven and I don't feel too bad at all
Jeebus! Seriously Yahamita, getting booted from that nasty little clique was probably the best thing that could have happened to you.
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Wishlist Foundation-
It's as if CC is some sort of cult leader, and they are preparing his minions for the final drink of kool aid.
Wishlist Foundation-