This will be me and my little cousin's first ed solo show. I live in upsate Ny and I took the metro north for both msg shows, but what would be the best route for the united palace theatre shows? Id be driving to poughkeepsie and taking the metro north from there, should we go to harlem 125th street and walk from there, im not real good with the city yet as far as directions go. Just wanna look out for my little cousin he's still kinda young and all this talk about a bad neigborhood and people almost getting stabbed doesnt sound good so am just looking to get there and home in one peice. Thanks for anyone who can help out. later
This will be me and my little cousin's first ed solo show. I live in upsate Ny and I took the metro north for both msg shows, but what would be the best route for the united palace theatre shows? Id be driving to poughkeepsie and taking the metro north from there, should we go to harlem 125th street and walk from there, im not real good with the city yet as far as directions go. Just wanna look out for my little cousin he's still kinda young and all this talk about a bad neigborhood and people almost getting stabbed doesnt sound good so am just looking to get there and home in one peice. Thanks for anyone who can help out. later
No worries. Here's your best bet:
Don't get off at 125th, you'll actually end up doing more walking and have to transfer to 3 trains. Get off the Metro North at Grand Central.
Once there, take the S shuttle train from 42nd St. Grand Central to Times Square (that's all the S does, back n' forth, back n' forth, but you could walk if you wanna, it just gets hot down there, so be warned)
Once you get off the S, you'll be at 42nd St. Times Square/Penn, then you wanna take the Uptown bound A train (to Inwood - 207 St.) Ride that for 20-30 mins (depending on overflow or traffic) to 175th Street.
Exit near intersection of W 175th St and Fort Washington Ave, then walk East. For about 1 1/2-2 mins., go east on W 175th St towards Broadway and you'll come to --- 4140 BROADWAY - The United Palace Theatre ---
Total trip time from Grand Central: 40 - 45 mins.
Less walking & less transfers. Rinse & repeat.
PJ - 09/23/98: West Palm Beach II, 08/12/00: Tampa, 04/12/03: Orlando, 04/13/03: Tampa, 06/12/08: Tampa, 06/27/08: Hartford, 09/22/09: Seattle II, 04/11/16: Tampa, 05/01 &05/02/16: MSG I & II, 09/18/21: Sea Hear Now, 10/01& 10/02/21: Ohana Encore I & II, 05/06 & 05/07/22: Los Angeles I & II, 09/11/22: MSG, 09/16/22: Nashville, 09/02/23: St. Paul II, 09/07/23: Chicago II, 09/18& 09/19/23: Austin I & II, 05/16& 05/18/24: Las Vegas I & II, 08/29& 08/31/24: Wrigley Field I & II, 09/03& 09/04/24: MSG I & II, 09/27& 09/29/24: Ohana Festival I & II
EV - 08/04 & 08/05/08: (Eddie solo, w/Liam Finn) NYC I & II, 11/27 & 11/28/12: (Eddie solo, w/Glen Hansard) Orlando I & II, 02/09 & 02/10/22: (Eddie & the Earthlings) Chicago I & II, 09/30/23: (Eddie & the Earthlings) Ohana Festival
Song Wishlist: Oceans, Brother, Alone, Let Me Sleep, full W.M.A., Hold On, Bugs/all of Vitalogy, Gremmie Out Of Control (BAM!), Mankind, Around The Bend (full band), Whale Song (DOUBLE BAM!), The Long Road, Don't Gimme No Lip, Pilate, Push Me Pull Me, All Those Yesterdays, Rival, Parting Ways, Ghost, Bu$hleaguer, WWS, Parachutes, Army Reserve, low octave Driftin', Strangest Tribe, Other Side, Undone, Fatal, Hitchhiker, Education, Black Red Yellow, Of the Earth, Love Reign O'er Me, Gonna See My Friend, Amongst the Waves, Santa Cruz, Infallible, Yellow Moon, Alright, Comes Then Goes, Got to Give, and the Mamasan Trilogy.
Wanted Posters: WPB '98, Tampa/WPB '00, Tampa '03, EV Batmobile '08 ISO: any picks, or setlists from any of my shows!
PJ - 09/23/98: West Palm Beach II, 08/12/00: Tampa, 04/12/03: Orlando, 04/13/03: Tampa, 06/12/08: Tampa, 06/27/08: Hartford, 09/22/09: Seattle II, 04/11/16: Tampa, 05/01 &05/02/16: MSG I & II, 09/18/21: Sea Hear Now, 10/01& 10/02/21: Ohana Encore I & II, 05/06 & 05/07/22: Los Angeles I & II, 09/11/22: MSG, 09/16/22: Nashville, 09/02/23: St. Paul II, 09/07/23: Chicago II, 09/18& 09/19/23: Austin I & II, 05/16& 05/18/24: Las Vegas I & II, 08/29& 08/31/24: Wrigley Field I & II, 09/03& 09/04/24: MSG I & II, 09/27& 09/29/24: Ohana Festival I & II
EV - 08/04 & 08/05/08: (Eddie solo, w/Liam Finn) NYC I & II, 11/27 & 11/28/12: (Eddie solo, w/Glen Hansard) Orlando I & II, 02/09 & 02/10/22: (Eddie & the Earthlings) Chicago I & II, 09/30/23: (Eddie & the Earthlings) Ohana Festival
Song Wishlist: Oceans, Brother, Alone, Let Me Sleep, full W.M.A., Hold On, Bugs/all of Vitalogy, Gremmie Out Of Control (BAM!), Mankind, Around The Bend (full band), Whale Song (DOUBLE BAM!), The Long Road, Don't Gimme No Lip, Pilate, Push Me Pull Me, All Those Yesterdays, Rival, Parting Ways, Ghost, Bu$hleaguer, WWS, Parachutes, Army Reserve, low octave Driftin', Strangest Tribe, Other Side, Undone, Fatal, Hitchhiker, Education, Black Red Yellow, Of the Earth, Love Reign O'er Me, Gonna See My Friend, Amongst the Waves, Santa Cruz, Infallible, Yellow Moon, Alright, Comes Then Goes, Got to Give, and the Mamasan Trilogy.
Wanted Posters: WPB '98, Tampa/WPB '00, Tampa '03, EV Batmobile '08 ISO: any picks, or setlists from any of my shows!
Oh and this neighborhood's fine. Lived around there for 5 months during school. NY is gonna be NY. People get stabbed in Wall Street, Battery Park & the Village too. Multi-million dollar incomes do not a stabbing prevent :P
You guys'll be fine, there be a few cops and you got all us jammers around ya too. No worries
PJ - 09/23/98: West Palm Beach II, 08/12/00: Tampa, 04/12/03: Orlando, 04/13/03: Tampa, 06/12/08: Tampa, 06/27/08: Hartford, 09/22/09: Seattle II, 04/11/16: Tampa, 05/01 &05/02/16: MSG I & II, 09/18/21: Sea Hear Now, 10/01& 10/02/21: Ohana Encore I & II, 05/06 & 05/07/22: Los Angeles I & II, 09/11/22: MSG, 09/16/22: Nashville, 09/02/23: St. Paul II, 09/07/23: Chicago II, 09/18& 09/19/23: Austin I & II, 05/16& 05/18/24: Las Vegas I & II, 08/29& 08/31/24: Wrigley Field I & II, 09/03& 09/04/24: MSG I & II, 09/27& 09/29/24: Ohana Festival I & II
EV - 08/04 & 08/05/08: (Eddie solo, w/Liam Finn) NYC I & II, 11/27 & 11/28/12: (Eddie solo, w/Glen Hansard) Orlando I & II, 02/09 & 02/10/22: (Eddie & the Earthlings) Chicago I & II, 09/30/23: (Eddie & the Earthlings) Ohana Festival
Song Wishlist: Oceans, Brother, Alone, Let Me Sleep, full W.M.A., Hold On, Bugs/all of Vitalogy, Gremmie Out Of Control (BAM!), Mankind, Around The Bend (full band), Whale Song (DOUBLE BAM!), The Long Road, Don't Gimme No Lip, Pilate, Push Me Pull Me, All Those Yesterdays, Rival, Parting Ways, Ghost, Bu$hleaguer, WWS, Parachutes, Army Reserve, low octave Driftin', Strangest Tribe, Other Side, Undone, Fatal, Hitchhiker, Education, Black Red Yellow, Of the Earth, Love Reign O'er Me, Gonna See My Friend, Amongst the Waves, Santa Cruz, Infallible, Yellow Moon, Alright, Comes Then Goes, Got to Give, and the Mamasan Trilogy.
Wanted Posters: WPB '98, Tampa/WPB '00, Tampa '03, EV Batmobile '08 ISO: any picks, or setlists from any of my shows!
where do you live now? I often wish I lived in Seattle or Portland, OR
I live about 45 miles north of Denver. It's nice, but I miss Maine and the East Coast.
East Troy (The Ice Bowl) 2000
Council Bluffs 2003
St. Paul 2003
East Troy 2003
Boston Vote For Change Tour 2004
Montreal 2005
Denver Night 1 2006
Denver Night 2 2006
'twas my second pearl jam show. 1st one at the field house on CU campus. they started out on chairs at red rocks and jeff started out playing this cool upright bass guitar. it was terrific but i wasn't close enough! someday...
eddie solo at red rocks would be amazing. his voice bouncing off the rocks... wow!
I must say I am envious, I can only hope some day!
East Troy (The Ice Bowl) 2000
Council Bluffs 2003
St. Paul 2003
East Troy 2003
Boston Vote For Change Tour 2004
Montreal 2005
Denver Night 1 2006
Denver Night 2 2006
I certainly don't have dialup and EV tickets did absolutely take two's the general scenario:
1. you prelogin 5 mins before they go up;
2. you refresh madly every 2.2 seconds until the glorious little ticket icons appear on the right hand side of the page
3. you select your show and click the "Buy" button (you begin to wonder what people around here are complaining about and assume the 10c has made modifications to the system)
4. you IMMEDIATELY click checkout (don't dick around, you've only got about 13 seconds here before the thing is crashing)
5. you confirm billing and shipping address
6. you enter your ccard number
7. the system crashes and spits out an error message
8. you panic, but you are somehow comforted in the knowledge that "it must have crashed for everyone else too"
9. in the process of continuing to refresh every 2.2 seconds, you somehow logon to the Pit and see numerous threads from members proclaiming "GOT EM'"
10. you panic again, refreshing now at a rate of every 1.4 seconds
12. you call your credit card company and you see the charge has been put through...phew...only then you check the Pit again, thread titles now read , "FUCK, KAT SAYS UNLESS IT'S IN YOUR PROFILE, YOU'RE FUCKED"
13. you try to check your Profile only you can't
14. Refreshing now greets you with a database error
15. The Pit is down
16. The Pit is back
17. 1/2 of the site now loads, the rest has an XML:a adnasfjsjjsdfjksd ERROR
18. Site loads, your Profile shows nothing, there is NOTHING IN YOUR CART
19. Site crashes
20. Tickets are there, but they say "TEMPORARILY OUT OF STOCK"
21. You continue to refresh every .9 seconds in hopes of seeing the BUY button
22. You check the Pit, the thread titles now read "Temporarily Out of Stock GUYS, THERE ARE STILL TICKETS IN CARTS" (wtf?! why did they pop out of my fucking cart!)
23. In your mad fit of refreshing, you miss the BUY button ("it was FUCKING there!!!!")
24. You see the BUY button and click it! You heart soars, the next page loads and "your selection cannot be completed because the item is temporarily out of stock" you heart sinks
25. After 117 mins of refreshing the tickets are "OUT OF STOCK"
26. You spend the next 2 hours reading threads about how "simple" it was for some people wondering if you have "dial-up or something"
and that my friend, is how you spend 2 hours trying to get tickets that sell out in 30 seconds.
But hey, they could have fixed all that...isn't that what the poster sales were supposed to test GOOD LUCK. You'll need it.
That is an amazing recount of the ticketbuying experience.
All in all though, after having that exact situation happen to me several times, it is just like the old days off lining up outside ticketmaster and getting a lottery number. You get lucky or you miss-out.
Good luck to everyone tomorrow! Good luck to me on Wednesday!
does anyone know what the camera policy will be for this tour? will it be like the first ed ved solo tour or will it be like any other pearl jam tour?
No cameras, thank god! I posted on this previously RE: my husbands preference to tape/photograph every PJ show we've gone too. I'm 1M% happy about the no camera policy on the EV tousr. Finally he'll get to enjoy a show without thinking about a shot
2006: Boston I, Camden II
2007: Chicago
2008: Hartford, Mansfield I & II, EV Boston
2009: Philly III & IV
2010: Boston
2011: PJ20
2012: Philly
2013: Worcester I & II, Brooklyn I & II
I'm shitting bricks already and will be trying for both NYC (my credit card may spontaneously combust). If by some sheer fluke I manage to secure 10C tickets, I will be offering the 2nd ticket to someone on the Message Pit.
Toronto will be sweet. I wish I could see him there, Massey Hall is an awesome venue.
Glaciers melting in the dead of night and the superstars sucked into the supermassive.
I'm shitting bricks already and will be trying for both NYC (my credit card may spontaneously combust). If by some sheer fluke I manage to secure 10C tickets, I will be offering the 2nd ticket to someone on the Message Pit.
Same here! I think that's a great idea. If the sale goes down the way everyone's anticipating, it would be a really decent gesture of people who get tix (and obviously don't have a special someone to bring with them) to offer them to the Pit community.
I'm in.
Rise. Life is in motion. I'm stuck in line.
Oh rise. You can't be neutral on a moving train.
I'm shitting bricks already and will be trying for both NYC (my credit card may spontaneously combust). If by some sheer fluke I manage to secure 10C tickets, I will be offering the 2nd ticket to someone on the Message Pit.
Same here! I think that's a great idea. If the sale goes down the way everyone's anticipating, it would be a really decent gesture of people who get tix (and obviously don't have a special someone to bring with them) to offer them to the Pit community.
I'm in.
I will likely be doing the same, as my usual PJ companion is crying poverty this time around (she's got a $2,000 property tax bill due on August 1 - thank you, New Jersey free ride pension plan for government workers and double-dippers).
Wish me luck!
Laura in NJ
4-17-1994 Paramount Theater, NYC
6-20-1995 Red Rocks (Sponsored By No One tour)
6-23-1998 Fiddler’s Green, CO
7-09-2003 MSG NYC
9-28-2004 Fleet Center, Boston (Vote For Change warmup)
6-01-2006 & 6-03-2006 E. Rutherford, NJ
6-25-2008 MSG NYC * 7-07-2008 EV NJPAC
Same here! I think that's a great idea. If the sale goes down the way everyone's anticipating, it would be a really decent gesture of people who get tix (and obviously don't have a special someone to bring with them) to offer them to the Pit community.
I'm in.
I'm a little worried. I won't be available at all to get tickets through ticketmaster on Friday - so I'm crossing my fingers, I'm able to get them another way.
maybe they should only offer people 2 tickets to ONE show, so give ones that get shut out a better chance.
Barrie 98, Toronto 00, Toronto 03, Buffalo 03, Toronto 05, Hamilton 05, Kitchener 05, Toronto 06 I II, Lolla 07, Vedder Toronto I II, Toronto 09, Philly Oct 30 & 31 2009, Buffalo 2010, Cleveland 2010, Toronto I II 2011, Hamilton 2011, Ottawa 2011, London 2013, Buffalo 2013, Pittsburgh 2013, FLL 2016, Miami 2016, Tor I & II 2016, Barcelona 2018, Toronto 2022, Ottawa 2022, Quebec City 2022, Hamilton 2022
8/25/00NY, 9/1/00NJ, 4/30/03NY, 7/2&3/03MSG, 7/14/03NJ, 10/13/04 EdW/Boss, 9/24&25/05 St Johns, 5/13/06CT, 5/27&28/06NJ, 6/1/06NJ, 6/3/06NJ, 6/24/06 OH, 7/15-16/06CA, Lolla07, DC, MSGx2, MA1, ED SOLO NYC1&2!
96)Randalls Island I,II
00) Virginia Beach Jones Beach I,II,III Saratoga Springs Seattle I
03)Nassau Camden I MSG I,II NJ
04)Boston I,II Reading
05)Montreal Ottawa Toronto Borgata I,II Philly
06) Irving plaza Albany Hartford Camden I,II NJ I,II LA I,II Gorge I,II
08)Roo Camden I,II MSG I,II Hartford Beacon
09)Chicago I,II Philly II,III,IV
10)Hartford Newark MSG I,II
11)PJ20 I,II
13)Wrigley Brooklyn I,II Hartford
15)Central Park
17)Wrigley I,II
18)Wrigley I,II
yes! hope it goes as smoothely as the pj ticket sales. but i have a feeling it won't since the tickets are much more limited. =[
still undecided on whether i should do boston 1 or 2 since i can't do both!
which should i do!?
2008: MSG 1, Hartford, Mansfield 2, Ed Solo NYC 1
2009: London (O2), Philly 1, 2, 3, & 4
2010: Hartford, Boston, MSG 1 & 2
2011: Ed Solo Hartford
2012: Philly (MIA Fest)
2013: Worcester 2, Brooklyn 1 & 2, Hartford
been nervous since they announced it.
1996 Merriweather, MD; 1998 Camden, NJ; 2000 Camden, NJ; 2003 Camden, NJ; 2005 Philly, PA; 2006 Camden, NJ(nights 1 & 2); 2006 Arnhem, NED; 2008 Camden, NJ(nights 1 & 2), Washington DC, MSG(night 2) 2009 Philly Spectrum Shows(nights 1,2,3,4) 2010 Hartford,CT and MSG(night 2)
ED Solo - 2008 Washington DC, 2009 Philly, PA(nights 1&2)*Met Eddie
if they are on sale at different times, I would try for boston 1 & if you can't get tickets than at least you have a second option.
1996 Merriweather, MD; 1998 Camden, NJ; 2000 Camden, NJ; 2003 Camden, NJ; 2005 Philly, PA; 2006 Camden, NJ(nights 1 & 2); 2006 Arnhem, NED; 2008 Camden, NJ(nights 1 & 2), Washington DC, MSG(night 2) 2009 Philly Spectrum Shows(nights 1,2,3,4) 2010 Hartford,CT and MSG(night 2)
ED Solo - 2008 Washington DC, 2009 Philly, PA(nights 1&2)*Met Eddie
No worries. Here's your best bet:
Don't get off at 125th, you'll actually end up doing more walking and have to transfer to 3 trains. Get off the Metro North at Grand Central.
Once there, take the S shuttle train from 42nd St. Grand Central to Times Square (that's all the S does, back n' forth, back n' forth, but you could walk if you wanna, it just gets hot down there, so be warned)
Once you get off the S, you'll be at 42nd St. Times Square/Penn, then you wanna take the Uptown bound A train (to Inwood - 207 St.) Ride that for 20-30 mins (depending on overflow or traffic) to 175th Street.
Exit near intersection of W 175th St and Fort Washington Ave, then walk East. For about 1 1/2-2 mins., go east on W 175th St towards Broadway and you'll come to --- 4140 BROADWAY - The United Palace Theatre ---
Total trip time from Grand Central: 40 - 45 mins.
Less walking & less transfers. Rinse & repeat.
Song Wishlist: Oceans, Brother, Alone, Let Me Sleep, full W.M.A., Hold On, Bugs/all of Vitalogy, Gremmie Out Of Control (BAM!), Mankind, Around The Bend (full band), Whale Song (DOUBLE BAM!), The Long Road, Don't Gimme No Lip, Pilate, Push Me Pull Me, All Those Yesterdays, Rival, Parting Ways, Ghost, Bu$hleaguer, WWS, Parachutes, Army Reserve, low octave Driftin', Strangest Tribe, Other Side, Undone, Fatal, Hitchhiker, Education, Black Red Yellow, Of the Earth, Love Reign O'er Me, Gonna See My Friend, Amongst the Waves, Santa Cruz, Infallible, Yellow Moon, Alright, Comes Then Goes, Got to Give, and the Mamasan Trilogy.
Cause that's the route i'm taking :P
Song Wishlist: Oceans, Brother, Alone, Let Me Sleep, full W.M.A., Hold On, Bugs/all of Vitalogy, Gremmie Out Of Control (BAM!), Mankind, Around The Bend (full band), Whale Song (DOUBLE BAM!), The Long Road, Don't Gimme No Lip, Pilate, Push Me Pull Me, All Those Yesterdays, Rival, Parting Ways, Ghost, Bu$hleaguer, WWS, Parachutes, Army Reserve, low octave Driftin', Strangest Tribe, Other Side, Undone, Fatal, Hitchhiker, Education, Black Red Yellow, Of the Earth, Love Reign O'er Me, Gonna See My Friend, Amongst the Waves, Santa Cruz, Infallible, Yellow Moon, Alright, Comes Then Goes, Got to Give, and the Mamasan Trilogy.
You guys'll be fine, there be a few cops and you got all us jammers around ya too. No worries
Song Wishlist: Oceans, Brother, Alone, Let Me Sleep, full W.M.A., Hold On, Bugs/all of Vitalogy, Gremmie Out Of Control (BAM!), Mankind, Around The Bend (full band), Whale Song (DOUBLE BAM!), The Long Road, Don't Gimme No Lip, Pilate, Push Me Pull Me, All Those Yesterdays, Rival, Parting Ways, Ghost, Bu$hleaguer, WWS, Parachutes, Army Reserve, low octave Driftin', Strangest Tribe, Other Side, Undone, Fatal, Hitchhiker, Education, Black Red Yellow, Of the Earth, Love Reign O'er Me, Gonna See My Friend, Amongst the Waves, Santa Cruz, Infallible, Yellow Moon, Alright, Comes Then Goes, Got to Give, and the Mamasan Trilogy.
I live about 45 miles north of Denver. It's nice, but I miss Maine and the East Coast.
Council Bluffs 2003
St. Paul 2003
East Troy 2003
Boston Vote For Change Tour 2004
Montreal 2005
Denver Night 1 2006
Denver Night 2 2006
I must say I am envious, I can only hope some day!
Council Bluffs 2003
St. Paul 2003
East Troy 2003
Boston Vote For Change Tour 2004
Montreal 2005
Denver Night 1 2006
Denver Night 2 2006
That is an amazing recount of the ticketbuying experience.
All in all though, after having that exact situation happen to me several times, it is just like the old days off lining up outside ticketmaster and getting a lottery number. You get lucky or you miss-out.
Good luck to everyone tomorrow! Good luck to me on Wednesday!
No cameras, thank god! I posted on this previously RE: my husbands preference to tape/photograph every PJ show we've gone too. I'm 1M% happy about the no camera policy on the EV tousr. Finally he'll get to enjoy a show without thinking about a shot
2007: Chicago
2008: Hartford, Mansfield I & II, EV Boston
2009: Philly III & IV
2010: Boston
2011: PJ20
2012: Philly
2013: Worcester I & II, Brooklyn I & II
Toronto will be sweet. I wish I could see him there, Massey Hall is an awesome venue.
Same here! I think that's a great idea. If the sale goes down the way everyone's anticipating, it would be a really decent gesture of people who get tix (and obviously don't have a special someone to bring with them) to offer them to the Pit community.
I'm in.
Oh rise. You can't be neutral on a moving train.
I will likely be doing the same, as my usual PJ companion is crying poverty this time around (she's got a $2,000 property tax bill due on August 1 - thank you, New Jersey free ride pension plan for government workers and double-dippers).
Wish me luck!
4-17-1994 Paramount Theater, NYC
6-20-1995 Red Rocks (Sponsored By No One tour)
6-23-1998 Fiddler’s Green, CO
7-09-2003 MSG NYC
9-28-2004 Fleet Center, Boston (Vote For Change warmup)
6-01-2006 & 6-03-2006 E. Rutherford, NJ
6-25-2008 MSG NYC * 7-07-2008 EV NJPAC
EV:boston 1+2.albnay 2010
Awesome! I don't have anyone to take, my PJ buddy can't fly down from Winnipeg again. I'm totally broke, but there's no way I'm missing this
Good luck everyone!
thanks you 10c!!!!!
Hartford, CT 1998
Hartford, CT 2006
Hartford, CT 2008
Albany, NY 2009
Hartford, CT 2010
Hartford, CT 2011
why is a boston pair $166 then?