Official 2023 Ticket Lottery Results Thread



  • machinehummachinehum Posts: 166
    edited April 2023
    Post edited by machinehum on
  • Hagrid7575Hagrid7575 Posts: 184
    know1 said:
    Is anyone else very afraid for another seat reassignment. The first one moved me back, but it wasn't too bad. I'm worried about the next one.
    At this point, Im more worried about my CC being charged a third time and they just shutting the card down because of 46 transactions for 366.84 or whatever the heck it was. 
  • aisleseatsaisleseats Posts: 1,403
    know1 said:
    Is anyone else very afraid for another seat reassignment. The first one moved me back, but it wasn't too bad. I'm worried about the next one.
    Bring it on! What the fuck they gonna do at this point?
  • know1know1 Posts: 6,794
    Maybe during the shows, they will randomly throw the house lights on, stop playing and let everyone switch seats just like musical chairs.
    The only people we should try to get even with...
    ...are those who've helped us.

    Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
  • jdopjjdopj Posts: 657
    Go Animal said:
    There's a little bit of gaslighting here, and it doesn't sit well with me.

    "We are committed to getting more inventory into the hands of Ten Club members and the only way to add more tickets is to go higher up."

    This is not true. PJ Premium is taking a good chunk of the best seats. It needs to be abolished.

    Save a HANDFULL of the good seats/rows for Premium, give good seats to all 10 clubbers (based on seniority so nobody's panties are in a bunch), and sell what's leftover as a mix of regular price & Premium for the regular ticket buyer. 

    I firmly believe this band doesn't NEED PJ Premium. Love 'em. Respect the hell out of them. 

    But it shouldn't be like this. 
    Exactly. You don’t need a majority of the tickets. You traded the great/good seats for a ton of crappy tickets.
    Those can always be had if you want them.
  • dmbolpdmbolp Posts: 1,287
    The message comes from:

    722 Preston Ave Ste 201, Charlottesville, VA 22903
    © 2023 Ticketstoday. All rights reserved.

    Home of DMB and their fan club, Warehouse, and TicketsToday, Coran Capshaw, etc...

    I'm sticking with my Priority change theory, in that it's now NBA ping pong style for shows where demand exceeds supply; not sure how many balls everyone gets, but in DMB world you get a # of balls equal to your years of seniority.  This allows a Priority 1 to lose to any other Priority, but somewhat helps those with good seniority.
  • They should have just cut their losses on this. Now they are going to move everyone around again-making a small amount happy-and pissing everyone else off. It’s going to be a complete repeat of the last reassignment. 
  • It’s was a lottery.. as in everyone has equal shot at the same tickets. It doesn’t matter when you became a member or not. I’ve been lucky enough to be in the pit at multiple shows and now I’m in the 300 level. I’m not mad because I’m going to the show. A price break for being up there would have been nice but at least I’m going. Some of you all act like entitled pricks and it’s awful.
  • IlliniGuy76IlliniGuy76 Posts: 563
    edited April 2023
    Kevinman said:
    PJNB said:
    PJNB said:
    Oh look at this!
    "We also want to address fan frustration about Ten Club tickets being located in higher levels of the venues compared to prior tours. We are committed to getting more inventory into the hands of Ten Club members and the only way to add more tickets is to go higher up. As a result of this additional inventory, we were able to allocate more tickets to Ten Club members than on any previous arena tour."
    They made this really clear in the announcement and FAQ, but when I pointed it out the usual suspects here all told me I was an idiot and a newb and a moron because the plain text obviously didn't say what it actually said. I was definitely misinterpreting it! Now they say clearly and officially, AGAIN, that this is exactly what's happening. 
    I won't hold my breath for apologies form the six of you sad sacks that know who you are. 
    Nobody should of been arguing against that. They did the same last tour with plenty of seats going out in the uppers. It was the low 10C seniority that was being placed up there that was the issue. And that is being corrected like it should be.
    Still doesn't fix the priority 1s that didn't win when lower priorities won
    No offense, but they obviously changed how priority works. They changed the official language around it for a reason. Why keep beating a dead horse? Lobby 10C if you think it's not right. Posting here over and over that it was "broken" and needs to be "fixed" is just a waste of your energy, it couldn't possibly be any more clear that they intentionally changed it. 
    Priority worked like it was supposed to for GA. Why are you ignoring this. RES was broken. 
    Sigh. You're asserting that with no evidence. It's entirely possible that the same process is used for both but because of all the variables involved, GA ended up working out something closer to how things used to work. Thousands about thousands of people went through this process and we have self-reported data for a few dozen of them. We can't possibly make assertions like the one you're making. It's nonsense.
    You can't debunk it either, so why do you keep insisting on it?
    I'm not going to try to talk to you about proving a negative and the onus of evidence again. Sorry. You don't actually want to hear anything, you just want to posture and attack. Enjoy. 
    The "onus of evidence" is literally "PearlJamDude10" or "I'm Alive" or "MikeRocks" tossing complete speculation out there with literally zero iota as to the answer of:  why.  That's not posturing or attacking nor is it being crazy - they simply want to know why they've paid their membership fees for this very opportunity & the priority didn't work as intended.
    LOL you did it again! You're assuming "priority didn't work as intended" when, in fact, literally the *only* two things we know about priority are:

    1. that they changed the official language around it, drastically.
    2. It did not seem to work the way it used to/people think it will. 

    These two facts combined clearly point to the inference that the way it is "intended" to work has been changed.
    No where did they state that priority changed to the tune of:  You may not get Priority one but someone with Priority 7 or 8 - with the same seat selections - may get seats.
    Very simple question that could be answered.
    I'm done here - you're wanting to continue to toss old very odd suggestions;  folks are just simply trying to get an answer to something they put money into and obviously very clearly didn't work as intended.  You literally wouldn't have a Priority 1/2/3 etc. if it wasn't going to be ranked by.... a numerical priority.
    or you can come to terms and realize
    you're the only one who can forgive yourself oh yeah...
    makes much more sense to live in the present tense...

    1995:  7/11 (Chicago) 2009: 8/23, 8/24 (Chicago) 2010:  5/9 (Cleveland) 2013 7/19 (Chicago) 2016: 4/9 (Miami), 5/1 (NYC), 8/20 & 8/22 (Chicago)
    2018: 8/18 (Chicago) & 8/20 (Chicago) 2022:  9/11 (NYC), 9/18 (STL) 2023:  9/5 (Chicago), 9/7 (Chicago) 2024:  8/29 (Chicago), 8/31 (Chicago)

  • FC28207FC28207 Posts: 71
    Did ya'll see this....

    AND, how do we know if we will be moved? 

    A message from Ten Club

    We are sending a note to all Ten Club reserved seat ticket holders. 

    We apologize for the confusion and extra time it has taken to complete Ten Club’s presale. What we initially believed to be one issue affecting five shows turned out to be two separate issues - one originating from Ticketmaster and the second from Ten Club - affecting Ten Club seniority-based seating assignments across all nine shows. This had no impact on who got tickets, but did affect where those ticket holders’ seats were assigned. Based on this updated information, we now know the first attempt to fix these issues wasn’t sufficient. We remain fully committed to making things right. 

    In the coming days, Ten Club and Ticketmaster will be working on a solution to reassign seats to their final proper seniority based order. For some of you this will be a second reassignment. Tickets will not show in your Ticketmaster account until all seating assignments are finalized. You’ll be notified of any changes to your seating assignment in the next week. You will not lose your tickets and Friday’s Verified Fan on sale will not impact your seats. 

    We also want to address fan frustration about Ten Club tickets being located in higher levels of the venues compared to prior tours. We are committed to getting more inventory into the hands of Ten Club members and the only way to add more tickets is to go higher up. As a result of this additional inventory, we were able to allocate more tickets to Ten Club members than on any previous arena tour. 

    We want to reassure you that if you received an email confirmation, you have tickets to the show. We apologize that you may not know exactly where your seats will be located yet. 

    We are grateful for the Ten Club community and striving to do our best for you. Thank you for your patience. 

    Ten Club
    They are reshuffling the reserved seat deck.  Every reserved seat.
    1. Red Rocks '95, second night starting on chairs
    2. buncha others, doesn't really matter
  • know1 said:
    Maybe during the shows, they will randomly throw the house lights on, stop playing and let everyone switch seats just like musical chairs.
    Yessssss 🤣🤣🤣
    Austin, TX - 9/16/95 ~ Charleston, SC - 10/5/96 ~ Dallas, TX - 7/5/98 ~ San Antonio, TX - 4/5/03 ~ Denver, CO - 7/2/06 ~ EV - LA #2 - 4/13/08 ~ Austin, TX - 10/4/09 ~ Los Angeles, CA #1 - 11/23/13 ~ Los Angeles, CA #2 - 11/24/13 ~ Seattle, WA - 12/6/13 ~ NYC #1 - 5/1/16 ~ Boston, MA #1 - 8/5/16 ~ Boston, MA #2 - 8/7/16 ~ Boston, MA #1 - 9/2/18 ~ Boston, MA #2 - 9/4/18 ~ Louisville, KY - 9/17/22 ~ Ft. Worth, TX #1 - 9/13/23 ~ Ft. Worth, TX #2 - 9/15/23 ~ Austin, Texas #1 - 9/18/23 ~ Austin, Texas #2 - 9/19/23 ~ NYC #2 - 9/4/24 ~ Boston, MA #1 - 9/15/24 ~ Boston, MA #2 - 9/17/24
  • StojStoj Posts: 122
    ZoSoTim said:
    I'm glad they are going to (hopefully) fix this mess for the longtime 10C members but now I'm afraid I'll get fucked out of my aisle seats for the FTW shows. My seats for both of them aren't great but I was happy to be on the aisle. It's a small venue anyway so just being in was good enough.
    Same for me/Chicago N1 & N2.  I got nosebleeds but at least they're AISLE nosebleeds.  I'll be rolling the dice in the other sales regardless & just keeping the best ones (if I even secure other tickets).
    August 20, 2016 - Wrigley
    August 22, 2016 - Wrigley
    August 18, 2018 - Wrigley
    August 20, 2018 - Wrigley
    May 09, 2022 - Gila River Arena
    August 29, 2024 - Wrigley
  • machinehummachinehum Posts: 166
    edited April 2023
    Post edited by machinehum on
  • jdopjjdopj Posts: 657
    There is a possibility that they just move the people that are clearly not in the right place and leave the rest alone if it’s not obvious. That would be the easiest thing to do 
  • cblock4lifecblock4life Posts: 1,715
    L1quid said:
    I can appreciate the logic of "more 10c seats means higher sections" but at some point that trade off isnt worth it when they claim to reserve the best seats for 10c. 

    Now I get to decide if its worth flying from the west coast to sit in the 3rd level, or if I should be a bad 10c member and sell my tickets (as is my right in IL).
    What if there was never a mistake? And you got the shitty seats first and never even felt the thrill of getting so close….would you still not go? If you were going no matter what before don’t let this spoil it.  You’ll have a blast no matter what 
  • fixer123fixer123 Posts: 140
    wsimon74 said:
    Edved007 said:
    I have tried to remain patient during this whole process, but now Tickets Today has confirmed (at least for Austin) that seats were totally random and the seats available for 10C were evenly split with the Verified Fan on sale, and this is not even counting the 10% that were held back for premium that was communicated to us. 

    Almost everyone that had seats reassigned became significantly worse and it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out they screwed up and assigned seats to 10C folks that were meant either for premium and/or held back for other on sale opportunities. My patience has officially run out, this whole things has soured me to a point that is really sad.  

    It was communicated that more seats were available and spread throughout the venues, but at least in the case of Chicago it appears that the entire 10C has been moved to the 300 level.  The lack of transparency and communication about this debacle is the most frustrating part of the whole thing. 

    And i do agree with some others, I personally can't wait until I have all these tickets officially delivered to me so I can dump them ASAP.
    They need to pull a Taylor Swift, cancel or reschedule the Verified Sale and clear all of this up and have 10C allocate tix based upon seniority. Will it happen, no. Should it happen, yes. September is a long ways away, there is time to fix this. 
    This. It’s the only way to make any of this right.
    think I'll throw these pills away...
  • aisleseatsaisleseats Posts: 1,403
    Stoj said:
    ZoSoTim said:
    I'm glad they are going to (hopefully) fix this mess for the longtime 10C members but now I'm afraid I'll get fucked out of my aisle seats for the FTW shows. My seats for both of them aren't great but I was happy to be on the aisle. It's a small venue anyway so just being in was good enough.
    Same for me/Chicago N1 & N2.  I got nosebleeds but at least they're AISLE nosebleeds.  I'll be rolling the dice in the other sales regardless & just keeping the best ones (if I even secure other tickets).
    That felt personal.
  • JimmyVJimmyV Posts: 19,128
    FC28207 said:
    I’m about ready for flamewars to be moved to PMs
    Did you know you can't mute someone who has their profile set to private? I learned that today. Seems like a flaw in the system just begging to be exploited by trolls. 

    "...I changed by not changing at all..."
  • LaFleurLaFleur Posts: 810
    PJNB said:
    Oh look at this!
    "We also want to address fan frustration about Ten Club tickets being located in higher levels of the venues compared to prior tours. We are committed to getting more inventory into the hands of Ten Club members and the only way to add more tickets is to go higher up. As a result of this additional inventory, we were able to allocate more tickets to Ten Club members than on any previous arena tour."
    They made this really clear in the announcement and FAQ, but when I pointed it out the usual suspects here all told me I was an idiot and a newb and a moron because the plain text obviously didn't say what it actually said. I was definitely misinterpreting it! Now they say clearly and officially, AGAIN, that this is exactly what's happening. 
    I won't hold my breath for apologies form the six of you sad sacks that know who you are. 
    Nobody should of been arguing against that. They did the same last tour with plenty of seats going out in the uppers. It was the low 10C seniority that was being placed up there that was the issue. And that is being corrected like it should be.
    Still doesn't fix the priority 1s that didn't win when lower priorities won
    No offense, but they obviously changed how priority works. They changed the official language around it for a reason. Why keep beating a dead horse? Lobby 10C if you think it's not right. Posting here over and over that it was "broken" and needs to be "fixed" is just a waste of your energy, it couldn't possibly be any more clear that they intentionally changed it. 
    Except they didn't change the language (at least not since 2020). 2020, 2022 and 2023 all THE EXACT SAME.

    Barrie - '98
    Toronto - '96, '00, '03, '05, '06, '16, '20, '22
    Ottawa - '16, '20, '22
    Hamilton - '20, '22
  • DEGBTIDEGBTI Posts: 966
    jwhjr17 said:
    So does this mean GA won’t change for folks? 
    Your assigned GA spot may change :wink:
    I'm know your joking, but everyone with GA can relax. The letter was sent out to reserved seating only. Read the title of the email
  • KwienekeKwieneke Indiana Posts: 1,548
    It only makes sense to cancel VF for tomorrow 
    Noblesville 5.7.2010. Lexington 4.26.2016. Nashville 9.16.2022. St Louis 9.18.2022.
    Chicago 1 9.5.2023. Chicago 2 9.7.2023. 
    *Noblesville 9.10.2023* (Gutted) 
    Seattle 5.30.2024  Noblesville 8.26.2024  Chicago 8.29.2024  Chicago 8.31.2024 
  • IlliniGuy76IlliniGuy76 Posts: 563
    Kevinman said:
    PJNB said:
    PJNB said:
    Oh look at this!
    "We also want to address fan frustration about Ten Club tickets being located in higher levels of the venues compared to prior tours. We are committed to getting more inventory into the hands of Ten Club members and the only way to add more tickets is to go higher up. As a result of this additional inventory, we were able to allocate more tickets to Ten Club members than on any previous arena tour."
    They made this really clear in the announcement and FAQ, but when I pointed it out the usual suspects here all told me I was an idiot and a newb and a moron because the plain text obviously didn't say what it actually said. I was definitely misinterpreting it! Now they say clearly and officially, AGAIN, that this is exactly what's happening. 
    I won't hold my breath for apologies form the six of you sad sacks that know who you are. 
    Nobody should of been arguing against that. They did the same last tour with plenty of seats going out in the uppers. It was the low 10C seniority that was being placed up there that was the issue. And that is being corrected like it should be.
    Still doesn't fix the priority 1s that didn't win when lower priorities won
    No offense, but they obviously changed how priority works. They changed the official language around it for a reason. Why keep beating a dead horse? Lobby 10C if you think it's not right. Posting here over and over that it was "broken" and needs to be "fixed" is just a waste of your energy, it couldn't possibly be any more clear that they intentionally changed it. 
    Priority worked like it was supposed to for GA. Why are you ignoring this. RES was broken. 
    Sigh. You're asserting that with no evidence. It's entirely possible that the same process is used for both but because of all the variables involved, GA ended up working out something closer to how things used to work. Thousands about thousands of people went through this process and we have self-reported data for a few dozen of them. We can't possibly make assertions like the one you're making. It's nonsense.
    You can't debunk it either, so why do you keep insisting on it?
    I'm not going to try to talk to you about proving a negative and the onus of evidence again. Sorry. You don't actually want to hear anything, you just want to posture and attack. Enjoy. 
    The "onus of evidence" is literally "PearlJamDude10" or "I'm Alive" or "MikeRocks" tossing complete speculation out there with literally zero iota as to the answer of:  why.  That's not posturing or attacking nor is it being crazy - they simply want to know why they've paid their membership fees for this very opportunity & the priority didn't work as intended.
    LOL you did it again! You're assuming "priority didn't work as intended" when, in fact, literally the *only* two things we know about priority are:

    1. that they changed the official language around it, drastically.
    2. It did not seem to work the way it used to/people think it will. 

    These two facts combined clearly point to the inference that the way it is "intended" to work has been changed.
    No where did they state that priority changed to the tune of:  You may not get Priority one but someone with Priority 7 or 8 - with the same seat selections - may get seats.
    Very simple question that could be answered.
    I'm done here - you're wanting to continue to toss old very odd suggestions;  folks are just simply trying to get an answer to something they put money into and obviously very clearly didn't work as intended.
    Lol, so because they didn't explain what it changed *to*, you refuse to accept their clear statement that it changed. I don't know how some people get through life. It must be a struggle. 
    Ahhh, yes - pre-pubescent insults.  I don't know how people get through life being as obviously miserable as you appear to be.
    It's a very simple question that anyone can answer - how did someone who has paid their membership fees not get Priority 1 when people got them at Priority 7/8;  why even have a priority based on numerical value at that point?
    Go ahead, pal - have the last word.  We all know you so desperately wish that to be the case.
    or you can come to terms and realize
    you're the only one who can forgive yourself oh yeah...
    makes much more sense to live in the present tense...

    1995:  7/11 (Chicago) 2009: 8/23, 8/24 (Chicago) 2010:  5/9 (Cleveland) 2013 7/19 (Chicago) 2016: 4/9 (Miami), 5/1 (NYC), 8/20 & 8/22 (Chicago)
    2018: 8/18 (Chicago) & 8/20 (Chicago) 2022:  9/11 (NYC), 9/18 (STL) 2023:  9/5 (Chicago), 9/7 (Chicago) 2024:  8/29 (Chicago), 8/31 (Chicago)

  • machinehummachinehum Posts: 166
    edited April 2023
    Post edited by machinehum on
  • StojStoj Posts: 122
    Stoj said:
    ZoSoTim said:
    I'm glad they are going to (hopefully) fix this mess for the longtime 10C members but now I'm afraid I'll get fucked out of my aisle seats for the FTW shows. My seats for both of them aren't great but I was happy to be on the aisle. It's a small venue anyway so just being in was good enough.
    Same for me/Chicago N1 & N2.  I got nosebleeds but at least they're AISLE nosebleeds.  I'll be rolling the dice in the other sales regardless & just keeping the best ones (if I even secure other tickets).
    That felt personal.
    I would never want see you with a nosebleed, good sir!
    August 20, 2016 - Wrigley
    August 22, 2016 - Wrigley
    August 18, 2018 - Wrigley
    August 20, 2018 - Wrigley
    May 09, 2022 - Gila River Arena
    August 29, 2024 - Wrigley
  • fixer123fixer123 Posts: 140
    Maybe now it’s easier to understand why they don’t tour as much or don’t like touring.  I wouldn’t want to deal with all the anger and bad energy that comes with this entire process.  
    How much of it actually makes it to them though?
    think I'll throw these pills away...
  • Edved007Edved007 Posts: 1,033
    The context from that update makes it sound like the verified fan sale will go on as scheduled the hell do they even know what seats they have sell at this point outside of the Premium ones that were most likely earmarked the whole time....or there really aren't any besides a very small amount of totally garbage seats that were not allocated as part of this whole mess.
    95' - 7/9
    98' - 6/26, 6/27, 6/29, 8/26, 9/22
    03' - 4/25
    06' - 6/29, 6/30
    07' - 8/05
    09' - 8/23
    11' - 9/03, 9/04
    12' - 9/30
    13' - 7/16, 7/19, 10/21, 10/22, 11/15, 11/16, 12/06
    14' - 06/28, 06/29, 10/1, 10/03, 10/16, 10/17, 10/20, 10/22
    15' - 11/20, 11/22
    16' - 4/21, 4/26, 4/28, 4/29, 5/1, 5/2, 7/9, 8/5, 8/7, 8/20, 8/22
    17' - 4/7
    18' - 7/1, 7/3, 7/5, 8/8, 8/10, 8/18, 8/20, 9/4
    21' - 10/1, 10/2
    22' - 7/12, 7/14, 9/6, 9/8
  • DEGBTI said:
    jwhjr17 said:
    So does this mean GA won’t change for folks? 
    Your assigned GA spot may change :wink:
    I'm know you’re joking, but everyone with GA can relax. The letter was sent out to reserved seating only. Read the title of the email
    That’s just it. I have GA for one show, reserved for 3. No email. Wonder why I didn’t get it. 
    Austin, TX - 9/16/95 ~ Charleston, SC - 10/5/96 ~ Dallas, TX - 7/5/98 ~ San Antonio, TX - 4/5/03 ~ Denver, CO - 7/2/06 ~ EV - LA #2 - 4/13/08 ~ Austin, TX - 10/4/09 ~ Los Angeles, CA #1 - 11/23/13 ~ Los Angeles, CA #2 - 11/24/13 ~ Seattle, WA - 12/6/13 ~ NYC #1 - 5/1/16 ~ Boston, MA #1 - 8/5/16 ~ Boston, MA #2 - 8/7/16 ~ Boston, MA #1 - 9/2/18 ~ Boston, MA #2 - 9/4/18 ~ Louisville, KY - 9/17/22 ~ Ft. Worth, TX #1 - 9/13/23 ~ Ft. Worth, TX #2 - 9/15/23 ~ Austin, Texas #1 - 9/18/23 ~ Austin, Texas #2 - 9/19/23 ~ NYC #2 - 9/4/24 ~ Boston, MA #1 - 9/15/24 ~ Boston, MA #2 - 9/17/24
  • aisleseatsaisleseats Posts: 1,403
    Kwieneke said:
    It only makes sense to cancel VF for tomorrow 
    Not if they decide now that they're gonna block all the lowers and decent seats to reallocate to 10C and only release the shitty uppers for VF.
  • KwienekeKwieneke Indiana Posts: 1,548
    Edved007 said:
    The context from that update makes it sound like the verified fan sale will go on as scheduled the hell do they even know what seats they have sell at this point outside of the Premium ones that were most likely earmarked the whole time....or there really aren't any besides a very small amount of totally garbage seats that were not allocated as part of this whole mess.
    thats my question. they wouldn't know the inventory
    Noblesville 5.7.2010. Lexington 4.26.2016. Nashville 9.16.2022. St Louis 9.18.2022.
    Chicago 1 9.5.2023. Chicago 2 9.7.2023. 
    *Noblesville 9.10.2023* (Gutted) 
    Seattle 5.30.2024  Noblesville 8.26.2024  Chicago 8.29.2024  Chicago 8.31.2024 
  • machinehummachinehum Posts: 166
    edited April 2023
    Post edited by machinehum on
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