Too Soon?



  • pearljammr78pearljammr78 Posts: 1,613
    I was saying if he was asymptomatic or mildly sick. Not drag your dying ass on stage. Jesus fucking Christ. Covid doesn’t make everyone on deaths door, as much as cnn wants you to believe that and fox wants you to believe it’s fake. 
    Peace,Love and Pearl Jam.
  • Reading some of these comments I thought I was in a forum for Kid Rock or Ted Nugent
  • Vedd HeddVedd Hedd Posts: 4,590

    Turn this anger into
    Nuclear fission
  • Vedd HeddVedd Hedd Posts: 4,590

    Turn this anger into
    Nuclear fission
  • Vedd Hedd said:

    Must be Fake News
  • Get_RightGet_Right Posts: 12,787
    I was saying if he was asymptomatic or mildly sick. Not drag your dying ass on stage. Jesus fucking Christ. Covid doesn’t make everyone on deaths door, as much as cnn wants you to believe that and fox wants you to believe it’s fake. 

    Your symptoms do not matter.  Even if you are asymptomatic, if you are positive you can spread it. You may be fine, but the 10 people that get it from you may not be so lucky. Especially if they are not vaxxed. You are protecting others by isolating once you test positive.   
  • MD190661MD190661 Posts: 394
    I know someone who has had it twice within 3 months. 
    10/1/94, 6/22/95, 6/24/95, 9/16/96, 7/22/98, 10/21/01, 6/1/03, 10/25/03, 10/26/03, 9/1/05, 7/15/06, 7/18/06, 8/28/09, 10/07/09, 10/3/12, 11/26/13, 6/18/18, 8/10/18, 5/12/22, 5/13/22, 5/13/24, 5/25/24

    MD190661 said:
    I know someone who has had it twice within 3 months. 
    Omg! Better call the CDC
  • tempo_n_groovetempo_n_groove Posts: 40,087
    Have vax or negative test proof mandates especially for indoor shows 
    You would pay $50+ more a ticket.
  • tbergstbergs Posts: 9,568
    Wow. This thread is bonkers.
    It's a hopeless situation...
  • JimmyVJimmyV Posts: 19,124
    Did you know #BatshitCovidTalkThatShouldMoveToAMT isn't a tag that we can apply to threads?

    "...I changed by not changing at all..."
  • bootlegger10bootlegger10 Posts: 15,837
    15,000 people with no masks in an indoor arena, and we are batshit because we think it could be possible for one band member to play a show safely with asymptomatic Covid.  

    We shouldn’t be having indoor shows at all then.  Covid isn’t going away folks.  
  • JimmyVJimmyV Posts: 19,124
    No, the talk is batshit if it's saying COVID is a cold, or that asymptomatic people can't spread it, or blah, blah and blah. 

    "...I changed by not changing at all..."
  • BF25394BF25394 Posts: 4,352
    Get_Right said:
    mace1229 said:
    mace1229 said:
    Get_Right said:
    I think if you are asymptomatic and part of a band you can find a way to play safely.  You can distance on a stage.  You can mask it up and distance when off stage.  

    Now, up to the performer though if they want to go on or not.   Just saying if not feeling bad and the performer wants to go they should be allowed to.

    We were told masks and social distancing work, right?  
    Not if you test positive.  Postive = quarantine for 5 days or you are putting others at risk. Regardless of symptoms.  Not that it is really enforceable, but that is the recommendation.
    So about 100,000 people have seen PJ in the last two weeks.  Without masks.  Indoors.  Every flight is basically full.   No masks.   The country has completely moved on to the living with Covid stage just like it is the flu.  Everyone knows the risks and they most likely will run into someone with Covid.

    So it isn’t safe for Jeff to be on stage 10 feet away from anyone, but okay for the rest of the crowd to be there standing shoulder to shoulder knowing some have it?   Seems a lot hypocritical.

    Again, just referring to an asymptomatic/low symptoms Jeff who is personally comfortable playing on stage.  Not trying to say anyone positive should be forced to play.

    There’s a difference between not knowing you’re sick and going out in public vs knowing you are and doing it.
    I think we’ll see a change in culture for a while. It used to be some people never call in sick, never take sick days no matter what and was sometimes a badge of honor to always come in to work.  Now people ask why are you here if you just sound congested. 
    I don’t think the majority of people are going to be okay with working next to someone who knows they are sick, in a band or in an office. The people you infect may not be asymptomatic.
    But there is a difference between someone in an office who can work from home for a few days versus a band member who has 15,000 people in town ready to see them, paying for hotel, some flights, etc… I think that is a situation where you play the show if you are comfortable doing so and can socially distance.   Ed played with food poisoning.  It is part of the gig.
    Food poisoning isn’t contagious.
    Correct.  My reference to Ed was just playing shows when not feeling 100%.  I am assuming that you can socially distance and wear a mask and not put people at risk.  At least that is what we have been led to believe.

    Social distancing and wearing a mask reduces the spread, it does not eliminate it. If you test positive you quarantine.  Jeff could (and would) not say no worries, I will just keep 6 feet away from everyone and continue to play while having COVID. I cannot see any of the band members or their team engaging in that kind of behavior.
    Yes, and people should bear in mind that Jeff stands five feet away from Mike, who has a preexisting inflammatory condition.  I'd actually be surprised if Mike and others in the band don't come up positive today or tomorrow.  We won't hear about it, but it seems inevitable given the proximity of the band members in the days leading up to Jeff's positive test.
    I gather speed from you fucking with me.
  • BF25394BF25394 Posts: 4,352
    15,000 people with no masks in an indoor arena, and we are batshit because we think it could be possible for one band member to play a show safely with asymptomatic Covid.  

    We shouldn’t be having indoor shows at all then.  Covid isn’t going away folks.  
    No one here knows what kind of shape Jeff was in.  No one here knows if other members of the band may be ill.  Given the lengths the band went to to put on amazing and historic shows in Oakland and Fresno despite Matt having come down with COVID and Eddie having food poisoning, why would anyone assume that the band didn't consider all reasonable options before making a decision that-- and this is important-- will end up costing them hundreds of thousands of dollars in ticket and merchandise sales?  It is a completely unreasonable criticism, especially in the absence of any information about Jeff's condition or any other behind-the-scenes intel.

    This band could have easily cancelled the Fresno show in light of Matt's or Ed's illnesses.  It was not a show that had been previously postponed, and it was very undersold.  Instead, they went out of their way to put on that show.  Do you think Dave Krusen just stepped on stage that night and banged out those ten songs?  They had to rehearse all of that.  They did not need to do that.  They could have put on a show with Josh and Richard on drums like they did in Oakland, and everyone would have gone home happy.
    I gather speed from you fucking with me.
  • Go BeaversGo Beavers Posts: 8,949
    DEGBTI said:
    I just cant believe what just happened, again! This is not a knock against our favorite band, but a question in general. If Covid is here to stay, and we all can still get it even when vaccinated, then WTF. Ya, I know its less severe if vaccinated, but events will still be cancelled regardless. Meaning, a positive test is grounds for a no-go, even if the person feels 100% fine? Not implying Matt or Jeff feel fine, just a general question. Then how in the ef are we going to move forward? 

    Hope all get well soon and thank you for all the effort this tour you have put in for us all! Best band Ever!
    You pretty much said the answer yourself. Covid is here to stay. Events will get cancelled. They always have to some degree, but obviously more than usual. That might be based on CDC guidelines or on the artist's own preference, but regardless, that's what's going to happen. You can't expect a very contagious virus that results in a record number of sick people to be introduced into society and for the number of cancellations to stay the same, just as you can't expect the number of people calling out sick for work to stay the same.

    The question isn't "how do we prevent cancellations so that we can move forward?," it's "how do we adjust to our new reality of increased cancellations so that we can move forward?"

    Part of it should be hotels/airlines/etc. changing their cancellation policies so that people aren't as impacted financially (sounds like this is already happening based on the experiences some shared of Vegas hotels refunding late cancellations). Part of it should be consumers approaching mass events differently, knowing that there is a very real chance that Covid could impact their plans. 

    Covid isn't just impacting the music industry. I work as a sports writer, and I'm constantly updating player/team news to reflect athletes who are placed in league protocols and forced to miss games (very important ones, even) due to testing positive for Covid or being a close contact. Hell, sports leagues have developed entirely new injured-list terms and guidelines to reflect the change Covid has brought about.

    Difference, of course, is that sports teams can move forward even with a handful of performers out with Covid, while a band probably cannot. That's just reality. No matter how bad we want things to go back to how they used to be, the reality is that just isn't going to happen.
    The continued asymptomatic testing and then isolating even when not sick isn’t sustainable and hopefully we’ll return to how we dealt with seasonal flu the same way we deal with Covid. 
  • Go BeaversGo Beavers Posts: 8,949
    davidos said:
    Stop testing... if you have a fever, stay home.... We have to live with this. everyone will get it 2-3x per year due to the ever changing variants. Vax and boosted does not keep you from getting it.
    2-3 times a year? I could eat taco bell every day for a year and not get loose bowels 2-3 times. 
  • Stop saying if your vaxed you can still get it.  WE KNOW!  It's your chance of getting really sick and end up in the hospital and  possibly die is WAY LESS!  Period end of story
  • Go BeaversGo Beavers Posts: 8,949
    15,000 people with no masks in an indoor arena, and we are batshit because we think it could be possible for one band member to play a show safely with asymptomatic Covid.  

    We shouldn’t be having indoor shows at all then.  Covid isn’t going away folks.  
    For as cautious as the band is, e.g. testing guys who are sitting in on drums for five minutes, I’m surprised they didn’t switch to outdoor only. It’s by far the safest option, even compared to vaxxed, masked, and tested for indoor shows. 
  • Go BeaversGo Beavers Posts: 8,949
    Stop saying if your vaxed you can still get it.  WE KNOW!  It's your chance of getting really sick and end up in the hospital and  possibly die is WAY LESS!  Period end of story
    You’re also less likely to get it in the first place. 
  • tylermooretylermoore Posts: 921
    What I find frustrating is there’s a lot of bands who have been touring non stop over a year without any cancellations. Tool comes to mind. Turnstile, they let fans jump all over the stage and they stage dive, not a single covid cancellation. How is that even possible while some bands can’t play for two straight weeks. Not PJs fault, just frustrating 
  • Go BeaversGo Beavers Posts: 8,949
    What I find frustrating is there’s a lot of bands who have been touring non stop over a year without any cancellations. Tool comes to mind. Turnstile, they let fans jump all over the stage and they stage dive, not a single covid cancellation. How is that even possible while some bands can’t play for two straight weeks. Not PJs fault, just frustrating 
    I’d guess they aren’t doing routine, asymptomatic testing
  • PP193448PP193448 Here Posts: 4,281
    edited May 2022
    Couldn’t they just put Jeff and Matt in some kind of quarantine bubble 6 feet from each other and the other band members on stage, and keep the show moving on??  Oh, wait… they would have to get Mike to stand still… never mind.
    2006 Clev,Pitt; 2008 NY MSGx2; 2010 Columbus; 2012 Missoula; 2013 Phoenix,Vancouver,Seattle; 2014 Cincy; 2016 Lex, Wrigley 1&2; 2018 Wrigley 1&2; 2022 Louisville
  • tylermooretylermoore Posts: 921
    What I find frustrating is there’s a lot of bands who have been touring non stop over a year without any cancellations. Tool comes to mind. Turnstile, they let fans jump all over the stage and they stage dive, not a single covid cancellation. How is that even possible while some bands can’t play for two straight weeks. Not PJs fault, just frustrating 
    I’d guess they aren’t doing routine, asymptomatic testing
    From things I’ve read, it’s not really up to the band is it?
  • mace1229mace1229 Posts: 9,258
    PP193448 said:
    Couldn’t they just put Jeff and Matt in some kind of quarantine bubble 6 feet from each other and the other band members on stage, and keep the show moving on??  Oh, wait… they would have to get Mike to stand still… never mind.
    They wouldn’t have to be 6 feet from each other. Matt and Jeff could share 1 bubble and hi five each other all they want.
  • JR86440JR86440 Posts: 742
    DEGBTI said:
    I just cant believe what just happened, again! This is not a knock against our favorite band, but a question in general. If Covid is here to stay, and we all can still get it even when vaccinated, then WTF. Ya, I know its less severe if vaccinated, but events will still be cancelled regardless. Meaning, a positive test is grounds for a no-go, even if the person feels 100% fine? Not implying Matt or Jeff feel fine, just a general question. Then how in the ef are we going to move forward? 

    Hope all get well soon and thank you for all the effort this tour you have put in for us all! Best band Ever!
    The whole thing makes no sense. People living in fear. The vaccine was supposed to protect you AND others. Now in fact, the vaccine protects you from dying but does not protect from transmitting. PJ has every right to do whatever the fuck they want but sorry, the logic doesn’t make sense at all. I can guarantee you there was at least one fan in Oakland that had covid. Does it matter if Matt had it but had no symptoms?Covid is here forever. Get the vaccine to protect yourself. If you don’t want it, that’s your risk. Three years ago if you got the flu, you didn’t cancel unless of course you were very very sick. Covid has weakened and is is now the flu and science has proven that. But because it’s called covid, everybody freaks out. Time to move on. If you are scared or at risk, take the necessary precautions. Pretty simple.  And masking up 20k people? Many of which are drinking beer??? Yea, that will definitely help..
  • heartofadogheartofadog Portland, OR Posts: 357
    To answer the question in the original post, it is too soon to think about any part of the fall tour. I would imagine the band is going to try to figure out how to put other/different safeguards in place to whatever extent they can. I am trying to figure out which US shows are most likely to happen this year and get to at least one. 
    1993: Portland, OR (09/06), Seattle, WA (12/07), Seattle, WA (12/08), Seattle, WA (12/09)
    1995: Seattle, WA (02/05)
    1996: Seattle, WA (09/16)
    Oakland, CA (11/19)
    Portland, OR (07/18), Seattle, WA (07/21), Seattle, WA (07/22)
    2000: Bellingham, WA (05/10), Vancouver, BC (05/11), Mountain View, CA (10/31), Portland, OR (11/02), Seattle, WA (11/05), Seattle, WA (11/06)
    2002: Seattle, WA (12/05), Seattle, WA (12/06), Seattle, WA (12/08), Seattle, WA (12/09)
    2003: Vancouver, BC (05/30), Seattle, WA (10/22)
    2005: Quincy, WA (09/01)
    2006: Portland, OR (07/20), Quincy, WA (07/22), Quincy, WA (07/23)
    2009: Berlin, DE (08/15), Seattle, WA (9/21), Seattle, WA (9/22)
    2010: Berlin, DE (06/30)
    2013: Los Angeles, CA (11/23), Los Angeles, CA (11/24), Portland, OR (11/29), Spokane, WA (11/30)
    2018: Seattle, WA (08/10)
    2022: Seattle, WA (02/22), New York, NY (09/10), New York, NY (09/11), Camden, NJ (09/14), Denver, CO (09/22)
    2023: St. Paul, MN (08/31), St. Paul, MN (09/02)
    2024: Portland, OR (05/10), Sacramento, CA (05/13), Los Angeles, CA (05/21), Los Angeles, CA (05/22), Seattle, WA (05/28)
  • JimmyVJimmyV Posts: 19,124
    To answer the question in the original post, it is too soon to think about any part of the fall tour. I would imagine the band is going to try to figure out how to put other/different safeguards in place to whatever extent they can. I am trying to figure out which US shows are most likely to happen this year and get to at least one. 
    Canada is the answer. First four shows. Get to Quebec and Ottawa if you can, Hamilton and Toronto if you can't. Everything afterwards is a crap shoot. 

    "...I changed by not changing at all..."
  • OceansJennyOceansJenny Posts: 3,393
    +1 for the Boston Puker reference. May that story live in infamy.
    DC '03 - Reading '04 - Philly '05 - Camden 1 '06 - DC '06 - E. Rutherford '06 - The Vic '07 - Lollapalooza '07 - DC '08 - EV DC 1 & 2 '08 (Met Ed!!) - EV Baltimore 1 & 2 '09 - EV NYC 1 '11 (Met Ed!) - Hartford '13 - GCF '15 - MSG 2 '16 - TOTD MSG '16 - Boston 1 & 2 '18 - SHN '21 - EV NYC 1 & 2 '22 - MSG '22
  • Go BeaversGo Beavers Posts: 8,949
    JR86440 said:
    DEGBTI said:
    I just cant believe what just happened, again! This is not a knock against our favorite band, but a question in general. If Covid is here to stay, and we all can still get it even when vaccinated, then WTF. Ya, I know its less severe if vaccinated, but events will still be cancelled regardless. Meaning, a positive test is grounds for a no-go, even if the person feels 100% fine? Not implying Matt or Jeff feel fine, just a general question. Then how in the ef are we going to move forward? 

    Hope all get well soon and thank you for all the effort this tour you have put in for us all! Best band Ever!
    The whole thing makes no sense. People living in fear. The vaccine was supposed to protect you AND others. Now in fact, the vaccine protects you from dying but does not protect from transmitting. PJ has every right to do whatever the fuck they want but sorry, the logic doesn’t make sense at all. I can guarantee you there was at least one fan in Oakland that had covid. Does it matter if Matt had it but had no symptoms?Covid is here forever. Get the vaccine to protect yourself. If you don’t want it, that’s your risk. Three years ago if you got the flu, you didn’t cancel unless of course you were very very sick. Covid has weakened and is is now the flu and science has proven that. But because it’s called covid, everybody freaks out. Time to move on. If you are scared or at risk, take the necessary precautions. Pretty simple.  And masking up 20k people? Many of which are drinking beer??? Yea, that will definitely help..
    You’re less likely to get it and spread it if you’re vaccinated. 
This discussion has been closed.