All righty.. here's today's talking points. Nice strawman. Pretty sure there's no laws on the books nor pending to make the vaccine mandatory, but keep that in the talking points to be safe.
Personally I wish they would mandate it. This is all just crazy. It’s not just Trumpers refusing the vaccine. It’s people from all walks of life and political persuasions. The deep distrust of our government and media that have been on the decline for years has made it hard for a lot of people to accept the truth even if it is spelled out for them. This isn’t trumps fault, this isn’t even the individuals fault, it is a fault of our society getting to the place where there is so much distrust in public institutions on top of the plethora of misinformation that looks to most people like a verified source.
I’m not blaming anyone that doesn’t get the vaccine for anything that happens, this is a societal problem, the fact that enough people have lost trust in one another and their public servants to seriously believe that this isn’t a substantial public health crisis is just sad.
I don’t know what to do, but down talking and finger pointing and fact checking these people to death will not change anything. Based on the data most unvaccinated people still make it through ok without serious long term effects or death, that is what most unvaxxed latch onto. How do you counter message that? By calling them selfish assholes? Sorry but that isn’t going to change hearts and minds. Mandate the vaccine, or I guess people need to just get over it, because nothing is going to change if it hasn’t by now.
Well there are no vaccines that are mandated by the gov't as a condition of freedom/citizenship. But as a condition of attending public schools, as an example, I could get behind that. Certainly there are examples of the gov't (through judges) quarantining or isolating certain people because of risks they pose to the public. Typhoid Mary is the perfect example of that.
Thank fuck this isn’t an actual deadly disease. I realize it is dangerous and has killed millions globally, but I mean like severely deadly. With the response we are seeing now I’m pretty sure we would be living in a real life adaptation of the Stand. Sadly it’s gonna take an alarming fatality rate for some people to take this seriously.
Yeah, maybe we go send them to live with teh Walking Dude (Trump) in Idaho or something. Actually he'd be the golf cart riding dude...
All righty.. here's today's talking points. Nice strawman. Pretty sure there's no laws on the books nor pending to make the vaccine mandatory, but keep that in the talking points to be safe.
Personally I wish they would mandate it. This is all just crazy. It’s not just Trumpers refusing the vaccine. It’s people from all walks of life and political persuasions. The deep distrust of our government and media that have been on the decline for years has made it hard for a lot of people to accept the truth even if it is spelled out for them. This isn’t trumps fault, this isn’t even the individuals fault, it is a fault of our society getting to the place where there is so much distrust in public institutions on top of the plethora of misinformation that looks to most people like a verified source.
I’m not blaming anyone that doesn’t get the vaccine for anything that happens, this is a societal problem, the fact that enough people have lost trust in one another and their public servants to seriously believe that this isn’t a substantial public health crisis is just sad.
I don’t know what to do, but down talking and finger pointing and fact checking these people to death will not change anything. Based on the data most unvaccinated people still make it through ok without serious long term effects or death, that is what most unvaxxed latch onto. How do you counter message that? By calling them selfish assholes? Sorry but that isn’t going to change hearts and minds. Mandate the vaccine, or I guess people need to just get over it, because nothing is going to change if it hasn’t by now.
Well there are no vaccines that are mandated by the gov't as a condition of freedom/citizenship. But as a condition of attending public schools, as an example, I could get behind that. Certainly there are examples of the gov't (through judges) quarantining or isolating certain people because of risks they pose to the public. Typhoid Mary is the perfect example of that.
Thank fuck this isn’t an actual deadly disease. I realize it is dangerous and has killed millions globally, but I mean like severely deadly. With the response we are seeing now I’m pretty sure we would be living in a real life adaptation of the Stand. Sadly it’s gonna take an alarming fatality rate for some people to take this seriously.
I know this is morbid, but this world is going to need another deadly disease or event to counter the net negative that only amplifies each generation. I don't wish death upon anyone, but at some point in the next 100 years I think we will get that event.
What a hot mess this thread has become! I wish people would stop the 'blame' game regarding who said what. Please get vaccinated, and if you are not vaccinated - mask up!
Masking up only helps if you have it and from spreading it. It isn't helping you to prevent from getting it.
Unless they changed something?
Yes, wearing a mask does help you from getting CV19
If you have an N95 mask that's even better
Where did you find this at? I think 6' away weighs in on this? Basically last I read that only an N95 had the ability to effectively prevent transmission.
I'm asking because I am curious and can't find anything like this on the CDC site. They did upgrade the homemade masks to 2 ply I see. That is also new to me.
Brigadoon, foodie capital Posts: 4,008
I don’t know what to do, but down talking and finger pointing and fact checking these people to death will not change anything. Based on the data most unvaccinated people still make it through ok without serious long term effects or death, that is what most unvaxxed latch onto. How do you counter message that? By calling them selfish assholes? Sorry but that isn’t going to change hearts and minds. Mandate the vaccine, or I guess people need to just get over it, because nothing is going to change if it hasn’t by now.
Well there are no vaccines that are mandated by the gov't as a condition of freedom/citizenship. But as a condition of attending public schools, as an example, I could get behind that. Certainly there are examples of the gov't (through judges) quarantining or isolating certain people because of risks they pose to the public. Typhoid Mary is the perfect example of that.
Just the other day, in France, Macron announced that vaccines would be required to do things like go to movie theaters, dine in restaurants, attend sporting events. In the space of 48 hours, some three million French people made appointments to get vaccinated.
Can the government force you to get vaccinated? Probably not. On the other hand, you do not have a constitutional right to eat in a restaurant, go to a basketball game or attend a PJ concert -- or to be a plague vector. I think we are on the way to seeing similar requirements to those in France implemented here.
And vaccinations have been required for work and school for a long time -- I assume most of you are old enough that you have children, yes? Vaccinations need to be up to date for school attendance. My son is entering graduate school in the fall, and he needed to submit his immunization info -- and I don't mean COVID (although proof of that vaccine is required) -- I mean DTaP, etc.
All those who seek to destroy the liberties of a democratic nation ought to know that war is the surest and shortest means to accomplish it.
All righty.. here's today's talking points. Nice strawman. Pretty sure there's no laws on the books nor pending to make the vaccine mandatory, but keep that in the talking points to be safe.
Personally I wish they would mandate it. This is all just crazy. It’s not just Trumpers refusing the vaccine. It’s people from all walks of life and political persuasions. The deep distrust of our government and media that have been on the decline for years has made it hard for a lot of people to accept the truth even if it is spelled out for them. This isn’t trumps fault, this isn’t even the individuals fault, it is a fault of our society getting to the place where there is so much distrust in public institutions on top of the plethora of misinformation that looks to most people like a verified source.
I’m not blaming anyone that doesn’t get the vaccine for anything that happens, this is a societal problem, the fact that enough people have lost trust in one another and their public servants to seriously believe that this isn’t a substantial public health crisis is just sad.
I don’t know what to do, but down talking and finger pointing and fact checking these people to death will not change anything. Based on the data most unvaccinated people still make it through ok without serious long term effects or death, that is what most unvaxxed latch onto. How do you counter message that? By calling them selfish assholes? Sorry but that isn’t going to change hearts and minds. Mandate the vaccine, or I guess people need to just get over it, because nothing is going to change if it hasn’t by now.
Well there are no vaccines that are mandated by the gov't as a condition of freedom/citizenship. But as a condition of attending public schools, as an example, I could get behind that. Certainly there are examples of the gov't (through judges) quarantining or isolating certain people because of risks they pose to the public. Typhoid Mary is the perfect example of that.
Employers could mandate it if they had the will to. When I started at my job at a correctional facility, due to the chance of contact with bloodborne pathogens, it was mandated that we received the Hep B vaccination as a condition of employment. One person in my training class refused, he was no longer employed there. The COVID vaccine hasn't been mandated for us yet.
All righty.. here's today's talking points. Nice strawman. Pretty sure there's no laws on the books nor pending to make the vaccine mandatory, but keep that in the talking points to be safe.
Personally I wish they would mandate it. This is all just crazy. It’s not just Trumpers refusing the vaccine. It’s people from all walks of life and political persuasions. The deep distrust of our government and media that have been on the decline for years has made it hard for a lot of people to accept the truth even if it is spelled out for them. This isn’t trumps fault, this isn’t even the individuals fault, it is a fault of our society getting to the place where there is so much distrust in public institutions on top of the plethora of misinformation that looks to most people like a verified source.
I’m not blaming anyone that doesn’t get the vaccine for anything that happens, this is a societal problem, the fact that enough people have lost trust in one another and their public servants to seriously believe that this isn’t a substantial public health crisis is just sad.
I don’t know what to do, but down talking and finger pointing and fact checking these people to death will not change anything. Based on the data most unvaccinated people still make it through ok without serious long term effects or death, that is what most unvaxxed latch onto. How do you counter message that? By calling them selfish assholes? Sorry but that isn’t going to change hearts and minds. Mandate the vaccine, or I guess people need to just get over it, because nothing is going to change if it hasn’t by now.
Well there are no vaccines that are mandated by the gov't as a condition of freedom/citizenship. But as a condition of attending public schools, as an example, I could get behind that. Certainly there are examples of the gov't (through judges) quarantining or isolating certain people because of risks they pose to the public. Typhoid Mary is the perfect example of that.
Thank fuck this isn’t an actual deadly disease. I realize it is dangerous and has killed millions globally, but I mean like severely deadly. With the response we are seeing now I’m pretty sure we would be living in a real life adaptation of the Stand. Sadly it’s gonna take an alarming fatality rate for some people to take this seriously.
I know this is morbid, but this world is going to need another deadly disease or event to counter the net negative that only amplifies each generation. I don't wish death upon anyone, but at some point in the next 100 years I think we will get that event.
Well according to Nostradamus, the quatrains of the end have already begun….with the final end beginning in 2064. I’m not saying I truly believe all that, I’m just saying that it’s up to the late teens to twenty somethings to fix this. Clean up the mess we’ve created for thousands of years. And I failed at conveying that to my children who are in their mid thirties. They really take the virus seriously so I did something right but I should have been more concerned about teaching them about taking care of the earth. It’s up to you 40, 30, 20 year olds to teach your children being fully honest about all of it…climate change, politics, government, etc.
Brigadoon, foodie capital Posts: 4,008
I read this morning that, through the end of April, 100 million Americans had been fully vaccinated. The CDC looked through their data and found that through the end of April there had been 10,000 cases of COVID reported in fully vaccinated people, of which 1,000 required hospitalization.
1) They take as a *given* that there actually were more than 10,000 breakthrough cases, but most were asymptomatic, so those people don't even know that they were infected. These were just the cases severe enough to attract attention/ cause people to go get tested.
2) Out of 100 million fully vaccinated people, ONE THOUSAND required hospitalization after contracting COVID. That means that the odds of contracting a case of COVID severe enough to require hospitalization, if you're fully vaccinated, are 1 in 100,000.
3) I believe 94 of those people died, but I might have that number wrong. At any rate, the odds of dying of COVID after being fully vaccinated are approximately one in a million. Compare that with the mortality rate for unvaccinated people.
I also saw a headline this morning from, I think, the Dallas Morning News (I'm so uncool that I read Apple News on the treadmill). It said that all but 24 COVID deaths in Texas, since February, were in unvaccinated people.
All those who seek to destroy the liberties of a democratic nation ought to know that war is the surest and shortest means to accomplish it.
Brigadoon, foodie capital Posts: 4,008
edited July 2021
One more thing before I go try to be productive:
For those of you who are skeptical of liberal media, or who just want a more unbiased approach to news, some of the resources with the most neutral, fact-based approach are Bloomberg and Reuters. They have pandemic coverage, too.
This is off the topic of vaccines, but since where we get our information influences how we see things, I'm including some links on bias and reliability in news sources.
What a hot mess this thread has become! I wish people would stop the 'blame' game regarding who said what. Please get vaccinated, and if you are not vaccinated - mask up!
To most people yes of course.
But to too many people around the world, in this country, and on this site, being ignorant and selfish makes more sense to them.
Yes, other parts of the World too:
Anger as French protesters compare vaccines to Nazi horrors
The NFL is not playing regarding COVID-19 outbreaks this year.
Teams with outbreaks that result in the cancellation of a game will forfeit and get a “L” on their record. The players don’t get their game pay either.
It’s when a fully vaccinated person gets infected with the coronavirus. A small number of such cases are expected and health officials say they're not a cause for alarm.
COVID-19 vaccines work by teaching the body to recognize the virus. So if you’re exposed to it after vaccination, your immune system should be ready to spring into action and fight it.
In studies, the two-dose COVID-19 vaccines by Pfizer and Moderna were around 95% effective at preventing illness, while the one-shot Johnson & Johnson shot was 72% effective, though direct comparisons are difficult. So while the vaccines are very good at protecting us from the virus, it’s still possible to get infected with mild or no symptoms, or even to get sick.
If you do end up getting sick despite vaccination, experts say the shots are very good at reducing the severity of the illness — the main reason to get vaccinated.
Most people with breakthrough infections experience mild illness, said Dr. William Moss, a vaccine expert at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.
In the U.S., people who weren't vaccinated make up nearly all hospitalizations and deaths from COVID-19.
It’s difficult to determine why any particular breakthrough case happens. How much of the virus you’re exposed to could be a factor, Moss said. Our individual immune systems will also affect how well we respond to the shots. Some people, for example, have health conditions or take medications that could make their immune systems less responsive to the vaccines.
People might also have been exposed to the virus before the shots took full effect. Though less likely, they may have received a dose that was improperly stored or administered, Moss said.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention notes variants could be factors in some breakthrough cases, though evidence so far indicates the vaccines used in the U.S. are protective against them.
Health officials are also watching for signs that breakthrough cases are rising, which could signal that protection from the vaccines is fading and boosters are needed.
The AP is answering your questions about the coronavirus in this series. Submit them at: Read more here:
Not today Sir, Probably not tomorrow.............................................. bayfront arena st. pete '94
you're finally here and I'm a mess................................................... nationwide arena columbus '10
memories like fingerprints are slowly raising.................................... first niagara center buffalo '13
another man ..... moved by sleight of hand...................................... joe louis arena detroit '14
The NFL is not playing regarding COVID-19 outbreaks this year.
Teams with outbreaks that result in the cancellation of a game will forfeit and get a “L” on their record. The players don’t get their game pay either.
GOP's vaccine push comes with strong words, few actions
56 mins ago
WASHINGTON (AP) — Republican politicians are under increasing pressure to speak out to persuade COVID-19 vaccine skeptics to roll up their sleeves and take the shots as a new, more contagious variant sends caseloads soaring. But after months of ignoring — and, in some cases, stoking — misinformation about the virus, experts warn it may be too late to change the minds of many who are refusing.
In recent news conferences and statements, some prominent Republicans have been imploring their constituents to lay lingering doubts aside. In Washington, the so-called Doctors Caucus gathered at the Capitol for an event to combat vaccine hesitancy. And in Florida, Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis this week pointed to data showing the vast majority of hospitalized COVID-19 patients hadn't received shots.
The outreach comes as COVID-19 cases have nearly tripled in the U.S. over the last two weeks, driven by the explosion of the new delta variant, especially in pockets of the country where vaccination rates are low. Public health officials believe the variant is at least twice as contagious as the original version, but the shots appear to offer robust protection against serious illness for most people.
Indeed, nearly all COVID-19 deaths in the U.S. are now people who haven't been vaccinated. Nonetheless, just 56.2% of Americans have received at least one vaccine dose, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Overall, only 51% of Republicans said in mid-June that they had received at least one vaccine dose, versus 83% of Democrats, according to an AP-NORC poll. And many appeared to have made up their minds. Forty-six percent of those who had not been vaccinated said they definitely would not. Among Republicans, even more — 53% — said they definitely wouldn’t; just 12% said they were planning to.
“I think they’ve finally realized that if their people aren’t vaccinated, they’re going to get sick, and if their people aren’t vaccinated, they’re going to get blamed for COVID outbreaks in the future,” said GOP pollster Frank Luntz, who has been working with the Biden administration and public health experts to craft effective messaging to bring the vaccine hesitant off the fence.
Associated Press writers Emily Swanson, Holly Ramer and Kevin Freking contributed to this report.
Not today Sir, Probably not tomorrow.............................................. bayfront arena st. pete '94
you're finally here and I'm a mess................................................... nationwide arena columbus '10
memories like fingerprints are slowly raising.................................... first niagara center buffalo '13
another man ..... moved by sleight of hand...................................... joe louis arena detroit '14
The NFL is not playing regarding COVID-19 outbreaks this year.
Teams with outbreaks that result in the cancellation of a game will forfeit and get a “L” on their record. The players don’t get their game pay either.
If you are not vaccinated there is a very high chance that you will not mask up. Either everyone masks up or only those that want to can. There is no in between here sadly thought that is what the CDC was trying to implement a couple of months ago.
Also with case counts going up everywhere in the US I am curious how this plays out state by state. Will we be seeing huge increases in deaths and hospitalizations in low vaccinated states comparable to numbers we saw last winter or will there just be a small bump up this time. Also states that have good to great vaccination numbers are they going to mirror what happened in the UK with high case counts still but with most of the vulnerable vaccinated, the deaths and hospitalizations are nothing close to the winter numbers or are they going to be in trouble too? Going to be interesting to watch.
The cases are going to go up and up in the next couple of weeks. I am curious how the US media of state governors handle it since we are in a unique situation where most that want to be vaccinated are.
I expected that July 4th would be a test/ inflection point for us, and here we are.
Lifting the mask mandate -- well, it was obvious what would happen: people who were vaccinated and who had been cautious continued to mask, those who were anti-mask stopped masking. Where I live, nearly everyone is vaccinated, but we still have people masking outdoors.
We've traveled some recently. Despite the mask mandates for public transportation, I'd say easily 35% of people in the Denver airport were not masked/ were wearing chin diapers.
I took the government lifting of the mask mandate to mean: "You're adults. We've told you, if you're vaccinated, you're protected. If you're not, you're not." Unfortunately the delta variant might change that.
I live in San Diego, where overall vaccination rates are great. But the number of cases went up more than 80% in the last week. Quoting now from the weekly update from the county:
<<The rise in cases and hospitalizations is occurring primarily in San Diegans who are not vaccinated. These individuals are also being disproportionately impacted by the Alpha, Gamma and Delta COVID-19 variants of concern.
“The best protection we have against COVID-19 is getting
vaccinated,” said Wilma Wooten, M.D., M.P.H., County public health
officer. “The vaccines are extremely effective at preventing serious
illness from COVID-19. If you have not gotten immunized, do it now.”
There has also been a very slight increase in post-vaccination
infections, meaning people got infected with COVID-19 even though they
were fully vaccinated.
Wooten said that was expected and that breakthrough cases typically have mild symptoms.
“This does not mean the vaccine is not working. Quite the
opposite, the vaccine is doing what it’s supposed to do: keep most
people from being hospitalized, or worse, dying,” Wooten said.>>
That is interesting. I flew to and from Denver a couple of weeks ago and while there were a few people without them, the only ones I noticed that weren't wearing them in large numbers were the ones eating or drinking.
I’ve flown out of Denver on 2 different trips in the last month. Denver was very compliant both times, the airport we flew to only about half.
Here is what I have learned regarding the virus, not just here but nationwide- If the information presented stays on message of the Party, then it is good. If the information presented goes against the message, then it is fact-checked and labeled as misinformation.
The fact that you equate this to “party” is the main problem. So no, your observation is incorrect.
hippiemom = goodness
Brigadoon, foodie capital Posts: 4,008
It looks like Italy is following France's lead, requiring vaccinations before dining in restaurants, etc.
Also, here's an essay arguing contra all the essays asking us to be patient with the vaccine hesitant:
Here is what I have learned regarding the virus, not just here but nationwide- If the information presented stays on message of the Party, then it is good. If the information presented goes against the message, then it is fact-checked and labeled as misinformation.
The fact that you equate this to “party” is the main problem. So no, your observation is incorrect.
Notice how I didn't refer to one party, just "the" party. Also, how is that 401k doing? Them damn anti-vaxxholes.
I know this board has been really good at spotting misinformation, can some one help me out here. Biden said during his town hall that you will not get Covid if you have been vaccinated (video a page or two back), yet the Washington Post states-
"In other words, the delta variant means the virus will probably continue to spread, even among vaccinated people and even in a strongly vaccinated country such as Israel, because the vaccines don’t protect from transmission or symptomatic cases nearly as well. But that doesn’t mean the vaccines don’t work, especially when it comes to preventing the worst of the disease.
F Me In The Brain
this knows everybody from other commets Posts: 31,612
I love how the Trumpeters keep going back and fixating on things people said in the past, trying to find some sort of gotcha moment to justify avoiding the vaccine.
First, things change.
Second, your pal Donny Diapers lied more than anyone.
Just say that you are an anti-vaxxer and proud -- you do not give a shit about anyone else. Own it!
Also -- I was being sarcastic. I do not love how the Trumpeters keep going back and fixating on things people said in the past in order to present some sort of justification for being anti-vaxx instead of just owning it. It is annoying and lame. (Sort of like people who love Donny Diapers.)
I love how the Trumpeters keep going back and fixating on things people said in the past, trying to find some sort of gotcha moment to justify avoiding the vaccine.
First, things change.
Second, your pal Donny Diapers lied more than anyone.
Just say that you are an anti-vaxxer and proud -- you do not give a shit about anyone else. Own it!
Also -- I was being sarcastic. I do not love how the Trumpeters keep going back and fixating on things people said in the past in order to present some sort of justification for being anti-vaxx instead of just owning it. It is annoying and lame. (Sort of like people who love Donny Diapers.)
He said this the other day. It's not like he said it a year ago. And to be fair we all loved proving Donny Diapers wrong when he opened his mouth so this is fair game.
Not today Sir, Probably not tomorrow.............................................. bayfront arena st. pete '94
you're finally here and I'm a mess................................................... nationwide arena columbus '10
memories like fingerprints are slowly raising.................................... first niagara center buffalo '13
another man ..... moved by sleight of hand...................................... joe louis arena detroit '14
I will assume and do in fact, he meant not get any of the devastating effects visited on the unvaccinated.
Can't ya just acknowledge that Biden was wrong when he said that, rather than assuming what he meant? He said "You’re not gonna get COVID if you have these vaccinations." That's his quote, in a televised townhall, and it's incorrect. God forbid the interviewer push back and note that he was incorrect so then Biden could correct himself and say what you assume he meant.
I will assume and do in fact, he meant not get any of the devastating effects visited on the unvaccinated.
there are folks that dont trust biden to tell them grass is green and the sky is blue and water is wet.
his statement last year not trusting fucksticks word applies here. Pay attention to the consensus of the experts.
I brought up how everyone crucified Trump when people assumed he meant differently.
It's a fair question the poster asked.
We have all gone round and round on here that words matter. I've been victim of it too for using the wrong word even though people knew good and well what I meant.
I will assume and do in fact, he meant not get any of the devastating effects visited on the unvaccinated.
Can't ya just acknowledge that Biden was wrong when he said that, rather than assuming what he meant? He said "You’re not gonna get COVID if you have these vaccinations." That's his quote, in a televised townhall, and it's incorrect. God forbid the interviewer push back and note that he was incorrect so then Biden could correct himself and say what you assume he meant.
That's the problem with the majority here. They will not admit there is a very large liberal bias with the MSM. They will not admit anything against "their" party is wrong.
I get blasted for "misinformation", yet when I ask for clarification on some "misinformation" the three responses after are blasting me about Trump and do not address a legitimate concern for most people, conflicting information.
I understand that no one from "the" party cares about me. When these folks understand that, we will start getting somewhere.
I will assume and do in fact, he meant not get any of the devastating effects visited on the unvaccinated.
Can't ya just acknowledge that Biden was wrong when he said that, rather than assuming what he meant? He said "You’re not gonna get COVID if you have these vaccinations." That's his quote, in a televised townhall, and it's incorrect. God forbid the interviewer push back and note that he was incorrect so then Biden could correct himself and say what you assume he meant.
assuming different meaning sorta infers the statement was incorrect.
no matter, I go to my doctor for medical advice, not a life long politician. or a first time one.
Not today Sir, Probably not tomorrow.............................................. bayfront arena st. pete '94
you're finally here and I'm a mess................................................... nationwide arena columbus '10
memories like fingerprints are slowly raising.................................... first niagara center buffalo '13
another man ..... moved by sleight of hand...................................... joe louis arena detroit '14
I will assume and do in fact, he meant not get any of the devastating effects visited on the unvaccinated.
Can't ya just acknowledge that Biden was wrong when he said that, rather than assuming what he meant? He said "You’re not gonna get COVID if you have these vaccinations." That's his quote, in a televised townhall, and it's incorrect. God forbid the interviewer push back and note that he was incorrect so then Biden could correct himself and say what you assume he meant.
assuming different meaning sorta infers the statement was incorrect.
no matter, I go to my doctor for medical advice, not a life long politician. or a first time one.
Are you sure that getting medical advice from politicians and then coming to the 10C forum for clarification on said advice isn't a better approach?
I'm asking because I am curious and can't find anything like this on the CDC site. They did upgrade the homemade masks to 2 ply I see. That is also new to me.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Anger as French protesters compare vaccines to Nazi horrors
Teams with outbreaks that result in the cancellation of a game will forfeit and get a “L” on their record. The players don’t get their game pay either.
What is a COVID-19 vaccine “breakthrough” case?
It’s when a fully vaccinated person gets infected with the coronavirus. A small number of such cases are expected and health officials say they're not a cause for alarm.
COVID-19 vaccines work by teaching the body to recognize the virus. So if you’re exposed to it after vaccination, your immune system should be ready to spring into action and fight it.
In studies, the two-dose COVID-19 vaccines by Pfizer and Moderna were around 95% effective at preventing illness, while the one-shot Johnson & Johnson shot was 72% effective, though direct comparisons are difficult. So while the vaccines are very good at protecting us from the virus, it’s still possible to get infected with mild or no symptoms, or even to get sick.
If you do end up getting sick despite vaccination, experts say the shots are very good at reducing the severity of the illness — the main reason to get vaccinated.
Most people with breakthrough infections experience mild illness, said Dr. William Moss, a vaccine expert at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.
In the U.S., people who weren't vaccinated make up nearly all hospitalizations and deaths from COVID-19.
It’s difficult to determine why any particular breakthrough case happens. How much of the virus you’re exposed to could be a factor, Moss said. Our individual immune systems will also affect how well we respond to the shots. Some people, for example, have health conditions or take medications that could make their immune systems less responsive to the vaccines.
People might also have been exposed to the virus before the shots took full effect. Though less likely, they may have received a dose that was improperly stored or administered, Moss said.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention notes variants could be factors in some breakthrough cases, though evidence so far indicates the vaccines used in the U.S. are protective against them.
Health officials are also watching for signs that breakthrough cases are rising, which could signal that protection from the vaccines is fading and boosters are needed.
The AP is answering your questions about the coronavirus in this series. Submit them at: Read more here:
What should I know about the delta variant?
Will one dose of a two-dose COVID-19 vaccine protect me?
Do I need to get tested for COVID-19 if I’m vaccinated?
Not today Sir, Probably not tomorrow.............................................. bayfront arena st. pete '94
you're finally here and I'm a mess................................................... nationwide arena columbus '10
memories like fingerprints are slowly raising.................................... first niagara center buffalo '13
another man ..... moved by sleight of hand...................................... joe louis arena detroit '14
WASHINGTON (AP) — Republican politicians are under increasing pressure to speak out to persuade COVID-19 vaccine skeptics to roll up their sleeves and take the shots as a new, more contagious variant sends caseloads soaring. But after months of ignoring — and, in some cases, stoking — misinformation about the virus, experts warn it may be too late to change the minds of many who are refusing.
In recent news conferences and statements, some prominent Republicans have been imploring their constituents to lay lingering doubts aside. In Washington, the so-called Doctors Caucus gathered at the Capitol for an event to combat vaccine hesitancy. And in Florida, Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis this week pointed to data showing the vast majority of hospitalized COVID-19 patients hadn't received shots.
“These vaccines are saving lives," said DeSantis, who recently began selling campaign merchandise mocking masks and medical experts.
The outreach comes as COVID-19 cases have nearly tripled in the U.S. over the last two weeks, driven by the explosion of the new delta variant, especially in pockets of the country where vaccination rates are low. Public health officials believe the variant is at least twice as contagious as the original version, but the shots appear to offer robust protection against serious illness for most people.
Indeed, nearly all COVID-19 deaths in the U.S. are now people who haven't been vaccinated. Nonetheless, just 56.2% of Americans have received at least one vaccine dose, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Overall, only 51% of Republicans said in mid-June that they had received at least one vaccine dose, versus 83% of Democrats, according to an AP-NORC poll. And many appeared to have made up their minds. Forty-six percent of those who had not been vaccinated said they definitely would not. Among Republicans, even more — 53% — said they definitely wouldn’t; just 12% said they were planning to.
“I think they’ve finally realized that if their people aren’t vaccinated, they’re going to get sick, and if their people aren’t vaccinated, they’re going to get blamed for COVID outbreaks in the future,” said GOP pollster Frank Luntz, who has been working with the Biden administration and public health experts to craft effective messaging to bring the vaccine hesitant off the fence.
Associated Press writers Emily Swanson, Holly Ramer and Kevin Freking contributed to this report.
Not today Sir, Probably not tomorrow.............................................. bayfront arena st. pete '94
you're finally here and I'm a mess................................................... nationwide arena columbus '10
memories like fingerprints are slowly raising.................................... first niagara center buffalo '13
another man ..... moved by sleight of hand...................................... joe louis arena detroit '14
I know this board has been really good at spotting misinformation, can some one help me out here. Biden said during his town hall that you will not get Covid if you have been vaccinated (video a page or two back), yet the Washington Post states-
"In other words, the delta variant means the virus will probably continue to spread, even among vaccinated people and even in a strongly vaccinated country such as Israel, because the vaccines don’t protect from transmission or symptomatic cases nearly as well. But that doesn’t mean the vaccines don’t work, especially when it comes to preventing the worst of the disease.
I'll hang up and listen...
What a strange way to get your jollies.
PS I liked the DD name.
Not today Sir, Probably not tomorrow.............................................. bayfront arena st. pete '94
you're finally here and I'm a mess................................................... nationwide arena columbus '10
memories like fingerprints are slowly raising.................................... first niagara center buffalo '13
another man ..... moved by sleight of hand...................................... joe louis arena detroit '14
Pearl Jam bootlegs:
It's a fair question the poster asked.
We have all gone round and round on here that words matter. I've been victim of it too for using the wrong word even though people knew good and well what I meant.
I get blasted for "misinformation", yet when I ask for clarification on some "misinformation" the three responses after are blasting me about Trump and do not address a legitimate concern for most people, conflicting information.
I understand that no one from "the" party cares about me. When these folks understand that, we will start getting somewhere.
Not today Sir, Probably not tomorrow.............................................. bayfront arena st. pete '94
you're finally here and I'm a mess................................................... nationwide arena columbus '10
memories like fingerprints are slowly raising.................................... first niagara center buffalo '13
another man ..... moved by sleight of hand...................................... joe louis arena detroit '14
Are you sure that getting medical advice from politicians and then coming to the 10C forum for clarification on said advice isn't a better approach?
A few people seem to think it is.