Here’s three who, as far as I know, haven’t had issues, been an embarrassment or a problem or a campaign issue:
Amy Carter Chelsea Clinton Sasha & Malia Obama
All families are dysfunctional, just some more so than others.
Yup, these people are public figures so their dirty laundry seems to become public more often than not.
It does make me wonder a bit if politicians and their families have a higher rate of issues with the kids. I could see it based upon the unhealthy working environment...lots of time away...uber focus on the candidate/representative/etc....$$$$. Does the job and environment help lead to issues like this?
To be honest, the issues with Biden's kids are pretty extreme. Trumps kids lack morales. Obama's kids seemed to make it out fine so far...I hope they remain well.
It’s gotta have an impact. Trying to keep your kids in schools with their friends, one parent away most of the week and spending weekends at home at events, etc. I almost wish they’d build Congress a dormitory and randomly assign members a dorm room, charge them rent to maintain the buildings and have family suites you could reserve so the family could come stay during school vacations and such.
Being a kid and moving into the White House and going to Sidwell Friends or some other private school. It’s tough enough navigating regular childhood development shit and add the secret service and butlers and the microscope? Ugh. I admired Obama for making the dinner hour off limits for almost everything.
Here’s three who, as far as I know, haven’t had issues, been an embarrassment or a problem or a campaign issue:
Amy Carter Chelsea Clinton Sasha & Malia Obama
All families are dysfunctional, just some more so than others.
Yup, these people are public figures so their dirty laundry seems to become public more often than not.
It does make me wonder a bit if politicians and their families have a higher rate of issues with the kids. I could see it based upon the unhealthy working environment...lots of time away...uber focus on the candidate/representative/etc....$$$$. Does the job and environment help lead to issues like this?
To be honest, the issues with Biden's kids are pretty extreme. Trumps kids lack morales. Obama's kids seemed to make it out fine so far...I hope they remain well.
I'm sure it's a tough way to have to grow up. Chelsea was ridiculed and honestly, that could have turned out much worse. The Bush daughters (young adults living the young adult life) were scrutinized unfairly, as well. As far as I know, they came out OK, too.
I know nothing about Biden's daughter. His son is a disaster and that certainly could be connected to his father's life in politics.
Trump's kids had a famous father, though they themselves were not in the limelight (nor was Hunter; that's pretty much reserved for children of the president). The three oldest kids are fair game...they work for him and have made a lot of money off of his presidency. And the two boys are just like him; petulant silver-spooners who don't seem to care about much of anything outside of making money, being victims, and owning the libs. Ivanka is essentially the same but more polished; she's able to appear less petty but she's probably more devious. I'm not at the point that I feel like Tiffany is fair game (kinda like the Bushes and Chesea should not have been). Barron? I almost feel bad for him...At least the last few presidents could pick their kids out of a lineup. Yeah, he'll never have to worry about money but I think his upbringing is pretty crazy and some of that does come from the media...but it's not a surprise that Trump's three most famous kids don't seem to have a lot of morals, given who their father is.
1995 Milwaukee 1998 Alpine, Alpine 2003 Albany, Boston, Boston, Boston 2004 Boston, Boston 2006 Hartford, St. Paul (Petty), St. Paul (Petty) 2011 Alpine, Alpine 2013 Wrigley 2014 St. Paul 2016 Fenway, Fenway, Wrigley, Wrigley 2018 Missoula, Wrigley, Wrigley 2021 Asbury Park 2022 St Louis 2023 Austin, Austin
Not sure what's with you Americans, as a Canadian I'm fully aware that our leadership options suck. There is no win. We've got the Liberal party which swung to the left with it's crazy spending. We've got the NDP even further left. Then we've got the conservatives who have swung massively right to try and attract the far right vote. Except less of the Canadian population identifies with far right, so it makes it super hard to win elections when the align themselves with the crazy.
They all suck. It's not like we wouldn't have problems if we'd gone another way.. lol. Libs/NDP, spend until we go broke (but tend to be closer to my social values), then Cons usually cut taxes (and not much spending) until we go broke (and they're social values keep leaning harder to the crazy right.. sigh.
What I wouldn't give for something down the middle.
A political party that is at least somewhat fiscally responsible and at least shares some of my social values.
I know this a Biden thread, but America would also be f'd regardless of who is president right now. Trump got voted out before he really had to deal with the consequences of his own policies. That big economic run up before covid was all done on credit (taxes were cut, but spending wasn't). Then Trump and Biden shared responsibility for all the covid spending. The Fed was doing the massive quantitative easing through both of their presidencies. Plus were seeing all the negative consequences of 30+ years of globalizations.
That's my thoughts. Biden and Trump both suck.. lol. Just like all our leadership options in Canada suck.
That might be true...but it's really difficult to create an equivalency. Trump literally tried to stay in office via coup. He literally puts the Republic in jeopardy just by being president (and even by not being president). He "sucks" in a far different and more dangerous way than Biden, or your Canadian leaders suck.
1995 Milwaukee 1998 Alpine, Alpine 2003 Albany, Boston, Boston, Boston 2004 Boston, Boston 2006 Hartford, St. Paul (Petty), St. Paul (Petty) 2011 Alpine, Alpine 2013 Wrigley 2014 St. Paul 2016 Fenway, Fenway, Wrigley, Wrigley 2018 Missoula, Wrigley, Wrigley 2021 Asbury Park 2022 St Louis 2023 Austin, Austin
I sure am glad I didn't vote for either of Biden's kids to be president.
I'm also happy he hasn't given them jobs in the White House.
Precisely my perspective on it. I also don't look to Biden for parenting advice.
This is all probably similar to Andy Reid's situation, for those that follow the NFL. His kids are a mess...Any has a demanding career that keeps him away from home a ton. Biden, too. Trump...well he didn't really "work" hard but he "networked" hard.
1995 Milwaukee 1998 Alpine, Alpine 2003 Albany, Boston, Boston, Boston 2004 Boston, Boston 2006 Hartford, St. Paul (Petty), St. Paul (Petty) 2011 Alpine, Alpine 2013 Wrigley 2014 St. Paul 2016 Fenway, Fenway, Wrigley, Wrigley 2018 Missoula, Wrigley, Wrigley 2021 Asbury Park 2022 St Louis 2023 Austin, Austin
yeah, I care as much about Biden's kids as I would have about Trump's....had the latter not become involved in his job, policy, and public rhetoric that helped get us to where we are today.
"Oh're beautiful when you're drunk" -EV 8/14/93
My comments are purely on the aspect of being a parent and making a decision that will indirectly cause huge embarrassment for your family. I have heard of some politicians in the past not running because they didn't want to their family dirty laundry publicized for the world. I totally understand that just because someone's child grows up and gets into drugs, addiction, crime doesn't mean the parent didn't care or didn't do all that they felt they could to help the kid. Adults make their own decisions. I wouldn't want a great leader not to run because one of their kids is a dumbass who makes dumbass decisions.
My comments are purely on the aspect of being a parent and making a decision that will indirectly cause huge embarrassment for your family. I have heard of some politicians in the past not running because they didn't want to their family dirty laundry publicized for the world. I totally understand that just because someone's child grows up and gets into drugs, addiction, crime doesn't mean the parent didn't care or didn't do all that they felt they could to help the kid. Adults make their own decisions. I wouldn't want a great leader not to run because one of their kids is a dumbass who makes dumbass decisions.
for sure. I wonder how much Joe actually knew prior to it becoming public record, or the threat of it becoming so...I'm sure he knew Hunter's drug addiction issues, but would he have known about his daughter's diary? Doubtful. I think a lot of these people also think it won't happen to them. I mean, a lot of a think like that in our daily lives too (except those of us with anxiety issues-we think EVERYTHING will happen to us lol)
"Oh're beautiful when you're drunk" -EV 8/14/93
I actually did laugh when I watched a clip because WTF? How did that happen? It wasn’t like he was clipped into his pedals and you can see him take his opposite side from the camera foot off and start to lower it. And then he falls in the opposite direction. Don’t know how it happened but the ground comes up quick.
Brandon bobbles but brings the BOOM!l
And I do have a flawed trait in that seeing someone trip and fall is hilarious to me as a first instinct, then the stifling laugh EMT kicks in. And I’ve witnessed some doozies, including someone walking full stride right through a screen door, someone disappearing off a deck and my own one minute I’m up and next I’m laying on my back in the driveway looking up at the sky laughing at myself as the dog walker passing by is miffed because I’m laughing while they’re asking if I’m ok. I’ve also taken one step with a bag of groceries and wham, on the ground with squished groceries. Think I learned my lesson? Nah, let’s try again. Wham! Groceries a little more flattened. Ended up scootching on my ass like a crab from the garage to the back door and back several times. Ice storms are fun.
I don’t wish it to happen but when it does, it’s like slapstick in Three Stooges.
I bet if it was not Biden you’d be in a different thread laughing. A lot.
And of course the diary and hunter’s laptop actually exist and we are told to be skeptical of them, but the P tape in a bogus Russia memo that is nowhere to be found does exist.
I bet if it was not Biden you’d be in a different thread laughing. A lot.
And of course the diary and hunter’s laptop actually exist and we are told to be skeptical of them, but the P tape in a bogus Russia memo that is nowhere to be found does exist.
I never said that Hunter’s lap top or Brandon’s daughter’s diary don’t exist, I’m positive that they do. However, I question the provenance of the contents of both because in one, you had Ruddy Ghouliani involved, and we all know he’s on the up and up, and in the other, Project “Veritas,” another honest broker of the truth. Versus a former MI6 intelligence officer and POOTWH, who we know has moral scruples issues and a desire for revenge, as well as a rich business history and political campaign with tons of Russia Russia Russia contacts and money (let’s not forget the two foreign intelligence agencies alerting us and the head of the UK’s CIA equivalent personally contacting his equal at the CIA, bypassing normal channels, so alarmed was he). Not to mention the 4 years of POOTWH bowing to Putin on the ritz. So yea, same-same.
Now fast forward to today. Hunter hasn’t been indicted yet and the daughter’s diary was known about before the election but wasn’t promoted by Faux, WSJ or any other Murdick news outlets. Remember the Steele Memo and it’s contents broke after POOTWH had been elected. See the difference?
Which is more plausible?
PS: read the footnotes in the Team Mueller Report. The PTape is not as far fetched as you’d like it to be, particularly if you have an understanding of KGB tactics.
And since we’re at it, how do you feel about Jared Dear Boy’s $2B Saudi Investment Fund with a guaranteed $25M management fee per year regardless of performance? No quid pro quo? Totally kosher, right? It’s happening right in front of your eyes, just like the $250M Save America PAC that didn’t exist. But we should be concerned about Hunter’s laptop existing. Sure.
And since we’re at it, how do you feel about Jared Dear Boy’s $2B Saudi Investment Fund with a guaranteed $25M management fee per year regardless of performance? No quid pro quo? Totally kosher, right? It’s happening right in front of your eyes, just like the $250M Save America PAC that didn’t exist. But we should be concerned about Hunter’s laptop existing. Sure.
Just need to be consistent. Don’t agree with Trump’s kids’ actions. For example, Biden goes around touching every woman he says and sniffing their hair, and now apparently showered with his daughter when she was young per the diary, and not a peep from the left. Trump made weird comments about his daughter and clearly deserved arrows. Let’s just be consistent and not just say anything negative against a liberal is false info. Do we ask about provenance when negative info about Trump is released?
I am against trump and voted for Biden so don’t assume I am some Trumpster.
And since we’re at it, how do you feel about Jared Dear Boy’s $2B Saudi Investment Fund with a guaranteed $25M management fee per year regardless of performance? No quid pro quo? Totally kosher, right? It’s happening right in front of your eyes, just like the $250M Save America PAC that didn’t exist. But we should be concerned about Hunter’s laptop existing. Sure.
Just need to be consistent. Don’t agree with Trump’s kids’ actions. For example, Biden goes around touching every woman he says and sniffing their hair, and now apparently showered with his daughter when she was young per the diary, and not a peep from the left. Trump made weird comments about his daughter and clearly deserved arrows. Let’s just be consistent and not just say anything negative against a liberal is false info. Do we ask about provenance when negative info about Trump is released?
I am against trump and voted for Biden so don’t assume I am some Trumpster.
And yet here you are bringing up Hunter’s laptop and claiming the diary entries are true. Where is the right wing press on this? Why aren’t we hearing the Newsmax guy shouting questions about Brandon showering with his daughter? Why are the right wing press ignoring both stories?
There’s a hell of a lot more known and in the public record about the corruption and graft of the POOTWH’s kids. Let me know when you find the millions Hunter made for peddling influence on his father in a quid pro quo and either his daughter or another credible witness backs up the diary allegations.
Yes, both have substance abuse issues but one set of kids is not like the other. Where have you been for 7 years?
What negative info regarding POOTWH are you referring? I already explained why I give the PTAPE provenance and believe it’s a credible allegation from multiple facts, some of which are in the footnotes of the Team Mueller report. I suggest that you read the full report, inclusive of footnotes.
Then why are you defending POOTWH. And please don’t say for consistency because the two families are not the same, not even close.
Did you pay to see 2,000 mules too? Heard an interview with a data scientist who investigated every allegation made in the film and debunked every single one of them. They’d play a clip from the film and he’d explain how he investigated it and totally debunked it with the facts. 62 failed court cases back him up. That was followed by an extensive interview with a guy who went to work for Alex Jones, became disillusioned and left. Fun day listening to the radio as I drove around doing errands.
Moving through All Kinds of Terrain. Posts: 42,352
OK, I'm not going to take side here but I'll tell you this much- if that had been me falling off a bicycle, I would not recovered half that fast... and I'm 8 years younger than he is.
Well done, Mr. President.
"Pretty cookies, heart squares all around, yeah!" -Eddie Vedder, "Smile"
And since we’re at it, how do you feel about Jared Dear Boy’s $2B Saudi Investment Fund with a guaranteed $25M management fee per year regardless of performance? No quid pro quo? Totally kosher, right? It’s happening right in front of your eyes, just like the $250M Save America PAC that didn’t exist. But we should be concerned about Hunter’s laptop existing. Sure.
Just need to be consistent. Don’t agree with Trump’s kids’ actions. For example, Biden goes around touching every woman he says and sniffing their hair, and now apparently showered with his daughter when she was young per the diary, and not a peep from the left. Trump made weird comments about his daughter and clearly deserved arrows. Let’s just be consistent and not just say anything negative against a liberal is false info. Do we ask about provenance when negative info about Trump is released?
I am against trump and voted for Biden so don’t assume I am some Trumpster.
You, my friend, need to be outraged, perhaps more so, with Putin on the ritz’s invasion of Ukraine rather than a hair sniffing underage daughter showering with her dad the POTUS and all of it on Hunter’s lap top.
Are you not concerned with what is happening in Ukraine? Or would you rather focus on Hunter’s lap top? Asking for a friend.
And since we’re at it, how do you feel about Jared Dear Boy’s $2B Saudi Investment Fund with a guaranteed $25M management fee per year regardless of performance? No quid pro quo? Totally kosher, right? It’s happening right in front of your eyes, just like the $250M Save America PAC that didn’t exist. But we should be concerned about Hunter’s laptop existing. Sure.
Just need to be consistent. Don’t agree with Trump’s kids’ actions. For example, Biden goes around touching every woman he says and sniffing their hair, and now apparently showered with his daughter when she was young per the diary, and not a peep from the left. Trump made weird comments about his daughter and clearly deserved arrows. Let’s just be consistent and not just say anything negative against a liberal is false info. Do we ask about provenance when negative info about Trump is released?
I am against trump and voted for Biden so don’t assume I am some Trumpster.
You, my friend, need to be outraged, perhaps more so, with Putin on the ritz’s invasion of Ukraine rather than a hair sniffing underage daughter showering with her dad the POTUS and all of it on Hunter’s lap top.
Are you not concerned with what is happening in Ukraine? Or would you rather focus on Hunter’s lap top? Asking for a friend.
Can you only focus or be concerned with one thing? Asking for my aunt.
Being a kid and moving into the White House and going to Sidwell Friends or some other private school. It’s tough enough navigating regular childhood development shit and add the secret service and butlers and the microscope? Ugh. I admired Obama for making the dinner hour off limits for almost everything.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
I know nothing about Biden's daughter. His son is a disaster and that certainly could be connected to his father's life in politics.
Trump's kids had a famous father, though they themselves were not in the limelight (nor was Hunter; that's pretty much reserved for children of the president). The three oldest kids are fair game...they work for him and have made a lot of money off of his presidency. And the two boys are just like him; petulant silver-spooners who don't seem to care about much of anything outside of making money, being victims, and owning the libs. Ivanka is essentially the same but more polished; she's able to appear less petty but she's probably more devious. I'm not at the point that I feel like Tiffany is fair game (kinda like the Bushes and Chesea should not have been). Barron? I almost feel bad for him...At least the last few presidents could pick their kids out of a lineup. Yeah, he'll never have to worry about money but I think his upbringing is pretty crazy and some of that does come from the media...but it's not a surprise that Trump's three most famous kids don't seem to have a lot of morals, given who their father is.
2013 Wrigley 2014 St. Paul 2016 Fenway, Fenway, Wrigley, Wrigley 2018 Missoula, Wrigley, Wrigley 2021 Asbury Park 2022 St Louis 2023 Austin, Austin
2013 Wrigley 2014 St. Paul 2016 Fenway, Fenway, Wrigley, Wrigley 2018 Missoula, Wrigley, Wrigley 2021 Asbury Park 2022 St Louis 2023 Austin, Austin
I sure am glad I didn't vote for either of Biden's kids to be president.
I'm also happy he hasn't given them jobs in the White House.
The Golden Age is 2 months away. And guess what….. you’re gonna love it! (teskeinc 11.19.24)
1998: Noblesville; 2003: Noblesville; 2009: EV Nashville, Chicago, Chicago
2010: St Louis, Columbus, Noblesville; 2011: EV Chicago, East Troy, East Troy
2013: London ON, Wrigley; 2014: Cincy, St Louis, Moline (NO CODE)
2016: Lexington, Wrigley #1; 2018: Wrigley, Wrigley, Boston, Boston
2020: Oakland, Oakland: 2021: EV Ohana, Ohana, Ohana, Ohana
2022: Oakland, Oakland, Nashville, Louisville; 2023: Chicago, Chicago, Noblesville
2024: Noblesville, Wrigley, Wrigley, Ohana, Ohana; 2025: Pitt1, Pitt2
2013 Wrigley 2014 St. Paul 2016 Fenway, Fenway, Wrigley, Wrigley 2018 Missoula, Wrigley, Wrigley 2021 Asbury Park 2022 St Louis 2023 Austin, Austin
-EV 8/14/93
-EV 8/14/93
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Brandon bobbles but brings the BOOM!l
And I do have a flawed trait in that seeing someone trip and fall is hilarious to me as a first instinct, then the stifling laugh EMT kicks in. And I’ve witnessed some doozies, including someone walking full stride right through a screen door, someone disappearing off a deck and my own one minute I’m up and next I’m laying on my back in the driveway looking up at the sky laughing at myself as the dog walker passing by is miffed because I’m laughing while they’re asking if I’m ok. I’ve also taken one step with a bag of groceries and wham, on the ground with squished groceries. Think I learned my lesson? Nah, let’s try again. Wham! Groceries a little more flattened. Ended up scootching on my ass like a crab from the garage to the back door and back several times. Ice storms are fun.
I don’t wish it to happen but when it does, it’s like slapstick in Three Stooges.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Now fast forward to today. Hunter hasn’t been indicted yet and the daughter’s diary was known about before the election but wasn’t promoted by Faux, WSJ or any other Murdick news outlets. Remember the Steele Memo and it’s contents broke after POOTWH had been elected. See the difference?
Which is more plausible?
PS: read the footnotes in the Team Mueller Report. The PTape is not as far fetched as you’d like it to be, particularly if you have an understanding of KGB tactics.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
I am against trump and voted for Biden so don’t assume I am some Trumpster.
There’s a hell of a lot more known and in the public record about the corruption and graft of the POOTWH’s kids. Let me know when you find the millions Hunter made for peddling influence on his father in a quid pro quo and either his daughter or another credible witness backs up the diary allegations.
Yes, both have substance abuse issues but one set of kids is not like the other. Where have you been for 7 years?
What negative info regarding POOTWH are you referring? I already explained why I give the PTAPE provenance and believe it’s a credible allegation from multiple facts, some of which are in the footnotes of the Team Mueller report. I suggest that you read the full report, inclusive of footnotes.
Then why are you defending POOTWH. And please don’t say for consistency because the two families are not the same, not even close.
This country is doomed.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
This country is doomed.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
-Eddie Vedder, "Smile"
Are you not concerned with what is happening in Ukraine? Or would you rather focus on Hunter’s lap top? Asking for a friend.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.