I decided to run outside this morning. I think it was the wrong decision. Even though I left early, it was already almost 80 degrees with high humidity. At points I had to slow down to almost a slow jog to get my heart rate back down. I also had to stop more than a few times to wipe the burning sweat out of my eyes. Do you all wear something to keep the sweat out of your eyes? The worst part was running along the river. That is usually my favorite part of the run, but the sun reflecting off the water was enveloping me in extra heat. I was very happy to get back on the shady sidewalks.
I have to say though - a run like that really feels good when you are done and the sweat is pouring off you. It is a huge high. It almost makes it worth it. I feel great now. But I think I will do the treadmill on Wednesday since it is supposed to be even hotter. I was hoping not to use the treadmill until August - but here we are.
I signed up for a Pilates class tonight - so double workout for today. At least that will be indoors.
F Me In The Brain
this knows everybody from other commets Posts: 31,600
I agree re: the way you feel after. Wringing out my clothing and then hanging to dry is disgusting, no doubt, but there is a great feeling about having put in enough work to make your clothing weigh about 10 pounds.
I wear a trailheads hat - unless it is cold. Keeps sun off and helps keep the sweat from my brow.
Might wear a traditional ballcap to keep in the heat as it starts to get cold or a smartwool winter hat if very cold.
Ordered 2 more sweatbands the other day and my shoulder/sleeves and sweatbands are what I use when the sweats gets beyond the hat.
I wear contacts and they don't love the sweat in the eyes.
Strong work this AM and on booking double duty today!
I will have to look into a hat with a built in sweatband. Just got to the gym for my Pilates class. The AC is cranking. Decision made for my Wednesday run. The treadmill it is. But it should cool down enough by the end of the week to get back outside. It will be 97 here on Wednesday though. Yikes.
F Me In The Brain
this knows everybody from other commets Posts: 31,600
Started my training program for the Oct 30 run, today. For the weekday runs, at least to start, it is a decrease in mileage on Tuesdays and Thursdays. This seems odd but my body is going to really welcome it. This meant a shorter run this AM -- although with this heat this was still a good workout.
Wednesdays will be my long day during the weekdays, Saturday will be the overall 'long' day.
Went to REI on Saturday to try on those Salomon vests. Also ended up needing an XL, which the sales lady also commented on being unusual "You are not the big of a guy, to wear an XL" - and they didn't have the one I wanted in XL so ordered...can pick up today.
There is a joke here somewhere, but this is not the thread for that.
Started my training program for the Oct 30 run, today. For the weekday runs, at least to start, it is a decrease in mileage on Tuesdays and Thursdays. This seems odd but my body is going to really welcome it. This meant a shorter run this AM -- although with this heat this was still a good workout.
Wednesdays will be my long day during the weekdays, Saturday will be the overall 'long' day.
Went to REI on Saturday to try on those Salomon vests. Also ended up needing an XL, which the sales lady also commented on being unusual "You are not the big of a guy, to wear an XL" - and they didn't have the one I wanted in XL so ordered...can pick up today.
There is a joke here somewhere, but this is not the thread for that.
I can’t believe you ran outside today. Brave. Are you going to run outside Wednesday. I’m going to reluctantly use the treadmill.
I see people run with the vests. I am sure they are necessary for long runs. Have you run with one before?
F Me In The Brain
this knows everybody from other commets Posts: 31,600
Yeah, this morning was different. Lol. Only 6 miles and I went faster than I should have given the heat/humidity. Did bring water, which I usually don't if running under an hour. Last few were pretty slow, I was gassed. Very hot!
I've not yet worn a vest as the longer runs I've done have had stash points and the runs where I didn't need too much I could carry more easily. With the vest it should be much easier to carry enough stuff to not have to worry about stash points, or altering the pace I want to eat and drink at, or to carry a little extra gear in weather. There are many other things to carry/pack/strap, etc, depending on what activity you are doing. Will be interesting to wear the first few times - gotta figure it is hot, even though the best itself weighs almost nothing Based on the suggestion here it seems like it will be a good thing to have.
Yeah, this morning was different. Lol. Only 6 miles and I went faster than I should have given the heat/humidity. Did bring water, which I usually don't if running under an hour. Last few were pretty slow, I was gassed. Very hot!
I've not yet worn a vest as the longer runs I've done have had stash points and the runs where I didn't need too much I could carry more easily. With the vest it should be much easier to carry enough stuff to not have to worry about stash points, or altering the pace I want to eat and drink at, or to carry a little extra gear in weather. There are many other things to carry/pack/strap, etc, depending on what activity you are doing. Will be interesting to wear the first few times - gotta figure it is hot, even though the best itself weighs almost nothing Based on the suggestion here it seems like it will be a good thing to have.
Wow. You are a trooper running in this heat. I wussed out and hit the treadmill. It was the first time in a long time I didn't have to wear a mask while on the treadmill. It made a huge difference, but still boring as hell. Did my usual miles then took another mile walk outside to run some errands.
I sometimes see people in the vests when I am out running. I assume they are training for something. It is a nice idea in terms of carrying things on your longer runs. I just have a little running pack that fits my keys, phone, ID, a tissue (to wipe the sweat off my forehead), and my mask. But that is all I usually need on my short little 5 milers. I carry my water bottle in my hand. I hope it is not too hot to wear. I guess practice with it.
F Me In The Brain
this knows everybody from other commets Posts: 31,600
Glad I have tomorrow AM off. Short run today so it wasn't as bad but it was actually hotter out! The running pack, is that a fanny pack? I have some sort of cell holder/sleeve/strap generally on the arm, key and ID/insurance in my back zipper pocket. My sweatbands have zippers and somewhat water secure spots also but I don't like to put anything in there. Carry the CamelBak when I use one.
Glad I have tomorrow AM off. Short run today so it wasn't as bad but it was actually hotter out! The running pack, is that a fanny pack? I have some sort of cell holder/sleeve/strap generally on the arm, key and ID/insurance in my back zipper pocket. My sweatbands have zippers and somewhat water secure spots also but I don't like to put anything in there. Carry the CamelBak when I use one.
Yes. The running pack is basically a fanny pack - but cooler (so I tell myself) it’s reflective. It does have these elastic loops on the sides. They are made for water bottles, but I find it awkward to run with bottle there so I usually have that in my hand. I have used the loops to hold my sunglasses if it starts raining or my gloves when it starts getting too warm for them during my run. So I find it useful. I don’t think I could run with anything around my arm. I have seen a lot of people with the arm straps though.
F Me In The Brain
this knows everybody from other commets Posts: 31,600
Glad I have tomorrow AM off. Short run today so it wasn't as bad but it was actually hotter out! The running pack, is that a fanny pack? I have some sort of cell holder/sleeve/strap generally on the arm, key and ID/insurance in my back zipper pocket. My sweatbands have zippers and somewhat water secure spots also but I don't like to put anything in there. Carry the CamelBak when I use one.
Yes. The running pack is basically a fanny pack - but cooler (so I tell myself) it’s reflective. It does have these elastic loops on the sides. They are made for water bottles, but I find it awkward to run with bottle there so I usually have that in my hand. I have used the loops to hold my sunglasses if it starts raining or my gloves when it starts getting too warm for them during my run. So I find it useful. I don’t think I could run with anything around my arm. I have seen a lot of people with the arm straps though.
I don't even notice the arm band/sleeve with my phone in them while I am running if they go directly on my skin. (First pic)
The issue is that sometimes (not sure why only sometimes) something rubs against my body opposite and is irritated. I made sure it is not a tag, a zipper, or anything like that & have tried a few brands/types. On a long run it can leave a raw patch that I notice later and takes a bit to heal. If that happens I switch to the armband with the actual cell holder instead of the sleeve one and this works fine, although not as comfortable. (2nd pic)
Where I have problems is when I have an article of clothing/jacket/etc as it gets colder and the sleeves and bands all slide around. Very annoying. I tend to find a pocket in the jacket or somewhere else to stash the phone.
Until the relatively recent deal where I began to get raw skin from the irritation the sleeves were great if they could go directly on my arm.
Last night went pretty well! Good to iron out a few things with my uncle (support crew) my cousin's watch recorded 50 miles so imagine my distress when my run keeper app gave me this result!😂
F Me In The Brain
this knows everybody from other commets Posts: 31,600
50 miles, overnight, wow! That is my goal. Not overnight....just fifty miles. Went 10 miles this morning, lol. Did you stop at all or was that just walking time to hit that average? What is your energy intake over that twelve miles? Do you count calories and liquid volume or just take what you feel you guys need? You and your cousin do that same as far as that goes?
Sorry for the number of questions, I am very interested!
When is the event? What is the name of it again? I remember you shared info around it before.....
50 miles, overnight, wow! That is my goal. Not overnight....just fifty miles. Went 10 miles this morning, lol. Did you stop at all or was that just walking time to hit that average? What is your energy intake over that twelve miles? Do you count calories and liquid volume or just take what you feel you guys need? You and your cousin do that same as far as that goes?
Sorry for the number of questions, I am very interested!
When is the event? What is the name of it again? I remember you shared info around it before.....
Strong work!
We met with my uncle every 12/13 miles and stopped, took a seat, had some pasta or soup or a coffee (bought a kettle that runs from the car) in-between those stops we carry 1ltre of water mixed with high five energy powder (350cals) and around 300 Cal's of snacks to graze on. We left the trackers running so that AVG pace includes the stops and the walk sections. We took it as easy as we could, hope to complete the first 50 quicker in race day.
It's the robinhood100 on sept 11. 1 to 2 weeks rest now then build back up to a 2nd peak.
F Me In The Brain
this knows everybody from other commets Posts: 31,600
Wow!! You guys are amazing with the long distance running. I really admire the training a dedication. I just did my usual 5 miles today. It was cool but humid. I would take that over hot and humid any day.
Sweat my ass off out there! Left at 5 was back just before 6 and it was still a swamp type environment. Felt great, after.
How many folks are back at the gym? Back to normal capacity yet?
You get out there way earlier than I do. So, it was already a steamy mess by the time I was ready to run around 9:00am. My gym is back to normal - no masks, group classes, etc. The only difference is that for now you still have to sign up on the app for a specific time to come. It used to be that there were capacity limits so the app would tell you how many people were signed up for that time. I think the limit was 30 rigt when it reopened. Then it moved up to 70. Now it doesn't appear to have a limit, but they are still asking for us to pick a time on the app. I usually go when it is not busy during the work day. I know it gets really crowded before and after work. Also, my Pilates class is at capacity now. So, things are seemingly back to prepandemic times. One good thing that came out of this is that everyone seems to be using the wipes to wipe down their equipment before and after use. I hope that habit stays.
F Me In The Brain
this knows everybody from other commets Posts: 31,600
Yeah that is one of the things that makes gyms a no for me - other people and their disgusting habits.
I'm training for a marathon in Oct in Ann Arbor. Anyone else running in that one?
No, not for that one. Have you run marathon(s) before?
Saw that you are a Goggins fan -- as a fellow fan I am sure reading Can't Hurt Me while training will crank up that training a few levels.
How are you training?
Love having another person here to join our encouragement for each other's running desires.
Speaking of, @Spiritual_Chaos is it almost time to start back up for you?
I have run a couple but not in 10 years so it's been fun ramping back up to that level. I went on the runners world website and they have programs set up for depending fitness level. My goal is to qualify for Boston. Yes Goggins ramps up the internal intensity for sure lol.
There's no I in team, but there's me.
"I'm George Bush and my son's an asshole" 08/03/2000
Don't stop wen you're tired, stop when you're done
F Me In The Brain
this knows everybody from other commets Posts: 31,600
I'm training for a marathon in Oct in Ann Arbor. Anyone else running in that one?
No, not for that one. Have you run marathon(s) before?
Saw that you are a Goggins fan -- as a fellow fan I am sure reading Can't Hurt Me while training will crank up that training a few levels.
How are you training?
Love having another person here to join our encouragement for each other's running desires.
Speaking of, @Spiritual_Chaos is it almost time to start back up for you?
I have run a couple but not in 10 years so it's been fun ramping back up to that level. I went on the runners world website and they have programs set up for depending fitness level. My goal is to qualify for Boston. Yes Goggins ramps up the internal intensity for sure lol.
Awesome, congrats on getting back to it.
If you are in the standard Pearl Jam Fan age range I am guessing you need to be sub 3h20m (male) or 3h50m (female) to qualify. I am a slow runner and to qualify I would have to pretty much run as fast as I can run a mile, about 26 times in a row.
Props to you for your speed!
Is your goal to qualify for Boston in your first Marathon back?
Very interesting to see the different goals we all have -- they are all meaningful and drive us to put in the work to get there, which (for my thoughts) is the point of setting goals!
I'm training for a marathon in Oct in Ann Arbor. Anyone else running in that one?
No, not for that one. Have you run marathon(s) before?
Saw that you are a Goggins fan -- as a fellow fan I am sure reading Can't Hurt Me while training will crank up that training a few levels.
How are you training?
Love having another person here to join our encouragement for each other's running desires.
Speaking of, @Spiritual_Chaos is it almost time to start back up for you?
I have run a couple but not in 10 years so it's been fun ramping back up to that level. I went on the runners world website and they have programs set up for depending fitness level. My goal is to qualify for Boston. Yes Goggins ramps up the internal intensity for sure lol.
Awesome, congrats on getting back to it.
If you are in the standard Pearl Jam Fan age range I am guessing you need to be sub 3h20m (male) or 3h50m (female) to qualify. I am a slow runner and to qualify I would have to pretty much run as fast as I can run a mile, about 26 times in a row.
Props to you for your speed!
Is your goal to qualify for Boston in your first Marathon back?
Very interesting to see the different goals we all have -- they are all meaningful and drive us to put in the work to get there, which (for my thoughts) is the point of setting goals!
Thanks! You're bang on with my age, I'm 42 so yeah sub 3hr20min. Thank you! That is my goal but the training is just ramping up now so we'll see in a month if it's still the same lol. 100% agree with you. On the days even Goggins can't motivate me I just think about Boston and letting my kids down if I don't make it. That's not what they would think but that's what I tell myself they would think lol
There's no I in team, but there's me.
"I'm George Bush and my son's an asshole" 08/03/2000
Don't stop wen you're tired, stop when you're done
F Me In The Brain
this knows everybody from other commets Posts: 31,600
Whatever lever you need to pull in your brain to make it happen....reach for it when needed!
I'm training for a marathon in Oct in Ann Arbor. Anyone else running in that one?
No, not for that one. Have you run marathon(s) before?
Saw that you are a Goggins fan -- as a fellow fan I am sure reading Can't Hurt Me while training will crank up that training a few levels.
How are you training?
Love having another person here to join our encouragement for each other's running desires.
Speaking of, @Spiritual_Chaos is it almost time to start back up for you?
I have run a couple but not in 10 years so it's been fun ramping back up to that level. I went on the runners world website and they have programs set up for depending fitness level. My goal is to qualify for Boston. Yes Goggins ramps up the internal intensity for sure lol.
Awesome, congrats on getting back to it.
If you are in the standard Pearl Jam Fan age range I am guessing you need to be sub 3h20m (male) or 3h50m (female) to qualify. I am a slow runner and to qualify I would have to pretty much run as fast as I can run a mile, about 26 times in a row.
Props to you for your speed!
Is your goal to qualify for Boston in your first Marathon back?
Very interesting to see the different goals we all have -- they are all meaningful and drive us to put in the work to get there, which (for my thoughts) is the point of setting goals!
Thanks! You're bang on with my age, I'm 42 so yeah sub 3hr20min. Thank you! That is my goal but the training is just ramping up now so we'll see in a month if it's still the same lol. 100% agree with you. On the days even Goggins can't motivate me I just think about Boston and letting my kids down if I don't make it. That's not what they would think but that's what I tell myself they would think lol
That's a great goal 👍 and welcome to the place where it's cool to tell us about the stuff nobody else understands or gives a shit about 😂
Yeah that is one of the things that makes gyms a no for me - other people and their disgusting habits.
I used to enjoy the gym many years ago, but ever since I got back to running outside I don't think I'll ever go back. I do feel I would benefit from some conditioning but I just couldn't find the time.
Yeah that is one of the things that makes gyms a no for me - other people and their disgusting habits.
I used to enjoy the gym many years ago, but ever since I got back to running outside I don't think I'll ever go back. I do feel I would benefit from some conditioning but I just couldn't find the time.
I only run at the gym when it is either too hot or too cold for me outside. Luckily, most of the year is ok for running outdoors. But, I do like the gym for other things. I go to the gym for weight training and Pilates (or Barre class). I like to mix it up. My little NYC apartment is not really conducive for me setting up any equipment here - so the gym it is. One thing I don't like the gym for is yoga. It is far too easy there. So, for yoga I go to a proper yoga studio at least once a week. But I have been doing yoga regularly for 11 years - so I am probably better at than any other fitness activity.
I'm training for a marathon in Oct in Ann Arbor. Anyone else running in that one?
No, not for that one. Have you run marathon(s) before?
Saw that you are a Goggins fan -- as a fellow fan I am sure reading Can't Hurt Me while training will crank up that training a few levels.
How are you training?
Love having another person here to join our encouragement for each other's running desires.
Speaking of, @Spiritual_Chaos is it almost time to start back up for you?
I have run a couple but not in 10 years so it's been fun ramping back up to that level. I went on the runners world website and they have programs set up for depending fitness level. My goal is to qualify for Boston. Yes Goggins ramps up the internal intensity for sure lol.
Awesome, congrats on getting back to it.
If you are in the standard Pearl Jam Fan age range I am guessing you need to be sub 3h20m (male) or 3h50m (female) to qualify. I am a slow runner and to qualify I would have to pretty much run as fast as I can run a mile, about 26 times in a row.
Props to you for your speed!
Is your goal to qualify for Boston in your first Marathon back?
Very interesting to see the different goals we all have -- they are all meaningful and drive us to put in the work to get there, which (for my thoughts) is the point of setting goals!
Thanks! You're bang on with my age, I'm 42 so yeah sub 3hr20min. Thank you! That is my goal but the training is just ramping up now so we'll see in a month if it's still the same lol. 100% agree with you. On the days even Goggins can't motivate me I just think about Boston and letting my kids down if I don't make it. That's not what they would think but that's what I tell myself they would think lol
That's a great goal 👍 and welcome to the place where it's cool to tell us about the stuff nobody else understands or gives a shit about 😂
Hahaha thanks! this might turn into my favorite spot in the forum
There's no I in team, but there's me.
"I'm George Bush and my son's an asshole" 08/03/2000
Don't stop wen you're tired, stop when you're done
I'm off tomorrow from running but it just gets hotter, looking at the forecast
Very hot!
I've not yet worn a vest as the longer runs I've done have had stash points and the runs where I didn't need too much I could carry more easily. With the vest it should be much easier to carry enough stuff to not have to worry about stash points, or altering the pace I want to eat and drink at, or to carry a little extra gear in weather.
There are many other things to carry/pack/strap, etc, depending on what activity you are doing.
Will be interesting to wear the first few times - gotta figure it is hot, even though the best itself weighs almost nothing
Based on the suggestion here it seems like it will be a good thing to have.
The running pack, is that a fanny pack?
I have some sort of cell holder/sleeve/strap generally on the arm, key and ID/insurance in my back zipper pocket. My sweatbands have zippers and somewhat water secure spots also but I don't like to put anything in there. Carry the CamelBak when I use one.
Last night went pretty well! Good to iron out a few things with my uncle (support crew) my cousin's watch recorded 50 miles so imagine my distress when my run keeper app gave me this result!😂
That is my goal. Not overnight....just fifty miles.
Went 10 miles this morning, lol.
Did you stop at all or was that just walking time to hit that average?
What is your energy intake over that twelve miles?
Do you count calories and liquid volume or just take what you feel you guys need?
You and your cousin do that same as far as that goes?
Sorry for the number of questions, I am very interested!
When is the event? What is the name of it again? I remember you shared info around it before.....
Strong work!
It's the robinhood100 on sept 11. 1 to 2 weeks rest now then build back up to a 2nd peak.
Felt great, after.
How many folks are back at the gym? Back to normal capacity yet?
"I'm George Bush and my son's an asshole" 08/03/2000
Don't stop wen you're tired, stop when you're done
"I'm George Bush and my son's an asshole" 08/03/2000
Don't stop wen you're tired, stop when you're done
"I'm George Bush and my son's an asshole" 08/03/2000
Don't stop wen you're tired, stop when you're done
"I'm George Bush and my son's an asshole" 08/03/2000
Don't stop wen you're tired, stop when you're done