@beano.79 you guys must have to carry your gear and stuff? How are you prepping for that?
I use the Salomon adv skin 12 pack. It comes with 2 soft bottles on the front and space for a bladder in the back (which I don't use) It has great accessible pockets on the front and a 12litre zipped compartment on the back. There is mandatory gear we must carry such as waterproofs, hat, gloves etc.
For water and nutrition we have a 'crew' consisting of my uncle and best mate. They will replenish us at crew points along the course so we only need to carry enough water and nutrition for 3 hrs at a time. More importantly they can prepare hot drinks and soup etc which will be a great boost once we get into the night time!
Were planning all this now and it makes my head hurt 😂 but it's definitely part of the attraction and excitement for us
That's it. I'm getting one. This is the one I've been eyeing. My goal of running a halfie isn't exactly an event, but just me running to work which is about 14 miles. So it's not like there will be refreshments and bananas at stations every two miles. I just need to make sure I run enough to justify the price. Maybe I will be motivated to set another goal. On the same token, I have spent thousands on posters and those are real useless. Lol
@beano.79 you guys must have to carry your gear and stuff? How are you prepping for that?
I use the Salomon adv skin 12 pack. It comes with 2 soft bottles on the front and space for a bladder in the back (which I don't use) It has great accessible pockets on the front and a 12litre zipped compartment on the back. There is mandatory gear we must carry such as waterproofs, hat, gloves etc.
For water and nutrition we have a 'crew' consisting of my uncle and best mate. They will replenish us at crew points along the course so we only need to carry enough water and nutrition for 3 hrs at a time. More importantly they can prepare hot drinks and soup etc which will be a great boost once we get into the night time!
Were planning all this now and it makes my head hurt 😂 but it's definitely part of the attraction and excitement for us
That's it. I'm getting one. This is the one I've been eyeing. My goal of running a halfie isn't exactly an event, but just me running to work which is about 14 miles. So it's not like there will be refreshments and bananas at stations every two miles. I just need to make sure I run enough to justify the price. Maybe I will be motivated to set another goal. On the same token, I have spent thousands on posters and those are real useless. Lol
The best pack I've had. Everything is in the perfect place. And I use it on the days I run home from work so it's great for that 👍
It's strange what we will spend our money on. I think nothing of spending a small fortune on a day drinking session in london with the lads... But always reluctant with items like this.. or a record for £100 etc...and yet these things are with you for a long time and provide years of use/enjoyment
F Me In The Brain
this knows everybody from other commets Posts: 31,600
Yup - fishing trip with the buddies? Throw money around. Spend for a new pair of shoes? Mayyyyybe I can wait.
9 miles this morning in the heat, it felt great....except the part where I ended up on a 4 lane road w/o any shoulder or sidewalk or really anywhere to run. Lost major time hopping over the guardrail and walking for a while. Gotta get out very early if I want to run the direction, again. Too many damn cars and no room for runners or walkers. That was only a "longcut" bit, once I got back on a normal path I could run again. It'll teach me to look for an easy way to add a mile to a route I know!
Yup - fishing trip with the buddies? Throw money around. Spend for a new pair of shoes? Mayyyyybe I can wait.
9 miles this morning in the heat, it felt great....except the part where I ended up on a 4 lane road w/o any shoulder or sidewalk or really anywhere to run. Lost major time hopping over the guardrail and walking for a while. Gotta get out very early if I want to run the direction, again. Too many damn cars and no room for runners or walkers. That was only a "longcut" bit, once I got back on a normal path I could run again. It'll teach me to look for an easy way to add a mile to a route I know!
Sounds dangerous. You were right not to try to run on a busy 4 lane road. 9 miles is awesome! I got in around 5 miles today. I left a bit later than I wanted so it was already almost 80 degrees when I got started. There was a nice breeze by the river though. I had to stop a few times to sip my water but definitely didn’t want to get dehydrated. After the run I walked another mile to cool down and the endorphins felt great.
F Me In The Brain
this knows everybody from other commets Posts: 31,600
Very nice....I want to go and run by the river here....we do walk around it at times. It's nice.
That is tragic. Before I read the article I thought that they would have succumbed to heat. I was surprised to read it was the cold. Weather can be tricky. That is really sad.
So I only ever run 3 times a week regardless of which event I have entered. With walking to work and being on my feet all day at work, it's just what works for me. Here's my 3 for this week. A good tempo in the week, 8 miles with some hill repeats on Friday and today a long run, a little faster than the goal 100 mile pace.
So I only ever run 3 times a week regardless of which event I have entered. With walking to work and being on my feet all day at work, it's just what works for me. Here's my 3 for this week. A good tempo in the week, 8 miles with some hill repeats on Friday and today a long run, a little faster than the goal 100 mile pace.
The sun even made an appearance today!😁
Awesome. Your times are great. Good training for that 100 miler. I run 3 times a weeks as well. I do other workouts on the other days. We have had crap weather this weekend. Total rain and cold. I actually skipped this weekend’s run since I couldn’t motivate to get on the treadmill. Tomorrow I will start fresh.
F Me In The Brain
this knows everybody from other commets Posts: 31,600
Damn, 21 miles in, strong work! Ran 5 days this week although usually it is four. Think the program I may select will see 5 days so tried it out this week, will see how I feel tomorrow. Had to do dreadmill the last few days and it was awful. After running outside it seems like major punishment or something, lol. Started watching a doc about a badass runner doing Bob Graham - so many inspiring people out there.
Damn, 21 miles in, strong work! Ran 5 days this week although usually it is four. Think the program I may select will see 5 days so tried it out this week, will see how I feel tomorrow. Had to do dreadmill the last few days and it was awful. After running outside it seems like major punishment or something, lol. Started watching a doc about a badass runner doing Bob Graham - so many inspiring people out there.
Who is the runner? I've seen a couple of Bob Graham films.. good stuff.
I'd love to run 4/5 times but my body doesn't take it well. So made the decision a few years ago to go with 3 and make them all count.
Got a rest week next week, off camping with the family 👌
F Me In The Brain
this knows everybody from other commets Posts: 31,600
edited May 2021
Kristina Madsen. Need to finish up, was interrupted and need to watch the end. One of the people I read recently advocated for three days a week. For me, so far at least, I think I do better if I do more frequently. Course, my body broke down last time so I guess we will see this year. Enjoy your camping time. I'm going to VT tomorrow for a week and expect I may have to treadmill a but but at least for the weekend run I hope to get out to some nice trails. Can't really run on the roads in the town where I'm going as there is no shoulder and it is a ripe area for ankle rolling. Perhaps on some dirt roads, will see. As much as the huge hill runs available sounds exciting, not fucking my ankle up sounds like the smarter way
I'm not always one who takes the smarter way.....
Enjoy your camping with the family! We need to do that soon.
Damn, 21 miles in, strong work! Ran 5 days this week although usually it is four. Think the program I may select will see 5 days so tried it out this week, will see how I feel tomorrow. Had to do dreadmill the last few days and it was awful. After running outside it seems like major punishment or something, lol. Started watching a doc about a badass runner doing Bob Graham - so many inspiring people out there.
Who is the runner? I've seen a couple of Bob Graham films.. good stuff.
I'd love to run 4/5 times but my body doesn't take it well. So made the decision a few years ago to go with 3 and make them all count.
Got a rest week next week, off camping with the family 👌
Kristina Madsen. Need to finish up, was interrupted and need to watch the end. One of the people I read recently advocated for three days a week. For me, so far at least, I think I do better if I do more frequently. Course, my body broke down last time so I guess we will see this year. Enjoy your camping time. I'm going to VT tomorrow for a week and expect I may have to treadmill a but but at least for the weekend run I hope to get out to some nice trails. Can't really run on the roads in the town where I'm going as there is no shoulder and it is a ripe area for ankle rolling. Perhaps on some dirt roads, will see. As much as the huge hill runs available sounds exciting, not fucking my ankle up sounds like the smarter way
I'm not always one who takes the smarter way.....
Enjoy your camping with the family! We need to do that soon.
Enjoy Vermont. I hope you find some good trails to run. That sounds like fun. Just be careful!!
Damn, 21 miles in, strong work! Ran 5 days this week although usually it is four. Think the program I may select will see 5 days so tried it out this week, will see how I feel tomorrow. Had to do dreadmill the last few days and it was awful. After running outside it seems like major punishment or something, lol. Started watching a doc about a badass runner doing Bob Graham - so many inspiring people out there.
Who is the runner? I've seen a couple of Bob Graham films.. good stuff.
I'd love to run 4/5 times but my body doesn't take it well. So made the decision a few years ago to go with 3 and make them all count.
Got a rest week next week, off camping with the family 👌
Have a great time camping. Sounds like fun.
Thanks! Day one was typical highs and lows of a 5 year old girl 😂
Kristina Madsen. Need to finish up, was interrupted and need to watch the end. One of the people I read recently advocated for three days a week. For me, so far at least, I think I do better if I do more frequently. Course, my body broke down last time so I guess we will see this year. Enjoy your camping time. I'm going to VT tomorrow for a week and expect I may have to treadmill a but but at least for the weekend run I hope to get out to some nice trails. Can't really run on the roads in the town where I'm going as there is no shoulder and it is a ripe area for ankle rolling. Perhaps on some dirt roads, will see. As much as the huge hill runs available sounds exciting, not fucking my ankle up sounds like the smarter way
I'm not always one who takes the smarter way.....
Enjoy your camping with the family! We need to do that soon.
Fantastic film that one! She's incredible. Check out her kilimanjaro ascent... Under 7 hours! I had the privilege to climb in 2011... Took 5 days 😂
The hills would be exciting.. I'd say go for it, could always 'power hike' and run the runable sections. Be a shame to miss out on something awesome like that.
Post edited by beano.79 on
F Me In The Brain
this knows everybody from other commets Posts: 31,600
Wow you climbed that? Very cool! Will finish this watch and check that out as well, thanks.
Thank you both for the encouragement....I will find a way to get some scenic stuff in. Grew up there so the beauty is not new, but nothing around where I love now approaches the landscape there. I've done a race up there but never a solo expedition. Looking forward to it. Perhaps I can get my sister out with me, she is a Spartan freak.
Wow you climbed that? Very cool! Will finish this watch and check that out as well, thanks.
Thank you both for the encouragement....I will find a way to get some scenic stuff in. Grew up there so the beauty is not new, but nothing around where I love now approaches the landscape there. I've done a race up there but never a solo expedition. Looking forward to it. Perhaps I can get my sister out with me, she is a Spartan freak.
Yea an incredible experience. Although Trekk is a more accurate word than climb. Some scrambling on the route we took. we have some really nice, scenic and technical mountains here in the UK but nothing high enough to challenge you altitude-wise, so at 19340 ft that was 100% of the challenge. The distance and gradient (until the last night) really wasn't too bad.
Today felt like a summer run for sure. I managed to get out early to beat the major heat but still got pretty sweaty. Got my 5 miles in though. The humidity was fairly low.
My sister ran a 5k today that was at a winery. After the run they drank wine. She had to make sure to really hydrate before the wine festivities. Otherwise, that just spells a major headache. She said it was a really pretty route.
F Me In The Brain
this knows everybody from other commets Posts: 31,600
That sounds pretty cool - was she happy with her run and hydrating?
Got some nice runs in VT. Went to a mountain on NH yesterday and climbed....pretty taxing for a workout, took us seven hours. The hiking parts were fine, the rock work was tough. From the summit you can see MT Washington, which is the highest peak in the Northeastern US.
That sounds pretty cool - was she happy with her run and hydrating?
Got some nice runs in VT. Went to a mountain on NH yesterday and climbed....pretty taxing for a workout, took us seven hours. The hiking parts were fine, the rock work was tough. From the summit you can see MT Washington, which is the highest peak in the Northeastern US.
Wow. That is beautiful. The view must have been spectacular. Did you end up running hills in Vermont. A seven hour hike sounds like a great workout. Nice!!
My sister had fun. However, she hadn't run an official run since covid, and I guess they didn't have a water stop on the route with people handing out cups of water. She wasn't prepared for that, and it was really hot out. I am so used to carrying my own water, I would have probably brought it with me anyway. But she didn't. So, she said it was rough near the end, but she drank several bottles of water right after, and then dug into the wine.
That sounds pretty cool - was she happy with her run and hydrating?
Got some nice runs in VT. Went to a mountain on NH yesterday and climbed....pretty taxing for a workout, took us seven hours. The hiking parts were fine, the rock work was tough. From the summit you can see MT Washington, which is the highest peak in the Northeastern US.
Incredible view! And such a motivating, encouraging notice 😂
F Me In The Brain
this knows everybody from other commets Posts: 31,600
Ha. Good for her! Water is a good idea, even I you are only going three miles, on a hot day
I did not get to hill runs, ran at a dirt track and around a sports complex which was nice. The damn mountain was more than enough! That seven hour hike was really a mountain climbing event - probably more difficult than anything I've done running except the 26.2
It's strange what we will spend our money on. I think nothing of spending a small fortune on a day drinking session in london with the lads... But always reluctant with items like this.. or a record for £100 etc...and yet these things are with you for a long time and provide years of use/enjoyment
9 miles this morning in the heat, it felt great....except the part where I ended up on a 4 lane road w/o any shoulder or sidewalk or really anywhere to run. Lost major time hopping over the guardrail and walking for a while. Gotta get out very early if I want to run the direction, again. Too many damn cars and no room for runners or walkers.
That was only a "longcut" bit, once I got back on a normal path I could run again.
It'll teach me to look for an easy way to add a mile to a route I know!
Hope you get a break from it soon!
CNN : Extreme weather kills 21 ultra-marathon runners in China.
2 really good runs this weekend. Really starting to get into the rhythm of it.
The sun even made an appearance today!😁
Ran 5 days this week although usually it is four. Think the program I may select will see 5 days so tried it out this week, will see how I feel tomorrow.
Had to do dreadmill the last few days and it was awful. After running outside it seems like major punishment or something, lol.
Started watching a doc about a badass runner doing Bob Graham - so many inspiring people out there.
I'd love to run 4/5 times but my body doesn't take it well. So made the decision a few years ago to go with 3 and make them all count.
Got a rest week next week, off camping with the family 👌
Need to finish up, was interrupted and need to watch the end.
One of the people I read recently advocated for three days a week.
For me, so far at least, I think I do better if I do more frequently. Course, my body broke down last time so I guess we will see this year.
Enjoy your camping time.
I'm going to VT tomorrow for a week and expect I may have to treadmill a but but at least for the weekend run I hope to get out to some nice trails. Can't really run on the roads in the town where I'm going as there is no shoulder and it is a ripe area for ankle rolling. Perhaps on some dirt roads, will see. As much as the huge hill runs available sounds exciting, not fucking my ankle up sounds like the smarter way
I'm not always one who takes the smarter way.....
Enjoy your camping with the family! We need to do that soon.
The hills would be exciting.. I'd say go for it, could always 'power hike' and run the runable sections. Be a shame to miss out on something awesome like that.
Will finish this watch and check that out as well, thanks.
Thank you both for the encouragement....I will find a way to get some scenic stuff in. Grew up there so the beauty is not new, but nothing around where I love now approaches the landscape there. I've done a race up there but never a solo expedition. Looking forward to it. Perhaps I can get my sister out with me, she is a Spartan freak.
Got some nice runs in VT. Went to a mountain on NH yesterday and climbed....pretty taxing for a workout, took us seven hours.
The hiking parts were fine, the rock work was tough.
From the summit you can see MT Washington, which is the highest peak in the Northeastern US.
I did not get to hill runs, ran at a dirt track and around a sports complex which was nice.
The damn mountain was more than enough!
That seven hour hike was really a mountain climbing event - probably more difficult than anything I've done running except the 26.2
It was pretty beautiful.