F Me In The Brain
this knows everybody from other commets Posts: 31,612
Nah, I lived on SoCal for 20 years, I have heard Larry Elder more than I care to admit....and I was living with a libertarian / conservative viewpoint on many issues for much of that time.
Didn't take long did me to know when he was on and to avoid KABC at those times while in the car.
Try Listening to this guy for a few weeks. Expand your knowledge. Very down to earth very insightful. This is where i get most of my news from. Before you dismiss it because I like it give it a shot. The Sage From South Central. https://www.larryelder.com/
You dismiss stuff all the time because of the "left" side it is coming from. How are you in any position to tell people to not dismiss something just because you like it?
Try Listening to this guy for a few weeks. Expand your knowledge. Very down to earth very insightful. This is where i get most of my news from. Before you dismiss it because I like it give it a shot. The Sage From South Central. https://www.larryelder.com/
I’ll pass on anyone that contributes to outlets like Epoch Times, a hard right publication that is low on facts and high on charged language.
Yeah I watched that too....and it is the opinion of one random guy. (A random guy who apparently has never heard of the Internal Affairs division already present in most major police departments ) Keep on educating.....
I wonder why these sort of shootings rarely get posted in the Gun Violence thread...
It would be a full time job for anyone to post all of the shootings that occur in this country daily. The gun violence thread exists because many refuse to acknowledge that we need to make a change to gun ownership and requirements of such in this country. Those articles only further exemplify why gun reform is needed.
Fair enough, and I'm not saying every shooting should be posted. But where's the criticism of the leaders of those violence cities? Shouldn't the mayor of Chicago be called upon to fight for gun reform more than anyone?
Actually, the mayor of Chicago is pretty active in discussions around gun control, but the majority of guns used in crime in Chicago come from out of state.
How can they possibly know where most of the guns come from when most murders go unsolved? Just read this article where the close rate was the highest it’s been at 53%, some years they only close about 20% of the cases (many of those were from previous years, still only closed about 21% of murders for 2019).
And that increase of solving cases was credited to, you guessed it, expanding the police force and hiring more. But let’s defund them and get rid of bail and see how that does for the murder rate.
Yeah I watched that too....and it is the opinion of one random guy. (A random guy who apparently has never heard of the Internal Affairs division already present in most major police departments ) Keep on educating.....
I wonder why these sort of shootings rarely get posted in the Gun Violence thread...
It would be a full time job for anyone to post all of the shootings that occur in this country daily. The gun violence thread exists because many refuse to acknowledge that we need to make a change to gun ownership and requirements of such in this country. Those articles only further exemplify why gun reform is needed.
Fair enough, and I'm not saying every shooting should be posted. But where's the criticism of the leaders of those violence cities? Shouldn't the mayor of Chicago be called upon to fight for gun reform more than anyone?
Actually, the mayor of Chicago is pretty active in discussions around gun control, but the majority of guns used in crime in Chicago come from out of state.
How can they possibly know where most of the guns come from when most murders go unsolved? Just read this article where the close rate was the highest it’s been at 53%, some years they only close about 20% of the cases (many of those were from previous years, still only closed about 21% of murders for 2019).
And that increase of solving cases was credited to, you guessed it, expanding the police force and hiring more. But let’s defund them and get rid of bail and see how that does for the murder rate.
Gun crime is not synonymous with murder, and I specified gun crime. Obviously some of those guns are used in homicides, but others are used in other types of crimes, including assaults, threats, robbery, etc.
With consistent data trends now going back almost a decade, the majority of illegally used or possessed firearms
recovered in Chicago are traced back to states with less regulation over firearms, such as Indiana and Mississippi: More
than two of every five traceable crime guns recovered in Chicago originate with their first point of sale at an Illinois dealer.
The remaining 60 percent of firearms come from out of state, with Indiana as the primary source for approximately one
out of every five crime guns.
Pretty interesting reading overall. They name specific stores that have consistently been found to sell guns that end up being used in crimes.
my small self... like a book amongst the many on a shelf
Very sad for that boy and his family. Has zero to do with BLM that Trump phoned the father.
https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/teen-who-died-in-chop-shooting-wanted-to-be-loved-those-who-knew-him-recall/ Actually it has everything to with BLM. All black lives matter not just the ones that advance Marxism. What spawned The Chop? A few black lives were murdered in the Chop. What all happend inside chop that went unreported? Was it fellow comrades citizen of Chop who murdered these poor people? Defund the police? For BLM? https://youtu.be/AOOlOMLaFho The false narritive that so many liberals buy into that Trump is somehow a racist. Every single f****** time Bernie Sanders opens his mouth the first thing out of his mouth every chance he gets is Trump is a racist. the phone call was not a photo op or politically motivated he did it because he's a decent person and it does impact care about black lives. This whole thing is a conjured up race war you know that. The compassionate and the tolerant leftist mayor of the city of Seattle couldn't be bothered to call the family of these victims? I thought the Chop was supposed to be the Summer of Love. Leftism and the Truth cannot coexist. You're so blinded by your hatred for Trump and average conservatives alike. Can't give him credit for one damn thing. Believe it or not he is a real human being with a heart. This has everything to do with the BLM and the gargantuan appetite for the lies that are out there. I'm sure most of you can't stand that Hannity guy either. The idea that we're all a bunch of white racist conservative Republicans out here is being squash on a daily basis. Name a Democrat who reached out to this man to expressed condolences? A senator? or A congress person from the state of Washington? How about Obama? or more importantly Joe Biden? How about Governor Jay Inslee? Already mentioned Seattle's mayor? What news outlets botherd to report on this? NBC? CBS ? ABC? MSNBC Hee Haw? Again which Black Lives matter to the left? Only the ones they can use to promote their agenda. This guy's kid did not get 4 funerals or barely a mention. But Sean Hannity reached out and did a half hour non politically-motivated compassionate interview. Which most lefties will shrug off and claim because they think Sean Hannity is a racist white goof. But the proof is in the pudding.
Yeah I watched that too....and it is the opinion of one random guy. (A random guy who apparently has never heard of the Internal Affairs division already present in most major police departments ) Keep on educating.....
I wonder why these sort of shootings rarely get posted in the Gun Violence thread...
It would be a full time job for anyone to post all of the shootings that occur in this country daily. The gun violence thread exists because many refuse to acknowledge that we need to make a change to gun ownership and requirements of such in this country. Those articles only further exemplify why gun reform is needed.
Fair enough, and I'm not saying every shooting should be posted. But where's the criticism of the leaders of those violence cities? Shouldn't the mayor of Chicago be called upon to fight for gun reform more than anyone?
Actually, the mayor of Chicago is pretty active in discussions around gun control, but the majority of guns used in crime in Chicago come from out of state.
How can they possibly know where most of the guns come from when most murders go unsolved? Just read this article where the close rate was the highest it’s been at 53%, some years they only close about 20% of the cases (many of those were from previous years, still only closed about 21% of murders for 2019).
And that increase of solving cases was credited to, you guessed it, expanding the police force and hiring more. But let’s defund them and get rid of bail and see how that does for the murder rate.
Gun crime is not synonymous with murder, and I specified gun crime. Obviously some of those guns are used in homicides, but others are used in other types of crimes, including assaults, threats, robbery, etc.
With consistent data trends now going back almost a decade, the majority of illegally used or possessed firearms
recovered in Chicago are traced back to states with less regulation over firearms, such as Indiana and Mississippi: More
than two of every five traceable crime guns recovered in Chicago originate with their first point of sale at an Illinois dealer.
The remaining 60 percent of firearms come from out of state, with Indiana as the primary source for approximately one
out of every five crime guns.
Pretty interesting reading overall. They name specific stores that have consistently been found to sell guns that end up being used in crimes.
I understand gun crime and murder are not the same. But if they can only solve less than 30% of their murders I’m guessing there’s probably even more unsolved gun crime than that.
Thanks for sharing. But Illinois still supplies 40% of the guns. The only anomaly looks like Indiana, they supply 20%. Every other state is 5% or less, which I would imagine is pretty normal.
I would think if more police is the reason they are now solving half the murders (which is still pathetic) as supposed to 20%, then more police are needed to improve even more and enforce gun laws and crack down on the gang violence which is the biggest factor of their problem. I just don’t agree that Chicago’s gun problem is the results of other state’s gun laws. It’s a contributing factors, but not the biggest one.
I wasn’t sure where to post this but given some of the back and forth here maybe this is the right place. It’s extremely rare I wake up and find myself agreeing with Margaret Atwood, lol, and I appreciate how the article (or the letter it reports about) puts the onus on both sides to back down and open their ears.
Very sad for that boy and his family. Has zero to do with BLM that Trump phoned the father.
https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/teen-who-died-in-chop-shooting-wanted-to-be-loved-those-who-knew-him-recall/ Actually it has everything to with BLM. All black lives matter not just the ones that advance Marxism. What spawned The Chop? A few black lives were murdered in the Chop. What all happend inside chop that went unreported? Was it fellow comrades citizen of Chop who murdered these poor people? Defund the police? For BLM? https://youtu.be/AOOlOMLaFho The false narritive that so many liberals buy into that Trump is somehow a racist. Every single f****** time Bernie Sanders opens his mouth the first thing out of his mouth every chance he gets is Trump is a racist. the phone call was not a photo op or politically motivated he did it because he's a decent person and it does impact care about black lives. This whole thing is a conjured up race war you know that. The compassionate and the tolerant leftist mayor of the city of Seattle couldn't be bothered to call the family of these victims? I thought the Chop was supposed to be the Summer of Love. Leftism and the Truth cannot coexist. You're so blinded by your hatred for Trump and average conservatives alike. Can't give him credit for one damn thing. Believe it or not he is a real human being with a heart. This has everything to do with the BLM and the gargantuan appetite for the lies that are out there. I'm sure most of you can't stand that Hannity guy either. The idea that we're all a bunch of white racist conservative Republicans out here is being squash on a daily basis. Name a Democrat who reached out to this man to expressed condolences? A senator? or A congress person from the state of Washington? How about Obama? or more importantly Joe Biden? How about Governor Jay Inslee? Already mentioned Seattle's mayor? What news outlets botherd to report on this? NBC? CBS ? ABC? MSNBC Hee Haw? Again which Black Lives matter to the left? Only the ones they can use to promote their agenda. This guy's kid did not get 4 funerals or barely a mention. But Sean Hannity reached out and did a half hour non politically-motivated compassionate interview. Which most lefties will shrug off and claim because they think Sean Hannity is a racist white goof. But the proof is in the pudding.
Have you met Trump? Seen his "decent person" act for yourself? I haven't but my wife worked for him on a number of productions. What she saw, all those years ago, on multiple occasions was an awful person.
Conversely I have met Bernie Sanders on two occasions, and interviewed him once...in 1992. The second occasion was in a restaurant where he was at the table next to us in 2010 or 2011, cannot recall, and we spoke for a while as our dinner parties continued. Super nice man. Genuine, interested, direct.
This conversation is silly to continue - you believe Trump is a decent person. No common ground.
Black Lives Matter. The protesting should continue until there are changes. Moron presidential statements about statues and how he is the greatest should not slow them down. I hope people can find a way to protest safely.
Sorry to see this happen in Martinez- an otherwise cool little town on the shores of the Carquinez Strait in the Bay Area. Martinez is where John Muir lived from 1880 until the end of hos life in 1914 and his house there is a National Historic site:
I'm glad to hear those two were busted for painting over the approved BLM mural!
"Don't give in to the lies. Don't give in to the fear. Hold on to the truth. And to hope."
I wasn’t sure where to post this but given some of the back and forth here maybe this is the right place. It’s extremely rare I wake up and find myself agreeing with Margaret Atwood, lol, and I appreciate how the article (or the letter it reports about) puts the onus on both sides to back down and open their ears.
I totally agree. https://youtu.be/1Hhdj4snLCc Culturally. Speaking, This is how it should and could be. Chocolate & Vanilla Ice cream Twist out of the same machine pulled from the same handle, from the same compartment in the machine, poured into the same (1) happy container and enjoyed so happy together,, this is my utopia.
Were they just changing the yellow paint to black? LOL
HAHA, Yes they did. Still would see BLM on the street.
Cali ain't fucking around charging them with a hate crime.
Weird- considering this happened in the Bay Area- if they thought they could do this without consequences. Even more strange when anyone, especially a Bay Area resident, calls racism a "leftist lie".
"Don't give in to the lies. Don't give in to the fear. Hold on to the truth. And to hope."
I wasn’t sure where to post this but given some of the back and forth here maybe this is the right place. It’s extremely rare I wake up and find myself agreeing with Margaret Atwood, lol, and I appreciate how the article (or the letter it reports about) puts the onus on both sides to back down and open their ears.
I totally agree. https://youtu.be/1Hhdj4snLCc Culturally. Speaking, This is how it should and could be. Chocolate & Vanilla Ice cream Twist out of the same machine pulled from the same handle, from the same compartment in the machine, poured into the same (1) happy container and enjoyed so happy together,, this is my utopia.
Just moving this up the list because I think that this is super important.
I wasn’t sure where to post this but given some of the back and forth here maybe this is the right place. It’s extremely rare I wake up and find myself agreeing with Margaret Atwood, lol, and I appreciate how the article (or the letter it reports about) puts the onus on both sides to back down and open their ears.
I totally agree. https://youtu.be/1Hhdj4snLCc Culturally. Speaking, This is how it should and could be. Chocolate & Vanilla Ice cream Twist out of the same machine pulled from the same handle, from the same compartment in the machine, poured into the same (1) happy container and enjoyed so happy together,, this is my utopia.
I like your take, hope you won’t mind me adding that sometimes it can get a little messy (the swirl does overhang the cup, lol) which isn’t necessarily bad as long as we all do our part to clean up any mess.
As an aside, I recently realized what a huge influence science fiction was in making me colour blind. If the cool space jockey’s best friend is a large dog-ape, why couldn’t the different-coloured kids down the street or at school be my friend? Star Trek had a similar effect, hell, I’m tempted to even throw in The Muppet Show along these lines, lol. To say nothing of the philosophy that scifi introduces (Asimov being a good example).
"The world is full of idiots and I am but one of them."
10-30-1991 Toronto, Toronto 1 & 2 2016, Toronto 2022
I wasn’t sure where to post this but given some of the back and forth here maybe this is the right place. It’s extremely rare I wake up and find myself agreeing with Margaret Atwood, lol, and I appreciate how the article (or the letter it reports about) puts the onus on both sides to back down and open their ears.
I totally agree. https://youtu.be/1Hhdj4snLCc Culturally. Speaking, This is how it should and could be. Chocolate & Vanilla Ice cream Twist out of the same machine pulled from the same handle, from the same compartment in the machine, poured into the same (1) happy container and enjoyed so happy together,, this is my utopia.
I like your take, hope you won’t mind me adding that sometimes it can get a little messy (the swirl does overhang the cup, lol) which isn’t necessarily bad as long as we all do our part to clean up any mess.
As an aside, I recently realized what a huge influence science fiction was in making me colour blind. If the cool space jockey’s best friend is a large dog-ape, why couldn’t the different-coloured kids down the street or at school be my friend? Star Trek had a similar effect, hell, I’m tempted to even throw in The Muppet Show along these lines, lol. To say nothing of the philosophy that scifi introduces (Asimov being a good example).
Very Good These next two songs I'm going to play Go hand-in-hand just like the chocolate vanilla swirl ice cream analogy. Shine by LOLO https://youtu.be/j9FcMIYatmI And michael-kiwanuka-cold-little-heart https://youtu.be/nOubjLM9Cbc If you haven't yet read up on Michael Kiwanuka Wikipedia page very interesting.
The only problem I have with this is the widespread destruction that has gone on without consequence. It doesn’t seem right to allow what has been allowed, then charge someone for painting over a mural.
If you’re going to press charges over this then police shouldn’t be told to stand down anytime they loot a store or paint BLM on the sidewalk without permission. And the hate crime sounds like a stretch. BLM stands for more than black lives, maybe they disagree with their stance to defund the police on a national level.
I don’t think they should have painted over it either. Give them a ticket and move on.
The only problem I have with this is the widespread destruction that has gone on without consequence. It doesn’t seem right to allow what has been allowed, then charge someone for painting over a mural.
Numerous people have been arrested and charged in relation to the arson/property damage committed in the unrest in the Twin Cities. Most on federal charges.
I might be one of the few that absolutely dislikes that street painting for BLM and think it promotes the graffiti and is just overall dumb. I think the ladies painting over it are not right and should be charged as anyone painting on public property.
That said, and I do not know the answer to it, what if any were the charges against protesters that spray painted things like "ACAB", etc?
I might be one of the few that absolutely dislikes that street painting for BLM and think it promotes the graffiti and is just overall dumb. I think the ladies painting over it are not right and should be charged as anyone painting on public property.
That said, and I do not know the answer to it, what if any were the charges against protesters that spray painted things like "ACAB", etc?
I think it's dumb too. There was a post in another thread of De Blasio helping put it down in NYC. Just a troll job of Trump. And I'm for trolling Trump because he's a troll himself, but De Blasio should worry about the spike in crime in NYC and not worry about pandering.
The only problem I have with this is the widespread destruction that has gone on without consequence. It doesn’t seem right to allow what has been allowed, then charge someone for painting over a mural.
Numerous people have been arrested and charged in relation to the arson/property damage committed in the unrest in the Twin Cities. Most on federal charges.
Yes I know many have been arrested, but it appears far more we’re allowed to be destructive. Many police departments were instructed to stand down when looting began. Either way, being charged with a hate crime seems excessive. A citation and fine seems more appropriate.
F Me In The Brain
this knows everybody from other commets Posts: 31,612
Didn't take long did me to know when he was on and to avoid KABC at those times while in the car.
But Donald Trump did it give the boy's father a call.
Has zero to do with BLM that Trump phoned the father.
There are no kings inside the gates of eden
And that increase of solving cases was credited to, you guessed it, expanding the police force and hiring more. But let’s defund them and get rid of bail and see how that does for the murder rate.
Gun crime is not synonymous with murder, and I specified gun crime. Obviously some of those guns are used in homicides, but others are used in other types of crimes, including assaults, threats, robbery, etc.
Here's the link to the Gun Trace Report of 2017:
Here is a relevant section:
With consistent data trends now going back almost a decade, the majority of illegally used or possessed firearms recovered in Chicago are traced back to states with less regulation over firearms, such as Indiana and Mississippi: More than two of every five traceable crime guns recovered in Chicago originate with their first point of sale at an Illinois dealer. The remaining 60 percent of firearms come from out of state, with Indiana as the primary source for approximately one out of every five crime guns.
Pretty interesting reading overall. They name specific stores that have consistently been found to sell guns that end up being used in crimes.
Actually it has everything to with BLM. All black lives matter not just the ones that advance Marxism.
What spawned The Chop?
A few black lives were murdered in the Chop. What all happend inside chop that went unreported? Was it fellow comrades citizen of Chop who murdered these poor people?
Defund the police? For BLM?
The false narritive that so many liberals buy into that Trump is somehow a racist. Every single f****** time Bernie Sanders opens his mouth the first thing out of his mouth every chance he gets is Trump is a racist.
the phone call was not a photo op or politically motivated he did it because he's a decent person and it does impact care about black lives.
This whole thing is a conjured up race war you know that. The compassionate and the tolerant leftist mayor of the city of Seattle couldn't be bothered to call the family of these victims? I thought the Chop was supposed to be the Summer of Love.
Leftism and the Truth cannot coexist.
You're so blinded by your hatred for Trump and average conservatives alike. Can't give him credit for one damn thing.
Believe it or not he is a real human being with a heart.
This has everything to do with the BLM and the gargantuan appetite for the lies that are out there. I'm sure most of you can't stand that Hannity guy either. The idea that we're all a bunch of white racist conservative Republicans out here is being squash on a daily basis. Name a Democrat who reached out to this man to expressed condolences? A senator? or A congress person from the state of Washington? How about Obama? or more importantly Joe Biden? How about Governor Jay Inslee? Already mentioned Seattle's mayor? What news outlets botherd to report on this? NBC? CBS ? ABC? MSNBC Hee Haw? Again which Black Lives matter to the left? Only the ones they can use to promote their agenda. This guy's kid did not get 4 funerals or barely a mention.
But Sean Hannity reached out and did a half hour non politically-motivated compassionate interview. Which most lefties will shrug off and claim because they think Sean Hannity is a racist white goof.
But the proof is in the pudding.
Who truly cares about black lives and who are full of it.
Thanks for sharing. But Illinois still supplies 40% of the guns. The only anomaly looks like Indiana, they supply 20%. Every other state is 5% or less, which I would imagine is pretty normal.
I just don’t agree that Chicago’s gun problem is the results of other state’s gun laws. It’s a contributing factors, but not the biggest one.
10-30-1991 Toronto, Toronto 1 & 2 2016, Toronto 2022
I haven't but my wife worked for him on a number of productions.
What she saw, all those years ago, on multiple occasions was an awful person.
Conversely I have met Bernie Sanders on two occasions, and interviewed him once...in 1992. The second occasion was in a restaurant where he was at the table next to us in 2010 or 2011, cannot recall, and we spoke for a while as our dinner parties continued.
Super nice man. Genuine, interested, direct.
This conversation is silly to continue - you believe Trump is a decent person.
No common ground.
Black Lives Matter. The protesting should continue until there are changes.
Moron presidential statements about statues and how he is the greatest should not slow them down.
I hope people can find a way to protest safely.
Were they just changing the yellow paint to black? LOL
Culturally. Speaking, This is how it should and could be.
Chocolate & Vanilla Ice cream Twist out of the same machine pulled from the same handle, from the same compartment in the machine, poured into the same (1) happy container and enjoyed so happy together,, this is my utopia.
Cali ain't fucking around charging them with a hate crime.
Weird- considering this happened in the Bay Area- if they thought they could do this without consequences. Even more strange when anyone, especially a Bay Area resident, calls racism a "leftist lie".
As an aside, I recently realized what a huge influence science fiction was in making me colour blind. If the cool space jockey’s best friend is a large dog-ape, why couldn’t the different-coloured kids down the street or at school be my friend? Star Trek had a similar effect, hell, I’m tempted to even throw in The Muppet Show along these lines, lol. To say nothing of the philosophy that scifi introduces (Asimov being a good example).
10-30-1991 Toronto, Toronto 1 & 2 2016, Toronto 2022
These next two songs I'm going to play Go hand-in-hand just like the chocolate vanilla swirl ice cream analogy.
Shine by LOLO
And michael-kiwanuka-cold-little-heart
If you haven't yet read up on Michael Kiwanuka Wikipedia page very interesting.
And the hate crime sounds like a stretch. BLM stands for more than black lives, maybe they disagree with their stance to defund the police on a national level.
I might be one of the few that absolutely dislikes that street painting for BLM and think it promotes the graffiti and is just overall dumb. I think the ladies painting over it are not right and should be charged as anyone painting on public property.
That said, and I do not know the answer to it, what if any were the charges against protesters that spray painted things like "ACAB", etc?
And speaking of graffiti...
Pearl Jam bootlegs:
(The system doesn't run on peace love and understanding)
Either way, being charged with a hate crime seems excessive. A citation and fine seems more appropriate.