The music industry has been screwing fans for years…1st it was vinyl, 8 tracks and cassettes and they killed that industry with the introduction of the CD, then digital music took hold and now some want that killed so we can all presumably line musicians pockets and buy vintage vinyl…it called a vicious marketing cycle..and young, Mitchell and the rest are part of it.
let’s not even discuss the price of concert tickets…
But yet Neil supports apple which does not like to pay fair wages and uses slave labour to build their products…
and he does not like free speech…
Go enlist then.
"Mostly I think that people react sensitively because they know you’ve got a point"
What I think we are forgetting here is that Joe Rogan is an idiot. As in dumb.
But maybe people who listen, love and are in here defending him knows that.
I doubt the large percentage of people listening to him though - over the 1000000000 other podcasts available - understands that he is very, very stupid.
He;s no different than Trevor Noah, Colbert, Jon Stewart, Seth Meyers, Jimmy Kimmel, all of whom have open and at times outrageous political views. Don Lemon is unbelievably irresponsible and incendiary, one sided, and gross, for example. Or just reading HuffPo or WaPo or NY Times, you are bombarded with one sided views with a clear agenda. I would guess the audience of people who are fans of those particular people and publications ALSO would apply in terms of what you just said. I certainly wouldn't listen to or consume those people's products and entertainment, Id rather get more balanced and fair content, but obviously theres alot of people who enjoy it. Same with Joe.
I don't know why you are making this into some american skewed rights vs left thing.
Bu anywho...
What are these balances and fair content you speak of? Mick Garris Post Mortem podcast? Kevin Williamson was just on.
You have been nothing but antiJoe in this thread and the one on The Porch. You seem to view him as an idiot, thats a direct quote, and that he should be kicked off, and banned and that anyone listening to him is also an idiot. Ive multiple times pointed out that theres many people, many podcasters, many musicians who have skewed, agenda driven ideas. The people I listed all are as popular, have as much power as, have as much influences as, and use their platform the same way as Joe does. I think the problem you seem to have is you dont agree with Joe's politics, yet you do with the people I listed. Jimmy kimmel and Trevor Noah are as irresponsible on their platform as Joe, all of them, including Joe spout off their opinions. Why are you so focused on only Joe, to the exclusion of everyone else? I confronted you about this earlier in the thread but you gave a noncommittal answer, suggesting that the other folks didnt force lies on people. Im not sure if you've ever seen an episode of any of those peoples shows then, my friend. They force their views on people the entire show. Trevor Noah and Jimmy Kimmel have crystal clear political agendas they are peddling. My guess is you dont have a problem with that, because you agree with their stances.
How are the other people you listed, “as irresponsible on their platforms as Joe?” Can you quote or link to something of theirs to illustrate their irresponsibility? Or, are you equating political view points that you disagree with, with the purposeful spread of mis and disinformation?
I love Neil and his music, but its funny how the left seems to adore him, especially now. Every hippie in 1968 would be viewed as alt-right in 2022. Neil himself was a Reagan supporter, pro America, pro military guy in the 80s and was supportive of the Patriot Act and George W and the war on Terror. The same people acting like he speaks for them now, conveniently forget those facts about him. Neil absolutely is a hero, but part of that hero-ness is that he doesnt give a damn about what anyone thinks, including those die hard hippie or hippie sympathizers. Hell, Joni wore blackface. I love these musicians, but the sort of sanctimonious attitude of their fans and the people in this thread, is a bit much. My guess is the majority of pro-Neil posters here wouldn't have been supportive of him in the Reagan years and the George W years.
What about the attitude of people who skew and twist reality like you are doing? What about them?
Here is Neil's "Reagan supporting" that you are skewing and presenting as "total blanket supporting":
NEIL: I never made, you know, I was never a Reagan supporter in a total blanket sense. I was one of those who felt that some ideas he had were good ideas. He had one point that he was stressing in the first six months of his job that he thought the people in the communities and neighborhoods should pull together and try to do things on their own more than depending on government to do it for them. And I thought that was a hell of an idea and here's this old guy and he's kind of got this image, of this fatherly image, telling all these people in their neighborhoods to pull together and get your own daycare centers happening, and get this and that happening.
"Mostly I think that people react sensitively because they know you’ve got a point"
This thread is the very center of another Woke Mob.
They do not want admit that Neil is nothing more than a corporate whore…open conversations bad. Supporting 2 companies that don’t pay their fair share of taxes and use slave labour good…got it.
This thread is the very center of another Woke Mob.
How so?
Same five or six forum users attacking anybody for questioning basic human or constitutional rights. Textbook mob. Happens in every thread here. Very entertaining, though.
This thread is the very center of another Woke Mob.
How so?
Same five or six forum users attacking anybody for questioning basic human or constitutional rights. Textbook mob. Happens in every thread here. Very entertaining, though.
“Attacking anybody for questioning basic human or constitutional rights?” Are you serious? If so, wow.
This thread is the very center of another Woke Mob.
How so?
Same five or six forum users attacking anybody for questioning basic human or constitutional rights. Textbook mob. Happens in every thread here. Very entertaining, though.
This thread is the very center of another Woke Mob.
How so?
Same five or six forum users attacking anybody for questioning basic human or constitutional rights. Textbook mob. Happens in every thread here. Very entertaining, though.
“Attacking anybody for questioning basic human or constitutional rights?” Are you serious? If so, wow.
Why "wow?" You're deplatforming and censoring some comedian and his interesting guests.
I love Neil and his music, but its funny how the left seems to adore him, especially now. Every hippie in 1968 would be viewed as alt-right in 2022. Neil himself was a Reagan supporter, pro America, pro military guy in the 80s and was supportive of the Patriot Act and George W and the war on Terror. The same people acting like he speaks for them now, conveniently forget those facts about him. Neil absolutely is a hero, but part of that hero-ness is that he doesnt give a damn about what anyone thinks, including those die hard hippie or hippie sympathizers. Hell, Joni wore blackface. I love these musicians, but the sort of sanctimonious attitude of their fans and the people in this thread, is a bit much. My guess is the majority of pro-Neil posters here wouldn't have been supportive of him in the Reagan years and the George W years.
Hippies alt right? Neil Yoong supportive of W? Are we living in separate realities?
This thread is the very center of another Woke Mob.
How so?
Same five or six forum users attacking anybody for questioning basic human or constitutional rights. Textbook mob. Happens in every thread here. Very entertaining, though.
“Attacking anybody for questioning basic human or constitutional rights?” Are you serious? If so, wow.
Why "wow?" You're deplatforming and censoring some comedian and his interesting guests.
You’re arguing that it is a basic human and constitutional right to have a podcast on Spotify?
You should rethink this.
my small self... like a book amongst the many on a shelf
This thread is the very center of another Woke Mob.
How so?
Same five or six forum users attacking anybody for questioning basic human or constitutional rights. Textbook mob. Happens in every thread here. Very entertaining, though.
“Attacking anybody for questioning basic human or constitutional rights?” Are you serious? If so, wow.
Why "wow?" You're deplatforming and censoring some comedian and his interesting guests.
I’m not doing any such thing. Last time I checked, joe Rogan was still on Spotify or did I miss something? TB12 retired today. Maybe that took up all the news and Spotify no longer exists?
This thread is the very center of another Woke Mob.
How so?
Same five or six forum users attacking anybody for questioning basic human or constitutional rights. Textbook mob. Happens in every thread here. Very entertaining, though.
“Attacking anybody for questioning basic human or constitutional rights?” Are you serious? If so, wow.
Why "wow?" You're deplatforming and censoring some comedian and his interesting guests.
You’re arguing that it is a basic human and constitutional right to have a podcast on Spotify?
You should rethink this.
You should rethink freedom of choice/speech.
F Me In The Brain
this knows everybody from other commets Posts: 31,612
Neil Is exercising his free speech and expression, not speaking against it.
Nowhere in the open letter did he speak against JoRo having or expressing his own opinions, only giving a platform to willful dissemination of misinformation.
Moving through All Kinds of Terrain. Posts: 42,835
Neil Is exercising his free speech and expression, not speaking against it.
Nowhere in the open letter did he speak against JoRo having or expressing his own opinions, only giving a platform to willful dissemination of misinformation.
Exactly. Too bad there are a few here who just don't understand the situation well enough to really look at it clearly.
"Don't give in to the lies. Don't give in to the fear. Hold on to the truth. And to hope."
This thread is the very center of another Woke Mob.
How so?
Same five or six forum users attacking anybody for questioning basic human or constitutional rights. Textbook mob. Happens in every thread here. Very entertaining, though.
“Attacking anybody for questioning basic human or constitutional rights?” Are you serious? If so, wow.
Why "wow?" You're deplatforming and censoring some comedian and his interesting guests.
I’m not doing any such thing. Last time I checked, joe Rogan was still on Spotify or did I miss something? TB12 retired today. Maybe that took up all the news and Spotify no longer exists?
TB12 retiring is quite shocking. I was hoping he’d play till 50…
Same could be said for the opposing side. People were posting graphs blaming joe for the stock decline the past week. Which couldn’t be further from the truth. But you know, if someone agrees they believe it without looking any further. Rogan fans and Neil fans are both acting like children over this.
I think Neil young fans are upset because, like him, they don't like a massive platform supporting someone who spreads misinformation and lies that kills people.
Bro Jogan fans are upset that someone dare take a stand against the messiah.
I don't see the both sides here.
It's easy to understand why an artist wouldn't want their brand to be associated with Spotify. I don't think they should cancel Rogan, just take down the lies and misinformation. Start acting like a responsible company.
I hope more artists grow a spine and follow suit. Looking at you PJ, and all my favorite bands.
Strong Tipper Gore energy
what a silly comment. Tipper Gore wanted government intervention to address racy music lyrics. The Spotify issue has nothing to do with government intervention. It's about artists' choices. Give me a break.
The impulse. No one at all is talking about government intervention.
This thread is the very center of another Woke Mob.
How so?
Same five or six forum users attacking anybody for questioning basic human or constitutional rights. Textbook mob. Happens in every thread here. Very entertaining, though.
“Attacking anybody for questioning basic human or constitutional rights?” Are you serious? If so, wow.
Why "wow?" You're deplatforming and censoring some comedian and his interesting guests.
You’re arguing that it is a basic human and constitutional right to have a podcast on Spotify?
You should rethink this.
You should rethink freedom of choice/speech.
You don't know what you are talking about.
Fitting thread for that.
Post edited by Spiritual_Chaos on
"Mostly I think that people react sensitively because they know you’ve got a point"
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
Here is Neil's "Reagan supporting" that you are skewing and presenting as "total blanket supporting":
NEIL: I never made, you know, I was never a Reagan supporter in a total blanket sense. I was one of those who felt that some ideas he had were good ideas. He had one point that he was stressing in the first six months of his job that he thought the people in the communities and neighborhoods should pull together and try to do things on their own more than depending on government to do it for them. And I thought that was a hell of an idea and here's this old guy and he's kind of got this image, of this fatherly image, telling all these people in their neighborhoods to pull together and get your own daycare centers happening, and get this and that happening.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Too bad there are a few here who just don't understand the situation well enough to really look at it clearly.
Fitting thread for that.
Fitting thread for that.