I though Trump's statement about Tara Reade was interesting....something to the effect of "they might be false accusations...I had several false accusations against me..."
So much for that ammo
Thats just to appear presidential during a national crisis. His surrogates are doing his dirty work right now
I wish I lived in a world where nobody cared what was trending on twitter. It's a cesspool.
I had a twitter account for about a month. It got nauseating so I dumped it.
Not a bad move. Twitter's shitty reputation is well-earned. Particularly in regards to what it has contributed to our political discourse. Anyone not seeing that is likely ensconced in a very safe bubble.
I know you mean bubble as a pejorative but that's actually a great way to describe it. Your Twitter feed should absolutely be a bubble. Mine is a mix of music, sports, comics, beer, and politics. You should absolutely not follow or engage with anyone that aggravates you. That's crazy.
Those bubbles very often become echo chambers, and I don't really see any benefit in that. Combine that with the anonymity certain "social" media sites provide and the recipe quickly and often becomes toxic. Plus, my experience has been well-insulated people on "social" media are often unaware (or in denial) of how their own behavior contributes to the deteriorating discourse.
It's funny you mention sports. I am so much happier not knowing the contrived Boston sports media controversy of the day, almost none of which matter at all a few days later. But those have basically become the lifeblood of reporters in this town. So even following sports was no longer fun.
Here's Biden's full statement. Pretty straightforward. Unless more evidence comes out or we can hear them each under oath, I think we have what we have.
I thought Biden did a pretty good job. I also thought Mika did a good job challenging him on how him and other prominent democrats reacted to the Ford accusations versus the Reade accusations, as well as challenging him on the University of Delaware documents being sealed. He understandably had to backpedal on the "all women need to be believed" stance he held during the Kavanagh confirmation and changed it to "all women need to be heard," which is what it should've been from the start. But he addressed it, the MSNBC interviewer wasn't too easy on him, so that's all I can ask for from this.
i think before the press starts to foam at the mouth and get their knives out demanding documents from biden, they need to hold trump to the exact same standard.
"You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry." - Lincoln
i think before the press starts to foam at the mouth and get their knives out demanding documents from biden, they need to hold trump to the exact same standard.
Agreed, but we know what is going to happen. "Why is no one covering this?" became "Why won't Biden address this?" and will become "Why won't Biden release the documents?"
The press is going to demand the most information regardless of whether it is applied fairly. But at the end of the day, it would be political malpractice to open the archives for any reason. The campaign can ride this out. It's not that damaging.
I thought Biden did a pretty good job. I also thought Mika did a good job challenging him on how him and other prominent democrats reacted to the Ford accusations versus the Reade accusations, as well as challenging him on the University of Delaware documents being sealed. He understandably had to backpedal on the "all women need to be believed" stance he held during the Kavanagh confirmation and changed it to "all women need to be heard," which is what it should've been from the start. But he addressed it, the MSNBC interviewer wasn't too easy on him, so that's all I can ask for from this.
I wonder why this is being compared to Kavanaugh and not to the 25 women who accused Trump though? That is his opponent and that is more of an apples to apples comparison since Ford testified under oath. Doesn't make sense to me and it doesn't seem fair.
i think before the press starts to foam at the mouth and get their knives out demanding documents from biden, they need to hold trump to the exact same standard.
Agreed, but we know what is going to happen. "Why is no one covering this?" became "Why won't Biden address this?" and will become "Why won't Biden release the documents?"
Exactly. I wish Biden would've found a way to bring that up this morning...
I thought Biden did a pretty good job. I also thought Mika did a good job challenging him on how him and other prominent democrats reacted to the Ford accusations versus the Reade accusations, as well as challenging him on the University of Delaware documents being sealed. He understandably had to backpedal on the "all women need to be believed" stance he held during the Kavanagh confirmation and changed it to "all women need to be heard," which is what it should've been from the start. But he addressed it, the MSNBC interviewer wasn't too easy on him, so that's all I can ask for from this.
I wonder why this is being compared to Kavanaugh and not to the 25 women who accused Trump though? That is his opponent and that is more of an apples to apples comparison since Ford testified under oath. Doesn't make sense to me and it doesn't seem fair.
Because since the moment he came down the escalator, not a single "rule" of American politics has applied to him. Once he got away with not releasing his tax returns, all bets were off.
But to be a devil's advocate, it did seem al little strange to see so many women accuse Trump of sexual misconduct just a month before the election.
i think before the press starts to foam at the mouth and get their knives out demanding documents from biden, they need to hold trump to the exact same standard.
Agreed, but we know what is going to happen. "Why is no one covering this?" became "Why won't Biden address this?" and will become "Why won't Biden release the documents?"
"but his documents!! whaaaaaaahhhh"
"You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry." - Lincoln
It's a sad state of affairs when responses to sexual abuse allegations become a litmus test for Presidential leadership skills. That being said, this statement is so far and away better than Trump's reactions that it makes me more comfortable voting for Biden than before the allegations. Not because I believe or disbelieve, but because I'm glad to be reminded of what happens when a candidate puts together a team of intelligent advisors and then actually fucking listens to them. Even if I thought this was a steaming load of bullshit, I would still vote for Biden because he's actually capable of a cogent response to and attack, a crisis, an emergency. Contrasted with Trump, and the way his top-down leadership makes fools of his team, this renders Biden looking like the only adult in the room.
It's a sad state of affairs when responses to sexual abuse allegations become a litmus test for Presidential leadership skills. That being said, this statement is so far and away better than Trump's reactions that it makes me more comfortable voting for Biden than before the allegations. Not because I believe or disbelieve, but because I'm glad to be reminded of what happens when a candidate puts together a team of intelligent advisors and then actually fucking listens to them. Even if I thought this was a steaming load of bullshit, I would still vote for Biden because he's actually capable of a cogent response to and attack, a crisis, an emergency. Contrasted with Trump, and the way his top-down leadership makes fools of his team, this renders Biden looking like the only adult in the room.
So vote for the better liar? Is this what it is? NYC numbers are pretty shitty yet everyone loves Cuomo. Why? Because he talks good? When have words become louder than action and results? How low is the bar? Yea. Clip fuckin clip for sure.
It's a sad state of affairs when responses to sexual abuse allegations become a litmus test for Presidential leadership skills. That being said, this statement is so far and away better than Trump's reactions that it makes me more comfortable voting for Biden than before the allegations. Not because I believe or disbelieve, but because I'm glad to be reminded of what happens when a candidate puts together a team of intelligent advisors and then actually fucking listens to them. Even if I thought this was a steaming load of bullshit, I would still vote for Biden because he's actually capable of a cogent response to and attack, a crisis, an emergency. Contrasted with Trump, and the way his top-down leadership makes fools of his team, this renders Biden looking like the only adult in the room.
So vote for the better liar? Is this what it is? NYC numbers are pretty shitty yet everyone loves Cuomo. Why? Because he talks good? When have words become louder than action and results? How low is the bar? Yea. Clip fuckin clip for sure.
I think you missed the part where he said it wasn't about belief or disbelief.
It's a sad state of affairs when responses to sexual abuse allegations become a litmus test for Presidential leadership skills. That being said, this statement is so far and away better than Trump's reactions that it makes me more comfortable voting for Biden than before the allegations. Not because I believe or disbelieve, but because I'm glad to be reminded of what happens when a candidate puts together a team of intelligent advisors and then actually fucking listens to them. Even if I thought this was a steaming load of bullshit, I would still vote for Biden because he's actually capable of a cogent response to and attack, a crisis, an emergency. Contrasted with Trump, and the way his top-down leadership makes fools of his team, this renders Biden looking like the only adult in the room.
So vote for the better liar? Is this what it is? NYC numbers are pretty shitty yet everyone loves Cuomo. Why? Because he talks good? When have words become louder than action and results? How low is the bar? Yea. Clip fuckin clip for sure.
Hahaha is this your first election cycle? Have you ever paid attention to politics before? That's all voting has ever been.
You think Cuomo is to blame for NYC's numbers? Seriously?
We don't control outbreaks, natural disasters, foreign provocations, we only control how we respond to them. How a leader responds matters. You can whine and pule about how low the bar is all day, hell, I might even join you in that hole from time to time...the fact of reality remains, and one of those two men will be POTUS in 7 months.
It's a sad state of affairs when responses to sexual abuse allegations become a litmus test for Presidential leadership skills. That being said, this statement is so far and away better than Trump's reactions that it makes me more comfortable voting for Biden than before the allegations. Not because I believe or disbelieve, but because I'm glad to be reminded of what happens when a candidate puts together a team of intelligent advisors and then actually fucking listens to them. Even if I thought this was a steaming load of bullshit, I would still vote for Biden because he's actually capable of a cogent response to and attack, a crisis, an emergency. Contrasted with Trump, and the way his top-down leadership makes fools of his team, this renders Biden looking like the only adult in the room.
So vote for the better liar? Is this what it is? NYC numbers are pretty shitty yet everyone loves Cuomo. Why? Because he talks good? When have words become louder than action and results? How low is the bar? Yea. Clip fuckin clip for sure.
Hahaha is this your first election cycle? Have you ever paid attention to politics before? That's all voting has ever been.
You think Cuomo is to blame for NYC's numbers? Seriously?
We don't control outbreaks, natural disasters, foreign provocations, we only control how we respond to them. How a leader responds matters. You can whine and pule about how low the bar is all day, hell, I might even join you in that hole from time to time...the fact of reality remains, and one of those two men will be POTUS in 7 months.
I don’t think Cuomo is to blame. But if he wasn’t a great speaker, his approval rating would be lower and he all of a sudden would be to blame. Not my first cycle. But when every cycle makes me seriously question “is this the best we could come up with?”, it becomes depressing.
It's a sad state of affairs when responses to sexual abuse allegations become a litmus test for Presidential leadership skills. That being said, this statement is so far and away better than Trump's reactions that it makes me more comfortable voting for Biden than before the allegations. Not because I believe or disbelieve, but because I'm glad to be reminded of what happens when a candidate puts together a team of intelligent advisors and then actually fucking listens to them. Even if I thought this was a steaming load of bullshit, I would still vote for Biden because he's actually capable of a cogent response to and attack, a crisis, an emergency. Contrasted with Trump, and the way his top-down leadership makes fools of his team, this renders Biden looking like the only adult in the room.
So vote for the better liar? Is this what it is? NYC numbers are pretty shitty yet everyone loves Cuomo. Why? Because he talks good? When have words become louder than action and results? How low is the bar? Yea. Clip fuckin clip for sure.
I think you missed the part where he said it wasn't about belief or disbelief.
I didn’t miss it. Just expressing my disappointment with what we’re stuck with. That’s it.
This isn't a good comparison. I think it would have been much different had Kavanagh appeared on Fox News to answer questions for twenty minutes rather than go in front of the Senate for hours. And that's not to say it was a softball interview with Mika for Joe, but it's not like being in front of the Senate. And Joe was getting a little testy himself with Mika by the end of it. How would he fare with Ted Cruz, Lindsey Graham and the rest of their crew badgering him for hours?
Edit: That said, Joe did do a good job and wasn't pointing blame at political opponents and exhibiting other Kavanaghisms. To his credit...
It's a sad state of affairs when responses to sexual abuse allegations become a litmus test for Presidential leadership skills. That being said, this statement is so far and away better than Trump's reactions that it makes me more comfortable voting for Biden than before the allegations. Not because I believe or disbelieve, but because I'm glad to be reminded of what happens when a candidate puts together a team of intelligent advisors and then actually fucking listens to them. Even if I thought this was a steaming load of bullshit, I would still vote for Biden because he's actually capable of a cogent response to and attack, a crisis, an emergency. Contrasted with Trump, and the way his top-down leadership makes fools of his team, this renders Biden looking like the only adult in the room.
So vote for the better liar? Is this what it is? NYC numbers are pretty shitty yet everyone loves Cuomo. Why? Because he talks good? When have words become louder than action and results? How low is the bar? Yea. Clip fuckin clip for sure.
cuomo has led by example, whereas trump has blamed obama for giving him broken tests.
see the difference? leaders address a situation and try to solve it, while people like trump blame everything and everyone.
i did not like cuomo before this, but god damn it i wish he was the president right now.
surprised trump has not tried to sue the virus for damages.
"You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry." - Lincoln
If polling starts to show Amash could have a negative impact on Trump, those allegations will come.
1995 Milwaukee 1998 Alpine, Alpine 2003 Albany, Boston, Boston, Boston 2004 Boston, Boston 2006 Hartford, St. Paul (Petty), St. Paul (Petty) 2011 Alpine, Alpine 2013 Wrigley 2014 St. Paul 2016 Fenway, Fenway, Wrigley, Wrigley 2018 Missoula, Wrigley, Wrigley 2021 Asbury Park 2022 St Louis 2023 Austin, Austin 2024 Napa, Wrigley, Wrigley
It's a sad state of affairs when responses to sexual abuse allegations become a litmus test for Presidential leadership skills. That being said, this statement is so far and away better than Trump's reactions that it makes me more comfortable voting for Biden than before the allegations. Not because I believe or disbelieve, but because I'm glad to be reminded of what happens when a candidate puts together a team of intelligent advisors and then actually fucking listens to them. Even if I thought this was a steaming load of bullshit, I would still vote for Biden because he's actually capable of a cogent response to and attack, a crisis, an emergency. Contrasted with Trump, and the way his top-down leadership makes fools of his team, this renders Biden looking like the only adult in the room.
So vote for the better liar? Is this what it is? NYC numbers are pretty shitty yet everyone loves Cuomo. Why? Because he talks good? When have words become louder than action and results? How low is the bar? Yea. Clip fuckin clip for sure.
cuomo has led by example, whereas trump has blamed obama for giving him broken tests.
see the difference? leaders address a situation and try to solve it, while people like trump blame everything and everyone.
i did not like cuomo before this, but god damn it i wish he was the president right now.
surprised trump has not tried to sue the virus for damages.
Cuomo and daBlaz waited 10 critical days to close schools and issue shut down recommendations. They both said many inaccurate statements before March 15. The fact that they both screwed up compared to California, Washington, SKorea, Germany and other places is irrefutable. However they have turned it around by changing their tune and getting NYs horrendous curve turned around and have since been more honest than trump.
The Brett Kavanaugh comparison isn't going away, but it remains hot garbage.
Garbage indeed.
Kavanaugh never had to face voters nor did he need one single vote from the opposition party. That is a huge part of why there was an uproar over his confirmation hearings. Biden must face voters and needs to win non democratic states in order to win the election. Huge difference.
The Brett Kavanaugh comparison isn't going away, but it remains hot garbage.
Garbage indeed.
Kavanaugh never had to face voters nor did he need one single vote from the opposition party. That is a huge part of why there was an uproar over his confirmation hearings. Biden must face voters and needs to win non democratic states in order to win the election. Huge difference.
The voters did storm the capital if I recall so that kinda counts as facing them. Instead of dressing up like GI Joe action figures they cosplayed as Handsmaid Tale actors.
"...I changed by not changing at all..."
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
Moving goal posts already....
Allegations != Evidence
Pearl Jam bootlegs:
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
Agreed, but we know what is going to happen. "Why is no one covering this?" became "Why won't Biden address this?" and will become "Why won't Biden release the documents?"
"...I changed by not changing at all..."
But to be a devil's advocate, it did seem al little strange to see so many women accuse Trump of sexual misconduct just a month before the election.
Pearl Jam bootlegs:
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
Not because I believe or disbelieve, but because I'm glad to be reminded of what happens when a candidate puts together a team of intelligent advisors and then actually fucking listens to them. Even if I thought this was a steaming load of bullshit, I would still vote for Biden because he's actually capable of a cogent response to and attack, a crisis, an emergency.
Contrasted with Trump, and the way his top-down leadership makes fools of his team, this renders Biden looking like the only adult in the room.
"...I changed by not changing at all..."
That's all voting has ever been.
You think Cuomo is to blame for NYC's numbers? Seriously?
We don't control outbreaks, natural disasters, foreign provocations, we only control how we respond to them. How a leader responds matters.
You can whine and pule about how low the bar is all day, hell, I might even join you in that hole from time to time...the fact of reality remains, and one of those two men will be POTUS in 7 months.
Edit: That said, Joe did do a good job and wasn't pointing blame at political opponents and exhibiting other Kavanaghisms. To his credit...
Pearl Jam bootlegs:
see the difference? leaders address a situation and try to solve it, while people like trump blame everything and everyone.
i did not like cuomo before this, but god damn it i wish he was the president right now.
surprised trump has not tried to sue the virus for damages.
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
2013 Wrigley 2014 St. Paul 2016 Fenway, Fenway, Wrigley, Wrigley 2018 Missoula, Wrigley, Wrigley 2021 Asbury Park 2022 St Louis 2023 Austin, Austin
2024 Napa, Wrigley, Wrigley
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.