also, not everyone can afford to stand in line for hours on election day instead of being at work.
if the choice came down to making $30 for groceries i desperately need for my kids, or spending a half day standing in line to vote, i am going to work to make that grocery money for my kids.
Its free to just drop off a ballot though.
but getting there is a challenge for many.
Where I've lived there's been many drop off boxes. I honestly don't see any room for argument that someone doesn't vote because you can't afford to take a day off or its too hard to get to a voting booth. You could have gotten a mail in ballot 4 or 5 weeks ago, you could have mailed it in up until about 3 or 4 days ago in any state, and in some you still can. You had 4 or 5 weeks to find a way to a drop off box. I mean, really, how much easier does it need to get?
Since you keep asking the same damn question over and over again, let me help.
In Virginia, I requested an absentee ballot sometime in the late spring/early summer. I can't remember exactly when, but it was a long while ago. It took MONTHS for me to receive it, so long that at one point, I attempted to look it up on the tracking website Virginia set up. No record of my request.
Life got busy. School started. My mom's health further declined. Ballot in the back of my mind "Shit, I gotta take care of the ballot."
Finally, out of the blue, the ballots arrived. Phew. But I'm still busy. Working. Taking care of house. Mom. Exhaustion. Ballots remain in envelope on the counter. "Shit, I gotta take care of the ballot."
Three weeks ago, we finally fill them out, following the directions like it's the radioactive pill I had to take when I had cancer. Witness. Seal the envelope. Put it on the counter. Intend to drop it off because I don't trust the mail.
I get busy again. Work. Chores. Mom. "Shit, I have to take care of the ballot."
One week ago, on a Monday afternoon at 4:40, I say, ENOUGH. TAKE CARE OF THE DAMN BALLOT. I speed across town and get to the Election Board office to drop it off by 5:00 closing time.
It is not that hard. And yet it is that hard.
Try walking in some shoes other than your own, mace. Not everyone lives your perfect life.
My life isn’t perfect. I’m sorry for all that you went through. At any given time you could have mailed it though. You chose not to. That’s up to you.
This topic started because of a complaint about not extending the mail in deadline. Not even that, accusations that republicans are stealing the election because the courts ruled that they had to follow election rules. Partly why I may have sounded insensitive, because it’s just BS I keep hearing about how it’s so unfair that people have to follow state election rules when voting. So I said it’s easy enough already, you have weeks to mail it in, why do we need a few extra days? Which brought out a response of “well not everyone had the time or money to take 8 hours to stand in line to vote on November 3.” To which I went over the many methods offered. so would extending the mail in deadline have helped you? Not likely since you don’t like to mail it in. So what other suggestions do you have to make it easier? I think there’s enough options as is. You already have several choices to vote. I think that’s more than fair.
At the end of the day voting is easy. You can vote from your couch if you want. If you chose not to use the mail then that’s fine, but then don’t complain it’s too difficult when you refuse to use the methods offered to you.
That’s like me refusing to get a debit card, and then as I write out a check by hand I complain “man, there’s gotta be a more efficient way to do this.”
Never mind a pandemic, losing your loved one, seeing someone get sick and recover or maybe come close to dying, deal with kids in school/out of school, follow the ballot directions, hear about, read up on and see mailboxes disappear, mail collected and not processed, sitting on the floor, ignored or no sight or sound of that person who used to put junk in your box but now they have to rifle through it looking for a ballot and then deciding to vote in person and having to stand in line for a few hours because hey, it’s no inconvenience because where someone else lives, they walk in and out or see a mailbox on every corner. ‘Murica, land of the freedumb. What the fuck is wrong with you people, our system is fine! And because a personal debit card has the same import as electing your representatives to government, yo! Same fucking thing.
Because we all know one’s experience is the same as all experiences and if it’s not, you’re them.
I have no idea if you’re right, but you’re the only one that took a shot, so PM me your address and I will send you something. I promise it won’t be the jackalope, scary Ronald McDonald or Lambman (though now that I think of it Biden does resemble the latter, but alas, I do not own one, so you’re out of luck).
Sorry. The world doesn't work the way you tell it to.
I have no idea if you’re right, but you’re the only one that took a shot, so PM me your address and I will send you something. I promise it won’t be the jackalope, scary Ronald McDonald or Lambman (though now that I think of it Biden does resemble the latter, but alas, I do not own one, so you’re out of luck).
Of all the screw ups that Trump has done with words over the last 4 years why are you focusing so much on this?
I have no idea if you’re right, but you’re the only one that took a shot, so PM me your address and I will send you something. I promise it won’t be the jackalope, scary Ronald McDonald or Lambman (though now that I think of it Biden does resemble the latter, but alas, I do not own one, so you’re out of luck).
Of all the screw ups that Trump has done with words over the last 4 years why are you focusing so much on this?
Because like all his supporters they have nothing else to hang their red hats on too! They are just grasping at straws!
also, not everyone can afford to stand in line for hours on election day instead of being at work.
if the choice came down to making $30 for groceries i desperately need for my kids, or spending a half day standing in line to vote, i am going to work to make that grocery money for my kids.
Its free to just drop off a ballot though.
but getting there is a challenge for many.
Where I've lived there's been many drop off boxes. I honestly don't see any room for argument that someone doesn't vote because you can't afford to take a day off or its too hard to get to a voting booth. You could have gotten a mail in ballot 4 or 5 weeks ago, you could have mailed it in up until about 3 or 4 days ago in any state, and in some you still can. You had 4 or 5 weeks to find a way to a drop off box. I mean, really, how much easier does it need to get?
Since you keep asking the same damn question over and over again, let me help.
In Virginia, I requested an absentee ballot sometime in the late spring/early summer. I can't remember exactly when, but it was a long while ago. It took MONTHS for me to receive it, so long that at one point, I attempted to look it up on the tracking website Virginia set up. No record of my request.
Life got busy. School started. My mom's health further declined. Ballot in the back of my mind "Shit, I gotta take care of the ballot."
Finally, out of the blue, the ballots arrived. Phew. But I'm still busy. Working. Taking care of house. Mom. Exhaustion. Ballots remain in envelope on the counter. "Shit, I gotta take care of the ballot."
Three weeks ago, we finally fill them out, following the directions like it's the radioactive pill I had to take when I had cancer. Witness. Seal the envelope. Put it on the counter. Intend to drop it off because I don't trust the mail.
I get busy again. Work. Chores. Mom. "Shit, I have to take care of the ballot."
One week ago, on a Monday afternoon at 4:40, I say, ENOUGH. TAKE CARE OF THE DAMN BALLOT. I speed across town and get to the Election Board office to drop it off by 5:00 closing time.
It is not that hard. And yet it is that hard.
Try walking in some shoes other than your own, mace. Not everyone lives your perfect life.
My life isn’t perfect. I’m sorry for all that you went through. At any given time you could have mailed it though. You chose not to. That’s up to you.
This topic started because of a complaint about not extending the mail in deadline. Not even that, accusations that republicans are stealing the election because the courts ruled that they had to follow election rules. Partly why I may have sounded insensitive, because it’s just BS I keep hearing about how it’s so unfair that people have to follow state election rules when voting. So I said it’s easy enough already, you have weeks to mail it in, why do we need a few extra days? Which brought out a response of “well not everyone had the time or money to take 8 hours to stand in line to vote on November 3.” To which I went over the many methods offered. so would extending the mail in deadline have helped you? Not likely since you don’t like to mail it in. So what other suggestions do you have to make it easier? I think there’s enough options as is. You already have several choices to vote. I think that’s more than fair.
At the end of the day voting is easy. You can vote from your couch if you want. If you chose not to use the mail then that’s fine, but then don’t complain it’s too difficult when you refuse to use the methods offered to you.
That’s like me refusing to get a debit card, and then as I write out a check by hand I complain “man, there’s gotta be a more efficient way to do this.”
How about a postmark of Nov 3? And then count it no matter how long it takes the postal service to deliver it? It works for our tax returns in April. I don't see why it doesn't work for elections.
The rules are confusing because so many states changed the rules due to the pandemic. Then the parties started suing over the rules. Then the courts started overturning or upholding the rules. All along, the media reporting about it has been horrible. Confusion reigns. You think this is okay in "free and fair election."
Take VA again. The new rule says witness signature is not required. The directions I received said have your witness sign. My state delegate sends out a blast telling us the printed directions are wrong, don't need a witness.
And BTW, I didn't "choose" my method of voting this year. My mother has heart failure, a-fib, diabetes, obesity, 80 years old, can barely walk from the bedroom to the kitchen. Standing in line with her on election day during a pandemic was *never* an option.
I have no idea if you’re right, but you’re the only one that took a shot, so PM me your address and I will send you something. I promise it won’t be the jackalope, scary Ronald McDonald or Lambman (though now that I think of it Biden does resemble the latter, but alas, I do not own one, so you’re out of luck).
Of all the screw ups that Trump has done with words over the last 4 years why are you focusing so much on this?
I’m about to have myself a Saturday morning cup of covfefe.
I have no idea if you’re right, but you’re the only one that took a shot, so PM me your address and I will send you something. I promise it won’t be the jackalope, scary Ronald McDonald or Lambman (though now that I think of it Biden does resemble the latter, but alas, I do not own one, so you’re out of luck).
Of all the screw ups that Trump has done with words over the last 4 years why are you focusing so much on this?
Because like all his supporters they have nothing else to hang their red hats on too! They are just grasping at straws!
I mean I get mentioning it. It is an awkward sentence and he messed it up. Bound to happen with all of the campaigning going on on both sides. But its laughable to make it more than it is and ignore all of the Trump fuck ups.
Yeah that's good stuff. I didn't learn a thing about banking and credit cards in high school. Oh, but I took trigonometry. You can imagine how little I've used that.
Mortgages and insurance should be taught too. As well as how to navigate the health-care system. And assistance programs such as food stamps as well.
So, why don’t parents teach their kids something? Schools need to do everything?
I do think some of this could be a quick add, but we shouldn’t be relying on school to raise our kids.
Somebody should let KingJeremy know he has been duped...
Don’t believe these articles from news agencies who lied to us all for three years. The emails and Biden’s China deals are 100% real. That’s not the question. The question is if anyone in the swamp cares at all about corruption within our govt. I think we all know the answer to that.
Where is the proof? You know the corroborated kind verified by a third party? Also where are trump’s taxes?
You mean other than the fact that hunter’s two business partners in China have already been arrested? Other than the fact that the fbi has had an ongoing open investigation into him since 2019? Other than thousands of corroborated emails between the Biden’s and businesses in China/Ukraine diacussing payouts? These were fabricated, dude, they’ve already been proven legit and not to be “Russian disinfo by dni ratcliffe, hunter’s business partners, and recipients of the emails. Other than recorded convos of hunter discussing the deals?
the point is there’s no denying that it’s all true- otherwise the Biden’s would be sueing the shit out of the post for libel, like Trump did when bs was written about him. Instead they haven’t even denied it, because we both know nothing will get done about it. The point is that we the people can’t be ok with this swamp using us all to find their families.
and trumps taxes? We already have them, nyt leaked them and they showed he’s under audit, like he’s said all along.
how many of trump's associates (hint: more than 2) have been arrested and convicted? yet you still believe he's not a criminal and you contend biden is a crime family.
who defrauded a charity for kids with cancer? was it the bidens? who has personally profited off the presidency? was it the bidens?
there about 63 other similar questions i could ask, but i suspect you will stick to your "biden is a crook" narrative.
Dude they were arrested for shit that had A) nothing to do with trump and happened BEFORE they were associated with the Trump administration. That’s like blaming Subway because Jared had kiddie porn on hi computer! Insanely obtuse. I absolutely believe he’s not a criminal, and to u know why? Because people spent MILLIONS of dollars investigating him. Millions. Waaaaaaayyyy more than 99% of criminal cases cost... and they found NOTHING. That’s pretty much good enough for me- that the best investigators, private investigators, the FBI, you name it... and ALL of them found NADA.
youre so naive. Youve seen it all play out in front of your eyes but you continue to act like it’s not what your eyes tell you. Not shocking but you’ve been played and you fell for it all.
LMAO. they were all working for his fucking campaign. but ok.
and you didn't answer the two questions i did pose. but i expected that.
keep shouting at people to "open their eyes", because that's all you've got. seriously, the delusion is thick.
Do you not know how to read? Jared was working for subway, what the hell does that matter, subway didn’t have anything to do with his crimes. Why does some idiot getting snagged for bank fraud have anything to do with trump?
and delusion?!!! that’s rich. don’t even go there. Coming from the side that cried Russia for the last three years?! Lmao, you literally are the boy who screamed wolf, my friend. Your folks impeached a president for a phone call where both folks on the call as well the transcript said it was fine... then go ahead and deny that Biden (who is ON AUDIO) admitting his quid pro Joe did nothing wrong. The hypocrisy is as thick as poutine.
yes, jared working for a subway ad campaign and people working directly for a presidential candidate are exactly the same. your parallels are staggeringly accurate.
as many here have said, you are a complete waste of time.
if trump wins, congrats to another 4 years of chaos and the destruction of your country. if biden wins, i suspect you'll cry and whine like you accuse everyone else here of doing. or you'll disappear like all other trumpsters the second things don't seem to be going his way.
When they did their crimes is an exact parallel, my friend. Neither of their crimes had anything do with the job they were paid to do. If you can’t see that you’re helpless.
you are actually the waste of time, just another parrot of the talking heads, no actual thought of your own. Enjoy the next week, it’s going to be a riot. Literally. Idiots will destroy innocent people’s property and livelihoods because they think their lives will change due to who was elected/is in office.
So what precisely is the crime that Joe Biden committed? Isn't that germane? Also waiting for the name of the business partners connected to Ukraine/China that were arrested.
Joe’s crime to begin with which he’s admitted to, was using political influence to thwart foreign investigations (corruption). He admitted to it on audio while speaking both on a phone call and at a public event.
Devon archer. Bevan Cooney. Not to mention the China billionaire who has been missing for a year.
i seriously think (put on my tin foil hat) that the Dems/Pelosi would use the 25th on quid pro joe to remove him and put kamala on top within the first 6 months. Dems play dirty, we all know that.
Devon Archer plead guilty to fraud related to dealing with native American tribes. This had nothing to do with Hunter, china, Burisma or Joe. Same with Cooney. You literally just posted the Jared example on how it doesn't implicate Trump, but you are now saying some business partners that were convicted of doing something that had nothing to do with Hunter Biden somehow implicates Joe Biden? Are you out of your fucking mind? Can you not keep your arguments cogent inter-post?
Edit - on the 'phone call'. Dude.. that loan guarantee was the official position of the Obama administration and the EU. Are you saying that he committed a crime in carrying out the official actions of the US Gov't? It would take you 2 minutes of research to learn about the official US position in Ukraine.
You've been fooled AGAIN!
It wasn’t official us position to pressure a foreign country to fire a prosecutor investigating corruption of a company based in that country (Burisma). Biden withheld a billion $ until they fired the prosecutor. Extortion is not official us policy.
It makes me smile to see drawing at straws failing so miserably and so regularly. Enjoy the 2021 Biden administration.
Edit: Full disclosure - I didn't watch, don't intend to. You have no right to an audience when you've stood by idly (at best) to falsehoods for four years; it's akin to tabloid journalists being looked to as human rights watchdogs.
Post edited by benjs on
'05 - TO, '06 - TO 1, '08 - NYC 1 & 2, '09 - TO, Chi 1 & 2, '10 - Buffalo, NYC 1 & 2, '11 - TO 1 & 2, Hamilton, '13 - Buffalo, Brooklyn 1 & 2, '15 - Global Citizen, '16 - TO 1 & 2, Chi 2
Toronto Film Festival 9/11/2007, '08 - Toronto 1 & 2, '09 - Albany 1, '11 - Chicago 1
Do you have trouble toasting bread because the toaster doesn’t tell you to go get the bread from the pantry?
No, but maybe you do? There are known knowns. There are unknown knowns. And there are unknown unknowns. Sleepy Woke Joe Basement Biden’s what’s he gonna do is none of those.
I have no idea if you’re right, but you’re the only one that took a shot, so PM me your address and I will send you something. I promise it won’t be the jackalope, scary Ronald McDonald or Lambman (though now that I think of it Biden does resemble the latter, but alas, I do not own one, so you’re out of luck).
Of all the screw ups that Trump has done with words over the last 4 years why are you focusing so much on this?
I’m about to have myself a Saturday morning cup of covfefe.
Is that the russian covfefe or the north korean covfefe?
Yeah that's good stuff. I didn't learn a thing about banking and credit cards in high school. Oh, but I took trigonometry. You can imagine how little I've used that.
Mortgages and insurance should be taught too. As well as how to navigate the health-care system. And assistance programs such as food stamps as well.
So, why don’t parents teach their kids something? Schools need to do everything?
I do think some of this could be a quick add, but we shouldn’t be relying on school to raise our kids.
Well my parents taught me all that stuff. But not everyone has good parents. Or some have good parents that don’t know that stuff themselves.
Not today Sir, Probably not tomorrow.............................................. bayfront arena st. pete '94
you're finally here and I'm a mess................................................... nationwide arena columbus '10
memories like fingerprints are slowly raising.................................... first niagara center buffalo '13
another man ..... moved by sleight of hand...................................... joe louis arena detroit '14
I have no idea if you’re right, but you’re the only one that took a shot, so PM me your address and I will send you something. I promise it won’t be the jackalope, scary Ronald McDonald or Lambman (though now that I think of it Biden does resemble the latter, but alas, I do not own one, so you’re out of luck).
Of all the screw ups that Trump has done with words over the last 4 years why are you focusing so much on this?
I’m about to have myself a Saturday morning cup of covfefe.
Please be sure to hold the cup with both little hands and drink carefully.
"A smart monkey doesn't monkey around with another monkey's monkey" - Darwin's Theory
also, not everyone can afford to stand in line for hours on election day instead of being at work.
if the choice came down to making $30 for groceries i desperately need for my kids, or spending a half day standing in line to vote, i am going to work to make that grocery money for my kids.
Its free to just drop off a ballot though.
but getting there is a challenge for many.
Where I've lived there's been many drop off boxes. I honestly don't see any room for argument that someone doesn't vote because you can't afford to take a day off or its too hard to get to a voting booth. You could have gotten a mail in ballot 4 or 5 weeks ago, you could have mailed it in up until about 3 or 4 days ago in any state, and in some you still can. You had 4 or 5 weeks to find a way to a drop off box. I mean, really, how much easier does it need to get?
Since you keep asking the same damn question over and over again, let me help.
In Virginia, I requested an absentee ballot sometime in the late spring/early summer. I can't remember exactly when, but it was a long while ago. It took MONTHS for me to receive it, so long that at one point, I attempted to look it up on the tracking website Virginia set up. No record of my request.
Life got busy. School started. My mom's health further declined. Ballot in the back of my mind "Shit, I gotta take care of the ballot."
Finally, out of the blue, the ballots arrived. Phew. But I'm still busy. Working. Taking care of house. Mom. Exhaustion. Ballots remain in envelope on the counter. "Shit, I gotta take care of the ballot."
Three weeks ago, we finally fill them out, following the directions like it's the radioactive pill I had to take when I had cancer. Witness. Seal the envelope. Put it on the counter. Intend to drop it off because I don't trust the mail.
I get busy again. Work. Chores. Mom. "Shit, I have to take care of the ballot."
One week ago, on a Monday afternoon at 4:40, I say, ENOUGH. TAKE CARE OF THE DAMN BALLOT. I speed across town and get to the Election Board office to drop it off by 5:00 closing time.
It is not that hard. And yet it is that hard.
Try walking in some shoes other than your own, mace. Not everyone lives your perfect life.
My life isn’t perfect. I’m sorry for all that you went through. At any given time you could have mailed it though. You chose not to. That’s up to you.
This topic started because of a complaint about not extending the mail in deadline. Not even that, accusations that republicans are stealing the election because the courts ruled that they had to follow election rules. Partly why I may have sounded insensitive, because it’s just BS I keep hearing about how it’s so unfair that people have to follow state election rules when voting. So I said it’s easy enough already, you have weeks to mail it in, why do we need a few extra days? Which brought out a response of “well not everyone had the time or money to take 8 hours to stand in line to vote on November 3.” To which I went over the many methods offered. so would extending the mail in deadline have helped you? Not likely since you don’t like to mail it in. So what other suggestions do you have to make it easier? I think there’s enough options as is. You already have several choices to vote. I think that’s more than fair.
At the end of the day voting is easy. You can vote from your couch if you want. If you chose not to use the mail then that’s fine, but then don’t complain it’s too difficult when you refuse to use the methods offered to you.
That’s like me refusing to get a debit card, and then as I write out a check by hand I complain “man, there’s gotta be a more efficient way to do this.”
Well, it's republicans who seemingly want to do everything they can to make voting harder. Again, what's the big deal with accepting ballots that are postmarked properly and received within the week? Especially during a pandemic. Unless of course you're a Trump supporter who believes we're rounding the corner and there are basically zero deaths.
also, not everyone can afford to stand in line for hours on election day instead of being at work.
if the choice came down to making $30 for groceries i desperately need for my kids, or spending a half day standing in line to vote, i am going to work to make that grocery money for my kids.
Its free to just drop off a ballot though.
but getting there is a challenge for many.
Where I've lived there's been many drop off boxes. I honestly don't see any room for argument that someone doesn't vote because you can't afford to take a day off or its too hard to get to a voting booth. You could have gotten a mail in ballot 4 or 5 weeks ago, you could have mailed it in up until about 3 or 4 days ago in any state, and in some you still can. You had 4 or 5 weeks to find a way to a drop off box. I mean, really, how much easier does it need to get?
Since you keep asking the same damn question over and over again, let me help.
In Virginia, I requested an absentee ballot sometime in the late spring/early summer. I can't remember exactly when, but it was a long while ago. It took MONTHS for me to receive it, so long that at one point, I attempted to look it up on the tracking website Virginia set up. No record of my request.
Life got busy. School started. My mom's health further declined. Ballot in the back of my mind "Shit, I gotta take care of the ballot."
Finally, out of the blue, the ballots arrived. Phew. But I'm still busy. Working. Taking care of house. Mom. Exhaustion. Ballots remain in envelope on the counter. "Shit, I gotta take care of the ballot."
Three weeks ago, we finally fill them out, following the directions like it's the radioactive pill I had to take when I had cancer. Witness. Seal the envelope. Put it on the counter. Intend to drop it off because I don't trust the mail.
I get busy again. Work. Chores. Mom. "Shit, I have to take care of the ballot."
One week ago, on a Monday afternoon at 4:40, I say, ENOUGH. TAKE CARE OF THE DAMN BALLOT. I speed across town and get to the Election Board office to drop it off by 5:00 closing time.
It is not that hard. And yet it is that hard.
Try walking in some shoes other than your own, mace. Not everyone lives your perfect life.
My life isn’t perfect. I’m sorry for all that you went through. At any given time you could have mailed it though. You chose not to. That’s up to you.
This topic started because of a complaint about not extending the mail in deadline. Not even that, accusations that republicans are stealing the election because the courts ruled that they had to follow election rules. Partly why I may have sounded insensitive, because it’s just BS I keep hearing about how it’s so unfair that people have to follow state election rules when voting. So I said it’s easy enough already, you have weeks to mail it in, why do we need a few extra days? Which brought out a response of “well not everyone had the time or money to take 8 hours to stand in line to vote on November 3.” To which I went over the many methods offered. so would extending the mail in deadline have helped you? Not likely since you don’t like to mail it in. So what other suggestions do you have to make it easier? I think there’s enough options as is. You already have several choices to vote. I think that’s more than fair.
At the end of the day voting is easy. You can vote from your couch if you want. If you chose not to use the mail then that’s fine, but then don’t complain it’s too difficult when you refuse to use the methods offered to you.
That’s like me refusing to get a debit card, and then as I write out a check by hand I complain “man, there’s gotta be a more efficient way to do this.”
Well, it's republicans who seemingly want to do everything they can to make voting harder. Again, what's the big deal with accepting ballots that are postmarked properly and received within the week? Especially during a pandemic. Unless of course you're a Trump supporter who believes we're rounding the corner and there are basically zero deaths.
Nothing is wrong with it if that is what the state law says. But you’re okay with election officials deciding which laws to follow and which ones not to? It’s not about the ballots being mailed on Election Day, it’s about following the state election laws and other people deciding which ones they want to abide by and not. If you have no problem with election officials deciding to ignore state law on election deadlines, then you should be okay next time when the other party decides to just cancel all mail ballots. I’m not okay with either. Follow the law, if you don’t like it then go through the proper channels to have it changed. Don’t just ignore the laws you don’t like. That’s the point. What has literally happened is the state laws set the due date long time ago. Election officials said they are going to ignore the state law on election. The court said no you can’t. Now people are crying foul and saying ACB is already working for Trump because the court literally said they have to follow the law and not make up their own rules. It’s ridiculous. This has gone in circles with no real explanation as to why you shouldn’t follow the law. First it was well they shouldn’t have to because I don’t want to wait in line. Well you don’t have to wait in line, just drop it off. Then it was well there aren’t enough drop boxes. Okay so mail one in. Well I don’t trust USPS so I can’t. None of which have anything to do with an extended deadline and following election laws. Each state has their own laws. No one should be allowed to pick which ones they want to follow. If you don’t agree with them, go through legislature to change them.
This conversation started because of the complaints about the court ruling that election officials have to follow state law. Agree not everyone can stand in line to vote in person. You can a month window to vote from your couch. If you don’t like that you have a month window to drop it off. Don’t like that you can drop it off on Election Day at even more voting places. What more do we need to do to make voting easier? I think we’ve done enough. At this point if voting is difficult, it’s because you wanted it to be difficult and not vote. But no one has the right to just ignore the voting laws. But not encoring the voting law is partisan and un American and You must be a Trumper if you do.
Moving through All Kinds of Terrain. Posts: 42,850
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
so would extending the mail in deadline have helped you? Not likely since you don’t like to mail it in.
So what other suggestions do you have to make it easier? I think there’s enough options as is. You already have several choices to vote. I think that’s more than fair.
Because we all know one’s experience is the same as all experiences and if it’s not, you’re them.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
So good!
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Do you have trouble toasting bread because the toaster doesn’t tell you to go get the bread from the pantry?
The rules are confusing because so many states changed the rules due to the pandemic. Then the parties started suing over the rules. Then the courts started overturning or upholding the rules. All along, the media reporting about it has been horrible. Confusion reigns. You think this is okay in "free and fair election."
Take VA again. The new rule says witness signature is not required. The directions I received said have your witness sign. My state delegate sends out a blast telling us the printed directions are wrong, don't need a witness.
And BTW, I didn't "choose" my method of voting this year. My mother has heart failure, a-fib, diabetes, obesity, 80 years old, can barely walk from the bedroom to the kitchen. Standing in line with her on election day during a pandemic was *never* an option.
Get lost with that crap.
Edit: Full disclosure - I didn't watch, don't intend to. You have no right to an audience when you've stood by idly (at best) to falsehoods for four years; it's akin to tabloid journalists being looked to as human rights watchdogs.
Toronto Film Festival 9/11/2007, '08 - Toronto 1 & 2, '09 - Albany 1, '11 - Chicago 1
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
"There will be no heating in the winter, no air conditioning in the summer, and no electricity whenever the hell you want it,"
Pearl Jam bootlegs:
Not today Sir, Probably not tomorrow.............................................. bayfront arena st. pete '94
you're finally here and I'm a mess................................................... nationwide arena columbus '10
memories like fingerprints are slowly raising.................................... first niagara center buffalo '13
another man ..... moved by sleight of hand...................................... joe louis arena detroit '14
What has literally happened is the state laws set the due date long time ago. Election officials said they are going to ignore the state law on election. The court said no you can’t. Now people are crying foul and saying ACB is already working for Trump because the court literally said they have to follow the law and not make up their own rules. It’s ridiculous.
This has gone in circles with no real explanation as to why you shouldn’t follow the law. First it was well they shouldn’t have to because I don’t want to wait in line. Well you don’t have to wait in line, just drop it off. Then it was well there aren’t enough drop boxes. Okay so mail one in. Well I don’t trust USPS so I can’t. None of which have anything to do with an extended deadline and following election laws. Each state has their own laws. No one should be allowed to pick which ones they want to follow. If you don’t agree with them, go through legislature to change them.
Well, that's been happening a number of times around here... under the Trump administration!