Biden vs Trump 2020 - vote now and discuss!



  • HughFreakingDillonHughFreakingDillon Winnipeg Posts: 38,421
    dems play dirty? BWAHAHAHAHA. the projection is strong in this one. 
    Withholding stimulus from the people because you wanted a plethora of items having nothing to do with Covid in it? Dirty. billions of $ to bail out blue states poorly run that had nothing to do with Covid? dirty as well. Pushing a false narrative just because you don’t like an elected president? Dirty.  Claiming “smoking gun” evidence time after time after time while having none? That’s a check in the dirty box. Planning to eliminate the electoral college because you lost according to the rules? Yep, dirty again.  Wanting to pack the court because once again you lost so “the rules aren’t fair, waaah”... yeah, that’s not only dirty, but lame too.  Both sides are fucked, to be sure, but acting like the right is the only clown in the circus is disingenuous and  dirty too.
    i never said both sides didn't have their faults. i was responding to your specific claim that dems played dirty. goal posts are meant to stay in place. 

    the rest of your post is nonsense and easily debated, again, not even worth it. again, you say you don't pay attention to any MSM talking points on either side, yet every single one of them is from breitbart and/or fox primetime. 

    it's the same old cycle with you and a few others every few weeks. 
    "Oh're beautiful when you're drunk"
    -EV  8/14/93

  • RoleModelsinBlood31RoleModelsinBlood31 Austin TX Posts: 6,186
    edited October 2020
    mrussel1 said:
    mrussel1 said:
    static111 said:
    PJNB said:
    Don’t believe these articles from news agencies who lied to us all for three years.  The emails and Biden’s China deals are 100% real.  That’s not the question.  The question is if anyone in the swamp cares at all about corruption within our govt.  I think we all know the answer to that.
    Where is the proof? You know the corroborated kind verified by a third party?  Also where are trump’s taxes?
    You mean other than the fact that hunter’s two business partners in China have already been arrested? Other than the fact that the fbi has had an ongoing open investigation into him since 2019? Other than thousands of corroborated emails between the Biden’s and businesses in China/Ukraine diacussing payouts?  These were fabricated, dude, they’ve already been proven legit and not to be “Russian disinfo by dni ratcliffe, hunter’s business partners, and recipients of the emails. Other than recorded convos of hunter discussing the deals?

    the point is there’s no denying that it’s all true- otherwise the Biden’s would be sueing the shit out of the post for libel, like Trump did when bs was written about him.  Instead they haven’t even denied it, because we both know nothing will get done about it.  The point is that we the people can’t be ok with this swamp using us all to find their families.

    and trumps taxes?  We already have them, nyt leaked them and they showed he’s under audit, like he’s said all along.  
    how many of trump's associates (hint: more than 2) have been arrested and convicted? yet you still believe he's not a criminal and you contend biden is a crime family. 

    who defrauded a charity for kids with cancer? was it the bidens?
    who has personally profited off the presidency? was it the bidens?

    there about 63 other similar questions i could ask, but i suspect you will stick to your "biden is a crook" narrative. 
    Dude they were arrested for shit that had A) nothing to do with trump and B) happened BEFORE they were associated with the Trump administration.  That’s like blaming Subway because Jared had kiddie porn on hi computer! Insanely obtuse.  I absolutely believe he’s not a criminal, and to u know why? Because people
    spent MILLIONS of dollars investigating him.  Millions.  Waaaaaaayyyy more than 99% of criminal cases cost... and they found NOTHING.  That’s pretty much good enough for me- that the best investigators, private investigators, the FBI, you name it... and ALL of them found NADA.

    youre so naive.  Youve seen it all play out in front of your eyes but you continue to act like it’s not what your eyes tell you. Not shocking but you’ve been played and you fell for it all.

    LMAO. they were all working for his fucking campaign. but ok. 

    and you didn't answer the two questions i did pose. but i expected that. 

    keep shouting at people to "open their eyes", because that's all you've got. seriously, the delusion is thick. 
    Do you not know how to read? Jared was working for subway, what the hell does that matter, subway didn’t have anything to do with his crimes.  Why does some idiot getting snagged for bank fraud have anything to do with trump?

    and delusion?!!!  that’s rich. don’t even go there.   Coming from the side that cried Russia for the last three years?! Lmao, you literally are the boy who screamed wolf, my friend.  Your folks impeached a president for a phone call where both folks on the call as well the transcript said it was fine... then go ahead and deny that Biden (who is ON AUDIO) admitting his quid pro Joe did nothing wrong.  The hypocrisy is as thick as poutine.
    yes, jared working for a subway ad campaign and people working directly for a presidential candidate are exactly the same. your parallels are staggeringly accurate. 

    as many here have said, you are a complete waste of time. 

    if trump wins, congrats to another 4 years of chaos and the destruction of your country. if biden wins, i suspect you'll cry and whine like you accuse everyone else here of doing. or you'll disappear like all other trumpsters the second things don't seem to be going his way. 
    When they did their crimes is an exact parallel, my friend.  Neither of their crimes had anything do with the job they were paid to do.  If you can’t see that you’re helpless.

    you are actually the waste of time, just another parrot of the talking heads, no actual thought of your own.  Enjoy the next week, it’s going to be a riot.  Literally. Idiots will destroy innocent people’s property and livelihoods because they think their lives will change due to who was elected/is in office. 
    So what precisely is the crime that Joe Biden committed?  Isn't that germane?
    Also waiting for the name of the business partners connected to Ukraine/China that were arrested.  
    Joe’s crime to begin with which he’s admitted to, was using political influence to thwart foreign investigations (corruption).  He admitted to it on audio while speaking both on a phone call and at a public event.

    :43 in.

    Devon archer. Bevan Cooney.  Not to mention the China billionaire who has been missing for a year.

    i seriously think (put on my tin foil hat) that the Dems/Pelosi would use the 25th on quid pro joe to remove him and put kamala on top within the first 6 months.  Dems play dirty, we all know that.
    Devon Archer plead guilty to fraud related to dealing with native American tribes.  This had nothing to do with Hunter, china, Burisma or Joe.  Same with Cooney.  You literally just posted the Jared example on how it doesn't implicate Trump, but you are now saying some business partners that were convicted of doing something that had nothing to do with Hunter Biden somehow implicates Joe Biden?  Are you out of your fucking mind?  Can you not keep your arguments cogent inter-post?

    Edit - on the 'phone call'.  Dude.. that loan guarantee was the official position of the Obama administration and the EU.  Are you saying that he committed a crime in carrying out the official actions of the US Gov't?  It would take you 2 minutes of research to learn about the official US position in Ukraine.

    You've been fooled AGAIN!  
    It wasn’t official us position to pressure a foreign country to fire a  prosecutor investigating corruption of a company based in that country (Burisma).  Biden withheld a billion $ until they fired the prosecutor.  Extortion is not official us policy.

    I'm like an opening band for your mom.
  • static111 said:
    PJNB said:
    Don’t believe these articles from news agencies who lied to us all for three years.  The emails and Biden’s China deals are 100% real.  That’s not the question.  The question is if anyone in the swamp cares at all about corruption within our govt.  I think we all know the answer to that.
    Where is the proof? You know the corroborated kind verified by a third party?  Also where are trump’s taxes?
    You mean other than the fact that hunter’s two business partners in China have already been arrested? Other than the fact that the fbi has had an ongoing open investigation into him since 2019? Other than thousands of corroborated emails between the Biden’s and businesses in China/Ukraine diacussing payouts?  These were fabricated, dude, they’ve already been proven legit and not to be “Russian disinfo by dni ratcliffe, hunter’s business partners, and recipients of the emails. Other than recorded convos of hunter discussing the deals?

    the point is there’s no denying that it’s all true- otherwise the Biden’s would be sueing the shit out of the post for libel, like Trump did when bs was written about him.  Instead they haven’t even denied it, because we both know nothing will get done about it.  The point is that we the people can’t be ok with this swamp using us all to find their families.

    and trumps taxes?  We already have them, nyt leaked them and they showed he’s under audit, like he’s said all along.  
    how many of trump's associates (hint: more than 2) have been arrested and convicted? yet you still believe he's not a criminal and you contend biden is a crime family. 

    who defrauded a charity for kids with cancer? was it the bidens?
    who has personally profited off the presidency? was it the bidens?

    there about 63 other similar questions i could ask, but i suspect you will stick to your "biden is a crook" narrative. 
    Dude they were arrested for shit that had A) nothing to do with trump and B) happened BEFORE they were associated with the Trump administration.  That’s like blaming Subway because Jared had kiddie porn on hi computer! Insanely obtuse.  I absolutely believe he’s not a criminal, and to u know why? Because people
    spent MILLIONS of dollars investigating him.  Millions.  Waaaaaaayyyy more than 99% of criminal cases cost... and they found NOTHING.  That’s pretty much good enough for me- that the best investigators, private investigators, the FBI, you name it... and ALL of them found NADA.

    youre so naive.  Youve seen it all play out in front of your eyes but you continue to act like it’s not what your eyes tell you. Not shocking but you’ve been played and you fell for it all.

    LMAO. they were all working for his fucking campaign. but ok. 

    and you didn't answer the two questions i did pose. but i expected that. 

    keep shouting at people to "open their eyes", because that's all you've got. seriously, the delusion is thick. 
    Do you not know how to read? Jared was working for subway, what the hell does that matter, subway didn’t have anything to do with his crimes.  Why does some idiot getting snagged for bank fraud have anything to do with trump?

    and delusion?!!!  that’s rich. don’t even go there.   Coming from the side that cried Russia for the last three years?! Lmao, you literally are the boy who screamed wolf, my friend.  Your folks impeached a president for a phone call where both folks on the call as well the transcript said it was fine... then go ahead and deny that Biden (who is ON AUDIO) admitting his quid pro Joe did nothing wrong.  The hypocrisy is as thick as poutine.
    From the Senate Intelligence Report, Volume V, Page 275 (Page 289 of PDF), footnotes. That's the beauty of footnotes, as they generally are rich in detail. You might ask why this is relevant, Roles. I suggest you do a little research on the nightclub The Act. A nightclub that Team Trump Treason Tax Cheat spent an unusual amount of time in, more than he typically would. And read through pages 304-315 of the linked PDF, paying particular attention to the footnotes as they identify the sources of the information contained therein, as this is all verified via witness deposition, phone records and emails. After you've done that, and I expect you will because you trust the repub lead Senate Intelligence Committee, right, ask yourself, Is it likely, more likely or less likely that a PTAPE exists and/or that Team Trump Treason Tax Cheat is compromised by putin on the ritz and kompromont? 

    iii. (U) Planning Miss Universe Moscow (U) Following the contract signing in Las Vegas in June, planning began for the November 2013 Miss Universe pageant in Moscow. In addition to arranging the pageant itself, Trump and Aras Agalarov repeatedly contacted President Putin and his staff,. both to invite Putin to the event, and to offer a personal meeting with Ttump. (U) On June 21, 2013, Goldstone emailed Emin Agalarov with the subject line "Putin" to inform him that, "He [Trump] has a personal email [address] for VP" but had asked for a mailing address for the letter.1828 On June 22, 2013, Goldstone emailed Emin Agalarov the text of a draft letter from Trump inviting Putin to attend the Miss. Universe pageant and requesting a personal private meeting. in Moscow. The email included the subject line, "Draft of Putin letter for Donald Trump - please show to Aras and let me know before I send to Trump." Emin Agalarov approved. 1829 (U) On June 24, 2013, Rhona Graff, Trump's assistant, wrote to Shugart, informing her that, "DT wants to send a letter to Putin inviting him to Miss Universe. I asked Rob G. to draft something we could tweak. If you see the letter below, he references a trip to Moscow by DT

    in I , along. She believed the club was called The Act. Shugart Tr., pp:61-64. Schiller said he had no recollection of going to any club. SSCI Transcript of the Interview with Keith Schiller, February 7, 2018, pp. 43--45. 1825 (U) Shugart Tr., pp. 65-66; Goldstone Tr., p. 66. 1826 (U) Agalarov Estate brochure (DJTJR00502-607); Crocus Group brochure (DJTJR00610-849); Email, Goldstone to Graff, June 18, 2013 (TRUMPORG_l8_000999). . 1827 (U) Tweet, @realDonaldTrump, June 18, 2013; Tweet, @eminofficial, June 18, 2013. 1828 (U) Email, Goldstone to E. Agalarov, June 21, 2013 (EA-SSCI-00466). 1829 (U) Email, Goldstone to E. Agalarov and Beni!llllinov, June 22, 2013 (RB-000858).

    From Page 274 of the Report (288 of the PDF):

    (U) The dinner that night ultimately included members of the Agalarov family, Trump Organization, Miss Universe Organization, and a number ofEmin Agalarov's friends. 1819 Michael Cohen attended with Trump and Schiller. 1820 During the meal, Goldstone recalled being approached by Schiller, who asked Goldstone if the Agalarov group had plans after the meal. Goldstone recalled telling Schiller that one of Emin Agalarov's associates, Murtaza Akbar, was an investor in a club called The Act and that the group planned to go. According to Goldstone, Schiller responded by telling Goldstone that "Mr. Trump wants to come."1821 (U) Following dinner, the group, which included the Agalarovs, their associates, and the Trump Organization group, went to The Act. Goldstone described The Act as, "a bit Cirque du Soleil and a bit burlesquey thrown into one."1822 Cohen recalled that the club was "more than a burlesque club" and was a "wild place."1823 (U) The group, including Trump, stayed at The Act for several hours. 1824 1819

    (U) According to Beniaminov, attendees at the dinner included Aras Agalarov, Donald Trump, Aras Agalarov's wife and daughter, Emin Agalarov, Emin Agalarov's friends Murad and Timur Beniaminov, Roman Beniaminov (no relation), Rob Goldstone, Goldstone and Agalarov's associate Murtaza Akbar, Trump Organization employees Keith Schiller and Michael Cohen, Miss Universe employee Esther Swan, former-Miss Universe Olivia Culpo, and others. Beniaminov Tr., pp. 71-75. Lawrence Glick from the Trump Organization may have also attended. Shugart Tr., p. 56-58. 1820 (U) Cohen served as a board member of the Miss Universe Organization, which he described as a "perk" of his job at the Trump Organization. Cohen Tr. II, p. 108. 1821 (U) Goldstone Tr., pp. 63-64. 1822 (U) Goldstone Tr., p. 64. 1823 (U) Cohen Tr. II, pp. 109-110 ("It's a club that puts on shows, and you never really know what the show is going to be. In this specific case they brought out a young man who was in a leotard body suit, who, to me, I would diagnose him as a thalidomide baby. And he was blind as well, but he sang like Pavarotti. And while he was singing-I forget the song, it was like a 'God Bless America' -type song-there was a woman who was in a thong bikini, who was large, performing sex acts on him while he was singing. Interesting, because I was with Mr. Trump at the time. It was not really a place I expected to be with him at. He looked over to me when he was finished, and I'll never forget this, he looked me right in the face. He goes, 'That's a tough way to make a living."'); Cohen told the Committee he did not remember the name of the club. Based on testimony from other witnesses, the club was The Act. Shugart Tr., pp. 62. Goldstone Tr., pp. 63-66; Tim O'Reiley, "Curtain comes down on nearly half of edgy skits at The Act nightclub," 'Las Vegas Review-Journal, September 13, 2013. 1824 (U) A series oflate night and early morning text messages between Beniaminov and Goldstone indicate Trump's presence at the club with the Agalarovs. Text message, Goldstone to Beniaminov, June 15, 2013 (RB001136-1137). Goldstone told the Committee that, at some point, Emin Agalarov asked him, "How do we get rid of him? When does he go? How long will he stay?" Sometime after that, Schiller approached Goldstone. Goldstone told the Committee, "Then Keith came up and said: 'Mr. Trump's going to leave.' And he made an , interesting comment. He goes: 'By the way, you've hosted him really well; he must really like you guys, because he doesn't do this kind of thing and he doesn't stay. Thank you very much.'" Goldstone Tr., pp. 63-66. Beniaminov recalled going to the club after dinner, and that it was a late night, but his memory of the details were vague or nonexistent. He recalled that there had been someone dancing on stage in a "mirror type of suit outfit." Beniaminov Tr., p. 81. Shugart recalled hearing the next morning that it had been a late night at the club and that everyone got 

    And there's more, much more, but you'll have to read it yourself.

    That’s a lot of sanctions and action against Russia for someone so in bed with Putin 🤔
    You didn't answer my question though. And an edited Youtube video does not an investigation resulting in an indictment make.
    09/15/1998 & 09/16/1998, Mansfield, MA; 08/29/00 08/30/00, Mansfield, MA; 07/02/03, 07/03/03, Mansfield, MA; 09/28/04, 09/29/04, Boston, MA; 09/22/05, Halifax, NS; 05/24/06, 05/25/06, Boston, MA; 07/22/06, 07/23/06, Gorge, WA; 06/27/2008, Hartford; 06/28/08, 06/30/08, Mansfield; 08/18/2009, O2, London, UK; 10/30/09, 10/31/09, Philadelphia, PA; 05/15/10, Hartford, CT; 05/17/10, Boston, MA; 05/20/10, 05/21/10, NY, NY; 06/22/10, Dublin, IRE; 06/23/10, Northern Ireland; 09/03/11, 09/04/11, Alpine Valley, WI; 09/11/11, 09/12/11, Toronto, Ont; 09/14/11, Ottawa, Ont; 09/15/11, Hamilton, Ont; 07/02/2012, Prague, Czech Republic; 07/04/2012 & 07/05/2012, Berlin, Germany; 07/07/2012, Stockholm, Sweden; 09/30/2012, Missoula, MT; 07/16/2013, London, Ont; 07/19/2013, Chicago, IL; 10/15/2013 & 10/16/2013, Worcester, MA; 10/21/2013 & 10/22/2013, Philadelphia, PA; 10/25/2013, Hartford, CT; 11/29/2013, Portland, OR; 11/30/2013, Spokane, WA; 12/04/2013, Vancouver, BC; 12/06/2013, Seattle, WA; 10/03/2014, St. Louis. MO; 10/22/2014, Denver, CO; 10/26/2015, New York, NY; 04/23/2016, New Orleans, LA; 04/28/2016 & 04/29/2016, Philadelphia, PA; 05/01/2016 & 05/02/2016, New York, NY; 05/08/2016, Ottawa, Ont.; 05/10/2016 & 05/12/2016, Toronto, Ont.; 08/05/2016 & 08/07/2016, Boston, MA; 08/20/2016 & 08/22/2016, Chicago, IL; 07/01/2018, Prague, Czech Republic; 07/03/2018, Krakow, Poland; 07/05/2018, Berlin, Germany; 09/02/2018 & 09/04/2018, Boston, MA; 09/08/2022, Toronto, Ont; 09/11/2022, New York, NY; 09/14/2022, Camden, NJ; 09/02/2023, St. Paul, MN; 05/04/2024 & 05/06/2024, Vancouver, BC; 05/10/2024, Portland, OR;

    Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.

  • mrussel1mrussel1 Posts: 30,327
    mrussel1 said:
    mrussel1 said:
    static111 said:
    PJNB said:
    Don’t believe these articles from news agencies who lied to us all for three years.  The emails and Biden’s China deals are 100% real.  That’s not the question.  The question is if anyone in the swamp cares at all about corruption within our govt.  I think we all know the answer to that.
    Where is the proof? You know the corroborated kind verified by a third party?  Also where are trump’s taxes?
    You mean other than the fact that hunter’s two business partners in China have already been arrested? Other than the fact that the fbi has had an ongoing open investigation into him since 2019? Other than thousands of corroborated emails between the Biden’s and businesses in China/Ukraine diacussing payouts?  These were fabricated, dude, they’ve already been proven legit and not to be “Russian disinfo by dni ratcliffe, hunter’s business partners, and recipients of the emails. Other than recorded convos of hunter discussing the deals?

    the point is there’s no denying that it’s all true- otherwise the Biden’s would be sueing the shit out of the post for libel, like Trump did when bs was written about him.  Instead they haven’t even denied it, because we both know nothing will get done about it.  The point is that we the people can’t be ok with this swamp using us all to find their families.

    and trumps taxes?  We already have them, nyt leaked them and they showed he’s under audit, like he’s said all along.  
    how many of trump's associates (hint: more than 2) have been arrested and convicted? yet you still believe he's not a criminal and you contend biden is a crime family. 

    who defrauded a charity for kids with cancer? was it the bidens?
    who has personally profited off the presidency? was it the bidens?

    there about 63 other similar questions i could ask, but i suspect you will stick to your "biden is a crook" narrative. 
    Dude they were arrested for shit that had A) nothing to do with trump and B) happened BEFORE they were associated with the Trump administration.  That’s like blaming Subway because Jared had kiddie porn on hi computer! Insanely obtuse.  I absolutely believe he’s not a criminal, and to u know why? Because people
    spent MILLIONS of dollars investigating him.  Millions.  Waaaaaaayyyy more than 99% of criminal cases cost... and they found NOTHING.  That’s pretty much good enough for me- that the best investigators, private investigators, the FBI, you name it... and ALL of them found NADA.

    youre so naive.  Youve seen it all play out in front of your eyes but you continue to act like it’s not what your eyes tell you. Not shocking but you’ve been played and you fell for it all.

    LMAO. they were all working for his fucking campaign. but ok. 

    and you didn't answer the two questions i did pose. but i expected that. 

    keep shouting at people to "open their eyes", because that's all you've got. seriously, the delusion is thick. 
    Do you not know how to read? Jared was working for subway, what the hell does that matter, subway didn’t have anything to do with his crimes.  Why does some idiot getting snagged for bank fraud have anything to do with trump?

    and delusion?!!!  that’s rich. don’t even go there.   Coming from the side that cried Russia for the last three years?! Lmao, you literally are the boy who screamed wolf, my friend.  Your folks impeached a president for a phone call where both folks on the call as well the transcript said it was fine... then go ahead and deny that Biden (who is ON AUDIO) admitting his quid pro Joe did nothing wrong.  The hypocrisy is as thick as poutine.
    yes, jared working for a subway ad campaign and people working directly for a presidential candidate are exactly the same. your parallels are staggeringly accurate. 

    as many here have said, you are a complete waste of time. 

    if trump wins, congrats to another 4 years of chaos and the destruction of your country. if biden wins, i suspect you'll cry and whine like you accuse everyone else here of doing. or you'll disappear like all other trumpsters the second things don't seem to be going his way. 
    When they did their crimes is an exact parallel, my friend.  Neither of their crimes had anything do with the job they were paid to do.  If you can’t see that you’re helpless.

    you are actually the waste of time, just another parrot of the talking heads, no actual thought of your own.  Enjoy the next week, it’s going to be a riot.  Literally. Idiots will destroy innocent people’s property and livelihoods because they think their lives will change due to who was elected/is in office. 
    So what precisely is the crime that Joe Biden committed?  Isn't that germane?
    Also waiting for the name of the business partners connected to Ukraine/China that were arrested.  
    Joe’s crime to begin with which he’s admitted to, was using political influence to thwart foreign investigations (corruption).  He admitted to it on audio while speaking both on a phone call and at a public event.

    :43 in.

    Devon archer. Bevan Cooney.  Not to mention the China billionaire who has been missing for a year.

    i seriously think (put on my tin foil hat) that the Dems/Pelosi would use the 25th on quid pro joe to remove him and put kamala on top within the first 6 months.  Dems play dirty, we all know that.
    Devon Archer plead guilty to fraud related to dealing with native American tribes.  This had nothing to do with Hunter, china, Burisma or Joe.  Same with Cooney.  You literally just posted the Jared example on how it doesn't implicate Trump, but you are now saying some business partners that were convicted of doing something that had nothing to do with Hunter Biden somehow implicates Joe Biden?  Are you out of your fucking mind?  Can you not keep your arguments cogent inter-post?

    Edit - on the 'phone call'.  Dude.. that loan guarantee was the official position of the Obama administration and the EU.  Are you saying that he committed a crime in carrying out the official actions of the US Gov't?  It would take you 2 minutes of research to learn about the official US position in Ukraine.

    You've been fooled AGAIN!  
    It wasn’t official us position to pressure a foreign country to fire a  prosecutor investigating corruption of a company based in that country (Burisma).  Biden withheld a billion $ until they fired the prosecutor.  Extortion is not official us policy.

    The fuck it wasn't.  We pressure countries every day to do things we want them to do in exchange for loan guarantees, arm sales, humanitarian aid, etc.  Are you really so naive that you don't think this happens?  The Obama admin refused to guarantee it until they fired the corrupt prosecutor.  How do you not know these things?

    US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew said that the $1 billion loan guarantee underscores Washington's continued support for the economic reform agenda of the Ukrainian government of President Petro Poroshenko.

    "Since we signed our first loan guarantee agreement one year ago, Ukraine has worked closely with the IMF, the World Bank, the United States, and other members of the international community to implement a robust reform program that will help stabilize Ukraine's economy and lay the groundwork for future growth and prosperity," Lew said in a statement.

    "Ukraine has taken critical reforms already, and its commitment to making a decisive break with the corruption and stagnation of the past is clear. This progress must continue so that the people of Ukraine can realize the prosperity and stability they deserve."

  • mrussel1 said:
    mrussel1 said:
    mrussel1 said:
    static111 said:
    PJNB said:
    Don’t believe these articles from news agencies who lied to us all for three years.  The emails and Biden’s China deals are 100% real.  That’s not the question.  The question is if anyone in the swamp cares at all about corruption within our govt.  I think we all know the answer to that.
    Where is the proof? You know the corroborated kind verified by a third party?  Also where are trump’s taxes?
    You mean other than the fact that hunter’s two business partners in China have already been arrested? Other than the fact that the fbi has had an ongoing open investigation into him since 2019? Other than thousands of corroborated emails between the Biden’s and businesses in China/Ukraine diacussing payouts?  These were fabricated, dude, they’ve already been proven legit and not to be “Russian disinfo by dni ratcliffe, hunter’s business partners, and recipients of the emails. Other than recorded convos of hunter discussing the deals?

    the point is there’s no denying that it’s all true- otherwise the Biden’s would be sueing the shit out of the post for libel, like Trump did when bs was written about him.  Instead they haven’t even denied it, because we both know nothing will get done about it.  The point is that we the people can’t be ok with this swamp using us all to find their families.

    and trumps taxes?  We already have them, nyt leaked them and they showed he’s under audit, like he’s said all along.  
    how many of trump's associates (hint: more than 2) have been arrested and convicted? yet you still believe he's not a criminal and you contend biden is a crime family. 

    who defrauded a charity for kids with cancer? was it the bidens?
    who has personally profited off the presidency? was it the bidens?

    there about 63 other similar questions i could ask, but i suspect you will stick to your "biden is a crook" narrative. 
    Dude they were arrested for shit that had A) nothing to do with trump and B) happened BEFORE they were associated with the Trump administration.  That’s like blaming Subway because Jared had kiddie porn on hi computer! Insanely obtuse.  I absolutely believe he’s not a criminal, and to u know why? Because people
    spent MILLIONS of dollars investigating him.  Millions.  Waaaaaaayyyy more than 99% of criminal cases cost... and they found NOTHING.  That’s pretty much good enough for me- that the best investigators, private investigators, the FBI, you name it... and ALL of them found NADA.

    youre so naive.  Youve seen it all play out in front of your eyes but you continue to act like it’s not what your eyes tell you. Not shocking but you’ve been played and you fell for it all.

    LMAO. they were all working for his fucking campaign. but ok. 

    and you didn't answer the two questions i did pose. but i expected that. 

    keep shouting at people to "open their eyes", because that's all you've got. seriously, the delusion is thick. 
    Do you not know how to read? Jared was working for subway, what the hell does that matter, subway didn’t have anything to do with his crimes.  Why does some idiot getting snagged for bank fraud have anything to do with trump?

    and delusion?!!!  that’s rich. don’t even go there.   Coming from the side that cried Russia for the last three years?! Lmao, you literally are the boy who screamed wolf, my friend.  Your folks impeached a president for a phone call where both folks on the call as well the transcript said it was fine... then go ahead and deny that Biden (who is ON AUDIO) admitting his quid pro Joe did nothing wrong.  The hypocrisy is as thick as poutine.
    yes, jared working for a subway ad campaign and people working directly for a presidential candidate are exactly the same. your parallels are staggeringly accurate. 

    as many here have said, you are a complete waste of time. 

    if trump wins, congrats to another 4 years of chaos and the destruction of your country. if biden wins, i suspect you'll cry and whine like you accuse everyone else here of doing. or you'll disappear like all other trumpsters the second things don't seem to be going his way. 
    When they did their crimes is an exact parallel, my friend.  Neither of their crimes had anything do with the job they were paid to do.  If you can’t see that you’re helpless.

    you are actually the waste of time, just another parrot of the talking heads, no actual thought of your own.  Enjoy the next week, it’s going to be a riot.  Literally. Idiots will destroy innocent people’s property and livelihoods because they think their lives will change due to who was elected/is in office. 
    So what precisely is the crime that Joe Biden committed?  Isn't that germane?
    Also waiting for the name of the business partners connected to Ukraine/China that were arrested.  
    Joe’s crime to begin with which he’s admitted to, was using political influence to thwart foreign investigations (corruption).  He admitted to it on audio while speaking both on a phone call and at a public event.

    :43 in.

    Devon archer. Bevan Cooney.  Not to mention the China billionaire who has been missing for a year.

    i seriously think (put on my tin foil hat) that the Dems/Pelosi would use the 25th on quid pro joe to remove him and put kamala on top within the first 6 months.  Dems play dirty, we all know that.
    Devon Archer plead guilty to fraud related to dealing with native American tribes.  This had nothing to do with Hunter, china, Burisma or Joe.  Same with Cooney.  You literally just posted the Jared example on how it doesn't implicate Trump, but you are now saying some business partners that were convicted of doing something that had nothing to do with Hunter Biden somehow implicates Joe Biden?  Are you out of your fucking mind?  Can you not keep your arguments cogent inter-post?

    Edit - on the 'phone call'.  Dude.. that loan guarantee was the official position of the Obama administration and the EU.  Are you saying that he committed a crime in carrying out the official actions of the US Gov't?  It would take you 2 minutes of research to learn about the official US position in Ukraine.

    You've been fooled AGAIN!  
    It wasn’t official us position to pressure a foreign country to fire a  prosecutor investigating corruption of a company based in that country (Burisma).  Biden withheld a billion $ until they fired the prosecutor.  Extortion is not official us policy.

    The fuck it wasn't.  We pressure countries every day to do things we want them to do in exchange for loan guarantees, arm sales, humanitarian aid, etc.  Are you really so naive that you don't think this happens?  The Obama admin refused to guarantee it until they fired the corrupt prosecutor.  How do you not know these things?

    US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew said that the $1 billion loan guarantee underscores Washington's continued support for the economic reform agenda of the Ukrainian government of President Petro Poroshenko.

    "Since we signed our first loan guarantee agreement one year ago, Ukraine has worked closely with the IMF, the World Bank, the United States, and other members of the international community to implement a robust reform program that will help stabilize Ukraine's economy and lay the groundwork for future growth and prosperity," Lew said in a statement.

    "Ukraine has taken critical reforms already, and its commitment to making a decisive break with the corruption and stagnation of the past is clear. This progress must continue so that the people of Ukraine can realize the prosperity and stability they deserve."

    Not to mention it was aligned with our EU and NATO allies but not what putin on the ritz wanted, sanctions or no. Funny that.
    09/15/1998 & 09/16/1998, Mansfield, MA; 08/29/00 08/30/00, Mansfield, MA; 07/02/03, 07/03/03, Mansfield, MA; 09/28/04, 09/29/04, Boston, MA; 09/22/05, Halifax, NS; 05/24/06, 05/25/06, Boston, MA; 07/22/06, 07/23/06, Gorge, WA; 06/27/2008, Hartford; 06/28/08, 06/30/08, Mansfield; 08/18/2009, O2, London, UK; 10/30/09, 10/31/09, Philadelphia, PA; 05/15/10, Hartford, CT; 05/17/10, Boston, MA; 05/20/10, 05/21/10, NY, NY; 06/22/10, Dublin, IRE; 06/23/10, Northern Ireland; 09/03/11, 09/04/11, Alpine Valley, WI; 09/11/11, 09/12/11, Toronto, Ont; 09/14/11, Ottawa, Ont; 09/15/11, Hamilton, Ont; 07/02/2012, Prague, Czech Republic; 07/04/2012 & 07/05/2012, Berlin, Germany; 07/07/2012, Stockholm, Sweden; 09/30/2012, Missoula, MT; 07/16/2013, London, Ont; 07/19/2013, Chicago, IL; 10/15/2013 & 10/16/2013, Worcester, MA; 10/21/2013 & 10/22/2013, Philadelphia, PA; 10/25/2013, Hartford, CT; 11/29/2013, Portland, OR; 11/30/2013, Spokane, WA; 12/04/2013, Vancouver, BC; 12/06/2013, Seattle, WA; 10/03/2014, St. Louis. MO; 10/22/2014, Denver, CO; 10/26/2015, New York, NY; 04/23/2016, New Orleans, LA; 04/28/2016 & 04/29/2016, Philadelphia, PA; 05/01/2016 & 05/02/2016, New York, NY; 05/08/2016, Ottawa, Ont.; 05/10/2016 & 05/12/2016, Toronto, Ont.; 08/05/2016 & 08/07/2016, Boston, MA; 08/20/2016 & 08/22/2016, Chicago, IL; 07/01/2018, Prague, Czech Republic; 07/03/2018, Krakow, Poland; 07/05/2018, Berlin, Germany; 09/02/2018 & 09/04/2018, Boston, MA; 09/08/2022, Toronto, Ont; 09/11/2022, New York, NY; 09/14/2022, Camden, NJ; 09/02/2023, St. Paul, MN; 05/04/2024 & 05/06/2024, Vancouver, BC; 05/10/2024, Portland, OR;

    Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.

  • RoleModelsinBlood31RoleModelsinBlood31 Austin TX Posts: 6,186
    mrussel1 said:
    mrussel1 said:
    mrussel1 said:
    static111 said:
    PJNB said:
    Don’t believe these articles from news agencies who lied to us all for three years.  The emails and Biden’s China deals are 100% real.  That’s not the question.  The question is if anyone in the swamp cares at all about corruption within our govt.  I think we all know the answer to that.
    Where is the proof? You know the corroborated kind verified by a third party?  Also where are trump’s taxes?
    You mean other than the fact that hunter’s two business partners in China have already been arrested? Other than the fact that the fbi has had an ongoing open investigation into him since 2019? Other than thousands of corroborated emails between the Biden’s and businesses in China/Ukraine diacussing payouts?  These were fabricated, dude, they’ve already been proven legit and not to be “Russian disinfo by dni ratcliffe, hunter’s business partners, and recipients of the emails. Other than recorded convos of hunter discussing the deals?

    the point is there’s no denying that it’s all true- otherwise the Biden’s would be sueing the shit out of the post for libel, like Trump did when bs was written about him.  Instead they haven’t even denied it, because we both know nothing will get done about it.  The point is that we the people can’t be ok with this swamp using us all to find their families.

    and trumps taxes?  We already have them, nyt leaked them and they showed he’s under audit, like he’s said all along.  
    how many of trump's associates (hint: more than 2) have been arrested and convicted? yet you still believe he's not a criminal and you contend biden is a crime family. 

    who defrauded a charity for kids with cancer? was it the bidens?
    who has personally profited off the presidency? was it the bidens?

    there about 63 other similar questions i could ask, but i suspect you will stick to your "biden is a crook" narrative. 
    Dude they were arrested for shit that had A) nothing to do with trump and B) happened BEFORE they were associated with the Trump administration.  That’s like blaming Subway because Jared had kiddie porn on hi computer! Insanely obtuse.  I absolutely believe he’s not a criminal, and to u know why? Because people
    spent MILLIONS of dollars investigating him.  Millions.  Waaaaaaayyyy more than 99% of criminal cases cost... and they found NOTHING.  That’s pretty much good enough for me- that the best investigators, private investigators, the FBI, you name it... and ALL of them found NADA.

    youre so naive.  Youve seen it all play out in front of your eyes but you continue to act like it’s not what your eyes tell you. Not shocking but you’ve been played and you fell for it all.

    LMAO. they were all working for his fucking campaign. but ok. 

    and you didn't answer the two questions i did pose. but i expected that. 

    keep shouting at people to "open their eyes", because that's all you've got. seriously, the delusion is thick. 
    Do you not know how to read? Jared was working for subway, what the hell does that matter, subway didn’t have anything to do with his crimes.  Why does some idiot getting snagged for bank fraud have anything to do with trump?

    and delusion?!!!  that’s rich. don’t even go there.   Coming from the side that cried Russia for the last three years?! Lmao, you literally are the boy who screamed wolf, my friend.  Your folks impeached a president for a phone call where both folks on the call as well the transcript said it was fine... then go ahead and deny that Biden (who is ON AUDIO) admitting his quid pro Joe did nothing wrong.  The hypocrisy is as thick as poutine.
    yes, jared working for a subway ad campaign and people working directly for a presidential candidate are exactly the same. your parallels are staggeringly accurate. 

    as many here have said, you are a complete waste of time. 

    if trump wins, congrats to another 4 years of chaos and the destruction of your country. if biden wins, i suspect you'll cry and whine like you accuse everyone else here of doing. or you'll disappear like all other trumpsters the second things don't seem to be going his way. 
    When they did their crimes is an exact parallel, my friend.  Neither of their crimes had anything do with the job they were paid to do.  If you can’t see that you’re helpless.

    you are actually the waste of time, just another parrot of the talking heads, no actual thought of your own.  Enjoy the next week, it’s going to be a riot.  Literally. Idiots will destroy innocent people’s property and livelihoods because they think their lives will change due to who was elected/is in office. 
    So what precisely is the crime that Joe Biden committed?  Isn't that germane?
    Also waiting for the name of the business partners connected to Ukraine/China that were arrested.  
    Joe’s crime to begin with which he’s admitted to, was using political influence to thwart foreign investigations (corruption).  He admitted to it on audio while speaking both on a phone call and at a public event.

    :43 in.

    Devon archer. Bevan Cooney.  Not to mention the China billionaire who has been missing for a year.

    i seriously think (put on my tin foil hat) that the Dems/Pelosi would use the 25th on quid pro joe to remove him and put kamala on top within the first 6 months.  Dems play dirty, we all know that.
    Devon Archer plead guilty to fraud related to dealing with native American tribes.  This had nothing to do with Hunter, china, Burisma or Joe.  Same with Cooney.  You literally just posted the Jared example on how it doesn't implicate Trump, but you are now saying some business partners that were convicted of doing something that had nothing to do with Hunter Biden somehow implicates Joe Biden?  Are you out of your fucking mind?  Can you not keep your arguments cogent inter-post?

    Edit - on the 'phone call'.  Dude.. that loan guarantee was the official position of the Obama administration and the EU.  Are you saying that he committed a crime in carrying out the official actions of the US Gov't?  It would take you 2 minutes of research to learn about the official US position in Ukraine.

    You've been fooled AGAIN!  
    It wasn’t official us position to pressure a foreign country to fire a  prosecutor investigating corruption of a company based in that country (Burisma).  Biden withheld a billion $ until they fired the prosecutor.  Extortion is not official us policy.

    The fuck it wasn't.  We pressure countries every day to do things we want them to do in exchange for loan guarantees, arm sales, humanitarian aid, etc.  Are you really so naive that you don't think this happens?  The Obama admin refused to guarantee it until they fired the corrupt prosecutor.  How do you not know these things?

    US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew said that the $1 billion loan guarantee underscores Washington's continued support for the economic reform agenda of the Ukrainian government of President Petro Poroshenko.

    "Since we signed our first loan guarantee agreement one year ago, Ukraine has worked closely with the IMF, the World Bank, the United States, and other members of the international community to implement a robust reform program that will help stabilize Ukraine's economy and lay the groundwork for future growth and prosperity," Lew said in a statement.

    "Ukraine has taken critical reforms already, and its commitment to making a decisive break with the corruption and stagnation of the past is clear. This progress must continue so that the people of Ukraine can realize the prosperity and stability they deserve."

    That would all make sense if hunter wasn’t the Vice President’s son, sitting on the board of said company being investigated.  There lies the crime.  You don’t see any conflict of interest of extortion being used to protect a family member?
    I'm like an opening band for your mom.
  • static111static111 Posts: 4,889
    mrussel1 said:
    static111 said:
    PJNB said:
    Don’t believe these articles from news agencies who lied to us all for three years.  The emails and Biden’s China deals are 100% real.  That’s not the question.  The question is if anyone in the swamp cares at all about corruption within our govt.  I think we all know the answer to that.
    Where is the proof? You know the corroborated kind verified by a third party?  Also where are trump’s taxes?
    You mean other than the fact that hunter’s two business partners in China have already been arrested? Other than the fact that the fbi has had an ongoing open investigation into him since 2019? Other than thousands of corroborated emails between the Biden’s and businesses in China/Ukraine diacussing payouts?  These were fabricated, dude, they’ve already been proven legit and not to be “Russian disinfo by dni ratcliffe, hunter’s business partners, and recipients of the emails. Other than recorded convos of hunter discussing the deals?

    the point is there’s no denying that it’s all true- otherwise the Biden’s would be sueing the shit out of the post for libel, like Trump did when bs was written about him.  Instead they haven’t even denied it, because we both know nothing will get done about it.  The point is that we the people can’t be ok with this swamp using us all to find their families.

    and trumps taxes?  We already have them, nyt leaked them and they showed he’s under audit, like he’s said all along.  
    how many of trump's associates (hint: more than 2) have been arrested and convicted? yet you still believe he's not a criminal and you contend biden is a crime family. 

    who defrauded a charity for kids with cancer? was it the bidens?
    who has personally profited off the presidency? was it the bidens?

    there about 63 other similar questions i could ask, but i suspect you will stick to your "biden is a crook" narrative. 
    Dude they were arrested for shit that had A) nothing to do with trump and B) happened BEFORE they were associated with the Trump administration.  That’s like blaming Subway because Jared had kiddie porn on hi computer! Insanely obtuse.  I absolutely believe he’s not a criminal, and to u know why? Because people
    spent MILLIONS of dollars investigating him.  Millions.  Waaaaaaayyyy more than 99% of criminal cases cost... and they found NOTHING.  That’s pretty much good enough for me- that the best investigators, private investigators, the FBI, you name it... and ALL of them found NADA.

    youre so naive.  Youve seen it all play out in front of your eyes but you continue to act like it’s not what your eyes tell you. Not shocking but you’ve been played and you fell for it all.

    LMAO. they were all working for his fucking campaign. but ok. 

    and you didn't answer the two questions i did pose. but i expected that. 

    keep shouting at people to "open their eyes", because that's all you've got. seriously, the delusion is thick. 
    Do you not know how to read? Jared was working for subway, what the hell does that matter, subway didn’t have anything to do with his crimes.  Why does some idiot getting snagged for bank fraud have anything to do with trump?

    and delusion?!!!  that’s rich. don’t even go there.   Coming from the side that cried Russia for the last three years?! Lmao, you literally are the boy who screamed wolf, my friend.  Your folks impeached a president for a phone call where both folks on the call as well the transcript said it was fine... then go ahead and deny that Biden (who is ON AUDIO) admitting his quid pro Joe did nothing wrong.  The hypocrisy is as thick as poutine.
    yes, jared working for a subway ad campaign and people working directly for a presidential candidate are exactly the same. your parallels are staggeringly accurate. 

    as many here have said, you are a complete waste of time. 

    if trump wins, congrats to another 4 years of chaos and the destruction of your country. if biden wins, i suspect you'll cry and whine like you accuse everyone else here of doing. or you'll disappear like all other trumpsters the second things don't seem to be going his way. 
    When they did their crimes is an exact parallel, my friend.  Neither of their crimes had anything do with the job they were paid to do.  If you can’t see that you’re helpless.

    you are actually the waste of time, just another parrot of the talking heads, no actual thought of your own.  Enjoy the next week, it’s going to be a riot.  Literally. Idiots will destroy innocent people’s property and livelihoods because they think their lives will change due to who was elected/is in office. 
    So what precisely is the crime that Joe Biden committed?  Isn't that germane?
    Also waiting for the name of the business partners connected to Ukraine/China that were arrested.  
    Joe’s crime to begin with which he’s admitted to, was using political influence to thwart foreign investigations (corruption).  He admitted to it on audio while speaking both on a phone call and at a public event.

    :43 in.

    Devon archer. Bevan Cooney.  Not to mention the China billionaire who has been missing for a year.

    i seriously think (put on my tin foil hat) that the Dems/Pelosi would use the 25th on quid pro joe to remove him and put kamala on top within the first 6 months.  Dems play dirty, we all know that.
    From a podcaster on the Glenn beck news  Nothing he says on the tape incriminates him in anyway.  Nor does it mention hunter....
    Scio me nihil scire

    There are no kings inside the gates of eden
  • gimmesometruth27gimmesometruth27 St. Fuckin Louis Posts: 23,332
    hey, let's all play mental gymnastics to confirm our own bias!!!
    "You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry."  - Lincoln

    "Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
  • mrussel1 said:
    mrussel1 said:
    mrussel1 said:
    static111 said:
    PJNB said:
    Don’t believe these articles from news agencies who lied to us all for three years.  The emails and Biden’s China deals are 100% real.  That’s not the question.  The question is if anyone in the swamp cares at all about corruption within our govt.  I think we all know the answer to that.
    Where is the proof? You know the corroborated kind verified by a third party?  Also where are trump’s taxes?
    You mean other than the fact that hunter’s two business partners in China have already been arrested? Other than the fact that the fbi has had an ongoing open investigation into him since 2019? Other than thousands of corroborated emails between the Biden’s and businesses in China/Ukraine diacussing payouts?  These were fabricated, dude, they’ve already been proven legit and not to be “Russian disinfo by dni ratcliffe, hunter’s business partners, and recipients of the emails. Other than recorded convos of hunter discussing the deals?

    the point is there’s no denying that it’s all true- otherwise the Biden’s would be sueing the shit out of the post for libel, like Trump did when bs was written about him.  Instead they haven’t even denied it, because we both know nothing will get done about it.  The point is that we the people can’t be ok with this swamp using us all to find their families.

    and trumps taxes?  We already have them, nyt leaked them and they showed he’s under audit, like he’s said all along.  
    how many of trump's associates (hint: more than 2) have been arrested and convicted? yet you still believe he's not a criminal and you contend biden is a crime family. 

    who defrauded a charity for kids with cancer? was it the bidens?
    who has personally profited off the presidency? was it the bidens?

    there about 63 other similar questions i could ask, but i suspect you will stick to your "biden is a crook" narrative. 
    Dude they were arrested for shit that had A) nothing to do with trump and B) happened BEFORE they were associated with the Trump administration.  That’s like blaming Subway because Jared had kiddie porn on hi computer! Insanely obtuse.  I absolutely believe he’s not a criminal, and to u know why? Because people
    spent MILLIONS of dollars investigating him.  Millions.  Waaaaaaayyyy more than 99% of criminal cases cost... and they found NOTHING.  That’s pretty much good enough for me- that the best investigators, private investigators, the FBI, you name it... and ALL of them found NADA.

    youre so naive.  Youve seen it all play out in front of your eyes but you continue to act like it’s not what your eyes tell you. Not shocking but you’ve been played and you fell for it all.

    LMAO. they were all working for his fucking campaign. but ok. 

    and you didn't answer the two questions i did pose. but i expected that. 

    keep shouting at people to "open their eyes", because that's all you've got. seriously, the delusion is thick. 
    Do you not know how to read? Jared was working for subway, what the hell does that matter, subway didn’t have anything to do with his crimes.  Why does some idiot getting snagged for bank fraud have anything to do with trump?

    and delusion?!!!  that’s rich. don’t even go there.   Coming from the side that cried Russia for the last three years?! Lmao, you literally are the boy who screamed wolf, my friend.  Your folks impeached a president for a phone call where both folks on the call as well the transcript said it was fine... then go ahead and deny that Biden (who is ON AUDIO) admitting his quid pro Joe did nothing wrong.  The hypocrisy is as thick as poutine.
    yes, jared working for a subway ad campaign and people working directly for a presidential candidate are exactly the same. your parallels are staggeringly accurate. 

    as many here have said, you are a complete waste of time. 

    if trump wins, congrats to another 4 years of chaos and the destruction of your country. if biden wins, i suspect you'll cry and whine like you accuse everyone else here of doing. or you'll disappear like all other trumpsters the second things don't seem to be going his way. 
    When they did their crimes is an exact parallel, my friend.  Neither of their crimes had anything do with the job they were paid to do.  If you can’t see that you’re helpless.

    you are actually the waste of time, just another parrot of the talking heads, no actual thought of your own.  Enjoy the next week, it’s going to be a riot.  Literally. Idiots will destroy innocent people’s property and livelihoods because they think their lives will change due to who was elected/is in office. 
    So what precisely is the crime that Joe Biden committed?  Isn't that germane?
    Also waiting for the name of the business partners connected to Ukraine/China that were arrested.  
    Joe’s crime to begin with which he’s admitted to, was using political influence to thwart foreign investigations (corruption).  He admitted to it on audio while speaking both on a phone call and at a public event.

    :43 in.

    Devon archer. Bevan Cooney.  Not to mention the China billionaire who has been missing for a year.

    i seriously think (put on my tin foil hat) that the Dems/Pelosi would use the 25th on quid pro joe to remove him and put kamala on top within the first 6 months.  Dems play dirty, we all know that.
    Devon Archer plead guilty to fraud related to dealing with native American tribes.  This had nothing to do with Hunter, china, Burisma or Joe.  Same with Cooney.  You literally just posted the Jared example on how it doesn't implicate Trump, but you are now saying some business partners that were convicted of doing something that had nothing to do with Hunter Biden somehow implicates Joe Biden?  Are you out of your fucking mind?  Can you not keep your arguments cogent inter-post?

    Edit - on the 'phone call'.  Dude.. that loan guarantee was the official position of the Obama administration and the EU.  Are you saying that he committed a crime in carrying out the official actions of the US Gov't?  It would take you 2 minutes of research to learn about the official US position in Ukraine.

    You've been fooled AGAIN!  
    It wasn’t official us position to pressure a foreign country to fire a  prosecutor investigating corruption of a company based in that country (Burisma).  Biden withheld a billion $ until they fired the prosecutor.  Extortion is not official us policy.

    The fuck it wasn't.  We pressure countries every day to do things we want them to do in exchange for loan guarantees, arm sales, humanitarian aid, etc.  Are you really so naive that you don't think this happens?  The Obama admin refused to guarantee it until they fired the corrupt prosecutor.  How do you not know these things?

    US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew said that the $1 billion loan guarantee underscores Washington's continued support for the economic reform agenda of the Ukrainian government of President Petro Poroshenko.

    "Since we signed our first loan guarantee agreement one year ago, Ukraine has worked closely with the IMF, the World Bank, the United States, and other members of the international community to implement a robust reform program that will help stabilize Ukraine's economy and lay the groundwork for future growth and prosperity," Lew said in a statement.

    "Ukraine has taken critical reforms already, and its commitment to making a decisive break with the corruption and stagnation of the past is clear. This progress must continue so that the people of Ukraine can realize the prosperity and stability they deserve."

    That would all make sense if hunter wasn’t the Vice President’s son, sitting on the board of said company being investigated.  There lies the crime.  You don’t see any conflict of interest of extortion being used to protect a family member?
    The alleged crime. Which had been investigated and to which the repub senate said there was no crime. Bad optics, sure. Indictable offense worthy of a conviction? No. Keep grasping.
    09/15/1998 & 09/16/1998, Mansfield, MA; 08/29/00 08/30/00, Mansfield, MA; 07/02/03, 07/03/03, Mansfield, MA; 09/28/04, 09/29/04, Boston, MA; 09/22/05, Halifax, NS; 05/24/06, 05/25/06, Boston, MA; 07/22/06, 07/23/06, Gorge, WA; 06/27/2008, Hartford; 06/28/08, 06/30/08, Mansfield; 08/18/2009, O2, London, UK; 10/30/09, 10/31/09, Philadelphia, PA; 05/15/10, Hartford, CT; 05/17/10, Boston, MA; 05/20/10, 05/21/10, NY, NY; 06/22/10, Dublin, IRE; 06/23/10, Northern Ireland; 09/03/11, 09/04/11, Alpine Valley, WI; 09/11/11, 09/12/11, Toronto, Ont; 09/14/11, Ottawa, Ont; 09/15/11, Hamilton, Ont; 07/02/2012, Prague, Czech Republic; 07/04/2012 & 07/05/2012, Berlin, Germany; 07/07/2012, Stockholm, Sweden; 09/30/2012, Missoula, MT; 07/16/2013, London, Ont; 07/19/2013, Chicago, IL; 10/15/2013 & 10/16/2013, Worcester, MA; 10/21/2013 & 10/22/2013, Philadelphia, PA; 10/25/2013, Hartford, CT; 11/29/2013, Portland, OR; 11/30/2013, Spokane, WA; 12/04/2013, Vancouver, BC; 12/06/2013, Seattle, WA; 10/03/2014, St. Louis. MO; 10/22/2014, Denver, CO; 10/26/2015, New York, NY; 04/23/2016, New Orleans, LA; 04/28/2016 & 04/29/2016, Philadelphia, PA; 05/01/2016 & 05/02/2016, New York, NY; 05/08/2016, Ottawa, Ont.; 05/10/2016 & 05/12/2016, Toronto, Ont.; 08/05/2016 & 08/07/2016, Boston, MA; 08/20/2016 & 08/22/2016, Chicago, IL; 07/01/2018, Prague, Czech Republic; 07/03/2018, Krakow, Poland; 07/05/2018, Berlin, Germany; 09/02/2018 & 09/04/2018, Boston, MA; 09/08/2022, Toronto, Ont; 09/11/2022, New York, NY; 09/14/2022, Camden, NJ; 09/02/2023, St. Paul, MN; 05/04/2024 & 05/06/2024, Vancouver, BC; 05/10/2024, Portland, OR;

    Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.

  • RoleModelsinBlood31RoleModelsinBlood31 Austin TX Posts: 6,186
    static111 said:
    mrussel1 said:
    static111 said:
    PJNB said:
    Don’t believe these articles from news agencies who lied to us all for three years.  The emails and Biden’s China deals are 100% real.  That’s not the question.  The question is if anyone in the swamp cares at all about corruption within our govt.  I think we all know the answer to that.
    Where is the proof? You know the corroborated kind verified by a third party?  Also where are trump’s taxes?
    You mean other than the fact that hunter’s two business partners in China have already been arrested? Other than the fact that the fbi has had an ongoing open investigation into him since 2019? Other than thousands of corroborated emails between the Biden’s and businesses in China/Ukraine diacussing payouts?  These were fabricated, dude, they’ve already been proven legit and not to be “Russian disinfo by dni ratcliffe, hunter’s business partners, and recipients of the emails. Other than recorded convos of hunter discussing the deals?

    the point is there’s no denying that it’s all true- otherwise the Biden’s would be sueing the shit out of the post for libel, like Trump did when bs was written about him.  Instead they haven’t even denied it, because we both know nothing will get done about it.  The point is that we the people can’t be ok with this swamp using us all to find their families.

    and trumps taxes?  We already have them, nyt leaked them and they showed he’s under audit, like he’s said all along.  
    how many of trump's associates (hint: more than 2) have been arrested and convicted? yet you still believe he's not a criminal and you contend biden is a crime family. 

    who defrauded a charity for kids with cancer? was it the bidens?
    who has personally profited off the presidency? was it the bidens?

    there about 63 other similar questions i could ask, but i suspect you will stick to your "biden is a crook" narrative. 
    Dude they were arrested for shit that had A) nothing to do with trump and B) happened BEFORE they were associated with the Trump administration.  That’s like blaming Subway because Jared had kiddie porn on hi computer! Insanely obtuse.  I absolutely believe he’s not a criminal, and to u know why? Because people
    spent MILLIONS of dollars investigating him.  Millions.  Waaaaaaayyyy more than 99% of criminal cases cost... and they found NOTHING.  That’s pretty much good enough for me- that the best investigators, private investigators, the FBI, you name it... and ALL of them found NADA.

    youre so naive.  Youve seen it all play out in front of your eyes but you continue to act like it’s not what your eyes tell you. Not shocking but you’ve been played and you fell for it all.

    LMAO. they were all working for his fucking campaign. but ok. 

    and you didn't answer the two questions i did pose. but i expected that. 

    keep shouting at people to "open their eyes", because that's all you've got. seriously, the delusion is thick. 
    Do you not know how to read? Jared was working for subway, what the hell does that matter, subway didn’t have anything to do with his crimes.  Why does some idiot getting snagged for bank fraud have anything to do with trump?

    and delusion?!!!  that’s rich. don’t even go there.   Coming from the side that cried Russia for the last three years?! Lmao, you literally are the boy who screamed wolf, my friend.  Your folks impeached a president for a phone call where both folks on the call as well the transcript said it was fine... then go ahead and deny that Biden (who is ON AUDIO) admitting his quid pro Joe did nothing wrong.  The hypocrisy is as thick as poutine.
    yes, jared working for a subway ad campaign and people working directly for a presidential candidate are exactly the same. your parallels are staggeringly accurate. 

    as many here have said, you are a complete waste of time. 

    if trump wins, congrats to another 4 years of chaos and the destruction of your country. if biden wins, i suspect you'll cry and whine like you accuse everyone else here of doing. or you'll disappear like all other trumpsters the second things don't seem to be going his way. 
    When they did their crimes is an exact parallel, my friend.  Neither of their crimes had anything do with the job they were paid to do.  If you can’t see that you’re helpless.

    you are actually the waste of time, just another parrot of the talking heads, no actual thought of your own.  Enjoy the next week, it’s going to be a riot.  Literally. Idiots will destroy innocent people’s property and livelihoods because they think their lives will change due to who was elected/is in office. 
    So what precisely is the crime that Joe Biden committed?  Isn't that germane?
    Also waiting for the name of the business partners connected to Ukraine/China that were arrested.  
    Joe’s crime to begin with which he’s admitted to, was using political influence to thwart foreign investigations (corruption).  He admitted to it on audio while speaking both on a phone call and at a public event.

    :43 in.

    Devon archer. Bevan Cooney.  Not to mention the China billionaire who has been missing for a year.

    i seriously think (put on my tin foil hat) that the Dems/Pelosi would use the 25th on quid pro joe to remove him and put kamala on top within the first 6 months.  Dems play dirty, we all know that.
    From a podcaster on the Glenn beck news  Nothing he says on the tape incriminates him in anyway.  Nor does it mention hunter....
    Why are you defending hunter/joe? You know they’re in hot water.  Why would you want corruption in our govt?
    I'm like an opening band for your mom.
  • HughFreakingDillonHughFreakingDillon Winnipeg Posts: 38,421
    edited October 2020
    static111 said:
    mrussel1 said:
    static111 said:
    PJNB said:
    Don’t believe these articles from news agencies who lied to us all for three years.  The emails and Biden’s China deals are 100% real.  That’s not the question.  The question is if anyone in the swamp cares at all about corruption within our govt.  I think we all know the answer to that.
    Where is the proof? You know the corroborated kind verified by a third party?  Also where are trump’s taxes?
    You mean other than the fact that hunter’s two business partners in China have already been arrested? Other than the fact that the fbi has had an ongoing open investigation into him since 2019? Other than thousands of corroborated emails between the Biden’s and businesses in China/Ukraine diacussing payouts?  These were fabricated, dude, they’ve already been proven legit and not to be “Russian disinfo by dni ratcliffe, hunter’s business partners, and recipients of the emails. Other than recorded convos of hunter discussing the deals?

    the point is there’s no denying that it’s all true- otherwise the Biden’s would be sueing the shit out of the post for libel, like Trump did when bs was written about him.  Instead they haven’t even denied it, because we both know nothing will get done about it.  The point is that we the people can’t be ok with this swamp using us all to find their families.

    and trumps taxes?  We already have them, nyt leaked them and they showed he’s under audit, like he’s said all along.  
    how many of trump's associates (hint: more than 2) have been arrested and convicted? yet you still believe he's not a criminal and you contend biden is a crime family. 

    who defrauded a charity for kids with cancer? was it the bidens?
    who has personally profited off the presidency? was it the bidens?

    there about 63 other similar questions i could ask, but i suspect you will stick to your "biden is a crook" narrative. 
    Dude they were arrested for shit that had A) nothing to do with trump and B) happened BEFORE they were associated with the Trump administration.  That’s like blaming Subway because Jared had kiddie porn on hi computer! Insanely obtuse.  I absolutely believe he’s not a criminal, and to u know why? Because people
    spent MILLIONS of dollars investigating him.  Millions.  Waaaaaaayyyy more than 99% of criminal cases cost... and they found NOTHING.  That’s pretty much good enough for me- that the best investigators, private investigators, the FBI, you name it... and ALL of them found NADA.

    youre so naive.  Youve seen it all play out in front of your eyes but you continue to act like it’s not what your eyes tell you. Not shocking but you’ve been played and you fell for it all.

    LMAO. they were all working for his fucking campaign. but ok. 

    and you didn't answer the two questions i did pose. but i expected that. 

    keep shouting at people to "open their eyes", because that's all you've got. seriously, the delusion is thick. 
    Do you not know how to read? Jared was working for subway, what the hell does that matter, subway didn’t have anything to do with his crimes.  Why does some idiot getting snagged for bank fraud have anything to do with trump?

    and delusion?!!!  that’s rich. don’t even go there.   Coming from the side that cried Russia for the last three years?! Lmao, you literally are the boy who screamed wolf, my friend.  Your folks impeached a president for a phone call where both folks on the call as well the transcript said it was fine... then go ahead and deny that Biden (who is ON AUDIO) admitting his quid pro Joe did nothing wrong.  The hypocrisy is as thick as poutine.
    yes, jared working for a subway ad campaign and people working directly for a presidential candidate are exactly the same. your parallels are staggeringly accurate. 

    as many here have said, you are a complete waste of time. 

    if trump wins, congrats to another 4 years of chaos and the destruction of your country. if biden wins, i suspect you'll cry and whine like you accuse everyone else here of doing. or you'll disappear like all other trumpsters the second things don't seem to be going his way. 
    When they did their crimes is an exact parallel, my friend.  Neither of their crimes had anything do with the job they were paid to do.  If you can’t see that you’re helpless.

    you are actually the waste of time, just another parrot of the talking heads, no actual thought of your own.  Enjoy the next week, it’s going to be a riot.  Literally. Idiots will destroy innocent people’s property and livelihoods because they think their lives will change due to who was elected/is in office. 
    So what precisely is the crime that Joe Biden committed?  Isn't that germane?
    Also waiting for the name of the business partners connected to Ukraine/China that were arrested.  
    Joe’s crime to begin with which he’s admitted to, was using political influence to thwart foreign investigations (corruption).  He admitted to it on audio while speaking both on a phone call and at a public event.

    :43 in.

    Devon archer. Bevan Cooney.  Not to mention the China billionaire who has been missing for a year.

    i seriously think (put on my tin foil hat) that the Dems/Pelosi would use the 25th on quid pro joe to remove him and put kamala on top within the first 6 months.  Dems play dirty, we all know that.
    From a podcaster on the Glenn beck news  Nothing he says on the tape incriminates him in anyway.  Nor does it mention hunter....
    Why are you defending hunter/joe? You know they’re in hot water.  Why would you want corruption in our govt?
    they don't. that's why trump is the worst and most hated president in the history of your country. 
    "Oh're beautiful when you're drunk"
    -EV  8/14/93

  • mrussel1mrussel1 Posts: 30,327
    mrussel1 said:
    mrussel1 said:
    mrussel1 said:
    static111 said:
    PJNB said:
    Don’t believe these articles from news agencies who lied to us all for three years.  The emails and Biden’s China deals are 100% real.  That’s not the question.  The question is if anyone in the swamp cares at all about corruption within our govt.  I think we all know the answer to that.
    Where is the proof? You know the corroborated kind verified by a third party?  Also where are trump’s taxes?
    You mean other than the fact that hunter’s two business partners in China have already been arrested? Other than the fact that the fbi has had an ongoing open investigation into him since 2019? Other than thousands of corroborated emails between the Biden’s and businesses in China/Ukraine diacussing payouts?  These were fabricated, dude, they’ve already been proven legit and not to be “Russian disinfo by dni ratcliffe, hunter’s business partners, and recipients of the emails. Other than recorded convos of hunter discussing the deals?

    the point is there’s no denying that it’s all true- otherwise the Biden’s would be sueing the shit out of the post for libel, like Trump did when bs was written about him.  Instead they haven’t even denied it, because we both know nothing will get done about it.  The point is that we the people can’t be ok with this swamp using us all to find their families.

    and trumps taxes?  We already have them, nyt leaked them and they showed he’s under audit, like he’s said all along.  
    how many of trump's associates (hint: more than 2) have been arrested and convicted? yet you still believe he's not a criminal and you contend biden is a crime family. 

    who defrauded a charity for kids with cancer? was it the bidens?
    who has personally profited off the presidency? was it the bidens?

    there about 63 other similar questions i could ask, but i suspect you will stick to your "biden is a crook" narrative. 
    Dude they were arrested for shit that had A) nothing to do with trump and B) happened BEFORE they were associated with the Trump administration.  That’s like blaming Subway because Jared had kiddie porn on hi computer! Insanely obtuse.  I absolutely believe he’s not a criminal, and to u know why? Because people
    spent MILLIONS of dollars investigating him.  Millions.  Waaaaaaayyyy more than 99% of criminal cases cost... and they found NOTHING.  That’s pretty much good enough for me- that the best investigators, private investigators, the FBI, you name it... and ALL of them found NADA.

    youre so naive.  Youve seen it all play out in front of your eyes but you continue to act like it’s not what your eyes tell you. Not shocking but you’ve been played and you fell for it all.

    LMAO. they were all working for his fucking campaign. but ok. 

    and you didn't answer the two questions i did pose. but i expected that. 

    keep shouting at people to "open their eyes", because that's all you've got. seriously, the delusion is thick. 
    Do you not know how to read? Jared was working for subway, what the hell does that matter, subway didn’t have anything to do with his crimes.  Why does some idiot getting snagged for bank fraud have anything to do with trump?

    and delusion?!!!  that’s rich. don’t even go there.   Coming from the side that cried Russia for the last three years?! Lmao, you literally are the boy who screamed wolf, my friend.  Your folks impeached a president for a phone call where both folks on the call as well the transcript said it was fine... then go ahead and deny that Biden (who is ON AUDIO) admitting his quid pro Joe did nothing wrong.  The hypocrisy is as thick as poutine.
    yes, jared working for a subway ad campaign and people working directly for a presidential candidate are exactly the same. your parallels are staggeringly accurate. 

    as many here have said, you are a complete waste of time. 

    if trump wins, congrats to another 4 years of chaos and the destruction of your country. if biden wins, i suspect you'll cry and whine like you accuse everyone else here of doing. or you'll disappear like all other trumpsters the second things don't seem to be going his way. 
    When they did their crimes is an exact parallel, my friend.  Neither of their crimes had anything do with the job they were paid to do.  If you can’t see that you’re helpless.

    you are actually the waste of time, just another parrot of the talking heads, no actual thought of your own.  Enjoy the next week, it’s going to be a riot.  Literally. Idiots will destroy innocent people’s property and livelihoods because they think their lives will change due to who was elected/is in office. 
    So what precisely is the crime that Joe Biden committed?  Isn't that germane?
    Also waiting for the name of the business partners connected to Ukraine/China that were arrested.  
    Joe’s crime to begin with which he’s admitted to, was using political influence to thwart foreign investigations (corruption).  He admitted to it on audio while speaking both on a phone call and at a public event.

    :43 in.

    Devon archer. Bevan Cooney.  Not to mention the China billionaire who has been missing for a year.

    i seriously think (put on my tin foil hat) that the Dems/Pelosi would use the 25th on quid pro joe to remove him and put kamala on top within the first 6 months.  Dems play dirty, we all know that.
    Devon Archer plead guilty to fraud related to dealing with native American tribes.  This had nothing to do with Hunter, china, Burisma or Joe.  Same with Cooney.  You literally just posted the Jared example on how it doesn't implicate Trump, but you are now saying some business partners that were convicted of doing something that had nothing to do with Hunter Biden somehow implicates Joe Biden?  Are you out of your fucking mind?  Can you not keep your arguments cogent inter-post?

    Edit - on the 'phone call'.  Dude.. that loan guarantee was the official position of the Obama administration and the EU.  Are you saying that he committed a crime in carrying out the official actions of the US Gov't?  It would take you 2 minutes of research to learn about the official US position in Ukraine.

    You've been fooled AGAIN!  
    It wasn’t official us position to pressure a foreign country to fire a  prosecutor investigating corruption of a company based in that country (Burisma).  Biden withheld a billion $ until they fired the prosecutor.  Extortion is not official us policy.

    The fuck it wasn't.  We pressure countries every day to do things we want them to do in exchange for loan guarantees, arm sales, humanitarian aid, etc.  Are you really so naive that you don't think this happens?  The Obama admin refused to guarantee it until they fired the corrupt prosecutor.  How do you not know these things?

    US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew said that the $1 billion loan guarantee underscores Washington's continued support for the economic reform agenda of the Ukrainian government of President Petro Poroshenko.

    "Since we signed our first loan guarantee agreement one year ago, Ukraine has worked closely with the IMF, the World Bank, the United States, and other members of the international community to implement a robust reform program that will help stabilize Ukraine's economy and lay the groundwork for future growth and prosperity," Lew said in a statement.

    "Ukraine has taken critical reforms already, and its commitment to making a decisive break with the corruption and stagnation of the past is clear. This progress must continue so that the people of Ukraine can realize the prosperity and stability they deserve."

    That would all make sense if hunter wasn’t the Vice President’s son, sitting on the board of said company being investigated.  There lies the crime.  You don’t see any conflict of interest of extortion being used to protect a family member?
    1. The Obama administration was pushing for Burisma TO BE INVESTIGATED.  The Ukrainian prosecutor that was fired had refused to investigate them.  Look it up.
    2. If this was a crime, why hasn't Hunter been indicted in the Ukraine or the US?  The Trump DOJ had 4 years to do it.
    3.  Tell me specifically the crime that was committed.  Embezzlement?  Fraud?  Murder?  
    4.  Show me the federal code that "conflict of interest" is a crime.  

    Get yourself informed.  Get out of the right wing news gutter. 
  • HughFreakingDillonHughFreakingDillon Winnipeg Posts: 38,421
    so the president is investigated, and the republican in charge determined that, while they can't state that no crime was committed, they also refuse to indict a sitting president. 

    rolemodels: trump is innocent! 

    biden is investigated, still an indictable private citizen, both sides of the aisle come to the conclusion there's nothing there, including trump's own incredibly partisan AG. 

    rolemodels: biden is under investigation, that means he's guilty! 

    it would be comical if it wasn't so incredibly stupid. 
    "Oh're beautiful when you're drunk"
    -EV  8/14/93

  • BentleyspopBentleyspop Craft Beer Brewery, Colorado Posts: 11,076
    edited October 2020
    When you support a racist, racist regime, or racist policies in any way shape or form,  including voting  that makes you a racist as well. 
  • mrussel1mrussel1 Posts: 30,327
    so the president is investigated, and the republican in charge determined that, while they can't state that no crime was committed, they also refuse to indict a sitting president. 

    rolemodels: trump is innocent! 

    biden is investigated, still an indictable private citizen, both sides of the aisle come to the conclusion there's nothing there, including trump's own incredibly partisan AG. 

    rolemodels: biden is under investigation, that means he's guilty! 

    it would be comical if it wasn't so incredibly stupid. 
    It's so fucking stupid, it's breathtaking.  Look you can support Trump because you're ardently pro life, or you are against any tax increase, or if you hate the thought of M4A.  Fine, no problem.  I don't argue with people's worldview like that.  But this stuff is just ridiculous and continues to confirm that these Trump humpers have been willing marks for four years now. 
  • gimmesometruth27gimmesometruth27 St. Fuckin Louis Posts: 23,332
    edited October 2020
    mrussel1 said:
    so the president is investigated, and the republican in charge determined that, while they can't state that no crime was committed, they also refuse to indict a sitting president. 

    rolemodels: trump is innocent! 

    biden is investigated, still an indictable private citizen, both sides of the aisle come to the conclusion there's nothing there, including trump's own incredibly partisan AG. 

    rolemodels: biden is under investigation, that means he's guilty! 

    it would be comical if it wasn't so incredibly stupid. 
    It's so fucking stupid, it's breathtaking.  Look you can support Trump because you're ardently pro life, or you are against any tax increase, or if you hate the thought of M4A.  Fine, no problem.  I don't argue with people's worldview like that.  But this stuff is just ridiculous and continues to confirm that these Trump humpers have been willing marks for four years now. 
    if i got duped by trump i could not live with myself.

    that is worse than rudy getting duped by the 2 guys that actually owned a company called fraud guarantee.
    "You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry."  - Lincoln

    "Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
  • mrussel1mrussel1 Posts: 30,327
    mrussel1 said:
    so the president is investigated, and the republican in charge determined that, while they can't state that no crime was committed, they also refuse to indict a sitting president. 

    rolemodels: trump is innocent! 

    biden is investigated, still an indictable private citizen, both sides of the aisle come to the conclusion there's nothing there, including trump's own incredibly partisan AG. 

    rolemodels: biden is under investigation, that means he's guilty! 

    it would be comical if it wasn't so incredibly stupid. 
    It's so fucking stupid, it's breathtaking.  Look you can support Trump because you're ardently pro life, or you are against any tax increase, or if you hate the thought of M4A.  Fine, no problem.  I don't argue with people's worldview like that.  But this stuff is just ridiculous and continues to confirm that these Trump humpers have been willing marks for four years now. 
    if i got duped by trump i could not live with myself.

    that is worse than rudy getting duped by the 2 guys that actually owned a company called fraud guarantee.
    Ha!  I forgot about that.  
  • static111static111 Posts: 4,889
    edited October 2020
    static111 said:
    mrussel1 said:
    static111 said:
    PJNB said:
    Don’t believe these articles from news agencies who lied to us all for three years.  The emails and Biden’s China deals are 100% real.  That’s not the question.  The question is if anyone in the swamp cares at all about corruption within our govt.  I think we all know the answer to that.
    Where is the proof? You know the corroborated kind verified by a third party?  Also where are trump’s taxes?
    You mean other than the fact that hunter’s two business partners in China have already been arrested? Other than the fact that the fbi has had an ongoing open investigation into him since 2019? Other than thousands of corroborated emails between the Biden’s and businesses in China/Ukraine diacussing payouts?  These were fabricated, dude, they’ve already been proven legit and not to be “Russian disinfo by dni ratcliffe, hunter’s business partners, and recipients of the emails. Other than recorded convos of hunter discussing the deals?

    the point is there’s no denying that it’s all true- otherwise the Biden’s would be sueing the shit out of the post for libel, like Trump did when bs was written about him.  Instead they haven’t even denied it, because we both know nothing will get done about it.  The point is that we the people can’t be ok with this swamp using us all to find their families.

    and trumps taxes?  We already have them, nyt leaked them and they showed he’s under audit, like he’s said all along.  
    how many of trump's associates (hint: more than 2) have been arrested and convicted? yet you still believe he's not a criminal and you contend biden is a crime family. 

    who defrauded a charity for kids with cancer? was it the bidens?
    who has personally profited off the presidency? was it the bidens?

    there about 63 other similar questions i could ask, but i suspect you will stick to your "biden is a crook" narrative. 
    Dude they were arrested for shit that had A) nothing to do with trump and B) happened BEFORE they were associated with the Trump administration.  That’s like blaming Subway because Jared had kiddie porn on hi computer! Insanely obtuse.  I absolutely believe he’s not a criminal, and to u know why? Because people
    spent MILLIONS of dollars investigating him.  Millions.  Waaaaaaayyyy more than 99% of criminal cases cost... and they found NOTHING.  That’s pretty much good enough for me- that the best investigators, private investigators, the FBI, you name it... and ALL of them found NADA.

    youre so naive.  Youve seen it all play out in front of your eyes but you continue to act like it’s not what your eyes tell you. Not shocking but you’ve been played and you fell for it all.

    LMAO. they were all working for his fucking campaign. but ok. 

    and you didn't answer the two questions i did pose. but i expected that. 

    keep shouting at people to "open their eyes", because that's all you've got. seriously, the delusion is thick. 
    Do you not know how to read? Jared was working for subway, what the hell does that matter, subway didn’t have anything to do with his crimes.  Why does some idiot getting snagged for bank fraud have anything to do with trump?

    and delusion?!!!  that’s rich. don’t even go there.   Coming from the side that cried Russia for the last three years?! Lmao, you literally are the boy who screamed wolf, my friend.  Your folks impeached a president for a phone call where both folks on the call as well the transcript said it was fine... then go ahead and deny that Biden (who is ON AUDIO) admitting his quid pro Joe did nothing wrong.  The hypocrisy is as thick as poutine.
    yes, jared working for a subway ad campaign and people working directly for a presidential candidate are exactly the same. your parallels are staggeringly accurate. 

    as many here have said, you are a complete waste of time. 

    if trump wins, congrats to another 4 years of chaos and the destruction of your country. if biden wins, i suspect you'll cry and whine like you accuse everyone else here of doing. or you'll disappear like all other trumpsters the second things don't seem to be going his way. 
    When they did their crimes is an exact parallel, my friend.  Neither of their crimes had anything do with the job they were paid to do.  If you can’t see that you’re helpless.

    you are actually the waste of time, just another parrot of the talking heads, no actual thought of your own.  Enjoy the next week, it’s going to be a riot.  Literally. Idiots will destroy innocent people’s property and livelihoods because they think their lives will change due to who was elected/is in office. 
    So what precisely is the crime that Joe Biden committed?  Isn't that germane?
    Also waiting for the name of the business partners connected to Ukraine/China that were arrested.  
    Joe’s crime to begin with which he’s admitted to, was using political influence to thwart foreign investigations (corruption).  He admitted to it on audio while speaking both on a phone call and at a public event.

    :43 in.

    Devon archer. Bevan Cooney.  Not to mention the China billionaire who has been missing for a year.

    i seriously think (put on my tin foil hat) that the Dems/Pelosi would use the 25th on quid pro joe to remove him and put kamala on top within the first 6 months.  Dems play dirty, we all know that.
    From a podcaster on the Glenn beck news  Nothing he says on the tape incriminates him in anyway.  Nor does it mention hunter....
    Why are you defending hunter/joe? You know they’re in hot water.  Why would you want corruption in our govt?
    1 there is no proof of any corruption anywhere. 2. Believe me if there was I would crap all over joe. 3 the biggest conspiracy of the video you provided was that they spent the entirety talking about joe mispronouncing Kyiv.

      If you’ve followed any of these threads you’ll see I’m no Biden fan boy.  At the risk of another disastrous 4 years of trump I will happily defend Biden from baseless smear campaigns and advocate for people to vote the lesser of two evils.
    Post edited by static111 on
    Scio me nihil scire

    There are no kings inside the gates of eden
  • mrussel1mrussel1 Posts: 30,327
    static111 said:
    static111 said:
    mrussel1 said:
    static111 said:
    PJNB said:
    Don’t believe these articles from news agencies who lied to us all for three years.  The emails and Biden’s China deals are 100% real.  That’s not the question.  The question is if anyone in the swamp cares at all about corruption within our govt.  I think we all know the answer to that.
    Where is the proof? You know the corroborated kind verified by a third party?  Also where are trump’s taxes?
    You mean other than the fact that hunter’s two business partners in China have already been arrested? Other than the fact that the fbi has had an ongoing open investigation into him since 2019? Other than thousands of corroborated emails between the Biden’s and businesses in China/Ukraine diacussing payouts?  These were fabricated, dude, they’ve already been proven legit and not to be “Russian disinfo by dni ratcliffe, hunter’s business partners, and recipients of the emails. Other than recorded convos of hunter discussing the deals?

    the point is there’s no denying that it’s all true- otherwise the Biden’s would be sueing the shit out of the post for libel, like Trump did when bs was written about him.  Instead they haven’t even denied it, because we both know nothing will get done about it.  The point is that we the people can’t be ok with this swamp using us all to find their families.

    and trumps taxes?  We already have them, nyt leaked them and they showed he’s under audit, like he’s said all along.  
    how many of trump's associates (hint: more than 2) have been arrested and convicted? yet you still believe he's not a criminal and you contend biden is a crime family. 

    who defrauded a charity for kids with cancer? was it the bidens?
    who has personally profited off the presidency? was it the bidens?

    there about 63 other similar questions i could ask, but i suspect you will stick to your "biden is a crook" narrative. 
    Dude they were arrested for shit that had A) nothing to do with trump and B) happened BEFORE they were associated with the Trump administration.  That’s like blaming Subway because Jared had kiddie porn on hi computer! Insanely obtuse.  I absolutely believe he’s not a criminal, and to u know why? Because people
    spent MILLIONS of dollars investigating him.  Millions.  Waaaaaaayyyy more than 99% of criminal cases cost... and they found NOTHING.  That’s pretty much good enough for me- that the best investigators, private investigators, the FBI, you name it... and ALL of them found NADA.

    youre so naive.  Youve seen it all play out in front of your eyes but you continue to act like it’s not what your eyes tell you. Not shocking but you’ve been played and you fell for it all.

    LMAO. they were all working for his fucking campaign. but ok. 

    and you didn't answer the two questions i did pose. but i expected that. 

    keep shouting at people to "open their eyes", because that's all you've got. seriously, the delusion is thick. 
    Do you not know how to read? Jared was working for subway, what the hell does that matter, subway didn’t have anything to do with his crimes.  Why does some idiot getting snagged for bank fraud have anything to do with trump?

    and delusion?!!!  that’s rich. don’t even go there.   Coming from the side that cried Russia for the last three years?! Lmao, you literally are the boy who screamed wolf, my friend.  Your folks impeached a president for a phone call where both folks on the call as well the transcript said it was fine... then go ahead and deny that Biden (who is ON AUDIO) admitting his quid pro Joe did nothing wrong.  The hypocrisy is as thick as poutine.
    yes, jared working for a subway ad campaign and people working directly for a presidential candidate are exactly the same. your parallels are staggeringly accurate. 

    as many here have said, you are a complete waste of time. 

    if trump wins, congrats to another 4 years of chaos and the destruction of your country. if biden wins, i suspect you'll cry and whine like you accuse everyone else here of doing. or you'll disappear like all other trumpsters the second things don't seem to be going his way. 
    When they did their crimes is an exact parallel, my friend.  Neither of their crimes had anything do with the job they were paid to do.  If you can’t see that you’re helpless.

    you are actually the waste of time, just another parrot of the talking heads, no actual thought of your own.  Enjoy the next week, it’s going to be a riot.  Literally. Idiots will destroy innocent people’s property and livelihoods because they think their lives will change due to who was elected/is in office. 
    So what precisely is the crime that Joe Biden committed?  Isn't that germane?
    Also waiting for the name of the business partners connected to Ukraine/China that were arrested.  
    Joe’s crime to begin with which he’s admitted to, was using political influence to thwart foreign investigations (corruption).  He admitted to it on audio while speaking both on a phone call and at a public event.

    :43 in.

    Devon archer. Bevan Cooney.  Not to mention the China billionaire who has been missing for a year.

    i seriously think (put on my tin foil hat) that the Dems/Pelosi would use the 25th on quid pro joe to remove him and put kamala on top within the first 6 months.  Dems play dirty, we all know that.
    From a podcaster on the Glenn beck news  Nothing he says on the tape incriminates him in anyway.  Nor does it mention hunter....
    Why are you defending hunter/joe? You know they’re in hot water.  Why would you want corruption in our govt?
    1 there is no proof of any corruption anywhere. 2. Believe me if there was I would crap all over joe.

      If you’ve followed any of these threads you’ll see I’m no Biden fan boy.  At the risk of another disastrous 4 years of trump I will happily defend Biden from baseless smear campaigns and advocate for people to vote the lesser of two evils.
    And Joe's not 'evil'.  I think you would agree that you may not agree with him policy wise on everything, but he's not a bad man.  He's a fundamentally good man, like Obama.  
  • static111static111 Posts: 4,889
    mrussel1 said:
    static111 said:
    static111 said:
    mrussel1 said:
    static111 said:
    PJNB said:
    Don’t believe these articles from news agencies who lied to us all for three years.  The emails and Biden’s China deals are 100% real.  That’s not the question.  The question is if anyone in the swamp cares at all about corruption within our govt.  I think we all know the answer to that.
    Where is the proof? You know the corroborated kind verified by a third party?  Also where are trump’s taxes?
    You mean other than the fact that hunter’s two business partners in China have already been arrested? Other than the fact that the fbi has had an ongoing open investigation into him since 2019? Other than thousands of corroborated emails between the Biden’s and businesses in China/Ukraine diacussing payouts?  These were fabricated, dude, they’ve already been proven legit and not to be “Russian disinfo by dni ratcliffe, hunter’s business partners, and recipients of the emails. Other than recorded convos of hunter discussing the deals?

    the point is there’s no denying that it’s all true- otherwise the Biden’s would be sueing the shit out of the post for libel, like Trump did when bs was written about him.  Instead they haven’t even denied it, because we both know nothing will get done about it.  The point is that we the people can’t be ok with this swamp using us all to find their families.

    and trumps taxes?  We already have them, nyt leaked them and they showed he’s under audit, like he’s said all along.  
    how many of trump's associates (hint: more than 2) have been arrested and convicted? yet you still believe he's not a criminal and you contend biden is a crime family. 

    who defrauded a charity for kids with cancer? was it the bidens?
    who has personally profited off the presidency? was it the bidens?

    there about 63 other similar questions i could ask, but i suspect you will stick to your "biden is a crook" narrative. 
    Dude they were arrested for shit that had A) nothing to do with trump and B) happened BEFORE they were associated with the Trump administration.  That’s like blaming Subway because Jared had kiddie porn on hi computer! Insanely obtuse.  I absolutely believe he’s not a criminal, and to u know why? Because people
    spent MILLIONS of dollars investigating him.  Millions.  Waaaaaaayyyy more than 99% of criminal cases cost... and they found NOTHING.  That’s pretty much good enough for me- that the best investigators, private investigators, the FBI, you name it... and ALL of them found NADA.

    youre so naive.  Youve seen it all play out in front of your eyes but you continue to act like it’s not what your eyes tell you. Not shocking but you’ve been played and you fell for it all.

    LMAO. they were all working for his fucking campaign. but ok. 

    and you didn't answer the two questions i did pose. but i expected that. 

    keep shouting at people to "open their eyes", because that's all you've got. seriously, the delusion is thick. 
    Do you not know how to read? Jared was working for subway, what the hell does that matter, subway didn’t have anything to do with his crimes.  Why does some idiot getting snagged for bank fraud have anything to do with trump?

    and delusion?!!!  that’s rich. don’t even go there.   Coming from the side that cried Russia for the last three years?! Lmao, you literally are the boy who screamed wolf, my friend.  Your folks impeached a president for a phone call where both folks on the call as well the transcript said it was fine... then go ahead and deny that Biden (who is ON AUDIO) admitting his quid pro Joe did nothing wrong.  The hypocrisy is as thick as poutine.
    yes, jared working for a subway ad campaign and people working directly for a presidential candidate are exactly the same. your parallels are staggeringly accurate. 

    as many here have said, you are a complete waste of time. 

    if trump wins, congrats to another 4 years of chaos and the destruction of your country. if biden wins, i suspect you'll cry and whine like you accuse everyone else here of doing. or you'll disappear like all other trumpsters the second things don't seem to be going his way. 
    When they did their crimes is an exact parallel, my friend.  Neither of their crimes had anything do with the job they were paid to do.  If you can’t see that you’re helpless.

    you are actually the waste of time, just another parrot of the talking heads, no actual thought of your own.  Enjoy the next week, it’s going to be a riot.  Literally. Idiots will destroy innocent people’s property and livelihoods because they think their lives will change due to who was elected/is in office. 
    So what precisely is the crime that Joe Biden committed?  Isn't that germane?
    Also waiting for the name of the business partners connected to Ukraine/China that were arrested.  
    Joe’s crime to begin with which he’s admitted to, was using political influence to thwart foreign investigations (corruption).  He admitted to it on audio while speaking both on a phone call and at a public event.

    :43 in.

    Devon archer. Bevan Cooney.  Not to mention the China billionaire who has been missing for a year.

    i seriously think (put on my tin foil hat) that the Dems/Pelosi would use the 25th on quid pro joe to remove him and put kamala on top within the first 6 months.  Dems play dirty, we all know that.
    From a podcaster on the Glenn beck news  Nothing he says on the tape incriminates him in anyway.  Nor does it mention hunter....
    Why are you defending hunter/joe? You know they’re in hot water.  Why would you want corruption in our govt?
    1 there is no proof of any corruption anywhere. 2. Believe me if there was I would crap all over joe.

      If you’ve followed any of these threads you’ll see I’m no Biden fan boy.  At the risk of another disastrous 4 years of trump I will happily defend Biden from baseless smear campaigns and advocate for people to vote the lesser of two evils.
    And Joe's not 'evil'.  I think you would agree that you may not agree with him policy wise on everything, but he's not a bad man.  He's a fundamentally good man, like Obama.  
    Yes well I don’t think Joe is evil, nor do I think Trump is. I was using the old political trope as far as discussing evils and voting.

     While I disagree with some of Joe’s policies and history,I agree that he is not fundamentally a bad guy.  Trump is despicable as are his policies and so far I have not seen one redeeming quality from him or his camp.  
    Scio me nihil scire

    There are no kings inside the gates of eden
  • mrussel1mrussel1 Posts: 30,327
    static111 said:
    mrussel1 said:
    static111 said:
    static111 said:
    mrussel1 said:
    static111 said:
    PJNB said:
    Don’t believe these articles from news agencies who lied to us all for three years.  The emails and Biden’s China deals are 100% real.  That’s not the question.  The question is if anyone in the swamp cares at all about corruption within our govt.  I think we all know the answer to that.
    Where is the proof? You know the corroborated kind verified by a third party?  Also where are trump’s taxes?
    You mean other than the fact that hunter’s two business partners in China have already been arrested? Other than the fact that the fbi has had an ongoing open investigation into him since 2019? Other than thousands of corroborated emails between the Biden’s and businesses in China/Ukraine diacussing payouts?  These were fabricated, dude, they’ve already been proven legit and not to be “Russian disinfo by dni ratcliffe, hunter’s business partners, and recipients of the emails. Other than recorded convos of hunter discussing the deals?

    the point is there’s no denying that it’s all true- otherwise the Biden’s would be sueing the shit out of the post for libel, like Trump did when bs was written about him.  Instead they haven’t even denied it, because we both know nothing will get done about it.  The point is that we the people can’t be ok with this swamp using us all to find their families.

    and trumps taxes?  We already have them, nyt leaked them and they showed he’s under audit, like he’s said all along.  
    how many of trump's associates (hint: more than 2) have been arrested and convicted? yet you still believe he's not a criminal and you contend biden is a crime family. 

    who defrauded a charity for kids with cancer? was it the bidens?
    who has personally profited off the presidency? was it the bidens?

    there about 63 other similar questions i could ask, but i suspect you will stick to your "biden is a crook" narrative. 
    Dude they were arrested for shit that had A) nothing to do with trump and B) happened BEFORE they were associated with the Trump administration.  That’s like blaming Subway because Jared had kiddie porn on hi computer! Insanely obtuse.  I absolutely believe he’s not a criminal, and to u know why? Because people
    spent MILLIONS of dollars investigating him.  Millions.  Waaaaaaayyyy more than 99% of criminal cases cost... and they found NOTHING.  That’s pretty much good enough for me- that the best investigators, private investigators, the FBI, you name it... and ALL of them found NADA.

    youre so naive.  Youve seen it all play out in front of your eyes but you continue to act like it’s not what your eyes tell you. Not shocking but you’ve been played and you fell for it all.

    LMAO. they were all working for his fucking campaign. but ok. 

    and you didn't answer the two questions i did pose. but i expected that. 

    keep shouting at people to "open their eyes", because that's all you've got. seriously, the delusion is thick. 
    Do you not know how to read? Jared was working for subway, what the hell does that matter, subway didn’t have anything to do with his crimes.  Why does some idiot getting snagged for bank fraud have anything to do with trump?

    and delusion?!!!  that’s rich. don’t even go there.   Coming from the side that cried Russia for the last three years?! Lmao, you literally are the boy who screamed wolf, my friend.  Your folks impeached a president for a phone call where both folks on the call as well the transcript said it was fine... then go ahead and deny that Biden (who is ON AUDIO) admitting his quid pro Joe did nothing wrong.  The hypocrisy is as thick as poutine.
    yes, jared working for a subway ad campaign and people working directly for a presidential candidate are exactly the same. your parallels are staggeringly accurate. 

    as many here have said, you are a complete waste of time. 

    if trump wins, congrats to another 4 years of chaos and the destruction of your country. if biden wins, i suspect you'll cry and whine like you accuse everyone else here of doing. or you'll disappear like all other trumpsters the second things don't seem to be going his way. 
    When they did their crimes is an exact parallel, my friend.  Neither of their crimes had anything do with the job they were paid to do.  If you can’t see that you’re helpless.

    you are actually the waste of time, just another parrot of the talking heads, no actual thought of your own.  Enjoy the next week, it’s going to be a riot.  Literally. Idiots will destroy innocent people’s property and livelihoods because they think their lives will change due to who was elected/is in office. 
    So what precisely is the crime that Joe Biden committed?  Isn't that germane?
    Also waiting for the name of the business partners connected to Ukraine/China that were arrested.  
    Joe’s crime to begin with which he’s admitted to, was using political influence to thwart foreign investigations (corruption).  He admitted to it on audio while speaking both on a phone call and at a public event.

    :43 in.

    Devon archer. Bevan Cooney.  Not to mention the China billionaire who has been missing for a year.

    i seriously think (put on my tin foil hat) that the Dems/Pelosi would use the 25th on quid pro joe to remove him and put kamala on top within the first 6 months.  Dems play dirty, we all know that.
    From a podcaster on the Glenn beck news  Nothing he says on the tape incriminates him in anyway.  Nor does it mention hunter....
    Why are you defending hunter/joe? You know they’re in hot water.  Why would you want corruption in our govt?
    1 there is no proof of any corruption anywhere. 2. Believe me if there was I would crap all over joe.

      If you’ve followed any of these threads you’ll see I’m no Biden fan boy.  At the risk of another disastrous 4 years of trump I will happily defend Biden from baseless smear campaigns and advocate for people to vote the lesser of two evils.
    And Joe's not 'evil'.  I think you would agree that you may not agree with him policy wise on everything, but he's not a bad man.  He's a fundamentally good man, like Obama.  
    Yes well I don’t think Joe is evil, nor do I think Trump is. I was using the old political trope as far as discussing evils and voting.

     While I disagree with some of Joe’s policies and history,I agree that he is not fundamentally a bad guy.  Trump is despicable as are his policies and so far I have not seen one redeeming quality from him or his camp.  
    Trump is repugnant as human being.  He is morally reprehensible regardless of policies.  Some of the policies, particularly around the treatment of human beings, are just the icing on the cake of filth.  
  • HughFreakingDillonHughFreakingDillon Winnipeg Posts: 38,421
    and those policies would get substantially worse if he's got no fear of re-election. 
    "Oh're beautiful when you're drunk"
    -EV  8/14/93

  • josevolutionjosevolution Posts: 30,612
    static111 said:
    Have any of you come to terms with the fact that Trump is going to win this election?  Not being an ass, it’s a serious question, because it’s happening and you have to get yourselves mentally prepared so you don’t fall in to hysterics.  How are people getting prepared?
    I will probably just go to work and realize I underestimated how many uneducated easily manipulated voters are out there.  I’m still waiting for someone to verify all this Hunter Biden crime and it’s ties to joe, so far that has still not been provided.  
    But that’s exactly why he’ll be re-elected- you continue to shame and act Like you are better than people who have different ideals than you.  Not living by the golden rule, and assuming you’re right and they’re wrong has caused the very thing you despise.
    Every single day I can look in the mirror and be happy that I don’t align myself with thee most corrupt vile disgusting disgraceful human to ever occupy the WH! I’m just glad I don’t associate with any Covidiot supporters like you go fly your Baffoon flag in front of your pizzeria...
    jesus greets me looks just like me ....
  • HughFreakingDillonHughFreakingDillon Winnipeg Posts: 38,421
    static111 said:
    Have any of you come to terms with the fact that Trump is going to win this election?  Not being an ass, it’s a serious question, because it’s happening and you have to get yourselves mentally prepared so you don’t fall in to hysterics.  How are people getting prepared?
    I will probably just go to work and realize I underestimated how many uneducated easily manipulated voters are out there.  I’m still waiting for someone to verify all this Hunter Biden crime and it’s ties to joe, so far that has still not been provided.  
    But that’s exactly why he’ll be re-elected- you continue to shame and act Like you are better than people who have different ideals than you.  Not living by the golden rule, and assuming you’re right and they’re wrong has caused the very thing you despise.
    Every single day I can look in the mirror and be happy that I don’t align myself with thee most corrupt vile disgusting disgraceful human to ever occupy the WH! I’m just glad I don’t associate with any Covidiot supporters like you go fly your Baffoon flag in front of your pizzeria...
    easy, jose, easy.....time to blaze up? it's friday dude! have a great weekend!
    "Oh're beautiful when you're drunk"
    -EV  8/14/93

  • mace1229mace1229 Posts: 9,583
    static111 said:
    Have any of you come to terms with the fact that Trump is going to win this election?  Not being an ass, it’s a serious question, because it’s happening and you have to get yourselves mentally prepared so you don’t fall in to hysterics.  How are people getting prepared?
    I will probably just go to work and realize I underestimated how many uneducated easily manipulated voters are out there.  I’m still waiting for someone to verify all this Hunter Biden crime and it’s ties to joe, so far that has still not been provided.  
    But that’s exactly why he’ll be re-elected- you continue to shame and act Like you are better than people who have different ideals than you.  Not living by the golden rule, and assuming you’re right and they’re wrong has caused the very thing you despise.
    Every single day I can look in the mirror and be happy that I don’t align myself with thee most corrupt vile disgusting disgraceful human to ever occupy the WH! I’m just glad I don’t associate with any Covidiot supporters like you go fly your Baffoon flag in front of your pizzeria...
    Every day I look into the mirror and think to myself "How come I can never trim my beard evenly?"
  • dignindignin Posts: 9,385
    edited October 2020
    Trump cultists are not worth getting banned over. Or to even try to debate such ignorance.

    Best to just chill for the next week.

    I think your patience will be rewarded. 

    Post edited by dignin on
  • OnWis97OnWis97 St. Paul, MN Posts: 5,399
    edited October 2020
    mrussel1 said:
    static111 said:
    mrussel1 said:
    static111 said:
    static111 said:
    mrussel1 said:
    static111 said:
    PJNB said:
    Don’t believe these articles from news agencies who lied to us all for three years.  The emails and Biden’s China deals are 100% real.  That’s not the question.  The question is if anyone in the swamp cares at all about corruption within our govt.  I think we all know the answer to that.
    Where is the proof? You know the corroborated kind verified by a third party?  Also where are trump’s taxes?
    You mean other than the fact that hunter’s two business partners in China have already been arrested? Other than the fact that the fbi has had an ongoing open investigation into him since 2019? Other than thousands of corroborated emails between the Biden’s and businesses in China/Ukraine diacussing payouts?  These were fabricated, dude, they’ve already been proven legit and not to be “Russian disinfo by dni ratcliffe, hunter’s business partners, and recipients of the emails. Other than recorded convos of hunter discussing the deals?

    the point is there’s no denying that it’s all true- otherwise the Biden’s would be sueing the shit out of the post for libel, like Trump did when bs was written about him.  Instead they haven’t even denied it, because we both know nothing will get done about it.  The point is that we the people can’t be ok with this swamp using us all to find their families.

    and trumps taxes?  We already have them, nyt leaked them and they showed he’s under audit, like he’s said all along.  
    how many of trump's associates (hint: more than 2) have been arrested and convicted? yet you still believe he's not a criminal and you contend biden is a crime family. 

    who defrauded a charity for kids with cancer? was it the bidens?
    who has personally profited off the presidency? was it the bidens?

    there about 63 other similar questions i could ask, but i suspect you will stick to your "biden is a crook" narrative. 
    Dude they were arrested for shit that had A) nothing to do with trump and B) happened BEFORE they were associated with the Trump administration.  That’s like blaming Subway because Jared had kiddie porn on hi computer! Insanely obtuse.  I absolutely believe he’s not a criminal, and to u know why? Because people
    spent MILLIONS of dollars investigating him.  Millions.  Waaaaaaayyyy more than 99% of criminal cases cost... and they found NOTHING.  That’s pretty much good enough for me- that the best investigators, private investigators, the FBI, you name it... and ALL of them found NADA.

    youre so naive.  Youve seen it all play out in front of your eyes but you continue to act like it’s not what your eyes tell you. Not shocking but you’ve been played and you fell for it all.

    LMAO. they were all working for his fucking campaign. but ok. 

    and you didn't answer the two questions i did pose. but i expected that. 

    keep shouting at people to "open their eyes", because that's all you've got. seriously, the delusion is thick. 
    Do you not know how to read? Jared was working for subway, what the hell does that matter, subway didn’t have anything to do with his crimes.  Why does some idiot getting snagged for bank fraud have anything to do with trump?

    and delusion?!!!  that’s rich. don’t even go there.   Coming from the side that cried Russia for the last three years?! Lmao, you literally are the boy who screamed wolf, my friend.  Your folks impeached a president for a phone call where both folks on the call as well the transcript said it was fine... then go ahead and deny that Biden (who is ON AUDIO) admitting his quid pro Joe did nothing wrong.  The hypocrisy is as thick as poutine.
    yes, jared working for a subway ad campaign and people working directly for a presidential candidate are exactly the same. your parallels are staggeringly accurate. 

    as many here have said, you are a complete waste of time. 

    if trump wins, congrats to another 4 years of chaos and the destruction of your country. if biden wins, i suspect you'll cry and whine like you accuse everyone else here of doing. or you'll disappear like all other trumpsters the second things don't seem to be going his way. 
    When they did their crimes is an exact parallel, my friend.  Neither of their crimes had anything do with the job they were paid to do.  If you can’t see that you’re helpless.

    you are actually the waste of time, just another parrot of the talking heads, no actual thought of your own.  Enjoy the next week, it’s going to be a riot.  Literally. Idiots will destroy innocent people’s property and livelihoods because they think their lives will change due to who was elected/is in office. 
    So what precisely is the crime that Joe Biden committed?  Isn't that germane?
    Also waiting for the name of the business partners connected to Ukraine/China that were arrested.  
    Joe’s crime to begin with which he’s admitted to, was using political influence to thwart foreign investigations (corruption).  He admitted to it on audio while speaking both on a phone call and at a public event.

    :43 in.

    Devon archer. Bevan Cooney.  Not to mention the China billionaire who has been missing for a year.

    i seriously think (put on my tin foil hat) that the Dems/Pelosi would use the 25th on quid pro joe to remove him and put kamala on top within the first 6 months.  Dems play dirty, we all know that.
    From a podcaster on the Glenn beck news  Nothing he says on the tape incriminates him in anyway.  Nor does it mention hunter....
    Why are you defending hunter/joe? You know they’re in hot water.  Why would you want corruption in our govt?
    1 there is no proof of any corruption anywhere. 2. Believe me if there was I would crap all over joe.

      If you’ve followed any of these threads you’ll see I’m no Biden fan boy.  At the risk of another disastrous 4 years of trump I will happily defend Biden from baseless smear campaigns and advocate for people to vote the lesser of two evils.
    And Joe's not 'evil'.  I think you would agree that you may not agree with him policy wise on everything, but he's not a bad man.  He's a fundamentally good man, like Obama.  
    Yes well I don’t think Joe is evil, nor do I think Trump is. I was using the old political trope as far as discussing evils and voting.

     While I disagree with some of Joe’s policies and history,I agree that he is not fundamentally a bad guy.  Trump is despicable as are his policies and so far I have not seen one redeeming quality from him or his camp.  
    Trump is repugnant as human being.  He is morally reprehensible regardless of policies.  Some of the policies, particularly around the treatment of human beings, are just the icing on the cake of filth.  
    It's actually one of several amazing, counter-intuitive things about his rise to power and the unprecedented level of devotion we're seeing.  There's nothing warm or empathic about him. He has no sense of humor. He's a sour, objectionable, miserable human being with no positive human qualities. W was a bone-head, but I understood the notion that his chimp-like smirk and "aw shucks" demeanor drew people in. He was "the guy you wanted to have a beer with."  People don't even say that about Trump. I think even his most ardent supporters know he'd be no fun to be around.  The constant anger, particularly as it feeds his (and their) victim complex, seems to be the draw. Of course he's awful, look at how mean everyone is to him.  And this doesn't even get into his history bursting into junior miss America pageant dressing rooms, the grab 'em by the p**** recording, the full-page Central Park 5 add, duping people with his products and "University," not paying back debts, housing Russian mobsters in Trump Tower, the vulgar things he says about veterans, mocking a disabled reporter, calling people (all who "happen" to be black) "low IQ," being president only of red states, a history with Jeffery Epstein that would make Clinton blush, golfing all the damn time, telling NFL players how to act (and calling them SOBs), telling reporters how terrible they are, calling just about everyone "losers," and on and on. He has no redeemable qualities. None.  He's just an objectionable human being who happened to be born into a lot of money and hung out with the right wealthy lowlifes (like Roy Cohn) in NYC. He's awful in ways that blow apart the entire notion that the election is about personality.*  Dating back to my first time voting, 1992, I've never voted GOP. Usually Democrat, a couple of "thirds" (never in the Prez election).  But I've never voted for, nor against, a person with such a combination of moral repugnance and lacking personality.  Even Clinton at least had a personality, as bad of a dude as he is.  I guess I twice voted against a ticket that included Dick Cheney...but even he isn't the objectionable, miserable, immature, whiny, victim-player Trump is.

    *Well maybe not given how people felt about Hillary and Biden's age. My god Obama would mop the floor with this clown.

    1995 Milwaukee     1998 Alpine, Alpine     2003 Albany, Boston, Boston, Boston     2004 Boston, Boston     2006 Hartford, St. Paul (Petty), St. Paul (Petty)     2011 Alpine, Alpine     
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  • HughFreakingDillonHughFreakingDillon Winnipeg Posts: 38,421
    dignin said:
    Trump cultists are not worth getting banned over. Or to even try to debate such ignorance.

    Best to just chill for the next week.

    I think your patience will be rewarded. 

    "Oh're beautiful when you're drunk"
    -EV  8/14/93

  • BentleyspopBentleyspop Craft Beer Brewery, Colorado Posts: 11,076
    Every negative description on here regarding the so-called president is absolutely true.

    Now imagine the people who continue to advise him, believe in him, enable him, follow him, support him, and will vote for him.

    If he's so awful imagine his supporters.
  • Meltdown99Meltdown99 None Of Your Business... Posts: 10,739
    Bobby Orr and Brett Favre came out today in support of Trump.  2020 just keeps getting stranger...
    Give Peas A Chance…
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