"There are three kinds of lies: Lies, damn lies and statistics" -Mark Twain
The one number that seems to be trustworthy has to do with Coronavirus deaths--although it has been acknowledged that, if you die of a heart attack (for example) and test positive for Coronavirus (even without symptoms present), it is being counted as a Coronavirus death. The problem arises when trying to determine the denominator--in this instance the number of people who have the virus. That number is far higher than the number of "reported cases". There are plenty of folks who have had (in January/February) the virus and thought it was nothing more than the flu or a cold....there are many more (one model has 50% of the population having already been exposed) people who were asymptomatic carriers. The most annoying graph that is shown is the sharp rise in the number of cases---it is a direct result of more tests being performed.
I am in no way saying that we should not be concerned and continue practicing social distancing (the ridiculously low California death numbers - at this point- have to be attributed at some level to the community actions). I also cannot state with certainty that this is nothing more than a bad flu---the numbers cannot be trusted at this point. They can be bent to support whatever result you want to run up your flagpole.
Basing our positions as to whether concerts, sports, life will begin tomorrow or in 2022 on statistical "proof" (lies) is a fool's errand. With that said....I am still holding onto my Oakland and LA tickets for the rescheduled date....and I am so willing to bury my head in the sand to the information being provided to me that I went ahead and got Ohana tickets...and a hotel room.
Sorry for the ramble but "the only thing to fear is fear itself" and I believe that the numbers that are being reported are done for shock and to force compliance for the segment of the population that would say "f*** it" if they were not made to feel that it would likely affect them. We will be okay--we will make it through this as a world, country, state, community, family and (way down the list) Pearl Jam fans.
Healthy people in their 20s, 30s and 40s don't die from a bad flu. this is different.
i've said it before but we won't get back to mass gatherings until we start to test everyone and track. like s. korea and germany. i've still heard nothing about any type of system that is being set up. i predict trump will attempt to re-open the country by mid may and most red states will do it and 3 or 4 weeks later we'll see another massive spike.
The point of my long ramble was that we cannot ascertain anything from the numbers being provided to us beyond the number of deaths being attributed to Coronavirus. I am sorry if your takeaway was a loose interpretation of one sentence...I was not stating that this was nothing more than a "bad flu"--I was stating that the wonky numbers that are being provided don't illuminate the truth. They do nothing more than illicit fear in our society...and in this instance that may be an okay result from presenting them as unadulterated fact. We may find that this virus has a high mortality rate or we may find that it has a standard mortality rate and differs from the "normal" yearly influenza outbreaks by the method in which it "hides" symptoms for 7-10 days all the while being transmitted to other people.
Healthy people in their 20's, 30's and 40's die every year from the "normal" flu...not to mention a more virulent flu like N1H1. Despite the stories being reported of "young" people dying of this virus, the vast majority are over 70 or folks with compromised immune systems. There have been no numbers that show this is effecting the younger population significantly more than any other influenza outbreak. The real outlier in the numbers to date is the relative lack of an effect on infants and young people under 20--typically a group (especially under 5 yo's) that is especially prone to deaths in an influenza type outbreak. By the way, we have to step back and realize that the news spends significantly more time reporting the "young" deaths for their own reasons-more sensational, scary, emotionally gripping, viewer inducing.
I totally agree with you that testing everyone will be an important component to getting past this chapter in our history. China (Wuhan specifically) now has a card (digital) that you have to show that confirms a clear test result. While a logistical nightmare, it would go a long way in allowing people to begin freely moving around, attending concerts (group events), and getting back to a workplace that feels something like the one we left a month or so ago.
I also agree with you that opening up the country too quickly with no effective systems in place (clear test results, for example) will result in geographic spikes of the virus. This will likely become the "new normal" (a term I hate). Eventually, if the rate of infection is as prevalent as some people have posited, we will gain the herd immunity that will go a long way to making this a seasonal problem--one with mortality numbers that are not so shockingly large.
Please do not think that I am insensitive to the deaths that have and will occur for the foreseeable future. The truth is that we will see the other side of this and I am willing to bet on us as a whole. An honest appraisal is something we all need at this point. Not the rose-y outlook being pitched by the current administration (although they have been coming more in line with a straight forward delivery as of late) or the "we-are-all-going-to-die" reports by the media.
Vaccination is the only way to get most folks confidence back to gather in peace and that’s a ways away! 2020 is done for me not setting foot anywhere that has a gathering of more that 10 people..
Disagree with the most folks comment. I know there are a lot of people that feel that way, you included but I would say that you would be in the minority for sure.
I think that's true, but customer sentiment is likely a minor factor in the decision whether and when to resume large gatherings. You could surely find 20,000 people in a large city willing to risk infection to see a big performer, but if science says that some of those people will get seriously ill and die, the government/venue won't allow it to proceed.
We are listening to these health experts right now and doing as they say with the social distancing. I am 100% on board with this and hope it is doing what it is intended to do. It seems like it is working. What I do not get though is that if these same health experts come out and say that we are good to go to concerts again with no vaccine some people are not going to listen to them? How can we trust them to tells us to stay at home but not trust them to say we can be in crowds again. Not speaking to you just in general.
Given that our society has never dealt with something like this before, it's natural that some people would be hesitant to go back to business as usual even when the experts say it's safe. Particularly since we've been getting changing and mixed messages from the supposed experts. CDC said for weeks don't wear masks, now we should? If they were wrong before, why should we trust what they say now? And particularly those at higher risk. I'd definitely be raring to go to a game or concert, but my 70-year old father, who's a Springsteen fanatic and not irrationally fearful, says he won't go to anything like that for awhile.
Vaccination is the only way to get most folks confidence back to gather in peace and that’s a ways away! 2020 is done for me not setting foot anywhere that has a gathering of more that 10 people..
Disagree with the most folks comment. I know there are a lot of people that feel that way, you included but I would say that you would be in the minority for sure.
I think that's true, but customer sentiment is likely a minor factor in the decision whether and when to resume large gatherings. You could surely find 20,000 people in a large city willing to risk infection to see a big performer, but if science says that some of those people will get seriously ill and die, the government/venue won't allow it to proceed.
We are listening to these health experts right now and doing as they say with the social distancing. I am 100% on board with this and hope it is doing what it is intended to do. It seems like it is working. What I do not get though is that if these same health experts come out and say that we are good to go to concerts again with no vaccine some people are not going to listen to them? How can we trust them to tells us to stay at home but not trust them to say we can be in crowds again. Not speaking to you just in general.
Given that our society has never dealt with something like this before, it's natural that some people would be hesitant to go back to business as usual even when the experts say it's safe. Particularly since we've been getting changing and mixed messages from the supposed experts. CDC said for weeks don't wear masks, now we should? If they were wrong before, why should we trust what they say now? And particularly those at higher risk. I'd definitely be raring to go to a game or concert, but my 70-year old father, who's a Springsteen fanatic and not irrationally fearful, says he won't go to anything like that for awhile.
Your father's prudent approach makes a boatload of sense....
PJ: 2013: London (ON); Buffalo; 2014: Cincinnati; 2016: Sunrise, Miami, Toronto 1-2, Wrigley 2; 2018: London (UK) 1, Milan, Padova, Sea 2, Wrigley 1-2, Fenway 1-2; 2021: SHN, Ohana, Ohana Encore 1-2; 2022: LA 1-2, Phx, Oak 1-2, Fresno, Copenhagen, Hyde Park 1-2; Quebec, Ottawa, Hamilton, Toronto; MSG, Camden, Nashville, Louisville, St. Louis, OKC; 2023: St. Paul 1-2, Chicago 1-2; Fort Worth 2; Austin 1-2; 2024: Vancouver 1-2, LV 1-2, LA 1-2, Napa, Barcelona 1-2
EV Solo: 2017 Louisville and Franklin, 2018 Ohana, 2019 Innings Fest, Berlin, Düsseldorf, Dublin and Ohana; 2021 Ohana Friday (from beach) and Saturday; 2022 Earthlings Newark; 2023 Innings Fest and Benoraya 1-2.
Gutted: London 2 2018, Sacramento 2022, Noblesville 2023
Vaccination is the only way to get most folks confidence back to gather in peace and that’s a ways away! 2020 is done for me not setting foot anywhere that has a gathering of more that 10 people..
Disagree with the most folks comment. I know there are a lot of people that feel that way, you included but I would say that you would be in the minority for sure.
I was at my grocery store doing some early morning quarantine shopping with all my PPE on and it got me to thinking. How many of you would be willing to wear a mask at a concert if that was the only way you could attend a concert this year?
I was at my grocery store doing some early morning quarantine shopping with all my PPE on and it got me to thinking. How many of you would be willing to wear a mask at a concert if that was the only way you could attend a concert this year?
It’d be challenging to drink a beer but I’d do it....I guess.
sorry to say i don't think there will be any tour this year. the summer is going to be challenging. until there is a vaccine then things will go back to somewhat normal. until then just to get more people back to work you may not be allowed out unless wearing mask and gloves. lets hope for some good news but i don't see it just yet. one promoter i spoke to is hoping the 3rd quarter of next year is going to be okay, the problem with this virus is it spreads so easily . we just lost john prine , a guy who just wanted to play france as he had never been there , booked small venues and unfortunately picked up the virus and passed away. until it is really safe take care of yourselves and help out a neighbor or friend in need.
in regards to whatever happens today with the announcement, heres what I would do if I could have a meeting with the band and lay out a plan...
Canal the tour. Refund the money. Lets get past Corona.
Use this time to promote another Gigaton single. What we really should be focusing on is that album staying in the world wide charts. I feel like we've heard jack shit about the album since it dropped.
Give us some more good quality content. The reddit chat yesterday was amazing and a breath of fresh air. I thought for sure we would have gotten a "Self-Quarantine Radio" around the Gigaton release date. I love PJ to death, but in regards to "Quarantine Content", they've been pretty slow on the response compared to other bands. Thats okay though because now we have all the time in the world.
I think many people are forgetting how much of a logistical nightmare booking things in the fall is going to be. Even if they do let us in big groups in September, with the rate of how many things needed to be rescheduled and happen (sports/concerts/events), you are looking at an event every single day from Fall to Summer 2021. Logistically probable? Maybe. And thats a STRONG maybe. Probably not, but maybe. Will we have money as fans for all of that? Probably not.
Simple: hold off till next year.
Use the cancellation to get our feedback on the ticketing system and Ticketmasters system. Did it work for us? What would we change if we could. etc etc. Figure out how to go about creating the best system imaginable for us. Again, we have time.
Do something fun and interesting in the summer, and again in the fall if we are still stuck inside around that time. Don't let the momentum of Gigaton get lost in a literally sea of craziness. Singles, Vaults, and Mystery Boxes are all cool, but whats something thats Pearl Jam that hasn't been done by Pearl Jam in awhile or at all?
PJ30. Tour the fucking world. 30x's over if you have to give it meaning.
2017-2020 will probably go on record with the least amount of PJ shows per year. 26 shows in 2018 helps, but only 7 of them were in the US if you remember. I know the band has kind of slowed it down in the last decade, but theres a lot to celebrate surviving in this business for 30 years. Play all the new shit, play all the old shit. Tour the damn world. Play any venue that will take you god dammit just give us a good ol fashioned World Tour! Go back to Australia. Go back to Asia. Go back to South America. Let it take you all the way into 2022, and then re-evaluate what you want to do. As we know, they don't write on the road as often anymore. so just tour dammit.
Thanks for coming to my ted talk.
Oh yeah, and make sure the feedback they got from the ticketing system gives us a system that actually works so we can see them on this world tour.
Vaccination is the only way to get most folks confidence back to gather in peace and that’s a ways away! 2020 is done for me not setting foot anywhere that has a gathering of more that 10 people..
Disagree with the most folks comment. I know there are a lot of people that feel that way, you included but I would say that you would be in the minority for sure.
I really don't care how long I have to sit on tics. I'll wait until 2022 if that's what it takes. I'm Optimistic something will go in the fall, but realistically I think they will try and hit the same or similar dates next spring.
Regardless we can all wait and all jam out together safely when the time comes.
in regards to whatever happens today with the announcement, heres what I would do if I could have a meeting with the band and lay out a plan...
Canal the tour. Refund the money. Lets get past Corona.
Use this time to promote another Gigaton single. What we really should be focusing on is that album staying in the world wide charts. I feel like we've heard jack shit about the album since it dropped.
Give us some more good quality content. The reddit chat yesterday was amazing and a breath of fresh air. I thought for sure we would have gotten a "Self-Quarantine Radio" around the Gigaton release date. I love PJ to death, but in regards to "Quarantine Content", they've been pretty slow on the response compared to other bands. Thats okay though because now we have all the time in the world.
I think many people are forgetting how much of a logistical nightmare booking things in the fall is going to be. Even if they do let us in big groups in September, with the rate of how many things needed to be rescheduled and happen (sports/concerts/events), you are looking at an event every single day from Fall to Summer 2021. Logistically probable? Maybe. And thats a STRONG maybe. Probably not, but maybe. Will we have money as fans for all of that? Probably not.
Simple: hold off till next year.
Use the cancellation to get our feedback on the ticketing system and Ticketmasters system. Did it work for us? What would we change if we could. etc etc. Figure out how to go about creating the best system imaginable for us. Again, we have time.
Do something fun and interesting in the summer, and again in the fall if we are still stuck inside around that time. Don't let the momentum of Gigaton get lost in a literally sea of craziness. Singles, Vaults, and Mystery Boxes are all cool, but whats something thats Pearl Jam that hasn't been done by Pearl Jam in awhile or at all?
PJ30. Tour the fucking world. 30x's over if you have to give it meaning.
2017-2020 will probably go on record with the least amount of PJ shows per year. 26 shows in 2018 helps, but only 7 of them were in the US if you remember. I know the band has kind of slowed it down in the last decade, but theres a lot to celebrate surviving in this business for 30 years. Play all the new shit, play all the old shit. Tour the damn world. Play any venue that will take you god dammit just give us a good ol fashioned World Tour! Go back to Australia. Go back to Asia. Go back to South America. Let it take you all the way into 2022, and then re-evaluate what you want to do. As we know, they don't write on the road as often anymore. so just tour dammit.
Thanks for coming to my ted talk.
Oh yeah, and make sure the feedback they got from the ticketing system gives us a system that actually works so we can see them on this world tour.
How many shows do you have tickets for?
1996: Randall's Island 2 1998: East Rutherford | MSG 1 & 2 2000: Cincinnati | Columbus | Jones Beach 1, 2, & 3 | Boston 1 | Camden 1 & 2 2003: Philadelphia | Uniondale | MSG 1 & 2 | Holmdel 2005: Atlantic City 1 2006: Camden 1 | East Rutherford 1 & 2 2008: Camden 1 & 2 | MSG 1 & 2 | Newark (EV) 2009: Philadelphia 1, 2 & 4 2010: Newark | MSG 1 & 2 2011: Toronto 1 2013: Wrigley Field | Brooklyn 2 | Philadelphia 1 & 2 | Baltimore 2015: Central Park 2016: Philadelphia 1 & 2 | MSG 1 & 2 | Fenway Park 2 | MSG (TOTD) 2017: Brooklyn (RnR HOF) 2020: MSG | Asbury Park2021: Asbury Park 2022: MSG | Camden | Nashville 2024: MSG 1 & 2 (#50) | Philadelphia 1 & 2 | Baltimore 2025: Raleigh
I'm going to be pretty peeved if they just cancel and force refunds, then a redraw. I'll hold onto my seats for St. Louis until the show happens, I liked my seats and I don't want to give them up.
Vaccination is the only way to get most folks confidence back to gather in peace and that’s a ways away! 2020 is done for me not setting foot anywhere that has a gathering of more that 10 people..
Disagree with the most folks comment. I know there are a lot of people that feel that way, you included but I would say that you would be in the minority for sure.
Vaccination is the only way to get most folks confidence back to gather in peace and that’s a ways away! 2020 is done for me not setting foot anywhere that has a gathering of more that 10 people..
Disagree with the most folks comment. I know there are a lot of people that feel that way, you included but I would say that you would be in the minority for sure.
That's how polling works. It's pretty rare to see a poll of EVERYONE
Agreed but I would much rather see a pole that was specific to a group of people. I do not care that my 90 year old grandmother has no interest on going to a hockey game now when she had no interest to go before this virus hit. I would be more interested in a season ticket holder survey or a 10C survey personally.
I'm going to be pretty peeved if they just cancel and force refunds, then a redraw. I'll hold onto my seats for St. Louis until the show happens, I liked my seats and I don't want to give them up.
Agreed. They said Canada/USA is postponed so I expect the shows to be rescheduled. I am fine with the tickets I got in the lottery and also have ticket buddies counting on my spares for some of the shows. I would be fine with a cancel/refund/redraw for Europe because 10c tickets are easier to get over there.
You see me empty, Sir, do not pause and inquire, simply assume and refill.
- Al Swearengen
Vaccination is the only way to get most folks confidence back to gather in peace and that’s a ways away! 2020 is done for me not setting foot anywhere that has a gathering of more that 10 people..
Disagree with the most folks comment. I know there are a lot of people that feel that way, you included but I would say that you would be in the minority for sure.
refunds are not being offered however. That’s the only part of this that could get ugly.
2010: Cleveland 2012: Atlanta 2013: London ONT / Wrigley Field / Pittsburgh / Buffalo / San Diego / Los Angeles I / Los Angeles II 2014: Cincinnati / St. Louis / Tulsa / Lincoln / Detroit / Denver 2015: New York City 2016: Ft. Lauderdale / Miami / Jacksonville / Greenville / Hampton / Columbia / Lexington / Philly II / New York City II / Toronto II / Bonnaroo / Telluride / Fenway I / Wrigley I / Wrigley - II / TOTD - Philadelphia, San Francisco 2017: Ohana Fest (EV) 2018: Amsterdam I / Amsterdam II / Seattle I / Seattle II / Boston I / Boston II 2021: Asbury Park / Ohana Encore 1 / Ohana Encore 2 2022: Phoenix / LA I / LA II / Quebec City / Ottawa / New York City / Camden / Nashville / St. Louis / Denver 2023: St. Paul II 2024: Las Vegas I / Las Vegas II / New York City I / New York City II / Philly I / Philly II / Baltimore
I'm going to be pretty peeved if they just cancel and force refunds, then a redraw. I'll hold onto my seats for St. Louis until the show happens, I liked my seats and I don't want to give them up.
Agreed as well. I have zero issues with holding on to my tix for the NA shows I have. We know that these shows will be rescheduled at one point or another.
refunds are not being offered "at this time". They probably will in the future. It might be hard to coordinate with Europe right now, given everything that is going on.
Someone go find that post by that guy who was all like ThErE’s No ChAnCe In HeLl ThIs ViRuS aFfECtS tHe ToUr YoU mOrOnS, so I can laugh at him again.
Leeds 2006, London 2007, Hartford 2008, London Shepherds Bush 2009, London O2 2009, Dublin 2010, London Hyde Park 2010, Amsterdam 1 2012, Amsterdam 2 2012, Berlin 1 2012, EV solo London 30/7/2012, Berlin 2014, Stockholm 2014, Milton Keynes 2014, Amsterdam 1 2018, London 1 2018, London 2 2018, EV solo Dublin 2019, London 1 2022, London 2 2022, New York City 2022
refunds are not being offered however. That’s the only part of this that could get ugly.
"Refunds are not being offered AT THIS TIME". At least put ii all in there as they appear to be working on it. No need to start a fire.
I know a lot of people who are really struggling, have lost jobs and a refund would make a difference to their situation. I know two people who couldn’t wait for the chance to get a refund as they’d lost their jobs as we all know how serious it is over here.
Given To Live -
Latest story - Declan at Slipknot is up on the website now at www.giventolive.com along with Kayleigh at Foo Fighters, Tony at Stereophonics and more.
Inspired by Pearl Jam, making live music dreams come true.
To me, It doesn't matter if they said "At this Time" or not. The way that ticketmaster and liveNation have been handling refunds and have failed to even give people money for tickets they've sold on Fan to Fan gives me less faith than ever in their willingness to refund tickets.
2010: Cleveland 2012: Atlanta 2013: London ONT / Wrigley Field / Pittsburgh / Buffalo / San Diego / Los Angeles I / Los Angeles II 2014: Cincinnati / St. Louis / Tulsa / Lincoln / Detroit / Denver 2015: New York City 2016: Ft. Lauderdale / Miami / Jacksonville / Greenville / Hampton / Columbia / Lexington / Philly II / New York City II / Toronto II / Bonnaroo / Telluride / Fenway I / Wrigley I / Wrigley - II / TOTD - Philadelphia, San Francisco 2017: Ohana Fest (EV) 2018: Amsterdam I / Amsterdam II / Seattle I / Seattle II / Boston I / Boston II 2021: Asbury Park / Ohana Encore 1 / Ohana Encore 2 2022: Phoenix / LA I / LA II / Quebec City / Ottawa / New York City / Camden / Nashville / St. Louis / Denver 2023: St. Paul II 2024: Las Vegas I / Las Vegas II / New York City I / New York City II / Philly I / Philly II / Baltimore
Vaccination is the only way to get most folks confidence back to gather in peace and that’s a ways away! 2020 is done for me not setting foot anywhere that has a gathering of more that 10 people..
Disagree with the most folks comment. I know there are a lot of people that feel that way, you included but I would say that you would be in the minority for sure.
If there's no vaccine, then mass gatherings are going to be like a forest after a 2 year drought that gets hit by a bolt of lightning.
I have to assume that even if they relax some restrictions on social gatherings, mass gatherings are going to be the last thing permitted. I assume they won't be permitted unless the virus is licked. Either no new cases out there or a vaccine developed. If they tried to hold mass gatherings before the virus is licked, then I would agree. I think lots of people would avoid going.
Healthy people in their 20's, 30's and 40's die every year from the "normal" flu...not to mention a more virulent flu like N1H1. Despite the stories being reported of "young" people dying of this virus, the vast majority are over 70 or folks with compromised immune systems. There have been no numbers that show this is effecting the younger population significantly more than any other influenza outbreak. The real outlier in the numbers to date is the relative lack of an effect on infants and young people under 20--typically a group (especially under 5 yo's) that is especially prone to deaths in an influenza type outbreak. By the way, we have to step back and realize that the news spends significantly more time reporting the "young" deaths for their own reasons-more sensational, scary, emotionally gripping, viewer inducing.
I totally agree with you that testing everyone will be an important component to getting past this chapter in our history. China (Wuhan specifically) now has a card (digital) that you have to show that confirms a clear test result. While a logistical nightmare, it would go a long way in allowing people to begin freely moving around, attending concerts (group events), and getting back to a workplace that feels something like the one we left a month or so ago.
I also agree with you that opening up the country too quickly with no effective systems in place (clear test results, for example) will result in geographic spikes of the virus. This will likely become the "new normal" (a term I hate). Eventually, if the rate of infection is as prevalent as some people have posited, we will gain the herd immunity that will go a long way to making this a seasonal problem--one with mortality numbers that are not so shockingly large.
Please do not think that I am insensitive to the deaths that have and will occur for the foreseeable future. The truth is that we will see the other side of this and I am willing to bet on us as a whole. An honest appraisal is something we all need at this point. Not the rose-y outlook being pitched by the current administration (although they have been coming more in line with a straight forward delivery as of late) or the "we-are-all-going-to-die" reports by the media.
Gutted: London 2 2018, Sacramento 2022, Noblesville 2023
Canal the tour. Refund the money. Lets get past Corona.
Use this time to promote another Gigaton single.
What we really should be focusing on is that album staying in the world wide charts. I feel like we've heard jack shit about the album since it dropped.
Give us some more good quality content. The reddit chat yesterday was amazing and a breath of fresh air. I thought for sure we would have gotten a "Self-Quarantine Radio" around the Gigaton release date. I love PJ to death, but in regards to "Quarantine Content", they've been pretty slow on the response compared to other bands. Thats okay though because now we have all the time in the world.
I think many people are forgetting how much of a logistical nightmare booking things in the fall is going to be. Even if they do let us in big groups in September, with the rate of how many things needed to be rescheduled and happen (sports/concerts/events), you are looking at an event every single day from Fall to Summer 2021. Logistically probable? Maybe. And thats a STRONG maybe. Probably not, but maybe. Will we have money as fans for all of that? Probably not.
Simple: hold off till next year.
Use the cancellation to get our feedback on the ticketing system and Ticketmasters system. Did it work for us? What would we change if we could. etc etc. Figure out how to go about creating the best system imaginable for us. Again, we have time.
Do something fun and interesting in the summer, and again in the fall if we are still stuck inside around that time. Don't let the momentum of Gigaton get lost in a literally sea of craziness. Singles, Vaults, and Mystery Boxes are all cool, but whats something thats Pearl Jam that hasn't been done by Pearl Jam in awhile or at all?
PJ30. Tour the fucking world. 30x's over if you have to give it meaning.
2017-2020 will probably go on record with the least amount of PJ shows per year. 26 shows in 2018 helps, but only 7 of them were in the US if you remember. I know the band has kind of slowed it down in the last decade, but theres a lot to celebrate surviving in this business for 30 years. Play all the new shit, play all the old shit. Tour the damn world. Play any venue that will take you god dammit just give us a good ol fashioned World Tour! Go back to Australia. Go back to Asia. Go back to South America. Let it take you all the way into 2022, and then re-evaluate what you want to do. As we know, they don't write on the road as often anymore. so just tour dammit.
Thanks for coming to my ted talk.
Oh yeah, and make sure the feedback they got from the ticketing system gives us a system that actually works so we can see them on this world tour.
http://www.hi5sports.org/ (Sports Program for Kids with Disabilities)
Regardless we can all wait and all jam out together safely when the time comes.
Moline, IL 10-17-2014
Wrigley #1 8-20-2016
Wrigley #2 8-22-2016
Wrigley #1 8-18-2018
Wrigley #2 8-20-2018
I would be fine with a cancel/refund/redraw for Europe because 10c tickets are easier to get over there.
- Al Swearengen
Postponed is still better than canceled
refunds are not being offered however. That’s the only part of this that could get ugly.
2012: Atlanta
2013: London ONT / Wrigley Field / Pittsburgh / Buffalo / San Diego / Los Angeles I / Los Angeles II
2014: Cincinnati / St. Louis / Tulsa / Lincoln / Detroit / Denver
2015: New York City
2016: Ft. Lauderdale / Miami / Jacksonville / Greenville / Hampton / Columbia / Lexington / Philly II / New York City II / Toronto II / Bonnaroo / Telluride / Fenway I / Wrigley I / Wrigley - II / TOTD - Philadelphia, San Francisco
2017: Ohana Fest (EV)
2018: Amsterdam I / Amsterdam II / Seattle I / Seattle II / Boston I / Boston II
2021: Asbury Park / Ohana Encore 1 / Ohana Encore 2
2022: Phoenix / LA I / LA II / Quebec City / Ottawa / New York City / Camden / Nashville / St. Louis / Denver
2023: St. Paul II
2024: Las Vegas I / Las Vegas II / New York City I / New York City II / Philly I / Philly II / Baltimore
Nuclear fission
Leeds 2006, London 2007, Hartford 2008, London Shepherds Bush 2009, London O2 2009, Dublin 2010, London Hyde Park 2010, Amsterdam 1 2012, Amsterdam 2 2012, Berlin 1 2012, EV solo London 30/7/2012, Berlin 2014, Stockholm 2014, Milton Keynes 2014, Amsterdam 1 2018, London 1 2018, London 2 2018, EV solo Dublin 2019, London 1 2022, London 2 2022, New York City 2022
Latest story - Declan at Slipknot is up on the website now at www.giventolive.com along with Kayleigh at Foo Fighters, Tony at Stereophonics and more.
Inspired by Pearl Jam, making live music dreams come true.
2012: Atlanta
2013: London ONT / Wrigley Field / Pittsburgh / Buffalo / San Diego / Los Angeles I / Los Angeles II
2014: Cincinnati / St. Louis / Tulsa / Lincoln / Detroit / Denver
2015: New York City
2016: Ft. Lauderdale / Miami / Jacksonville / Greenville / Hampton / Columbia / Lexington / Philly II / New York City II / Toronto II / Bonnaroo / Telluride / Fenway I / Wrigley I / Wrigley - II / TOTD - Philadelphia, San Francisco
2017: Ohana Fest (EV)
2018: Amsterdam I / Amsterdam II / Seattle I / Seattle II / Boston I / Boston II
2021: Asbury Park / Ohana Encore 1 / Ohana Encore 2
2022: Phoenix / LA I / LA II / Quebec City / Ottawa / New York City / Camden / Nashville / St. Louis / Denver
2023: St. Paul II
2024: Las Vegas I / Las Vegas II / New York City I / New York City II / Philly I / Philly II / Baltimore