seriously though. how stupid do you have to be to get impeached TWICE??
2 time popular vote loser 2 times impeached. candidate with the most votes ever cast against.
he is the world champion of being impeached.
It's easy to get impeached twice when the dems run the house?
I don't know why everyone is excited about this. The house still has a great divide in it. Only 10 republicans voted for it? That's 200 people that do not see eye to eye at all. That is what worries me most. What do they see that others aren't?
Telling me that their party is full of racists and bigots isn't a constructive answer either so let's refrain from that.
Assembling, inciting & sending a mob to lynch the VP doesn't deserve impeachment?
Extorting the president of Ukraine to influence the American election doesn't deserve impeachment?
I'll say it again.
WHY does half of the senate disagree w you, the democrats and 10 republicans that voted for it? Why does half the country still vote for Trump?
Huge disconnect.
I heard Trumps speech and I will defend it in this, he did not have a lynch mob to go after the Vice President. That to me is stretching it a bit too much.
He did rally the troops though.
was still a result of his call to march ON the capitol and to fight like hell.
I remember a PJ concert where vedder said " Let's go after them(politicians) w pitchforks and sticks w flames on it" Do you think the crowd took him seriously? He did say to contact your lobbyist afterwards but still. People may have taken Trump too literally, which is what did happen.
Again, I do believe that he incited the crowd to go to the capitol but the actions that those frenzied people were in, is of a mob mentality. He started it for sure.
did anyone go after any politicians?
Or did PJ have over 600 concerts over 4 years where Eddie said that and 15,000+ fans followed them around? And Eddie stepped in front of a camera, mic or got on Twitter and spewed baseless lies about those politicians at every turn? Sure they and he did, sure. Same-same.
Pointing out that sometimes people don't take you seriously or literally. That was obviously my point that was missed... Tsk tsk.
It was a poor comparison and a knock on how this band actually conducts itself. Also, I don't know of the comment you mentioned and question the wording and context. Not to knock on you, but sometimes we aren't very good at recalling things and it is almost impposible for anyone to refute what you said because it's a vague reference. Eddie may make some borderline comments at times, but there is nothing that could ever compare to what has happened the last several months and years.
It's the Louisiana 2000 bootleg series. Right after DTE I believe.
I love how I cite something just to make a point yet no one wants to agree with it.
This is why we have a divide in the country. People dismiss things right off the bat if they don't agree with it.
i think the main difference why people are dismissing it is because of the sheer scale that trump did it on compared to ed saying it to one crowd one time. trump has been inciting crowds against minorities, "radical leftist democrats", the media, etc, for literally years. he holds rallies with tens of thousands and telling people he'd love to knock the hell out of people, shouts conspiracy theories and inciting violence on twitter, opining about the good ol days where the cops could assault suspects, wanting to lock up his political opponents, etc.
I understand where you're coming from, but to be fair, that comparison just can't be made.
"Oh're beautiful when you're drunk" -EV 8/14/93
This, like so many things, is more nuanced than the internet usually accommodates.
Common sense tells me that Trump was, at best, irresponsible in his riling up an angry mob full of people that are cultishly devoted to him. For that I blame him. He'd have to be stupid (oh, oh) to not realize the possible danger in lighting the fuse he was lighting. Legally, can he be blamed? I don't know. Just like it's my job to not bring a pitchfork when I'm trying to get my elected representative to start behaving properly, it was each member of the mob's job to be peaceful and not break in.
I think biggest difference between your Eddie example and this is the immediacy of it. They were a few blocks from the very activity that was going to finalize Trump's loss and the concert was in no such proximity during an un-related even. Common sense (again, I can't articulate legal differences) tells me 1) that the fans aren't going to exit the building and do anything and 2) that it was metaphorical. On the other hand, Trump actually sent people in the direction of the capital (and implied he'd go with them, but, you know bone spurs). And the immediate danger of the situation was far more prevalent in this case.
Legally, I don't know how culpable he his on what we know* but I do think it was irresponsible and a clear indication that he should not be president for the next four hours, much less the next four years.
*I think it's very possible it was more than off the cuff and that the mob did what he wanted him to do and that this was facilitated by a discussion amongst the white nationalists that were later (earlier) seen dancing to 1980s music. I even think it's possible the GOP or Team Trump sent some of the zip tie guys in, using the idiot mob as camouflage. But at this point, that's not proven. If that ever comes out, we have a whole new conversation.
1995 Milwaukee 1998 Alpine, Alpine 2003 Albany, Boston, Boston, Boston 2004 Boston, Boston 2006 Hartford, St. Paul (Petty), St. Paul (Petty) 2011 Alpine, Alpine 2013 Wrigley 2014 St. Paul 2016 Fenway, Fenway, Wrigley, Wrigley 2018 Missoula, Wrigley, Wrigley 2021 Asbury Park 2022 St Louis 2023 Austin, Austin 2024 Napa, Wrigley, Wrigley
seriously though. how stupid do you have to be to get impeached TWICE??
2 time popular vote loser 2 times impeached. candidate with the most votes ever cast against.
he is the world champion of being impeached.
It's easy to get impeached twice when the dems run the house?
I don't know why everyone is excited about this. The house still has a great divide in it. Only 10 republicans voted for it? That's 200 people that do not see eye to eye at all. That is what worries me most. What do they see that others aren't?
Telling me that their party is full of racists and bigots isn't a constructive answer either so let's refrain from that.
Assembling, inciting & sending a mob to lynch the VP doesn't deserve impeachment?
Extorting the president of Ukraine to influence the American election doesn't deserve impeachment?
I'll say it again.
WHY does half of the senate disagree w you, the democrats and 10 republicans that voted for it? Why does half the country still vote for Trump?
Huge disconnect.
I heard Trumps speech and I will defend it in this, he did not have a lynch mob to go after the Vice President. That to me is stretching it a bit too much.
He did rally the troops though.
was still a result of his call to march ON the capitol and to fight like hell.
I remember a PJ concert where vedder said " Let's go after them(politicians) w pitchforks and sticks w flames on it" Do you think the crowd took him seriously? He did say to contact your lobbyist afterwards but still. People may have taken Trump too literally, which is what did happen.
Again, I do believe that he incited the crowd to go to the capitol but the actions that those frenzied people were in, is of a mob mentality. He started it for sure.
did anyone go after any politicians?
Or did PJ have over 600 concerts over 4 years where Eddie said that and 15,000+ fans followed them around? And Eddie stepped in front of a camera, mic or got on Twitter and spewed baseless lies about those politicians at every turn? Sure they and he did, sure. Same-same.
Pointing out that sometimes people don't take you seriously or literally. That was obviously my point that was missed... Tsk tsk.
It was a poor comparison and a knock on how this band actually conducts itself. Also, I don't know of the comment you mentioned and question the wording and context. Not to knock on you, but sometimes we aren't very good at recalling things and it is almost impposible for anyone to refute what you said because it's a vague reference. Eddie may make some borderline comments at times, but there is nothing that could ever compare to what has happened the last several months and years.
It's the Louisiana 2000 bootleg series. Right after DTE I believe.
I love how I cite something just to make a point yet no one wants to agree with it.
This is why we have a divide in the country. People dismiss things right off the bat if they don't agree with it.
It was a bullshit comparison. Sorry you disagree with that. Hmmmmm, let me give this some serious thought. Eddie says something once about politicians at a show in 2000 and it automatically is equivalent to what Tricky Team Trump TREASON Tax Cheat has been doing for the past 4 to 5 years, at his rallies, on social media and with an echo chamber of right wing media to amplify and legitimate a bullshit message. Sure, same-same. And when you get called out on it, you ridicule those who disagree with your preposterous comparison. Talk about a divide? Tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk
Should Charles Manson have gone to jail? He didn't kill anyone.
Sure, he incited his followers to go commit murder, but is it his fault people took him literally?
My Uncle interviewed Manson and I will say this, he had the ability to have people do whatever he said. He had quite a few Manson disciples show up at his doorstep or in his house for that matter. Manson is a whole other ball of wax.
Manson actually controlled people.
What the hell did your uncle do to get to interview Manson? I read Helter Skelter when it came out as a kid. Those folks were whacked.
seriously though. how stupid do you have to be to get impeached TWICE??
2 time popular vote loser 2 times impeached. candidate with the most votes ever cast against.
he is the world champion of being impeached.
It's easy to get impeached twice when the dems run the house?
I don't know why everyone is excited about this. The house still has a great divide in it. Only 10 republicans voted for it? That's 200 people that do not see eye to eye at all. That is what worries me most. What do they see that others aren't?
Telling me that their party is full of racists and bigots isn't a constructive answer either so let's refrain from that.
Assembling, inciting & sending a mob to lynch the VP doesn't deserve impeachment?
Extorting the president of Ukraine to influence the American election doesn't deserve impeachment?
I'll say it again.
WHY does half of the senate disagree w you, the democrats and 10 republicans that voted for it? Why does half the country still vote for Trump?
Huge disconnect.
I heard Trumps speech and I will defend it in this, he did not have a lynch mob to go after the Vice President. That to me is stretching it a bit too much.
He did rally the troops though.
was still a result of his call to march ON the capitol and to fight like hell.
I remember a PJ concert where vedder said " Let's go after them(politicians) w pitchforks and sticks w flames on it" Do you think the crowd took him seriously? He did say to contact your lobbyist afterwards but still. People may have taken Trump too literally, which is what did happen.
Again, I do believe that he incited the crowd to go to the capitol but the actions that those frenzied people were in, is of a mob mentality. He started it for sure.
did anyone go after any politicians?
Or did PJ have over 600 concerts over 4 years where Eddie said that and 15,000+ fans followed them around? And Eddie stepped in front of a camera, mic or got on Twitter and spewed baseless lies about those politicians at every turn? Sure they and he did, sure. Same-same.
Pointing out that sometimes people don't take you seriously or literally. That was obviously my point that was missed... Tsk tsk.
It was a poor comparison and a knock on how this band actually conducts itself. Also, I don't know of the comment you mentioned and question the wording and context. Not to knock on you, but sometimes we aren't very good at recalling things and it is almost impposible for anyone to refute what you said because it's a vague reference. Eddie may make some borderline comments at times, but there is nothing that could ever compare to what has happened the last several months and years.
It's the Louisiana 2000 bootleg series. Right after DTE I believe.
I love how I cite something just to make a point yet no one wants to agree with it.
This is why we have a divide in the country. People dismiss things right off the bat if they don't agree with it.
Chris, when one applies facts and rules of logic to your argument and finds it faulty, that's not a dismissal right off the bat. It's a disqualification based on a priori knowledge, not reactionary opinion.
We have a divide in this country because idiots refuse to apply facts and rules of logic to their arguments; they believe and react and disregard the wealth of collected knowledge at their fingertips for misinformation/opinions that simply reinforce their beliefs and reactions.
Should Charles Manson have gone to jail? He didn't kill anyone.
Sure, he incited his followers to go commit murder, but is it his fault people took him literally?
My Uncle interviewed Manson and I will say this, he had the ability to have people do whatever he said. He had quite a few Manson disciples show up at his doorstep or in his house for that matter. Manson is a whole other ball of wax.
Manson actually controlled people.
That’s so interesting! Only a few people have been able to interview him, so I am very curious who your uncle is (I don’t expect you to tell me, just fascinated). I bet he has some interesting things to say about the experience. Manson is definitely a “different” case. The studying of him in my forensic psychology course was intriguing.
seriously though. how stupid do you have to be to get impeached TWICE??
2 time popular vote loser 2 times impeached. candidate with the most votes ever cast against.
he is the world champion of being impeached.
It's easy to get impeached twice when the dems run the house?
I don't know why everyone is excited about this. The house still has a great divide in it. Only 10 republicans voted for it? That's 200 people that do not see eye to eye at all. That is what worries me most. What do they see that others aren't?
Telling me that their party is full of racists and bigots isn't a constructive answer either so let's refrain from that.
Assembling, inciting & sending a mob to lynch the VP doesn't deserve impeachment?
Extorting the president of Ukraine to influence the American election doesn't deserve impeachment?
I'll say it again.
WHY does half of the senate disagree w you, the democrats and 10 republicans that voted for it? Why does half the country still vote for Trump?
Huge disconnect.
I heard Trumps speech and I will defend it in this, he did not have a lynch mob to go after the Vice President. That to me is stretching it a bit too much.
He did rally the troops though.
was still a result of his call to march ON the capitol and to fight like hell.
I remember a PJ concert where vedder said " Let's go after them(politicians) w pitchforks and sticks w flames on it" Do you think the crowd took him seriously? He did say to contact your lobbyist afterwards but still. People may have taken Trump too literally, which is what did happen.
Again, I do believe that he incited the crowd to go to the capitol but the actions that those frenzied people were in, is of a mob mentality. He started it for sure.
did anyone go after any politicians?
Or did PJ have over 600 concerts over 4 years where Eddie said that and 15,000+ fans followed them around? And Eddie stepped in front of a camera, mic or got on Twitter and spewed baseless lies about those politicians at every turn? Sure they and he did, sure. Same-same.
Pointing out that sometimes people don't take you seriously or literally. That was obviously my point that was missed... Tsk tsk.
It was a poor comparison and a knock on how this band actually conducts itself. Also, I don't know of the comment you mentioned and question the wording and context. Not to knock on you, but sometimes we aren't very good at recalling things and it is almost impposible for anyone to refute what you said because it's a vague reference. Eddie may make some borderline comments at times, but there is nothing that could ever compare to what has happened the last several months and years.
It's the Louisiana 2000 bootleg series. Right after DTE I believe.
I love how I cite something just to make a point yet no one wants to agree with it.
This is why we have a divide in the country. People dismiss things right off the bat if they don't agree with it.
It was a bullshit comparison. Sorry you disagree with that. Hmmmmm, let me give this some serious thought. Eddie says something once about politicians at a show in 2000 and it automatically is equivalent to what Tricky Team Trump TREASON Tax Cheat has been doing for the past 4 to 5 years, at his rallies, on social media and with an echo chamber of right wing media to amplify and legitimate a bullshit message. Sure, same-same. And when you get called out on it, you ridicule those who disagree with your preposterous comparison. Talk about a divide? Tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk
Someone brought up Manson which was 50 years ago...
The message was that things should not be taken literally or choose to take something out of context. Trump never said to go hang someone or build a noose, but it happened and a person on here wants him responsible for that yet someone else pointed out the intelligence of the crowd. Trying to blame him for those actions I do not agree with. It was a stretch which was my point but took a tangent.
Anything that somewhat reflects like defending Trump never goes well on here. It is a country divided and I really wanted to try and grasp that concept further because it really is mind boggling as I don't think Trump is fit for office but 75million thought he is.
Should Charles Manson have gone to jail? He didn't kill anyone.
Sure, he incited his followers to go commit murder, but is it his fault people took him literally?
My Uncle interviewed Manson and I will say this, he had the ability to have people do whatever he said. He had quite a few Manson disciples show up at his doorstep or in his house for that matter. Manson is a whole other ball of wax.
Manson actually controlled people.
What the hell did your uncle do to get to interview Manson? I read Helter Skelter when it came out as a kid. Those folks were whacked.
If you are really interested in that part of the story I will share it here. It's public knowledge, meaning it's out there and my uncle was kind of a whackadoo.
Should Charles Manson have gone to jail? He didn't kill anyone.
Sure, he incited his followers to go commit murder, but is it his fault people took him literally?
My Uncle interviewed Manson and I will say this, he had the ability to have people do whatever he said. He had quite a few Manson disciples show up at his doorstep or in his house for that matter. Manson is a whole other ball of wax.
Manson actually controlled people.
What the hell did your uncle do to get to interview Manson? I read Helter Skelter when it came out as a kid. Those folks were whacked.
If you are really interested in that part of the story I will share it here. It's public knowledge, meaning it's out there and my uncle was kind of a whackadoo.
I am interested in that story. I remember Manson and the trial from the news as a kid and then I read Helter Skelter. Then of course Squeaky Fromme tries to shoot Ford and they keep coming up for parole. Crazy.
seriously though. how stupid do you have to be to get impeached TWICE??
2 time popular vote loser 2 times impeached. candidate with the most votes ever cast against.
he is the world champion of being impeached.
It's easy to get impeached twice when the dems run the house?
I don't know why everyone is excited about this. The house still has a great divide in it. Only 10 republicans voted for it? That's 200 people that do not see eye to eye at all. That is what worries me most. What do they see that others aren't?
Telling me that their party is full of racists and bigots isn't a constructive answer either so let's refrain from that.
Assembling, inciting & sending a mob to lynch the VP doesn't deserve impeachment?
Extorting the president of Ukraine to influence the American election doesn't deserve impeachment?
I'll say it again.
WHY does half of the senate disagree w you, the democrats and 10 republicans that voted for it? Why does half the country still vote for Trump?
Huge disconnect.
I heard Trumps speech and I will defend it in this, he did not have a lynch mob to go after the Vice President. That to me is stretching it a bit too much.
He did rally the troops though.
was still a result of his call to march ON the capitol and to fight like hell.
I remember a PJ concert where vedder said " Let's go after them(politicians) w pitchforks and sticks w flames on it" Do you think the crowd took him seriously? He did say to contact your lobbyist afterwards but still. People may have taken Trump too literally, which is what did happen.
Again, I do believe that he incited the crowd to go to the capitol but the actions that those frenzied people were in, is of a mob mentality. He started it for sure.
did anyone go after any politicians?
Or did PJ have over 600 concerts over 4 years where Eddie said that and 15,000+ fans followed them around? And Eddie stepped in front of a camera, mic or got on Twitter and spewed baseless lies about those politicians at every turn? Sure they and he did, sure. Same-same.
Pointing out that sometimes people don't take you seriously or literally. That was obviously my point that was missed... Tsk tsk.
It was a poor comparison and a knock on how this band actually conducts itself. Also, I don't know of the comment you mentioned and question the wording and context. Not to knock on you, but sometimes we aren't very good at recalling things and it is almost impposible for anyone to refute what you said because it's a vague reference. Eddie may make some borderline comments at times, but there is nothing that could ever compare to what has happened the last several months and years.
It's the Louisiana 2000 bootleg series. Right after DTE I believe.
I love how I cite something just to make a point yet no one wants to agree with it.
This is why we have a divide in the country. People dismiss things right off the bat if they don't agree with it.
It was a bullshit comparison. Sorry you disagree with that. Hmmmmm, let me give this some serious thought. Eddie says something once about politicians at a show in 2000 and it automatically is equivalent to what Tricky Team Trump TREASON Tax Cheat has been doing for the past 4 to 5 years, at his rallies, on social media and with an echo chamber of right wing media to amplify and legitimate a bullshit message. Sure, same-same. And when you get called out on it, you ridicule those who disagree with your preposterous comparison. Talk about a divide? Tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk
Someone brought up Manson which was 50 years ago...
The message was that things should not be taken literally or choose to take something out of context. Trump never said to go hang someone or build a noose, but it happened and a person on here wants him responsible for that yet someone else pointed out the intelligence of the crowd. Trying to blame him for those actions I do not agree with. It was a stretch which was my point but took a tangent.
Anything that somewhat reflects like defending Trump never goes well on here. It is a country divided and I really wanted to try and grasp that concept further because it really is mind boggling as I don't think Trump is fit for office but 75million thought he is.
The crowd that Trump assembled built a gallows and stormed the building chanting hang Mike Pence after Trump incited the crowd to go after Mike Pence.
He brought that crowd together. He incited them. He sent them after Mike Pence. These are indisputable facts. That he didn't say the words "build a gallows & hang him" doesn't absolve him of assembling and inciting that crowd.
There's a Capitol police officer dead as a direct result of Trump's actions.
seriously though. how stupid do you have to be to get impeached TWICE??
2 time popular vote loser 2 times impeached. candidate with the most votes ever cast against.
he is the world champion of being impeached.
It's easy to get impeached twice when the dems run the house?
I don't know why everyone is excited about this. The house still has a great divide in it. Only 10 republicans voted for it? That's 200 people that do not see eye to eye at all. That is what worries me most. What do they see that others aren't?
Telling me that their party is full of racists and bigots isn't a constructive answer either so let's refrain from that.
10 is the most ever to go against their own party's president. It's actually an historically significant number. Twice the amount who went against Clinton.
What do they see that we don't? Fear. Many know they are wrong. There are numerous reports that they were afraid these Trump Terrorists would go after them and their families:
Ironically, they are also fearful of a backlash from the same people they are afraid might kill them and their familes at the polling booths in 2022. If they go against Trump, Trump will not forget it and will likely support a primary challenge and encourage his terrorists to vote for the challenger.
Fear. They know the election wasn't stolen but out of fear of Trump and his supporters they went along with it. Fear. They know Trump incited a violent mob in an attempt to overthrow the certification of a duly elected new government, but they went along with it.
Fear. The party is not all made up of racists and bigots, though all racist and bigots support that party. Fear is what has dominated the majority of their decisions since 2017 and, unfortunately, it appears as if that will continue for a while. Hopefully Mitch McConnell does the right thing so we can at least be assured Trump cannot run again and can't pretend like he will either.
seriously though. how stupid do you have to be to get impeached TWICE??
2 time popular vote loser 2 times impeached. candidate with the most votes ever cast against.
he is the world champion of being impeached.
It's easy to get impeached twice when the dems run the house?
I don't know why everyone is excited about this. The house still has a great divide in it. Only 10 republicans voted for it? That's 200 people that do not see eye to eye at all. That is what worries me most. What do they see that others aren't?
Telling me that their party is full of racists and bigots isn't a constructive answer either so let's refrain from that.
10 is the most ever to go against their own party's president. It's actually an historically significant number. Twice the amount who went against Clinton.
What do they see that we don't? Fear. Many know they are wrong. There are numerous reports that they were afraid these Trump Terrorists would go after them and their families:
Ironically, they are also fearful of a backlash from the same people they are afraid might kill them and their familes at the polling booths in 2022. If they go against Trump, Trump will not forget it and will likely support a primary challenge and encourage his terrorists to vote for the challenger.
Fear. They know the election wasn't stolen but out of fear of Trump and his supporters they went along with it. Fear. They know Trump incited a violent mob in an attempt to overthrow the certification of a duly elected new government, but they went along with it.
Fear. The party is not all made up of racists and bigots, though all racist and bigots support that party. Fear is what has dominated the majority of their decisions since 2017 and, unfortunately, it appears as if that will continue for a while. Hopefully Mitch McConnell does the right thing so we can at least be assured Trump cannot run again and can't pretend like he will either.
I agree w the fear angle. Romney was clearly shaken when he spoke.
That doesn't account for the people that do follow him?
It is dumbfounding to have that many people follow a party/person like this? Look I don't think illegals should have a drivers license but I'm not going sideways about it and taking up arms and going to the capitol.
Should Charles Manson have gone to jail? He didn't kill anyone.
Sure, he incited his followers to go commit murder, but is it his fault people took him literally?
My Uncle interviewed Manson and I will say this, he had the ability to have people do whatever he said. He had quite a few Manson disciples show up at his doorstep or in his house for that matter. Manson is a whole other ball of wax.
Manson actually controlled people.
What the hell did your uncle do to get to interview Manson? I read Helter Skelter when it came out as a kid. Those folks were whacked.
If you are really interested in that part of the story I will share it here. It's public knowledge, meaning it's out there and my uncle was kind of a whackadoo.
I am interested in that story. I remember Manson and the trial from the news as a kid and then I read Helter Skelter. Then of course Squeaky Fromme tries to shoot Ford and they keep coming up for parole. Crazy.
It's up. short and sweet from what I remember talking w him.
seriously though. how stupid do you have to be to get impeached TWICE??
2 time popular vote loser 2 times impeached. candidate with the most votes ever cast against.
he is the world champion of being impeached.
It's easy to get impeached twice when the dems run the house?
I don't know why everyone is excited about this. The house still has a great divide in it. Only 10 republicans voted for it? That's 200 people that do not see eye to eye at all. That is what worries me most. What do they see that others aren't?
Telling me that their party is full of racists and bigots isn't a constructive answer either so let's refrain from that.
10 is the most ever to go against their own party's president. It's actually an historically significant number. Twice the amount who went against Clinton.
What do they see that we don't? Fear. Many know they are wrong. There are numerous reports that they were afraid these Trump Terrorists would go after them and their families:
Ironically, they are also fearful of a backlash from the same people they are afraid might kill them and their familes at the polling booths in 2022. If they go against Trump, Trump will not forget it and will likely support a primary challenge and encourage his terrorists to vote for the challenger.
Fear. They know the election wasn't stolen but out of fear of Trump and his supporters they went along with it. Fear. They know Trump incited a violent mob in an attempt to overthrow the certification of a duly elected new government, but they went along with it.
Fear. The party is not all made up of racists and bigots, though all racist and bigots support that party. Fear is what has dominated the majority of their decisions since 2017 and, unfortunately, it appears as if that will continue for a while. Hopefully Mitch McConnell does the right thing so we can at least be assured Trump cannot run again and can't pretend like he will either.
I agree w the fear angle. Romney was clearly shaken when he spoke.
That doesn't account for the people that do follow him?
It is dumbfounding to have that many people follow a party/person like this? Look I don't think illegals should have a drivers license but I'm not going sideways about it and taking up arms and going to the capitol.
Its the cult of personality. Most of these people care more about Trump than they do Republican ideals and even the country. They're mostly middle class folks who've been shafted for most of the last 30+ years and they fell in love with Trump because he somehow convinced them he cares and feels their pain. This "billionaire" who never worked an honest day in his life has made these people think he is one of them. Call it brainwashing or call it whatever you want. The one thing Trump excels in is bullshit. He has successfully bullshitted his way into billions of dollars in his life and he has successfully swindled over 40% of the electorate.
Then you throw in the really crazy qanon nuts who were likely nuts before Trump and that's thrown gasoline onto the fire.
But it is important to remember that those people are the minority. He never once got the majority of support of this country. His approval ratings were near all time lows since day 1. He is the first president since Hoover to lose the house, senate, and white house in one term.
Edit---I believe this is also how Hitler came into power. Thank GOD for Joe Biden.
Not today Sir, Probably not tomorrow.............................................. bayfront arena st. pete '94
you're finally here and I'm a mess................................................... nationwide arena columbus '10
memories like fingerprints are slowly raising.................................... first niagara center buffalo '13
another man ..... moved by sleight of hand...................................... joe louis arena detroit '14
WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump's impeachment trial is likely to start after Joe Biden's inauguration, and the Republican leader, Mitch McConnell, is telling senators their decision on whether to convict the outgoing president over the Capitol riot will be a “vote of conscience.”
Not today Sir, Probably not tomorrow.............................................. bayfront arena st. pete '94
you're finally here and I'm a mess................................................... nationwide arena columbus '10
memories like fingerprints are slowly raising.................................... first niagara center buffalo '13
another man ..... moved by sleight of hand...................................... joe louis arena detroit '14
WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump's impeachment trial is likely to start after Joe Biden's inauguration, and the Republican leader, Mitch McConnell, is telling senators their decision on whether to convict the outgoing president over the Capitol riot will be a “vote of conscience.”
Unfortunately not a single one of those jackasses has a conscience
I've seen quite a few predictions that Impeachment won't have any significance soon, because every President is going to get Impeached by the opposition going forward...I don't think it happens, I think the majority of our leaders, even the shameless Trumpers, are eager to regain some decorum and some of the tradition which lends prestige to the roles they serve.
Where are all of our Trump supporters that thought we were going to wake up crying to trump winning the election? They seem to all have been pretty silent around here lately. I miss the drama.
Where are all of our Trump supporters that thought we were going to wake up crying to trump winning the election? They seem to all have been pretty silent around here lately. I miss the drama.
It's days like this you wish they weren't all banned lol
Where are all of our Trump supporters that thought we were going to wake up crying to trump winning the election? They seem to all have been pretty silent around here lately. I miss the drama.
It's days like this you wish they weren't all banned lol
Slow news days are the worst.
Scio me nihil scire
There are no kings inside the gates of eden
Moving through All Kinds of Terrain. Posts: 42,815
Where are all of our Trump supporters that thought we were going to wake up crying to trump winning the election? They seem to all have been pretty silent around here lately. I miss the drama.
They're waiting for a Trump version of this to happen:
Where are all of our Trump supporters that thought we were going to wake up crying to trump winning the election? They seem to all have been pretty silent around here lately. I miss the drama.
It's days like this you wish they weren't all banned lol
Not today Sir, Probably not tomorrow.............................................. bayfront arena st. pete '94
you're finally here and I'm a mess................................................... nationwide arena columbus '10
memories like fingerprints are slowly raising.................................... first niagara center buffalo '13
another man ..... moved by sleight of hand...................................... joe louis arena detroit '14
I understand where you're coming from, but to be fair, that comparison just can't be made.
-EV 8/14/93
Common sense tells me that Trump was, at best, irresponsible in his riling up an angry mob full of people that are cultishly devoted to him. For that I blame him. He'd have to be stupid (oh, oh) to not realize the possible danger in lighting the fuse he was lighting. Legally, can he be blamed? I don't know. Just like it's my job to not bring a pitchfork when I'm trying to get my elected representative to start behaving properly, it was each member of the mob's job to be peaceful and not break in.
I think biggest difference between your Eddie example and this is the immediacy of it. They were a few blocks from the very activity that was going to finalize Trump's loss and the concert was in no such proximity during an un-related even. Common sense (again, I can't articulate legal differences) tells me 1) that the fans aren't going to exit the building and do anything and 2) that it was metaphorical. On the other hand, Trump actually sent people in the direction of the capital (and implied he'd go with them, but, you know bone spurs). And the immediate danger of the situation was far more prevalent in this case.
Legally, I don't know how culpable he his on what we know* but I do think it was irresponsible and a clear indication that he should not be president for the next four hours, much less the next four years.
*I think it's very possible it was more than off the cuff and that the mob did what he wanted him to do and that this was facilitated by a discussion amongst the white nationalists that were later (earlier) seen dancing to 1980s music. I even think it's possible the GOP or Team Trump sent some of the zip tie guys in, using the idiot mob as camouflage. But at this point, that's not proven. If that ever comes out, we have a whole new conversation.
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Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
We have a divide in this country because idiots refuse to apply facts and rules of logic to their arguments; they believe and react and disregard the wealth of collected knowledge at their fingertips for misinformation/opinions that simply reinforce their beliefs and reactions.
The message was that things should not be taken literally or choose to take something out of context. Trump never said to go hang someone or build a noose, but it happened and a person on here wants him responsible for that yet someone else pointed out the intelligence of the crowd. Trying to blame him for those actions I do not agree with. It was a stretch which was my point but took a tangent.
Anything that somewhat reflects like defending Trump never goes well on here. It is a country divided and I really wanted to try and grasp that concept further because it really is mind boggling as I don't think Trump is fit for office but 75million thought he is.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
The crowd that Trump assembled built a gallows and stormed the building chanting hang Mike Pence after Trump incited the crowd to go after Mike Pence.
He brought that crowd together. He incited them. He sent them after Mike Pence. These are indisputable facts. That he didn't say the words "build a gallows & hang him" doesn't absolve him of assembling and inciting that crowd.
There's a Capitol police officer dead as a direct result of Trump's actions.
What do they see that we don't? Fear. Many know they are wrong. There are numerous reports that they were afraid these Trump Terrorists would go after them and their families:
Ironically, they are also fearful of a backlash from the same people they are afraid might kill them and their familes at the polling booths in 2022. If they go against Trump, Trump will not forget it and will likely support a primary challenge and encourage his terrorists to vote for the challenger.
Fear. They know the election wasn't stolen but out of fear of Trump and his supporters they went along with it. Fear. They know Trump incited a violent mob in an attempt to overthrow the certification of a duly elected new government, but they went along with it.
Fear. The party is not all made up of racists and bigots, though all racist and bigots support that party. Fear is what has dominated the majority of their decisions since 2017 and, unfortunately, it appears as if that will continue for a while. Hopefully Mitch McConnell does the right thing so we can at least be assured Trump cannot run again and can't pretend like he will either.
That doesn't account for the people that do follow him?
It is dumbfounding to have that many people follow a party/person like this? Look I don't think illegals should have a drivers license but I'm not going sideways about it and taking up arms and going to the capitol.
Then you throw in the really crazy qanon nuts who were likely nuts before Trump and that's thrown gasoline onto the fire.
But it is important to remember that those people are the minority. He never once got the majority of support of this country. His approval ratings were near all time lows since day 1. He is the first president since Hoover to lose the house, senate, and white house in one term.
Edit---I believe this is also how Hitler came into power. Thank GOD for Joe Biden.
Not today Sir, Probably not tomorrow.............................................. bayfront arena st. pete '94
you're finally here and I'm a mess................................................... nationwide arena columbus '10
memories like fingerprints are slowly raising.................................... first niagara center buffalo '13
another man ..... moved by sleight of hand...................................... joe louis arena detroit '14
per the red dress yelling lady at the convention, "THE BEST IS YET TO COOOOOOMMMMMEEEEE!!!!"
has the best come yet?
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
-EV 8/14/93
Not today Sir, Probably not tomorrow.............................................. bayfront arena st. pete '94
you're finally here and I'm a mess................................................... nationwide arena columbus '10
memories like fingerprints are slowly raising.................................... first niagara center buffalo '13
another man ..... moved by sleight of hand...................................... joe louis arena detroit '14
There are no kings inside the gates of eden
There are no kings inside the gates of eden
get used to it......
Not today Sir, Probably not tomorrow.............................................. bayfront arena st. pete '94
you're finally here and I'm a mess................................................... nationwide arena columbus '10
memories like fingerprints are slowly raising.................................... first niagara center buffalo '13
another man ..... moved by sleight of hand...................................... joe louis arena detroit '14