Eddie in Miami last night NetJets



  • Vedd Hedd said:
    This link leads to me to a prompt saying the site belongs to Verizon and I need to approve a bunch of shit to go further.

    "Mostly I think that people react sensitively because they know you’ve got a point"
  • Tim SimmonsTim Simmons Posts: 7,738
    Probably a regional lock out? 

    Here’s the article

    Until now, if you wanted to offset your CO2 when flying, you could optionally acquire carbon offsets from either the airline or an independent vendor. However, NetJets has announced that all its operations will be carbon neutral for 2012. From October 1st, all of its contracts will include carbon offsets.


    There's more: the company claims its current planes, the Hawker 4000 and the Falcon 7X, are the most energy efficient available on the market. The company has also said that its offices will use 10 percent less energy in two year's time and that it's creating an environmental committee to supervise all the initiatives. Finally, they are sponsoring research at Princeton University's aerospace laboratory to develop ultra-low emission jet fuels.

  • mca47mca47 Posts: 13,280
    mcnutt said:
    It’s hypocritical. Corporate EV is no bueno but it is what it is.  Times have changed, attitudes have changed, and the band has changed.  No longer are they a youthful display of truth and rebellion.  They now are a boomer version of a corporate band with a singer that plays private corporate gigs for NetJets, Salesforce, and a super bowl commercial for Verizon...seriously?!  not to mention the celebrity functions and elitist display they show.  To each their own but they should own up to it.  It just seems hypocritical to me. Still a fan, but my views of the band are different. And more specifically EV.  The Ticketmaster partnership is awful as well.  Bands get old and change and we are now seeing this approach. 

    Most of us "sold out" years ago in one way or another. And also everyone is a hypocrite to a certain point. If NetJets wanted to fly me to the Super Bowl i certainly wouldn't turn it down. Would you? Do you live off the grid with no corporate connections? No....then STFU
    This ^.  Not one person on here knows why he did the gig or what he's doing with the money.  If a private jet company wanted me to do something for them and offered to pick me up, I and everyone one else on here would accept that offer.
  • Tim SimmonsTim Simmons Posts: 7,738
    For the record, NetJets still does the carbon offsets as part of their contract as of last year. 
  • Lerxst1992Lerxst1992 Posts: 6,532
    mca47 said:
    mcnutt said:
    It’s hypocritical. Corporate EV is no bueno but it is what it is.  Times have changed, attitudes have changed, and the band has changed.  No longer are they a youthful display of truth and rebellion.  They now are a boomer version of a corporate band with a singer that plays private corporate gigs for NetJets, Salesforce, and a super bowl commercial for Verizon...seriously?!  not to mention the celebrity functions and elitist display they show.  To each their own but they should own up to it.  It just seems hypocritical to me. Still a fan, but my views of the band are different. And more specifically EV.  The Ticketmaster partnership is awful as well.  Bands get old and change and we are now seeing this approach. 

    Most of us "sold out" years ago in one way or another. And also everyone is a hypocrite to a certain point. If NetJets wanted to fly me to the Super Bowl i certainly wouldn't turn it down. Would you? Do you live off the grid with no corporate connections? No....then STFU
    This ^.  Not one person on here knows why he did the gig or what he's doing with the money.  If a private jet company wanted me to do something for them and offered to pick me up, I and everyone one else on here would accept that offer.
    I'm on the fence so I'll take the other  side. 

    It's not about taking a private jet, it's about promoting a private jet company. Not about 1 trip but promoting a lifestyle.

    In a few months they are likely going to take the stage and tell us about helping people in Nov which is great. But you better believe this will be thrown back at them. Promoting private jets, supporting an industry that  gets valuable special tax deductions that could have gone to helping the homeless, to play a private invitation only show for the wealthy [while they are too busy to play shows for 60% of country ;-) which is driving up ticket prices]. They are free to prioritize as they see fit but their political distractors will notice. 
  • cp3iversoncp3iverson Posts: 8,680
    My question remains.....
    why the outrage all of a sudden?  Look back at the last ten tours.  90% of the time they probably weren’t flying commercial :lol:

    you guys just didn’t care then?
  • Vedd HeddVedd Hedd Posts: 4,590
    So...promoting a company that is offsetting their carbon is a bad thing?

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    Nuclear fission
  • Vedd HeddVedd Hedd Posts: 4,590

    Zacks added that the company has been low-key in its promotion of its offsets. But as more customers learn of the program, he expects that they will sign up. “We have to be considerate in how we communicate with our customers. These are people with lots of demands on their attention and time, and they expect that we’re not going to bother them. Plus, some of our clients come to us through corporations, and they are tricky to communicate with. A lot of our communication doesn’t get to the person who’s using and benefiting from the service.”

    In addition to offsetting, NetJets is also investing in research on cleaner jet fuel and has entered into an agreement to help equip California schools with solar panels.

    All of these steps, taken together, have positioned NetJets as a leader in its industry in the effort to fight global warming, according to Favaloro. “NetJets has demonstrated an intention to be on the solution side, not the problem side, of global warming. It’s blunted the possibility of media and political attacks. And it’s put itself on a long-term path to lower emissions.”

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  • Vedd HeddVedd Hedd Posts: 4,590
    I will admit....I had never heard of NetJets until ed played there.   Now I know.  

    I think this is called "raising awareness".  
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    Nuclear fission
  • Tim SimmonsTim Simmons Posts: 7,738

    My question remains.....
    why the outrage all of a sudden?  Look back at the last ten tours.  90% of the time they probably weren’t flying commercial :lol:

    you guys just didn’t care then?

     We're certainly in a time where optics matter in regards to wealth and environment. I'm sure its a big driver. 

  • My neighbor is a pilot for NetJets.  

    He couldn’t get me on the plane. 
  • Sometimes virtue signaling can get confusing. If happens.
  • My neighbor is a pilot for NetJets.  

    He couldn’t get me on the plane. 
    Because of the ghosts?
  • Vedd HeddVedd Hedd Posts: 4,590
    My neighbor is a pilot for NetJets.  

    He couldn’t get me on the plane. 
    Because of the ghosts?
    Image result for scooby doo airplane ghost
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    Nuclear fission
  • Lerxst1992Lerxst1992 Posts: 6,532
    Private jets are a valuable asset for remote and low population regions that do not attract commercial routes. But Miami during super bowl weekend for a private show promoting private jets? It's his business to do as he wishes but he created a certain type of public persona atm is a bit confusing. 
  • pjrusspjruss Posts: 494
    Based off the articles posted above showing how NetJets is legitimately trying to be environmentally friendly as best as possible, it leads me to believe that they specifically sought out Ed for this show knowing that he and his band are also. 
    Seems both parties want to be associated with one another since they both share the same outlook on the environment. 
    Sorry, but that isn’t “selling out” in my view. 
  • mca47mca47 Posts: 13,280
    Imagine how much carbon is going to be injected into the atmosphere for these upcoming tour dates.  Even if the band goes carbon neutral, you still have tens of thousands of fans driving and flying to see them play.  I'm driving to the Phoenix show and flying in a 737 to the Denver show.  I say, No more live music!!

    An aside, I was hoping to have my pilots license by the time of the Denver show.  Was hoping to fly up from Phoenix in a C172, but I don't think i'll have it until May at the earliest.   :|
  • Vedd HeddVedd Hedd Posts: 4,590
    Private jets are a valuable asset for remote and low population regions that do not attract commercial routes. But Miami during super bowl weekend for a private show promoting private jets? It's his business to do as he wishes but he created a certain type of public persona atm is a bit confusing. 
    But you see what that company is doing, right?  

    If he believes in reducing climate change impacts....these are the types of people he needs to go after.  
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  • Tim SimmonsTim Simmons Posts: 7,738
    I think applying a purity test here is a slippery slope. Ultimately most things we do in our lives, or companies we need or choose to to support adversely affect the environment. We’re all guilty whether intentionally or not. So glass houses and all that.

    on top of it, Ed has a life most of us can’t comprehend. I’m sure he has to make trade offs. His safety and his families safety are probably the most important, and the trade offs that come with that are what they are. 
  • I like how everyone is mad about this, now....Ed has played a Netjets event before, I think it was a few years ago. He was paid in hours of use of a Netjet, something like 100 IIRC.
    PS The band also uses a private jet to get between shows in the US, the crew takes buses. They have been doing that for years.
    "Populated with every reject and cutthroat from Bombay to Calcutta. It's worse than Detroit."
  • Tim SimmonsTim Simmons Posts: 7,738
    I think at this point, its a small, but vocal percentage who are bothered by this. Most of us seem to be "It is what it is".

  • Vedd HeddVedd Hedd Posts: 4,590
    Im not even saying "it is what it is" im saying  "this is awesome".   Im glad he is doing it. 
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    Nuclear fission
  • BF25394BF25394 Posts: 4,352
    I can't presume to speak for others, but what irks people about this may not be this event in isolation, but rather as part of a pattern of cozying up to fellow rich and famous that rubs people the wrong way, especially in light of past statements and, frankly, self-righteousness.  We are talking about someone who went from "roll some models in blood/get some flesh to stick so they look like us" to marrying a model.  I think the Jeanne Tripplehorn collaboration bugged a lot of fans as much because of the icky celebrity mutual admiration society aspect of it as because it was so hard to listen to.

    Eddie Vedder is free to make whatever choices he wants, and it's up to him to determine whether they bother his conscience.  But choices have consequences, and one of the consequences of the choices a public figure makes is that they open themselves up to criticism if the choices are seen as hypocritical or antisocial.
    I gather speed from you fucking with me.
  • Tim SimmonsTim Simmons Posts: 7,738
    BF25394 said:
    Eddie Vedder is free to make whatever choices he wants, and it's up to him to determine whether they bother his conscience.  But choices have consequences, and one of the consequences of the choices a public figure makes is that they open themselves up to criticism if the choices are seen as hypocritical or antisocial.
    I think he does and has. It seems to be bothering fans more. But I also don't get why they want 2020 Ed to be 1995 ed forever. People change and thats OK. His heart is still in the right place, he's just had more life experiences since. 
  • BF25394BF25394 Posts: 4,352
    People change and that's O.K., sure.  But you understand how that might aggravate people if you were self-righteous about the thing in the first instance and then changed your behavior, right?  It's further complicated when you have been politically outspoken-- something that doesn't bother me at all, incidentally (although, again, you do so at the risk of alienating people and you have to live with the consequences)-- and then engage in behaviors that seem to run counter to the political stances you have encouraged others to support (e.g., lambasting the one percent while seeming to go out of your way to hobnob with them).
    I gather speed from you fucking with me.
  • cp3iversoncp3iverson Posts: 8,680
    edited February 2020
    Doesn't bug me at all.  I don't really expect one of the most famous rockstars of the last 30 years to live like a regular guy i pass on the street.  That wouldn't really be fair.  

    I think fans think up these illusions in their head that these guys aren’t businessmen, aren’t friends with the stars, don't fly private jets, etc. when even “95 Eddie” did all of those things.  Its silly.  Be glad he’s a rockstar that does some things away from the norm.  He’s put his money where his mouth is for decades with his causes.  Just don’t forget that some of these things are common sense for rockstars and celebs.  The fact that we’re debating a 55 yr old millionaire’s use of a private jet says all you need to know about his fame and why he shouldn't fly the friendly skies with Delta. 
    Post edited by cp3iverson on
  • Tim SimmonsTim Simmons Posts: 7,738
    BF25394 said:
    People change and that's O.K., sure.  But you understand how that might aggravate people if you were self-righteous about the thing in the first instance and then changed your behavior, right?  It's further complicated when you have been politically outspoken-- something that doesn't bother me at all, incidentally (although, again, you do so at the risk of alienating people and you have to live with the consequences)-- and then engage in behaviors that seem to run counter to the political stances you have encouraged others to support (e.g., lambasting the one percent while seeming to go out of your way to hobnob with them).
    Again, we have life experiences that change our POV. He's still about the environment, he's still about women's rights, social justice, the homeless, voting rights, etc. But 30 years offers a lot of experience, good and bad. None of us should have the same POV that we did 30 years ago, even if we are the same type of person. And I don't see having a contract for a private jet, but offsetting it with carbon credits as well as donating to environmental charities, as incongruous to wanting to protect the environment. 

    Again, we don't have all the details. He could be granola as fuck other than a private jet. Or maybe he's changed 100%. I guess we just have to decide with the facts we are given. Some people will take issue with this, others will see it as NBD.
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