88% of Canadian recently polled online say they want to be vaccinated, most ASAP, and rates of vaccine hesitancy are dropping.
About 70% want vaccine doses prioritized for Canadians before we share with any other country. That's a tough one; it's both understandable but also feeds into inequities and is going to prolong the pandemic for everyone.
'Bats found in lab that was established to research viruses found in bats'
In other news, water is still wet And conservatives still lack critical thinking skills
Fucking perfect.
02 December 2020
Meet the scientists investigating the origins of the COVID pandemic
Ten researchers with expertise in virology, public health and animals will seek to answer this key question.
"Also on the team is Peter Daszak, president of the non-profit research organization Ecohealth Alliance in New York City, who has spent more than a decade studying coronaviruses. He has worked closely with the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) to test bats for coronaviruses with the potential to spill over into people.
“It is an honour to be part of this team,” says Daszak. “There hasn’t been a pandemic on this scale since the 1918 flu, and we’re still close enough to the origin to really find out more details about where it has come from.”"
WHO inspector's denial of bats in Wuhan lab contradicted by facts
Chinese scientists describe capturing dangerous live bats to be transported back to Wuhan lab
2021/02/18 18:29
"Researchers have uncovered accounts from the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) scientists and applications for patents for bat breeding that refute World Health Organization (WHO) inspector Peter Daszak's claims that the lab does not house live bats captured in the wild.
"On Dec. 10 of last year, the Independent published an article alleging that the U.S. National Institutes of Health provided US$3.7 million in funding to the WIV to study bats carrying viruses similar to SARS in Yunnan Province. The article reported that WIV scientists captured the bats and sent them to the Wuhan lab for analysis.
That same day, Daszak took umbrage with the claim that the bats had been captured and transported to the WIV and posted a tweet, in which he wrote "No BATS were 'sent to Wuhan lab for genetic analyses of viruses collected in the field.'" He then added, "That's not how this science works. We collect bat samples, send them to the lab. We RELEASE bats where we catch them!""
Why do you think I believe China or the WHO? It would surprise little to non at all if there were bats at the lab. But because I think China is full of shit doesn't mean I think the COVID is a hoax or the vaccine will kill or that herd immunity was the way to go, like your ass does.
LET 1/550 = 0.00181818181 = DEATH RATE and there are 7B people on planet. IF all had same rate of infection and health care, including vaccinations we would expect 12,727,272.72 deaths worldwide?
LET 1/550 = 0.00181818181 = DEATH RATE and there are 7B people on planet. IF all had same rate of infection and health care, including vaccinations we would expect 12,727,272.72 deaths worldwide?
This is how many are reported worldwide.
Is my math and logic correct?
I think the trouble with the logic is that it uses US numbers and extrapolates from there. Our health care is first world. When I have calculated this (before the vaccine), I was using worldwide infection and fatality rates.
I was thinking that too. So I made death rate based on the latter, worldwide case and death info and it made me think US death rates are way too high. Even with under reporting perhaps. Big discrepancy either way. Error must also be in assuming variables are constant.
I was thinking that too. So I made death rate based on the latter, worldwide case and death info and it made me think US death rates are way too high. Even with under reporting perhaps. Big discrepancy either way. Error must also be in assuming variables are constant.
The death rate (again from a few months ago) was essentially 1% of confirmed cases.
I was thinking that too. So I made death rate based on the latter, worldwide case and death info and it made me think US death rates are way too high. Even with under reporting perhaps. Big discrepancy either way. Error must also be in assuming variables are constant.
The death rate (again from a few months ago) was essentially 1% of confirmed cases.
Or almost 1 out of 2000 of US population?
* and this rate should be more in countries with worse health care?
I'm trying to make sense of the new CNN headline. It doesn't seem to add up with other data. Made me curious. No declarations or determinations, just wonder what others think.
I was thinking that too. So I made death rate based on the latter, worldwide case and death info and it made me think US death rates are way too high. Even with under reporting perhaps. Big discrepancy either way. Error must also be in assuming variables are constant.
The death rate (again from a few months ago) was essentially 1% of confirmed cases.
Or almost 1 out of 2000 of US population?
* and this rate should be more in countries with worse health care?
Their lack of healthcare for poor people likely contributed to untold amounts of sickness and death...here in Canada we don't have to think twice about whether we can get healthcare treatment...we get treatment no matter the income level...
Hmm.. so that variable is a positive here, but worldwide numbers don't account. Maybe it's a variant thing and death rates need to depend in that? I'm done thinking on this... brain power needed elsewhere.
I'm trying to make sense of the new CNN headline. It doesn't seem to add up with other data. Made me curious. No declarations or determinations, just wonder what others think.
Oh I see. Well yeah I think your calculations are right, but my guess is the worldwide number would be understated using that logic since access to the vaccine, healthcare, etc. are not constant.
Yah... ^ sometimes I wonder if Trumps strategy? Is at least helpful in gainingmmunity by way of infection before deadlier variant (trying to see positive in grave situation). That could be completely erroneous... and now 1 hour left of work before ten week brain break!
Starts around the 2:50 mark.
Pearl Jam bootlegs:
Nassau County hasn't had a death in a week!
covid restrictions have been lifted effective immediately.
Prague Krakow Berlin 2018. Berlin 2022
EV, Taormina 1+2 2017.
I wish i was the souvenir you kept your house key on..
-EV 8/14/93
'Bats found in lab that was established to research viruses found in bats'
In other news, water is still wet
And conservatives still lack critical thinking skills
-EV 8/14/93
Meet the scientists investigating the origins of the COVID pandemic
"Also on the team is Peter Daszak, president of the non-profit research organization Ecohealth Alliance in New York City, who has spent more than a decade studying coronaviruses. He has worked closely with the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) to test bats for coronaviruses with the potential to spill over into people.
“It is an honour to be part of this team,” says Daszak. “There hasn’t been a pandemic on this scale since the 1918 flu, and we’re still close enough to the origin to really find out more details about where it has come from.”"
Full article here... https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-020-03402-1
WHO inspector's denial of bats in Wuhan lab contradicted by facts
Chinese scientists describe capturing dangerous live bats to be transported back to Wuhan lab
"Researchers have uncovered accounts from the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) scientists and applications for patents for bat breeding that refute World Health Organization (WHO) inspector Peter Daszak's claims that the lab does not house live bats captured in the wild.
"On Dec. 10 of last year, the Independent published an article alleging that the U.S. National Institutes of Health provided US$3.7 million in funding to the WIV to study bats carrying viruses similar to SARS in Yunnan Province. The article reported that WIV scientists captured the bats and sent them to the Wuhan lab for analysis.
That same day, Daszak took umbrage with the claim that the bats had been captured and transported to the WIV and posted a tweet, in which he wrote "No BATS were 'sent to Wuhan lab for genetic analyses of viruses collected in the field.'" He then added, "That's not how this science works. We collect bat samples, send them to the lab. We RELEASE bats where we catch them!""
Full article here... https://www.taiwannews.com.tw/en/news/4130431
Glad to see most here have their head still firmly placed in the sand... Y'all seen the Fauci emails yet or nah?
interesting deduction.
-EV 8/14/93
LET 1/550 = 0.00181818181 = DEATH RATE and there are 7B people on planet. IF all had same rate of infection and health care, including vaccinations we would expect 12,727,272.72 deaths worldwide?
This is how many are reported worldwide.
Is my math and logic correct?
If only Fauci was more forthcoming about the possible origins of the virus.......
-EV 8/14/93
* and this rate should be more in countries with worse health care?