In other news, the EU has started legal action again Astra Zeneca, demanding that it immediately provide vaccines from its UK manufacturing site to the EU. They allege that AZ has breached their contract, while AZ states that the contract does not specify that doses from that facility will go to the EU. Whatever the outcome, it looks messy and will probably delay AZ delivery to other countries.
Also, Britain has ordered another 60 million doses of the Pfizer vaccine for boosters targeted at new variants, which they expect may be needed by this fall.
In other news, the EU has started legal action again Astra Zeneca, demanding that it immediately provide vaccines from its UK manufacturing site to the EU. They allege that AZ has breached their contract, while AZ states that the contract does not specify that doses from that facility will go to the EU. Whatever the outcome, it looks messy and will probably delay AZ delivery to other countries.
Also, Britain has ordered another 60 million doses of the Pfizer vaccine for boosters targeted at new variants, which they expect may be needed by this fall.
In Massachusetts, you can go on CVS website and all morning and right now there are tons of openings for at least 50% of CVS locations
We are almost (if not already) at the point where anyone who wants a vaccine can just log on in the morning and get it same day. To me, that has always been the "end" of the pandemic, and that is a thought I maintain today.
Worldwide endemic because you are able to vaccinate while others can't?
I’m not sure where each country is at with vaccination, my comments apply to the USA only since that’s where I’m following my data from.
But, locally, we seem to be at the end of the line with vaccinations, so locally, I feel that it is time to get back to normal
End of line lol 40 something % of Republicans are refusing the vaccine.
What is your solution then? Honestly curious.
You can’t force something on people that isn’t FDA approved at least at a national level. Private entities can mandate vaccines (airlines/colleges/etc) and make it hard enough that people who don’t want the Vaxx say “fuck it”
But what else can we do when every person(in the states) who wants the vaccine can readily and easily get it and protect themselves?
100% of the country was never going to get the vaccine. We are never going to prevent anyone ever dying again of coronavirus or a variant. Anyone who expects that doesn’t live in reality
Sorry for the rant, but the 10% crowd of people who (I think) genuinely never want the pandemic to end are just as frustrating as the 10% of fools who think the vaccine and the pandemic are a fake government ploy to do whatever the hell they think is going on
Do you have children? No judgement, just a question.
I do not
I do and am concerned that many do not seem to consider kids just because it is not lethal to them in large numbers. They certainly can carry and transmit it and if long term effects are associated with some who get Covid, what does this mean for kids?
I'm rooting damn hard to get back to some sense of normal, I'm for certain not a person who wants this to continue but I feel like rushing out as the end is in sight is kind of a slap back on all of the stuff we have been through the past year +
Just want as few people to die as possible. All in favor of vaxx cards, of letting people who don't want it deal with the fallout....but I think we are still a ways from them being the only ones without the vaxx.
I understand. I also hope that we can get more data regarding the vaccine in children. But like you said, it is not as lethal to children. Possible? Yes, but not nearly to the degree of the at risk crowd. I can’t relate as closely since I don’t have children.
We actually need to beat the virus before we beat the virus. That’s the simple fact conservatives are overlooking. If we take a close look at vaccinations by state, many democratic states have at least one dose in 47% of the population while red states are at 37%. That gap is only going to widen. To beat the virus, we need to get new cases very low, so the virus does not continue to mutate and strengthen. If statewide populations only vaccinate around 55% of the population, the virus will mutate, become stronger and deadlier.
A healthier country would be having THAT discussion, before whining about lost freedoms. And it can’t be said enough, there are counties that do. Australia unvaccinated is healthier than the US vaccinated. We should all chew on that for a moment.
And some were trumping up Texas success here last week. Where are they now?
What if Australia already had an outbreak prior to 2020? I am telling y'all, spend some time today reading through some links I post. The Ethical Skeptic posts some very intriguing stuff.
Since I have the usual suspects attention, anyone care to comment on this or nah, just gonna keep our collective heads in the sand?
This is great dude. Seriously. Back in the peak of the pandemic, I drove around the streets of DC for 45 seconds and didn't see anyone die. So it must be true that no one has died from COVID in DC, and therefore not in the United States as well. I mean, is there anything more empirical than me with my phone on the street? I think not.
Fucking idiocy. You got my attention long enough for me to laugh about it.
Nah man, you are picking up my throw away post from the girl in India, which I love how no one picks on the New York Post using a photo from a gas leak a year ago, because the media would never mislead us. I am talking about the Ethical Skeptic tweets and the theory that the coronavirus has been around since 2018, anyone care to comment on that?
My comment... umm great. No.. that's bad? What are you proposing at this point? Bomb China? Tell them we won't sell them our bonds anymore? Refuse to import goods from China? I don't know what the fuck you want us to do with those tweets.
Imagine the faux outrage if WalMart was cancelled? Good lord.
In other news, the EU has started legal action again Astra Zeneca, demanding that it immediately provide vaccines from its UK manufacturing site to the EU. They allege that AZ has breached their contract, while AZ states that the contract does not specify that doses from that facility will go to the EU. Whatever the outcome, it looks messy and will probably delay AZ delivery to other countries.
Also, Britain has ordered another 60 million doses of the Pfizer vaccine for boosters targeted at new variants, which they expect may be needed by this fall.
In other news, the EU has started legal action again Astra Zeneca, demanding that it immediately provide vaccines from its UK manufacturing site to the EU. They allege that AZ has breached their contract, while AZ states that the contract does not specify that doses from that facility will go to the EU. Whatever the outcome, it looks messy and will probably delay AZ delivery to other countries.
Also, Britain has ordered another 60 million doses of the Pfizer vaccine for boosters targeted at new variants, which they expect may be needed by this fall.
In other news, the EU has started legal action again Astra Zeneca, demanding that it immediately provide vaccines from its UK manufacturing site to the EU. They allege that AZ has breached their contract, while AZ states that the contract does not specify that doses from that facility will go to the EU. Whatever the outcome, it looks messy and will probably delay AZ delivery to other countries.
Also, Britain has ordered another 60 million doses of the Pfizer vaccine for boosters targeted at new variants, which they expect may be needed by this fall.
In other news, the EU has started legal action again Astra Zeneca, demanding that it immediately provide vaccines from its UK manufacturing site to the EU. They allege that AZ has breached their contract, while AZ states that the contract does not specify that doses from that facility will go to the EU. Whatever the outcome, it looks messy and will probably delay AZ delivery to other countries.
Also, Britain has ordered another 60 million doses of the Pfizer vaccine for boosters targeted at new variants, which they expect may be needed by this fall.
In Massachusetts, you can go on CVS website and all morning and right now there are tons of openings for at least 50% of CVS locations
We are almost (if not already) at the point where anyone who wants a vaccine can just log on in the morning and get it same day. To me, that has always been the "end" of the pandemic, and that is a thought I maintain today.
Worldwide endemic because you are able to vaccinate while others can't?
I’m not sure where each country is at with vaccination, my comments apply to the USA only since that’s where I’m following my data from.
But, locally, we seem to be at the end of the line with vaccinations, so locally, I feel that it is time to get back to normal
End of line lol 40 something % of Republicans are refusing the vaccine.
What is your solution then? Honestly curious.
You can’t force something on people that isn’t FDA approved at least at a national level. Private entities can mandate vaccines (airlines/colleges/etc) and make it hard enough that people who don’t want the Vaxx say “fuck it”
But what else can we do when every person(in the states) who wants the vaccine can readily and easily get it and protect themselves?
100% of the country was never going to get the vaccine. We are never going to prevent anyone ever dying again of coronavirus or a variant. Anyone who expects that doesn’t live in reality
Sorry for the rant, but the 10% crowd of people who (I think) genuinely never want the pandemic to end are just as frustrating as the 10% of fools who think the vaccine and the pandemic are a fake government ploy to do whatever the hell they think is going on
Do you have children? No judgement, just a question.
I do not
I do and am concerned that many do not seem to consider kids just because it is not lethal to them in large numbers. They certainly can carry and transmit it and if long term effects are associated with some who get Covid, what does this mean for kids?
I'm rooting damn hard to get back to some sense of normal, I'm for certain not a person who wants this to continue but I feel like rushing out as the end is in sight is kind of a slap back on all of the stuff we have been through the past year +
Just want as few people to die as possible. All in favor of vaxx cards, of letting people who don't want it deal with the fallout....but I think we are still a ways from them being the only ones without the vaxx.
I understand. I also hope that we can get more data regarding the vaccine in children. But like you said, it is not as lethal to children. Possible? Yes, but not nearly to the degree of the at risk crowd. I can’t relate as closely since I don’t have children.
We actually need to beat the virus before we beat the virus. That’s the simple fact conservatives are overlooking. If we take a close look at vaccinations by state, many democratic states have at least one dose in 47% of the population while red states are at 37%. That gap is only going to widen. To beat the virus, we need to get new cases very low, so the virus does not continue to mutate and strengthen. If statewide populations only vaccinate around 55% of the population, the virus will mutate, become stronger and deadlier.
A healthier country would be having THAT discussion, before whining about lost freedoms. And it can’t be said enough, there are counties that do. Australia unvaccinated is healthier than the US vaccinated. We should all chew on that for a moment.
And some were trumping up Texas success here last week. Where are they now?
What if Australia already had an outbreak prior to 2020? I am telling y'all, spend some time today reading through some links I post. The Ethical Skeptic posts some very intriguing stuff.
Since I have the usual suspects attention, anyone care to comment on this or nah, just gonna keep our collective heads in the sand?
This is great dude. Seriously. Back in the peak of the pandemic, I drove around the streets of DC for 45 seconds and didn't see anyone die. So it must be true that no one has died from COVID in DC, and therefore not in the United States as well. I mean, is there anything more empirical than me with my phone on the street? I think not.
Fucking idiocy. You got my attention long enough for me to laugh about it.
Nah man, you are picking up my throw away post from the girl in India, which I love how no one picks on the New York Post using a photo from a gas leak a year ago, because the media would never mislead us. I am talking about the Ethical Skeptic tweets and the theory that the coronavirus has been around since 2018, anyone care to comment on that?
New York Post is shit. Basically tabloid fodder, but nice try.
Considering indoor dining restrictions have relaxed considerably, I am surprised this MIT study hasn't received more attention. Exposure is similar at 6 feet and 60 feet.
Considering indoor dining restrictions have relaxed considerably, I am surprised this MIT study hasn't received more attention. Exposure is similar at 6 feet and 60 feet.
Considering indoor dining restrictions have relaxed considerably, I am surprised this MIT study hasn't received more attention. Exposure is similar at 6 feet and 60 feet.
Considering indoor dining restrictions have relaxed considerably, I am surprised this MIT study hasn't received more attention. Exposure is similar at 6 feet and 60 feet.
Considering indoor dining restrictions have relaxed considerably, I am surprised this MIT study hasn't received more attention. Exposure is similar at 6 feet and 60 feet.
Considering indoor dining restrictions have relaxed considerably, I am surprised this MIT study hasn't received more attention. Exposure is similar at 6 feet and 60 feet.
Very interesting findings. Made me think differently about my daily interactions.
Yeah, this seems like something that should have been known well before last week.
Oh man. Memes really get the job done. Nice work. BTW, I think we'd all appreciate it if you deleted your misinformation posts on two threads and apologize for spreading lies.
Considering indoor dining restrictions have relaxed considerably, I am surprised this MIT study hasn't received more attention. Exposure is similar at 6 feet and 60 feet.
Very interesting findings. Made me think differently about my daily interactions.
Yeah, this seems like something that should have been known well before last week.
Science is amazing, but I also know that it is ever evolving and isn’t the smoking gun that many assume it is. The problem is the crowd who hang their hat on it usually don’t have the same understanding.
Because everyone knows that all indoor/outdoor spaces are exactly the same, populated by the same number of infected/non-infected people and have the same air movement and filtration rates, right? I thought that's what catturd twitted?
Considering indoor dining restrictions have relaxed considerably, I am surprised this MIT study hasn't received more attention. Exposure is similar at 6 feet and 60 feet.
Considering indoor dining restrictions have relaxed considerably, I am surprised this MIT study hasn't received more attention. Exposure is similar at 6 feet and 60 feet.
Considering indoor dining restrictions have relaxed considerably, I am surprised this MIT study hasn't received more attention. Exposure is similar at 6 feet and 60 feet.
Considering indoor dining restrictions have relaxed considerably, I am surprised this MIT study hasn't received more attention. Exposure is similar at 6 feet and 60 feet.
Considering indoor dining restrictions have relaxed considerably, I am surprised this MIT study hasn't received more attention. Exposure is similar at 6 feet and 60 feet.
Very interesting findings. Made me think differently about my daily interactions.
Yeah, this seems like something that should have been known well before last week.
Because this is a novel virus. Science isn't fast, science isn't easy.
Never said it was I just shared an article I found interesting and given the scientific resources around the world looking into this virus, I was surprised to see these findings over a year in.
In Massachusetts, you can go on CVS website and all morning and right now there are tons of openings for at least 50% of CVS locations
We are almost (if not already) at the point where anyone who wants a vaccine can just log on in the morning and get it same day. To me, that has always been the "end" of the pandemic, and that is a thought I maintain today.
Worldwide endemic because you are able to vaccinate while others can't?
I’m not sure where each country is at with vaccination, my comments apply to the USA only since that’s where I’m following my data from.
But, locally, we seem to be at the end of the line with vaccinations, so locally, I feel that it is time to get back to normal
End of line lol 40 something % of Republicans are refusing the vaccine.
What is your solution then? Honestly curious.
You can’t force something on people that isn’t FDA approved at least at a national level. Private entities can mandate vaccines (airlines/colleges/etc) and make it hard enough that people who don’t want the Vaxx say “fuck it”
But what else can we do when every person(in the states) who wants the vaccine can readily and easily get it and protect themselves?
100% of the country was never going to get the vaccine. We are never going to prevent anyone ever dying again of coronavirus or a variant. Anyone who expects that doesn’t live in reality
Sorry for the rant, but the 10% crowd of people who (I think) genuinely never want the pandemic to end are just as frustrating as the 10% of fools who think the vaccine and the pandemic are a fake government ploy to do whatever the hell they think is going on
Do you have children? No judgement, just a question.
I do not
I do and am concerned that many do not seem to consider kids just because it is not lethal to them in large numbers. They certainly can carry and transmit it and if long term effects are associated with some who get Covid, what does this mean for kids?
I'm rooting damn hard to get back to some sense of normal, I'm for certain not a person who wants this to continue but I feel like rushing out as the end is in sight is kind of a slap back on all of the stuff we have been through the past year +
Just want as few people to die as possible. All in favor of vaxx cards, of letting people who don't want it deal with the fallout....but I think we are still a ways from them being the only ones without the vaxx.
I understand. I also hope that we can get more data regarding the vaccine in children. But like you said, it is not as lethal to children. Possible? Yes, but not nearly to the degree of the at risk crowd. I can’t relate as closely since I don’t have children.
We actually need to beat the virus before we beat the virus. That’s the simple fact conservatives are overlooking. If we take a close look at vaccinations by state, many democratic states have at least one dose in 47% of the population while red states are at 37%. That gap is only going to widen. To beat the virus, we need to get new cases very low, so the virus does not continue to mutate and strengthen. If statewide populations only vaccinate around 55% of the population, the virus will mutate, become stronger and deadlier.
A healthier country would be having THAT discussion, before whining about lost freedoms. And it can’t be said enough, there are counties that do. Australia unvaccinated is healthier than the US vaccinated. We should all chew on that for a moment.
And some were trumping up Texas success here last week. Where are they now?
What if Australia already had an outbreak prior to 2020? I am telling y'all, spend some time today reading through some links I post. The Ethical Skeptic posts some very intriguing stuff.
Since I have the usual suspects attention, anyone care to comment on this or nah, just gonna keep our collective heads in the sand?
This is great dude. Seriously. Back in the peak of the pandemic, I drove around the streets of DC for 45 seconds and didn't see anyone die. So it must be true that no one has died from COVID in DC, and therefore not in the United States as well. I mean, is there anything more empirical than me with my phone on the street? I think not.
Fucking idiocy. You got my attention long enough for me to laugh about it.
Nah man, you are picking up my throw away post from the girl in India, which I love how no one picks on the New York Post using a photo from a gas leak a year ago, because the media would never mislead us. I am talking about the Ethical Skeptic tweets and the theory that the coronavirus has been around since 2018, anyone care to comment on that?
My comment... umm great. No.. that's bad? What are you proposing at this point? Bomb China? Tell them we won't sell them our bonds anymore? Refuse to import goods from China? I don't know what the fuck you want us to do with those tweets.
Imagine the faux outrage if WalMart was cancelled? Good lord.
In other news, the EU has started legal action again Astra Zeneca, demanding that it immediately provide vaccines from its UK manufacturing site to the EU. They allege that AZ has breached their contract, while AZ states that the contract does not specify that doses from that facility will go to the EU. Whatever the outcome, it looks messy and will probably delay AZ delivery to other countries.
Also, Britain has ordered another 60 million doses of the Pfizer vaccine for boosters targeted at new variants, which they expect may be needed by this fall.
Because everyone knows that all indoor/outdoor spaces are exactly the same, populated by the same number of infected/non-infected people and have the same air movement and filtration rates, right? I thought that's what catturd twitted?
What exactly upset you about the article I posted? It was nothing more than food for thought from an accredited institution. Never mind, I forgot that since I live in Texas and do not subscribe to the idea that politicians are our saviors I am forever on your radar. Very weird when you think about it.
In other news, the EU has started legal action again Astra Zeneca, demanding that it immediately provide vaccines from its UK manufacturing site to the EU. They allege that AZ has breached their contract, while AZ states that the contract does not specify that doses from that facility will go to the EU. Whatever the outcome, it looks messy and will probably delay AZ delivery to other countries.
Also, Britain has ordered another 60 million doses of the Pfizer vaccine for boosters targeted at new variants, which they expect may be needed by this fall.
Because everyone knows that all indoor/outdoor spaces are exactly the same, populated by the same number of infected/non-infected people and have the same air movement and filtration rates, right? I thought that's what catturd twitted?
What exactly upset you about the article I posted? It was nothing more than food for thought from an accredited institution. Never mind, I forgot that since I live in Texas and do not subscribe to the idea that politicians are our saviors I am forever on your radar. Very weird when you think about it.
Haha.. hilarious coming from a state where the executive branch put Trump on a pedestal like a Golden Calf.... I think you should re-think that sentence about politicians being Saviors.
Because everyone knows that all indoor/outdoor spaces are exactly the same, populated by the same number of infected/non-infected people and have the same air movement and filtration rates, right? I thought that's what catturd twitted?
What exactly upset you about the article I posted? It was nothing more than food for thought from an accredited institution. Never mind, I forgot that since I live in Texas and do not subscribe to the idea that politicians are our saviors I am forever on your radar. Very weird when you think about it.
Haha.. hilarious coming from a state where the executive branch put Trump on a pedestal like a Golden Calf.... I think you should re-think that sentence about politicians being Saviors.
Sorry, but I do not define someone based on the color of their state on an election map.
Because everyone knows that all indoor/outdoor spaces are exactly the same, populated by the same number of infected/non-infected people and have the same air movement and filtration rates, right? I thought that's what catturd twitted?
What exactly upset you about the article I posted? It was nothing more than food for thought from an accredited institution. Never mind, I forgot that since I live in Texas and do not subscribe to the idea that politicians are our saviors I am forever on your radar. Very weird when you think about it.
Nothing about your post upset me. Nothing at all. When have I ever stated, implied or expressed that “politicians are our saviors?” Forever on my radar? Don’t flatter yourself.
Just that one article in Business Insider regarding research conducted by a couple of MIT scientists isn’t the difinitiveness that some would like it to be. Live your life man, it’s Tejas.
Also, Britain has ordered another 60 million doses of the Pfizer vaccine for boosters targeted at new variants, which they expect may be needed by this fall.
Thank you for sharing.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
I can neither confirm nor deny that I live in, near or around the outskirts or the inskirts of Moscow.
Very interesting findings. Made me think differently about my daily interactions.
-EV 8/14/93
And we also know that no one ever looks at a study and questions the methods or the data, right?
2 Big Caveats for MIT Study That Said 6-Foot Role Won't Stop COVID Spread (
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Why must we live by these outdated gender definitions?
Just that one article in Business Insider regarding research conducted by a couple of MIT scientists isn’t the difinitiveness that some would like it to be. Live your life man, it’s Tejas.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.