"This vaccination center in Delhi is ready to give 400 people shots every day, but authorities say, on most days, they see half that number." "Since India started administering the second vaccine dose two weeks ago, half of the front-line workers and nearly 40 percent of healthcare workers have not shown up."
Why should this be an American problem? How is keeping restaurants in America at 50% capacity going to help or hurt the people of India? I am not connecting the dot.
There are other reasons why people are not filling up the appointment slots that have nothing to do with vaccine skepticism.
Indians rush for vaccines as coronavirus toll tops 200,000
And the fact that hundreds of thousands of people are getting sick daily, with thousands dying, is a human problem, and will continue to be a human problem and an "American problem" until the situation is under control worldwide.
It is absolutely a human problem. We should do everything we can as a country to help other countries with vaccination/resources/etc
However, no one has been able to answer my question.
How does continuing to keep business/gathering restrictions in place in America once the vaccine is readily available (in America) help the human problem/situation in India?
The US is sitting on 60 million doses...why not get them to India ... PDQ. I realize 60 million is just a fraction of what India needs...but it will help.
"This vaccination center in Delhi is ready to give 400 people shots every day, but authorities say, on most days, they see half that number." "Since India started administering the second vaccine dose two weeks ago, half of the front-line workers and nearly 40 percent of healthcare workers have not shown up."
Why should this be an American problem? How is keeping restaurants in America at 50% capacity going to help or hurt the people of India? I am not connecting the dot.
There are other reasons why people are not filling up the appointment slots that have nothing to do with vaccine skepticism.
Indians rush for vaccines as coronavirus toll tops 200,000
And the fact that hundreds of thousands of people are getting sick daily, with thousands dying, is a human problem, and will continue to be a human problem and an "American problem" until the situation is under control worldwide.
It is absolutely a human problem. We should do everything we can as a country to help other countries with vaccination/resources/etc
However, no one has been able to answer my question.
How does continuing to keep business/gathering restrictions in place in America once the vaccine is readily available (in America) help the human problem/situation in India?
I'll answer, it doesn't, but I also don't think people will see the uptick in business they think if restrictions are removed right now. America is moving on to the land of first world problems like normal though. People are bitching about access to concerts and events and want their American needs met! People generally don't care about the shitty living conditions of their own neighbors, so we know they don't care about other countries unless it impacts their leisure activities (oil, electronics, vacation, etc.).
We're offering 2100 vaccinations at our campus to all our employees, students and their family members the next 3 days and have less than 100 people signed up so far. Supply outweighs demand already and we're in a highly urban setting. I can't imagine the piss poor rates in the rural areas, but that's up to those people. Time to move on from the non-believers and as soon as all adults have had a shot, get something that is available for children so parents can decide what they want to do.
Is it wrong of us to want these things back? In a way Morally, sure. But I don’t think it’s really that wrong in reality to want the things that we used to have back to normal once we have done our part on a local/national level. My argument would be that before the pandemic, many Americans already had luxuries that some people in other countries could only dream of, and no one cared then, so why would the “new normal” be any different? I know that sounds horrible to say, but it’s the way things were for the last however many years. It’s no more wrong now than it ever was, so I have a hard time relating American luxury to “ending” the pandemic on a local and national level.
I got the vaccine to do my part and protect those around me. I think every person should do the same. Can’t agree with you more on it being time to move on and get these vaccines to places that need them if we aren’t going to use them ourselves here.
Post edited by Weston1283 on
2010: Cleveland 2012: Atlanta 2013: London ONT / Wrigley Field / Pittsburgh / Buffalo / San Diego / Los Angeles I / Los Angeles II 2014: Cincinnati / St. Louis / Tulsa / Lincoln / Detroit / Denver 2015: New York City 2016: Ft. Lauderdale / Miami / Jacksonville / Greenville / Hampton / Columbia / Lexington / Philly II / New York City II / Toronto II / Bonnaroo / Telluride / Fenway I / Wrigley I / Wrigley - II / TOTD - Philadelphia, San Francisco 2017: Ohana Fest (EV) 2018: Amsterdam I / Amsterdam II / Seattle I / Seattle II / Boston I / Boston II 2021: Asbury Park / Ohana Encore 1 / Ohana Encore 2 2022: Phoenix / LA I / LA II / Quebec City / Ottawa / New York City / Camden / Nashville / St. Louis / Denver 2023: St. Paul II 2024: Las Vegas I / Las Vegas II / New York City I / New York City II / Philly I / Philly II / Baltimore
Oh, and the Sinclair Broadcast Group doesn't have an agenda, dontcha know?
Seems Tejas has had a lot of motorcycle and gun shot deaths of late.
Prime example of an individual cheering for failure. Next he will tell you about "Deathsantis", yet he will not mention about how Texas and Florida are in the same position as the blue states, if not way better off.
The modern left, loves humanity, hates people.
"Cheering for failure?' Please point me to a post where I've "cheered for failure." Regarding Deathsantis, nice name by the way, I think I'll use it, did you see where the wealthiest counties in Flo Rida have 100% vaccination rates and the poorer districts, not so much? And that he fired the woman and had her criminally charged for reporting out the Covid stats rather than Deathsantis's party line? Sure you did.
Is "cheering for failure" the same as "covid is a hoax and really due to motorcycle crashes and gun shot deaths?"
suppose to be an announcement coming from the Ontario government on the possibility of paid sick days? Anyone else in North America live in a province/state with legislated sick days?
In Massachusetts, you can go on CVS website and all morning and right now there are tons of openings for at least 50% of CVS locations
We are almost (if not already) at the point where anyone who wants a vaccine can just log on in the morning and get it same day. To me, that has always been the "end" of the pandemic, and that is a thought I maintain today.
Worldwide endemic because you are able to vaccinate while others can't?
I’m not sure where each country is at with vaccination, my comments apply to the USA only since that’s where I’m following my data from.
But, locally, we seem to be at the end of the line with vaccinations, so locally, I feel that it is time to get back to normal
End of line lol 40 something % of Republicans are refusing the vaccine.
What is your solution then? Honestly curious.
You can’t force something on people that isn’t FDA approved at least at a national level. Private entities can mandate vaccines (airlines/colleges/etc) and make it hard enough that people who don’t want the Vaxx say “fuck it”
But what else can we do when every person(in the states) who wants the vaccine can readily and easily get it and protect themselves?
100% of the country was never going to get the vaccine. We are never going to prevent anyone ever dying again of coronavirus or a variant. Anyone who expects that doesn’t live in reality
Sorry for the rant, but the 10% crowd of people who (I think) genuinely never want the pandemic to end are just as frustrating as the 10% of fools who think the vaccine and the pandemic are a fake government ploy to do whatever the hell they think is going on
Do you have children? No judgement, just a question.
I do not
I do and am concerned that many do not seem to consider kids just because it is not lethal to them in large numbers. They certainly can carry and transmit it and if long term effects are associated with some who get Covid, what does this mean for kids?
I'm rooting damn hard to get back to some sense of normal, I'm for certain not a person who wants this to continue but I feel like rushing out as the end is in sight is kind of a slap back on all of the stuff we have been through the past year +
Just want as few people to die as possible. All in favor of vaxx cards, of letting people who don't want it deal with the fallout....but I think we are still a ways from them being the only ones without the vaxx.
I understand. I also hope that we can get more data regarding the vaccine in children. But like you said, it is not as lethal to children. Possible? Yes, but not nearly to the degree of the at risk crowd. I can’t relate as closely since I don’t have children.
We actually need to beat the virus before we beat the virus. That’s the simple fact conservatives are overlooking. If we take a close look at vaccinations by state, many democratic states have at least one dose in 47% of the population while red states are at 37%. That gap is only going to widen. To beat the virus, we need to get new cases very low, so the virus does not continue to mutate and strengthen. If statewide populations only vaccinate around 55% of the population, the virus will mutate, become stronger and deadlier.
A healthier country would be having THAT discussion, before whining about lost freedoms. And it can’t be said enough, there are counties that do. Australia unvaccinated is healthier than the US vaccinated. We should all chew on that for a moment.
And some were trumping up Texas success here last week. Where are they now?
What if Australia already had an outbreak prior to 2020? I am telling y'all, spend some time today reading through some links I post. The Ethical Skeptic posts some very intriguing stuff.
Fully vaccinated people do not need to wear masks in small outdoor gatherings, even if some people at the gathering are not vaccinated. They double down that if you are vaccinated, your risk is minimal to none when outdoors, even around unvaccinated people
Still wear masks at larger packed outdoor gatherings
Vaccinated people can resume regular every day activities indoors safely with a mask such as going to the gym or a restaurant or bar
Less than 10% of transmission is found in the outdoor setting
Fauci discussing variants - The UK Vaccine is now the dominant variant covid-19 strain in the USA, but it is covered by all of the mRNA vaccine - South African variant - all of the vaccines except the AstraZeneca are effective against this variant
Final statement from Fauci: ”Get vaccinated and you will have a degree of protection even from the variants”
Joe must have not got the message yesterday... Say it with me everyone, prop·a·gan·da...
In Massachusetts, you can go on CVS website and all morning and right now there are tons of openings for at least 50% of CVS locations
We are almost (if not already) at the point where anyone who wants a vaccine can just log on in the morning and get it same day. To me, that has always been the "end" of the pandemic, and that is a thought I maintain today.
Worldwide endemic because you are able to vaccinate while others can't?
I’m not sure where each country is at with vaccination, my comments apply to the USA only since that’s where I’m following my data from.
But, locally, we seem to be at the end of the line with vaccinations, so locally, I feel that it is time to get back to normal
End of line lol 40 something % of Republicans are refusing the vaccine.
What is your solution then? Honestly curious.
You can’t force something on people that isn’t FDA approved at least at a national level. Private entities can mandate vaccines (airlines/colleges/etc) and make it hard enough that people who don’t want the Vaxx say “fuck it”
But what else can we do when every person(in the states) who wants the vaccine can readily and easily get it and protect themselves?
100% of the country was never going to get the vaccine. We are never going to prevent anyone ever dying again of coronavirus or a variant. Anyone who expects that doesn’t live in reality
Sorry for the rant, but the 10% crowd of people who (I think) genuinely never want the pandemic to end are just as frustrating as the 10% of fools who think the vaccine and the pandemic are a fake government ploy to do whatever the hell they think is going on
Do you have children? No judgement, just a question.
I do not
I do and am concerned that many do not seem to consider kids just because it is not lethal to them in large numbers. They certainly can carry and transmit it and if long term effects are associated with some who get Covid, what does this mean for kids?
I'm rooting damn hard to get back to some sense of normal, I'm for certain not a person who wants this to continue but I feel like rushing out as the end is in sight is kind of a slap back on all of the stuff we have been through the past year +
Just want as few people to die as possible. All in favor of vaxx cards, of letting people who don't want it deal with the fallout....but I think we are still a ways from them being the only ones without the vaxx.
I understand. I also hope that we can get more data regarding the vaccine in children. But like you said, it is not as lethal to children. Possible? Yes, but not nearly to the degree of the at risk crowd. I can’t relate as closely since I don’t have children.
We actually need to beat the virus before we beat the virus. That’s the simple fact conservatives are overlooking. If we take a close look at vaccinations by state, many democratic states have at least one dose in 47% of the population while red states are at 37%. That gap is only going to widen. To beat the virus, we need to get new cases very low, so the virus does not continue to mutate and strengthen. If statewide populations only vaccinate around 55% of the population, the virus will mutate, become stronger and deadlier.
A healthier country would be having THAT discussion, before whining about lost freedoms. And it can’t be said enough, there are counties that do. Australia unvaccinated is healthier than the US vaccinated. We should all chew on that for a moment.
And some were trumping up Texas success here last week. Where are they now?
What if Australia already had an outbreak prior to 2020? I am telling y'all, spend some time today reading through some links I post. The Ethical Skeptic posts some very intriguing stuff.
Since I have the usual suspects attention, anyone care to comment on this or nah, just gonna keep our collective heads in the sand?
Sharyl Attkinson? Are you friggin' kidding me? She's a part of media that continues to perpetuate the Big Lie. So we're supposed to take anything she says seriously? Give me a break. You might as well link Eric Trump. Same credibility.
Fully vaccinated people do not need to wear masks in small outdoor gatherings, even if some people at the gathering are not vaccinated. They double down that if you are vaccinated, your risk is minimal to none when outdoors, even around unvaccinated people
Still wear masks at larger packed outdoor gatherings
Vaccinated people can resume regular every day activities indoors safely with a mask such as going to the gym or a restaurant or bar
Less than 10% of transmission is found in the outdoor setting
Fauci discussing variants - The UK Vaccine is now the dominant variant covid-19 strain in the USA, but it is covered by all of the mRNA vaccine - South African variant - all of the vaccines except the AstraZeneca are effective against this variant
Final statement from Fauci: ”Get vaccinated and you will have a degree of protection even from the variants”
Joe must have not got the message yesterday... Say it with me everyone, prop·a·gan·da...
Fully vaccinated people do not need to wear masks in small outdoor gatherings, even if some people at the gathering are not vaccinated. They double down that if you are vaccinated, your risk is minimal to none when outdoors, even around unvaccinated people
Still wear masks at larger packed outdoor gatherings
Vaccinated people can resume regular every day activities indoors safely with a mask such as going to the gym or a restaurant or bar
Less than 10% of transmission is found in the outdoor setting
Fauci discussing variants - The UK Vaccine is now the dominant variant covid-19 strain in the USA, but it is covered by all of the mRNA vaccine - South African variant - all of the vaccines except the AstraZeneca are effective against this variant
Final statement from Fauci: ”Get vaccinated and you will have a degree of protection even from the variants”
Joe must have not got the message yesterday... Say it with me everyone, prop·a·gan·da...
Omg I hate him for wearing a mask. Worst president ever.
You are missing the point. On his way to announce that fully vaccinated folks can now go maskless outside, which by the way most of the world has been doing anyways for a year, he walks to the podium, full vaccinated, by himself, with a mask on. Similar to the zoom call with other world leaders a week or so ago, he wears a mask the whole time. What kind of messaging is that?
In Massachusetts, you can go on CVS website and all morning and right now there are tons of openings for at least 50% of CVS locations
We are almost (if not already) at the point where anyone who wants a vaccine can just log on in the morning and get it same day. To me, that has always been the "end" of the pandemic, and that is a thought I maintain today.
Worldwide endemic because you are able to vaccinate while others can't?
I’m not sure where each country is at with vaccination, my comments apply to the USA only since that’s where I’m following my data from.
But, locally, we seem to be at the end of the line with vaccinations, so locally, I feel that it is time to get back to normal
End of line lol 40 something % of Republicans are refusing the vaccine.
What is your solution then? Honestly curious.
You can’t force something on people that isn’t FDA approved at least at a national level. Private entities can mandate vaccines (airlines/colleges/etc) and make it hard enough that people who don’t want the Vaxx say “fuck it”
But what else can we do when every person(in the states) who wants the vaccine can readily and easily get it and protect themselves?
100% of the country was never going to get the vaccine. We are never going to prevent anyone ever dying again of coronavirus or a variant. Anyone who expects that doesn’t live in reality
Sorry for the rant, but the 10% crowd of people who (I think) genuinely never want the pandemic to end are just as frustrating as the 10% of fools who think the vaccine and the pandemic are a fake government ploy to do whatever the hell they think is going on
Do you have children? No judgement, just a question.
I do not
I do and am concerned that many do not seem to consider kids just because it is not lethal to them in large numbers. They certainly can carry and transmit it and if long term effects are associated with some who get Covid, what does this mean for kids?
I'm rooting damn hard to get back to some sense of normal, I'm for certain not a person who wants this to continue but I feel like rushing out as the end is in sight is kind of a slap back on all of the stuff we have been through the past year +
Just want as few people to die as possible. All in favor of vaxx cards, of letting people who don't want it deal with the fallout....but I think we are still a ways from them being the only ones without the vaxx.
I understand. I also hope that we can get more data regarding the vaccine in children. But like you said, it is not as lethal to children. Possible? Yes, but not nearly to the degree of the at risk crowd. I can’t relate as closely since I don’t have children.
We actually need to beat the virus before we beat the virus. That’s the simple fact conservatives are overlooking. If we take a close look at vaccinations by state, many democratic states have at least one dose in 47% of the population while red states are at 37%. That gap is only going to widen. To beat the virus, we need to get new cases very low, so the virus does not continue to mutate and strengthen. If statewide populations only vaccinate around 55% of the population, the virus will mutate, become stronger and deadlier.
A healthier country would be having THAT discussion, before whining about lost freedoms. And it can’t be said enough, there are counties that do. Australia unvaccinated is healthier than the US vaccinated. We should all chew on that for a moment.
And some were trumping up Texas success here last week. Where are they now?
What if Australia already had an outbreak prior to 2020? I am telling y'all, spend some time today reading through some links I post. The Ethical Skeptic posts some very intriguing stuff.
Since I have the usual suspects attention, anyone care to comment on this or nah, just gonna keep our collective heads in the sand?
This is great dude. Seriously. Back in the peak of the pandemic, I drove around the streets of DC for 45 seconds and didn't see anyone die. So it must be true that no one has died from COVID in DC, and therefore not in the United States as well. I mean, is there anything more empirical than me with my phone on the street? I think not.
Fucking idiocy. You got my attention long enough for me to laugh about it.
Not today Sir, Probably not tomorrow.............................................. bayfront arena st. pete '94
you're finally here and I'm a mess................................................... nationwide arena columbus '10
memories like fingerprints are slowly raising.................................... first niagara center buffalo '13
another man ..... moved by sleight of hand...................................... joe louis arena detroit '14
In Massachusetts, you can go on CVS website and all morning and right now there are tons of openings for at least 50% of CVS locations
We are almost (if not already) at the point where anyone who wants a vaccine can just log on in the morning and get it same day. To me, that has always been the "end" of the pandemic, and that is a thought I maintain today.
Worldwide endemic because you are able to vaccinate while others can't?
I’m not sure where each country is at with vaccination, my comments apply to the USA only since that’s where I’m following my data from.
But, locally, we seem to be at the end of the line with vaccinations, so locally, I feel that it is time to get back to normal
End of line lol 40 something % of Republicans are refusing the vaccine.
What is your solution then? Honestly curious.
You can’t force something on people that isn’t FDA approved at least at a national level. Private entities can mandate vaccines (airlines/colleges/etc) and make it hard enough that people who don’t want the Vaxx say “fuck it”
But what else can we do when every person(in the states) who wants the vaccine can readily and easily get it and protect themselves?
100% of the country was never going to get the vaccine. We are never going to prevent anyone ever dying again of coronavirus or a variant. Anyone who expects that doesn’t live in reality
Sorry for the rant, but the 10% crowd of people who (I think) genuinely never want the pandemic to end are just as frustrating as the 10% of fools who think the vaccine and the pandemic are a fake government ploy to do whatever the hell they think is going on
Do you have children? No judgement, just a question.
I do not
I do and am concerned that many do not seem to consider kids just because it is not lethal to them in large numbers. They certainly can carry and transmit it and if long term effects are associated with some who get Covid, what does this mean for kids?
I'm rooting damn hard to get back to some sense of normal, I'm for certain not a person who wants this to continue but I feel like rushing out as the end is in sight is kind of a slap back on all of the stuff we have been through the past year +
Just want as few people to die as possible. All in favor of vaxx cards, of letting people who don't want it deal with the fallout....but I think we are still a ways from them being the only ones without the vaxx.
I understand. I also hope that we can get more data regarding the vaccine in children. But like you said, it is not as lethal to children. Possible? Yes, but not nearly to the degree of the at risk crowd. I can’t relate as closely since I don’t have children.
We actually need to beat the virus before we beat the virus. That’s the simple fact conservatives are overlooking. If we take a close look at vaccinations by state, many democratic states have at least one dose in 47% of the population while red states are at 37%. That gap is only going to widen. To beat the virus, we need to get new cases very low, so the virus does not continue to mutate and strengthen. If statewide populations only vaccinate around 55% of the population, the virus will mutate, become stronger and deadlier.
A healthier country would be having THAT discussion, before whining about lost freedoms. And it can’t be said enough, there are counties that do. Australia unvaccinated is healthier than the US vaccinated. We should all chew on that for a moment.
And some were trumping up Texas success here last week. Where are they now?
What if Australia already had an outbreak prior to 2020? I am telling y'all, spend some time today reading through some links I post. The Ethical Skeptic posts some very intriguing stuff.
Since I have the usual suspects attention, anyone care to comment on this or nah, just gonna keep our collective heads in the sand?
This is great dude. Seriously. Back in the peak of the pandemic, I drove around the streets of DC for 45 seconds and didn't see anyone die. So it must be true that no one has died from COVID in DC, and therefore not in the United States as well. I mean, is there anything more empirical than me with my phone on the street? I think not.
Fucking idiocy. You got my attention long enough for me to laugh about it.
Nah man, you are picking up my throw away post from the girl in India, which I love how no one picks on the New York Post using a photo from a gas leak a year ago, because the media would never mislead us. I am talking about the Ethical Skeptic tweets and the theory that the coronavirus has been around since 2018, anyone care to comment on that?
Fully vaccinated people do not need to wear masks in small outdoor gatherings, even if some people at the gathering are not vaccinated. They double down that if you are vaccinated, your risk is minimal to none when outdoors, even around unvaccinated people
Still wear masks at larger packed outdoor gatherings
Vaccinated people can resume regular every day activities indoors safely with a mask such as going to the gym or a restaurant or bar
Less than 10% of transmission is found in the outdoor setting
Fauci discussing variants - The UK Vaccine is now the dominant variant covid-19 strain in the USA, but it is covered by all of the mRNA vaccine - South African variant - all of the vaccines except the AstraZeneca are effective against this variant
Final statement from Fauci: ”Get vaccinated and you will have a degree of protection even from the variants”
Joe must have not got the message yesterday... Say it with me everyone, prop·a·gan·da...
Omg I hate him for wearing a mask. Worst president ever.
You are missing the point. On his way to announce that fully vaccinated folks can now go maskless outside, which by the way most of the world has been doing anyways for a year, he walks to the podium, full vaccinated, by himself, with a mask on. Similar to the zoom call with other world leaders a week or so ago, he wears a mask the whole time. What kind of messaging is that?
One of compassion and solidarity?
Just a guess. Same as anyone who says he's wearing it to stoke fear and keep us all enslaved by a nonexistent virus.
I'll go out on a limb, though, and say he's certainly not wearing it because it makes him look cool or because it's so comfortable to do so.
Hey mickey, I have a little secret for you.... Us "chucklefucks" have been returned to normal for a long time... Didn't even need the vaccine to do it... Amazing...
Also, your "Responsible Citizen" needs one more mask on!
In Massachusetts, you can go on CVS website and all morning and right now there are tons of openings for at least 50% of CVS locations
We are almost (if not already) at the point where anyone who wants a vaccine can just log on in the morning and get it same day. To me, that has always been the "end" of the pandemic, and that is a thought I maintain today.
Worldwide endemic because you are able to vaccinate while others can't?
I’m not sure where each country is at with vaccination, my comments apply to the USA only since that’s where I’m following my data from.
But, locally, we seem to be at the end of the line with vaccinations, so locally, I feel that it is time to get back to normal
End of line lol 40 something % of Republicans are refusing the vaccine.
What is your solution then? Honestly curious.
You can’t force something on people that isn’t FDA approved at least at a national level. Private entities can mandate vaccines (airlines/colleges/etc) and make it hard enough that people who don’t want the Vaxx say “fuck it”
But what else can we do when every person(in the states) who wants the vaccine can readily and easily get it and protect themselves?
100% of the country was never going to get the vaccine. We are never going to prevent anyone ever dying again of coronavirus or a variant. Anyone who expects that doesn’t live in reality
Sorry for the rant, but the 10% crowd of people who (I think) genuinely never want the pandemic to end are just as frustrating as the 10% of fools who think the vaccine and the pandemic are a fake government ploy to do whatever the hell they think is going on
Do you have children? No judgement, just a question.
I do not
I do and am concerned that many do not seem to consider kids just because it is not lethal to them in large numbers. They certainly can carry and transmit it and if long term effects are associated with some who get Covid, what does this mean for kids?
I'm rooting damn hard to get back to some sense of normal, I'm for certain not a person who wants this to continue but I feel like rushing out as the end is in sight is kind of a slap back on all of the stuff we have been through the past year +
Just want as few people to die as possible. All in favor of vaxx cards, of letting people who don't want it deal with the fallout....but I think we are still a ways from them being the only ones without the vaxx.
I understand. I also hope that we can get more data regarding the vaccine in children. But like you said, it is not as lethal to children. Possible? Yes, but not nearly to the degree of the at risk crowd. I can’t relate as closely since I don’t have children.
We actually need to beat the virus before we beat the virus. That’s the simple fact conservatives are overlooking. If we take a close look at vaccinations by state, many democratic states have at least one dose in 47% of the population while red states are at 37%. That gap is only going to widen. To beat the virus, we need to get new cases very low, so the virus does not continue to mutate and strengthen. If statewide populations only vaccinate around 55% of the population, the virus will mutate, become stronger and deadlier.
A healthier country would be having THAT discussion, before whining about lost freedoms. And it can’t be said enough, there are counties that do. Australia unvaccinated is healthier than the US vaccinated. We should all chew on that for a moment.
And some were trumping up Texas success here last week. Where are they now?
What if Australia already had an outbreak prior to 2020? I am telling y'all, spend some time today reading through some links I post. The Ethical Skeptic posts some very intriguing stuff.
Since I have the usual suspects attention, anyone care to comment on this or nah, just gonna keep our collective heads in the sand?
This is great dude. Seriously. Back in the peak of the pandemic, I drove around the streets of DC for 45 seconds and didn't see anyone die. So it must be true that no one has died from COVID in DC, and therefore not in the United States as well. I mean, is there anything more empirical than me with my phone on the street? I think not.
Fucking idiocy. You got my attention long enough for me to laugh about it.
Nah man, you are picking up my throw away post from the girl in India, which I love how no one picks on the New York Post using a photo from a gas leak a year ago, because the media would never mislead us. I am talking about the Ethical Skeptic tweets and the theory that the coronavirus has been around since 2018, anyone care to comment on that?
My comment... umm great. No.. that's bad? What are you proposing at this point? Bomb China? Tell them we won't sell them our bonds anymore? Refuse to import goods from China? I don't know what the fuck you want us to do with those tweets.
There are no kings inside the gates of eden
2012: Atlanta
2013: London ONT / Wrigley Field / Pittsburgh / Buffalo / San Diego / Los Angeles I / Los Angeles II
2014: Cincinnati / St. Louis / Tulsa / Lincoln / Detroit / Denver
2015: New York City
2016: Ft. Lauderdale / Miami / Jacksonville / Greenville / Hampton / Columbia / Lexington / Philly II / New York City II / Toronto II / Bonnaroo / Telluride / Fenway I / Wrigley I / Wrigley - II / TOTD - Philadelphia, San Francisco
2017: Ohana Fest (EV)
2018: Amsterdam I / Amsterdam II / Seattle I / Seattle II / Boston I / Boston II
2021: Asbury Park / Ohana Encore 1 / Ohana Encore 2
2022: Phoenix / LA I / LA II / Quebec City / Ottawa / New York City / Camden / Nashville / St. Louis / Denver
2023: St. Paul II
2024: Las Vegas I / Las Vegas II / New York City I / New York City II / Philly I / Philly II / Baltimore
Is "cheering for failure" the same as "covid is a hoax and really due to motorcycle crashes and gun shot deaths?"
posted by "Joe, you know trump won"
And the best is: "Indian people like to sleep in the street"
WATCH: Channel 9 questions DeSantis about state cutting off Orange County from vaccine database – WFTV
Fucking idiocy. You got my attention long enough for me to laugh about it.
Not today Sir, Probably not tomorrow.............................................. bayfront arena st. pete '94
you're finally here and I'm a mess................................................... nationwide arena columbus '10
memories like fingerprints are slowly raising.................................... first niagara center buffalo '13
another man ..... moved by sleight of hand...................................... joe louis arena detroit '14
Just a guess. Same as anyone who says he's wearing it to stoke fear and keep us all enslaved by a nonexistent virus.
I'll go out on a limb, though, and say he's certainly not wearing it because it makes him look cool or because it's so comfortable to do so.
Also, your "Responsible Citizen" needs one more mask on!