Someone please answer me this: why does the right dislike Fauci so much?
It's nothing personal. Trump always needs a foil, an enemy. Someone who wronged him. In this case, it started because Fauci was so conservative in his advice on the pandemic. He made the cardinal sin of prioritizing health over the economy. The right wing media was the first to start criticizing him, and Trump has taken that mantle. It's interesting to see the symbiotic and circular nature of the relationship between Trump and his base. They feed each other ideas and if anything, Trump follows their lead.
Also their constant battle with the inconvenient truth.
Someone please answer me this: why does the right dislike Fauci so much?
It's nothing personal. Trump always needs a foil, an enemy. Someone who wronged him. In this case, it started because Fauci was so conservative in his advice on the pandemic. He made the cardinal sin of prioritizing health over the economy. The right wing media was the first to start criticizing him, and Trump has taken that mantle. It's interesting to see the symbiotic and circular nature of the relationship between Trump and his base. They feed each other ideas and if anything, Trump follows their lead.
Also their constant battle with the inconvenient truth.
I particularly like Team Trump Treason’s purposeful disinformation campaign against Fauci to make him look bad or for Team Trump Treason to have someone else blame. Like claiming Fauci said the virus wasn’t a serious threat and that wearing masks wasn’t necessary. What Team Trump Treason doesn’t show or reveal in that clip is that it was said when there were 5 known cases total in the US and that Fauci goes on to qualify his statement by saying if it gets worse, uptick in cases, then we need a more aggressive response, including mask wearing, contact tracing, testing, isolating, etc. Faux news repeats the deliberate misinformation and the deplorables buy in to it. Suckers.
This is going to get a fucking shit storm way worse before it gets better. But keep believing Team Trump Treason, he’s got YOUR best interests at heart.
I don't understand why anyone thinks half ass measures are going to do anything except prolong the suffering, both to our health and the economy. Either we try again with a fully national, close to 100% shutdown (we got to about 50% at best, according to estimates I've seen), or we just say fuck it and give up. I see and hear people all around me going with the give up route. Masking, social distancing, hand-washing -- those are mitigating behaviors. Those are not "Let's squash this fucking virus" behaviors. Seriously -- all these idiots at the beach this summer. You couldn't go one damn summer of your life without a beach vacation???
I'm a teacher trying to get my students back in school so their parents can go back to work. Taking them on a beach vacation shows me these parents are not serious at all about getting back to work or school.
So you think everyone should just stay home and we shut everything down? Am I reading that correctly?
Someone please answer me this: why does the right dislike Fauci so much?
It's nothing personal. Trump always needs a foil, an enemy. Someone who wronged him. In this case, it started because Fauci was so conservative in his advice on the pandemic. He made the cardinal sin of prioritizing health over the economy. The right wing media was the first to start criticizing him, and Trump has taken that mantle. It's interesting to see the symbiotic and circular nature of the relationship between Trump and his base. They feed each other ideas and if anything, Trump follows their lead.
Also their constant battle with the inconvenient truth.
I particularly like Team Trump Treason’s purposeful disinformation campaign against Fauci to make him look bad or for Team Trump Treason to have someone else blame. Like claiming Fauci said the virus wasn’t a serious threat and that wearing masks wasn’t necessary. What Team Trump Treason doesn’t show or reveal in that clip is that it was said when there were 5 known cases total in the US and that Fauci goes on to qualify his statement by saying if it gets worse, uptick in cases, then we need a more aggressive response, including mask wearing, contact tracing, testing, isolating, etc. Faux news repeats the deliberate misinformation and the deplorables buy in to it. Suckers.
This is going to get a fucking shit storm way worse before it gets better. But keep believing Team Trump Treason, he’s got YOUR best interests at heart.
I think it's a great idea for the Trump team to make the campaign about Fauci. Feels like a winner.
I'm going to continue my rant, if you will allow me.
Yesterday I had to go into school for a non-Covid related meeting. I interacted with about 10 people. Four of them were not wearing masks, including the assistant principal I was meeting with in a tiny ass book closet regarding inventory. Over the course of our meeting, something she said led me to believe the school board will vote tonight to go back in person 100%. That will be determined later, but I will not be surprised because my district is led by a bunch of white Open-Er-Up Republicans who hate spending their tax dollars educating brown Spanish speaking children. They don't give a crap at the end of the day what happens to these kids, though they all pay lip service to how much they do.
For the record, I have said before that I prefer the 100% going in option because the hybrid plan is just another half ass, feel-like-we're-doing-something-but-not measure, and fully online will not work for my student population. I walked by my classroom yesterday to see what cleaning looked like. While the room was in fact cleaner than any summer cleaning I've seen, I noticed in all the rooms I passed that the custodians must have been instructed to only set up half the desks facing forward to model what a hybrid would result in. (The other half were stacked against a wall.) With only half the desks set up, there was about, and certainly no more than, three feet between them.
When I came home, I told my mother that we needed to start talking about what happens when I go back to school, and what happens when I get sick. She didn't want to talk about it. She said it was a terrible thing to say and think about. Since she didn't appear ready, I didn't push, but closed the conversation by telling her that once school starts, we will both have to start wearing a mask *in the house* and that I will mostly be hanging out in my bedroom or office.
I say all of this to reinforce why I am madder than freaking hell right now that this country has FAILED miserably at sacrifice and self-discipline. We have WASTED SEVEN MONTHS if you start with January, not March, with our hand-wringing and arguing and whining about this or that. Now we want to put ALL THE BURDEN on our schools/teachers to "save the economy" (the way we do with every other social ill out there). Meanwhile, let's prop up the tourism industry with hundreds of billions of dollars so people can go on fucking beach vacations this summer. It's sickening. If our leaders and our citizens had just done their fucking part, 100%, months ago, my mother and I would be having a completely different conversation right now.
Someone please answer me this: why does the right dislike Fauci so much?
It's nothing personal. Trump always needs a foil, an enemy. Someone who wronged him. In this case, it started because Fauci was so conservative in his advice on the pandemic. He made the cardinal sin of prioritizing health over the economy. The right wing media was the first to start criticizing him, and Trump has taken that mantle. It's interesting to see the symbiotic and circular nature of the relationship between Trump and his base. They feed each other ideas and if anything, Trump follows their lead.
Also their constant battle with the inconvenient truth.
Yep. First, Trump relies on domestic enemies to rile his base up. The GOP, for most of my life, has relied on foreign enemies. But for Trump it's a myopic view of how to win an election (since it's all that matters to him); rile up his people against the people that might vote for his opponent. For Reagan and W it was about trying to unite the country against a foreign enemy. Politically, Trump's tact is stupider because he's also riling up his opponents and missing opportunities with the apolitical and undecided.
Second, yeah, they seem to be wishing away this inconvenient truth and there is a parallel to their response to the environment. It's a worse look, though, in that most people have an immediate nervousness about the virus, whereas the environment has been an issue for decades that has always seemed almost abstract. In both cases, the GOP responds with "economy first" but this issue is just more in our faces.
1995 Milwaukee 1998 Alpine, Alpine 2003 Albany, Boston, Boston, Boston 2004 Boston, Boston 2006 Hartford, St. Paul (Petty), St. Paul (Petty) 2011 Alpine, Alpine 2013 Wrigley 2014 St. Paul 2016 Fenway, Fenway, Wrigley, Wrigley 2018 Missoula, Wrigley, Wrigley 2021 Asbury Park 2022 St Louis 2023 Austin, Austin 2024 Napa, Wrigley, Wrigley
I don't understand why anyone thinks half ass measures are going to do anything except prolong the suffering, both to our health and the economy. Either we try again with a fully national, close to 100% shutdown (we got to about 50% at best, according to estimates I've seen), or we just say fuck it and give up. I see and hear people all around me going with the give up route. Masking, social distancing, hand-washing -- those are mitigating behaviors. Those are not "Let's squash this fucking virus" behaviors. Seriously -- all these idiots at the beach this summer. You couldn't go one damn summer of your life without a beach vacation???
I'm a teacher trying to get my students back in school so their parents can go back to work. Taking them on a beach vacation shows me these parents are not serious at all about getting back to work or school.
So you think everyone should just stay home and we shut everything down? Am I reading that correctly?
Yes, we should have done that from the beginning. Read my post above.
Here's the deal: start putting your papers in order. Make sure you have a plan for when you get sick/die. At the rate we are going, every single one of us will get this disease. Don't plan on a vaccine. It's not happening. We have never once had a successful vaccine for a Coronavirus, studies are now showing the antibodies are not permanent, the virus is mutating, and about 90% of the population has a dysfunctional metabolic system of some sort. Good luck. That's become my replacement farewell to everyone.
One would assume it is easier to control 4.8 million people compared to 326.7 million people who already can't agree on anything...just slightly though.
Gotta comb the internet to get mad though
Comb the internet? 137,000 deaths and counting...
Didn't even need the internet for that one.
Is there a coronavirus hotline number you could share for US only stats, or does your non internet Canadian news source of choice just choose to pay as much attention to the US as you do?
Still think you would be in the same covid disaster with Hillary at the helm?
Sure you do, it's American exceptionalism!
I’ve already stated that it is pointless to play those silly games. Could be better or it could be worse, no different than literally any other scenario you could dream about. It just seems weird that you choose to immerse yourself in all things US, but I understand the need to feel accepted is greater for some. I am glad you have found your home.
Could be better, could be worse? Guess we shouldn't bother with critical thought, because, ya know, silly.
I have no idea what you're going on about. Accepted? Found my home?
Any objective person can see your president has fucked this up beyond any imaginable measure. A complete and total fraud. I'm just glad the Canadian border in (mostly) closed.
I commented because common sense would suggest comparing the US and NZ is a major stretch given the population disparity. Pretty simple, and in no way political. You bring up the US death toll and then hillary for some reason, thank you for your critical thinking. Now you are saying about trump what has already been said a million times over like there are people who still haven’t heard this or realize it. More critical thinking or just copy and paste? I have never participated in our political process and prefer not to bitch and moan everyday, but don’t worry I have already been made aware it is my fault trump was elected In the first place so you can save yourself from that line. Back to the virus.
Population of EU: 445 million Population of the US: 331 million
Yea, nobody does it better than 'Murica. And anyone, anyone, could have done a better job of reacting to and managing Covid in the US than Team Trump Treason.
One would assume it is easier to control 4.8 million people compared to 326.7 million people who already can't agree on anything...just slightly though.
Gotta comb the internet to get mad though
Comb the internet? 137,000 deaths and counting...
Didn't even need the internet for that one.
Is there a coronavirus hotline number you could share for US only stats, or does your non internet Canadian news source of choice just choose to pay as much attention to the US as you do?
Still think you would be in the same covid disaster with Hillary at the helm?
Sure you do, it's American exceptionalism!
I’ve already stated that it is pointless to play those silly games. Could be better or it could be worse, no different than literally any other scenario you could dream about. It just seems weird that you choose to immerse yourself in all things US, but I understand the need to feel accepted is greater for some. I am glad you have found your home.
Could be better, could be worse? Guess we shouldn't bother with critical thought, because, ya know, silly.
I have no idea what you're going on about. Accepted? Found my home?
Any objective person can see your president has fucked this up beyond any imaginable measure. A complete and total fraud. I'm just glad the Canadian border in (mostly) closed.
I commented because common sense would suggest comparing the US and NZ is a major stretch given the population disparity. Pretty simple, and in no way political. You bring up the US death toll and then hillary for some reason, thank you for your critical thinking. Now you are saying about trump what has already been said a million times over like there are people who still haven’t heard this or realize it. More critical thinking or just copy and paste? I have never participated in our political process and prefer not to bitch and moan everyday, but don’t worry I have already been made aware it is my fault trump was elected In the first place so you can save yourself from that line. Back to the virus.
Population of EU: 445 million Population of the US: 331 million
Yea, nobody does it better than 'Murica. And anyone, anyone, could have done a better job of reacting to and managing Covid in the US than Team Trump Treason.
I hate Trump as much as the next person, but at this point, I'm laying the blame at the foot of the American people. At this point, people have decided to play Russian roulette with this virus. So far, if you're white, you've been mostly lucky. This luck will run out when the white teachers go into schools with their black and brown students and bring it into their cozy, clean neighborhoods. Get ready for October, everyone.
I'm going to continue my rant, if you will allow me.
Yesterday I had to go into school for a non-Covid related meeting. I interacted with about 10 people. Four of them were not wearing masks, including the assistant principal I was meeting with in a tiny ass book closet regarding inventory. Over the course of our meeting, something she said led me to believe the school board will vote tonight to go back in person 100%. That will be determined later, but I will not be surprised because my district is led by a bunch of white Open-Er-Up Republicans who hate spending their tax dollars educating brown Spanish speaking children. They don't give a crap at the end of the day what happens to these kids, though they all pay lip service to how much they do.
For the record, I have said before that I prefer the 100% going in option because the hybrid plan is just another half ass, feel-like-we're-doing-something-but-not measure, and fully online will not work for my student population. I walked by my classroom yesterday to see what cleaning looked like. While the room was in fact cleaner than any summer cleaning I've seen, I noticed in all the rooms I passed that the custodians must have been instructed to only set up half the desks facing forward to model what a hybrid would result in. (The other half were stacked against a wall.) With only half the desks set up, there was about, and certainly no more than, three feet between them.
When I came home, I told my mother that we needed to start talking about what happens when I go back to school, and what happens when I get sick. She didn't want to talk about it. She said it was a terrible thing to say and think about. Since she didn't appear ready, I didn't push, but closed the conversation by telling her that once school starts, we will both have to start wearing a mask *in the house* and that I will mostly be hanging out in my bedroom or office.
I say all of this to reinforce why I am madder than freaking hell right now that this country has FAILED miserably at sacrifice and self-discipline. We have WASTED SEVEN MONTHS if you start with January, not March, with our hand-wringing and arguing and whining about this or that. Now we want to put ALL THE BURDEN on our schools/teachers to "save the economy" (the way we do with every other social ill out there). Meanwhile, let's prop up the tourism industry with hundreds of billions of dollars so people can go on fucking beach vacations this summer. It's sickening. If our leaders and our citizens had just done their fucking part, 100%, months ago, my mother and I would be having a completely different conversation right now.
Hot damn, woman. Some of what you feel and wrote resonates with me...especially that last part.
Good thoughts to you and your mom, and all of those kiddos.
One would assume it is easier to control 4.8 million people compared to 326.7 million people who already can't agree on anything...just slightly though.
Gotta comb the internet to get mad though
Comb the internet? 137,000 deaths and counting...
Didn't even need the internet for that one.
Is there a coronavirus hotline number you could share for US only stats, or does your non internet Canadian news source of choice just choose to pay as much attention to the US as you do?
Still think you would be in the same covid disaster with Hillary at the helm?
Sure you do, it's American exceptionalism!
I’ve already stated that it is pointless to play those silly games. Could be better or it could be worse, no different than literally any other scenario you could dream about. It just seems weird that you choose to immerse yourself in all things US, but I understand the need to feel accepted is greater for some. I am glad you have found your home.
Could be better, could be worse? Guess we shouldn't bother with critical thought, because, ya know, silly.
I have no idea what you're going on about. Accepted? Found my home?
Any objective person can see your president has fucked this up beyond any imaginable measure. A complete and total fraud. I'm just glad the Canadian border in (mostly) closed.
I commented because common sense would suggest comparing the US and NZ is a major stretch given the population disparity. Pretty simple, and in no way political. You bring up the US death toll and then hillary for some reason, thank you for your critical thinking. Now you are saying about trump what has already been said a million times over like there are people who still haven’t heard this or realize it. More critical thinking or just copy and paste? I have never participated in our political process and prefer not to bitch and moan everyday, but don’t worry I have already been made aware it is my fault trump was elected In the first place so you can save yourself from that line. Back to the virus.
It really is interesting (to put it friendly) to admittingly never participate in the political process then come on the AMT and criticize people who do. I guess how ever you get your kicks? Obviously you want to participate in politics, even if by just passive aggressively defending Trump. So if you want to continue this defense let's continue it over in the Trump thread.
But yeah, back to the virus (which has become very much politicised). I nervously watch the dumpster fire in the US hoping it doesn't spread to my country, the intensity of the virus and stupidity.
More interesting than someone who doesn't have to smell the shit, but willingly sticks their nose in it anyway? I live here and can't get away from the stench. Criticize people? Defending trump? This post isn't very long, go back and read it. I get your game and I am not interested.
Some countries get it....One would assume it is easier to control 4.8 million people compared to 326.7 million people who already can't agree on anything...just slightly though.
Gotta comb the internet to get mad though
Comb the internet? 137,000 deaths and counting...
Didn't even need the internet for that one.
Is there a coronavirus hotline number you could share for US only stats, or does your non internet Canadian news source of choice just choose to pay as much attention to the US as you do?
Still think you would be in the same covid disaster with Hillary at the helm?
Sure you do, it's American exceptionalism!
I’ve already stated that it is pointless to play those silly games. Could be better or it could be worse, no different than literally any other scenario you could dream about. It just seems weird that you choose to immerse yourself in all things US, but I understand the need to feel accepted is greater for some. I am glad you have found your home.
Could be better, could be worse? Guess we shouldn't bother with critical thought, because, ya know, silly.
I have no idea what you're going on about. Accepted? Found my home?
Any objective person can see your president has fucked this up beyond any imaginable measure. A complete and total fraud. I'm just glad the Canadian border in (mostly) closed.
I commented because common sense would suggest comparing the US and NZ is a major stretch given the population disparity. Pretty simple, and in no way political. You bring up the US death toll and then hillary for some reason, thank you for your critical thinking. Now you are saying about trump what has already been said a million times over like there are people who still haven’t heard this or realize it. More critical thinking or just copy and paste? I have never participated in our political process and prefer not to bitch and moan everyday, but don’t worry I have already been made aware it is my fault trump was elected In the first place so you can save yourself from that line. Back to the virus.
Population of EU: 445 million Population of the US: 331 million
Yea, nobody does it better than 'Murica. And anyone, anyone, could have done a better job of reacting to and managing Covid in the US than Team Trump Treason.
I hate Trump as much as the next person, but at this point, I'm laying the blame at the foot of the American people. At this point, people have decided to play Russian roulette with this virus. So far, if you're white, you've been mostly lucky. This luck will run out when the white teachers go into schools with their black and brown students and bring it into their cozy, clean neighborhoods. Get ready for October, everyone.
While I think it's disingenuous to blame Trump for 135,000 out of 135,000 deaths, I do think it would be going a bit better with Hillary. I don't think she'd be actively trying to wish away all negative news and contradicting actual experts for the sake of her election. Yeah, she'd have made missteps (as do the experts; it's science, not the bible). Not to mention that even without missteps we weren't going to get through this unscathed. But the focus from the White House would be on actually trying to mitigate as opposed to dividing us and winning an election.
But I agree that the lion's share of the problem is simply "America." We're probably the most individual-focused (i.e., least collective-focused) country in the world. We look out for ourselves in America and we don't generally like to make personal sacrifices for the greater good. And we don't like to be told what to do. This would still be a factor under Hillary. And she's hated enough that her wearing a mask might have the same outcome as Trump not wearing one (i.e., people not wearing them to own the libs). So either way, this was probably a perfect disaster for the US to show the world what it is.
Post edited by OnWis97 on
1995 Milwaukee 1998 Alpine, Alpine 2003 Albany, Boston, Boston, Boston 2004 Boston, Boston 2006 Hartford, St. Paul (Petty), St. Paul (Petty) 2011 Alpine, Alpine 2013 Wrigley 2014 St. Paul 2016 Fenway, Fenway, Wrigley, Wrigley 2018 Missoula, Wrigley, Wrigley 2021 Asbury Park 2022 St Louis 2023 Austin, Austin 2024 Napa, Wrigley, Wrigley
One would assume it is easier to control 4.8 million people compared to 326.7 million people who already can't agree on anything...just slightly though.
Gotta comb the internet to get mad though
Comb the internet? 137,000 deaths and counting...
Didn't even need the internet for that one.
Is there a coronavirus hotline number you could share for US only stats, or does your non internet Canadian news source of choice just choose to pay as much attention to the US as you do?
Still think you would be in the same covid disaster with Hillary at the helm?
Sure you do, it's American exceptionalism!
I’ve already stated that it is pointless to play those silly games. Could be better or it could be worse, no different than literally any other scenario you could dream about. It just seems weird that you choose to immerse yourself in all things US, but I understand the need to feel accepted is greater for some. I am glad you have found your home.
Could be better, could be worse? Guess we shouldn't bother with critical thought, because, ya know, silly.
I have no idea what you're going on about. Accepted? Found my home?
Any objective person can see your president has fucked this up beyond any imaginable measure. A complete and total fraud. I'm just glad the Canadian border in (mostly) closed.
I commented because common sense would suggest comparing the US and NZ is a major stretch given the population disparity. Pretty simple, and in no way political. You bring up the US death toll and then hillary for some reason, thank you for your critical thinking. Now you are saying about trump what has already been said a million times over like there are people who still haven’t heard this or realize it. More critical thinking or just copy and paste? I have never participated in our political process and prefer not to bitch and moan everyday, but don’t worry I have already been made aware it is my fault trump was elected In the first place so you can save yourself from that line. Back to the virus.
Population of EU: 445 million Population of the US: 331 million
Yea, nobody does it better than 'Murica. And anyone, anyone, could have done a better job of reacting to and managing Covid in the US than Team Trump Treason.
That is a logical comparison, but be careful because that would mean that Europe is the death toll leader and I know that was not the side you were going for. Like what dreams said, ultimately governments can only do so much and it comes down to the people. Do you have children? You think one is a challenge until you have another one, now think about wrangling a country. THIS IS NOT AN ENDORSEMENT FOR TRUMP
This past weekend my S.O. and I went to 2 different car show type events in 2 different settings. This was the first time we had done anything or gone anywhere that wasn't a "necessity" since the first week of March.
Saturday was your run of the mill American classics in a suburban parking lot outside 2 local craft breweries (literally next door to each other). Out of the 2 hundred or so people in the parking lot and brewery taprooms we were the only people wearing masks except for may 4 or five others. No staff, no volunteers, nobody. It was scary. Even outside. We didn't hang around long.
Sunday was high end cars in the parking lot of the local Bentley dealership. Ferrari, Lamborghini, Ford GT, Porsche, Etc. Out of a few hundred people maybe 15-20 including us were wearing masks. When we went into the crowded Bentley showroom we were the only ones wearing masks. It was scary. We went into the high end cocktail/whiskey bar next door. Nobody wearing masks. No staff, no guests, nobody. It was scary. Went back outside did another lap of the cars and left.
America and Americans are not dealing with this in a good safe way. Maybe this will end up being Darwinism at play and the herd will be thinned.
This past weekend my S.O. and I went to 2 different car show type events in 2 different settings. This was the first time we had done anything or gone anywhere that wasn't a "necessity" since the first week of March.
Saturday was your run of the mill American classics in a suburban parking lot outside 2 local craft breweries (literally next door to each other). Out of the 2 hundred or so people in the parking lot and brewery taprooms we were the only people wearing masks except for may 4 or five others. No staff, no volunteers, nobody. It was scary. Even outside. We didn't hang around long.
Sunday was high end cars in the parking lot of the local Bentley dealership. Ferrari, Lamborghini, Ford GT, Porsche, Etc. Out of a few hundred people maybe 15-20 including us were wearing masks. When we went into the crowded Bentley showroom we were the only ones wearing masks. It was scary. We went into the high end cocktail/whiskey bar next door. Nobody wearing masks. No staff, no guests, nobody. It was scary. Went back outside did another lap of the cars and left.
America and Americans are not dealing with this in a good safe way. Maybe this will end up being Darwinism at play and the herd will be thinned.
Some countries get it....One would assume it is easier to control 4.8 million people compared to 326.7 million people who already can't agree on anything...just slightly though.
Gotta comb the internet to get mad though
Comb the internet? 137,000 deaths and counting...
Didn't even need the internet for that one.
Is there a coronavirus hotline number you could share for US only stats, or does your non internet Canadian news source of choice just choose to pay as much attention to the US as you do?
Still think you would be in the same covid disaster with Hillary at the helm?
Sure you do, it's American exceptionalism!
I’ve already stated that it is pointless to play those silly games. Could be better or it could be worse, no different than literally any other scenario you could dream about. It just seems weird that you choose to immerse yourself in all things US, but I understand the need to feel accepted is greater for some. I am glad you have found your home.
Could be better, could be worse? Guess we shouldn't bother with critical thought, because, ya know, silly.
I have no idea what you're going on about. Accepted? Found my home?
Any objective person can see your president has fucked this up beyond any imaginable measure. A complete and total fraud. I'm just glad the Canadian border in (mostly) closed.
I commented because common sense would suggest comparing the US and NZ is a major stretch given the population disparity. Pretty simple, and in no way political. You bring up the US death toll and then hillary for some reason, thank you for your critical thinking. Now you are saying about trump what has already been said a million times over like there are people who still haven’t heard this or realize it. More critical thinking or just copy and paste? I have never participated in our political process and prefer not to bitch and moan everyday, but don’t worry I have already been made aware it is my fault trump was elected In the first place so you can save yourself from that line. Back to the virus.
Population of EU: 445 million Population of the US: 331 million
Yea, nobody does it better than 'Murica. And anyone, anyone, could have done a better job of reacting to and managing Covid in the US than Team Trump Treason.
I hate Trump as much as the next person, but at this point, I'm laying the blame at the foot of the American people. At this point, people have decided to play Russian roulette with this virus. So far, if you're white, you've been mostly lucky. This luck will run out when the white teachers go into schools with their black and brown students and bring it into their cozy, clean neighborhoods. Get ready for October, everyone.
While I think it's disingenuous to blame Trump for 135,000 out of 135,000 deaths, I do think it would be going a bit better with Hillary. I don't think she'd be actively trying to wish away all negative news and contradicting actual experts for the sake of her election. Yeah, she'd have made missteps (as do the experts; it's science, not the bible). But the focus from the White House would be on actually trying to mitigate as opposed to dividing us and winning an election.
But I agree that the lion's share of the problem is simply "America." We're probably the most individual-focused (i.e., least collective-focused) country in the world. We look out for ourselves in America and we don't generally like to make personal sacrifices for the greater good. And we don't like to be told what to do. This would still be a factor under Hillary. And she's hated enough that her wearing a mask might have the same outcome as Trump not wearing one (i.e., people not wearing them to own the libs). So either way, this was probably a perfect disaster for the US to show the world what it is.
Hillary or likely any other candidate would be encouraging masks, etc. on a daily basis. Trump has failed horribly at leading us out of this shit
Remember the Thomas Nine !! (10/02/2018) The Golden Age is 2 months away. And guess what….. you’re gonna love it! (teskeinc 11.19.24)
1998: Noblesville; 2003: Noblesville; 2009: EV Nashville, Chicago, Chicago 2010: St Louis, Columbus, Noblesville; 2011: EV Chicago, East Troy, East Troy 2013: London ON, Wrigley; 2014: Cincy, St Louis, Moline (NO CODE) 2016: Lexington, Wrigley #1; 2018: Wrigley, Wrigley, Boston, Boston 2020: Oakland, Oakland:2021: EV Ohana, Ohana, Ohana, Ohana 2022: Oakland, Oakland, Nashville, Louisville; 2023: Chicago, Chicago, Noblesville 2024: Noblesville, Wrigley, Wrigley, Ohana, Ohana; 2025: Pitt1, Pitt2
Some countries get it....One would assume it is easier to control 4.8 million people compared to 326.7 million people who already can't agree on anything...just slightly though.
Gotta comb the internet to get mad though
Comb the internet? 137,000 deaths and counting...
Didn't even need the internet for that one.
Is there a coronavirus hotline number you could share for US only stats, or does your non internet Canadian news source of choice just choose to pay as much attention to the US as you do?
Still think you would be in the same covid disaster with Hillary at the helm?
Sure you do, it's American exceptionalism!
I’ve already stated that it is pointless to play those silly games. Could be better or it could be worse, no different than literally any other scenario you could dream about. It just seems weird that you choose to immerse yourself in all things US, but I understand the need to feel accepted is greater for some. I am glad you have found your home.
Could be better, could be worse? Guess we shouldn't bother with critical thought, because, ya know, silly.
I have no idea what you're going on about. Accepted? Found my home?
Any objective person can see your president has fucked this up beyond any imaginable measure. A complete and total fraud. I'm just glad the Canadian border in (mostly) closed.
I commented because common sense would suggest comparing the US and NZ is a major stretch given the population disparity. Pretty simple, and in no way political. You bring up the US death toll and then hillary for some reason, thank you for your critical thinking. Now you are saying about trump what has already been said a million times over like there are people who still haven’t heard this or realize it. More critical thinking or just copy and paste? I have never participated in our political process and prefer not to bitch and moan everyday, but don’t worry I have already been made aware it is my fault trump was elected In the first place so you can save yourself from that line. Back to the virus.
Population of EU: 445 million Population of the US: 331 million
Yea, nobody does it better than 'Murica. And anyone, anyone, could have done a better job of reacting to and managing Covid in the US than Team Trump Treason.
I hate Trump as much as the next person, but at this point, I'm laying the blame at the foot of the American people. At this point, people have decided to play Russian roulette with this virus. So far, if you're white, you've been mostly lucky. This luck will run out when the white teachers go into schools with their black and brown students and bring it into their cozy, clean neighborhoods. Get ready for October, everyone.
While I think it's disingenuous to blame Trump for 135,000 out of 135,000 deaths, I do think it would be going a bit better with Hillary. I don't think she'd be actively trying to wish away all negative news and contradicting actual experts for the sake of her election. Yeah, she'd have made missteps (as do the experts; it's science, not the bible). But the focus from the White House would be on actually trying to mitigate as opposed to dividing us and winning an election.
But I agree that the lion's share of the problem is simply "America." We're probably the most individual-focused (i.e., least collective-focused) country in the world. We look out for ourselves in America and we don't generally like to make personal sacrifices for the greater good. And we don't like to be told what to do. This would still be a factor under Hillary. And she's hated enough that her wearing a mask might have the same outcome as Trump not wearing one (i.e., people not wearing them to own the libs). So either way, this was probably a perfect disaster for the US to show the world what it is.
Hillary or likely any other candidate would be encouraging masks, etc. on a daily basis. Trump has failed horribly at leading us out of this shit
To be fair, the right wing governors and people would still be fighting the mask. I really don't know if it would make a difference. Trump advocating masks would have helped though
One would assume it is easier to control 4.8 million people compared to 326.7 million people who already can't agree on anything...just slightly though.
Gotta comb the internet to get mad though
Comb the internet? 137,000 deaths and counting...
Didn't even need the internet for that one.
Is there a coronavirus hotline number you could share for US only stats, or does your non internet Canadian news source of choice just choose to pay as much attention to the US as you do?
Still think you would be in the same covid disaster with Hillary at the helm?
Sure you do, it's American exceptionalism!
I’ve already stated that it is pointless to play those silly games. Could be better or it could be worse, no different than literally any other scenario you could dream about. It just seems weird that you choose to immerse yourself in all things US, but I understand the need to feel accepted is greater for some. I am glad you have found your home.
Could be better, could be worse? Guess we shouldn't bother with critical thought, because, ya know, silly.
I have no idea what you're going on about. Accepted? Found my home?
Any objective person can see your president has fucked this up beyond any imaginable measure. A complete and total fraud. I'm just glad the Canadian border in (mostly) closed.
I commented because common sense would suggest comparing the US and NZ is a major stretch given the population disparity. Pretty simple, and in no way political. You bring up the US death toll and then hillary for some reason, thank you for your critical thinking. Now you are saying about trump what has already been said a million times over like there are people who still haven’t heard this or realize it. More critical thinking or just copy and paste? I have never participated in our political process and prefer not to bitch and moan everyday, but don’t worry I have already been made aware it is my fault trump was elected In the first place so you can save yourself from that line. Back to the virus.
Population of EU: 445 million Population of the US: 331 million
Yea, nobody does it better than 'Murica. And anyone, anyone, could have done a better job of reacting to and managing Covid in the US than Team Trump Treason.
That is a logical comparison, but be careful because that would mean that Europe is the death toll leader and I know that was not the side you were going for. Like what dreams said, ultimately governments can only do so much and it comes down to the people. Do you have children? You think one is a challenge until you have another one, now think about wrangling a country. THIS IS NOT AN ENDORSEMENT FOR TRUMP
It would reason that with 114 million more people, yes. Except:
The United States and the European Union have comparable population sizes, but their COVID-19 death toll trajectories have recently become very different. Since the beginning of July, the average number of both new fatalities and new deaths per 1 million people is rapidly increasing in the US while it remains mostly flat in the EU. We compare this to the average number of new cases each seven days in both regions, where the US trend continues upward but is not surging like the death toll. EU countries' robust public health systems and citizens' willingness to wear masks and maintain social distance could explain the disparity.
US=1.93 deaths, three day rolling average, per million > EU=.15
I love the "it can't be done in the US" mantra. Well, we'll suffer the consequences then, won't we? We're free to be stupid, I get it.
Some countries get it....One would assume it is easier to control 4.8 million people compared to 326.7 million people who already can't agree on anything...just slightly though.
Gotta comb the internet to get mad though
Comb the internet? 137,000 deaths and counting...
Didn't even need the internet for that one.
Is there a coronavirus hotline number you could share for US only stats, or does your non internet Canadian news source of choice just choose to pay as much attention to the US as you do?
Still think you would be in the same covid disaster with Hillary at the helm?
Sure you do, it's American exceptionalism!
I’ve already stated that it is pointless to play those silly games. Could be better or it could be worse, no different than literally any other scenario you could dream about. It just seems weird that you choose to immerse yourself in all things US, but I understand the need to feel accepted is greater for some. I am glad you have found your home.
Could be better, could be worse? Guess we shouldn't bother with critical thought, because, ya know, silly.
I have no idea what you're going on about. Accepted? Found my home?
Any objective person can see your president has fucked this up beyond any imaginable measure. A complete and total fraud. I'm just glad the Canadian border in (mostly) closed.
I commented because common sense would suggest comparing the US and NZ is a major stretch given the population disparity. Pretty simple, and in no way political. You bring up the US death toll and then hillary for some reason, thank you for your critical thinking. Now you are saying about trump what has already been said a million times over like there are people who still haven’t heard this or realize it. More critical thinking or just copy and paste? I have never participated in our political process and prefer not to bitch and moan everyday, but don’t worry I have already been made aware it is my fault trump was elected In the first place so you can save yourself from that line. Back to the virus.
Population of EU: 445 million Population of the US: 331 million
Yea, nobody does it better than 'Murica. And anyone, anyone, could have done a better job of reacting to and managing Covid in the US than Team Trump Treason.
I hate Trump as much as the next person, but at this point, I'm laying the blame at the foot of the American people. At this point, people have decided to play Russian roulette with this virus. So far, if you're white, you've been mostly lucky. This luck will run out when the white teachers go into schools with their black and brown students and bring it into their cozy, clean neighborhoods. Get ready for October, everyone.
While I think it's disingenuous to blame Trump for 135,000 out of 135,000 deaths, I do think it would be going a bit better with Hillary. I don't think she'd be actively trying to wish away all negative news and contradicting actual experts for the sake of her election. Yeah, she'd have made missteps (as do the experts; it's science, not the bible). But the focus from the White House would be on actually trying to mitigate as opposed to dividing us and winning an election.
But I agree that the lion's share of the problem is simply "America." We're probably the most individual-focused (i.e., least collective-focused) country in the world. We look out for ourselves in America and we don't generally like to make personal sacrifices for the greater good. And we don't like to be told what to do. This would still be a factor under Hillary. And she's hated enough that her wearing a mask might have the same outcome as Trump not wearing one (i.e., people not wearing them to own the libs). So either way, this was probably a perfect disaster for the US to show the world what it is.
Hillary or likely any other candidate would be encouraging masks, etc. on a daily basis. Trump has failed horribly at leading us out of this shit
To be fair, the right wing governors and people would still be fighting the mask. I really don't know if it would make a difference. Trump advocating masks would have helped though
I agree with Gern that anyone else would be encouraging masks. I do think you're right that you'd have some on the right fighting it to own the libs. But a lot of this crap (corona and non-corona issues alike) is about following Trump because 1) that REALLY owns the libs and 2) it's a cult. So it's hard to say just how badly dum-dums like DeSantis would be behaving right now. And it's hard to say where that 135,000 would be at. Less, but how much less? Sadly we'll never know. We'd have better leadership but we'd still be terribly divided and terribly American.
1995 Milwaukee 1998 Alpine, Alpine 2003 Albany, Boston, Boston, Boston 2004 Boston, Boston 2006 Hartford, St. Paul (Petty), St. Paul (Petty) 2011 Alpine, Alpine 2013 Wrigley 2014 St. Paul 2016 Fenway, Fenway, Wrigley, Wrigley 2018 Missoula, Wrigley, Wrigley 2021 Asbury Park 2022 St Louis 2023 Austin, Austin 2024 Napa, Wrigley, Wrigley
One would assume it is easier to control 4.8 million people compared to 326.7 million people who already can't agree on anything...just slightly though.
Gotta comb the internet to get mad though
Comb the internet? 137,000 deaths and counting...
Didn't even need the internet for that one.
Is there a coronavirus hotline number you could share for US only stats, or does your non internet Canadian news source of choice just choose to pay as much attention to the US as you do?
Still think you would be in the same covid disaster with Hillary at the helm?
Sure you do, it's American exceptionalism!
I’ve already stated that it is pointless to play those silly games. Could be better or it could be worse, no different than literally any other scenario you could dream about. It just seems weird that you choose to immerse yourself in all things US, but I understand the need to feel accepted is greater for some. I am glad you have found your home.
Could be better, could be worse? Guess we shouldn't bother with critical thought, because, ya know, silly.
I have no idea what you're going on about. Accepted? Found my home?
Any objective person can see your president has fucked this up beyond any imaginable measure. A complete and total fraud. I'm just glad the Canadian border in (mostly) closed.
I commented because common sense would suggest comparing the US and NZ is a major stretch given the population disparity. Pretty simple, and in no way political. You bring up the US death toll and then hillary for some reason, thank you for your critical thinking. Now you are saying about trump what has already been said a million times over like there are people who still haven’t heard this or realize it. More critical thinking or just copy and paste? I have never participated in our political process and prefer not to bitch and moan everyday, but don’t worry I have already been made aware it is my fault trump was elected In the first place so you can save yourself from that line. Back to the virus.
Population of EU: 445 million Population of the US: 331 million
Yea, nobody does it better than 'Murica. And anyone, anyone, could have done a better job of reacting to and managing Covid in the US than Team Trump Treason.
I hate Trump as much as the next person, but at this point, I'm laying the blame at the foot of the American people. At this point, people have decided to play Russian roulette with this virus. So far, if you're white, you've been mostly lucky. This luck will run out when the white teachers go into schools with their black and brown students and bring it into their cozy, clean neighborhoods. Get ready for October, everyone.
Many of those American people are un-under educated, don't believe in science and follow Team Trump Treason's advice. I agree with you as I was arguing with family members that we should have gone into a complete, countrywide lock down for 90 days back in mid-March. And had we, we'd have numbers more closely resembling the EU, Canada, Taiwan, NZ, etc. But no, freedom. And unfortunately, like much else of America and Americans, they'll only care when it personally affects them.
Good luck with the school year re-opening and try to stay safe. I'm still mostly self-isolating and working from home and expect to be until the end of the year and most likely, through next summer.
Some countries get it....One would assume it is easier to control 4.8 million people compared to 326.7 million people who already can't agree on anything...just slightly though.
Gotta comb the internet to get mad though
Comb the internet? 137,000 deaths and counting...
Didn't even need the internet for that one.
Is there a coronavirus hotline number you could share for US only stats, or does your non internet Canadian news source of choice just choose to pay as much attention to the US as you do?
Still think you would be in the same covid disaster with Hillary at the helm?
Sure you do, it's American exceptionalism!
I’ve already stated that it is pointless to play those silly games. Could be better or it could be worse, no different than literally any other scenario you could dream about. It just seems weird that you choose to immerse yourself in all things US, but I understand the need to feel accepted is greater for some. I am glad you have found your home.
Could be better, could be worse? Guess we shouldn't bother with critical thought, because, ya know, silly.
I have no idea what you're going on about. Accepted? Found my home?
Any objective person can see your president has fucked this up beyond any imaginable measure. A complete and total fraud. I'm just glad the Canadian border in (mostly) closed.
I commented because common sense would suggest comparing the US and NZ is a major stretch given the population disparity. Pretty simple, and in no way political. You bring up the US death toll and then hillary for some reason, thank you for your critical thinking. Now you are saying about trump what has already been said a million times over like there are people who still haven’t heard this or realize it. More critical thinking or just copy and paste? I have never participated in our political process and prefer not to bitch and moan everyday, but don’t worry I have already been made aware it is my fault trump was elected In the first place so you can save yourself from that line. Back to the virus.
Population of EU: 445 million Population of the US: 331 million
Yea, nobody does it better than 'Murica. And anyone, anyone, could have done a better job of reacting to and managing Covid in the US than Team Trump Treason.
I hate Trump as much as the next person, but at this point, I'm laying the blame at the foot of the American people. At this point, people have decided to play Russian roulette with this virus. So far, if you're white, you've been mostly lucky. This luck will run out when the white teachers go into schools with their black and brown students and bring it into their cozy, clean neighborhoods. Get ready for October, everyone.
While I think it's disingenuous to blame Trump for 135,000 out of 135,000 deaths, I do think it would be going a bit better with Hillary. I don't think she'd be actively trying to wish away all negative news and contradicting actual experts for the sake of her election. Yeah, she'd have made missteps (as do the experts; it's science, not the bible). But the focus from the White House would be on actually trying to mitigate as opposed to dividing us and winning an election.
But I agree that the lion's share of the problem is simply "America." We're probably the most individual-focused (i.e., least collective-focused) country in the world. We look out for ourselves in America and we don't generally like to make personal sacrifices for the greater good. And we don't like to be told what to do. This would still be a factor under Hillary. And she's hated enough that her wearing a mask might have the same outcome as Trump not wearing one (i.e., people not wearing them to own the libs). So either way, this was probably a perfect disaster for the US to show the world what it is.
Hillary or likely any other candidate would be encouraging masks, etc. on a daily basis. Trump has failed horribly at leading us out of this shit
To be fair, the right wing governors and people would still be fighting the mask. I really don't know if it would make a difference. Trump advocating masks would have helped though
I agree with Gern that anyone else would be encouraging masks. I do think you're right that you'd have some on the right fighting it to own the libs. But a lot of this crap (corona and non-corona issues alike) is about following Trump because 1) that REALLY owns the libs and 2) it's a cult. So it's hard to say just how badly dum-dums like DeSantis would be behaving right now. And it's hard to say where that 135,000 would be at. Less, but how much less? Sadly we'll never know. We'd have better leadership but we'd still be terribly divided and terribly American.
Yeah that's a good point. Maybe the whole mindset is not as pervasive without Trump and his minions. He would have just been a losing candidate. It's a real "chicken and egg" argument with these douches. Is Trump following a lunatic base, or is the base following a lunatic? There's examples for both.
One would assume it is easier to control 4.8 million people compared to 326.7 million people who already can't agree on anything...just slightly though.
Gotta comb the internet to get mad though
Comb the internet? 137,000 deaths and counting...
Didn't even need the internet for that one.
Is there a coronavirus hotline number you could share for US only stats, or does your non internet Canadian news source of choice just choose to pay as much attention to the US as you do?
Still think you would be in the same covid disaster with Hillary at the helm?
Sure you do, it's American exceptionalism!
I’ve already stated that it is pointless to play those silly games. Could be better or it could be worse, no different than literally any other scenario you could dream about. It just seems weird that you choose to immerse yourself in all things US, but I understand the need to feel accepted is greater for some. I am glad you have found your home.
Could be better, could be worse? Guess we shouldn't bother with critical thought, because, ya know, silly.
I have no idea what you're going on about. Accepted? Found my home?
Any objective person can see your president has fucked this up beyond any imaginable measure. A complete and total fraud. I'm just glad the Canadian border in (mostly) closed.
I commented because common sense would suggest comparing the US and NZ is a major stretch given the population disparity. Pretty simple, and in no way political. You bring up the US death toll and then hillary for some reason, thank you for your critical thinking. Now you are saying about trump what has already been said a million times over like there are people who still haven’t heard this or realize it. More critical thinking or just copy and paste? I have never participated in our political process and prefer not to bitch and moan everyday, but don’t worry I have already been made aware it is my fault trump was elected In the first place so you can save yourself from that line. Back to the virus.
It really is interesting (to put it friendly) to admittingly never participate in the political process then come on the AMT and criticize people who do. I guess how ever you get your kicks? Obviously you want to participate in politics, even if by just passive aggressively defending Trump. So if you want to continue this defense let's continue it over in the Trump thread.
But yeah, back to the virus (which has become very much politicised). I nervously watch the dumpster fire in the US hoping it doesn't spread to my country, the intensity of the virus and stupidity.
More interesting than someone who doesn't have to smell the shit, but willingly sticks their nose in it anyway? I live here and can't get away from the stench. Criticize people? Defending trump? This post isn't very long, go back and read it. I get your game and I am not interested.
Trust me, we can smell the stench all the way up here.
If you think the giant dump Trump and his supporters are taking down there doesn't greatly impact and offend our noses here in Canada I can understand why you don't involve yourself in politics.
"Living next to you is in some ways like sleeping with an elephant. No matter how friendly and even-tempered is the beast, if I can call it that, one is affected by every twitch and grunt."
Pierre Trudeau
Moving through All Kinds of Terrain. Posts: 42,800
I don't understand why anyone thinks half ass measures are going to do anything except prolong the suffering, both to our health and the economy. Either we try again with a fully national, close to 100% shutdown (we got to about 50% at best, according to estimates I've seen), or we just say fuck it and give up. I see and hear people all around me going with the give up route. Masking, social distancing, hand-washing -- those are mitigating behaviors. Those are not "Let's squash this fucking virus" behaviors. Seriously -- all these idiots at the beach this summer. You couldn't go one damn summer of your life without a beach vacation???
I'm a teacher trying to get my students back in school so their parents can go back to work. Taking them on a beach vacation shows me these parents are not serious at all about getting back to work or school.
As much as it would be hard on the economy, it seems to me that shutting down as much as possible would make the most sense. As unpredictable and complex as this virus is, just giving up seems foolish.
The more people talk about giving up, the more I stay home. Maybe in some ways it's easy for me to say that because I've been dirt poor before, lived through it, and know I could again if I had to, but I probably wouldn't survive if I got the virus. I think a lot of people aren't willing to give up their lifestyle and figure they'll take their chances with the virus. No way would I take that choice, but I guess everyone is going to do what they are going to do. I just wish more people would opt for caution.
"Don't give in to the lies. Don't give in to the fear. Hold on to the truth. And to hope."
Unfortunately, what it boils down to for many people is they are "tired" of the restrictions related to the pandemic. They make statements like "we can't do this forever", when they have never even really done "this" effectively. It's a sort of magical thinking - "I really don't like this, so I'll pretend it's not happening".
my small self... like a book amongst the many on a shelf
This past weekend my S.O. and I went to 2 different car show type events in 2 different settings. This was the first time we had done anything or gone anywhere that wasn't a "necessity" since the first week of March.
Saturday was your run of the mill American classics in a suburban parking lot outside 2 local craft breweries (literally next door to each other). Out of the 2 hundred or so people in the parking lot and brewery taprooms we were the only people wearing masks except for may 4 or five others. No staff, no volunteers, nobody. It was scary. Even outside. We didn't hang around long.
Sunday was high end cars in the parking lot of the local Bentley dealership. Ferrari, Lamborghini, Ford GT, Porsche, Etc. Out of a few hundred people maybe 15-20 including us were wearing masks. When we went into the crowded Bentley showroom we were the only ones wearing masks. It was scary. We went into the high end cocktail/whiskey bar next door. Nobody wearing masks. No staff, no guests, nobody. It was scary. Went back outside did another lap of the cars and left.
America and Americans are not dealing with this in a good safe way. Maybe this will end up being Darwinism at play and the herd will be thinned.
Rich white coaches want football in a pandemic, but unpaid Black players are most at risk
The governing bodies running college and university sports in Canada decided back in June to cancel fall sports for this school year, and the move made sense.
Without a vaccine for COVID-19, and with schools hesitant to even host in-person classes this September, it's tough to justify varsity sports. Asking students to share living spaces, weight rooms and water bottles during a pandemic is daring them to spread the deadly virus.
Last week the Ivy League — which includes Harvard, Princeton and Yale — became the latest U.S.-based circuit to shut down fall sports, a decision that looks more logical as the case count climbs. By Monday afternoon the U.S. had registered more than 3.3 million cases and 135,000 deaths. It doesn't take a Princeton grad to figure out that the virus doesn't care about a football schedule.
But the Power-5 conferences and the brand-name programs that compose them are proceeding as if the pandemic will subside in time for kickoff. The Big Ten and Pac 12 have eliminated competitions against non-conference opponents, but the Southeastern and Atlantic Coast Conferences haven't announced plans to adjust fall sports programming.
That scenario makes its own kind of sense, given the billions of dollars at stake and the racial disparities at play each college football season. The players are technically amateurs, but college football head coaches all get paid. A lot. Dabo Swinney of the Clemson Tigers made $9.3 million US last season. That salary, like much of major college football's appeal, depends heavily on Black talent. According to the NCAA's diversity database, Black people composed 49 per cent of Division 1 football rosters last season, but just 14 per cent of head coaches.
So if you're confused about why a mainly white group of coaches and administrators would encourage a largely Black group of athletes to resume practice even as COVID-19 cases surge in states like Florida and South Carolina, remember that rich decision-makers assume little of the risk. Money motivates the push to salvage college football season this fall, but race underpins all of it.
When the Ontario Colleges Athletic Association announced its fall sports shutdown in June, president Nathan McFadden made the priorities plain.
"This is a difficult, but necessary decision to protect the health and well-being of all our student-athletes," he said in a news release.
Contrast McFadden's reaction with Oklahoma State football coach Mike Gundy's response when asked in April about playing this autumn.
"They're 18, 19, 20, 21 and 22 years old, and they are healthy and they have the ability to fight the virus off," Gundy told Sports Illustrated. "We sequester them and we continue, because we need to run some money through the state of Oklahoma."
(article continues in link)
my small self... like a book amongst the many on a shelf
Unfortunately, what it boils down to for many people is they are "tired" of the restrictions related to the pandemic. They make statements like "we can't do this forever", when they have never even really done "this" effectively. It's a sort of magical thinking - "I really don't like this, so I'll pretend it's not happening".
It's crazy that people thought they could just bury their heads in the sand and wish this problem away.
I wonder where anyone would have got such a stupid idea...
Moving through All Kinds of Terrain. Posts: 42,800
Unfortunately, what it boils down to for many people is they are "tired" of the restrictions related to the pandemic. They make statements like "we can't do this forever", when they have never even really done "this" effectively. It's a sort of magical thinking - "I really don't like this, so I'll pretend it's not happening".
Well said.
I think it also has to do with how in general we have become spoiled and corrupted by convenience. A lot of people actually freak out because they can't deal with the idea of not being able to going shopping (for on-essentials), or not being able to go out to eat frequently ("What? Me cook?"), or to pay someone to entertain us (not that that's a bad thing, but learning to entertain oneself and people around us is less common than it once was). Modern first world humans can't deal with living anyway other than as royalty, or beyond how royalty in the past lived. Basic skills, do-it-yourself abilities, and economy (as in "careful management of available resources") are our human safety net. Take those away, and most of us flounder.
It might be helpful to see this pandemic as an opportunity to become more self-sufficient, reasonably frugal, and interdependent on a much smaller scale.
"Don't give in to the lies. Don't give in to the fear. Hold on to the truth. And to hope."
Some countries get it....One would assume it is easier to control 4.8 million people compared to 326.7 million people who already can't agree on anything...just slightly though.
Gotta comb the internet to get mad though
Comb the internet? 137,000 deaths and counting...
Didn't even need the internet for that one.
Is there a coronavirus hotline number you could share for US only stats, or does your non internet Canadian news source of choice just choose to pay as much attention to the US as you do?
Still think you would be in the same covid disaster with Hillary at the helm?
Sure you do, it's American exceptionalism!
I’ve already stated that it is pointless to play those silly games. Could be better or it could be worse, no different than literally any other scenario you could dream about. It just seems weird that you choose to immerse yourself in all things US, but I understand the need to feel accepted is greater for some. I am glad you have found your home.
Could be better, could be worse? Guess we shouldn't bother with critical thought, because, ya know, silly.
I have no idea what you're going on about. Accepted? Found my home?
Any objective person can see your president has fucked this up beyond any imaginable measure. A complete and total fraud. I'm just glad the Canadian border in (mostly) closed.
I commented because common sense would suggest comparing the US and NZ is a major stretch given the population disparity. Pretty simple, and in no way political. You bring up the US death toll and then hillary for some reason, thank you for your critical thinking. Now you are saying about trump what has already been said a million times over like there are people who still haven’t heard this or realize it. More critical thinking or just copy and paste? I have never participated in our political process and prefer not to bitch and moan everyday, but don’t worry I have already been made aware it is my fault trump was elected In the first place so you can save yourself from that line. Back to the virus.
Population of EU: 445 million Population of the US: 331 million
Yea, nobody does it better than 'Murica. And anyone, anyone, could have done a better job of reacting to and managing Covid in the US than Team Trump Treason.
I hate Trump as much as the next person, but at this point, I'm laying the blame at the foot of the American people. At this point, people have decided to play Russian roulette with this virus. So far, if you're white, you've been mostly lucky. This luck will run out when the white teachers go into schools with their black and brown students and bring it into their cozy, clean neighborhoods. Get ready for October, everyone.
While I think it's disingenuous to blame Trump for 135,000 out of 135,000 deaths, I do think it would be going a bit better with Hillary. I don't think she'd be actively trying to wish away all negative news and contradicting actual experts for the sake of her election. Yeah, she'd have made missteps (as do the experts; it's science, not the bible). But the focus from the White House would be on actually trying to mitigate as opposed to dividing us and winning an election.
But I agree that the lion's share of the problem is simply "America." We're probably the most individual-focused (i.e., least collective-focused) country in the world. We look out for ourselves in America and we don't generally like to make personal sacrifices for the greater good. And we don't like to be told what to do. This would still be a factor under Hillary. And she's hated enough that her wearing a mask might have the same outcome as Trump not wearing one (i.e., people not wearing them to own the libs). So either way, this was probably a perfect disaster for the US to show the world what it is.
Hillary or likely any other candidate would be encouraging masks, etc. on a daily basis. Trump has failed horribly at leading us out of this shit
To be fair, the right wing governors and people would still be fighting the mask. I really don't know if it would make a difference. Trump advocating masks would have helped though
Exactly. We all know how much America loves Hillary. Sure the people wiould have listened to her. /s
It has nothing to do with leadership at this point. People have made up their minds about what they are going to do, how much risk they are going to tolerate. Most people have decided that they are going to sacrifice the public health (and the resultant impact on the economy) so they can have their restaurant meals and trips to the shore and gym workouts and backyard barbeques. Anybody who doesn't know by now that the single best thing you can do is stay home so the case numbers drop, is just clueless. We will never contact trace our way out of a 60,000 and rising per day case load. It's out of control, and nothing short of another complete shut down is going to change that.
This is going to get a fucking shit storm way worse before it gets better. But keep believing Team Trump Treason, he’s got YOUR best interests at heart.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Yesterday I had to go into school for a non-Covid related meeting. I interacted with about 10 people. Four of them were not wearing masks, including the assistant principal I was meeting with in a tiny ass book closet regarding inventory. Over the course of our meeting, something she said led me to believe the school board will vote tonight to go back in person 100%. That will be determined later, but I will not be surprised because my district is led by a bunch of white Open-Er-Up Republicans who hate spending their tax dollars educating brown Spanish speaking children. They don't give a crap at the end of the day what happens to these kids, though they all pay lip service to how much they do.
For the record, I have said before that I prefer the 100% going in option because the hybrid plan is just another half ass, feel-like-we're-doing-something-but-not measure, and fully online will not work for my student population. I walked by my classroom yesterday to see what cleaning looked like. While the room was in fact cleaner than any summer cleaning I've seen, I noticed in all the rooms I passed that the custodians must have been instructed to only set up half the desks facing forward to model what a hybrid would result in. (The other half were stacked against a wall.) With only half the desks set up, there was about, and certainly no more than, three feet between them.
When I came home, I told my mother that we needed to start talking about what happens when I go back to school, and what happens when I get sick. She didn't want to talk about it. She said it was a terrible thing to say and think about. Since she didn't appear ready, I didn't push, but closed the conversation by telling her that once school starts, we will both have to start wearing a mask *in the house* and that I will mostly be hanging out in my bedroom or office.
I say all of this to reinforce why I am madder than freaking hell right now that this country has FAILED miserably at sacrifice and self-discipline. We have WASTED SEVEN MONTHS if you start with January, not March, with our hand-wringing and arguing and whining about this or that. Now we want to put ALL THE BURDEN on our schools/teachers to "save the economy" (the way we do with every other social ill out there). Meanwhile, let's prop up the tourism industry with hundreds of billions of dollars so people can go on fucking beach vacations this summer. It's sickening. If our leaders and our citizens had just done their fucking part, 100%, months ago, my mother and I would be having a completely different conversation right now.
2013 Wrigley 2014 St. Paul 2016 Fenway, Fenway, Wrigley, Wrigley 2018 Missoula, Wrigley, Wrigley 2021 Asbury Park 2022 St Louis 2023 Austin, Austin
2024 Napa, Wrigley, Wrigley
Here's the deal: start putting your papers in order. Make sure you have a plan for when you get sick/die. At the rate we are going, every single one of us will get this disease. Don't plan on a vaccine. It's not happening. We have never once had a successful vaccine for a Coronavirus, studies are now showing the antibodies are not permanent, the virus is mutating, and about 90% of the population has a dysfunctional metabolic system of some sort. Good luck. That's become my replacement farewell to everyone.
Population of EU: 445 million
Population of the US: 331 million
Yea, nobody does it better than 'Murica. And anyone, anyone, could have done a better job of reacting to and managing Covid in the US than Team Trump Treason.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
2013 Wrigley 2014 St. Paul 2016 Fenway, Fenway, Wrigley, Wrigley 2018 Missoula, Wrigley, Wrigley 2021 Asbury Park 2022 St Louis 2023 Austin, Austin
2024 Napa, Wrigley, Wrigley
This past weekend my S.O. and I went to 2 different car show type events in 2 different settings. This was the first time we had done anything or gone anywhere that wasn't a "necessity" since the first week of March.
Saturday was your run of the mill American classics in a suburban parking lot outside 2 local craft breweries (literally next door to each other).
Out of the 2 hundred or so people in the parking lot and brewery taprooms we were the only people wearing masks except for may 4 or five others. No staff, no volunteers, nobody. It was scary. Even outside. We didn't hang around long.
Sunday was high end cars in the parking lot of the local Bentley dealership. Ferrari, Lamborghini, Ford GT, Porsche, Etc. Out of a few hundred people maybe 15-20 including us were wearing masks. When we went into the crowded Bentley showroom we were the only ones wearing masks. It was scary. We went into the high end cocktail/whiskey bar next door. Nobody wearing masks. No staff, no guests, nobody. It was scary. Went back outside did another lap of the cars and left.
America and Americans are not dealing with this in a good safe way. Maybe this will end up being Darwinism at play and the herd will be thinned.
The Golden Age is 2 months away. And guess what….. you’re gonna love it! (teskeinc 11.19.24)
1998: Noblesville; 2003: Noblesville; 2009: EV Nashville, Chicago, Chicago
2010: St Louis, Columbus, Noblesville; 2011: EV Chicago, East Troy, East Troy
2013: London ON, Wrigley; 2014: Cincy, St Louis, Moline (NO CODE)
2016: Lexington, Wrigley #1; 2018: Wrigley, Wrigley, Boston, Boston
2020: Oakland, Oakland: 2021: EV Ohana, Ohana, Ohana, Ohana
2022: Oakland, Oakland, Nashville, Louisville; 2023: Chicago, Chicago, Noblesville
2024: Noblesville, Wrigley, Wrigley, Ohana, Ohana; 2025: Pitt1, Pitt2
Updated as of 7/13/2020
The United States and the European Union have comparable population sizes, but their COVID-19 death toll trajectories have recently become very different. Since the beginning of July, the average number of both new fatalities and new deaths per 1 million people is rapidly increasing in the US while it remains mostly flat in the EU. We compare this to the average number of new cases each seven days in both regions, where the US trend continues upward but is not surging like the death toll. EU countries' robust public health systems and citizens' willingness to wear masks and maintain social distance could explain the disparity.
US=1.93 deaths, three day rolling average, per million > EU=.15I love the "it can't be done in the US" mantra. Well, we'll suffer the consequences then, won't we? We're free to be stupid, I get it.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
2013 Wrigley 2014 St. Paul 2016 Fenway, Fenway, Wrigley, Wrigley 2018 Missoula, Wrigley, Wrigley 2021 Asbury Park 2022 St Louis 2023 Austin, Austin
2024 Napa, Wrigley, Wrigley
Good luck with the school year re-opening and try to stay safe. I'm still mostly self-isolating and working from home and expect to be until the end of the year and most likely, through next summer.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
It's a real "chicken and egg" argument with these douches. Is Trump following a lunatic base, or is the base following a lunatic? There's examples for both.
If you think the giant dump Trump and his supporters are taking down there doesn't greatly impact and offend our noses here in Canada I can understand why you don't involve yourself in politics.
"Living next to you is in some ways like sleeping with an elephant. No matter how friendly and even-tempered is the beast, if I can call it that, one is affected by every twitch and grunt."
Pierre Trudeau
Rich white coaches want football in a pandemic, but unpaid Black players are most at risk
The governing bodies running college and university sports in Canada decided back in June to cancel fall sports for this school year, and the move made sense.
Without a vaccine for COVID-19, and with schools hesitant to even host in-person classes this September, it's tough to justify varsity sports. Asking students to share living spaces, weight rooms and water bottles during a pandemic is daring them to spread the deadly virus.
Last week the Ivy League — which includes Harvard, Princeton and Yale — became the latest U.S.-based circuit to shut down fall sports, a decision that looks more logical as the case count climbs. By Monday afternoon the U.S. had registered more than 3.3 million cases and 135,000 deaths. It doesn't take a Princeton grad to figure out that the virus doesn't care about a football schedule.
But the Power-5 conferences and the brand-name programs that compose them are proceeding as if the pandemic will subside in time for kickoff. The Big Ten and Pac 12 have eliminated competitions against non-conference opponents, but the Southeastern and Atlantic Coast Conferences haven't announced plans to adjust fall sports programming.
That scenario makes its own kind of sense, given the billions of dollars at stake and the racial disparities at play each college football season. The players are technically amateurs, but college football head coaches all get paid. A lot. Dabo Swinney of the Clemson Tigers made $9.3 million US last season. That salary, like much of major college football's appeal, depends heavily on Black talent. According to the NCAA's diversity database, Black people composed 49 per cent of Division 1 football rosters last season, but just 14 per cent of head coaches.So if you're confused about why a mainly white group of coaches and administrators would encourage a largely Black group of athletes to resume practice even as COVID-19 cases surge in states like Florida and South Carolina, remember that rich decision-makers assume little of the risk. Money motivates the push to salvage college football season this fall, but race underpins all of it.
When the Ontario Colleges Athletic Association announced its fall sports shutdown in June, president Nathan McFadden made the priorities plain.
"This is a difficult, but necessary decision to protect the health and well-being of all our student-athletes," he said in a news release.
Contrast McFadden's reaction with Oklahoma State football coach Mike Gundy's response when asked in April about playing this autumn.
"They're 18, 19, 20, 21 and 22 years old, and they are healthy and they have the ability to fight the virus off," Gundy told Sports Illustrated. "We sequester them and we continue, because we need to run some money through the state of Oklahoma."
(article continues in link)
It's crazy that people thought they could just bury their heads in the sand and wish this problem away.
I wonder where anyone would have got such a stupid idea...

It has nothing to do with leadership at this point. People have made up their minds about what they are going to do, how much risk they are going to tolerate. Most people have decided that they are going to sacrifice the public health (and the resultant impact on the economy) so they can have their restaurant meals and trips to the shore and gym workouts and backyard barbeques. Anybody who doesn't know by now that the single best thing you can do is stay home so the case numbers drop, is just clueless. We will never contact trace our way out of a 60,000 and rising per day case load. It's out of control, and nothing short of another complete shut down is going to change that.