“ Together we’ve flattened the curve, now it’s time to flatten the fear.” lol since when did we flatten the curve? We are spiking in Texas and even our dingbat governor is starting to get alarmed. We actually have a higher spike than the original shutdown! Jobs creator network. A product of Home Depot co founder and CEO Bernie Marcus. That’s a source you can trust for sure. Naaaaaaaa I’ll stick with places like https://coronavirus.jhu.edu/data/new-cases Johns Hopkins university. Jobs Creator Network....looking out for our freedom to earn a living. Can you spell P-R-O-P-A-G-A-N-D-A? Probably not if you take anything the jobs creator network says at face value
Off topic, but every time I hear Abbott speak it sounds like he is trying to mimic the eloquence of Obama.
It’s hard to take an appointed governor seriously. Especially when he says things like I had no idea the virus could get out of hand so fast. Like what experts are you surrounding yourself with?
I have three children, all affected by this pandemic. Once missed all of his high school senior activities, the other missed her entire second semester of her last year of college, including graduating Summa, and my 11 year old could care less at this point. I'm sure kids are affected. But sending them back into a petri dish where they infect each other and consequently family members is not an appropriate solution. It's stunning how callous so many people have been about this issue.
Has it been proven that transmission rates amongst young children is equal to that of adults? Or that a child can transmit the virus to an adult as easily as adult to adult? I’ve seen reports claiming that child to child transmission is extremely low and the viral load from a child is small enough that it would be far less likely to infect a grown adult in comparison to the other way around. I don’t have that data to attach and cannot claim it to be fact, but has it been proven otherwise? If not, I seriously question whether keeping kids at home from school is a better option. There are potentially serious, long term consequences from an educational, developmental and mental well being standpoint by removing kids from the classroom.
I have three children, all affected by this pandemic. Once missed all of his high school senior activities, the other missed her entire second semester of her last year of college, including graduating Summa, and my 11 year old could care less at this point. I'm sure kids are affected. But sending them back into a petri dish where they infect each other and consequently family members is not an appropriate solution. It's stunning how callous so many people have been about this issue.
Has it been proven that transmission rates amongst young children is equal to that of adults? Or that a child can transmit the virus to an adult as easily as adult to adult? I’ve seen reports claiming that child to child transmission is extremely low and the viral load from a child is small enough that it would be far less likely to infect a grown adult in comparison to the other way around. I don’t have that data to attach and cannot claim it to be fact, but has it been proven otherwise? If not, I seriously question whether keeping kids at home from school is a better option. There are potentially serious, long term consequences from an educational, developmental and mental well being standpoint by removing kids from the classroom.
We don't know yet. The data are inconclusive and incomplete. Some studies suggest this, and others the opposite. In some countries children seem minimally affected, while in others the infection rate has spiked. It definitely has not yet been proven that child to child transmission is very low or that the viral load in too small to infect an adult.
my small self... like a book amongst the many on a shelf
I have three children, all affected by this pandemic. Once missed all of his high school senior activities, the other missed her entire second semester of her last year of college, including graduating Summa, and my 11 year old could care less at this point. I'm sure kids are affected. But sending them back into a petri dish where they infect each other and consequently family members is not an appropriate solution. It's stunning how callous so many people have been about this issue.
Has it been proven that transmission rates amongst young children is equal to that of adults? Or that a child can transmit the virus to an adult as easily as adult to adult? I’ve seen reports claiming that child to child transmission is extremely low and the viral load from a child is small enough that it would be far less likely to infect a grown adult in comparison to the other way around. I don’t have that data to attach and cannot claim it to be fact, but has it been proven otherwise? If not, I seriously question whether keeping kids at home from school is a better option. There are potentially serious, long term consequences from an educational, developmental and mental well being standpoint by removing kids from the classroom.
I think we need to define what it means to be a child anatomically. It's certainly true that teenagers have been catching the virus and there are deaths attributable to it. So you're talking middle and high school there. There was a French study that showed that the infection rate for young children was much lower than adults but that was in a small French town, only 500 people and it was not peer reviewed. So I'm not sure there is data to support it at this point.
While I agree with you that there are negatives to them being in out of school, I'm not sure that in the grand scheme of life, it's important enough to risk the infections to themselves and to their parents (and teachers). At the end of the day, everyone in the US could attend an extra year of school that was affected (read every child between 6-17) and it was not be the end of the world or their lives.
One more thing @bbiggs, I am an advocate for some of the modified schedules I've seen bantied about. Like cutting class size in half and only half the children attend on a given day, and you work from home the other day. I'd be okay with sending my daughter into school like that. I would not be okay with 'normal school' like Trump and Devos are currently pushing. I'm confident my state of VA won't be so reckless.
“ Together we’ve flattened the curve, now it’s time to flatten the fear.” lol since when did we flatten the curve? We are spiking in Texas and even our dingbat governor is starting to get alarmed. We actually have a higher spike than the original shutdown! Jobs creator network. A product of Home Depot co founder and CEO Bernie Marcus. That’s a source you can trust for sure. Naaaaaaaa I’ll stick with places like https://coronavirus.jhu.edu/data/new-cases Johns Hopkins university. Jobs Creator Network....looking out for our freedom to earn a living. Can you spell P-R-O-P-A-G-A-N-D-A? Probably not if you take anything the jobs creator network says at face value
Off topic, but every time I hear Abbott speak it sounds like he is trying to mimic the eloquence of Obama.
It’s hard to take an appointed governor seriously. Especially when he says things like I had no idea the virus could get out of hand so fast. Like what experts are you surrounding yourself with?
Right, as soon as bars and clubs were set to reopen I knew we were going to take multiple steps back. There was a time when I also lived for myself and probably would have joined in the idiocy, but those years are long gone. No politician can speed the development of the frontal lobe and much of the spread can be directly attributed to this.
I have three children, all affected by this pandemic. Once missed all of his high school senior activities, the other missed her entire second semester of her last year of college, including graduating Summa, and my 11 year old could care less at this point. I'm sure kids are affected. But sending them back into a petri dish where they infect each other and consequently family members is not an appropriate solution. It's stunning how callous so many people have been about this issue.
Has it been proven that transmission rates amongst young children is equal to that of adults? Or that a child can transmit the virus to an adult as easily as adult to adult? I’ve seen reports claiming that child to child transmission is extremely low and the viral load from a child is small enough that it would be far less likely to infect a grown adult in comparison to the other way around. I don’t have that data to attach and cannot claim it to be fact, but has it been proven otherwise? If not, I seriously question whether keeping kids at home from school is a better option. There are potentially serious, long term consequences from an educational, developmental and mental well being standpoint by removing kids from the classroom.
I think we need to define what it means to be a child anatomically. It's certainly true that teenagers have been catching the virus and there are deaths attributable to it. So you're talking middle and high school there. There was a French study that showed that the infection rate for young children was much lower than adults but that was in a small French town, only 500 people and it was not peer reviewed. So I'm not sure there is data to support it at this point.
While I agree with you that there are negatives to them being in out of school, I'm not sure that in the grand scheme of life, it's important enough to risk the infections to themselves and to their parents (and teachers). At the end of the day, everyone in the US could attend an extra year of school that was affected (read every child between 6-17) and it was not be the end of the world or their lives.
Good information and perspective. My kids are 7 and 9 and was thinking more along those lines. I’ve seen reports that depression and suicide rates are up amongst teens as well, which is another potential byproduct of the current state. I feel for the kids all the way around. This really is a tricky situation with no good answers.
I'm OK with flattening fear as long as we don't flatten using common sense, taking as many precautions as possible to stop the spread, and doing what makes sense. Politicizing a pandemic is not an effective way to slow a pandemic. Listening to what science tell us is.
I agree Brian. Why dose the response and the way to respond to covid-19 breakdown between the same old right/left lines? Masks, schools, closings, and openings? & >>>>>>>the rest?
“ Together we’ve flattened the curve, now it’s time to flatten the fear.” lol since when did we flatten the curve? We are spiking in Texas and even our dingbat governor is starting to get alarmed. We actually have a higher spike than the original shutdown! Jobs creator network. A product of Home Depot co founder and CEO Bernie Marcus. That’s a source you can trust for sure. Naaaaaaaa I’ll stick with places like https://coronavirus.jhu.edu/data/new-cases Johns Hopkins university. Jobs Creator Network....looking out for our freedom to earn a living. Can you spell P-R-O-P-A-G-A-N-D-A? Probably not if you take anything the jobs creator network says at face value
Off topic, but every time I hear Abbott speak it sounds like he is trying to mimic the eloquence of Obama.
It’s hard to take an appointed governor seriously. Especially when he says things like I had no idea the virus could get out of hand so fast. Like what experts are you surrounding yourself with?
Right, as soon as bars and clubs were set to reopen I knew we were going to take multiple steps back. There was a time when I also lived for myself and probably would have joined in the idiocy, but those years are long gone. No politician can speed the development of the frontal lobe and much of the spread can be directly attributed to this.
Wonderfully said...though I think even in my youth, I would still take it seriously.
There's a lot more data available than that French study. Science magazine just published a piece that compiles a bunch. There's a real compelling case for how schools can operate safely.
Last thing on school reopening for now: I don't think a countrywide policy makes sense. Given how regional outbreaks are, statewide decisions are probably the sweet spot. It starts getting tricky if you go down the county level or lower. Although that could me managed at the state level if they think it makes sense.
My 8 year old did school in June on Mondays and Tuesdays as we have low cases here. I am waiting to see the children numbers spike again in the US which happens a couple of weeks later than the adults. I want to learn more about MIS-C from the next batch from US studies.
I was swimming in the Great Barrier Reef Animals were hiding behind the Coral Except for little Turtle I could swear he's trying to talk to me Gurgle Gurgle
Regarding kids: Some friends of my family have came down hard with COVID. Both of their small kids (3 and 7) tested positive. One had a fever for a few days, the other was fine.
Another family I know had to go into quarantine on Monday afternoon due to to positive cases at the daycare their toddler attends. No idea if it was another toddler or staff that was positive, but the daycare is now closed for the next two weeks.
As others mentioned, this idea of a national, one-size fits all approach to sending kids back to school isn’t going to work. What do you do if kids do test positive? shut them down again? Roll with it? Let a few die?
How about close down the bars, restaurants, and other gathering places of adults, and let the schools reopen?
One more thing @bbiggs, I am an advocate for some of the modified schedules I've seen bantied about. Like cutting class size in half and only half the children attend on a given day, and you work from home the other day. I'd be okay with sending my daughter into school like that. I would not be okay with 'normal school' like Trump and Devos are currently pushing. I'm confident my state of VA won't be so reckless.
I just watched my school board meeting where the school division task force shared four detail options and how they would work: 100% attend 4 dyas a week; 50% attend 2 days a week; 25% attend 1 day a week; 100% online. It's such a mess. The only thing I know for certain is that regardless of which option the board votes on next week, I will have a professional development day every Monday. The school board will decide next week.
From a teaching/learning viewpoint, the hybrid models look to be the worst, in my view. The sample schedules they shared for every age group were confusing as hell. The continuity of instruction would be very difficult to maintain if a student is part of a cohort that attends only Thurs/Fri each week, for example. There would be five days before the kid comes back into the building. That's a long gap each week, with varying degrees of supervision and work completion at home in between. Your child would return to a class almost a week later where a teacher most likely would spend the time catching up all the kids who did nothing for the week in between. Not to mention -- the daily schedule would be so disjointed to get all the subjects covered into two days, that kids will have difficulty knowing where they're going week to week. You know how long it takes a middle school kid to figure out a new class schedule at the beginning of the year? Compound that by not doing it every day.
Also, as a teacher, I don't see how I can effectively plan for/teach live students at the same time I'm planning for/monitoring online instruction. There's just not enough time in the day -- these glorious Mondays I see they have planned for us will be filled up with meetings or online extra help sessions, no real quality planning or grading time. In all this time since we disbanded in March, I still have had practically zero training in effective online learning. The pre-recorded videos we made as a department in the spring took weeks to develop for just one lesson. Each of us was responsible for creating only one over a six-week period (six person department). It took me weeks to create something meaningful and professional; thank god mine was due the fifth week. I'm not a damned videographer, and the district pointed us to some free crap software with 30 minutes of training on it. Nothing has changed since then.
I have been thinking about this a lot and following the task force in my division closely, reading the VDOE receommendations, attending online seminars with the VDOE, etc. In my view, it would be best for kids to go all in, or go all online. I have my preference -- to go back Tues-Fri with everyone -- but I will do what I'm told and make the best of it.
Long way of saying, everybody out there just needs to accept that this coming school year is another one shot down the hole. Be thankful if you make it out healthy and alive. That's all I'm planning for.
Moving through All Kinds of Terrain. Posts: 42,802
I'm OK with flattening fear as long as we don't flatten using common sense, taking as many precautions as possible to stop the spread, and doing what makes sense. Politicizing a pandemic is not an effective way to slow a pandemic. Listening to what science tell us is.
I agree Brian. Why dose the response and the way to respond to covid-19 breakdown between the same old right/left lines? Masks, schools, closings, and openings? & >>>>>>>the rest?
Exactly, RYME. If we all work together and do the right thing with masks and social distancing (which to me mean AT LEAST 10 feet), we'd all be better off.
"Don't give in to the lies. Don't give in to the fear. Hold on to the truth. And to hope."
What dreams: the BC teachers did online classes on the fly and are prepared to do full-time and part-time as needed. Zoom was used for whole class and small group learning and SeeSaw had assignments.
As a new teacher, my massage therapist questioned me about substituting. He wondered if it will become like the nurses in the old folk's homes, being assigned to one school only if it gets bad. I plan on doing a 24 month M.Ed online now but may sub if community needs help.
I was swimming in the Great Barrier Reef Animals were hiding behind the Coral Except for little Turtle I could swear he's trying to talk to me Gurgle Gurgle
What dreams: the BC teachers did online classes on the fly and are prepared to do full-time and part-time as needed. Zoom was used for whole class and small group learning and SeeSaw had assignments.
As a new teacher, my massage therapist questioned me about substituting. He wondered if it will become like the nurses in the old folk's homes, being assigned to one school only if it gets bad. I plan on doing a 24 month M.Ed online now but may sub if community needs help.
At some point, you will be needed as a sub :-). We're considering assigning subs to specific buildings -- if we can get them. We were in a sub shortage *crisis* pre-Covid, so I can't imagine that getting any better
Its decision to carry on in the face of the pandemic has yielded a surge of deaths without sparing its economy from damage — a red flag as the United States and Britain move to lift lockdowns.
I haven’t read the article yet, but from what you posted...is the gist that the economy is more important than lives lost?
"Mostly I think that people react sensitively because they know you’ve got a point"
F Me In The Brain
this knows everybody from other commets Posts: 31,602
All I know is my kid's teacher got a free pass this year. If the kids here end up home learning again there will be real lesson plans and leadership. We didn't make a stink this year because he was in kindergarten - we taught him more at home then he was likely to have learned in class. However, she was the fucking worst. One zoom a week, if lucky, and it was totally disorganized The so called lessons would come out day-of more often than week-of. They were also incomplete almost every time and needed questions answered to drive the activities requested Other classes in the same school had teachers prepared and doing better....in many cases the reports from parents were great.
I felt badly for the teacher and didn't complain. Having a dope two years in a row isn't going to fly if they end up at home again.
I could have done that teacher's job in a few hours a week. Normally you couldn't pay me to wrangle a class full of 5-6 year olds. This woman took the last 1/4 of the year off and collected full pay
One more thing @bbiggs, I am an advocate for some of the modified schedules I've seen bantied about. Like cutting class size in half and only half the children attend on a given day, and you work from home the other day. I'd be okay with sending my daughter into school like that. I would not be okay with 'normal school' like Trump and Devos are currently pushing. I'm confident my state of VA won't be so reckless.
I just watched my school board meeting where the school division task force shared four detail options and how they would work: 100% attend 4 dyas a week; 50% attend 2 days a week; 25% attend 1 day a week; 100% online. It's such a mess. The only thing I know for certain is that regardless of which option the board votes on next week, I will have a professional development day every Monday. The school board will decide next week.
From a teaching/learning viewpoint, the hybrid models look to be the worst, in my view. The sample schedules they shared for every age group were confusing as hell. The continuity of instruction would be very difficult to maintain if a student is part of a cohort that attends only Thurs/Fri each week, for example. There would be five days before the kid comes back into the building. That's a long gap each week, with varying degrees of supervision and work completion at home in between. Your child would return to a class almost a week later where a teacher most likely would spend the time catching up all the kids who did nothing for the week in between. Not to mention -- the daily schedule would be so disjointed to get all the subjects covered into two days, that kids will have difficulty knowing where they're going week to week. You know how long it takes a middle school kid to figure out a new class schedule at the beginning of the year? Compound that by not doing it every day.
Also, as a teacher, I don't see how I can effectively plan for/teach live students at the same time I'm planning for/monitoring online instruction. There's just not enough time in the day -- these glorious Mondays I see they have planned for us will be filled up with meetings or online extra help sessions, no real quality planning or grading time. In all this time since we disbanded in March, I still have had practically zero training in effective online learning. The pre-recorded videos we made as a department in the spring took weeks to develop for just one lesson. Each of us was responsible for creating only one over a six-week period (six person department). It took me weeks to create something meaningful and professional; thank god mine was due the fifth week. I'm not a damned videographer, and the district pointed us to some free crap software with 30 minutes of training on it. Nothing has changed since then.
I have been thinking about this a lot and following the task force in my division closely, reading the VDOE receommendations, attending online seminars with the VDOE, etc. In my view, it would be best for kids to go all in, or go all online. I have my preference -- to go back Tues-Fri with everyone -- but I will do what I'm told and make the best of it.
Long way of saying, everybody out there just needs to accept that this coming school year is another one shot down the hole. Be thankful if you make it out healthy and alive. That's all I'm planning for.
If we go back full out, what's the point of dropping the Monday from teh schedule? Isn't it just BAU at that point since everyone is together?
I'm OK with flattening fear as long as we don't flatten using common sense, taking as many precautions as possible to stop the spread, and doing what makes sense. Politicizing a pandemic is not an effective way to slow a pandemic. Listening to what science tell us is.
I agree Brian. Why dose the response and the way to respond to covid-19 breakdown between the same old right/left lines? Masks, schools, closings, and openings? & >>>>>>>the rest?
That's on Trump. He's the one that was calling it a hoax. He's the one that prioritized the economy over it. And he's the one that has refused to wear a mask, and has even gone as far as to imply it sign of weakness to wear one. And his fans ate all that shit up. Nobody has politicized the pandemic more than he has, and it's hurt him in the polls.
I'm OK with flattening fear as long as we don't flatten using common sense, taking as many precautions as possible to stop the spread, and doing what makes sense. Politicizing a pandemic is not an effective way to slow a pandemic. Listening to what science tell us is.
I agree Brian. Why dose the response and the way to respond to covid-19 breakdown between the same old right/left lines? Masks, schools, closings, and openings? & >>>>>>>the rest?
That's on Trump. He's the one that was calling it a hoax. He's the one that prioritized the economy over it. And he's the one that has refused to wear a mask, and has even gone as far as to imply it sign of weakness to wear one. And his fans ate all that shit up. Nobody has politicized the pandemic more than he has, and it's hurt him in the polls.
“Donald Trump is the first president in my lifetime who does not try to unite the American people — does not even pretend to try. Instead he tries to divide us. We are witnessing the consequences of three years of this deliberate effort. We are witnessing the consequences of three years without mature leadership”
Maybe there is. But you can’t honestly believe our president and secretary of education are pushing this because of their interest in education. The ulterior motivates (and potential extortion) make it more likely that schools will open in a hasty fashion.
1995 Milwaukee 1998 Alpine, Alpine 2003 Albany, Boston, Boston, Boston 2004 Boston, Boston 2006 Hartford, St. Paul (Petty), St. Paul (Petty) 2011 Alpine, Alpine 2013 Wrigley 2014 St. Paul 2016 Fenway, Fenway, Wrigley, Wrigley 2018 Missoula, Wrigley, Wrigley 2021 Asbury Park 2022 St Louis 2023 Austin, Austin 2024 Napa, Wrigley, Wrigley
Maybe there is. But you can’t honestly believe our president and secretary of education are pushing this because of their interest in education. The ulterior motivates (and potential extortion) make it more likely that schools will open in a hasty fashion.
Right because kids using alternative learning methods/being at home reminds the parents that the country is not normal or 'great' and is a threat to the reelection. That's all this is about. If it was 2017/18, he wouldn't give a shit either way, is my guess.
Maybe there is. But you can’t honestly believe our president and secretary of education are pushing this because of their interest in education. The ulterior motivates (and potential extortion) make it more likely that schools will open in a hasty fashion.
Trump of course not. DeVos I have no idea. I'm more interested in having an intelligent discussion on the merits, which is why I didn't reference either of them or any other politicians or PACs.
Basically don't allow yourself to take a position on this issue based on what Trump or anyone else says. There are plenty of good arguments and data by intelligent people to help you form a perspective. Or feel free to sit it out.
Parents of children entering kindergarten to Grade 7 should plan for a five-day-a-week return to school in September, says B.C. Education Minister Rob Fleming.
Fleming said Wednesday a provincially appointed steering committee that includes teachers, support staff, unions, principals, vice-principals and parent organizations is ironing out plans to have as many kids back in school as possible.
“There is an awful lot of planning going on with every major stakeholder in the education system to have a safe full restart to the school system,” said Fleming, adding the approach will be based on how the province continues to manage coronavirus transmission rates.
“Parents should plan accordingly that in September we will see kids — certainly K to 7 kids — back in school.”
Fleming did not directly explain what the plan for Grade 8-12 would look like in September, but did say the province is working from its restart planning document.
The ministry has a five-phase restart plan for September, ranging from no in-class instruction to full class instruction (Stage 1).
The school year ended in June in “Stage 3” — a part-time reopening that saw K-5 students return to school up to three days a week and the rest one day a week (with five-day instruction available to children of essential service workers and those requiring additional supports). The balance of learning was online.
Stage 2 in the document would see K-7 instruction five days a week, with Grade 8-12 instruction two days a week.
An announcement about the new school year is expected in about three weeks, Fleming said.
The health and safety protocols and “exact bell to bell schedules” will come through school districts and individual schools, but the broad direction will come from the province, said Fleming.
For immune-compromised students, parents can start to plan for special accommodations with individual schools and districts, he said.
“I would encourage parents to contact principals and vice-principals and teaching staff and district staff to make those kinds of arrangements.”
my small self... like a book amongst the many on a shelf
There are no kings inside the gates of eden
We don't know yet. The data are inconclusive and incomplete. Some studies suggest this, and others the opposite. In some countries children seem minimally affected, while in others the infection rate has spiked. It definitely has not yet been proven that child to child transmission is very low or that the viral load in too small to infect an adult.
While I agree with you that there are negatives to them being in out of school, I'm not sure that in the grand scheme of life, it's important enough to risk the infections to themselves and to their parents (and teachers). At the end of the day, everyone in the US could attend an extra year of school that was affected (read every child between 6-17) and it was not be the end of the world or their lives.
Why dose the response and the way to respond to covid-19 breakdown between the same old right/left lines?
Masks, schools, closings, and openings? & >>>>>>>the rest?
Animals were hiding behind the Coral
Except for little Turtle
I could swear he's trying to talk to me
Gurgle Gurgle
Another family I know had to go into quarantine on Monday afternoon due to to positive cases at the daycare their toddler attends. No idea if it was another toddler or staff that was positive, but the daycare is now closed for the next two weeks.
As others mentioned, this idea of a national, one-size fits all approach to sending kids back to school isn’t going to work. What do you do if kids do test positive? shut them down again? Roll with it? Let a few die?
How about close down the bars, restaurants, and other gathering places of adults, and let the schools reopen?
I just watched my school board meeting where the school division task force shared four detail options and how they would work: 100% attend 4 dyas a week; 50% attend 2 days a week; 25% attend 1 day a week; 100% online. It's such a mess. The only thing I know for certain is that regardless of which option the board votes on next week, I will have a professional development day every Monday. The school board will decide next week.
From a teaching/learning viewpoint, the hybrid models look to be the worst, in my view. The sample schedules they shared for every age group were confusing as hell. The continuity of instruction would be very difficult to maintain if a student is part of a cohort that attends only Thurs/Fri each week, for example. There would be five days before the kid comes back into the building. That's a long gap each week, with varying degrees of supervision and work completion at home in between. Your child would return to a class almost a week later where a teacher most likely would spend the time catching up all the kids who did nothing for the week in between. Not to mention -- the daily schedule would be so disjointed to get all the subjects covered into two days, that kids will have difficulty knowing where they're going week to week. You know how long it takes a middle school kid to figure out a new class schedule at the beginning of the year? Compound that by not doing it every day.
Also, as a teacher, I don't see how I can effectively plan for/teach live students at the same time I'm planning for/monitoring online instruction. There's just not enough time in the day -- these glorious Mondays I see they have planned for us will be filled up with meetings or online extra help sessions, no real quality planning or grading time. In all this time since we disbanded in March, I still have had practically zero training in effective online learning. The pre-recorded videos we made as a department in the spring took weeks to develop for just one lesson. Each of us was responsible for creating only one over a six-week period (six person department). It took me weeks to create something meaningful and professional; thank god mine was due the fifth week. I'm not a damned videographer, and the district pointed us to some free crap software with 30 minutes of training on it. Nothing has changed since then.
I have been thinking about this a lot and following the task force in my division closely, reading the VDOE receommendations, attending online seminars with the VDOE, etc. In my view, it would be best for kids to go all in, or go all online. I have my preference -- to go back Tues-Fri with everyone -- but I will do what I'm told and make the best of it.
Long way of saying, everybody out there just needs to accept that this coming school year is another one shot down the hole. Be thankful if you make it out healthy and alive. That's all I'm planning for.
Exactly, RYME. If we all work together and do the right thing with masks and social distancing (which to me mean AT LEAST 10 feet), we'd all be better off.
As a new teacher, my massage therapist questioned me about substituting. He wondered if it will become like the nurses in the old folk's homes, being assigned to one school only if it gets bad. I plan on doing a 24 month M.Ed online now but may sub if community needs help.
Animals were hiding behind the Coral
Except for little Turtle
I could swear he's trying to talk to me
Gurgle Gurgle
At some point, you will be needed as a sub :-). We're considering assigning subs to specific buildings -- if we can get them. We were in a sub shortage *crisis* pre-Covid, so I can't imagine that getting any better
We didn't make a stink this year because he was in kindergarten - we taught him more at home then he was likely to have learned in class. However, she was the fucking worst. One zoom a week, if lucky, and it was totally disorganized
The so called lessons would come out day-of more often than week-of. They were also incomplete almost every time and needed questions answered to drive the activities requested
Other classes in the same school had teachers prepared and doing better....in many cases the reports from parents were great.
I felt badly for the teacher and didn't complain.
Having a dope two years in a row isn't going to fly if they end up at home again.
I could have done that teacher's job in a few hours a week. Normally you couldn't pay me to wrangle a class full of 5-6 year olds.
This woman took the last 1/4 of the year off and collected full pay
Pearl Jam bootlegs:
“Donald Trump is the first president in my lifetime who does not try to unite the American people — does not even pretend to try. Instead he tries to divide us. We are witnessing the consequences of three years of this deliberate effort. We are witnessing the consequences of three years without mature leadership”
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Its an absolute sin and the parents should be held criminally responsible.
Parents of children entering kindergarten to Grade 7 should plan for a five-day-a-week return to school in September, says B.C. Education Minister Rob Fleming.
Fleming said Wednesday a provincially appointed steering committee that includes teachers, support staff, unions, principals, vice-principals and parent organizations is ironing out plans to have as many kids back in school as possible.
“There is an awful lot of planning going on with every major stakeholder in the education system to have a safe full restart to the school system,” said Fleming, adding the approach will be based on how the province continues to manage coronavirus transmission rates.
“Parents should plan accordingly that in September we will see kids — certainly K to 7 kids — back in school.”
Fleming did not directly explain what the plan for Grade 8-12 would look like in September, but did say the province is working from its restart planning document.
The ministry has a five-phase restart plan for September, ranging from no in-class instruction to full class instruction (Stage 1).
The school year ended in June in “Stage 3” — a part-time reopening that saw K-5 students return to school up to three days a week and the rest one day a week (with five-day instruction available to children of essential service workers and those requiring additional supports). The balance of learning was online.
Stage 2 in the document would see K-7 instruction five days a week, with Grade 8-12 instruction two days a week.
An announcement about the new school year is expected in about three weeks, Fleming said.
The health and safety protocols and “exact bell to bell schedules” will come through school districts and individual schools, but the broad direction will come from the province, said Fleming.
For immune-compromised students, parents can start to plan for special accommodations with individual schools and districts, he said.
“I would encourage parents to contact principals and vice-principals and teaching staff and district staff to make those kinds of arrangements.”