I still do not understand why the entire economy was not put on pause until this thing was under control. Almost 5trillion dollars in interest free loans from the Fed....I mean for that kind of money just take care of the damn people make sure food and water are available and have people stay inside for a few months. The US problems with this can really all be attributed to capitalism at all costs.
I think many thought it was under control, at least to the point where it was worth the risk. We can’t be shut down forever. In March The economy was so great that my school district was projected to receive $12 million increase in their budget. When the budget was announced in June it was cut my $25 million instead. That is in just 3 months we went from increasing $12 M to reducing it by $25 M.
I do fear if this virus doesn’t get under control soon there will be irreparable damage to the economy. I’m not saying open at all costs, we do need to find a safe balance.
Is that swing based on expected loss of tax revenue due to unemployment and discretionary spending reduction? Or is there something else happening in your state/county?
I'd also want to know what the heck is going on in mace's state (Colorado?) in general regarding education funding. From the a 10% pension contribution to exorbitantly rising health insurance premiums to now this -- it doesn't sound like the state and/or districts are very good stewards of the public's money, or they just don't seem to value public education. If I remember correctly, Colorado was one of the states that saw a teacher walk-out / "strike" in the past year or so. Every time I read one of mace's posts about teaching in that state, I count my blessings I don't teach there.
As a former Colorado resident I can tell you it was famous for being one of the lowest spending states per capita for education in the country. A lot of the tax revenue generated by tourists previous to 2014 (legal recreational marijuana) went to advertising for Colorado tourism and support of the tourism industry. Now there is supposed to be tax revenue from marijuana for the education system and infrastructure but don't know what is happening there. Colorado has, I believe, 164 independent school districts in 64 counties that rely on the revenue generated from within their district. Some are big like Jefferson and Boulder county. Some are small like Gilpin county with just one K-12 school.
Throw in not very strong teacher's unions and you have the issues.
But over 300 days of sun a year and over 300 breweries. So it's a give and take.
Will it change anything in Brazil's response? I sure hope so but am not holding my breath.
What if he has it now, and it doesn't really effect him much? Just because he has it doesn't necessarily mean any change. I think his and Trumps point is that it's no big deal. We will have to wait and see.
I still do not understand why the entire economy was not put on pause until this thing was under control. Almost 5trillion dollars in interest free loans from the Fed....I mean for that kind of money just take care of the damn people make sure food and water are available and have people stay inside for a few months. The US problems with this can really all be attributed to capitalism at all costs.
I think many thought it was under control, at least to the point where it was worth the risk. We can’t be shut down forever. In March The economy was so great that my school district was projected to receive $12 million increase in their budget. When the budget was announced in June it was cut my $25 million instead. That is in just 3 months we went from increasing $12 M to reducing it by $25 M.
I do fear if this virus doesn’t get under control soon there will be irreparable damage to the economy. I’m not saying open at all costs, we do need to find a safe balance.
It’s impossible for America to find a reasonable balance, because one side is extreme and has played politics with a pandemic.
Many states had a partial shut down for 5 weeks. Couldn’t even make it from late March to Memorial Day. Not even close. They reopened too early and now are reaming with cases and full ICUs. As has been said, for the trillions spent on giveaways to corporations, if we had just shut down for real for 2 to 3 months, we could have put covid behind us in the rear view mirror like most of the modern countries have done. They all afforded it. Somehow America is too poor to accomplish this.
Americans have a weird and perverted version of liberty. Instead of a small sacrifice upfront, we whine like babies crying for our haircuts and bars.
Now we can watch all the other countries enjoy real liberty, going out to restaurants or ball games risk free while we can not. Without risk.
DeSantis and Abbott. 2 Governors who imo have handled this horribly.
This from DeSantis: "There have been way more infections than documented cases,'' he said. "But it's not really evidence that it's more prevalent." Uhhhh wtf? Who does that remind you of?
Its decision to carry on in the face of the pandemic has yielded a surge of deaths without sparing its economy from damage — a red flag as the United States and Britain move to lift lockdowns.
Its decision to carry on in the face of the pandemic has yielded a surge of deaths without sparing its economy from damage — a red flag as the United States and Britain move to lift lockdowns.
May I steal this and hang it at the front door of my store?
I’d make a small change first, unless you run a costume store.
Good point. From what nicknyr has posted here in the past, I'm guessing this notice will work for his place of business (I'm guessing it's not a kid's clothing store or a flower shop). I wouldn't put this sign up on the average retail business verbatim, but I can think of some where it would be appropriate and would work well.
"Don't give in to the lies. Don't give in to the fear. Hold on to the truth. And to hope."
May I steal this and hang it at the front door of my store?
I’d make a small change first, unless you run a costume store.
Good point. From what nicknyr has posted here in the past, I'm guessing this notice will work for his place of business (I'm guessing it's not a kid's clothing store or a flower shop). I wouldn't put this sign up on the average retail business verbatim, but I can think of some where it would be appropriate and would work well.
I was just pointing out that customers is misspelled. I dig the message and wouldn’t find it offensive at all.
I still do not understand why the entire economy was not put on pause until this thing was under control. Almost 5trillion dollars in interest free loans from the Fed....I mean for that kind of money just take care of the damn people make sure food and water are available and have people stay inside for a few months. The US problems with this can really all be attributed to capitalism at all costs.
I think many thought it was under control, at least to the point where it was worth the risk. We can’t be shut down forever. In March The economy was so great that my school district was projected to receive $12 million increase in their budget. When the budget was announced in June it was cut my $25 million instead. That is in just 3 months we went from increasing $12 M to reducing it by $25 M.
I do fear if this virus doesn’t get under control soon there will be irreparable damage to the economy. I’m not saying open at all costs, we do need to find a safe balance.
Is that swing based on expected loss of tax revenue due to unemployment and discretionary spending reduction? Or is there something else happening in your state/county?
I'd also want to know what the heck is going on in mace's state (Colorado?) in general regarding education funding. From the a 10% pension contribution to exorbitantly rising health insurance premiums to now this -- it doesn't sound like the state and/or districts are very good stewards of the public's money, or they just don't seem to value public education. If I remember correctly, Colorado was one of the states that saw a teacher walk-out / "strike" in the past year or so. Every time I read one of mace's posts about teaching in that state, I count my blessings I don't teach there.
To be fair I don’t recal what the exact PERS contribution is, I said 10% because it is about 10% of my take-home pay, so it would be a little less of my net salary. They do raise it about every other year though.
Yes we had state wide walkouts and strikes about 2 and 3 years ago. It’s a mess. When times are looking good we get an influx of teachers from California and Wyoming and other areas. When they go downhill we get a shortage.
To answer the other question about if the reduced education fund was due to lost revenue now or projected losses. I’m not entirely sure. It was just revealed to us in an all district staff meeting about 2 weeks ago when they announced job cute and 8 furlough days because of the decrease. My guess it is current losses because the superintendent said be prepared for it to be even worse next year with an even bigger cut and explained we’ve only been in a pandemic 3 months and saw these cute, next year the budget will reflect the full swing of the pandemic.
I doubt colorado is the only state with education budget issues. Education is often one of the first big ticket items on the chopping blocks when the economy goes bad. And often slow to get rewarded when things look great. Basically k-6 is viewed as free child care by many and votes to increase funding rarely pass here.
I have a feeling we will start working from home again in the next 4-8 weeks at my office. Cases are spiking around here.
That's the way to go, M. if you can do it. Home is always safer.
Cases are spiking here as well. We had very few cases for the longest time but I think too many people let their guard down with the coming of summer, the holiday weekend, etc.
It's amazing to me how, all across the planet in every country, how utterly stupid and easily duped scientists and doctors are into believing there is a pandemic!
"Don't give in to the lies. Don't give in to the fear. Hold on to the truth. And to hope."
It's the pandemic equivalent to putting your fingers in your ears and screaming "La la la la la."
1995 Milwaukee 1998 Alpine, Alpine 2003 Albany, Boston, Boston, Boston 2004 Boston, Boston 2006 Hartford, St. Paul (Petty), St. Paul (Petty) 2011 Alpine, Alpine 2013 Wrigley 2014 St. Paul 2016 Fenway, Fenway, Wrigley, Wrigley 2018 Missoula, Wrigley, Wrigley 2021 Asbury Park 2022 St Louis 2023 Austin, Austin 2024 Napa, Wrigley, Wrigley
Moving through All Kinds of Terrain. Posts: 42,800
It gets so old. Wearing a mask is a dictatorship. Not allowing 2 men to get married is democracy. Instituting health standards for restaurants due to covid is a dictatorship. Not allowing a store to sell alcohol on a Sunday is freedom. Yawn
“ Together we’ve flattened the curve, now it’s time to flatten the fear.” lol since when did we flatten the curve? We are spiking in Texas and even our dingbat governor is starting to get alarmed. We actually have a higher spike than the original shutdown! Jobs creator network. A product of Home Depot co founder and CEO Bernie Marcus. That’s a source you can trust for sure. Naaaaaaaa I’ll stick with places like https://coronavirus.jhu.edu/data/new-cases Johns Hopkins university. Jobs Creator Network....looking out for our freedom to earn a living. Can you spell P-R-O-P-A-G-A-N-D-A? Probably not if you take anything the jobs creator network says at face value
“ Together we’ve flattened the curve, now it’s time to flatten the fear.” lol since when did we flatten the curve? We are spiking in Texas and even our dingbat governor is starting to get alarmed. We actually have a higher spike than the original shutdown! Jobs creator network. A product of Home Depot co founder and CEO Bernie Marcus. That’s a source you can trust for sure. Naaaaaaaa I’ll stick with places like https://coronavirus.jhu.edu/data/new-cases Johns Hopkins university. Jobs Creator Network....looking out for our freedom to earn a living. Can you spell P-R-O-P-A-G-A-N-D-A? Probably not if you take anything the jobs creator network says at face value
Off topic, but every time I hear Abbott speak it sounds like he is trying to mimic the eloquence of Obama.
So now you’re taking the “medical advice” of kids and teenagers? My 11 and 7 year old nieces and 9 year old nephew are in 4-H. I love them and they are wonderful, smart kids, but I’m not taking their “medical advice.”
Most people I know are stressed from the COVID pandemic. It’s messed a lot of things up. If there was actual leadership in the country instead of some rube that’s more interested in playing golf and having his ego stroked , maybe it wouldnt be that way.
Post edited by jerparker20 on
Moving through All Kinds of Terrain. Posts: 42,800
I'm OK with flattening fear as long as we don't flatten using common sense, taking as many precautions as possible to stop the spread, and doing what makes sense. Politicizing a pandemic is not an effective way to slow a pandemic. Listening to what science tell us is.
"Don't give in to the lies. Don't give in to the fear. Hold on to the truth. And to hope."
I have three children, all affected by this pandemic. Once missed all of his high school senior activities, the other missed her entire second semester of her last year of college, including graduating Summa, and my 11 year old could care less at this point. I'm sure kids are affected. But sending them back into a petri dish where they infect each other and consequently family members is not an appropriate solution. It's stunning how callous so many people have been about this issue.
A lot of the tax revenue generated by tourists previous to 2014 (legal recreational marijuana) went to advertising for Colorado tourism and support of the tourism industry.
Now there is supposed to be tax revenue from marijuana for the education system and infrastructure but don't know what is happening there.
Colorado has, I believe, 164 independent school districts in 64 counties that rely on the revenue generated from within their district. Some are big like Jefferson and Boulder county. Some are small like Gilpin county with just one K-12 school.
Throw in not very strong teacher's unions and you have the issues.
But over 300 days of sun a year and over 300 breweries. So it's a give and take.
Americans have a weird and perverted version of liberty. Instead of a small sacrifice upfront, we whine like babies crying for our haircuts and bars.
Now we can watch all the other countries enjoy real liberty, going out to restaurants or ball games risk free while we can not. Without risk.
DeSantis and Abbott. 2 Governors who imo have handled this horribly.
This from DeSantis:
"There have been way more infections than documented cases,'' he said. "But it's not really evidence that it's more prevalent."
Uhhhh wtf?
Who does that remind you of?
Sweden Has Become the World’s Cautionary Tale
Its decision to carry on in the face of the pandemic has yielded a surge of deaths without sparing its economy from damage — a red flag as the United States and Britain move to lift lockdowns.
Good point. From what nicknyr has posted here in the past, I'm guessing this notice will work for his place of business (I'm guessing it's not a kid's clothing store or a flower shop). I wouldn't put this sign up on the average retail business verbatim, but I can think of some where it would be appropriate and would work well.
To answer the other question about if the reduced education fund was due to lost revenue now or projected losses. I’m not entirely sure. It was just revealed to us in an all district staff meeting about 2 weeks ago when they announced job cute and 8 furlough days because of the decrease. My guess it is current losses because the superintendent said be prepared for it to be even worse next year with an even bigger cut and explained we’ve only been in a pandemic 3 months and saw these cute, next year the budget will reflect the full swing of the pandemic.
GOP State Lawmaker Demands Americans ‘STOP GETTING TESTED’ For Coronavirus
It's amazing to me how, all across the planet in every country, how utterly stupid and easily duped scientists and doctors are into believing there is a pandemic!
2013 Wrigley 2014 St. Paul 2016 Fenway, Fenway, Wrigley, Wrigley 2018 Missoula, Wrigley, Wrigley 2021 Asbury Park 2022 St Louis 2023 Austin, Austin
2024 Napa, Wrigley, Wrigley
LOL, well said!
I'll take my medical advice from those without an ulterior motive.
There are no kings inside the gates of eden
It's just a survey (young people)
Most people I know are stressed from the COVID pandemic. It’s messed a lot of things up. If there was actual leadership in the country instead of some rube that’s more interested in playing golf and having his ego stroked , maybe it wouldnt be that way.
I'm OK with flattening fear as long as we don't flatten using common sense, taking as many precautions as possible to stop the spread, and doing what makes sense. Politicizing a pandemic is not an effective way to slow a pandemic. Listening to what science tell us is.
Toronto Film Festival 9/11/2007, '08 - Toronto 1 & 2, '09 - Albany 1, '11 - Chicago 1
-EV 8/14/93