Why are there still cruise ships allowed to depart? And who would want to get one one?
Reminds me of Bill Burr’s jokes about cruise ships and the type of people who go on them. And his solution is the government just bombs and sinks them all.
Also, Frontier just announced all flights are $11 just in case your interested is sitting in a virus tube. Why not close at that point, they have to be losing a lot of money at that price.
A bunch of the planes are empty though, it's very tempting.
Listen to Greta. Don't fly. Don't go skiing in italy and bring back corona. etc.
How many people have been beat up for simply wearing a MAGA hat? Maniacs are on both sides.
Clearly said both sides. Nice try though. I guess you’re saying the lesser of two evils? If that’s even a thing. And are you saying every republican is a racist clan member? I’m not really sure what you’re saying.
Every Republican is not be a racist clan member. But I'm sure it's pure coincidence that every racist clan member just happens to be a Republican.
Here's a fun exercise: There's 12 racists sitting at a table eating lunch and saying racist-y type stuff. Someone comes along and joins them, sits down and starts eating lunch with the 12 racists, but doesn't say a word. Now how many racists are there at the table?
So, how many people have been beat up for simply wearing a MAGA hat? I have yet to see or hear or read about this.
You’ve yet to believe any of those stories. They must have been doing something to get beat up right? Couldn’t just be for wearing a hat? Right?
Anecdotal evidence: evidence collected in a casual or informal manner and relying heavily or entirely on personal testimony.
FBI data show that since Trump’s election there has been an anomalous spike in hate crimes concentrated in counties where Trump won by larger margins. It was the second-largest uptick in hate crimes in the 25 years for which data are available
Anti-Defamation League, shows that counties that hosted a Trump campaign rally in 2016 saw hate crime rates more than double compared to similar counties that did not host a rally
during August 2017, the month of the violent clash between white-supremacists and counter protesters in Charlottesville, Virginia — when Trump infamously said there were “very fine people on both sides” — reported hate crimes nationally increased to 663 incidents, the second-highest tally in nearly a decade.
That was surpassed only by the month of November 2016 surrounding the rancorous presidential race won by Trump over Democrat Hillary Clinton, when reported hate crimes nationally soared to 758 incidents.
And after a terrorist shooting by a Muslim couple that killed 14 people in San Bernardino, California, in 2015, Trump made a campaign trail plea for a “total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States” until lawmakers “can figure out what the hell is going on.” Over the next 10 days, reported hate crimes against Muslims and Arabs nationwide spiked 23%.
We find compelling evidence to support the Trump Effect hypothesis. Using time series analysis, we show that Donald Trump’s election in November of 2016 was associated with a statistically significant surge in reported hate crimes across the United States, even when controlling for alternative explanations. Further, by using panel regression techniques, we show that counties that voted for President Trump by the widest margins in the presidential election also experienced the largest increases in reported hate crimes.
Damn. This thread has gone sideways. I'm personally going to step aside for a while to let everyone discuss Trump, both sides, etc. Be safe and healthy, everyone!
I'm with you, b.
But before I go, I'm going to recommend this hour eleven video again. Maybe some of you will see why working together may be our only chance for survival. Yes, there are some political idiots out there and fuck them and all that, but we need to get past the politics and get with science and work together and fix some shit. Dr. Hotez here at one point talks about how he used to be able to work with both sides of the isle to help deal with widespread disease and how he would really like to do that again and if we don't... well, basically he said (in more polite words) we are fucked.
Coming here has been a real downer this morning folks. Take care, be safe.
How many people have been beat up for simply wearing a MAGA hat? Maniacs are on both sides.
Clearly said both sides. Nice try though. I guess you’re saying the lesser of two evils? If that’s even a thing. And are you saying every republican is a racist clan member? I’m not really sure what you’re saying.
Every Republican is not be a racist clan member. But I'm sure it's pure coincidence that every racist clan member just happens to be a Republican.
Here's a fun exercise: There's 12 racists sitting at a table eating lunch and saying racist-y type stuff. Someone comes along and joins them, sits down and starts eating lunch with the 12 racists, but doesn't say a word. Now how many racists are there at the table?
So, how many people have been beat up for simply wearing a MAGA hat? I have yet to see or hear or read about this.
You’ve yet to believe any of those stories. They must have been doing something to get beat up right? Couldn’t just be for wearing a hat? Right?
Anecdotal evidence: evidence collected in a casual or informal manner and relying heavily or entirely on personal testimony.
FBI data show that since Trump’s election there has been an anomalous spike in hate crimes concentrated in counties where Trump won by larger margins. It was the second-largest uptick in hate crimes in the 25 years for which data are available
Anti-Defamation League, shows that counties that hosted a Trump campaign rally in 2016 saw hate crime rates more than double compared to similar counties that did not host a rally
during August 2017, the month of the violent clash between white-supremacists and counter protesters in Charlottesville, Virginia — when Trump infamously said there were “very fine people on both sides” — reported hate crimes nationally increased to 663 incidents, the second-highest tally in nearly a decade.
That was surpassed only by the month of November 2016 surrounding the rancorous presidential race won by Trump over Democrat Hillary Clinton, when reported hate crimes nationally soared to 758 incidents.
And after a terrorist shooting by a Muslim couple that killed 14 people in San Bernardino, California, in 2015, Trump made a campaign trail plea for a “total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States” until lawmakers “can figure out what the hell is going on.” Over the next 10 days, reported hate crimes against Muslims and Arabs nationwide spiked 23%.
We find compelling evidence to support the Trump Effect hypothesis. Using time series analysis, we show that Donald Trump’s election in November of 2016 was associated with a statistically significant surge in reported hate crimes across the United States, even when controlling for alternative explanations. Further, by using panel regression techniques, we show that counties that voted for President Trump by the widest margins in the presidential election also experienced the largest increases in reported hate crimes.
That is in regard to the feds letting the governors make the decisions? What about pushing it down further? The governor of Florida thought the same things and pushed it down to counties and cities. What if the counties and cities decided to follow suit and to push the big boy decisions down to the families or police chiefs? What if families decided that kids over the age of 16 were considered big boys and could make their own decisions?
Leadership during crisis should be strong, clear, and always acting in the best interests of who they are leading. This includes being accountable and flexible.
People cannot be convinced of this if they want to continue to absolve and do nothing decisive. My fear is that this is going to bring a hefty bill due to the people of this country
I understand the libertarian perspective, although I do not share it People need to be told what to do when they make it clear that what they choose to do is harmful to other citizens.
How many people have been beat up for simply wearing a MAGA hat? Maniacs are on both sides.
Clearly said both sides. Nice try though. I guess you’re saying the lesser of two evils? If that’s even a thing. And are you saying every republican is a racist clan member? I’m not really sure what you’re saying.
Every Republican is not be a racist clan member. But I'm sure it's pure coincidence that every racist clan member just happens to be a Republican.
Here's a fun exercise: There's 12 racists sitting at a table eating lunch and saying racist-y type stuff. Someone comes along and joins them, sits down and starts eating lunch with the 12 racists, but doesn't say a word. Now how many racists are there at the table?
So, how many people have been beat up for simply wearing a MAGA hat? I have yet to see or hear or read about this.
You’ve yet to believe any of those stories. They must have been doing something to get beat up right? Couldn’t just be for wearing a hat? Right?
Anecdotal evidence: evidence collected in a casual or informal manner and relying heavily or entirely on personal testimony.
FBI data show that since Trump’s election there has been an anomalous spike in hate crimes concentrated in counties where Trump won by larger margins. It was the second-largest uptick in hate crimes in the 25 years for which data are available
Anti-Defamation League, shows that counties that hosted a Trump campaign rally in 2016 saw hate crime rates more than double compared to similar counties that did not host a rally
during August 2017, the month of the violent clash between white-supremacists and counter protesters in Charlottesville, Virginia — when Trump infamously said there were “very fine people on both sides” — reported hate crimes nationally increased to 663 incidents, the second-highest tally in nearly a decade.
That was surpassed only by the month of November 2016 surrounding the rancorous presidential race won by Trump over Democrat Hillary Clinton, when reported hate crimes nationally soared to 758 incidents.
And after a terrorist shooting by a Muslim couple that killed 14 people in San Bernardino, California, in 2015, Trump made a campaign trail plea for a “total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States” until lawmakers “can figure out what the hell is going on.” Over the next 10 days, reported hate crimes against Muslims and Arabs nationwide spiked 23%.
We find compelling evidence to support the Trump Effect hypothesis. Using time series analysis, we show that Donald Trump’s election in November of 2016 was associated with a statistically significant surge in reported hate crimes across the United States, even when controlling for alternative explanations. Further, by using panel regression techniques, we show that counties that voted for President Trump by the widest margins in the presidential election also experienced the largest increases in reported hate crimes.
How many people have been beat up for simply wearing a MAGA hat? Maniacs are on both sides.
Clearly said both sides. Nice try though. I guess you’re saying the lesser of two evils? If that’s even a thing. And are you saying every republican is a racist clan member? I’m not really sure what you’re saying.
Every Republican is not be a racist clan member. But I'm sure it's pure coincidence that every racist clan member just happens to be a Republican.
Here's a fun exercise: There's 12 racists sitting at a table eating lunch and saying racist-y type stuff. Someone comes along and joins them, sits down and starts eating lunch with the 12 racists, but doesn't say a word. Now how many racists are there at the table?
So, how many people have been beat up for simply wearing a MAGA hat? I have yet to see or hear or read about this.
You’ve yet to believe any of those stories. They must have been doing something to get beat up right? Couldn’t just be for wearing a hat? Right?
Anecdotal evidence: evidence collected in a casual or informal manner and relying heavily or entirely on personal testimony.
FBI data show that since Trump’s election there has been an anomalous spike in hate crimes concentrated in counties where Trump won by larger margins. It was the second-largest uptick in hate crimes in the 25 years for which data are available
Anti-Defamation League, shows that counties that hosted a Trump campaign rally in 2016 saw hate crime rates more than double compared to similar counties that did not host a rally
during August 2017, the month of the violent clash between white-supremacists and counter protesters in Charlottesville, Virginia — when Trump infamously said there were “very fine people on both sides” — reported hate crimes nationally increased to 663 incidents, the second-highest tally in nearly a decade.
That was surpassed only by the month of November 2016 surrounding the rancorous presidential race won by Trump over Democrat Hillary Clinton, when reported hate crimes nationally soared to 758 incidents.
And after a terrorist shooting by a Muslim couple that killed 14 people in San Bernardino, California, in 2015, Trump made a campaign trail plea for a “total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States” until lawmakers “can figure out what the hell is going on.” Over the next 10 days, reported hate crimes against Muslims and Arabs nationwide spiked 23%.
We find compelling evidence to support the Trump Effect hypothesis. Using time series analysis, we show that Donald Trump’s election in November of 2016 was associated with a statistically significant surge in reported hate crimes across the United States, even when controlling for alternative explanations. Further, by using panel regression techniques, we show that counties that voted for President Trump by the widest margins in the presidential election also experienced the largest increases in reported hate crimes.
Ignoring years and years of both sides working to further the divide.
Was the tan suit? The arugula? Or the Dijon mustard that offended you the most?
F Me In The Brain
this knows everybody from other commets Posts: 31,602
I don't think we need to be spending resources to hang Dumbald Trump right now, we need to be coming up with ways to save lives and our economy
If the American people cannot get that he does not belong in office and elects him again we deserve whatever we get. I do think that once we get a handle on dealing with this that we 💯 should investigate, hang the bastards who slow played and pushed down, and make sure we do not do this again.
How many people have been beat up for simply wearing a MAGA hat? Maniacs are on both sides.
Clearly said both sides. Nice try though. I guess you’re saying the lesser of two evils? If that’s even a thing. And are you saying every republican is a racist clan member? I’m not really sure what you’re saying.
Every Republican is not be a racist clan member. But I'm sure it's pure coincidence that every racist clan member just happens to be a Republican.
Here's a fun exercise: There's 12 racists sitting at a table eating lunch and saying racist-y type stuff. Someone comes along and joins them, sits down and starts eating lunch with the 12 racists, but doesn't say a word. Now how many racists are there at the table?
So, how many people have been beat up for simply wearing a MAGA hat? I have yet to see or hear or read about this.
You’ve yet to believe any of those stories. They must have been doing something to get beat up right? Couldn’t just be for wearing a hat? Right?
Anecdotal evidence: evidence collected in a casual or informal manner and relying heavily or entirely on personal testimony.
FBI data show that since Trump’s election there has been an anomalous spike in hate crimes concentrated in counties where Trump won by larger margins. It was the second-largest uptick in hate crimes in the 25 years for which data are available
Anti-Defamation League, shows that counties that hosted a Trump campaign rally in 2016 saw hate crime rates more than double compared to similar counties that did not host a rally
during August 2017, the month of the violent clash between white-supremacists and counter protesters in Charlottesville, Virginia — when Trump infamously said there were “very fine people on both sides” — reported hate crimes nationally increased to 663 incidents, the second-highest tally in nearly a decade.
That was surpassed only by the month of November 2016 surrounding the rancorous presidential race won by Trump over Democrat Hillary Clinton, when reported hate crimes nationally soared to 758 incidents.
And after a terrorist shooting by a Muslim couple that killed 14 people in San Bernardino, California, in 2015, Trump made a campaign trail plea for a “total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States” until lawmakers “can figure out what the hell is going on.” Over the next 10 days, reported hate crimes against Muslims and Arabs nationwide spiked 23%.
We find compelling evidence to support the Trump Effect hypothesis. Using time series analysis, we show that Donald Trump’s election in November of 2016 was associated with a statistically significant surge in reported hate crimes across the United States, even when controlling for alternative explanations. Further, by using panel regression techniques, we show that counties that voted for President Trump by the widest margins in the presidential election also experienced the largest increases in reported hate crimes.
How many people have been beat up for simply wearing a MAGA hat? Maniacs are on both sides.
Clearly said both sides. Nice try though. I guess you’re saying the lesser of two evils? If that’s even a thing. And are you saying every republican is a racist clan member? I’m not really sure what you’re saying.
Every Republican is not be a racist clan member. But I'm sure it's pure coincidence that every racist clan member just happens to be a Republican.
Here's a fun exercise: There's 12 racists sitting at a table eating lunch and saying racist-y type stuff. Someone comes along and joins them, sits down and starts eating lunch with the 12 racists, but doesn't say a word. Now how many racists are there at the table?
So, how many people have been beat up for simply wearing a MAGA hat? I have yet to see or hear or read about this.
You’ve yet to believe any of those stories. They must have been doing something to get beat up right? Couldn’t just be for wearing a hat? Right?
Anecdotal evidence: evidence collected in a casual or informal manner and relying heavily or entirely on personal testimony.
FBI data show that since Trump’s election there has been an anomalous spike in hate crimes concentrated in counties where Trump won by larger margins. It was the second-largest uptick in hate crimes in the 25 years for which data are available
Anti-Defamation League, shows that counties that hosted a Trump campaign rally in 2016 saw hate crime rates more than double compared to similar counties that did not host a rally
during August 2017, the month of the violent clash between white-supremacists and counter protesters in Charlottesville, Virginia — when Trump infamously said there were “very fine people on both sides” — reported hate crimes nationally increased to 663 incidents, the second-highest tally in nearly a decade.
That was surpassed only by the month of November 2016 surrounding the rancorous presidential race won by Trump over Democrat Hillary Clinton, when reported hate crimes nationally soared to 758 incidents.
And after a terrorist shooting by a Muslim couple that killed 14 people in San Bernardino, California, in 2015, Trump made a campaign trail plea for a “total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States” until lawmakers “can figure out what the hell is going on.” Over the next 10 days, reported hate crimes against Muslims and Arabs nationwide spiked 23%.
We find compelling evidence to support the Trump Effect hypothesis. Using time series analysis, we show that Donald Trump’s election in November of 2016 was associated with a statistically significant surge in reported hate crimes across the United States, even when controlling for alternative explanations. Further, by using panel regression techniques, we show that counties that voted for President Trump by the widest margins in the presidential election also experienced the largest increases in reported hate crimes.
Not today Sir, Probably not tomorrow.............................................. bayfront arena st. pete '94
you're finally here and I'm a mess................................................... nationwide arena columbus '10
memories like fingerprints are slowly raising.................................... first niagara center buffalo '13
another man ..... moved by sleight of hand...................................... joe louis arena detroit '14
The GOPs evangelical base has slowly been shrinking over the years. Republican governor of Florida solution to this problem: exempt church gatherings from the state’s “stay at home” order. What better way to ensure the your voting base continues to vote for you than to kill them off with COVID-19! Can’t make this shit up.
Damn. This thread has gone sideways. I'm personally going to step aside for a while to let everyone discuss Trump, both sides, etc. Be safe and healthy, everyone!
My big decision right now is to where to order take out from Saturday night. What about you? Oh very big news: we have really weird alcohol laws in NJ; the governor just relaxed the laws and breweries can now make home deliveries!
Hope your wives former neighbors are doing better and glad you saw your son. PA resumes delivering alcohol again, can order up to six bottles. System crashed or something like that. I'm not a big drinker but I put ice in my wine too. Be safe everyone
Anecdotal evidence: evidence collected in a casual or informal manner and relying heavily or entirely on personal testimony.
- FBI data show that since Trump’s election there has been an anomalous spike in hate crimes concentrated in counties where Trump won by larger margins. It was the second-largest uptick in hate crimes in the 25 years for which data are available
- Anti-Defamation League, shows that counties that hosted a Trump campaign rally in 2016 saw hate crime rates more than double compared to similar counties that did not host a rally
https://www.brookings.edu/blog/fixgov/2019/08/14/trump-and-racism-what-do-the-data-say/- during August 2017, the month of the violent clash between white-supremacists and counter protesters in Charlottesville, Virginia — when Trump infamously said there were “very fine people on both sides” — reported hate crimes nationally increased to 663 incidents, the second-highest tally in nearly a decade.
- That was surpassed only by the month of November 2016 surrounding the rancorous presidential race won by Trump over Democrat Hillary Clinton, when reported hate crimes nationally soared to 758 incidents.
- And after a terrorist shooting by a Muslim couple that killed 14 people in San Bernardino, California, in 2015, Trump made a campaign trail plea for a “total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States” until lawmakers “can figure out what the hell is going on.” Over the next 10 days, reported hate crimes against Muslims and Arabs nationwide spiked 23%.
both sides tho
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
That is in regard to the feds letting the governors make the decisions?
What about pushing it down further?
The governor of Florida thought the same things and pushed it down to counties and cities.
What if the counties and cities decided to follow suit and to push the big boy decisions down to the families or police chiefs?
What if families decided that kids over the age of 16 were considered big boys and could make their own decisions?
Leadership during crisis should be strong, clear, and always acting in the best interests of who they are leading. This includes being accountable and flexible.
People cannot be convinced of this if they want to continue to absolve and do nothing decisive. My fear is that this is going to bring a hefty bill due to the people of this country
I understand the libertarian perspective, although I do not share it
People need to be told what to do when they make it clear that what they choose to do is harmful to other citizens.
Ignoring years and years of both sides working to further the divide.
Want to save a few hundred million? I'll tell you...
Also is this coming at a really bad time or is this just me?
This is Risk Management 101
If we don't figure out why we weren't prepared this time...
...we won't be prepared for next time
The arugula?
Or the Dijon mustard that offended you the most?
I do think that once we get a handle on dealing with this that we 💯 should investigate, hang the bastards who slow played and pushed down, and make sure we do not do this again.
Now is not the time, imo.
How many years is 72 months?
Not today Sir, Probably not tomorrow.............................................. bayfront arena st. pete '94
you're finally here and I'm a mess................................................... nationwide arena columbus '10
memories like fingerprints are slowly raising.................................... first niagara center buffalo '13
another man ..... moved by sleight of hand...................................... joe louis arena detroit '14
Engineer intentionally derailed train to try to crash into hospital ship
There was also this last week:
PA resumes delivering alcohol again, can order up to six bottles. System crashed or something like that.
I'm not a big drinker but I put ice in my wine too.
Be safe everyone
One way or another.