i am on a conference call with leading orthopaedic surgeons across the world. they are sharing their experiences now. there is one from italy, south korea, argentina, and a few from the us. the guy from italy said that they stopped all elective surgeries on 3/1/2020 and they were not able to get a handle on it even after stopping that early. he said that he has lost 4 people close to him, including a 56 year old colleague. he said that it is a "horrible, horrible death" and reinforced the fact that this is very serious and that americans should continue to distance and take it seriously. scary stuff. i was in a 9 hour surgery yesterday and have to cover cases on wed and thursday. i am really getting concerned.
Are you still in orthopedics? The sheer volume of PPE used and wasted would shock...pretty much anyone who doesn't work orthopedics, really. Even in a hospital setting, most people don't understand that volume unless they've seen it.
i would not call it all wasted.
there is a ton of blood splatter and fluid splatter in orthopedics. you knock one of the plastic bags that captures the used arthroscopy fluid on your legs, you are gonna change gowns. soiled gloves, i mean seriously soiled gloves with dry blood need to be changed because you can't grip the equipment with dried blood caked on to your gloves. You get someone bleeding without a tourniquet and you get blood on your mask, you need to change it. i used to scrub before i went into sales. a lot of it looks like waste, and a lot of disposable things like anchors fail and get wasted. I used to change masks after every case. when you scrub you can get blood drops on your bouffant, glasses, and masks. we used to call that "getting blessed", and it is damn nasty. The masks get moist inside when you wear them for a few hours and it is a gross feeling, so we used to change them frequently. now that there is a shortage, some facilities are telling staff to use the same mask for an entire week. that is just naaasty.
"You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry." - Lincoln
i am on a conference call with leading orthopaedic surgeons across the world. they are sharing their experiences now. there is one from italy, south korea, argentina, and a few from the us. the guy from italy said that they stopped all elective surgeries on 3/1/2020 and they were not able to get a handle on it even after stopping that early. he said that he has lost 4 people close to him, including a 56 year old colleague. he said that it is a "horrible, horrible death" and reinforced the fact that this is very serious and that americans should continue to distance and take it seriously. scary stuff. i was in a 9 hour surgery yesterday and have to cover cases on wed and thursday. i am really getting concerned.
Are you still in orthopedics? The sheer volume of PPE used and wasted would shock...pretty much anyone who doesn't work orthopedics, really. Even in a hospital setting, most people don't understand that volume unless they've seen it.
i would not call it all wasted.
there is a ton of blood splatter and fluid splatter in orthopedics. you knock one of the plastic bags that captures the used arthroscopy fluid on your legs, you are gonna change gowns. soiled gloves, i mean seriously soiled gloves with dry blood need to be changed because you can't grip the equipment with dried blood caked on to your gloves. You get someone bleeding without a tourniquet and you get blood on your mask, you need to change it. i used to scrub before i went into sales. a lot of it looks like waste, and a lot of disposable things like anchors fail and get wasted. I used to change masks after every case. when you scrub you can get blood drops on your bouffant, glasses, and masks. we used to call that "getting blessed", and it is damn nasty. The masks get moist inside when you wear them for a few hours and it is a gross feeling, so we used to change them frequently. now that there is a shortage, some facilities are telling staff to use the same mask for an entire week. that is just naaasty.
Yeah I didn't mean any of that for waste, I was mostly talking about the presets that come up from the SPD. They can't tailor every set to each individual doctor, but each does things differently. So you end up with a ton of single use equipment that doesn't get used because it isn't preferred by the doc.
Then otherwise, just the sheer volume in joint replacements is staggering. I would personally wear 8-10 masks, 4-6 pairs of booties/boot covers, 2-4 hats, 6-10 pairs nitrile gloves, and upwards of 15 pairs of sterile gloves in a day of joint replacements.
The number of coronavirus deaths in New Jersey surged to 267 on Tuesday with the largest single-day increase in deaths as the outbreak continues to widen with 18,696 total coronavirus cases statewide.
Gov. Phil Murphy said there were 69 new deaths including a Passaic County firefighter.
i am on a conference call with leading orthopaedic surgeons across the world. they are sharing their experiences now. there is one from italy, south korea, argentina, and a few from the us. the guy from italy said that they stopped all elective surgeries on 3/1/2020 and they were not able to get a handle on it even after stopping that early. he said that he has lost 4 people close to him, including a 56 year old colleague. he said that it is a "horrible, horrible death" and reinforced the fact that this is very serious and that americans should continue to distance and take it seriously. scary stuff. i was in a 9 hour surgery yesterday and have to cover cases on wed and thursday. i am really getting concerned.
Are you still in orthopedics? The sheer volume of PPE used and wasted would shock...pretty much anyone who doesn't work orthopedics, really. Even in a hospital setting, most people don't understand that volume unless they've seen it.
i would not call it all wasted.
there is a ton of blood splatter and fluid splatter in orthopedics. you knock one of the plastic bags that captures the used arthroscopy fluid on your legs, you are gonna change gowns. soiled gloves, i mean seriously soiled gloves with dry blood need to be changed because you can't grip the equipment with dried blood caked on to your gloves. You get someone bleeding without a tourniquet and you get blood on your mask, you need to change it. i used to scrub before i went into sales. a lot of it looks like waste, and a lot of disposable things like anchors fail and get wasted. I used to change masks after every case. when you scrub you can get blood drops on your bouffant, glasses, and masks. we used to call that "getting blessed", and it is damn nasty. The masks get moist inside when you wear them for a few hours and it is a gross feeling, so we used to change them frequently. now that there is a shortage, some facilities are telling staff to use the same mask for an entire week. that is just naaasty.
Yeah I didn't mean any of that for waste, I was mostly talking about the presets that come up from the SPD. They can't tailor every set to each individual doctor, but each does things differently. So you end up with a ton of single use equipment that doesn't get used because it isn't preferred by the doc.
Then otherwise, just the sheer volume in joint replacements is staggering. I would personally wear 8-10 masks, 4-6 pairs of booties/boot covers, 2-4 hats, 6-10 pairs nitrile gloves, and upwards of 15 pairs of sterile gloves in a day of joint replacements.
i didn't know you used to scrub, so you understand everything i said in my prior post. sorry to explain all that you already knew, haha.
oh yeah, the load on SPD with ortho is staggering. i shit you not, they had 40 trays open for this big case we did yesterday. only 4 of them were mine, but they wanted to have everything there because they were not sure what they were going to be able to fix, what they could salvage, or what they were going to end up doing in the end. they would pop trays to get a single item out of them. i felt so bad for the scrub who had to tray to manage 3 double decker tables. but having to reprocess all of that from a single case is staggering. granted, it was a case that went 8.5 hours, but still as you said you can't have specific trays for everyone. especially when your surgical plan changes in the middle of the case. imagine being the person in decontam and all of that stuff comes rolling in. that would suck.
"You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry." - Lincoln
The number of coronavirus deaths in New Jersey surged to 267 on Tuesday with the largest single-day increase in deaths as the outbreak continues to widen with 18,696 total coronavirus cases statewide.
Gov. Phil Murphy said there were 69 new deaths including a Passaic County firefighter.
These new cases are all a result of what transpired 7-15 days ago. This is why they don't expect to see a peak until mid April.
Going to get worse before it gets beter.
It will almost take for someone to lose a loved one for them to take things seriously.
Ok so no one is to blame cool so the same can be said of no one takes responsibility correct? And who do you think will take credit when this is over?
Hopefully China. Edit: Blame not credit.
lol knowing what you know about this whole thing you don’t believe anyone will take credit for when this crisis passes? Really you can’t think of anyone who will claim they are the reason for the crisis being over?
Ok so no one is to blame cool so the same can be said of no one takes responsibility correct? And who do you think will take credit when this is over?
Blah blah blah. I never said trump didn’t drop the ball holy shit. Cool down dude. Not everything is a personal political attack. I’m just saying both sides acted irresponsibly. That’s a fact. Hopefully we’ll all be better prepared for the next one.
Ok so no one is to blame cool so the same can be said of no one takes responsibility correct? And who do you think will take credit when this is over?
Blah blah blah. I never said trump didn’t drop the ball holy shit. Cool down dude. Not everything is a personal political attack. I’m just saying both sides acted irresponsibly. That’s a fact. Hopefully we’ll all be better prepared for the next one.
Ok so no one is to blame cool so the same can be said of no one takes responsibility correct? And who do you think will take credit when this is over?
Blah blah blah. I never said trump didn’t drop the ball holy shit. Cool down dude. Not everything is a personal political attack. I’m just saying both sides acted irresponsibly. That’s a fact. Hopefully we’ll all be better prepared for the next one.
lol both sides please tell me the sides or teams you speak of? Who will take responsibility for saving the world I’m asking a question..
Ok so no one is to blame cool so the same can be said of no one takes responsibility correct? And who do you think will take credit when this is over?
Blah blah blah. I never said trump didn’t drop the ball holy shit. Cool down dude. Not everything is a personal political attack. I’m just saying both sides acted irresponsibly. That’s a fact. Hopefully we’ll all be better prepared for the next one.
Ok so no one is to blame cool so the same can be said of no one takes responsibility correct? And who do you think will take credit when this is over?
Blah blah blah. I never said trump didn’t drop the ball holy shit. Cool down dude. Not everything is a personal political attack. I’m just saying both sides acted irresponsibly. That’s a fact. Hopefully we’ll all be better prepared for the next one.
I don't think Jose was targeting you.
Sorry man. I guess I’m just naturally defensive whenever I post something that’s slightly against the norm. My apologies.
Ok so no one is to blame cool so the same can be said of no one takes responsibility correct? And who do you think will take credit when this is over?
Blah blah blah. I never said trump didn’t drop the ball holy shit. Cool down dude. Not everything is a personal political attack. I’m just saying both sides acted irresponsibly. That’s a fact. Hopefully we’ll all be better prepared for the next one.
lol both sides please tell me the sides or teams you speak of? Who will take responsibility for saving the world I’m asking a question..
I wasn’t defending trump. I’m just showing how completely unprepared everyone was and how neither side took this seriously until it was too late. And of course he’ll claim he saved the world. We’re in the middle of it and all he does is talking about the terrific job he’s doing. It’s old news. His actions don’t shock or surprise me anymore.
Ok so no one is to blame cool so the same can be said of no one takes responsibility correct? And who do you think will take credit when this is over?
Hopefully China. Edit: Blame not credit.
lol knowing what you know about this whole thing you don’t believe anyone will take credit for when this crisis passes? Really you can’t think of anyone who will claim they are the reason for the crisis being over?
I misread your original post. I don't care who takes credit for ending it, I just want it to be over with for everyone.
Ok so no one is to blame cool so the same can be said of no one takes responsibility correct? And who do you think will take credit when this is over?
Hopefully China. Edit: Blame not credit.
lol knowing what you know about this whole thing you don’t believe anyone will take credit for when this crisis passes? Really you can’t think of anyone who will claim they are the reason for the crisis being over?
I misread your original post. I don't care who takes credit for ending it, I just want it to be over with for everyone.
Same here. It’s mentally draining and depressing. I’m going to be grateful for so many things after this. Something as simple as going out to dinner with my wife.
Ok so no one is to blame cool so the same can be said of no one takes responsibility correct? And who do you think will take credit when this is over?
Hopefully China. Edit: Blame not credit.
lol knowing what you know about this whole thing you don’t believe anyone will take credit for when this crisis passes? Really you can’t think of anyone who will claim they are the reason for the crisis being over?
I misread your original post. I don't care who takes credit for ending it, I just want it to be over with for everyone.
My bad I should of been clearer, I want it over too!
Ok so no one is to blame cool so the same can be said of no one takes responsibility correct? And who do you think will take credit when this is over?
Blah blah blah. I never said trump didn’t drop the ball holy shit. Cool down dude. Not everything is a personal political attack. I’m just saying both sides acted irresponsibly. That’s a fact. Hopefully we’ll all be better prepared for the next one.
lol both sides please tell me the sides or teams you speak of? Who will take responsibility for saving the world I’m asking a question..
I wasn’t defending trump. I’m just showing how completely unprepared everyone was and how neither side took this seriously until it was too late. And of course he’ll claim he saved the world. We’re in the middle of it and all he does is talking about the terrific job he’s doing. It’s old news. His actions don’t shock or surprise me anymore.
I’m sorry I have to ask again, what/who are the sides you speak of?
there is a ton of blood splatter and fluid splatter in orthopedics. you knock one of the plastic bags that captures the used arthroscopy fluid on your legs, you are gonna change gowns. soiled gloves, i mean seriously soiled gloves with dry blood need to be changed because you can't grip the equipment with dried blood caked on to your gloves. You get someone bleeding without a tourniquet and you get blood on your mask, you need to change it. i used to scrub before i went into sales. a lot of it looks like waste, and a lot of disposable things like anchors fail and get wasted. I used to change masks after every case. when you scrub you can get blood drops on your bouffant, glasses, and masks. we used to call that "getting blessed", and it is damn nasty. The masks get moist inside when you wear them for a few hours and it is a gross feeling, so we used to change them frequently. now that there is a shortage, some facilities are telling staff to use the same mask for an entire week. that is just naaasty.
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
damn ..
Then otherwise, just the sheer volume in joint replacements is staggering. I would personally wear 8-10 masks, 4-6 pairs of booties/boot covers, 2-4 hats, 6-10 pairs nitrile gloves, and upwards of 15 pairs of sterile gloves in a day of joint replacements.
The number of coronavirus deaths in New Jersey surged to 267 on Tuesday with the largest single-day increase in deaths as the outbreak continues to widen with 18,696 total coronavirus cases statewide.
Gov. Phil Murphy said there were 69 new deaths including a Passaic County firefighter.
His brother Andrew talks about it here at 46 min "He's strong... not as strong as he thinks"
oh yeah, the load on SPD with ortho is staggering. i shit you not, they had 40 trays open for this big case we did yesterday. only 4 of them were mine, but they wanted to have everything there because they were not sure what they were going to be able to fix, what they could salvage, or what they were going to end up doing in the end. they would pop trays to get a single item out of them. i felt so bad for the scrub who had to tray to manage 3 double decker tables. but having to reprocess all of that from a single case is staggering. granted, it was a case that went 8.5 hours, but still as you said you can't have specific trays for everyone. especially when your surgical plan changes in the middle of the case. imagine being the person in decontam and all of that stuff comes rolling in. that would suck.
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
Going to get worse before it gets beter.
It will almost take for someone to lose a loved one for them to take things seriously.
Edit: Still pushing politics. I mentioned that the blame game should stop now.
It's my vision Jose, don't ruin it, I still believe!
Edit: Blame not credit.
This isn't all Trump's fault, but he isn't helping, either.