This is a frightening article. We know it’s an airborne disease, but the way it’s described here leads me to believe that someone can become infected while walking the dog or going for a run, for example, even in a non-crowded environment. If the wind is carrying someone’s cough or sneeze from 20, 50, 100 feet away, and you happen to be in its path, it sounds like you can get it. So, unless you wear a mask outdoors, keeping a “safe” distance from anyone else who passes by may not be enough. Wonderful.
That's an extremely unlikely scenario, though theoretically possible. It's important to understand that an infectious dose of a virus is generally far more than just one viral particle, and in the case of a cough or sneeze being blown by the wind many metres, the density of infectious particles will be so low by the time you are far away that there will not be enough particles to actually cause an infection, even if you were unlucky enough to inhale one of the stray particles. It's far more likely that they will simply drop to the ground before they ever got that far.
Keep in mind that several studies have been done so far that have not even been able to detect SARS-CoV-2 in the air in the rooms of patients with active covid-19 disease, and that's in a small, contained space without much air flow. It's estimated that when an infected person lives in a residence with non-infected people there is only about a 10% chance of spread of the infection to the household members, suggesting very limited chance of transmission through the air.
Nothing in life is zero risk, but going out for a walk, run or cycle is likely better for your health than staying cooped up at home.
Thank you for this. Very good information and much more reassuring than the way it was described in the article.
Trumps not the only lot world leader that fucked up. The Canadian PM failed us and was slow to react. Plus back in February he gave China 16 tons of PPE....and the Chinese government has taken 2 Canadians as hostages because that huawii bitch was arrested in Canada...Fuck China.
Not to mention de Blasio telling people in March this is nothing to worry about, encouraging people to go out, ride the subway, see movies up until like 2 or 3 weeks ago. Hindsight 2020 I think a lot of people would do things differently.
Trumps not the only lot world leader that fucked up. The Canadian PM failed us and was slow to react. Plus back in February he gave China 16 tons of PPE....and the Chinese government has taken 2 Canadians as hostages because that huawii bitch was arrested in Canada...Fuck China.
Not to mention de Blasio telling people in March this is nothing to worry about, encouraging people to go out, ride the subway, see movies up until like 2 or 3 weeks ago. Hindsight 2020 I think a lot of people would do things differently.
Trumps not the only lot world leader that fucked up. The Canadian PM failed us and was slow to react. Plus back in February he gave China 16 tons of PPE....and the Chinese government has taken 2 Canadians as hostages because that huawii bitch was arrested in Canada...Fuck China.
Not to mention de Blasio telling people in March this is nothing to worry about, encouraging people to go out, ride the subway, see movies up until like 2 or 3 weeks ago. Hindsight 2020 I think a lot of people would do things differently.
Where the fuck did you come up with this? Let me guess, just a guess?
Two to three weeks ago would be March 5th to 12th. Link?
Trumps not the only lot world leader that fucked up. The Canadian PM failed us and was slow to react. Plus back in February he gave China 16 tons of PPE....and the Chinese government has taken 2 Canadians as hostages because that huawii bitch was arrested in Canada...Fuck China.
Not to mention de Blasio telling people in March this is nothing to worry about, encouraging people to go out, ride the subway, see movies up until like 2 or 3 weeks ago. Hindsight 2020 I think a lot of people would do things differently.
Where the fuck did you come up with this? Let me guess, just a guess?
Two to three weeks ago would be March 5th to 12th. Link?
| Pinkpop 1992 *BEST EVER* | Rotterdam 1993 | Amsterdam 1996 | Pinkpop 2000 | Arnhem 2006 | Nijmegen 2007 | Rotterdam 2009 | Nijmegen 2010 | Amsterdam I + II 2012 ** | Amsterdam Eddie Vedder Solo 2012 First European Concert *EPIC*| Amsterdam I + II 2014 | Amsterdam Eddie Vedder Solo 2016 night I | Amsterdam I + II 2018 | Amsterdam I -> Canceled + II 2022 *EPIC
Good morning everyone. I hope y'all have a Gigaton of fun this weekend. Find hope and hold it/ride it/own it like whatever nasty ass metaphor works for you!
I now know someone who got the virus, and it is a TERRIBLE situation. He is the foster brother of my best friend's wife. I have known him for years, and he is now in his 20s. He has very severe muscular dystrophy, and is immobile and 100% dependent on his in-home qualified caretaker. The problem is that both he AND his caretaker got COVID-19 at the same time, and the symptoms are so severe for her that she couldn't even move, let alone care for his needs, which includes feeding him and moving him and keeping him clean, literally everything. While they did manage to get someone who's at least somewhat qualified to drop in at times during the day to care for both of them in his home (after his mother worked her ass off to make that happen), it is a really fucked up situation. Since the sick caretaker can't move him in and out of his wheelchair now, he is having to just stay in it all the time, even to sleep at night (staying in bed 24/7 isn't an option because of the nature of his disability). He is completely terrified of hospitals too, because of past trauma, so insisted on staying home through this even though his special care couldn't be properly provided. They were both in absolutely terrible pain for days. Apparently they are now showing some improvement, but damn.... I hate to think of other disabled people who are put in abnormally difficult situations due to a lack of healthy qualified people to provide the care they need.
Post edited by PJ_Soul on
With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be careful. Strive to be happy. ~ Desiderata
Not saying India is a dictatorship, but like Johan Giesecke said:
- What has been done successfully in China - the methods to stop it. Would never be accepted in a democratic nation. That controlling is only possible in a dictatorship.
Which sort of is the monkey paw (maybe the wrong expression) of democracy. The respect for people and their rights, will also make drastic measures and change impossible. Even when it is needed. A welded door is a door a virus doesn't come through.
"Mostly I think that people react sensitively because they know you’ve got a point"
I now know someone who got the virus, and it is a TERRIBLE situation. He is the foster brother of my best friend's wife. I have known him for years, and he is now in his 20s. He has very severe muscular dystrophy, and is immobile and 100% dependent on his in-home qualified caretaker. The problem is that both he AND his caretaker got COVID-19 at the same time, and the symptoms are so severe for her that she couldn't even move, let alone care for his needs, which includes feeding him and moving him and keeping him clean, literally everything. While they did manage to get someone who's at least somewhat qualified to drop in at times during the day to care for both of them in his home (after his mother worked her ass off to make that happen), it is a really fucked up situation. Since the sick caretaker can't move him in and out of his wheelchair now, he is having to just stay in it all the time, even to sleep at night (staying in bed 24/7 isn't an option because of the nature of his disability). He is completely terrified of hospitals too, because of past trauma, so insisted on staying home through this even though his special care couldn't be properly provided. They were both in absolutely terrible pain for days. Apparently they are now showing some improvement, but damn.... I hate to think of other disabled people who are put in abnormally difficult situations due to a lack of healthy qualified people to provide the care they need.
Wow...that is a really heartbreaking situation. I hope they continue to improve!!!
We passed China. With 70% fewer people, we have more cases!
Get ready to pack the churches on easter!
So you believe china’s numbers?
"Hey China fudged there numbers so the situation here in the states is okey now". or what?
I scrolled back. Couldn’t find anyone who said that
No one did. But I think it is fair to say that China and Russia s numbers are not legit.
I know. Just seems like every time I question China the response is to assume I support everything Trump does. I fail to see any logic in that, seems pretty asinine to me actually.
Why it seems the spread have stopped experts have different opinions on. Sweden's former state epidemiologist Johan Giesecke believes that so many Wuhanborans have received the virus that they have now achieved herd immunity, which means that enough people have become immune to the virus no longer spreading.
Giesecke believes that the Chinese would not dare lie about the low rates of infection when they tried to do so during the 2002-2003 SARS outbreak and during the beginning of the spread of the new corona virus in december.
Should be noted though, the next paragraph:
But many question the Chinese data, just because the regime lied earlier. Among other things, the Chinese newspaper Caixin writes that the authorities deliberately avoid reporting new, asymptomatic cases.
Pessimistic judges, on the contrary, argue against Johan Giesecke and warn that it is not certain that the Wuhan people have achieved flock immunity. And if the Chinese relieve the restrictions, there is a risk that the infection will start spreading again, because even though most Wuhan people would have become immune, only a fraction of the Chinese population has been infected.
Post edited by Spiritual_Chaos on
"Mostly I think that people react sensitively because they know you’ve got a point"
China is not to be trusted. Do not fall for that assumption. At best they have a lot of cheap workers but there 1 party system without any open acces to internet for their own inhabeters means they do not trust them to hide the lies they see everyday. China is so corrupted in every vain you will not know what is true even if you made the truth yourself.
| Pinkpop 1992 *BEST EVER* | Rotterdam 1993 | Amsterdam 1996 | Pinkpop 2000 | Arnhem 2006 | Nijmegen 2007 | Rotterdam 2009 | Nijmegen 2010 | Amsterdam I + II 2012 ** | Amsterdam Eddie Vedder Solo 2012 First European Concert *EPIC*| Amsterdam I + II 2014 | Amsterdam Eddie Vedder Solo 2016 night I | Amsterdam I + II 2018 | Amsterdam I -> Canceled + II 2022 *EPIC
China is not to be trusted. Do not fall for that assumption. At best they have a lot of cheap workers but there 1 party system without any open acces to internet for their own inhabeters means they do not trust them to hide the lies they see everyday. China is so corrupted in every vain you will not know what is true even if you made the truth yourself.
Where do your beliefs about China come from?
'05 - TO, '06 - TO 1, '08 - NYC 1 & 2, '09 - TO, Chi 1 & 2, '10 - Buffalo, NYC 1 & 2, '11 - TO 1 & 2, Hamilton, '13 - Buffalo, Brooklyn 1 & 2, '15 - Global Citizen, '16 - TO 1 & 2, Chi 2
Toronto Film Festival 9/11/2007, '08 - Toronto 1 & 2, '09 - Albany 1, '11 - Chicago 1
We passed China. With 70% fewer people, we have more cases!
Get ready to pack the churches on easter!
So you believe china’s numbers?
no one knows, but they were welding doors shut to keep people inside.
Legit story? I don’t think the us could lockdown the country like China did.
Yup. Like my friend says. Only China could lock down like they did.
China's population is 4x larger than US US military spending is 3.5x China's
The US govt could easily lockdown
F Me In The Brain
this knows everybody from other commets Posts: 31,602
I don't think people were offended about celebrities with SARS-CoV-2, I think they said they didn't care much vs. people they know or other random people A world leader is more impactful, obviously.
Okey, back to the Johan Giesecke information flow....
The love he receives is the love that is saved
F Me In The Brain
this knows everybody from other commets Posts: 31,602
We passed China. With 70% fewer people, we have more cases!
Get ready to pack the churches on easter!
So you believe china’s numbers?
no one knows, but they were welding doors shut to keep people inside.
Legit story? I don’t think the us could lockdown the country like China did.
Yup. Like my friend says. Only China could lock down like they did.
China's population is 4x larger than US US military spending is 3.5x China's
The US govt could easily lockdown
Do you think they can do without national guard enforcement, though? A guy who works for us is in full "they are taking our liberty" just from the stay at home situation. Lots of nutters out there.
We passed China. With 70% fewer people, we have more cases!
Get ready to pack the churches on easter!
So you believe china’s numbers?
no one knows, but they were welding doors shut to keep people inside.
Legit story? I don’t think the us could lockdown the country like China did.
Yup. Like my friend says. Only China could lock down like they did.
China's population is 4x larger than US US military spending is 3.5x China's
The US govt could easily lockdown
The difference I see is that the Chinese population has been subdued for generations that’s what made it easy for them to be able to lockdown like they did , America’s populations are not subdued all we care about is our Constitutional freedoms you know 2A and the sort..just my opinion
Okey, back to the Johan Giesecke information flow....
Former state epidemiologist Johan Giesecke estimates that the worst will be over by the end of May and then Sweden can return to a more normal state.
He says that to Dagens Industri.
“I think this has turned around by middle, late May. Then you can start easing these restrictions. It's a gut feeling I have. I've worked through five of these epidemics, so I know roughly how these things go.
Post edited by Spiritual_Chaos on
"Mostly I think that people react sensitively because they know you’ve got a point"
We passed China. With 70% fewer people, we have more cases!
Get ready to pack the churches on easter!
So you believe china’s numbers?
no one knows, but they were welding doors shut to keep people inside.
Legit story? I don’t think the us could lockdown the country like China did.
Yup. Like my friend says. Only China could lock down like they did.
China's population is 4x larger than US US military spending is 3.5x China's
The US govt could easily lockdown
Do you think they can do without national guard enforcement, though? A guy who works for us is in full "they are taking our liberty" just from the stay at home situation. Lots of nutters out there.
Now would be a good time to introduce your friend to the ACLU. Conservatives don't actually understand civil liberties.
Just wrap it in the flag and patriotism, with a healthy dose of screwing the libs. If there's one thing conservatives know how to do, it's follow their marching orders.
F Me In The Brain
this knows everybody from other commets Posts: 31,602
Okey, back to the Johan Giesecke information flow....
Former state epidemiologist Johan Giesecke estimates that the worst will be over by the end of May and then Sweden can return to a more normal state.
He says that to Dagens Industri.
“I think this has turned around by middle, late May. Then you can start easing these restrictions. It's a gut feeling I have. I've worked through five of these epidemics, so I know roughly how these things go.
Thanks - I set up a google alert to email me every time anything is published, worldwide, with his name in it so that I don't miss a thing.
I don't think people were offended about celebrities with SARS-CoV-2, I think they said they didn't care much vs. people they know or other random people A world leader is more impactful, obviously.
F Me In The Brain
this knows everybody from other commets Posts: 31,602
We passed China. With 70% fewer people, we have more cases!
Get ready to pack the churches on easter!
So you believe china’s numbers?
no one knows, but they were welding doors shut to keep people inside.
Legit story? I don’t think the us could lockdown the country like China did.
Yup. Like my friend says. Only China could lock down like they did.
China's population is 4x larger than US US military spending is 3.5x China's
The US govt could easily lockdown
Do you think they can do without national guard enforcement, though? A guy who works for us is in full "they are taking our liberty" just from the stay at home situation. Lots of nutters out there.
Now would be a good time to introduce your friend to the ACLU. Conservatives don't actually understand civil liberties.
Just wrap it in the flag and patriotism, with a healthy dose of screwing the libs. If there's one thing conservatives know how to do, it's follow their marching orders.
I laugh at him about this. As shared previously on these boards I am traditionally a person with a conservative economic viewpoint...I never shared the crazy protection of individual liberty shit, though. If people had common sense they wouldnt need policing....but, we know that people do NOT have common sense.
Stay the hell inside.
Some are going to go out, just because they are told to stay in.
(At least to go and buy a thousand rounds for the AR)
We passed China. With 70% fewer people, we have more cases!
Get ready to pack the churches on easter!
So you believe china’s numbers?
no one knows, but they were welding doors shut to keep people inside.
Legit story? I don’t think the us could lockdown the country like China did.
Yup. Like my friend says. Only China could lock down like they did.
China's population is 4x larger than US US military spending is 3.5x China's
The US govt could easily lockdown
Do you think they can do without national guard enforcement, though? A guy who works for us is in full "they are taking our liberty" just from the stay at home situation. Lots of nutters out there.
MAGA co-worker is very eager to show people how unconcerned she is about the whole situation.
I remarked yesterday about how bad it is in New York (a mere 200 miles away from us) and her response was that she can't worry or be stressed about what's going on in NY.
So much for 'all lives matter'.
F Me In The Brain
this knows everybody from other commets Posts: 31,602
We passed China. With 70% fewer people, we have more cases!
Get ready to pack the churches on easter!
So you believe china’s numbers?
no one knows, but they were welding doors shut to keep people inside.
Legit story? I don’t think the us could lockdown the country like China did.
Yup. Like my friend says. Only China could lock down like they did.
China's population is 4x larger than US US military spending is 3.5x China's
The US govt could easily lockdown
Do you think they can do without national guard enforcement, though? A guy who works for us is in full "they are taking our liberty" just from the stay at home situation. Lots of nutters out there.
MAGA co-worker is very eager to show people how unconcerned she is about the whole situation.
I remarked yesterday about how bad it is in New York (a mere 200 miles away from us) and her response was that she can't worry or be stressed about what's going on in NY.
So much for 'all lives matter'.
What a moron.
Another thing I have heard from this guy - "Well, the government can do anything they want, these days."
That was in an actual email. I am no longer his direct supervisor so I let it go.
I am guessing he is still worried that the British Are Coming (the British Are Coming!)
Hindsight 2020 I think a lot of people would do things differently.
Two to three weeks ago would be March 5th to 12th. Link?
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
And it wasn’t deBlasio who said it and it wasn’t 2-3 weeks ago. But yea, facts and faux news. Stop guessing.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Prague Krakow Berlin 2018. Berlin 2022
EV, Taormina 1+2 2017.
I wish i was the souvenir you kept your house key on..
- What has been done successfully in China - the methods to stop it. Would never be accepted in a democratic nation. That controlling is only possible in a dictatorship.
Which sort of is the monkey paw (maybe the wrong expression) of democracy. The respect for people and their rights, will also make drastic measures and change impossible. Even when it is needed. A welded door is a door a virus doesn't come through.
Why it seems the spread have stopped experts have different opinions on. Sweden's former state epidemiologist Johan Giesecke believes that so many Wuhanborans have received the virus that they have now achieved herd immunity, which means that enough people have become immune to the virus no longer spreading.
Giesecke believes that the Chinese would not dare lie about the low rates of infection when they tried to do so during the 2002-2003 SARS outbreak and during the beginning of the spread of the new corona virus in december.
Should be noted though, the next paragraph:
China is so corrupted in every vain you will not know what is true even if you made the truth yourself.
Toronto Film Festival 9/11/2007, '08 - Toronto 1 & 2, '09 - Albany 1, '11 - Chicago 1
I'm sorry but I have to do it again --
-- British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has it.
US military spending is 3.5x China's
The US govt could easily lockdown
A world leader is more impactful, obviously.
Okey, back to the Johan Giesecke information flow....
A guy who works for us is in full "they are taking our liberty" just from the stay at home situation.
Lots of nutters out there.
Just wrap it in the flag and patriotism, with a healthy dose of screwing the libs. If there's one thing conservatives know how to do, it's follow their marching orders.
MAGA co-worker is very eager to show people how unconcerned she is about the whole situation.
I remarked yesterday about how bad it is in New York (a mere 200 miles away from us) and her response was that she can't worry or be stressed about what's going on in NY.
So much for 'all lives matter'.