Cash is not going anywhere, my friend. And I've never had anyone complain about me giving them cash when I owe them money.
Who said anything about cramming this down people's throats? I am not asking Pearl Jam to abandon mobile ticketing. I am asking Pearl Jam whether they plan to, in recognition of the fact that a small but real number of its loyal fans do not have the requisite technology, arrange for an easy accommodation that already exists at every venue that costs the band nothing and that they have previously provided.
I think it's a big assumption on your part that it's an "easy accommodation" that "costs the band nothing"...with each year of my concert-going (10-12 shows per year usually), I'm finding more and more that it's either digital only, occasionally with the print-at-home option and sometimes not, or pay extra (sometimes $3-4 each) for ticket vendor hard copies. That extra cost? Is because they need to be printed. On paper. With ink. With the entire planet moving digital more and more each day, this is the evolution of ticketing systems, and how they continue to cut costs wherever possible.
Some people are still willing to pay extra for the hard copy tickets, and perhaps if that became the option - an extra fee to get them printed at the Will Call window with proof of ID - then I could understand it. But of course then there would be complaints that "just because I don't have a smart phone I have to pay more for my ticket?"
Because at some point a question wasn’t just being asked; it was
interspersed with a sense of entitlement that because a fan didn’t have a
smart phone they were owed something. That is where the problem lies.
If it’s about the question, just leave it at that. The band is allowed
to change as they always have. I want everyone who wants to get in the
show to be able to do so, but sometimes the world evolves and you have
to acknowledge when that happens. You don’t have to evolve with it, but
you can’t get mad because others evolve.
(sigh) I said I'd pay for the option to print the ticket. Read the thread. The venues already print tickets for other events. They do this every day. It doesn't require new technology. It doesn't require new people to be hired. The cost is de minimis. As previously mentioned, I recently paid $5 to print hard tickets for Wilco shows. I was fine with that, even though I know it doesn't cost the ticketing agency $5 to print and mail the tickets. There were no complaints that I had to pay more because I don't have a smartphone, even as you falsely assume that such complaints would naturally follow.
Again, why does this matter to you? It does not affect you. Why are so many of you so eager to see other fans excluded when they could be easily accommodated-- JUST LIKE WAS DONE FOR THE LAST SET OF SHOWS? No one is trying to take your smartphone or your ability to use it as a ticket away from you.
I think you're neglecting the reason the band decided to do this. All the reasons they stated for doing this - access to sell at (but not above) face value, the removal of the ability to coordinate applying for tickets so they can barter after the fact, prevention of purchase of fraudulent tickets - are no longer met the minute they allow "just you" to attend the show with a paper ticket. "Just you" becomes "just anyone who asks", and then the scalping comes right back into play.
I'm sorry to say this, but it's not an "easy accommodation" like you keep suggesting. It would in fact jeopardize all the work that must have gone into designing this system. Like any policy change, there are winners and losers. The fact that this change has led to the betterment of experience for so many, makes it a no-brainer.
'05 - TO, '06 - TO 1, '08 - NYC 1 & 2, '09 - TO, Chi 1 & 2, '10 - Buffalo, NYC 1 & 2, '11 - TO 1 & 2, Hamilton, '13 - Buffalo, Brooklyn 1 & 2, '15 - Global Citizen, '16 - TO 1 & 2, Chi 2
Toronto Film Festival 9/11/2007, '08 - Toronto 1 & 2, '09 - Albany 1, '11 - Chicago 1
Ten Club confirmed to me that without an iphone (that I'm supposed to borrow from someone?) there's no way I, a 20 year 10C member, can get in. Frankly, I don't really care anymore anyway. These days at shows I'm usually surrounded by drunken cunts - usually male - that think that every song is a "sing along" and they have the RIGHT to ruin the show for the sober folks who paid to hear Eddie sing. Eff it.
I didn't drink at the Seattle show in '18..was a very, very different experience, lol Had a great time but you are way more aware of the lunacy going on around you
I think you're neglecting the reason the band decided to do this. All the reasons they stated for doing this - access to sell at (but not above) face value, the removal of the ability to coordinate applying for tickets so they can barter after the fact, prevention of purchase of fraudulent tickets - are no longer met the minute they allow "just you" to attend the show with a paper ticket. "Just you" becomes "just anyone who asks", and then the scalping comes right back into play.
I'm sorry to say this, but it's not an "easy accommodation" like you keep suggesting. It would in fact jeopardize all the work that must have gone into designing this system. Like any policy change, there are winners and losers. The fact that this change has led to the betterment of experience for so many, makes it a no-brainer.
A limited number of people would request this accommodation. Was this system abused on the last tour? Were there scores of people creating Ten Club accounts, going to the arena on the date of the show, picking up tickets after showing identification, and then turning around and selling the tickets at a premium? I'm sure this happened, but was this a serious problem? Is preventing the rare case where someone goes to all this trouble worth excluding 20 percent of the population from the shows altogether?
With respect to the betterment of the experience, isn't the jury out on that? These shows haven't happened yet. Imagine the chaos if this technology fails. What happens if someone decides to hack the system or jam the signals? I certainly don't wish for this, and I will feel bad for people who get caught up in the chaos such a failure would create, but there's a reason why, for example, we don't vote in elections via the Internet. These systems are vulnerable, so time will tell if it is a success.
By the way, how is the Ten Club going to prevent people from selling their extra tickets at a premium? If I'm a Ten Club member and I buy a pair, how would they ever know that I made my friend pay 300 bucks for the privilege of being my Plus-One? The first Pearl Jam show I ever attended only happened because a guy I was acquainted with had a pair and was willing to let me have his extra only if I paid a 100 percent premium over face value, basically making the tickets free for him. That meant I had to pay 50 bucks for a 25-dollar face-value ticket and, let me tell you, that was an astronomical amount for me at the time. I had to do some deep soul-searching about whether it was better to see the show or to eat that week. The show was amazing, and I met Eddie, Jeff and Dave A. that night, so I didn't regret going hungry.
It’s access to a private show, actually. It is special treatment. I guess I should have access to the Super Bowl this year since it’s being played at a tax funded stadium. Get real man.
Actually, it's a public show. Tickets are being sold to the public. Anyone can buy a ticket. A private show is when you play for an exclusive and specially invited group of people like, say, employees of Target.
The Super Bowl is not a private event either. The public can buy tickets to the event. The available tickets are scarce and expensive, but anyone can attempt to buy one and the ticket will be honored if you obtain it.
Pretty much everyone? That's another false statement. Some people have agreed with you. Several others haven't. And you can say it's unreasonable until you're blue in the face, but it doesn't actually make it unreasonable for me to ask the Ten Club if they plan to allow for a simple accommodation THAT IS THE SAME THING THEY DID FOR THE LAST SHOWS. How on Earth is it unreasonable to ask for, or even to expect, that accommodation?
It’s unreasonable because you think you’re entitled to special treatment. Adapt or be left behind. This isn’t 1991. My advice is pursue hard tickets through the Ticketmaster sale. If that doesn’t work out, I’m sure someone from the board will be happy to send you a copy of your desired show on VHS.
When have I claimed to be entitled to this? I think it's terrible customer service to exclude loyal fans who want to pay for the product you're selling, but I have never even implied that I'm entitled to have a ticket printed. I would like for them to provide that option, just like they did last time. Arguably, there is a reasonable expectation that they would do that since they did it last time and since virtually every other event at these same venues does it, but that's an expectation, not an entitlement. If they don't provide that option, I won't buy tickets. It will have a minimal effect on my overall happiness.
Every time you repeat "adapt or be left behind" like a parrot, I keep wondering if you and some of the other posters here ("it's EVOLUTION, baby") understand that "Do The Evolution" was an anti-technology song. It's about man's hubris for thinking that he stands astride the world because of his power and technology, trampling over "those ignorant Indians" and demanding to be admired for his advances. It predicts that, in the end, this relentless technological advance and man's attitude of superiority because of it will lead to everything "go[ing] to fire." That's what your hero, Mr. Viva La Vinyl and Mr. Backspacer, thinks about modern technology. So bear that in mind as you mock people who don't wish to partake of this particular bit of technology. And thanks again for another inapt analogy about VHS tapes, although I note the irony that if Pearl Jam did put out a VHS tape today there would be thousands of people in this fan club desperate to obtain it for their collections even if they have nowhere to play it.
Also bear in mind that no technology is permanent. Vinyl was dominant, then obsolete, then resurgent. CDs, DVDs, Blu-rays-- every medium has had its day. Everyone had to be on Facebook or be left out of the conversation; now it's "for olds," as someone said, and Instagram is the new shiny object. I was never on Facebook. I got mocked for it just like you mock me for not having a smartphone. Now some of the same people who mocked me have deleted Facebook. (Meanwhile, all along, I have owned its stock and made a killing. I retired at age 39 by investing in technology I don't use-- FB, Apple, Tesla-- so I know a thing or two about adapting, trust me. No smartphone required for any of it.)
Someone, perhaps you, referred to me as a "dying breed" for not having a smartphone. It's not a straight line up to 100 percent adoption. There was never a point at which 100 percent of homes had televisions, for example. A person who chose not to have a television didn't have much ground to complain about lack of access to television shows because that was the purpose of the device and of the technology. But the primary purpose of a smartphone is for communication. The secondary purpose is for mobile Internet access. Way down the list of smartphone functions is "ticket repository." So it's not unreasonable, especially as we are nowhere near universal implementation of "mobile-only tickets"-- the vast majority of events in venues large and small have non-mobile ticket options-- for someone to assume that a smartphone should not be necessary to attend an event.
In the meantime, just wait. The generation that comes up next will recoil against this tech and its invasiveness. They'll rediscover privacy. (Maybe they'll even chant about it being priceless to them.) They'll wonder what is wrong with the drones in the generation ahead of them who walk around with their heads buried in their phones, barely interacting with the world around them. They'll come up with their own version of "OK Boomer" for Millennials and Gen Z. They'll be amazed when they learn that, for the first time in all the years of polling the issue, 18-to-22-year-olds are the demographic that feels loneliest. It used to be senior citizens, but now it's 18-to-22-year-olds because their phones are robbing them of human connection. There is a course now being taught at USC-- suggested by students and run by students-- about friendship, with a focus on how to make friends. This was never an issue before. People have never been more connected, and yet they have never felt more isolated. So don't assume that the smartphone is now and ever shall be, world without end amen. It's evolution, baby.
It’s access to a private show, actually. It is special treatment. I guess I should have access to the Super Bowl this year since it’s being played at a tax funded stadium. Get real man.
Actually, it's a public show. Tickets are being sold to the public. Anyone can buy a ticket. A private show is when you play for an exclusive and specially invited group of people like, say, employees of Target.
The Super Bowl is not a private event either. The public can buy tickets to the event. The available tickets are scarce and expensive, but anyone can attempt to buy one and the ticket will be honored if you obtain it.
It’s not private? My mailman was trying to put in for 10c tickets and wasn’t allowed. Turns out you have to be a paying member!!! With a special individualized access code!!
Cash is not going anywhere, my friend. And I've never had anyone complain about me giving them cash when I owe them money.
Who said anything about cramming this down people's throats? I am not asking Pearl Jam to abandon mobile ticketing. I am asking Pearl Jam whether they plan to, in recognition of the fact that a small but real number of its loyal fans do not have the requisite technology, arrange for an easy accommodation that already exists at every venue that costs the band nothing and that they have previously provided.
I think it's a big assumption on your part that it's an "easy accommodation" that "costs the band nothing"...with each year of my concert-going (10-12 shows per year usually), I'm finding more and more that it's either digital only, occasionally with the print-at-home option and sometimes not, or pay extra (sometimes $3-4 each) for ticket vendor hard copies. That extra cost? Is because they need to be printed. On paper. With ink. With the entire planet moving digital more and more each day, this is the evolution of ticketing systems, and how they continue to cut costs wherever possible.
Some people are still willing to pay extra for the hard copy tickets, and perhaps if that became the option - an extra fee to get them printed at the Will Call window with proof of ID - then I could understand it. But of course then there would be complaints that "just because I don't have a smart phone I have to pay more for my ticket?"
Because at some point a question wasn’t just being asked; it was
interspersed with a sense of entitlement that because a fan didn’t have a
smart phone they were owed something. That is where the problem lies.
If it’s about the question, just leave it at that. The band is allowed
to change as they always have. I want everyone who wants to get in the
show to be able to do so, but sometimes the world evolves and you have
to acknowledge when that happens. You don’t have to evolve with it, but
you can’t get mad because others evolve.
(sigh) I said I'd pay for the option to print the ticket. Read the thread. The venues already print tickets for other events. They do this every day. It doesn't require new technology. It doesn't require new people to be hired. The cost is de minimis. As previously mentioned, I recently paid $5 to print hard tickets for Wilco shows. I was fine with that, even though I know it doesn't cost the ticketing agency $5 to print and mail the tickets. There were no complaints that I had to pay more because I don't have a smartphone, even as you falsely assume that such complaints would naturally follow.
Again, why does this matter to you? It does not affect you. Why are so many of you so eager to see other fans excluded when they could be easily accommodated-- JUST LIKE WAS DONE FOR THE LAST SET OF SHOWS? No one is trying to take your smartphone or your ability to use it as a ticket away from you.
I think you're neglecting the reason the band decided to do this. All the reasons they stated for doing this - access to sell at (but not above) face value, the removal of the ability to coordinate applying for tickets so they can barter after the fact, prevention of purchase of fraudulent tickets - are no longer met the minute they allow "just you" to attend the show with a paper ticket. "Just you" becomes "just anyone who asks", and then the scalping comes right back into play.
I'm sorry to say this, but it's not an "easy accommodation" like you keep suggesting. It would in fact jeopardize all the work that must have gone into designing this system. Like any policy change, there are winners and losers. The fact that this change has led to the betterment of experience for so many, makes it a no-brainer.
It is a fair question and no one should be forced to have a smartphone in order get the opportunity to fanclub tickets.
You can:
1. Go with someone who has a smartphone 2. Borrow an old phone from a family member or friend for the day 3. Borrow/use an iPod touch that is also wifi compatible
Unfortunate as it may be for those who don't have smartphones, these three options would be quite easy to pull together in the months leading up to these dates if need be and definitely doable
None of these solutions is necessarily as easy as you think it is. Not everyone has someone available to make the ticket purchase for them and go to the show with them. Not everyone has old phones lying around, let alone ones that are still activated. Many people are unwilling or unable to give away their phones for an evening or more.
Twenty percent of Americans do not have smartphones. It's not a small minority; it's tens of millions of people. Venues already make accommodations for shows and for sports events that are otherwise Mobile Entry for this reason. Hopefully, a similar accommodation will be made here. It would be ironic for a band that offers an "analog" fan club membership and which has fetishized obsolete technology (vinyl records and typewriters) not to do so.
Regardless, the purpose of this thread was to provide an opportunity for the Ten Club to address this question. Tips from other fan club members are appreciated but beside the point.
Your old phone doesn’t have to be activated. It can still access WiFi. I used to download games and play them on an old phone. Get a Amazon Fire tablet for $40 and that probably works too.
Yes, it’s a pain if you don’t have a smart phone. But not something that called be solved with a little effort.
Will call pick up the day of the event makes it difficult to scalp. But it does allow for long time fan club members to attend. Only allow ten club members to pick up at will call if they choose and don't tell them the seat locations(once again making it hard to scalp when you cant advertise where they will be sitting). I keep reading on here how only a few people in todays society don't have a smart phone. Well the line would be short then. One last thing. How many people did you see from the ten club scalping there physical tickets they picked up that day at will call on previous tours.
I've enjoyed this banter. Very interesting. I love how some people refuse to evolve and think they should be catered too. I'm pretty sure PJ will be wildly successful without the few dozen that do not have a smart phone.
I kinda wanna hear some of the reasons people say they don't have a smart phone in 2020.
I've enjoyed this banter. Very interesting. I love how some people refuse to evolve and think they should be catered too. I'm pretty sure PJ will be wildly successful without the few dozen that do not have a smart phone.
I kinda wanna hear some of the reasons people say they don't have a smart phone in 2020.
I've been paying to see the band live since 1995 and have been a paying 10C member since 2000 without lapsing. My financial support is one of the reasons that Pearl Jam is "wildly successful" today. I don't own a smartphone because I have no use for one. I have a very economical Tracfone for phone calls and texts. I have a desk top computer for my internet access (and also scanning and printing). And I guarantee I'm at least as evolved as you, probably more so.
I'm okay with them making an exception for those without smartphones. Except that when they pickup their tickets they must go into the venue. No way around it. In 1999 during the Springsteen reunion tour the first 17or 18 rows of reserved seats on the floor were sold in pairs only and they were pickup and walkin. No heading back out to sell them or tailgate or get something to eat. Pickup and walk in.
I've enjoyed this banter. Very interesting. I love how some people refuse to evolve and think they should be catered too. I'm pretty sure PJ will be wildly successful without the few dozen that do not have a smart phone.
I kinda wanna hear some of the reasons people say they don't have a smart phone in 2020.
I've been paying to see the band live since 1995 and have been a paying 10C member since 2000 without lapsing. My financial support is one of the reasons that Pearl Jam is "wildly successful" today. I don't own a smartphone because I have no use for one. I have a very economical Tracfone for phone calls and texts. I have a desk top computer for my internet access (and also scanning and printing). And I guarantee I'm at least as evolved as you, probably more so
JM, we have to realize people like Shecky are just trolling(at least for their sake I hope they are). Obviously pearl jam doesn't need us or anyone anymore due to their vast wealth they have accumulated. It's the internet. Having or not having a smart phone has nothing to do with evolving, wealth, education level and more importantly happiness. Just a quick glimpse into why I don't have/need one is because I see the disconnect people have with one another in todays society. Lots of people sitting around in public mindlessly staring at their phone instead of being present in their surroundings. Well hopefully on the 2nd leg the ten club will let the "less evolved join in".
I've enjoyed this banter. Very interesting. I love how some people refuse to evolve and think they should be catered too. I'm pretty sure PJ will be wildly successful without the few dozen that do not have a smart phone.
I kinda wanna hear some of the reasons people say they don't have a smart phone in 2020.
I've been paying to see the band live since 1995 and have been a paying 10C member since 2000 without lapsing. My financial support is one of the reasons that Pearl Jam is "wildly successful" today. I don't own a smartphone because I have no use for one. I have a very economical Tracfone for phone calls and texts. I have a desk top computer for my internet access (and also scanning and printing). And I guarantee I'm at least as evolved as you, probably more so
JM, we have to realize people like Shecky are just trolling(at least for their sake I hope they are). Obviously pearl jam doesn't need us or anyone anymore due to their vast wealth they have accumulated. It's the internet. Having or not having a smart phone has nothing to do with evolving, wealth, education level and more importantly happiness. Just a quick glimpse into why I don't have/need one is because I see the disconnect people have with one another in todays society. Lots of people sitting around in public mindlessly staring at their phone instead of being present in their surroundings. Well hopefully on the 2nd leg the ten club will let the "less evolved join in".
Never said anything about it having to do wealth, education level or happiness. And I certainly agree that there is becoming a disconnect with people while they mindlessly stare at the phone. I assure you I'm certainly not one of those. I love having a phone and all the perks that come with it but there is definitely a time to put it down (habing a conversation, DRIVING and walking the streets are just three that come to mind immediately). But you also can't deny that there are some benefits to having a smartphone (which all the more power to you if you choose not to take advance of them) and one of those benefits is access to entering a Pearl Jam concert 🤣
I've enjoyed this banter. Very interesting. I love how some people refuse to evolve and think they should be catered too. I'm pretty sure PJ will be wildly successful without the few dozen that do not have a smart phone.
I kinda wanna hear some of the reasons people say they don't have a smart phone in 2020.
I've been paying to see the band live since 1995 and have been a paying 10C member since 2000 without lapsing. My financial support is one of the reasons that Pearl Jam is "wildly successful" today. I don't own a smartphone because I have no use for one. I have a very economical Tracfone for phone calls and texts. I have a desk top computer for my internet access (and also scanning and printing). And I guarantee I'm at least as evolved as you, probably more so
JM, we have to realize people like Shecky are just trolling(at least for their sake I hope they are). Obviously pearl jam doesn't need us or anyone anymore due to their vast wealth they have accumulated. It's the internet. Having or not having a smart phone has nothing to do with evolving, wealth, education level and more importantly happiness. Just a quick glimpse into why I don't have/need one is because I see the disconnect people have with one another in todays society. Lots of people sitting around in public mindlessly staring at their phone instead of being present in their surroundings. Well hopefully on the 2nd leg the ten club will let the "less evolved join in".
Never said anything about it having to do wealth, education level or happiness. And I certainly agree that there is becoming a disconnect with people while they mindlessly stare at the phone. I assure you I'm certainly not one of those. I love having a phone and all the perks that come with it but there is definitely a time to put it down (habing a conversation, DRIVING and walking the streets are just three that come to mind immediately). But you also can't deny that there are some benefits to having a smartphone (which all the more power to you if you choose not to take advance of them) and one of those benefits is access to entering a Pearl Jam concert 🤣
It’s access to a private show, actually. It is special treatment. I guess I should have access to the Super Bowl this year since it’s being played at a tax funded stadium. Get real man.
Actually, it's a public show. Tickets are being sold to the public. Anyone can buy a ticket. A private show is when you play for an exclusive and specially invited group of people like, say, employees of Target.
The Super Bowl is not a private event either. The public can buy tickets to the event. The available tickets are scarce and expensive, but anyone can attempt to buy one and the ticket will be honored if you obtain it.
It’s not private? My mailman was trying to put in for 10c tickets and wasn’t allowed. Turns out you have to be a paying member!!! With a special individualized access code!!
You have to be a paying member to get Ten Club tickets. That is only a subset of the available tickets. These are 15,000-20,000-seat arenas. Most of the tickets will be available to the general public.
With each inapt analogy and inane post you make, you are proving that having a smartphone doesn't make one smart.
I apologize for using your name/handle in a post. It is not something I typically do. Like many people here I've been to many Pearl Jam concerts in North America since 1996(Augusta Maine). I guess I just have to come to the realization That It will end all due to the fact I don't need or want a smart phone. Honestly I guess being smart phone free is more important than Seeing a concert. I was hoping this thread would result in a way I could have both. Once again I should not have assumed to know you or what you think.
I apologize for using your name/handle in a post. It is not something I typically do. Like many people here I've been to many Pearl Jam concerts in North America since 1996(Augusta Maine). I guess I just have to come to the realization That It will end all due to the fact I don't need or want a smart phone. Honestly I guess being smart phone free is more important than Seeing a concert. I was hoping this thread would result in a way I could have both. Once again I should not have assumed to know you or what you think.
It is all good. At the end of the day I really do hope it all works out for everyone.
Since 1996? Good for you! I was just got to my first ever concert in the summer of '96, I was 11.
I apologize for using your name/handle in a post. It is not something I typically do. Like many people here I've been to many Pearl Jam concerts in North America since 1996(Augusta Maine). I guess I just have to come to the realization That It will end all due to the fact I don't need or want a smart phone. Honestly I guess being smart phone free is more important than Seeing a concert. I was hoping this thread would result in a way I could have both. Once again I should not have assumed to know you or what you think.
It is all good. At the end of the day I really do hope it all works out for everyone.
Since 1996? Good for you! I was just got to my first ever concert in the summer of '96, I was 11.
It’s access to a private show, actually. It is special treatment. I guess I should have access to the Super Bowl this year since it’s being played at a tax funded stadium. Get real man.
Actually, it's a public show. Tickets are being sold to the public. Anyone can buy a ticket. A private show is when you play for an exclusive and specially invited group of people like, say, employees of Target.
The Super Bowl is not a private event either. The public can buy tickets to the event. The available tickets are scarce and expensive, but anyone can attempt to buy one and the ticket will be honored if you obtain it.
It’s not private? My mailman was trying to put in for 10c tickets and wasn’t allowed. Turns out you have to be a paying member!!! With a special individualized access code!!
You have to be a paying member to get Ten Club tickets. That is only a subset of the available tickets.
Yes, and those are the only tickets that need to be referenced in this thread based on your concern.
Will the Ten Club be making any accommodations for its members who do not have smartphones and who do not have the ability to use "Mobile Entry" tickets?
I have emailed the Ten Club, as have other people. Trying to get an answer as quickly as possible since we only have three days to submit orders, so I'm presenting the question in multiple channels.
No need to worry about 10c tickets for “members only.” That is only a subset of the available tickets. These are 15,000-20,000-seat arenas. Plenty of “public” tickets will be available.
I'm okay with them making an exception for those without smartphones. Except that when they pickup their tickets they must go into the venue. No way around it. In 1999 during the Springsteen reunion tour the first 17or 18 rows of reserved seats on the floor were sold in pairs only and they were pickup and walkin. No heading back out to sell them or tailgate or get something to eat. Pickup and walk in.
I've enjoyed this banter. Very interesting. I love how some people refuse to evolve and think they should be catered too. I'm pretty sure PJ will be wildly successful without the few dozen that do not have a smart phone.
I kinda wanna hear some of the reasons people say they don't have a smart phone in 2020.
I've been paying to see the band live since 1995 and have been a paying 10C member since 2000 without lapsing. My financial support is one of the reasons that Pearl Jam is "wildly successful" today. I don't own a smartphone because I have no use for one. I have a very economical Tracfone for phone calls and texts. I have a desk top computer for my internet access (and also scanning and printing). And I guarantee I'm at least as evolved as you, probably more so
JM, we have to realize people like Shecky are just trolling(at least for their sake I hope they are). Obviously pearl jam doesn't need us or anyone anymore due to their vast wealth they have accumulated. It's the internet. Having or not having a smart phone has nothing to do with evolving, wealth, education level and more importantly happiness. Just a quick glimpse into why I don't have/need one is because I see the disconnect people have with one another in todays society. Lots of people sitting around in public mindlessly staring at their phone instead of being present in their surroundings. Well hopefully on the 2nd leg the ten club will let the "less evolved join in".
Discuss, disagree and debate politely. It's possible to disagree with people without being abusive, and it's a requirement here. Please see the Posting Guidelines. Thank you
1. Be nice. We're very big on RESPECT here. Respect for each other, the band and the Ten Club Community forum environment. Please think of it as if you are as a guest in someone else's home. Please do not put your posting privileges at risk.
2. Discuss, disagree and debate politely. It's possible to disagree with people without being abusive, and it's a requirement here. This includes abusive Private Messages.
a. We operate on the "I'm rubber, you're glue" philosophy so if you make a wonderful, thoughtful post with good points and call the other guy a moron while you're at it, it'll be removed. See #3.
3. There are people bashing and insulting each other all over the internet. We feel it can be better here.
I'm sorry to say this, but it's not an "easy accommodation" like you keep suggesting. It would in fact jeopardize all the work that must have gone into designing this system. Like any policy change, there are winners and losers. The fact that this change has led to the betterment of experience for so many, makes it a no-brainer.
Toronto Film Festival 9/11/2007, '08 - Toronto 1 & 2, '09 - Albany 1, '11 - Chicago 1
With respect to the betterment of the experience, isn't the jury out on that? These shows haven't happened yet. Imagine the chaos if this technology fails. What happens if someone decides to hack the system or jam the signals? I certainly don't wish for this, and I will feel bad for people who get caught up in the chaos such a failure would create, but there's a reason why, for example, we don't vote in elections via the Internet. These systems are vulnerable, so time will tell if it is a success.
By the way, how is the Ten Club going to prevent people from selling their extra tickets at a premium? If I'm a Ten Club member and I buy a pair, how would they ever know that I made my friend pay 300 bucks for the privilege of being my Plus-One? The first Pearl Jam show I ever attended only happened because a guy I was acquainted with had a pair and was willing to let me have his extra only if I paid a 100 percent premium over face value, basically making the tickets free for him. That meant I had to pay 50 bucks for a 25-dollar face-value ticket and, let me tell you, that was an astronomical amount for me at the time. I had to do some deep soul-searching about whether it was better to see the show or to eat that week. The show was amazing, and I met Eddie, Jeff and Dave A. that night, so I didn't regret going hungry.
The Super Bowl is not a private event either. The public can buy tickets to the event. The available tickets are scarce and expensive, but anyone can attempt to buy one and the ticket will be honored if you obtain it.
I kinda wanna hear some of the reasons people say they don't have a smart phone in 2020.
Except that when they pickup their tickets they must go into the venue. No way around it.
In 1999 during the Springsteen reunion tour the first 17or 18 rows of reserved seats on the floor were sold in pairs only and they were pickup and walkin. No heading back out to sell them or tailgate or get something to eat.
Pickup and walk in.
With each inapt analogy and inane post you make, you are proving that having a smartphone doesn't make one smart.
Since 1996? Good for you! I was just got to my first ever concert in the summer of '96, I was 11.
1. Be nice. We're very big on RESPECT here. Respect for each other, the band and the Ten Club Community forum environment. Please think of it as if you are as a guest in someone else's home. Please do not put your posting privileges at risk.
2. Discuss, disagree and debate politely. It's possible to disagree with people without being abusive, and it's a requirement here. This includes abusive Private Messages.
a. We operate on the "I'm rubber, you're glue" philosophy so if you make a wonderful, thoughtful post with good points and call the other guy a moron while you're at it, it'll be removed. See #3.
3. There are people bashing and insulting each other all over the internet. We feel it can be better here.