Some of you folks are just so smug., so full of yourselves, always doing your best to one-up the last guy with the dickish comeback. We've got a member here -- a member of our self-important "jamily" best fans in the world club -- a member who wants to go to a show but can't because of technicality. A simple, "Oh that sucks dude. Sorry" is enough. But no. People have to be judgmental creeps about it. Every single time anyone shares anything that makes them slightly vulnerable, people pounce. This "we're the best fans in the world" is a bunch of crap, as far as I'm concerned. I feel really bad for this guy. How can I not feel bad for someone who is excluded from getting tickets, for any reason? The top of the announcement says, "You're eligible if your membership is up-to-date." It doesn't say, "You're eligible if your membership is up-to-date AND you own a smart phone." Clearly they need to change that on the announcement.
Because at some point a question wasn’t just being asked; it was interspersed with a sense of entitlement that because a fan didn’t have a smart phone they were owed something. That is where the problem lies. If it’s about the question, just leave it at that. The band is allowed to change as they always have. I want everyone who wants to get in the show to be able to do so, but sometimes the world evolves and you have to acknowledge when that happens. You don’t have to evolve with it, but you can’t get mad because others evolve.
it is not entitlement to point out that not everyone can just have a smartphone. Those of us who have them seem to take for granted that we can just trade them in at will for the next model on lease. It is not that simple especially when you didn't think your ability to go to a concert hinged on it.
In any event the best advice was already posted on this and should have been quicker to the draw from everyone. Just need a plus one to scan you in. Hopefully moving forward this is a lot clearer for folks who are not on their 12th smart phone.
"Collaborating with my bandmates on Gigaton ultimately gave me greater love, awareness and knowledge of the need for human connection in these times." ~ Mike McCready My final entry in this discussion
A lot of professional sports teams don't even send cardboard season tickets out anymore. Many do allow you to print out a paper copy, but the whole system is really designed to be mobile smartphone enabled. Boarding passes for flights. All of it.
The world is going mobile and paperless.
It might not be your cup of tea, and part of me gets that, but unfortunately the world en masse doesn't really care what individual people care about.
As a side note, once you get into the habit of using your phone for shit like this you'll quickly realize it's a vast improvement. No losing tickets. Easily transferrable. It's mankind evolving. Just go with it.
'I know I was born and I know that I'll die, the in between is mine.'
I’m also pissed the new album isn’t offered on 8 track! Not everyone has a CD player or a turntable!
Also, why can I only get 10c tickets through email when I have been a standing member for over 20 years? Not everyone has the internet or a computer!
Also, why doesn’t the band play in my city? Not everyone has a car or knows someone that wants to drive them, or likes to fly!
Do you have any other inapt analogies? Are there tens of millions of Americans with 8-track players? Could anyone have a reasonable expectation of the album being available on 8-track when no album has been available in that format for over 30 years, contrary to how hard tickets were made available for this band's most recent shows less than two years ago?
Again, why does this bother you? No one is asking anything from you. No one is asking you to be inconvenienced in any way. You are choosing to engage with this thread when it is of no concern to you, and why? Just to be a dick?
This band arranged for hard tickets to be available to customers without smartphones on its last tour. This band did that. Other bands playing these same venues using the same ticket agency do that. How is it unreasonable to inquire as to whether they intend to do the same thing that they just did? And why does it so offend you that someone dares to ask?
Generally, businesses try to accommodate people who want to purchase the products they're selling, not mock them.
I could offer plenty more analogies if you would like. Just let me know.
My 86 year old grandmother has a smartphone. My hand to god this is the absolute truth. She doesn’t know how to use it all that well, but she does have one. Like it or not, the 8 track analogy is not far off from people not having smart phones. You are a dying breed. Also true is my analogy of the 10c at some point REQUIRING you to have an email account and a computer to purchase 10c tickets, which was a change to how things originally functioned. CHANGED!!!!!
Why does it bother me? It doesn’t at all really. I am just pointing out the absurdity in your thinking that just because you choose to remain in the dark ages, that somehow prohibits the band and the rest of the world from evolving, like they owe it to you to keep things the way they were in 1991.
20% of cell phone owners aren’t smartphone owners. That is not an insignificant number. And the smartphone ticketing doesn’t actually prevent all scalping. And you can get an email address using a library or work computer if you needed to, no ownership required.
You’re the only one talking about scalping here. Is this about cost of phones or preventing scalping? Let’s stay focused.
Thanks for the lesson on how to get an email address, I think My point of bringing up email (that the band changed from the snail mail ticketing system) flew right over your head. I know you non- smart phone owners probably assume getting an email address and accessing a computer is difficult for everyone else to understand, just like it is yourselves, but I assure you it is not!
A technology (8-track) that has not been commercially available for over 30 years versus a ticketing option that was made available by this band two years ago, and that is available now for virtually every other show at the same venues, is not a good analogy, so let's not talk about things flying over one's head, O.K.? And I've made it pretty clear that money is not the issue. I could buy any phone I want. Others are not so fortunate. I don't mock them for it.
Time will tell if I'm a dying breed-- vinyl was a dying technology until it wasn't; everyone was on Facebook until they weren't-- but what I definitely am is in a minority. Guilty as charged.
When have I said that the band owes me anything? (Well, they do owe me two fan-club singles.) I'm asking if they will again make an eminently reasonable accommodation for a small but real segment of their fan base, actual paying customers who want to purchase the product they're selling. How this is "absurd" to you is beyond me. The further irony in all of this is that this whole system is beneficial to Ticketmaster's bottom line, not yours, mine or Pearl Jam's.
And where do you get the idea that I'm mad about it? If I end up unable to access tickets, I won't go to the shows. It will be disappointing, but I will not lose sleep over it. I'm certainly not going to burn down the Ten Club headquarters or the arenas. If anything, I'm bemused by the irony of it all-- Pearl Jam giving complete control of its ticketing to Ticketmaster and, in the process, placing needless barriers in the way of access for some of their fans. Yes, needless-- these venues print tickets all the time. I just went to an NHL game where I picked up a printed ticket at will call for a team that is "Mobile Entry" only. I just bought tickets for three Wilco shows in April that defaulted to e-tickets but gave an option to buy hard tickets for $5. This is not hard.
So, no, I'm not mad. I am annoyed by people like you who, rather than just staying out of a conversation that doesn't pertain to you, instead choose to cast aspersions on people who are not like you based on flawed assumptions and analogies. You're not going to convince me to get a smartphone or make me feel bad about not having one, and I'm not going to convince you to give yours up (nor have I even tried to do this even implicitly-- I hope you and your smartphone continue making each other happy for many years to come). So how about let's just let the Ten Club address the issue, as they did in the distant dark age of 2018 and hopefully will again in the dystopian future of 2020.
BF25394 said: So, no, I'm not mad. I am annoyed by people like you who, rather than just staying out of a conversation that doesn't pertain to you, instead choose to cast aspersions on people who are not like you based on flawed assumptions and analogies. You're not going to convince me to get a smartphone or make me feel bad about not having one, and I'm not going to convince you to give yours up (nor have I even tried to do this even implicitly-- I hope you and your smartphone continue making each other happy for many years to come). So how about let's just let the Ten Club address the issue, as they did in the distant dark age of 2018 and hopefully will again in the dystopian future of 2020.
Don’t be a victim, nobody cast aspersions at anyone. I grew up poor. I don’t have a Facebook account. I have a beater smartphone because I know it’s a requirement to live in the modern world. Adapt or be left behind.
BF25394 said: So, no, I'm not mad. I am annoyed by people like you who, rather than just staying out of a conversation that doesn't pertain to you, instead choose to cast aspersions on people who are not like you based on flawed assumptions and analogies. You're not going to convince me to get a smartphone or make me feel bad about not having one, and I'm not going to convince you to give yours up (nor have I even tried to do this even implicitly-- I hope you and your smartphone continue making each other happy for many years to come). So how about let's just let the Ten Club address the issue, as they did in the distant dark age of 2018 and hopefully will again in the dystopian future of 2020.
Don’t be a victim, nobody cast aspersions at anyone. I grew up poor. I don’t have a Facebook account. I have a beater smartphone because I know it’s a requirement to live in the modern world. Adapt or be left behind.
Pretty much.
Again, forget about getting into a PJ show.
What exactly is your gameplan when vendors stop taking cash for a lot of purchases? Or when all your friends dont understand why you cant just Venmo them money and need to give them paper money whenever you owe them.
PJ is not really cramming this down anyone's throat. They are just reflecting the current state of how humans handle this stuff nowadays.
'I know I was born and I know that I'll die, the in between is mine.'
At this point, we are at least 10 years past the "you should expect not to access certain things a smartphone user can". Everyone has the right to not have a smartphone but by doing so IMO you also accept the burden of not being able to access or do certain things when they inevitably make the jump to digital and mobile
It isn't just Pearl Jam. The Raconteurs show I had you could only use mobile tickets that had barcode refreshing every 60 seconds. At this point, the eventual jump to digital only across the board with events is inevitable.
So I would argue at this point trying to fight the system will do less than adapting to the situation and either having your own device that can access Wifi at least, or borrow someone else's old device for the day
BF25394 said: So, no, I'm not mad. I am annoyed by people like you who, rather than just staying out of a conversation that doesn't pertain to you, instead choose to cast aspersions on people who are not like you based on flawed assumptions and analogies. You're not going to convince me to get a smartphone or make me feel bad about not having one, and I'm not going to convince you to give yours up (nor have I even tried to do this even implicitly-- I hope you and your smartphone continue making each other happy for many years to come). So how about let's just let the Ten Club address the issue, as they did in the distant dark age of 2018 and hopefully will again in the dystopian future of 2020.
Don’t be a victim, nobody cast aspersions at anyone. I grew up poor. I don’t have a Facebook account. I have a beater smartphone because I know it’s a requirement to live in the modern world. Adapt or be left behind.
Pretty much.
Again, forget about getting into a PJ show.
What exactly is your gameplan when vendors stop taking cash for a lot of purchases? Or when all your friends dont understand why you cant just Venmo them money and need to give them paper money whenever you owe them.
PJ is not really cramming this down anyone's throat. They are just reflecting the current state of how humans handle this stuff nowadays.
Cash is not going anywhere, my friend. And I've never had anyone complain about me giving them cash when I owe them money.
Who said anything about cramming this down people's throats? I am not asking Pearl Jam to abandon mobile ticketing. I am asking Pearl Jam whether they plan to, in recognition of the fact that a small but real number of its loyal fans do not have the requisite technology, arrange for an easy accommodation that already exists at every venue that costs the band nothing and that they have previously provided.
At this point, we are at least 10 years past the "you should expect not to access certain things a smartphone user can". Everyone has the right to not have a smartphone but by doing so IMO you also accept the burden of not being able to access or do certain things when they inevitably make the jump to digital and mobile
It isn't just Pearl Jam. The Raconteurs show I had you could only use mobile tickets that had barcode refreshing every 60 seconds. At this point, the eventual jump to digital only across the board with events is inevitable.
So I would argue at this point trying to fight the system will do less than adapting to the situation and either having your own device that can access Wifi at least, or borrow someone else's old device for the day
Smartphone penetration in the U.S. in 2010 (i.e., ten years ago) was 20 percent, so we are definitely not "at least 10 years past" the point you think we are. Smartphone penetration didn't even hit 50 percent until 2014.
Yes, I choose not to have a smartphone recognizing that this means that there are certain conveniences that will be unavailable to me. I make this "sacrifice" because the costs of the technology outweigh its benefits from my perspective. You feel differently about that calculus, and that's your prerogative. As I have said repeatedly, if it turns out that these shows are inaccessible to me because I don't have this technology, I will be O.K. with that. Disappointed, sure, but I've seen Pearl Jam 60 times and I will continue to live a fulfilling and rich smartphone-free life whether or not I see them for the 61st through 65th times. In the meantime, I'm asking what seems to me the perfectly reasonable question of whether they will make hard tickets available for people like me like they did last time. I do not understand why this is controversial.
Nothing is inevitable except for death and the fact that we are never going to get our 2017 and 2018 fan club singles.
BF25394 said: So, no, I'm not mad. I am annoyed by people like you who, rather than just staying out of a conversation that doesn't pertain to you, instead choose to cast aspersions on people who are not like you based on flawed assumptions and analogies. You're not going to convince me to get a smartphone or make me feel bad about not having one, and I'm not going to convince you to give yours up (nor have I even tried to do this even implicitly-- I hope you and your smartphone continue making each other happy for many years to come). So how about let's just let the Ten Club address the issue, as they did in the distant dark age of 2018 and hopefully will again in the dystopian future of 2020.
Don’t be a victim, nobody cast aspersions at anyone. I grew up poor. I don’t have a Facebook account. I have a beater smartphone because I know it’s a requirement to live in the modern world. Adapt or be left behind.
Sure you did. You called people inquiring about this accommodation entitled. You also said "I know you non- smart phone owners probably assume getting an email address and accessing a computer is difficult for everyone else to understand, just like it is yourselves, but I assure you it is not!"
You don't have a Facebook account? Even my 86-year-old grandmother has a Facebook account. Why don't you get with the times?
Having a smartphone is not a requirement to live in the modern world. I live in the modern world every day. Tens of millions of Americans live in the modern world every day without smartphones. You have chosen to organize your life in a way that requires a smartphone. That works for you. But it's actually not that hard to organize your life in a way that doesn't require a smartphone. You may think that it is because you've gotten used to and reliant on your smartphone, but it's really not.
BF25394 said: So, no, I'm not mad. I am annoyed by people like you who, rather than just staying out of a conversation that doesn't pertain to you, instead choose to cast aspersions on people who are not like you based on flawed assumptions and analogies. You're not going to convince me to get a smartphone or make me feel bad about not having one, and I'm not going to convince you to give yours up (nor have I even tried to do this even implicitly-- I hope you and your smartphone continue making each other happy for many years to come). So how about let's just let the Ten Club address the issue, as they did in the distant dark age of 2018 and hopefully will again in the dystopian future of 2020.
Don’t be a victim, nobody cast aspersions at anyone. I grew up poor. I don’t have a Facebook account. I have a beater smartphone because I know it’s a requirement to live in the modern world. Adapt or be left behind.
Sure you did. You called people inquiring about this accommodation entitled. You also said "I know you non- smart phone owners probably assume getting an email address and accessing a computer is difficult for everyone else to understand, just like it is yourselves, but I assure you it is not!"
You don't have a Facebook account? Even my 86-year-old grandmother has a Facebook account. Why don't you get with the times?
Having a smartphone is not a requirement to live in the modern world. I live in the modern world every day. Tens of millions of Americans live in the modern world every day without smartphones. You have chosen to organize your life in a way that requires a smartphone. That works for you. But it's actually not that hard to organize your life in a way that doesn't require a smartphone. You may think that it is because you've gotten used to and reliant on your smartphone, but it's really not.
BF25394 said: So, no, I'm not mad. I am annoyed by people like you who, rather than just staying out of a conversation that doesn't pertain to you, instead choose to cast aspersions on people who are not like you based on flawed assumptions and analogies. You're not going to convince me to get a smartphone or make me feel bad about not having one, and I'm not going to convince you to give yours up (nor have I even tried to do this even implicitly-- I hope you and your smartphone continue making each other happy for many years to come). So how about let's just let the Ten Club address the issue, as they did in the distant dark age of 2018 and hopefully will again in the dystopian future of 2020.
Don’t be a victim, nobody cast aspersions at anyone. I grew up poor. I don’t have a Facebook account. I have a beater smartphone because I know it’s a requirement to live in the modern world. Adapt or be left behind.
Sure you did. You called people inquiring about this accommodation entitled. You also said "I know you non- smart phone owners probably assume getting an email address and accessing a computer is difficult for everyone else to understand, just like it is yourselves, but I assure you it is not!"
You don't have a Facebook account? Even my 86-year-old grandmother has a Facebook account. Why don't you get with the times?
Having a smartphone is not a requirement to live in the modern world. I live in the modern world every day. Tens of millions of Americans live in the modern world every day without smartphones. You have chosen to organize your life in a way that requires a smartphone. That works for you. But it's actually not that hard to organize your life in a way that doesn't require a smartphone. You may think that it is because you've gotten used to and reliant on your smartphone, but it's really not.
BF25394 said: So, no, I'm not mad. I am annoyed by people like you who, rather than just staying out of a conversation that doesn't pertain to you, instead choose to cast aspersions on people who are not like you based on flawed assumptions and analogies. You're not going to convince me to get a smartphone or make me feel bad about not having one, and I'm not going to convince you to give yours up (nor have I even tried to do this even implicitly-- I hope you and your smartphone continue making each other happy for many years to come). So how about let's just let the Ten Club address the issue, as they did in the distant dark age of 2018 and hopefully will again in the dystopian future of 2020.
Don’t be a victim, nobody cast aspersions at anyone. I grew up poor. I don’t have a Facebook account. I have a beater smartphone because I know it’s a requirement to live in the modern world. Adapt or be left behind.
Sure you did. You called people inquiring about this accommodation entitled. You also said "I know you non- smart phone owners probably assume getting an email address and accessing a computer is difficult for everyone else to understand, just like it is yourselves, but I assure you it is not!"
You don't have a Facebook account? Even my 86-year-old grandmother has a Facebook account. Why don't you get with the times?
Having a smartphone is not a requirement to live in the modern world. I live in the modern world every day. Tens of millions of Americans live in the modern world every day without smartphones. You have chosen to organize your life in a way that requires a smartphone. That works for you. But it's actually not that hard to organize your life in a way that doesn't require a smartphone. You may think that it is because you've gotten used to and reliant on your smartphone, but it's really not.
Not everyone is on FB. I am not. Won't be. Good on your 86 year old grandma.
BTW, I think if Granny caught wind of the whisker licking you are doling out, she'd turn you over her knee.
What if you slam a handful of shrooms in the lot and have to fight a cyclops or some shit? Let's say you bang him up real good, and he's limping away but spins around and takes one last swing at you with his knobby club? You're trying to take a video to post on the message boards but his last swing clobbers your phone and it goes spinning out of your hand and lands in a mine field on the edge of the lava pit? There's no way you're going to be able to retrieve it without a kitchenaid stand mixer and no one has one with them obviously. Would will call hook you up with a hard ticket?
All I know is, thanks to shrooms, the barcodes on my tickets have been constantly changing since '96.
Also, Facebook is for olds. Your 86yo grandmother is on there because it's for 86yo grandmothers.
I went to the 10C box office for Wrigley in 2018 and they gave me a print-out ticket. They’ll probably do the same thing this year.
The language reads a lot stricter for this tour. I wouldn't just assume that. If someone absolutely can't do the paperless option, I'd reach out to 10C and confirm if they can accommodate before laying out the cash.
I’m also pissed the new album isn’t offered on 8 track! Not everyone has a CD player or a turntable!
Also, why can I only get 10c tickets through email when I have been a standing member for over 20 years? Not everyone has the internet or a computer!
Also, why doesn’t the band play in my city? Not everyone has a car or knows someone that wants to drive them, or likes to fly!
Do you have any other inapt analogies? Are there tens of millions of Americans with 8-track players? Could anyone have a reasonable expectation of the album being available on 8-track when no album has been available in that format for over 30 years, contrary to how hard tickets were made available for this band's most recent shows less than two years ago?
Again, why does this bother you? No one is asking anything from you. No one is asking you to be inconvenienced in any way. You are choosing to engage with this thread when it is of no concern to you, and why? Just to be a dick?
This band arranged for hard tickets to be available to customers without smartphones on its last tour. This band did that. Other bands playing these same venues using the same ticket agency do that. How is it unreasonable to inquire as to whether they intend to do the same thing that they just did? And why does it so offend you that someone dares to ask?
Generally, businesses try to accommodate people who want to purchase the products they're selling, not mock them.
I could offer plenty more analogies if you would like. Just let me know.
My 86 year old grandmother has a smartphone. My hand to god this is the absolute truth. She doesn’t know how to use it all that well, but she does have one. Like it or not, the 8 track analogy is not far off from people not having smart phones. You are a dying breed. Also true is my analogy of the 10c at some point REQUIRING you to have an email account and a computer to purchase 10c tickets, which was a change to how things originally functioned. CHANGED!!!!!
Why does it bother me? It doesn’t at all really. I am just pointing out the absurdity in your thinking that just because you choose to remain in the dark ages, that somehow prohibits the band and the rest of the world from evolving, like they owe it to you to keep things the way they were in 1991.
20% of cell phone owners aren’t smartphone owners. That is not an insignificant number. And the smartphone ticketing doesn’t actually prevent all scalping. And you can get an email address using a library or work computer if you needed to, no ownership required.
You’re the only one talking about scalping here. Is this about cost of phones or preventing scalping? Let’s stay focused.
Thanks for the lesson on how to get an email address, I think My point of bringing up email (that the band changed from the snail mail ticketing system) flew right over your head. I know you non- smart phone owners probably assume getting an email address and accessing a computer is difficult for everyone else to understand, just like it is yourselves, but I assure you it is not!
Scalping prevention is the essence of the policy. The entire thread grows from that intent of the policy. And yet that prevention is not going to be 100% effective and could hinder a not-so-small number of fans. If none of these venues had will call ticketing then it would be a bit extreme to ask 10C to do it special just for a PJ concert. But that is not the case. That is my point. And it worked pretty well in '18.
And your email point mentioned specifically that the entry point to the technology included ownership of the equipment . I was just proving it was not.
Cash is not going anywhere, my friend. And I've never had anyone complain about me giving them cash when I owe them money.
Who said anything about cramming this down people's throats? I am not asking Pearl Jam to abandon mobile ticketing. I am asking Pearl Jam whether they plan to, in recognition of the fact that a small but real number of its loyal fans do not have the requisite technology, arrange for an easy accommodation that already exists at every venue that costs the band nothing and that they have previously provided.
I think it's a big assumption on your part that it's an "easy accommodation" that "costs the band nothing"...with each year of my concert-going (10-12 shows per year usually), I'm finding more and more that it's either digital only, occasionally with the print-at-home option and sometimes not, or pay extra (sometimes $3-4 each) for ticket vendor hard copies. That extra cost? Is because they need to be printed. On paper. With ink. With the entire planet moving digital more and more each day, this is the evolution of ticketing systems, and how they continue to cut costs wherever possible.
Some people are still willing to pay extra for the hard copy tickets, and perhaps if that became the option - an extra fee to get them printed at the Will Call window with proof of ID - then I could understand it. But of course then there would be complaints that "just because I don't have a smart phone I have to pay more for my ticket?"
Because at some point a question wasn’t just being asked; it was
interspersed with a sense of entitlement that because a fan didn’t have a
smart phone they were owed something. That is where the problem lies.
If it’s about the question, just leave it at that. The band is allowed
to change as they always have. I want everyone who wants to get in the
show to be able to do so, but sometimes the world evolves and you have
to acknowledge when that happens. You don’t have to evolve with it, but
you can’t get mad because others evolve.
BF25394 said: So, no, I'm not mad. I am annoyed by people like you who, rather than just staying out of a conversation that doesn't pertain to you, instead choose to cast aspersions on people who are not like you based on flawed assumptions and analogies. You're not going to convince me to get a smartphone or make me feel bad about not having one, and I'm not going to convince you to give yours up (nor have I even tried to do this even implicitly-- I hope you and your smartphone continue making each other happy for many years to come). So how about let's just let the Ten Club address the issue, as they did in the distant dark age of 2018 and hopefully will again in the dystopian future of 2020.
Don’t be a victim, nobody cast aspersions at anyone. I grew up poor. I don’t have a Facebook account. I have a beater smartphone because I know it’s a requirement to live in the modern world. Adapt or be left behind.
Sure you did. You called people inquiring about this accommodation entitled. You also said "I know you non- smart phone owners probably assume getting an email address and accessing a computer is difficult for everyone else to understand, just like it is yourselves, but I assure you it is not!"
You don't have a Facebook account? Even my 86-year-old grandmother has a Facebook account. Why don't you get with the times?
Having a smartphone is not a requirement to live in the modern world. I live in the modern world every day. Tens of millions of Americans live in the modern world every day without smartphones. You have chosen to organize your life in a way that requires a smartphone. That works for you. But it's actually not that hard to organize your life in a way that doesn't require a smartphone. You may think that it is because you've gotten used to and reliant on your smartphone, but it's really not.
OK, Boomer.
Proudly Gen X, actually. But I take your point that you have no substantive response and should have just stayed out of this.
What if you slam a handful of shrooms in the lot and have to fight a cyclops or some shit? Let's say you bang him up real good, and he's limping away but spins around and takes one last swing at you with his knobby club? You're trying to take a video to post on the message boards but his last swing clobbers your phone and it goes spinning out of your hand and lands in a mine field on the edge of the lava pit? There's no way you're going to be able to retrieve it without a kitchenaid stand mixer and no one has one with them obviously. Would will call hook you up with a hard ticket?
All I know is, thanks to shrooms, the barcodes on my tickets have been constantly changing since '96.
Also, Facebook is for olds. Your 86yo grandmother is on there because it's for 86yo grandmothers.
BF25394 said: So, no, I'm not mad. I am annoyed by people like you who, rather than just staying out of a conversation that doesn't pertain to you, instead choose to cast aspersions on people who are not like you based on flawed assumptions and analogies. You're not going to convince me to get a smartphone or make me feel bad about not having one, and I'm not going to convince you to give yours up (nor have I even tried to do this even implicitly-- I hope you and your smartphone continue making each other happy for many years to come). So how about let's just let the Ten Club address the issue, as they did in the distant dark age of 2018 and hopefully will again in the dystopian future of 2020.
Don’t be a victim, nobody cast aspersions at anyone. I grew up poor. I don’t have a Facebook account. I have a beater smartphone because I know it’s a requirement to live in the modern world. Adapt or be left behind.
Sure you did. You called people inquiring about this accommodation entitled. You also said "I know you non- smart phone owners probably assume getting an email address and accessing a computer is difficult for everyone else to understand, just like it is yourselves, but I assure you it is not!"
You don't have a Facebook account? Even my 86-year-old grandmother has a Facebook account. Why don't you get with the times?
Having a smartphone is not a requirement to live in the modern world. I live in the modern world every day. Tens of millions of Americans live in the modern world every day without smartphones. You have chosen to organize your life in a way that requires a smartphone. That works for you. But it's actually not that hard to organize your life in a way that doesn't require a smartphone. You may think that it is because you've gotten used to and reliant on your smartphone, but it's really not.
Not everyone is on FB. I am not. Won't be. Good on your 86 year old grandma.
BTW, I think if Granny caught wind of the whisker licking you are doling out, she'd turn you over her knee.
Yeah, so the grandma thing was sarcasm that at least two of you missed. The guy said his 86-year-old grandma has a smartphone and then, while chiding me for not embracing a particular technology used by the majority, disclosed the irony that he is himself in the minority of Americans who are not on Facebook. The guy also made a point, while implying that I want to bring back 8-tracks, of talking about how he listens to vinyl records, a technology that peaked 50 years ago.
I picture some of you in the late 1990s. "What's the matter with you? Why are you still buying vinyl? Everyone's listening to CDs now. Adapt or be left behind. Why are you asking the band if it will put the album out on vinyl? Get with the times."
Given what I have said about privacy in the context of smartphones, clearly, I am not on Facebook.
its the way it is. With ticketing and other things. My Buffalo Bills season tickets are electric-only and a smartphone is needed. Same with my Sabres tickets. A growing number of other events I attend has the virtual tickets. I dont like it, it feels like more of a nuisance, but thats the way it is. There was a kind of 'transition period' where the Bills and Sabres would send you a block of printed tickets on request. You were also able to print your tickets from your account. Now, printing is no longer an option.
Cash is not going anywhere, my friend. And I've never had anyone complain about me giving them cash when I owe them money.
Who said anything about cramming this down people's throats? I am not asking Pearl Jam to abandon mobile ticketing. I am asking Pearl Jam whether they plan to, in recognition of the fact that a small but real number of its loyal fans do not have the requisite technology, arrange for an easy accommodation that already exists at every venue that costs the band nothing and that they have previously provided.
I think it's a big assumption on your part that it's an "easy accommodation" that "costs the band nothing"...with each year of my concert-going (10-12 shows per year usually), I'm finding more and more that it's either digital only, occasionally with the print-at-home option and sometimes not, or pay extra (sometimes $3-4 each) for ticket vendor hard copies. That extra cost? Is because they need to be printed. On paper. With ink. With the entire planet moving digital more and more each day, this is the evolution of ticketing systems, and how they continue to cut costs wherever possible.
Some people are still willing to pay extra for the hard copy tickets, and perhaps if that became the option - an extra fee to get them printed at the Will Call window with proof of ID - then I could understand it. But of course then there would be complaints that "just because I don't have a smart phone I have to pay more for my ticket?"
Because at some point a question wasn’t just being asked; it was
interspersed with a sense of entitlement that because a fan didn’t have a
smart phone they were owed something. That is where the problem lies.
If it’s about the question, just leave it at that. The band is allowed
to change as they always have. I want everyone who wants to get in the
show to be able to do so, but sometimes the world evolves and you have
to acknowledge when that happens. You don’t have to evolve with it, but
you can’t get mad because others evolve.
(sigh) I said I'd pay for the option to print the ticket. Read the thread. The venues already print tickets for other events. They do this every day. It doesn't require new technology. It doesn't require new people to be hired. The cost is de minimis. As previously mentioned, I recently paid $5 to print hard tickets for Wilco shows. I was fine with that, even though I know it doesn't cost the ticketing agency $5 to print and mail the tickets. There were no complaints that I had to pay more because I don't have a smartphone, even as you falsely assume that such complaints would naturally follow.
Again, why does this matter to you? It does not affect you. Why are so many of you so eager to see other fans excluded when they could be easily accommodated-- JUST LIKE WAS DONE FOR THE LAST SET OF SHOWS? No one is trying to take your smartphone or your ability to use it as a ticket away from you.
In any event the best advice was already posted on this and should have been quicker to the draw from everyone. Just need a plus one to scan you in. Hopefully moving forward this is a lot clearer for folks who are not on their 12th smart phone. (Sports Program for Kids with Disabilities)
My final entry in this discussion
The world is going mobile and paperless.
It might not be your cup of tea, and part of me gets that, but unfortunately the world en masse doesn't really care what individual people care about.
As a side note, once you get into the habit of using your phone for shit like this you'll quickly realize it's a vast improvement. No losing tickets. Easily transferrable. It's mankind evolving. Just go with it.
Time will tell if I'm a dying breed-- vinyl was a dying technology until it wasn't; everyone was on Facebook until they weren't-- but what I definitely am is in a minority. Guilty as charged.
When have I said that the band owes me anything? (Well, they do owe me two fan-club singles.) I'm asking if they will again make an eminently reasonable accommodation for a small but real segment of their fan base, actual paying customers who want to purchase the product they're selling. How this is "absurd" to you is beyond me. The further irony in all of this is that this whole system is beneficial to Ticketmaster's bottom line, not yours, mine or Pearl Jam's.
And where do you get the idea that I'm mad about it? If I end up unable to access tickets, I won't go to the shows. It will be disappointing, but I will not lose sleep over it. I'm certainly not going to burn down the Ten Club headquarters or the arenas. If anything, I'm bemused by the irony of it all-- Pearl Jam giving complete control of its ticketing to Ticketmaster and, in the process, placing needless barriers in the way of access for some of their fans. Yes, needless-- these venues print tickets all the time. I just went to an NHL game where I picked up a printed ticket at will call for a team that is "Mobile Entry" only. I just bought tickets for three Wilco shows in April that defaulted to e-tickets but gave an option to buy hard tickets for $5. This is not hard.
So, no, I'm not mad. I am annoyed by people like you who, rather than just staying out of a conversation that doesn't pertain to you, instead choose to cast aspersions on people who are not like you based on flawed assumptions and analogies. You're not going to convince me to get a smartphone or make me feel bad about not having one, and I'm not going to convince you to give yours up (nor have I even tried to do this even implicitly-- I hope you and your smartphone continue making each other happy for many years to come). So how about let's just let the Ten Club address the issue, as they did in the distant dark age of 2018 and hopefully will again in the dystopian future of 2020.
"I'm not going along. I can just see you in Berlin in 1939 goose-stepping past me: 'C'mon Jerry, go along, go along...'"
You literally just need a wifi signal and the Ticketmaster app on any beater device.
I really think you are making this out to be a bigger deal than it is.
9.03-04.11 PJ20!!!
7.19.13 - Wrigley!!!
10.19.14, 10.20.14 (Yield!!)
Again, forget about getting into a PJ show.
What exactly is your gameplan when vendors stop taking cash for a lot of purchases? Or when all your friends dont understand why you cant just Venmo them money and need to give them paper money whenever you owe them.
PJ is not really cramming this down anyone's throat. They are just reflecting the current state of how humans handle this stuff nowadays.
It isn't just Pearl Jam. The Raconteurs show I had you could only use mobile tickets that had barcode refreshing every 60 seconds. At this point, the eventual jump to digital only across the board with events is inevitable.
So I would argue at this point trying to fight the system will do less than adapting to the situation and either having your own device that can access Wifi at least, or borrow someone else's old device for the day
Who said anything about cramming this down people's throats? I am not asking Pearl Jam to abandon mobile ticketing. I am asking Pearl Jam whether they plan to, in recognition of the fact that a small but real number of its loyal fans do not have the requisite technology, arrange for an easy accommodation that already exists at every venue that costs the band nothing and that they have previously provided.
Yes, I choose not to have a smartphone recognizing that this means that there are certain conveniences that will be unavailable to me. I make this "sacrifice" because the costs of the technology outweigh its benefits from my perspective. You feel differently about that calculus, and that's your prerogative. As I have said repeatedly, if it turns out that these shows are inaccessible to me because I don't have this technology, I will be O.K. with that. Disappointed, sure, but I've seen Pearl Jam 60 times and I will continue to live a fulfilling and rich smartphone-free life whether or not I see them for the 61st through 65th times. In the meantime, I'm asking what seems to me the perfectly reasonable question of whether they will make hard tickets available for people like me like they did last time. I do not understand why this is controversial.
Nothing is inevitable except for death and the fact that we are never going to get our 2017 and 2018 fan club singles.
You don't have a Facebook account? Even my 86-year-old grandmother has a Facebook account. Why don't you get with the times?
Having a smartphone is not a requirement to live in the modern world. I live in the modern world every day. Tens of millions of Americans live in the modern world every day without smartphones. You have chosen to organize your life in a way that requires a smartphone. That works for you. But it's actually not that hard to organize your life in a way that doesn't require a smartphone. You may think that it is because you've gotten used to and reliant on your smartphone, but it's really not. (Sports Program for Kids with Disabilities)
BTW, I think if Granny caught wind of the whisker licking you are doling out, she'd turn you over her knee.
2016: Lexington and Wrigley 1
Also, Facebook is for olds. Your 86yo grandmother is on there because it's for 86yo grandmothers.
Scalping prevention is the essence of the policy. The entire thread grows from that intent of the policy. And yet that prevention is not going to be 100% effective and could hinder a not-so-small number of fans. If none of these venues had will call ticketing then it would be a bit extreme to ask 10C to do it special just for a PJ concert. But that is not the case. That is my point. And it worked pretty well in '18.
And your email point mentioned specifically that the entry point to the technology included ownership of the equipment . I was just proving it was not.
I picture some of you in the late 1990s. "What's the matter with you? Why are you still buying vinyl? Everyone's listening to CDs now. Adapt or be left behind. Why are you asking the band if it will put the album out on vinyl? Get with the times."
Given what I have said about privacy in the context of smartphones, clearly, I am not on Facebook.
Again, why does this matter to you? It does not affect you. Why are so many of you so eager to see other fans excluded when they could be easily accommodated-- JUST LIKE WAS DONE FOR THE LAST SET OF SHOWS? No one is trying to take your smartphone or your ability to use it as a ticket away from you.