As a staunch Independent, I can honestly say I've voted all over the card during the past several years, and my vote is always up for grabs, every cycle....however, Democrats better begin to understand why, after eight years of Obama, and with Hillary on deck to continue his legacy, how they lost the Presidency, the House, the Senate, two Supreme Court Justices, and over 1000 other democrat state-legislative seats nation-wide. Hard to belive such a crushing defeat could be delt if the Democrats were doing such a great job, no? So with the Nov elections right around the corner, I have to wonder, what is the Democrat campaign platform?...Anybody?? I ask, becuase I dont think anybody really knows!!...I've yet to hear any of the party leaders spell it out! The current state of the Democrat Party appears dysfunctional and broken, and I got news for them, simply being anti-Trump and screaming "Russia", is not going to win any elections....heck, it may just allow Trump another term.
The Dems are done. By the time Trump, Jr is president, we’ll be well down the road to authoritarianism. But most people will still support it. Two-party systems are bad, but we’re in a one-party system right now, partly because of what you say; the Dems offer NOTHING except for not being Trump. Trump is the GOP; the only party. Don’t worry about that 40% popularity. The sad thing is how surprised the left is gonna be after November’s red wave. The future is austere but it’s what the American People want.
As for Trump supporters being alienated, I guess PJ is just not a safe space. The rest of the world is yours do deal with this.
As a staunch Independent, I can honestly say I've voted all over the card during the past several years, and my vote is always up for grabs, every cycle....however, Democrats better begin to understand why, after eight years of Obama, and with Hillary on deck to continue his legacy, how they lost the Presidency, the House, the Senate, two Supreme Court Justices, and over 1000 other democrat state-legislative seats nation-wide. Hard to belive such a crushing defeat could be delt if the Democrats were doing such a great job, no? So with the Nov elections right around the corner, I have to wonder, what is the Democrat campaign platform?...Anybody?? I ask, becuase I dont think anybody really knows!!...I've yet to hear any of the party leaders spell it out! The current state of the Democrat Party appears dysfunctional and broken, and I got news for them, simply being anti-Trump and screaming "Russia", is not going to win any elections....heck, it may just allow Trump another term.
The Dems are done. By the time Trump, Jr is president, we’ll be well down the road to authoritarianism. But most people will still support it. Two-party systems are bad, but we’re in a one-party system right now, partly because of what you say; the Dems offer NOTHING except for not being Trump. Trump is the GOP; the only party. Don’t worry about that 40% popularity. The sad thing is how surprised the left is gonna be after November’s red wave. The future is austere but it’s what the American People want.
As for Trump supporters being alienated, I guess PJ is just not a safe space. The rest of the world is yours do deal with this.
Red wave this fall based on what?
Trump’s coat tails.
1995 Milwaukee 1998 Alpine, Alpine 2003 Albany, Boston, Boston, Boston 2004 Boston, Boston 2006 Hartford, St. Paul (Petty), St. Paul (Petty) 2011 Alpine, Alpine 2013 Wrigley 2014 St. Paul 2016 Fenway, Fenway, Wrigley, Wrigley 2018 Missoula, Wrigley, Wrigley 2021 Asbury Park 2022 St Louis 2023 Austin, Austin 2024 Napa, Wrigley, Wrigley
I'm a Pearl Jam and an Art Teacher. I tell my students all the best artwork is thought-provoking and sometimes controversial. Looks like the Missoula Poster did it's job!
1994 - Bridge School Benefit, Shoreline Mountain View CA *** 1995 - 2015 High School, College, Broke, Having Kids*** 2016 - Temple of the Dog, Bill Graham Civic Center Auditorium, San Francisco CA 2017 - Eddie Vedder, Bourbon and Beyond, Louisville KY 2018 - The Home Shows, Show 2, Seattle WA 2019 - Eddie Vedder, Ohana Fest, Dana Point CA 2020- Oakland Nights 1 and 2 2020 - Ohana Fest 2021 - Ohana Fest 2022 - Oakland 1 and 2
"Watch out for music. It should come with a health warning. It can be dangerous. It can make you feel so alive, so connected to the people around you, and connected to what you really are inside. And it can make you think that the world should, and could, be a much better place. And just occasionally, it can make you very, very happy." -Peter Gabriel
As a staunch Independent, I can honestly say I've voted all over the card during the past several years, and my vote is always up for grabs, every cycle....however, Democrats better begin to understand why, after eight years of Obama, and with Hillary on deck to continue his legacy, how they lost the Presidency, the House, the Senate, two Supreme Court Justices, and over 1000 other democrat state-legislative seats nation-wide. Hard to belive such a crushing defeat could be delt if the Democrats were doing such a great job, no? So with the Nov elections right around the corner, I have to wonder, what is the Democrat campaign platform?...Anybody?? I ask, becuase I dont think anybody really knows!!...I've yet to hear any of the party leaders spell it out! The current state of the Democrat Party appears dysfunctional and broken, and I got news for them, simply being anti-Trump and screaming "Russia", is not going to win any elections....heck, it may just allow Trump another term.
The Dems are done. By the time Trump, Jr is president, we’ll be well down the road to authoritarianism. But most people will still support it. Two-party systems are bad, but we’re in a one-party system right now, partly because of what you say; the Dems offer NOTHING except for not being Trump. Trump is the GOP; the only party. Don’t worry about that 40% popularity. The sad thing is how surprised the left is gonna be after November’s red wave. The future is austere but it’s what the American People want.
As for Trump supporters being alienated, I guess PJ is just not a safe space. The rest of the world is yours do deal with this.
Red wave this fall based on what?
Trump’s coat tails.
Riding trump’s coat tails will only work in deep trump country. Republicans have lost swing voters and trump is no help to republicans in contested races. Republicans are now down 11% in the polls in a generic ballot. The number of contested races has gone up recently and dem flipping the house is now at 75% likelihood.
My take on dead Trump is that he’s old. He’s serving his ego and the whole fucking thing is going to be burning after he’s dead.
1995 Milwaukee 1998 Alpine, Alpine 2003 Albany, Boston, Boston, Boston 2004 Boston, Boston 2006 Hartford, St. Paul (Petty), St. Paul (Petty) 2011 Alpine, Alpine 2013 Wrigley 2014 St. Paul 2016 Fenway, Fenway, Wrigley, Wrigley 2018 Missoula, Wrigley, Wrigley 2021 Asbury Park 2022 St Louis 2023 Austin, Austin 2024 Napa, Wrigley, Wrigley
trump supporters bring the alienation on themselves. trump is a willfully ignorant, dysfunctional, corrupt, narcissistic, xenophobic bigot who is inept at his job. trump supporters defend all of this either by their blatant support of trump and his policies, or the blind denial of the traits I just listed.
That’s some hilarious projection.
If you want to cure your willful ignorance, start listening to Dan Bonginos podcast everyday.
trump supporters bring the alienation on themselves. trump is a willfully ignorant, dysfunctional, corrupt, narcissistic, xenophobic bigot who is inept at his job. trump supporters defend all of this either by their blatant support of trump and his policies, or the blind denial of the traits I just listed.
That’s some hilarious projection.
If you want to cure your willful ignorance, start listening to Dan Bonginos podcast everyday.
But FYI, he’s a former secret service agent for Obama and Bush.
From his own website.... "Making the world a better place by debunking one liberal myth at a time".
He's a right wing conservative Republican "debunking liberal myths" which means he wouldn't know the truth if it hit him in the face. Or know anything about believable, provable, and verifiable facts.
You’re precious. Keep you’re heads in the sand liberals, enjoy the red tsunami in November.
to me, that isnt even a "dead" body. Its just a metaphor for "liberty/democratic systems" to pick Trump clean, stripping him of all he holds dear for setting the white house on fire (figuratively). The intent of the artist isnt a literal dead corpse. In the plane of the artwork, Donald Trump is very much alive.
Thank Jeeeeeeeesus, someone gets it! Thought I was goin' crazy there for a second.
I have so much respect for Jeff and the band for making such a bold statement. The imagery in the Missoula poster reflects this time of crisis for our democracy, which has been getting systematically ripped apart for the past two years. Our 1st Ammendment rights are worth fighting for, so thanks Jeff and fellow artist for adding your voices.
To me, the political and social messages in Pearl Jam’s music are a big part of what give it it’s amazing energy and relevance, and the band’s strong displays of activisim inspire me every day. Sending love and gratitude out to PJ for all they do to try to make this world a better place!
Somehow, despite reading way, way, waaay too much news each day, I had no idea there was any controversy over this poster until just now. I could tell you about the fires here in California, the Manafort trial, the bridge collapse in Italy, random gunfire in Malibu, last night's elections, the latest in a long, sad line of stories about sexual abuse in the Catholic Church, and, G-d help me, Omarosa. But I had no idea anyone was worked up about a PJ concert poster.
I guess that's because I don't follow Breitbart or Fox News.
Now, Omarosa is Omarosa, and her credibility is and always has been rather... thin. But she's spot on when she says that the best way to handle Agent Orange is to starve him of his "oxygen" -- attention, esp. media attention.
The image of the back of the poster isn't loading on IG for me, so I can only go by what I can see of the front. I hadn't paid it much attention, since I wasn't inclined to put a bunch of skulls up on my wall. It's a bold poster. I'm not convinced that's supposed to be Agent Orange; the biggest indicator that it could be is the hammer and sickle on the briefcase full of money -- SO, are Fox, Breitbart, and MAGA Nation acknowledging that someone fleeing the White House with a pile of Russian cash is their guy? Hmm.
I assume someone has gotten Alex Jones to weigh in on the UFO? If anyone can tell us what's really happening in this poster, he can. /sarcasm
Art makes statements. Art is provocative. Art reflects our culture. This poster does all of those things. [Like the band, I am old enough to remember when Robert Mapplethorpe's photos caused widespread outrage. I also recall that there was an artist making depictions of religious figures from bodily waste.) If you prefer pictures of puppies in baskets or paintings of a much trimmer, more handsome rendition of Agent Orange hugging the flag or crossing the Delaware, fine, you do you.
Do I like the poster? It's interesting. It makes me wonder who that is on the tractor. I appreciate the statement I think the image is making. I think the people who are all worked up about it probably missed the point altogether, as someone already noted (a very good argument could be made that the poster reflects what Agent Orange is doing to the country, or what will happen if we continue down this path of polarization and overheated rhetoric). This feels like so much manufactured outrage to me -- and that's the biggest concern I have here.
We have ample evidence that Russia was and IS manipulating Americans through social media. But they only can succeed in manipulating us if we LET them. Folks, whether you are on the left, right, fringe, or center, you have GOT to engage your powers of critical thinking. Don't just start foaming at the mouth when you see outrageous headlines or trigger words. STOP. THINK. Think about what you are reading. Think about what you are seeing. Ask yourself, who shared or published this? Why?? Was someone sharing important information, or were they just looking to get a reaction? Why? Does it make any sense? If I really don't give a rat's ass about Pearl Jam, why am I taking to Twitter, Instagram, and PJ message boards to scream about how PJ is irrelevant and I'm never listening to them, ever?
Then, think about what you are saying. Why are you saying it? For what purpose? Does it make any sense?
And finally: I too find it interesting that the "F--k Your Feelings" crowd, out to "own the libs" and "trigger the snowflakes," keeps insisting that Ed and the band should make more of an effort to respect their opinions and make their views more welcome, and that people should be nicer to them. Laws, ethics, and etiquette really only work if they are applied equally to everyone.
See you in the front row at Fenway, looking forward to that intimate gathering of die-hards.
I have so much respect for Jeff and the band for making such a bold statement. The imagery in the Missoula poster reflects this time of crisis for our democracy, which has been getting systematically ripped apart for the past two years. Our 1st Ammendment rights are worth fighting for, so thanks Jeff and fellow artist for adding your voices.
To me, the political and social messages in Pearl Jam’s music are a big part of what give it it’s amazing energy and relevance, and the band’s strong displays of activisim inspire me every day. Sending love and gratitude out to PJ for all they do to try to make this world a better place!
thank you for this great statement and perfect sum up! I've just heard about the poster discussion on a small Rock Radio channel here in Germany/ Munich a few minutes ago. Usually Pearl Jam never makes it to any public announcement here, so I was strucked and came to the forum immediately. Now I've seen the poster and catched up on the discussion here... This post and the one of Curmudgeoness are really great and bring it to the point, at least to mine as well ... so thanks alot for sharing!!!
And another thanks goes out to the best band ever, to Pearl Jam, for continuing living up and speaking out load what they combine also so wonderfully in their art!!! This has become very unique in our crazy times...
there is no way to peace, peace is the way!
...the world is come undone, I like to change it everyday but change don't come at once, it's a wave, building before it breaks.
Have any of the fans that did not suspect that Pearl Jam was not a fan of Trump yet decided to sell a copy of Lost Dogs on Vinyl? Anyone? Bueller?
Im spinning it right now! Got it in a trade age's ago on this forum. Anyways, can't wait to see these start to pop up in mystery boxes or mystery poster sales when that happens again.
Pittsburgh, PA September 28, 2005 || Washington, DC June 22, 2008 || Barstow, VA May 13, 2010 || Seattle, WA August 10, 2018 || Dana Point, CA September 29, 2018 (EV) || Dana Point, CA September 28, 2019 (EV) || Dana Point, CA September 25, 2021 (EV) || Dana Point, CA October 1, 2021 || Dana Point, CA October 2, 2021 || Chicago, IL August 29, 2024
Have any of the fans that did not suspect that Pearl Jam was not a fan of Trump yet decided to sell a copy of Lost Dogs on Vinyl? Anyone? Bueller?
I too echo this statement, definitely sell your Lost Dogs vinyl and show the band how mad you are at them.
Key Arena - Nov 05 2000, General Motors Place - May 30 2003, General Motors Place - Sep 02 2005, Canada Olympic Park - Aug 08 2009,Key Arena - Sep 22 2009, GM Place - Sep 25 2009, The O2 - Jun 22 2010, Odyssey Arena - Jun 23 2010, Hyde Park - Jun 25 2010, Alpine Valley Music Theatre - Sep 03, 2011, Alpine Valley Music Theatre - Sep 04, 2011, Scotiabank Saddledome - Sep 21, 2011, Rexall Place - Sep 23, 2011, Pacific Coliseum - Sep 25, 2011, Portland OR 11-29-2013, Spokane WA 11-30-2013, Vancouver BC 12-04-2013, Seattle WA 12-06-2013, Toronto ON 05-10-2016, Toronto ON 05-12-2016, Seattle WA 08-08-2018, Seattle 08-10-2018
EV Arlene Schnitzer Hall - July 14 2011, EV Benaroya Hall - July 16 2011
trump supporters bring the alienation on themselves. trump is a willfully ignorant, dysfunctional, corrupt, narcissistic, xenophobic bigot who is inept at his job. trump supporters defend all of this either by their blatant support of trump and his policies, or the blind denial of the traits I just listed.
That’s some hilarious projection.
If you want to cure your willful ignorance, start listening to Dan Bonginos podcast everyday.
But FYI, he’s a former secret service agent for Obama and Bush.
From his own website.... "Making the world a better place by debunking one liberal myth at a time".
He's a right wing conservative Republican "debunking liberal myths" which means he wouldn't know the truth if it hit him in the face. Or know anything about believable, provable, and verifiable facts.
You’re precious. Keep you’re heads in the sand liberals, enjoy the red tsunami in November.
Red tsunami? Do you have a youtube link explaining the pending red tsunami? There’s a good chance Dems will flip the house and they’re up 11% in blind ballot polling. trump is toxic in any contested race.
trump supporters bring the alienation on themselves. trump is a willfully ignorant, dysfunctional, corrupt, narcissistic, xenophobic bigot who is inept at his job. trump supporters defend all of this either by their blatant support of trump and his policies, or the blind denial of the traits I just listed.
That’s some hilarious projection.
If you want to cure your willful ignorance, start listening to Dan Bonginos podcast everyday.
But FYI, he’s a former secret service agent for Obama and Bush.
From his own website.... "Making the world a better place by debunking one liberal myth at a time".
He's a right wing conservative Republican "debunking liberal myths" which means he wouldn't know the truth if it hit him in the face. Or know anything about believable, provable, and verifiable facts.
You’re precious. Keep you’re heads in the sand liberals, enjoy the red tsunami in November.
Red tsunami? Do you have a youtube link explaining the pending red tsunami? There’s a good chance Dems will flip the house and they’re up 11% in blind ballot polling. trump is toxic in any contested
We'll have our copies of the official Pearl Jam Missoula poster available through our site tomorrow (Fri, August 31st)!
Additional important sale info will be available through our newsletter, which will be sent out TONIGHT at 8pm Pacific. If you aren't already subscribed you can quickly sign up by scrolling to the bottom of and typing in your email address.
We know you guys have been waiting awhile for this poster so thank you for your patience and support! ✌️
2013 Wrigley 2014 St. Paul 2016 Fenway, Fenway, Wrigley, Wrigley 2018 Missoula, Wrigley, Wrigley 2021 Asbury Park 2022 St Louis 2023 Austin, Austin
2024 Napa, Wrigley, Wrigley
1994 - Bridge School Benefit, Shoreline Mountain View CA
*** 1995 - 2015 High School, College, Broke, Having Kids***
2016 - Temple of the Dog, Bill Graham Civic Center Auditorium, San Francisco CA
2017 - Eddie Vedder, Bourbon and Beyond, Louisville KY
2018 - The Home Shows, Show 2, Seattle WA
2019 - Eddie Vedder, Ohana Fest, Dana Point CA
2020- Oakland Nights 1 and 2
2020 - Ohana Fest
2021 - Ohana Fest
2022 - Oakland 1 and 2
"Watch out for music. It should come with a health warning. It can be dangerous. It can make you feel so alive, so connected to the people around you, and connected to what you really are inside. And it can make you think that the world should, and could, be a much better place. And just occasionally, it can make you very, very happy." -Peter Gabriel
2013 Wrigley 2014 St. Paul 2016 Fenway, Fenway, Wrigley, Wrigley 2018 Missoula, Wrigley, Wrigley 2021 Asbury Park 2022 St Louis 2023 Austin, Austin
2024 Napa, Wrigley, Wrigley
Current bids for 400-500$
thank you for this great statement and perfect sum up!
I've just heard about the poster discussion on a small Rock Radio channel here in Germany/ Munich a few minutes ago. Usually Pearl Jam never makes it to any public announcement here, so I was strucked and came to the forum immediately.
Now I've seen the poster and catched up on the discussion here... This post and the one of Curmudgeoness are really great and bring it to the point, at least to mine as well ... so thanks alot for sharing!!!
And another thanks goes out to the best band ever, to Pearl Jam, for continuing living up and speaking out load what they combine also so wonderfully in their art!!! This has become very unique in our crazy times...
...the world is come undone, I like to change it everyday but change don't come at once, it's a wave, building before it breaks. (Sports Program for Kids with Disabilities)
"...I changed by not changing at all..."
2008 Tampa - 2013 Buffalo - 2016 Tampa - 2016 Fenway II
Audioslave 2005 MSG
EV Arlene Schnitzer Hall - July 14 2011, EV Benaroya Hall - July 16 2011
our Homie Putin GOT THIS
Nuclear fission
We'll have our copies of the official Pearl Jam Missoula poster available through our site tomorrow (Fri, August 31st)!