Where’s Sister Sarah? Where’s Sister Sarah and the T-Party? Where’s their outrage at the $1,000,000,000,000,000 increase in the deficit? Oh yea, shiny objects and NOBAMA.
Im guessing Palin and Feinstein are huddling
Like everything else, you’d be wrong.
Okay, maybe but I think both have made appointments with their tax attorneys to tax plan on their disappearing mortgage interest deductions. Scratch that also, they dont have mortgages on any of their homes. Polar Opposites at the Common workplace!
Where’s Sister Sarah? Where’s Sister Sarah and the T-Party? Where’s their outrage at the $1,000,000,000,000,000 increase in the deficit? Oh yea, shiny objects and NOBAMA.
Im guessing Palin and Feinstein are huddling
Like everything else, you’d be wrong.
Okay, maybe but I think both have made appointments with their tax attorneys to tax plan on their disappearing mortgage interest deductions. Scratch that also, they dont have mortgages on any of their homes. Polar Opposites at the Common workplace!
We are screwed in New jersey. To fund the tax reductions, the legislation took aim at the federal deduction for state and local taxes, a mainstay of the internal revenue code since the first income tax. The deduction was capped at $10,000, less than half the average $21,720 New Jersey taxpayers currently claim. federal deficit over $1.5 trillion over ten years...how the fuck could anyone vote for this?
Post edited by mcgruff10 on
I'll ride the wave where it takes me......
Moving through All Kinds of Terrain. Posts: 42,833
edited December 2017
About as well put as any description I've read yet is this from Mr. James Howard Kunstler in his blog yesterday:
"The Tax “Reform” bill working its way painfully out the digestive system
of congress like a sigmoid fistula, ought be re-named the US
Asset-stripping Assistance Act of 2017, because that’s what is about to
splatter the faces of the waiting public, most of whom won’t have a
personal lobbyist / tax lawyer by their sides holding a protective
tarpulin during the climactic colonic burst of legislation."
Post edited by brianlux on
"Don't give in to the lies. Don't give in to the fear. Hold on to the truth. And to hope."
cant wait to hand my 'windfall' of $30 a week straight to Spectrum Cable.
I believe another poster in the Republican thread called the windfall "exponential". I think he's confusing exponents with basis points.
Most people will be handing those savings over to their ISP so they can maintain their download speeds and streaming services due to the death of Net Neutrality. That and every other thing we're getting fucked on by this Admin, but sure drink some more kool-aid and believe this is the best tax plan ever. Ignorance truly is bliss.
cant wait to hand my 'windfall' of $30 a week straight to Spectrum Cable.
I believe another poster in the Republican thread called the windfall "exponential". I think he's confusing exponents with basis points.
Agree, call me a conspiracy theorist but is it a coincidence that just when the tax cuts take effect in Feb to put more money in our pockets so too will the Net Neutrality fees kick in! Imagine a pay per post fee here, that $30 is gone in no time!
Joy Reid Verified account @JoyAnnReid . 17 hours ago
I had a Republican source tell me quite plainly: @BobCorker and other Republicans don't care what Americans say. They are "cashing out." That's what this GOP tax bill is about.
Joy Reid Verified account @JoyAnnReid . 17 hours ago
I had a Republican source tell me quite plainly: @BobCorker and other Republicans don't care what Americans say. They are "cashing out." That's what this GOP tax bill is about.
sounds like they know its coming next election one good thing: the repeal of the health insurance mandate
"Republicans will rue the day that they pass this tax bill because it's so unfair to the middle class," Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., said Tuesday. "It so blows a hole in our deficit, it so threatens Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. They will rue the day."
Joy Reid Verified account @JoyAnnReid . 17 hours ago
I had a Republican source tell me quite plainly: @BobCorker and other Republicans don't care what Americans say. They are "cashing out." That's what this GOP tax bill is about.
sounds like they know its coming next election one good thing: the repeal of the health insurance mandate
Yes, because a pool of older, sicker Americans is a great financial risk for insurance companies.
"Republicans will rue the day that they pass this tax bill because it's so unfair to the middle class," Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., said Tuesday. "It so blows a hole in our deficit, it so threatens Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. They will rue the day."
“The entire purpose of this is to lower middle class taxes.” — House Speaker Paul D. Ryan (R-Wis.)
“Primarily, and priority number one, is middle-class Americans.” — White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders
“The theme behind this bill is to get middle-class tax relief for most people in the middle class.” — Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) on Fox News on Tuesday
While talking about the corporate tax rate being cut from 35 percent to 21 percent, Trump said, “That's probably the biggest factor in our plan.”
This tax plan was always about the corporate rate 1st and foremost. And that's not really a bad thing at all. I'm just pissed it was rushed as I was hoping for actual tax reform....making everything easier...and a tax plan that didn't add so much to the deficit.
I'm a big fan of keeping the $ I make and believe there are too many people paying for too many others that aren't. But I'm confused about how you can pass a tax plan that adds so much $ to the debt...makes no sense to me. Not in this economy.
This tax plan was always about the corporate rate 1st and foremost. And that's not really a bad thing at all. I'm just pissed it was rushed as I was hoping for actual tax reform....making everything easier...and a tax plan that didn't add so much to the deficit.
I'm a big fan of keeping the $ I make and believe there are too many people paying for too many others that aren't. But I'm confused about how you can pass a tax plan that adds so much $ to the debt...makes no sense to me. Not in this economy.
BS has a trickle down theory he’d like to explain to you.
This tax plan was always about the corporate rate 1st and foremost. And that's not really a bad thing at all. I'm just pissed it was rushed as I was hoping for actual tax reform....making everything easier...and a tax plan that didn't add so much to the deficit.
I'm a big fan of keeping the $ I make and believe there are too many people paying for too many others that aren't. But I'm confused about how you can pass a tax plan that adds so much $ to the debt...makes no sense to me. Not in this economy.
Is it a problem for you that a lot of people are paying more in taxes than you are?
We will be getting a decent tax break in this deal. Yippee. Not.
We will get pennies today while they rob us of dollars tomorrow when they raid our SS and Medicare. The money people save in tax cuts will never add up to what they will be losing, and that's not even considering the economic crash that will surely follow.
Scratch that also, they dont have mortgages on any of their homes. Polar Opposites at the Common workplace!
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
And the poor will get their chance to elect people who want to make the rich even richer still.
What a world.
The deduction was capped at $10,000, less than half the average $21,720 New Jersey taxpayers currently claim.
federal deficit over $1.5 trillion over ten years...how the fuck could anyone vote for this?
"The Tax “Reform” bill working its way painfully out the digestive system of congress like a sigmoid fistula, ought be re-named the US Asset-stripping Assistance Act of 2017, because that’s what is about to splatter the faces of the waiting public, most of whom won’t have a personal lobbyist / tax lawyer by their sides holding a protective tarpulin during the climactic colonic burst of legislation."
Senate approves. House will-revote today and Donnie will sign.
You elected a narcissistic, greedy, corrupt, lying, woman abusing fraud.
What did you expect?
(notice a vote from someone that "resigned" 2 weeks ago!)
don't care what Americans say. They are "cashing out." That's what this GOP tax bill is about.
one good thing: the repeal of the health insurance mandate
"Republicans will rue the day that they pass this tax bill because it's so unfair to the middle class," Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., said Tuesday. "It so blows a hole in our deficit, it so threatens Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. They will rue the day."
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
While talking about the corporate tax rate being cut from 35 percent to 21 percent, Trump said, “That's probably the biggest factor in our plan.”
I'm a big fan of keeping the $ I make and believe there are too many people paying for too many others that aren't. But I'm confused about how you can pass a tax plan that adds so much $ to the debt...makes no sense to me. Not in this economy.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
The Fed The Fed The Fed!
You've got more boogeymen than a Halloween party.
Yippee. Not.
We will get pennies today while they rob us of dollars tomorrow when they raid our SS and Medicare.
The money people save in tax cuts will never add up to what they will be losing, and that's not even considering the economic crash that will surely follow.