Anyone feeling hype for the new Halloween? Speaking of American things
I have actually never seen one minute of any Halloween. Are American movies popular over there?
Did you learn anything about other countries in school? Or was it all about the US? Kids in other countries are given food by their schools - vegetables included - and they show american films.
It was renamed "All Saints bloody Night" (Alla helgons blodiga natt) on release though - Halloween being pretty unknown over here in the 70s and we have a November holiday of our own called "All Saints Day". It was released on the 6th of august 1979 in Sweden. So some time after it's release in the states.
I m trying to have an actual conversation with you, it is ok when people ask questions about things they don’t know. Get off your high horse. And I graduated high school in 1996, I couldn’t tell you what I was taught. Plus things change over time.
I took your question as toung in cheek, with Hollywood movies being so popular all over the globe.
If it was a real question, then yes - American movies are by far the most popular.
Have you read or seen The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo trilogy?
I am genuinely inquisitive about everything. Before kids I traveled all the time, Scandinavia was on the short list but unfortunately I never made it there. I always wanted to start in Norway and head east until I hit St. Petersburg. I have not seen that trilogy but have heard of it. Why?
It's swedish and in the very popular "Scandinavian Noir" genre. Germans love our crime thriller-films and tv-series. The german hunger for shitty swedish crime thrillers helps the swedish film industry to survive haha. Some more film trivia regarding Sweden.
Fly over here on PJs 2019 European tour then! Norway is VERY expensive though. And they hate us Swedes for not helping out in WW2. Only time I've been attacked for being Swedish was in Oslo at a convenience store by an elder Norwegian guy who refused to forgive Sweden for that,
Oh man I'd love to. I know you are biased but which is the best city to visit: Oslo, Stockholm or Helsinki?
I did not really like Oslo when I was there... but I lived their for work, and not holiday. More rundown than I would have imagined. And first time I've stumbled upon a thrown away heroin needle... and very expensive, compared to Sweden.
Never been to Helsinki.
People who have visited seem to dig Stockholm, it's nice -- but I prefer Gothenburg which is on the west coast and the second biggest city in Sweden. Bruce Springsteen agrees.
Copenhagen and Gothenburg might be it then. Is there a bridge from denmark to sweden or just ferries? Oh man I need pj to play there!
Theres a bridge from Copenhagen to the swedish town Malmö. Then, I guess its like 2-3h with train from Malmö to Gothenburg.
The Scandinavian Noir super-hit TV-series "The Bridge" starts off on the middle of that bridge (I think Hollywood did a remake taking place on the border of the US and Mexico):
I did exactly this trip the last 2 tours they went to Scandinavia. I will never forget the peaceful nature of most Scandinavians . Copenhagen crowd was rough though. They are more like the drink culture of my country and Germany. But that trip by train was great. I found Sweden and Norway so expensive. That said clean and peaceful. And some very good looking humans there.i have a friend that lives in misen in Norway. I stayed with her for 2 extra days . It was very desolate but calm. I always wanted to go and I still want to visit the northern lights. Pearl jam tour in summer so it's daylight for like 18 hours very odd waking up at 3a.m and it's daytime.
brixton 93
astoria 06
albany 06
hartford 06
reading 06
barcelona 06
paris 06
wembley 07
dusseldorf 07
nijmegen 07
this song is meant to be called i got shit,itshould be called i got shit tickets-hartford 06 -
Oh, I thought it was a form of sauce... I've seen the mashed cauliflower as a low carb option instead of potatoes, cream & butter make everything better lol
Oh, I thought it was a form of sauce... I've seen the mashed cauliflower as a low carb option instead of potatoes, cream & butter make everything better lol
Well, it is a lot thinner than mashed potatoes, but not nearly runny enough to be a sauce... It's especially good for kind of binding your food together a bit, when you get the various things on the plate into one bite on the fork, lol.
With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be careful. Strive to be happy. ~ Desiderata
I do think America is the best in: wine. (Napa cabs are superior imo) craft beer. Bbq vodka. (Tito s)
our national park system is also great. From what I have seen in Canada I think their national park system is comparable.
In wine??..come on Mike!!..not even third on the world..
I don;t know wine well enough, but for beer it's a no brainer. Best beer in the world.
Belgium definitely has some great beer but I think the us edges them out.
All I saw in Philadelphia was Lite-this and Diet-that.
When I asked for something "regular at Wells Fargo - The Bartender had leave to go find me something... "I found this dustY old heineken in a storage, the onlY regular beer we had. SorrY to keep You waiting, if You run¨back You might catch the end of Breath atleast..."
Post edited by Spiritual_Chaos on
"Mostly I think that people react sensitively because they know you’ve got a point"
I do think America is the best in: wine. (Napa cabs are superior imo) craft beer. Bbq vodka. (Tito s)
our national park system is also great. From what I have seen in Canada I think their national park system is comparable.
What makes Your "national park sYStems" better/different than other nations?
And okeY, other countries have sane health care sYStems, sane democratic sYstems, sane gun regulations etc, not Donald "fifth grade level" Trump in charge
- You have bbq :P
In Swedenallemansrätten (lit. "the everyman's right") is a freedom granted by the Constitution of Sweden. Since 1994 the Instrument of Government says that notwithstanding the right to own property "everyone shall have access to nature in accordance with allemansrätten".[9] What this means is not further explicated on in the constitution, and only sparsely in other legislation.[10] In practice, allemansrätten is defined as actions that are not crimes, will not make a person liable to pay damages, nor can be prohibited by any authority.[11] As in other Nordic countries, the Swedish right to roam comes with an equal emphasis being placed upon the responsibility to look after the countryside; the maxim is "do not disturb, do not destroy".
Allemansrätten gives a person the right to access, walk, cycle, ride, ski, and camp on any land—with the exception of private gardens, the immediate vicinity of a dwelling house and land under cultivation. Restrictions apply for nature reserves and other protected areas. It also gives the right to pick wild flowers, mushrooms and berries (provided one knows they are not legally protected), but not to hunt in any way. Swimming in any lake and putting an unpowered boat on any water is permitted unless explicitly forbidden. Visiting beaches and walking by a shoreline is permitted, providing it is not a part of a garden or within the immediate vicinity of a residence (legally defined as the hemfridszon). The hemfridszon's size depends on conditions but can be as large as 70 metres from an ordinary dwelling house.[10] To better protect access to water and the right to walk along beaches, it is since 1975 generally not permitted to build a new house near (generally 100 m) from a beach and/or shoreline.
Post edited by Spiritual_Chaos on
"Mostly I think that people react sensitively because they know you’ve got a point"
I do think America is the best in: wine. (Napa cabs are superior imo) craft beer. Bbq vodka. (Tito s)
our national park system is also great. From what I have seen in Canada I think their national park system is comparable.
In wine??..come on Mike!!..not even third on the world..
I don;t know wine well enough, but for beer it's a no brainer. Best beer in the world.
Belgium definitely has some great beer but I think the us edges them out.
All I saw in Philadelphia was Lite-this and Diet-that.
When I asked for something "regular at Wells Fargo - The Bartender had leave to go find me something... "I found this dustY old heineken in a storage, the onlY regular beer we had. SorrY to keep You waiting, if You run¨back You might catch the end of Breath atleast..."
That was at an arena, go to a good bar and get a craft beer.
I found Sweden and Norway so expensive. That said clean and peaceful. And some very good looking humans there.i have a friend that lives in misen in Norway. I stayed with her for 2 extra days . It was very desolate but calm. I always wanted to go and I still want to visit the northern lights. Pearl jam tour in summer so it's daylight for like 18 hours very odd waking up at 3a.m and it's daytime.
astoria 06
albany 06
hartford 06
reading 06
barcelona 06
paris 06
wembley 07
dusseldorf 07
nijmegen 07
this song is meant to be called i got shit,itshould be called i got shit tickets-hartford 06 -
Cauliflower soup with zucchini marinated with feta cheese & sun dried tomato
Is that similar to chalk puree? Lol
No, it is not. Back to the topic at hand: USA! USA! USA! USA! USA!
wine. (Napa cabs are superior imo)
craft beer.
vodka. (Tito s)
our national park system is also great. From what I have seen in Canada I think their national park system is comparable.
Prague Krakow Berlin 2018. Berlin 2022
EV, Taormina 1+2 2017.
I wish i was the souvenir you kept your house key on..
And okeY, other countries have sane health care sYStems, sane democratic sYstems, sane gun regulations etc, not Donald "fifth grade level" Trump in charge - You have bbq