If one kid eats everything on their tray and 299 toss everything? Worth it.
Estimated 15 million ar-15's in america, 99.99% are responsible owners. Worth it. The statistics are actually in my favor.
Because owning guns is absolutely on par with feeding hungry kids
And you Canadians suck at reading because no one is discussing free and reduced lunch!!!! Michelle Obama s new lunch program if anything left a lot of kids hungry. God I hope all of you who preach how America is so bad really put your money where your mouth is and don’t visit us. Please don’t come here. The other millions upon millions of people visiting here will make up for you.
Yes, actually, some of us were discussing that very topic. Not sure why you didn't understand that, but guess you were focused on the guns instead.
It might be that you don't write as clearly as you think you do.
And no one gives a shit about where you think I should travel.
Maybe I don't write as clearly as I should but where in the last two pages were you discussing free and reduced lunch? Like I said, I don't like the program because it was an overreach by government. And there was so much waste.
The gun statistic was an example of sarcasm, I apologize if it was lost in translation.
Mike's point is simple... and if you work in any level of government you see it all the time... people in conference rooms, far removed from reality, love to come up with overly idealistic agendas and ideas that are not realistic and are doomed for obvious failure... then, when the calamity hits, the idealistic conference room leaders don't care because they've already moved onto the next bad idea lol
Taking soda machines out of schools is easy, getting kids to eat green leafy vegetables and carrots is not
Either that or he is a Nazi that wants to starve children lol
lol. That is how is goes around here. You do realize that since you have explained my point further you will be labeled as someone who hates children and wants them to starve while in school.
Gotta say pretty surprised, even for AMT, to see someone getting so much hate about this guy's opinion. Not surprised to see some get away with ridiculing him for his positions and his profession yet again.
Lots of side topics it seems. I'd say I 100% agree with offering reduced and free lunches. In some areas it's the only real meal some of these kids get each day. I'm also for figuring out a similar program for the summer...but not driven by the schools, unless it makes sense.
As far as the lunches go, I understand what the desired outcome was and it was a good and noble cause. In a situation where kids are eating on their own and can eat what they want and throw away what they want, it is not the place to work that issue. Finding the happy medium of providing food kids will eat when left alone and providing healthy food while hoping to drive the argument about healthier eating would have been better. Though some would knee jerk to being against it just because it was Obama or because it's the government.
I only have my own kid's experience as well as a family member that works in a school cafeteria in a poor district to go off of, other than news outlets though. For my kid it didn't really effect her. She probably packs 1 more time a week because of not liking the food as much, but in general she found food she liked and ate good choices about 3/5 days a week. She is a very healthy athlete (dancer) and continues to make the good choices that even as an adult myself and my wife don;t always make. She prefers fruit to fries....not sure how that happened other than we are better coaches then doers in that area!
Anyhow - I'm still not sure how being against the program due to waste and cost means you hate kids....but I'm sure someone will tell me.
If one kid eats everything on their tray and 299 toss everything? Worth it.
Estimated 15 million ar-15's in america, 99.99% are responsible owners. Worth it. The statistics are actually in my favor.
Because owning guns is absolutely on par with feeding hungry kids
And you Canadians suck at reading because no one is discussing free and reduced lunch!!!! Michelle Obama s new lunch program if anything left a lot of kids hungry. God I hope all of you who preach how America is so bad really put your money where your mouth is and don’t visit us. Please don’t come here. The other millions upon millions of people visiting here will make up for you.
Yes, actually, some of us were discussing that very topic. Not sure why you didn't understand that, but guess you were focused on the guns instead.
It might be that you don't write as clearly as you think you do.
And no one gives a shit about where you think I should travel.
Maybe I don't write as clearly as I should but where in the last two pages were you discussing free and reduced lunch? Like I said, I don't like the program because it was an overreach by government. And there was so much waste.
The gun statistic was an example of sarcasm, I apologize if it was lost in translation.
And why visit here when you constantly bash it?
Goodness, sorry for missing the sarcasm; it's just that we don't typically call it sarcasm when it's also someone's actual opinion.
I don't call providing nutritious food to kids who need it an "overreach by government", so I guess that's where are opinions differ. I don't automatically assume that a government program designed to assist people who need help is a "government overreach". If there was a lot of waste, your school system didn't do it right. I know that our local school district had a really successful program providing fruits and vegetables in the classrooms. The kids loved it and there was very little waste.
As for the US, I have a lot of American friends and a good number of people that I love in the US. The country has some great cities, some beautiful natural areas, and a band that I like (a few, actually). It also has a current federal government that completely sucks, a massive gun problem, huge and growing inequities, a terrible health care system, and some other problems that should be recognized and not swept under the rug. Commenting on those isn't "bashing the country"; that's the mistake made by those who fall into the "love it or get out" camp, and one of the purposes of this thread originally, I believe.
my small self... like a book amongst the many on a shelf
If one kid eats everything on their tray and 299 toss everything? Worth it.
Estimated 15 million ar-15's in america, 99.99% are responsible owners. Worth it. The statistics are actually in my favor.
Because owning guns is absolutely on par with feeding hungry kids
And you Canadians suck at reading because no one is discussing free and reduced lunch!!!! Michelle Obama s new lunch program if anything left a lot of kids hungry. God I hope all of you who preach how America is so bad really put your money where your mouth is and don’t visit us. Please don’t come here. The other millions upon millions of people visiting here will make up for you.
This seems uncalled for. The attack on the Canadians that is.
With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be careful. Strive to be happy. ~ Desiderata
If one kid eats everything on their tray and 299 toss everything? Worth it.
Estimated 15 million ar-15's in america, 99.99% are responsible owners. Worth it. The statistics are actually in my favor.
Because owning guns is absolutely on par with feeding hungry kids
And you Canadians suck at reading because no one is discussing free and reduced lunch!!!! Michelle Obama s new lunch program if anything left a lot of kids hungry. God I hope all of you who preach how America is so bad really put your money where your mouth is and don’t visit us. Please don’t come here. The other millions upon millions of people visiting here will make up for you.
This seems uncalled for. The attack on the Canadians that is.
I was referring to the two Canadians who can’t read, not all Canadians. I should have been more clear. It just gets really frustrating when words are twisted. I still haven’t seen where free and reduced lunch was talked about in the last two pages.
If one kid eats everything on their tray and 299 toss everything? Worth it.
Estimated 15 million ar-15's in america, 99.99% are responsible owners. Worth it. The statistics are actually in my favor.
Because owning guns is absolutely on par with feeding hungry kids
And you Canadians suck at reading because no one is discussing free and reduced lunch!!!! Michelle Obama s new lunch program if anything left a lot of kids hungry. God I hope all of you who preach how America is so bad really put your money where your mouth is and don’t visit us. Please don’t come here. The other millions upon millions of people visiting here will make up for you.
This seems uncalled for. The attack on the Canadians that is.
I was referring to the two Canadians who can’t read, not all Canadians. I should have been more clear. It just gets really frustrating when words are twisted. I still haven’t seen where free and reduced lunch was talked about in the last two pages.
Is it even confirmed that Halifax is Canadian??
With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be careful. Strive to be happy. ~ Desiderata
If one kid eats everything on their tray and 299 toss everything? Worth it.
Estimated 15 million ar-15's in america, 99.99% are responsible owners. Worth it. The statistics are actually in my favor.
Because owning guns is absolutely on par with feeding hungry kids
And you Canadians suck at reading because no one is discussing free and reduced lunch!!!! Michelle Obama s new lunch program if anything left a lot of kids hungry. God I hope all of you who preach how America is so bad really put your money where your mouth is and don’t visit us. Please don’t come here. The other millions upon millions of people visiting here will make up for you.
This seems uncalled for. The attack on the Canadians that is.
I was referring to the two Canadians who can’t read, not all Canadians. I should have been more clear. It just gets really frustrating when words are twisted. I still haven’t seen where free and reduced lunch was talked about in the last two pages.
Is it even confirmed that Halifax is Canadian??
I always thought he was based on his screen name. I really have no clue.
If one kid eats everything on their tray and 299 toss everything? Worth it.
Estimated 15 million ar-15's in america, 99.99% are responsible owners. Worth it. The statistics are actually in my favor.
Because owning guns is absolutely on par with feeding hungry kids
And you Canadians suck at reading because no one is discussing free and reduced lunch!!!! Michelle Obama s new lunch program if anything left a lot of kids hungry. God I hope all of you who preach how America is so bad really put your money where your mouth is and don’t visit us. Please don’t come here. The other millions upon millions of people visiting here will make up for you.
This seems uncalled for. The attack on the Canadians that is.
I was referring to the two Canadians who can’t read, not all Canadians. I should have been more clear. It just gets really frustrating when words are twisted. I still haven’t seen where free and reduced lunch was talked about in the last two pages.
Is it even confirmed that Halifax is Canadian??
I always thought he was based on his screen name. I really have no clue.
I don't recall ever seeing him comment about any Canadian issue, so I've always assumed he's American despite the screen name.
With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be careful. Strive to be happy. ~ Desiderata
If one kid eats everything on their tray and 299 toss everything? Worth it.
Estimated 15 million ar-15's in america, 99.99% are responsible owners. Worth it. The statistics are actually in my favor.
Because owning guns is absolutely on par with feeding hungry kids
And you Canadians suck at reading because no one is discussing free and reduced lunch!!!! Michelle Obama s new lunch program if anything left a lot of kids hungry. God I hope all of you who preach how America is so bad really put your money where your mouth is and don’t visit us. Please don’t come here. The other millions upon millions of people visiting here will make up for you.
This seems uncalled for. The attack on the Canadians that is.
I was referring to the two Canadians who can’t read, not all Canadians. I should have been more clear. It just gets really frustrating when words are twisted. I still haven’t seen where free and reduced lunch was talked about in the last two pages.
Is it even confirmed that Halifax is Canadian??
I always thought he was based on his screen name. I really have no clue.
I don't recall ever seeing him comment about any Canadian issue, so I've always assumed he's American despite the screen name.
If one kid eats everything on their tray and 299 toss everything? Worth it.
Estimated 15 million ar-15's in america, 99.99% are responsible owners. Worth it. The statistics are actually in my favor.
Because owning guns is absolutely on par with feeding hungry kids
And you Canadians suck at reading because no one is discussing free and reduced lunch!!!! Michelle Obama s new lunch program if anything left a lot of kids hungry. God I hope all of you who preach how America is so bad really put your money where your mouth is and don’t visit us. Please don’t come here. The other millions upon millions of people visiting here will make up for you.
This seems uncalled for. The attack on the Canadians that is.
I was referring to the two Canadians who can’t read, not all Canadians. I should have been more clear. It just gets really frustrating when words are twisted. I still haven’t seen where free and reduced lunch was talked about in the last two pages.
Is it even confirmed that Halifax is Canadian??
I always thought he was based on his screen name. I really have no clue.
I don't recall ever seeing him comment about any Canadian issue, so I've always assumed he's American despite the screen name.
I definitely could be wrong.
I wonder if Halifax will confirm? Or will it remain a mystery?
With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be careful. Strive to be happy. ~ Desiderata
Frozen bags of organic carrots and peas cost me like $1.50 at target, maybe your district should shop there lol
That s the point bud. No one eats that shit but yet schools all across America were forced to make these switches. Like i said, I couldn’t believe the amount of waste in the garbage over the years. what kids want to eat vegetables with lunch? from my observation, not many at all.
In Sweden kids eat vegetables with lunch.
"Mostly I think that people react sensitively because they know you’ve got a point"
Frozen bags of organic carrots and peas cost me like $1.50 at target, maybe your district should shop there lol
That s the point bud. No one eats that shit but yet schools all across America were forced to make these switches. Like i said, I couldn’t believe the amount of waste in the garbage over the years. what kids want to eat vegetables with lunch? from my observation, not many at all.
In Sweden kids eat vegetables with lunch.
They do all over most of the world, whenever veggies are available (i.e. not too poor to get any). North America is just doing it ALL WRONG when it comes to feeding children now. They are (in general) conditioning children to eat like shit without even realizing it.
With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be careful. Strive to be happy. ~ Desiderata
Moving through All Kinds of Terrain. Posts: 42,800
If today's kids are going to have even a chance of living a halfway decent life, they are going to need to learn to eat more vegetable and less meat. Here is why:
If today's kids are going to have even a chance of living a halfway decent life, they are going to need to learn to eat more vegetable and less meat. Here is why:
If today's kids are going to have even a chance of living a halfway decent life, they are going to need to learn to eat more vegetable and less meat. Here is why:
I have a different take. Humans are meant to eat meat. It's the fact that we are over-populating the planet as people continue to have way too many kids that's the root cause.
If today's kids are going to have even a chance of living a halfway decent life, they are going to need to learn to eat more vegetable and less meat. Here is why:
I have a different take. Humans are meant to eat meat. It's the fact that we are over-populating the planet as people continue to have way too many kids that's the root cause.
That's not really a balanced "take". That is a defense for destroying the planet... or murder billions of people?
Post edited by Spiritual_Chaos on
"Mostly I think that people react sensitively because they know you’ve got a point"
If today's kids are going to have even a chance of living a halfway decent life, they are going to need to learn to eat more vegetable and less meat. Here is why:
I have a different take. Humans are meant to eat meat. It's the fact that we are over-populating the planet as people continue to have way too many kids that's the root cause.
That's not really a "take". That is a defense for destroying the planet... or murder billions of people?
If today's kids are going to have even a chance of living a halfway decent life, they are going to need to learn to eat more vegetable and less meat. Here is why:
I have a different take. Humans are meant to eat meat. It's the fact that we are over-populating the planet as people continue to have way too many kids that's the root cause.
That's not really a balanced "take". That is a defense for destroying the planet... or murder billions of people?
Well, we as humans can't destroy the planet, except for ourselves. The planet will adapt and create the next more advanced species long after we self destruct. Humans are stupid and think we can control everything when in fact we are really controlling the cause of our demise. It seems for now we are content with it being death by environmental destruction, which should eventually be expedited by the ensuing wars over food and water.
If today's kids are going to have even a chance of living a halfway decent life, they are going to need to learn to eat more vegetable and less meat. Here is why:
I have a different take. Humans are meant to eat meat. It's the fact that we are over-populating the planet as people continue to have way too many kids that's the root cause.
That's not really a "take". That is a defense for destroying the planet... or murder billions of people?
If today's kids are going to have even a chance of living a halfway decent life, they are going to need to learn to eat more vegetable and less meat. Here is why:
I have a different take. Humans are meant to eat meat. It's the fact that we are over-populating the planet as people continue to have way too many kids that's the root cause.
That's not really a "take". That is a defense for destroying the planet... or murder billions of people?
If today's kids are going to have even a chance of living a halfway decent life, they are going to need to learn to eat more vegetable and less meat. Here is why:
If today's kids are going to have even a chance of living a halfway decent life, they are going to need to learn to eat more vegetable and less meat. Here is why:
I have a different take. Humans are meant to eat meat. It's the fact that we are over-populating the planet as people continue to have way too many kids that's the root cause.
That's not really a balanced "take". That is a defense for destroying the planet... or murder billions of people?
Well, we as humans can't destroy the planet, except for ourselves.
If today's kids are going to have even a chance of living a halfway decent life, they are going to need to learn to eat more vegetable and less meat. Here is why:
If today's kids are going to have even a chance of living a halfway decent life, they are going to need to learn to eat more vegetable and less meat. Here is why:
But still parents won't take their responsibility.
But hey - "what kids want to eat vegetables?" Opinions out of some parallel universe stuck in the 1950s.
Get educated people.
My wife and I have tried more times than I can count. The only real success we have had are zoodles. If you know the secret please do tell.
Here is a very interesting article about it. North America definitely has a problem with this picky eating with their kids, it's a relatively new problem, and it's about parenting techniques as far as I can tell, combined with a shift in the food industry - it's a widespread cultural shift that's taken place, which has negatively affected the eating habits of children. But it seems like there are things you can do to prevent it (although it's probably too late for kids over a certain age with the issue - seems like something that needs to start young).
The gun statistic was an example of sarcasm, I apologize if it was lost in translation.
And why visit here when you constantly bash it?
Taking soda machines out of schools is easy, getting kids to eat green leafy vegetables and carrots is not
Lots of side topics it seems. I'd say I 100% agree with offering reduced and free lunches. In some areas it's the only real meal some of these kids get each day. I'm also for figuring out a similar program for the summer...but not driven by the schools, unless it makes sense.
As far as the lunches go, I understand what the desired outcome was and it was a good and noble cause. In a situation where kids are eating on their own and can eat what they want and throw away what they want, it is not the place to work that issue. Finding the happy medium of providing food kids will eat when left alone and providing healthy food while hoping to drive the argument about healthier eating would have been better. Though some would knee jerk to being against it just because it was Obama or because it's the government.
I only have my own kid's experience as well as a family member that works in a school cafeteria in a poor district to go off of, other than news outlets though. For my kid it didn't really effect her. She probably packs 1 more time a week because of not liking the food as much, but in general she found food she liked and ate good choices about 3/5 days a week. She is a very healthy athlete (dancer) and continues to make the good choices that even as an adult myself and my wife don;t always make. She prefers fruit to fries....not sure how that happened other than we are better coaches then doers in that area!
Anyhow - I'm still not sure how being against the program due to waste and cost means you hate kids....but I'm sure someone will tell me.
Goodness, sorry for missing the sarcasm; it's just that we don't typically call it sarcasm when it's also someone's actual opinion.
I don't call providing nutritious food to kids who need it an "overreach by government", so I guess that's where are opinions differ. I don't automatically assume that a government program designed to assist people who need help is a "government overreach". If there was a lot of waste, your school system didn't do it right. I know that our local school district had a really successful program providing fruits and vegetables in the classrooms. The kids loved it and there was very little waste.
As for the US, I have a lot of American friends and a good number of people that I love in the US. The country has some great cities, some beautiful natural areas, and a band that I like (a few, actually). It also has a current federal government that completely sucks, a massive gun problem, huge and growing inequities, a terrible health care system, and some other problems that should be recognized and not swept under the rug. Commenting on those isn't "bashing the country"; that's the mistake made by those who fall into the "love it or get out" camp, and one of the purposes of this thread originally, I believe.
Swedish people eat little meatballs with lunch
Bringing your bag of crisps sounds like something from medieval times or some far-off bananarepublic.
"In Sweden, the state makes sure every child is fed a well balanced diet"
But hey - "what kids want to eat vegetables?" Opinions out of some parallel universe stuck in the 1950s.
Get educated people.
Cause of course those are the only 2 outcomes. Or you could slowly improve the situation through multiple avenues.
"The destruction of wild habitat for farming, logging and development has resulted in the start of what many scientists consider the sixth mass extinction of life to occur in the Earth’s four billion year history. About half the Earth’s animals are thought to have been lost in the last 50 years."
B-b-b-but we are destined to eat meat. ITS DESTINY.
Lazy determinism is laughable
*googling zoodles* hehe.
Heres a secret - STAR WARS