I just noticed you called her, his escort. Classy.
Seems fair. She did marry an old man because he's rich. And she doesn't leave him despite it being well-documented that he cheats on her. Trump himself has said they don't sleep in the same bed.
That fucking escort Hillary couldn’t win the most winnable election then.
Given that Bill was neither older nor wealthy when they married, I’m not sure your analogy holds.
no, but it could be argued that the only reason she stays with him is to forward her career just as much as anyone can argue that melania is a gold digger.
Is there any evidence of that, though? I think there’s actually plenty to the contrary.
Well she stays with Bill even though he cheats, and she's gone after the women that have accused him of sexual assault. Sounds more like a political partnership than a marriage and it might have led to a perception that she's not a leader since she's so bound to her powerful husband. The thought of divorce had to cross her mind when it became worldwide news that Bill was getting blowjobs from an intern. But it's in her best political interest to be Bill Clinton's wife.
Because being married to Bill Clinton is was got her elected to the US Senate? Or nominated and confirmed as SOS? What’s Melania’s comparable achievements?
you don't think being first lady had ANYTHING to do with her subsequent political success?
I think Hillary accomplished much of what she accomplished because of her hard work and intelligence. Did Bill get her into Yale law school? Did Bill get her appointed to the house staff investigating Watergate? Did Bill write her opinions when she worked for the Rose Law Firm or get her the job? Are any of your wife's accomplishments the result of marrying you? Better tell your daughters to marry well.
Talk about hypocrisy. Hillary gets villified when in fact, if you asked anyone who has worked with her, including repub senators in that most exclusive club of 100, they all say how hard she worked, how much effort she put in in understanding the issues, the complexities, the minutua of policy and yet, its all due to being married to Bill.
And yes, if she divorced Bill and ran for the senate, she'd still get elected.
Behind every great man stands a greater woman.
I think old Bill himself acknowledges that she is smarter and tougher than he is. She got damn far before he became president. Like her or dislike her, pause for a second to think about the obstacles women her age faced back in the day.
of course. she was hugely successful. but no one can say definitively either way that she'd have gotten the nomination with our without being first lady to Bill Clinton. anyone suggesting so is fooling themselves.
Nor could you say that Bill would have run g president of Hillary didn't push him or keep him on the relative straight and narrow.
of course.
Therefore that can be stated for any politician. So I don't get why it's a point of discussion.
it was a hypothetical retort mentioned only because of the post about melania being an escort. nothing more. then halifax has to take it to another fucking dimension and somehow I ended up being a sexist and horribly oppressive father. FFS. this place is unreal sometimes.
Jesus fucking Christ, why does everyone on here get so offended so easily? Did I call you sexist? Did I call you an oppressive father? WTF? I disagreed with your opinion, statement or whatever the fuck you posited. I didn’t attack you. I didn’t call you a name. I responded to your question about whether Hillary being married to bill was responsible or had any bearing on her past or current success. Lighten the fuck up.
I don't get offended easily. it's because of how your carry yourself on these forums. I'll leave it at that.
And you’re always a voice of sane reason and politeness? I’ll leave it at that.
no, but I'm not in constant Outrage Mode who attacks anyone as a sexist/racist/misogynist/uneducated who dares disagree with your opinion. try having a normal, calm discussion for once and maybe 75% of your posts won't be you quoting yourself because no one wants to bother.
"Oh Canada...you're beautiful when you're drunk" -EV 8/14/93
I just noticed you called her, his escort. Classy.
Seems fair. She did marry an old man because he's rich. And she doesn't leave him despite it being well-documented that he cheats on her. Trump himself has said they don't sleep in the same bed.
That fucking escort Hillary couldn’t win the most winnable election then.
Given that Bill was neither older nor wealthy when they married, I’m not sure your analogy holds.
no, but it could be argued that the only reason she stays with him is to forward her career just as much as anyone can argue that melania is a gold digger.
Is there any evidence of that, though? I think there’s actually plenty to the contrary.
Well she stays with Bill even though he cheats, and she's gone after the women that have accused him of sexual assault. Sounds more like a political partnership than a marriage and it might have led to a perception that she's not a leader since she's so bound to her powerful husband. The thought of divorce had to cross her mind when it became worldwide news that Bill was getting blowjobs from an intern. But it's in her best political interest to be Bill Clinton's wife.
Because being married to Bill Clinton is was got her elected to the US Senate? Or nominated and confirmed as SOS? What’s Melania’s comparable achievements?
you don't think being first lady had ANYTHING to do with her subsequent political success?
I think Hillary accomplished much of what she accomplished because of her hard work and intelligence. Did Bill get her into Yale law school? Did Bill get her appointed to the house staff investigating Watergate? Did Bill write her opinions when she worked for the Rose Law Firm or get her the job? Are any of your wife's accomplishments the result of marrying you? Better tell your daughters to marry well.
Talk about hypocrisy. Hillary gets villified when in fact, if you asked anyone who has worked with her, including repub senators in that most exclusive club of 100, they all say how hard she worked, how much effort she put in in understanding the issues, the complexities, the minutua of policy and yet, its all due to being married to Bill.
And yes, if she divorced Bill and ran for the senate, she'd still get elected.
Behind every great man stands a greater woman.
I think old Bill himself acknowledges that she is smarter and tougher than he is. She got damn far before he became president. Like her or dislike her, pause for a second to think about the obstacles women her age faced back in the day.
of course. she was hugely successful. but no one can say definitively either way that she'd have gotten the nomination with our without being first lady to Bill Clinton. anyone suggesting so is fooling themselves.
Nor could you say that Bill would have run g president of Hillary didn't push him or keep him on the relative straight and narrow.
of course.
Therefore that can be stated for any politician. So I don't get why it's a point of discussion.
it was a hypothetical retort mentioned only because of the post about melania being an escort. nothing more. then halifax has to take it to another fucking dimension and somehow I ended up being a sexist and horribly oppressive father. FFS. this place is unreal sometimes.
Jesus fucking Christ, why does everyone on here get so offended so easily? Did I call you sexist? Did I call you an oppressive father? WTF? I disagreed with your opinion, statement or whatever the fuck you posited. I didn’t attack you. I didn’t call you a name. I responded to your question about whether Hillary being married to bill was responsible or had any bearing on her past or current success. Lighten the fuck up.
I don't get offended easily. it's because of how your carry yourself on these forums. I'll leave it at that.
And you’re always a voice of sane reason and politeness? I’ll leave it at that.
no, but I'm not in constant Outrage Mode who attacks anyone as a sexist/racist/misogynist/uneducated who dares disagree with your opinion. try having a normal, calm discussion for once and maybe 75% of your posts won't be you quoting yourself because no one wants to bother.
Did I call you any of those things? And I don’t quote myself. I’m not outraged, just calling it as I see it. Sorry that bothers you but you post your way, and I’ll post mine. Okay?
I just noticed you called her, his escort. Classy.
Seems fair. She did marry an old man because he's rich. And she doesn't leave him despite it being well-documented that he cheats on her. Trump himself has said they don't sleep in the same bed.
That fucking escort Hillary couldn’t win the most winnable election then.
Given that Bill was neither older nor wealthy when they married, I’m not sure your analogy holds.
no, but it could be argued that the only reason she stays with him is to forward her career just as much as anyone can argue that melania is a gold digger.
Is there any evidence of that, though? I think there’s actually plenty to the contrary.
Well she stays with Bill even though he cheats, and she's gone after the women that have accused him of sexual assault. Sounds more like a political partnership than a marriage and it might have led to a perception that she's not a leader since she's so bound to her powerful husband. The thought of divorce had to cross her mind when it became worldwide news that Bill was getting blowjobs from an intern. But it's in her best political interest to be Bill Clinton's wife.
Because being married to Bill Clinton is was got her elected to the US Senate? Or nominated and confirmed as SOS? What’s Melania’s comparable achievements?
you don't think being first lady had ANYTHING to do with her subsequent political success?
I think Hillary accomplished much of what she accomplished because of her hard work and intelligence. Did Bill get her into Yale law school? Did Bill get her appointed to the house staff investigating Watergate? Did Bill write her opinions when she worked for the Rose Law Firm or get her the job? Are any of your wife's accomplishments the result of marrying you? Better tell your daughters to marry well.
Talk about hypocrisy. Hillary gets villified when in fact, if you asked anyone who has worked with her, including repub senators in that most exclusive club of 100, they all say how hard she worked, how much effort she put in in understanding the issues, the complexities, the minutua of policy and yet, its all due to being married to Bill.
And yes, if she divorced Bill and ran for the senate, she'd still get elected.
Behind every great man stands a greater woman.
I think old Bill himself acknowledges that she is smarter and tougher than he is. She got damn far before he became president. Like her or dislike her, pause for a second to think about the obstacles women her age faced back in the day.
of course. she was hugely successful. but no one can say definitively either way that she'd have gotten the nomination with our without being first lady to Bill Clinton. anyone suggesting so is fooling themselves.
Nor could you say that Bill would have run g president of Hillary didn't push him or keep him on the relative straight and narrow.
of course.
Therefore that can be stated for any politician. So I don't get why it's a point of discussion.
it was a hypothetical retort mentioned only because of the post about melania being an escort. nothing more. then halifax has to take it to another fucking dimension and somehow I ended up being a sexist and horribly oppressive father. FFS. this place is unreal sometimes.
Jesus fucking Christ, why does everyone on here get so offended so easily? Did I call you sexist? Did I call you an oppressive father? WTF? I disagreed with your opinion, statement or whatever the fuck you posited. I didn’t attack you. I didn’t call you a name. I responded to your question about whether Hillary being married to bill was responsible or had any bearing on her past or current success. Lighten the fuck up.
I don't get offended easily. it's because of how your carry yourself on these forums. I'll leave it at that.
And you’re always a voice of sane reason and politeness? I’ll leave it at that.
no, but I'm not in constant Outrage Mode who attacks anyone as a sexist/racist/misogynist/uneducated who dares disagree with your opinion. try having a normal, calm discussion for once and maybe 75% of your posts won't be you quoting yourself because no one wants to bother.
Did I call you any of those things? And I don’t quote myself. I’m not outraged, just calling it as I see it. Sorry that bothers you but you post your way, and I’ll post mine. Okay?
we all call it like we see it. you aren't special.
"Oh Canada...you're beautiful when you're drunk" -EV 8/14/93
I just noticed you called her, his escort. Classy.
Seems fair. She did marry an old man because he's rich. And she doesn't leave him despite it being well-documented that he cheats on her. Trump himself has said they don't sleep in the same bed.
That fucking escort Hillary couldn’t win the most winnable election then.
Given that Bill was neither older nor wealthy when they married, I’m not sure your analogy holds.
no, but it could be argued that the only reason she stays with him is to forward her career just as much as anyone can argue that melania is a gold digger.
Is there any evidence of that, though? I think there’s actually plenty to the contrary.
Well she stays with Bill even though he cheats, and she's gone after the women that have accused him of sexual assault. Sounds more like a political partnership than a marriage and it might have led to a perception that she's not a leader since she's so bound to her powerful husband. The thought of divorce had to cross her mind when it became worldwide news that Bill was getting blowjobs from an intern. But it's in her best political interest to be Bill Clinton's wife.
Because being married to Bill Clinton is was got her elected to the US Senate? Or nominated and confirmed as SOS? What’s Melania’s comparable achievements?
you don't think being first lady had ANYTHING to do with her subsequent political success?
I think Hillary accomplished much of what she accomplished because of her hard work and intelligence. Did Bill get her into Yale law school? Did Bill get her appointed to the house staff investigating Watergate? Did Bill write her opinions when she worked for the Rose Law Firm or get her the job? Are any of your wife's accomplishments the result of marrying you? Better tell your daughters to marry well.
Talk about hypocrisy. Hillary gets villified when in fact, if you asked anyone who has worked with her, including repub senators in that most exclusive club of 100, they all say how hard she worked, how much effort she put in in understanding the issues, the complexities, the minutua of policy and yet, its all due to being married to Bill.
And yes, if she divorced Bill and ran for the senate, she'd still get elected.
Behind every great man stands a greater woman.
I think old Bill himself acknowledges that she is smarter and tougher than he is. She got damn far before he became president. Like her or dislike her, pause for a second to think about the obstacles women her age faced back in the day.
of course. she was hugely successful. but no one can say definitively either way that she'd have gotten the nomination with our without being first lady to Bill Clinton. anyone suggesting so is fooling themselves.
Nor could you say that Bill would have run g president of Hillary didn't push him or keep him on the relative straight and narrow.
of course.
Therefore that can be stated for any politician. So I don't get why it's a point of discussion.
it was a hypothetical retort mentioned only because of the post about melania being an escort. nothing more. then halifax has to take it to another fucking dimension and somehow I ended up being a sexist and horribly oppressive father. FFS. this place is unreal sometimes.
Jesus fucking Christ, why does everyone on here get so offended so easily? Did I call you sexist? Did I call you an oppressive father? WTF? I disagreed with your opinion, statement or whatever the fuck you posited. I didn’t attack you. I didn’t call you a name. I responded to your question about whether Hillary being married to bill was responsible or had any bearing on her past or current success. Lighten the fuck up.
I don't get offended easily. it's because of how your carry yourself on these forums. I'll leave it at that.
And you’re always a voice of sane reason and politeness? I’ll leave it at that.
no, but I'm not in constant Outrage Mode who attacks anyone as a sexist/racist/misogynist/uneducated who dares disagree with your opinion. try having a normal, calm discussion for once and maybe 75% of your posts won't be you quoting yourself because no one wants to bother.
Did I call you any of those things? And I don’t quote myself. I’m not outraged, just calling it as I see it. Sorry that bothers you but you post your way, and I’ll post mine. Okay?
we all call it like we see it. you aren't special.
"Aren't special?" I never said I was. But I'll add it to my list of what I've been called. Signed,
eating, basement dwelling, keyboard warrior, internet tough guy, pompous
liberal bully elitist who’s not the smartest guy in the room and aren’t special
punk asshole
I just noticed you called her, his escort. Classy.
Seems fair. She did marry an old man because he's rich. And she doesn't leave him despite it being well-documented that he cheats on her. Trump himself has said they don't sleep in the same bed.
That fucking escort Hillary couldn’t win the most winnable election then.
Given that Bill was neither older nor wealthy when they married, I’m not sure your analogy holds.
no, but it could be argued that the only reason she stays with him is to forward her career just as much as anyone can argue that melania is a gold digger.
Is there any evidence of that, though? I think there’s actually plenty to the contrary.
Well she stays with Bill even though he cheats, and she's gone after the women that have accused him of sexual assault. Sounds more like a political partnership than a marriage and it might have led to a perception that she's not a leader since she's so bound to her powerful husband. The thought of divorce had to cross her mind when it became worldwide news that Bill was getting blowjobs from an intern. But it's in her best political interest to be Bill Clinton's wife.
Because being married to Bill Clinton is was got her elected to the US Senate? Or nominated and confirmed as SOS? What’s Melania’s comparable achievements?
you don't think being first lady had ANYTHING to do with her subsequent political success?
I think Hillary accomplished much of what she accomplished because of her hard work and intelligence. Did Bill get her into Yale law school? Did Bill get her appointed to the house staff investigating Watergate? Did Bill write her opinions when she worked for the Rose Law Firm or get her the job? Are any of your wife's accomplishments the result of marrying you? Better tell your daughters to marry well.
Talk about hypocrisy. Hillary gets villified when in fact, if you asked anyone who has worked with her, including repub senators in that most exclusive club of 100, they all say how hard she worked, how much effort she put in in understanding the issues, the complexities, the minutua of policy and yet, its all due to being married to Bill.
And yes, if she divorced Bill and ran for the senate, she'd still get elected.
Behind every great man stands a greater woman.
I think old Bill himself acknowledges that she is smarter and tougher than he is. She got damn far before he became president. Like her or dislike her, pause for a second to think about the obstacles women her age faced back in the day.
of course. she was hugely successful. but no one can say definitively either way that she'd have gotten the nomination with our without being first lady to Bill Clinton. anyone suggesting so is fooling themselves.
Nor could you say that Bill would have run g president of Hillary didn't push him or keep him on the relative straight and narrow.
of course.
Therefore that can be stated for any politician. So I don't get why it's a point of discussion.
it was a hypothetical retort mentioned only because of the post about melania being an escort. nothing more. then halifax has to take it to another fucking dimension and somehow I ended up being a sexist and horribly oppressive father. FFS. this place is unreal sometimes.
I just noticed you called her, his escort. Classy.
Seems fair. She did marry an old man because he's rich. And she doesn't leave him despite it being well-documented that he cheats on her. Trump himself has said they don't sleep in the same bed.
That fucking escort Hillary couldn’t win the most winnable election then.
Given that Bill was neither older nor wealthy when they married, I’m not sure your analogy holds.
no, but it could be argued that the only reason she stays with him is to forward her career just as much as anyone can argue that melania is a gold digger.
Is there any evidence of that, though? I think there’s actually plenty to the contrary.
Well she stays with Bill even though he cheats, and she's gone after the women that have accused him of sexual assault. Sounds more like a political partnership than a marriage and it might have led to a perception that she's not a leader since she's so bound to her powerful husband. The thought of divorce had to cross her mind when it became worldwide news that Bill was getting blowjobs from an intern. But it's in her best political interest to be Bill Clinton's wife.
Because being married to Bill Clinton is was got her elected to the US Senate? Or nominated and confirmed as SOS? What’s Melania’s comparable achievements?
you don't think being first lady had ANYTHING to do with her subsequent political success?
I think Hillary accomplished much of what she accomplished because of her hard work and intelligence. Did Bill get her into Yale law school? Did Bill get her appointed to the house staff investigating Watergate? Did Bill write her opinions when she worked for the Rose Law Firm or get her the job? Are any of your wife's accomplishments the result of marrying you? Better tell your daughters to marry well.
Talk about hypocrisy. Hillary gets villified when in fact, if you asked anyone who has worked with her, including repub senators in that most exclusive club of 100, they all say how hard she worked, how much effort she put in in understanding the issues, the complexities, the minutua of policy and yet, its all due to being married to Bill.
And yes, if she divorced Bill and ran for the senate, she'd still get elected.
Behind every great man stands a greater woman.
I think old Bill himself acknowledges that she is smarter and tougher than he is. She got damn far before he became president. Like her or dislike her, pause for a second to think about the obstacles women her age faced back in the day.
of course. she was hugely successful. but no one can say definitively either way that she'd have gotten the nomination with our without being first lady to Bill Clinton. anyone suggesting so is fooling themselves.
Nor could you say that Bill would have run g president of Hillary didn't push him or keep him on the relative straight and narrow.
of course.
Therefore that can be stated for any politician. So I don't get why it's a point of discussion.
it was a hypothetical retort mentioned only because of the post about melania being an escort. nothing more. then halifax has to take it to another fucking dimension and somehow I ended up being a sexist and horribly oppressive father. FFS. this place is unreal sometimes.
I just noticed you called her, his escort. Classy.
Seems fair. She did marry an old man because he's rich. And she doesn't leave him despite it being well-documented that he cheats on her. Trump himself has said they don't sleep in the same bed.
That fucking escort Hillary couldn’t win the most winnable election then.
Given that Bill was neither older nor wealthy when they married, I’m not sure your analogy holds.
no, but it could be argued that the only reason she stays with him is to forward her career just as much as anyone can argue that melania is a gold digger.
Is there any evidence of that, though? I think there’s actually plenty to the contrary.
Well she stays with Bill even though he cheats, and she's gone after the women that have accused him of sexual assault. Sounds more like a political partnership than a marriage and it might have led to a perception that she's not a leader since she's so bound to her powerful husband. The thought of divorce had to cross her mind when it became worldwide news that Bill was getting blowjobs from an intern. But it's in her best political interest to be Bill Clinton's wife.
Because being married to Bill Clinton is was got her elected to the US Senate? Or nominated and confirmed as SOS? What’s Melania’s comparable achievements?
you don't think being first lady had ANYTHING to do with her subsequent political success?
I think Hillary accomplished much of what she accomplished because of her hard work and intelligence. Did Bill get her into Yale law school? Did Bill get her appointed to the house staff investigating Watergate? Did Bill write her opinions when she worked for the Rose Law Firm or get her the job? Are any of your wife's accomplishments the result of marrying you? Better tell your daughters to marry well.
Talk about hypocrisy. Hillary gets villified when in fact, if you asked anyone who has worked with her, including repub senators in that most exclusive club of 100, they all say how hard she worked, how much effort she put in in understanding the issues, the complexities, the minutua of policy and yet, its all due to being married to Bill.
And yes, if she divorced Bill and ran for the senate, she'd still get elected.
Behind every great man stands a greater woman.
I think old Bill himself acknowledges that she is smarter and tougher than he is. She got damn far before he became president. Like her or dislike her, pause for a second to think about the obstacles women her age faced back in the day.
of course. she was hugely successful. but no one can say definitively either way that she'd have gotten the nomination with our without being first lady to Bill Clinton. anyone suggesting so is fooling themselves.
Nor could you say that Bill would have run g president of Hillary didn't push him or keep him on the relative straight and narrow.
of course.
Therefore that can be stated for any politician. So I don't get why it's a point of discussion.
it was a hypothetical retort mentioned only because of the post about melania being an escort. nothing more. then halifax has to take it to another fucking dimension and somehow I ended up being a sexist and horribly oppressive father. FFS. this place is unreal sometimes.
I just noticed you called her, his escort. Classy.
Seems fair. She did marry an old man because he's rich. And she doesn't leave him despite it being well-documented that he cheats on her. Trump himself has said they don't sleep in the same bed.
That fucking escort Hillary couldn’t win the most winnable election then.
Given that Bill was neither older nor wealthy when they married, I’m not sure your analogy holds.
no, but it could be argued that the only reason she stays with him is to forward her career just as much as anyone can argue that melania is a gold digger.
Is there any evidence of that, though? I think there’s actually plenty to the contrary.
Well she stays with Bill even though he cheats, and she's gone after the women that have accused him of sexual assault. Sounds more like a political partnership than a marriage and it might have led to a perception that she's not a leader since she's so bound to her powerful husband. The thought of divorce had to cross her mind when it became worldwide news that Bill was getting blowjobs from an intern. But it's in her best political interest to be Bill Clinton's wife.
Because being married to Bill Clinton is was got her elected to the US Senate? Or nominated and confirmed as SOS? What’s Melania’s comparable achievements?
you don't think being first lady had ANYTHING to do with her subsequent political success?
I think Hillary accomplished much of what she accomplished because of her hard work and intelligence. Did Bill get her into Yale law school? Did Bill get her appointed to the house staff investigating Watergate? Did Bill write her opinions when she worked for the Rose Law Firm or get her the job? Are any of your wife's accomplishments the result of marrying you? Better tell your daughters to marry well.
Talk about hypocrisy. Hillary gets villified when in fact, if you asked anyone who has worked with her, including repub senators in that most exclusive club of 100, they all say how hard she worked, how much effort she put in in understanding the issues, the complexities, the minutua of policy and yet, its all due to being married to Bill.
And yes, if she divorced Bill and ran for the senate, she'd still get elected.
Behind every great man stands a greater woman.
I think old Bill himself acknowledges that she is smarter and tougher than he is. She got damn far before he became president. Like her or dislike her, pause for a second to think about the obstacles women her age faced back in the day.
of course. she was hugely successful. but no one can say definitively either way that she'd have gotten the nomination with our without being first lady to Bill Clinton. anyone suggesting so is fooling themselves.
Nor could you say that Bill would have run g president of Hillary didn't push him or keep him on the relative straight and narrow.
of course.
Therefore that can be stated for any politician. So I don't get why it's a point of discussion.
it was a hypothetical retort mentioned only because of the post about melania being an escort. nothing more. then halifax has to take it to another fucking dimension and somehow I ended up being a sexist and horribly oppressive father. FFS. this place is unreal sometimes.
More often then not anymore.
You setting someone up with that comment?
Ummm no. Just agreeing with the comment I quoted.
So the bad grammar and syntax was unintentional? I do not buy that.
I just noticed you called her, his escort. Classy.
Seems fair. She did marry an old man because he's rich. And she doesn't leave him despite it being well-documented that he cheats on her. Trump himself has said they don't sleep in the same bed.
That fucking escort Hillary couldn’t win the most winnable election then.
Given that Bill was neither older nor wealthy when they married, I’m not sure your analogy holds.
no, but it could be argued that the only reason she stays with him is to forward her career just as much as anyone can argue that melania is a gold digger.
Is there any evidence of that, though? I think there’s actually plenty to the contrary.
Well she stays with Bill even though he cheats, and she's gone after the women that have accused him of sexual assault. Sounds more like a political partnership than a marriage and it might have led to a perception that she's not a leader since she's so bound to her powerful husband. The thought of divorce had to cross her mind when it became worldwide news that Bill was getting blowjobs from an intern. But it's in her best political interest to be Bill Clinton's wife.
Because being married to Bill Clinton is was got her elected to the US Senate? Or nominated and confirmed as SOS? What’s Melania’s comparable achievements?
you don't think being first lady had ANYTHING to do with her subsequent political success?
I think Hillary accomplished much of what she accomplished because of her hard work and intelligence. Did Bill get her into Yale law school? Did Bill get her appointed to the house staff investigating Watergate? Did Bill write her opinions when she worked for the Rose Law Firm or get her the job? Are any of your wife's accomplishments the result of marrying you? Better tell your daughters to marry well.
Talk about hypocrisy. Hillary gets villified when in fact, if you asked anyone who has worked with her, including repub senators in that most exclusive club of 100, they all say how hard she worked, how much effort she put in in understanding the issues, the complexities, the minutua of policy and yet, its all due to being married to Bill.
And yes, if she divorced Bill and ran for the senate, she'd still get elected.
Behind every great man stands a greater woman.
I think old Bill himself acknowledges that she is smarter and tougher than he is. She got damn far before he became president. Like her or dislike her, pause for a second to think about the obstacles women her age faced back in the day.
of course. she was hugely successful. but no one can say definitively either way that she'd have gotten the nomination with our without being first lady to Bill Clinton. anyone suggesting so is fooling themselves.
Nor could you say that Bill would have run g president of Hillary didn't push him or keep him on the relative straight and narrow.
of course.
Therefore that can be stated for any politician. So I don't get why it's a point of discussion.
it was a hypothetical retort mentioned only because of the post about melania being an escort. nothing more. then halifax has to take it to another fucking dimension and somehow I ended up being a sexist and horribly oppressive father. FFS. this place is unreal sometimes.
More often then not anymore.
You setting someone up with that comment?
Ummm no. Just agreeing with the comment I quoted.
So the bad grammar and syntax was unintentional? I do not buy that.
Nah come on. I really just thought he was messing with us
Hard to tell with all the sensitivity and all. But I’ll tell you what, I don’t take the personal attacks, whether real or perceived, personally. We’re generally arguing politics on a band’s message board. I can take it.
How is mentioning someone's wife and daughters not making it personal? Shouldn't family be off limits?
Depends on who they are and what they do. When Clintons were in the WH, Hillary was involved in public policy and was fair game. Chelsea was off-limits. With the current administration, both Melania and Ivanka are public figures working in public positions, and are fair game just like anyone else working at the White House or in the Administration.
"I'll use the magic word - let's just shut the fuck up, please." EV, 04/13/08
How is mentioning someone's wife and daughters not making it personal? Shouldn't family be off limits?
Because he’s mentioned his family in a context and I wanted to know if what he stated about Hillary would then apply to his wife or daughters, ie, their success or accomplishments are predicated on who they married/marry. If he wouldnt say or assume that about those females closest to him, why would he say it about Hillary? It’s kind of the same thing regarding sexual harassment in the workplace training I’ve taken where they say to ask yourself if your comment to a co-worker would be appropriate to your mother, daughter, sister, aunt (use male versions of same) and if not, don’t say it. For the record, I didn’t call him an oppressive father, sexist, misogynistic or whatever else he claimed I called him.
Thank you. I understand now. I missed the part where HFD mentioned the women in his family.
Brigadoon, foodie capital Posts: 4,006
I go out to get a massage and my phone blows up with more news notifications than I can digest. Another day ending in "y," another year's worth of scandal and intrigue. I'm convinced that part of the reason he is getting away with as much as he is, is that there is just too much to chase down and prosecute/ litigate/ investigate. I swear, he's going to rejuvenate the legal field in the same way that he has brought journalism back from the dead.
All those who seek to destroy the liberties of a democratic nation ought to know that war is the surest and shortest means to accomplish it.
I go out to get a massage and my phone blows up with more news notifications than I can digest. Another day ending in "y," another year's worth of scandal and intrigue. I'm convinced that part of the reason he is getting away with as much as he is, is that there is just too much to chase down and prosecute/ litigate/ investigate. I swear, he's going to rejuvenate the legal field in the same way that he has brought journalism back from the dead.
Not today Sir, Probably not tomorrow.............................................. bayfront arena st. pete '94
you're finally here and I'm a mess................................................... nationwide arena columbus '10
memories like fingerprints are slowly raising.................................... first niagara center buffalo '13
another man ..... moved by sleight of hand...................................... joe louis arena detroit '14
-EV 8/14/93
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
-EV 8/14/93
Cheeto eating, basement dwelling, keyboard warrior, internet tough guy, pompous liberal bully elitist who’s not the smartest guy in the room and aren’t special punk asshole
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
gawddamn great reading the spat! so glad I'm an observer and not a participant lol.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Not today Sir, Probably not tomorrow.............................................. bayfront arena st. pete '94
you're finally here and I'm a mess................................................... nationwide arena columbus '10
memories like fingerprints are slowly raising.................................... first niagara center buffalo '13
another man ..... moved by sleight of hand...................................... joe louis arena detroit '14