A high majority of it is being a sore loser from the election.
Laughable yeah he’s such a great American what a joke as long as he sticks up for your weapons who cares how many other fucked things he’s responsible for fucking up ! While you & I were sleeping last night there are toddlers & children crying themselves to sleep wth no one to comfort them just to let them know someone is there for them instead staff is told not to pick little kids up & conste them it’s evil and if you support it I’m throwing you in the same boat as this evil Baffoon !!
I’m pro choice but listening to militant abortion rights supporters cry over kids and throw around the word “evil” is far more laughable.
So... then.. you being pro-choice - it's laughable if you believe something to be evil in this world or cry over how kids are being treated?
If you're pro-choice you do not have the right to criticize anything being evil or care for kids?
You absolutely have the right. I’m making a different point though. I think it is absolutely wrong for pro-life people to characterize pro-choice people as “evil”. Nobody who chooses to have an abortion is “evil”. It is a terrible choice a women has to make filled with complexity. Characterizing her or the provider as “evil” is evil in and of itself. The same goes with child separation during the course of illegal immigration. It is a complex issue. A child is brought across with a “parent”...it could 100% be a parent but it could also be a sex trafficer, a drug smuggler, criminal etc. Border patrol does not know and has to figure it out. It is not a decision that anybody wants to make but it has to be made. Does anybody on here want a child smuggled into sex-trafficking and/or slavery? Are the odds of that remote? Of course but it’s real. People need to stop labeling difficult yet necessary decisions as “evil”.
I'm not sure it's necessary. I belieive Stephen Miller, in particular, sees this as a feature of the policy, not an unfortunate consequence.
You could be right on Miller but it doesn’t make the policy any less necessary in some ways. There is a reason why a version of this policy existed under Obama.
My understanding is that under Obama, the separations only took place when there was reason to believe the child was in danger OR that he/she wasn't really the child of the person (using as mules). There was no distinction under Trump's policy until this week.
I think that’s true. There is no question the Trump policy is harsher because under “zero tolerance” the parent is being charged with the crime of crossing illegal which automatically results in separation because alleged “criminals” are always separated from children until their case is adjudicated. This is where the problem lies. In the end though child separation was deemed ok under certain circumstances...it wasn’t evil but it was necessary. It still isn’t evil now...it is just a question as to whether it is necessary.
If it's unnecessary then it's cruel. There were ways to enforce "zero tolerance" without forcing the separations. Namely, they could have appointed substantially more judges or magistrates so that they could process the cases more timely without violating the Flores consent. If they could do that, then they could have kept the families together. Either they didn't think through that (stupid) or they didn't care (cruel).
A high majority of it is being a sore loser from the election.
Laughable yeah he’s such a great American what a joke as long as he sticks up for your weapons who cares how many other fucked things he’s responsible for fucking up ! While you & I were sleeping last night there are toddlers & children crying themselves to sleep wth no one to comfort them just to let them know someone is there for them instead staff is told not to pick little kids up & conste them it’s evil and if you support it I’m throwing you in the same boat as this evil Baffoon !!
I’m pro choice but listening to militant abortion rights supporters cry over kids and throw around the word “evil” is far more laughable.
So... then.. you being pro-choice - it's laughable if you believe something to be evil in this world or cry over how kids are being treated?
If you're pro-choice you do not have the right to criticize anything being evil or care for kids?
You absolutely have the right. I’m making a different point though. I think it is absolutely wrong for pro-life people to characterize pro-choice people as “evil”. Nobody who chooses to have an abortion is “evil”. It is a terrible choice a women has to make filled with complexity. Characterizing her or the provider as “evil” is evil in and of itself. The same goes with child separation during the course of illegal immigration. It is a complex issue. A child is brought across with a “parent”...it could 100% be a parent but it could also be a sex trafficer, a drug smuggler, criminal etc. Border patrol does not know and has to figure it out. It is not a decision that anybody wants to make but it has to be made. Does anybody on here want a child smuggled into sex-trafficking and/or slavery? Are the odds of that remote? Of course but it’s real. People need to stop labeling difficult yet necessary decisions as “evil”.
I'm not sure it's necessary. I belieive Stephen Miller, in particular, sees this as a feature of the policy, not an unfortunate consequence.
You could be right on Miller but it doesn’t make the policy any less necessary in some ways. There is a reason why a version of this policy existed under Obama.
My understanding is that under Obama, the separations only took place when there was reason to believe the child was in danger OR that he/she wasn't really the child of the person (using as mules). There was no distinction under Trump's policy until this week.
I think that’s true. There is no question the Trump policy is harsher because under “zero tolerance” the parent is being charged with the crime of crossing illegal which automatically results in separation because alleged “criminals” are always separated from children until their case is adjudicated. This is where the problem lies. In the end though child separation was deemed ok under certain circumstances...it wasn’t evil but it was necessary. It still isn’t evil now...it is just a question as to whether it is necessary.
If it's unnecessary then it's cruel. There were ways to enforce "zero tolerance" without forcing the separations. Namely, they could have appointed substantially more judges or magistrates so that they could process the cases more timely without violating the Flores consent. If they could do that, then they could have kept the families together. Either they didn't think through that (stupid) or they didn't care (cruel).
I think it’s a combination. Necessary, cruel, coupled with standard bureaucratic stupidity. In other words...government at it’s finest.
A high majority of it is being a sore loser from the election.
Laughable yeah he’s such a great American what a joke as long as he sticks up for your weapons who cares how many other fucked things he’s responsible for fucking up ! While you & I were sleeping last night there are toddlers & children crying themselves to sleep wth no one to comfort them just to let them know someone is there for them instead staff is told not to pick little kids up & conste them it’s evil and if you support it I’m throwing you in the same boat as this evil Baffoon !!
I’m pro choice but listening to militant abortion rights supporters cry over kids and throw around the word “evil” is far more laughable.
So... then.. you being pro-choice - it's laughable if you believe something to be evil in this world or cry over how kids are being treated?
If you're pro-choice you do not have the right to criticize anything being evil or care for kids?
You absolutely have the right. I’m making a different point though. I think it is absolutely wrong for pro-life people to characterize pro-choice people as “evil”. Nobody who chooses to have an abortion is “evil”. It is a terrible choice a women has to make filled with complexity. Characterizing her or the provider as “evil” is evil in and of itself. The same goes with child separation during the course of illegal immigration. It is a complex issue. A child is brought across with a “parent”...it could 100% be a parent but it could also be a sex trafficer, a drug smuggler, criminal etc. Border patrol does not know and has to figure it out. It is not a decision that anybody wants to make but it has to be made. Does anybody on here want a child smuggled into sex-trafficking and/or slavery? Are the odds of that remote? Of course but it’s real. People need to stop labeling difficult yet necessary decisions as “evil”.
I'm not sure it's necessary. I belieive Stephen Miller, in particular, sees this as a feature of the policy, not an unfortunate consequence.
You could be right on Miller but it doesn’t make the policy any less necessary in some ways. There is a reason why a version of this policy existed under Obama.
My understanding is that under Obama, the separations only took place when there was reason to believe the child was in danger OR that he/she wasn't really the child of the person (using as mules). There was no distinction under Trump's policy until this week.
I think that’s true. There is no question the Trump policy is harsher because under “zero tolerance” the parent is being charged with the crime of crossing illegal which automatically results in separation because alleged “criminals” are always separated from children until their case is adjudicated. This is where the problem lies. In the end though child separation was deemed ok under certain circumstances...it wasn’t evil but it was necessary. It still isn’t evil now...it is just a question as to whether it is necessary.
If it's unnecessary then it's cruel. There were ways to enforce "zero tolerance" without forcing the separations. Namely, they could have appointed substantially more judges or magistrates so that they could process the cases more timely without violating the Flores consent. If they could do that, then they could have kept the families together. Either they didn't think through that (stupid) or they didn't care (cruel).
I think it’s a combination. Necessary, cruel, coupled with standard bureaucratic stupidity. In other words...government at it’s finest.
I pointed out somewhere else that of the 3 biggest policy blunders of this administration, Miller has led two of them; travel ban and this. He's a neophyte and an ideologue. That's not a good combination. The third was the Obamacare bungle, but that was all on Trump since it wasn't really a "policy". Miller might be a worse human being than Trump.
Separating children from parents is not necessary I’ll never agree with you on this at all I’m not sure I can come to this party you guys are holding..
A high majority of it is being a sore loser from the election.
Laughable yeah he’s such a great American what a joke as long as he sticks up for your weapons who cares how many other fucked things he’s responsible for fucking up ! While you & I were sleeping last night there are toddlers & children crying themselves to sleep wth no one to comfort them just to let them know someone is there for them instead staff is told not to pick little kids up & conste them it’s evil and if you support it I’m throwing you in the same boat as this evil Baffoon !!
I’m pro choice but listening to militant abortion rights supporters cry over kids and throw around the word “evil” is far more laughable.
How many “militant abortion rights” activists have killed how many “pro-life” activists, Professor? Talk about laughable.
That trump guy sure is an egotistical asshat isn’t he?
A necessary egotistical asshat
As necessary as tapped wires, disappearing headlines, Repube sweeps in the midterms and re-election.
Hmmm. All these things are moving far closer to reality and not further away.
Based upon what? What are you using as facts to make those claims? Are you holding out hope that the IG will report the "wires were tapped," without the appropriate FISA law being applied and followed, Team Trump Treason and Russian collusion headlines haven't been prominent, no progression of Team Mueller's investigation and the repubes are well positioned to gain seats in the house and senate leading to Team Trump Treason's re-election? What have you got to back that up, professor. Go ahead school me.
Holding out hope? I am neither hoping or not hoping. As I have said let the evidence come forward and let the chips fall where they may. So far it seems pretty clear where the chips are leaning. We’ll have the origin report on Crossfire Hurricane soon enough.
A high majority of it is being a sore loser from the election.
Laughable yeah he’s such a great American what a joke as long as he sticks up for your weapons who cares how many other fucked things he’s responsible for fucking up ! While you & I were sleeping last night there are toddlers & children crying themselves to sleep wth no one to comfort them just to let them know someone is there for them instead staff is told not to pick little kids up & conste them it’s evil and if you support it I’m throwing you in the same boat as this evil Baffoon !!
I’m pro choice but listening to militant abortion rights supporters cry over kids and throw around the word “evil” is far more laughable.
How many “militant abortion rights” activists have killed how many “pro-life” activists, Professor? Talk about laughable.
Separating children from parents is not necessary I’ll never agree with you on this at all I’m not sure I can come to this party you guys are holding..
It’s done everyday throughout both of our countries. A parent commits a crime and a child goes into the system. Nobody likes it but it doesn’t keep that parent out of jail.
Cincy is NO Trumper, he's on the right team and I have his back! Long time poster that is a good dude, and a fair dude
Halifax, you're my hero, keep up the good fight!
Thirty, you might be the funniest anti-trumper ever. Golden Corral and shootin' shit!
MRussell... that dude needs to be POTUS, hes fucking smarter than all of us! (Except maybe Benjis, he might just be a damn genius!)
Scruffy... I'm worried you're going to vote Trump in 2020, so pop on Riot Act and have a few IPA's (thanks for being a teacher, we need more good ones like you!)
PJ_Soul... I think i'm in love lol
BS... are you wake and baking again??? lol
Unsung............. well........... I have to admit, his crazy ass is growing on me and I want to hang out with him, drink about 20 beers, talk politics, and turn him into a liberal LOL. I think he is really just a big softy
Brian...... who doesn't love Brian? He is wise, he is kind, and his eyes are always on the big picture. We could all learn from Brian
Jose......... Jose is what this country is all about. An immigrant who came to this country, who loves this country, and who has made this country a better place just by coming here. He works hard, he is a family man, and he believes in a better way. I love me some Jose, and will ALWAYS have his back! Jose is the most American motherfucker up in here
There's the cast of characters. Now we just need the screen play.
We need a meet up... Seattle, Missoula, Boston...???
I’m in the cast...does this mean I get to come? Or will I get red henned? My vote is Missoula btw. I’ll bring the weed.
Of course you get to come... we're gonna need a lot of weed... I'm gonna turn you into a liberal too!
Unsung & BS will be commy hippies before you know it!
I vote for Seattle, Montana, or Boston cause I’ll only be in Chicago.
Can I request a green-legal zone? I want to hear people say the things that most of us would have to be high to say, then I want to get them high and see what gets said.
Not for me yet. I got a job I want to keep. Meet ya in 2031 or maybe a few years later and I’m in.
Separating children from parents is not necessary I’ll never agree with you on this at all I’m not sure I can come to this party you guys are holding..
It’s done everyday throughout both of our countries. A parent commits a crime and a child goes into the system. Nobody likes it but it doesn’t keep that parent out of jail.
People rarely go to jail for misdemeanors. This is a bad analogy.
Are you arguing that you would prefer the child gets separated and stays in the US while the parent is deported vs keeping them together and deporting together?
A high majority of it is being a sore loser from the election.
Laughable yeah he’s such a great American what a joke as long as he sticks up for your weapons who cares how many other fucked things he’s responsible for fucking up ! While you & I were sleeping last night there are toddlers & children crying themselves to sleep wth no one to comfort them just to let them know someone is there for them instead staff is told not to pick little kids up & conste them it’s evil and if you support it I’m throwing you in the same boat as this evil Baffoon !!
I’m pro choice but listening to militant abortion rights supporters cry over kids and throw around the word “evil” is far more laughable.
How many “militant abortion rights” activists have killed how many “pro-life” activists, Professor? Talk about laughable.
One tried to take out a few at a baseball game
Really? That was the shooter’s motive? And the pro-choice side egged him on and congratulated him after? You making stuff up again, Professor? To fit your alt-right narrative about those “evil” liberals?
A high majority of it is being a sore loser from the election.
Laughable yeah he’s such a great American what a joke as long as he sticks up for your weapons who cares how many other fucked things he’s responsible for fucking up ! While you & I were sleeping last night there are toddlers & children crying themselves to sleep wth no one to comfort them just to let them know someone is there for them instead staff is told not to pick little kids up & conste them it’s evil and if you support it I’m throwing you in the same boat as this evil Baffoon !!
I’m pro choice but listening to militant abortion rights supporters cry over kids and throw around the word “evil” is far more laughable.
How many “militant abortion rights” activists have killed how many “pro-life” activists, Professor? Talk about laughable.
At risk of turning this into another abortion debate, I’ll never understand pro-abortion people bring up deaths when arguing FOR abortion.
A high majority of it is being a sore loser from the election.
Laughable yeah he’s such a great American what a joke as long as he sticks up for your weapons who cares how many other fucked things he’s responsible for fucking up ! While you & I were sleeping last night there are toddlers & children crying themselves to sleep wth no one to comfort them just to let them know someone is there for them instead staff is told not to pick little kids up & conste them it’s evil and if you support it I’m throwing you in the same boat as this evil Baffoon !!
I’m pro choice but listening to militant abortion rights supporters cry over kids and throw around the word “evil” is far more laughable.
How many “militant abortion rights” activists have killed how many “pro-life” activists, Professor? Talk about laughable.
At risk of turning this into another abortion debate, I’ll never understand pro-abortion people bring up deaths when arguing FOR abortion.
And to flip it, I’ll never understand “pro life” people advocating for or carrying out the murder of pro-choice supporters, supporting the death penalty or doing everything in their power to make life more difficult once you’re born. Basically, “pro-life” until you’re born.
Separating children from parents is not necessary I’ll never agree with you on this at all I’m not sure I can come to this party you guys are holding..
It’s done everyday throughout both of our countries. A parent commits a crime and a child goes into the system. Nobody likes it but it doesn’t keep that parent out of jail.
People rarely go to jail for misdemeanors. This is a bad analogy.
Are you arguing that you would prefer the child gets separated and stays in the US while the parent is deported vs keeping them together and deporting together?
It depends. If truly refugees crossing at legal port of entry then keep together and allow entry provided refugee status verified. If truly refugees crossing at illegal port of entry then short term separate and allow in together once parental/refugee status verified. If parental status can’t be verified than hold child separate until it can be determined who nearest relative is. Return child to that relative. If not refugees but simply entering illegally deport both together once parental status is verified.
There needs to be incentive for someone claiming refugee status to come through a legal port of entry and/or embassy. It is choosing an illegal port that may result in separation.
And to flip it, I’ll never understand “pro life” people advocating for or carrying out the murder of pro-choice supporters, supporting the death penalty or doing everything in their power to make life more difficult once you’re born. Basically, “pro-life” until you’re born.
No kidding. Any pro-lifer (or anti-abortion) person that is ok at all with violence including murder against a doctor or anyone involved in performing or supporting abortion is a big time hypocrite and a felon.
Ill stop now cause like I said I don’t want to derail thread into abortion. But your death penalty argument is not correct.
And to flip it, I’ll never understand “pro life” people advocating for or carrying out the murder of pro-choice supporters, supporting the death penalty or doing everything in their power to make life more difficult once you’re born. Basically, “pro-life” until you’re born.
Separating children from parents is not necessary I’ll never agree with you on this at all I’m not sure I can come to this party you guys are holding..
It’s done everyday throughout both of our countries. A parent commits a crime and a child goes into the system. Nobody likes it but it doesn’t keep that parent out of jail.
People rarely go to jail for misdemeanors. This is a bad analogy.
Are you arguing that you would prefer the child gets separated and stays in the US while the parent is deported vs keeping them together and deporting together?
It depends. If truly refugees crossing at legal port of entry then keep together and allow entry provided refugee status verified. If truly refugees crossing at illegal port of entry then short term separate and allow in together once parental/refugee status verified. If parental status can’t be verified than hold child separate until it can be determined who nearest relative is. Return child to that relative. If not refugees but simply entering illegally deport both together once parental status is verified.
There needs to be incentive for someone claiming refugee status to come through a legal port of entry and/or embassy. It is choosing an illegal port that may result in separation.
Here's a larger question: After all this time, are people on BS' side of the fence just ignoring the fact that people are trying to come through the legal port of entries and that there's just huge bottlenecks so they have no other choice but to turn themselves in at other spots? Or are they really this uninformed?
Separating children from parents is not necessary I’ll never agree with you on this at all I’m not sure I can come to this party you guys are holding..
It’s done everyday throughout both of our countries. A parent commits a crime and a child goes into the system. Nobody likes it but it doesn’t keep that parent out of jail.
People rarely go to jail for misdemeanors. This is a bad analogy.
Are you arguing that you would prefer the child gets separated and stays in the US while the parent is deported vs keeping them together and deporting together?
It depends. If truly refugees crossing at legal port of entry then keep together and allow entry provided refugee status verified. If truly refugees crossing at illegal port of entry then short term separate and allow in together once parental/refugee status verified. If parental status can’t be verified than hold child separate until it can be determined who nearest relative is. Return child to that relative. If not refugees but simply entering illegally deport both together once parental status is verified.
There needs to be incentive for someone claiming refugee status to come through a legal port of entry and/or embassy. It is choosing an illegal port that may result in separation.
Here's a larger question: After all this time, are people on BS' side of the fence just ignoring the fact that people are trying to come through the legal port of entries and that there's just huge bottlenecks so they have no other choice but to turn themselves in at other spots? Or are they really this uninformed?
I'm going with uninformed.
Are people on the juggler’s “side” suggesting this is all just one big bottleneck misunderstanding? Or are they really this niave?
A high majority of it is being a sore loser from the election.
Laughable yeah he’s such a great American what a joke as long as he sticks up for your weapons who cares how many other fucked things he’s responsible for fucking up ! While you & I were sleeping last night there are toddlers & children crying themselves to sleep wth no one to comfort them just to let them know someone is there for them instead staff is told not to pick little kids up & conste them it’s evil and if you support it I’m throwing you in the same boat as this evil Baffoon !!
I’m pro choice but listening to militant abortion rights supporters cry over kids and throw around the word “evil” is far more laughable.
How many “militant abortion rights” activists have killed how many “pro-life” activists, Professor? Talk about laughable.
One tried to take out a few at a baseball game
Really? That was the shooter’s motive? And the pro-choice side egged him on and congratulated him after? You making stuff up again, Professor? To fit your alt-right narrative about those “evil” liberals?
Who am I to guess the motive of a nut job progressive’s need to murder a bunch of conservatives during the days of feminist women’s marches.
Separating children from parents is not necessary I’ll never agree with you on this at all I’m not sure I can come to this party you guys are holding..
It’s done everyday throughout both of our countries. A parent commits a crime and a child goes into the system. Nobody likes it but it doesn’t keep that parent out of jail.
People rarely go to jail for misdemeanors. This is a bad analogy.
Are you arguing that you would prefer the child gets separated and stays in the US while the parent is deported vs keeping them together and deporting together?
It depends. If truly refugees crossing at legal port of entry then keep together and allow entry provided refugee status verified. If truly refugees crossing at illegal port of entry then short term separate and allow in together once parental/refugee status verified. If parental status can’t be verified than hold child separate until it can be determined who nearest relative is. Return child to that relative. If not refugees but simply entering illegally deport both together once parental status is verified.
There needs to be incentive for someone claiming refugee status to come through a legal port of entry and/or embassy. It is choosing an illegal port that may result in separation.
Forget legal vs illegal port of entry. Let's assume they will be deported. Should the family stay together during the process or be separated? Notice I said "family", not alleged family or anything like that.
A high majority of it is being a sore loser from the election.
Laughable yeah he’s such a great American what a joke as long as he sticks up for your weapons who cares how many other fucked things he’s responsible for fucking up ! While you & I were sleeping last night there are toddlers & children crying themselves to sleep wth no one to comfort them just to let them know someone is there for them instead staff is told not to pick little kids up & conste them it’s evil and if you support it I’m throwing you in the same boat as this evil Baffoon !!
I’m pro choice but listening to militant abortion rights supporters cry over kids and throw around the word “evil” is far more laughable.
How many “militant abortion rights” activists have killed how many “pro-life” activists, Professor? Talk about laughable.
One tried to take out a few at a baseball game
Really? That was the shooter’s motive? And the pro-choice side egged him on and congratulated him after? You making stuff up again, Professor? To fit your alt-right narrative about those “evil” liberals?
Who am I to guess the motive of a nut job progressive’s need to murder a bunch of conservatives during the days of feminist women’s marches.
A high majority of it is being a sore loser from the election.
Laughable yeah he’s such a great American what a joke as long as he sticks up for your weapons who cares how many other fucked things he’s responsible for fucking up ! While you & I were sleeping last night there are toddlers & children crying themselves to sleep wth no one to comfort them just to let them know someone is there for them instead staff is told not to pick little kids up & conste them it’s evil and if you support it I’m throwing you in the same boat as this evil Baffoon !!
I’m pro choice but listening to militant abortion rights supporters cry over kids and throw around the word “evil” is far more laughable.
How many “militant abortion rights” activists have killed how many “pro-life” activists, Professor? Talk about laughable.
One tried to take out a few at a baseball game
Really? That was the shooter’s motive? And the pro-choice side egged him on and congratulated him after? You making stuff up again, Professor? To fit your alt-right narrative about those “evil” liberals?
Who am I to guess the motive of a nut job progressive’s need to murder a bunch of conservatives during the days of feminist women’s marches.
The anti-choice individuals who murdered abortion providers were pretty clear on their motives; no guess work required. If your stance is "who am I to guess?", then why did you guess earlier when you suggested it?
my small self... like a book amongst the many on a shelf
A high majority of it is being a sore loser from the election.
Laughable yeah he’s such a great American what a joke as long as he sticks up for your weapons who cares how many other fucked things he’s responsible for fucking up ! While you & I were sleeping last night there are toddlers & children crying themselves to sleep wth no one to comfort them just to let them know someone is there for them instead staff is told not to pick little kids up & conste them it’s evil and if you support it I’m throwing you in the same boat as this evil Baffoon !!
I’m pro choice but listening to militant abortion rights supporters cry over kids and throw around the word “evil” is far more laughable.
How many “militant abortion rights” activists have killed how many “pro-life” activists, Professor? Talk about laughable.
One tried to take out a few at a baseball game
Really? That was the shooter’s motive? And the pro-choice side egged him on and congratulated him after? You making stuff up again, Professor? To fit your alt-right narrative about those “evil” liberals?
Who am I to guess the motive of a nut job progressive’s need to murder a bunch of conservatives during the days of feminist women’s marches.
The anti-choice individuals who murdered abortion providers were pretty clear on their motives; no guess work required. If your stance is "who am I to guess?", then why did you guess earlier when you suggested it?
Separating children from parents is not necessary I’ll never agree with you on this at all I’m not sure I can come to this party you guys are holding..
It’s done everyday throughout both of our countries. A parent commits a crime and a child goes into the system. Nobody likes it but it doesn’t keep that parent out of jail.
People rarely go to jail for misdemeanors. This is a bad analogy.
Are you arguing that you would prefer the child gets separated and stays in the US while the parent is deported vs keeping them together and deporting together?
It depends. If truly refugees crossing at legal port of entry then keep together and allow entry provided refugee status verified. If truly refugees crossing at illegal port of entry then short term separate and allow in together once parental/refugee status verified. If parental status can’t be verified than hold child separate until it can be determined who nearest relative is. Return child to that relative. If not refugees but simply entering illegally deport both together once parental status is verified.
There needs to be incentive for someone claiming refugee status to come through a legal port of entry and/or embassy. It is choosing an illegal port that may result in separation.
Forget legal vs illegal port of entry. Let's assume they will be deported. Should the family stay together during the process or be separated? Notice I said "family", not alleged family or anything like that.
Under your scenerio where they are in fact a family that will be deported then of course deport them together.
A high majority of it is being a sore loser from the election.
Laughable yeah he’s such a great American what a joke as long as he sticks up for your weapons who cares how many other fucked things he’s responsible for fucking up ! While you & I were sleeping last night there are toddlers & children crying themselves to sleep wth no one to comfort them just to let them know someone is there for them instead staff is told not to pick little kids up & conste them it’s evil and if you support it I’m throwing you in the same boat as this evil Baffoon !!
I’m pro choice but listening to militant abortion rights supporters cry over kids and throw around the word “evil” is far more laughable.
How many “militant abortion rights” activists have killed how many “pro-life” activists, Professor? Talk about laughable.
One tried to take out a few at a baseball game
Really? That was the shooter’s motive? And the pro-choice side egged him on and congratulated him after? You making stuff up again, Professor? To fit your alt-right narrative about those “evil” liberals?
Who am I to guess the motive of a nut job progressive’s need to murder a bunch of conservatives during the days of feminist women’s marches.
The anti-choice individuals who murdered abortion providers were pretty clear on their motives; no guess work required. If your stance is "who am I to guess?", then why did you guess earlier when you suggested it?
Well we had a militant progressive shoot up a bunch of conservatives. We can only guess which conservative issue is the one he is most passionate about. I have a feeling it is a combination of issues that certainly include the fact they are pro-life. Are you suggesting Scalise being pro-life is the one issue that militant nut bag is ok with?
A high majority of it is being a sore loser from the election.
Laughable yeah he’s such a great American what a joke as long as he sticks up for your weapons who cares how many other fucked things he’s responsible for fucking up ! While you & I were sleeping last night there are toddlers & children crying themselves to sleep wth no one to comfort them just to let them know someone is there for them instead staff is told not to pick little kids up & conste them it’s evil and if you support it I’m throwing you in the same boat as this evil Baffoon !!
I’m pro choice but listening to militant abortion rights supporters cry over kids and throw around the word “evil” is far more laughable.
How many “militant abortion rights” activists have killed how many “pro-life” activists, Professor? Talk about laughable.
One tried to take out a few at a baseball game
Really? That was the shooter’s motive? And the pro-choice side egged him on and congratulated him after? You making stuff up again, Professor? To fit your alt-right narrative about those “evil” liberals?
Who am I to guess the motive of a nut job progressive’s need to murder a bunch of conservatives during the days of feminist women’s marches.
So you’re still BS’ing.
Nope. You see...those militant anti-choice crazies think those having and/or providing abortion are “evil”. When people feel that way some end up thinking that stopping that “evil” through violence is good. I explained how I take issue with using that terminology of “evil”. I tried to outline how people are wrong to use it in reference to Trump and immigration policy as it will only lead you down the same path as the militant anti-choice. “Evil”, “Vile Human Beings”, “Nazis”. You are heading down a path that can only lead to bad outcomes. Some that agree with you...like Mr. Baseball shooter...will take matters into their own hands. It will not help your cause.
A high majority of it is being a sore loser from the election.
Laughable yeah he’s such a great American what a joke as long as he sticks up for your weapons who cares how many other fucked things he’s responsible for fucking up ! While you & I were sleeping last night there are toddlers & children crying themselves to sleep wth no one to comfort them just to let them know someone is there for them instead staff is told not to pick little kids up & conste them it’s evil and if you support it I’m throwing you in the same boat as this evil Baffoon !!
I’m pro choice but listening to militant abortion rights supporters cry over kids and throw around the word “evil” is far more laughable.
How many “militant abortion rights” activists have killed how many “pro-life” activists, Professor? Talk about laughable.
One tried to take out a few at a baseball game
Really? That was the shooter’s motive? And the pro-choice side egged him on and congratulated him after? You making stuff up again, Professor? To fit your alt-right narrative about those “evil” liberals?
Who am I to guess the motive of a nut job progressive’s need to murder a bunch of conservatives during the days of feminist women’s marches.
The anti-choice individuals who murdered abortion providers were pretty clear on their motives; no guess work required. If your stance is "who am I to guess?", then why did you guess earlier when you suggested it?
Well we had a militant progressive shoot up a bunch of conservatives. We can only guess which conservative issue is the one he is most passionate about. I have a feeling it is a combination of issues that certainly include the fact they are pro-life. Are you suggesting Scalise being pro-life is the one issue that militant nut bag is ok with?
I am suggesting two things. One, that you couldn’t come up with any other counter to Halifax’s question so you picked one that is irrelevant, because in your example the shooter hadn’t stated any motive, and two, that it makes no sense to say “I really couldn’t guess”, while you are guessing.
Edit: for appalling phone/autocorrect-related grammar
Post edited by oftenreading on
my small self... like a book amongst the many on a shelf
A high majority of it is being a sore loser from the election.
Laughable yeah he’s such a great American what a joke as long as he sticks up for your weapons who cares how many other fucked things he’s responsible for fucking up ! While you & I were sleeping last night there are toddlers & children crying themselves to sleep wth no one to comfort them just to let them know someone is there for them instead staff is told not to pick little kids up & conste them it’s evil and if you support it I’m throwing you in the same boat as this evil Baffoon !!
I’m pro choice but listening to militant abortion rights supporters cry over kids and throw around the word “evil” is far more laughable.
How many “militant abortion rights” activists have killed how many “pro-life” activists, Professor? Talk about laughable.
At risk of turning this into another abortion debate, I’ll never understand pro-abortion people bring up deaths when arguing FOR abortion.
To help you better understand. ......no one is pro-abortion. But many people on here, around the country and the world, including the members of PearlJam, are pro-choice.
A high majority of it is being a sore loser from the election.
Laughable yeah he’s such a great American what a joke as long as he sticks up for your weapons who cares how many other fucked things he’s responsible for fucking up ! While you & I were sleeping last night there are toddlers & children crying themselves to sleep wth no one to comfort them just to let them know someone is there for them instead staff is told not to pick little kids up & conste them it’s evil and if you support it I’m throwing you in the same boat as this evil Baffoon !!
I’m pro choice but listening to militant abortion rights supporters cry over kids and throw around the word “evil” is far more laughable.
How many “militant abortion rights” activists have killed how many “pro-life” activists, Professor? Talk about laughable.
At risk of turning this into another abortion debate, I’ll never understand pro-abortion people bring up deaths when arguing FOR abortion.
To help you better understand. ......no one is pro-abortion. But many people on here, around the country and the world, including the members of PearlJam, are pro-choice.
I’ve always found it interesting why people that are ok with abortions happening are always so quick to point out that they are not pro-abortion. Nonsense.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Are you arguing that you would prefer the child gets separated and stays in the US while the parent is deported vs keeping them together and deporting together?
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
There needs to be incentive for someone claiming refugee status to come through a legal port of entry and/or embassy. It is choosing an illegal port that may result in separation.
Ill stop now cause like I said I don’t want to derail thread into abortion. But your death penalty argument is not correct.
After all this time, are people on BS' side of the fence just ignoring the fact that people are trying to come through the legal port of entries and that there's just huge bottlenecks so they have no other choice but to turn themselves in at other spots? Or are they really this uninformed?
I'm going with uninformed.
I’m going with...
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
The anti-choice individuals who murdered abortion providers were pretty clear on their motives; no guess work required. If your stance is "who am I to guess?", then why did you guess earlier when you suggested it?
Edit: for appalling phone/autocorrect-related grammar
But many people on here, around the country and the world, including the members of PearlJam, are pro-choice.