Clinton and the DNC pay Fusion GPS to make up a dossier based on Russian Intel This dossier is then pushed out through the media by the likes of David Corn and Mother Jones And the very same day Clinton says this...
That is called collusion with Russia to interfere in an election
Roger Stone talking to Guccifer 2.0
Peter Smith working with Russia hackers
Trump Data Guru: head of Cambridge Analytica reaching out to Julian Assange
Trump himself looking in the camera and asking Russia for help.
And Trump Jr. meeting Russian officials to receive dirt on Clinton.
Trump: actively sought and accepted Russian subversion efforts.
DNC: actively investigated and gathered opposition on Trump's Russian subversion efforts.
...get real...
Money only changed hands on one side.
LoL, if you truly believe that, I have a bridge for sale you might be interested in.....
Mueller has numerous money laundering specialists investigating tRump, Jr, manafort, etc.
You've been suckered by the tRussia propaganda machine. PT Barnum is embarrassed for you.
You seem to be so certain as to what Mueller’s specialists are investigating. Like I said follow the evidence where it leads...if it leads to the fact that Manafort was working with the Podesta group on behalf of Russian interets then so be it. If it leads to further investigation of Uranium One so be it. In the last hour Mueller’s own FBI informant was released from his Loretta Lynch enforced NDA to testify before congress. I’m non-partisan when it comes to the draining of the swamp.
You should really read your posts out loud to yourself before you hit send. Mueller is two steps ahead of your what-about-ism. He's going to start rounding up tRump associates. Meanwhile tRumpeters will start complaining about uranium, podesta and Clinton. Mueller's response: I looked into it already, tRump's the useful idiot here.
Quote of the day: "People don't understand, I went to an Ivy League college. I was a nice student," Trump told reporters Wednesday. "I did very well. I'm a very intelligent person." Later, pointing to his head, he added: "One of the great memories of all time."
"People don't understand, I went to an Ivy League college. I was a nice student," Trump told reporters Wednesday. "I did very well. I'm a very intelligent person." Later, pointing to his head, he added: "One of the great memories of all time."
71 and still taking about where he went to college. What a guy!
I feel like the dossier was likely shopped around after the GOP exit. They had the info, why not find a new place to sell the research.
What you “feel” is incorrect. Steele was hired by Fusion AFTER the DNC/Clinton began funding. Sorry.
WHOA! A little off topic, but everything I learned and later taught in human serves cringes at the idea of telling someone their feeling are "incorrect. OUCH!
Yes. Many are teaching the concept of subordinating “facts” to “feelings”. It certainly is a massive problem in the education system. I teach the exact opposite which is that feelings are irrelevant to the facts. No safe spaces. Your feelings shall not be spared. Ouch.
Subordinating facts to feeling has zero to do with what I was talking about. Feeling have nothing to do with facts.
First though, let's clarify what we both mean by "feelings". To my understanding feeling are what you feel- pain, happiness, anger, love, ennui, etc. Some people, however, use the word "feeling" as in "belief". Where I would say, "I believe we are going to have a war any day now," someone else might say, "I feel like we are going to have a war any day now." The latter us of "feel" is grammatically incorrect though somewhat common in usage.
So, if you mean that feelings (as in "beliefs") are being substituted for fact you may be right (though it would be more clear to say "beliefs" rather than "feelings").
But the things we feel-- pain, anguish, perturbation-- when we feel them, it is a fact that we are feeling them. (What we do with those feelings is another story.) And even when we believe someone is feeling something in a way that we don't agree with, I don't believe we have the right to say "I'm sorry, that is an incorrect feeling". If two people react to a situation with different feelings, as a general rule, there's no reason to assume either one or both of those feelings is incorrect. You feel what you feel, I feel what I feel.
Assuming we agree that feelings are only those things we feel, I don't believe a feeling can be incorrect and in fact, I would say it is inappropriate to tell another person that what feel is incorrect.
Now of course in what Kat said, she used the word feel to mean "believe" (no worries, Kat, we know what you mean. So that might make all I've said about fee/believe irrelevant, haha!
Carry on!
"Don't give in to the lies. Don't give in to the fear. Hold on to the truth. And to hope."
I have a feeling, a feeling deep inside, that Trump’s the swamp that needs a draining from way inside, I got a feeling, a feeling Trump don’t feel, oh yea, I got a feeling......
I have a feeling, a feeling deep inside, that Trump’s the swamp that needs a draining from way inside, I got a feeling, a feeling Trump don’t feel, oh yea, I got a feeling......
All the pedantic bullshit aside, I can dig that.
"Don't give in to the lies. Don't give in to the fear. Hold on to the truth. And to hope."
let's be objective here: if the tables were turned, and it was Trump and the GOP that had funded this dossier, not Clinton, wouldn't you all still be screaming "Collusion!"?
"Oh're beautiful when you're drunk" -EV 8/14/93
Let's also be objective and acknowledge BS for doing about as well as someone might do defending Trump.
Don't get me wrong... I think Trump is a corn riddled turd and I don't necessarily agree with him... but BS has done a good job with a challenging situation- standing up to popular opinion in this forum.
His articulation on the matter is far better than "Yee haw"... "Git 'r done"... and "I reckon he's gunna make 'Murica great again"... and "Heil Hitler"... that stand as the most common supporters' expressions of support.
With that said... I think he will have crow to eat at some point. I'm hoping sooner than later. The Trump family are insects. Seeing them on every homepage and news scroll is nauseating.
had a dream last night that Donald was kidnapped and hung in public by a crane. a few friends and I had heard about it prior to, got beer, and watched it from a balcony of a friend's close by.
that settles it: no more Homeland and McDonald's that close to bedtime.
"Oh're beautiful when you're drunk" -EV 8/14/93
Was it oppo research by DNC or an attempt by the FBI/Comey to get the FISA warrant approved to spy on Trump campaign? Remember the first warrant was denied, FISA warrants are only denied when the subject has no pulse. "By comparison, since 1979 to date, the court has approved 40,117
warrants but only rejected 21 requests. That's a rejection rate of 0.052
Was it oppo research by DNC or an attempt by the FBI/Comey to get the FISA warrant approved to spy on Trump campaign? Remember the first warrant was denied, FISA warrants are only denied when the subject has no pulse. "By comparison, since 1979 to date, the court has approved 40,117
warrants but only rejected 21 requests. That's a rejection rate of 0.052
Or a foreign intelligence service picking up Russian oligarchs and trump campaign officials colluding to throw an election and passing the information on to US intelligence?
Let's also be objective and acknowledge BS for doing about as well as someone might do defending Trump.
Don't get me wrong... I think Trump is a corn riddled turd and I don't necessarily agree with him... but BS has done a good job with a challenging situation- standing up to popular opinion in this forum.
His articulation on the matter is far better than "Yee haw"... "Git 'r done"... and "I reckon he's gunna make 'Murica great again"... and "Heil Hitler"... that stand as the most common supporters' expressions of support.
With that said... I think he will have crow to eat at some point. I'm hoping sooner than later. The Trump family are insects. Seeing them on every homepage and news scroll is nauseating.
I actually acknowledged that pages and pages ago. but I still don't believe he's defending trump. I believe what he's doing is highlighting how and why Trump happened, and that's it's not all the fault of the Trump voter. the harder the pendulum swings one way, it sways equally as hard on the way back.
"Oh're beautiful when you're drunk" -EV 8/14/93
Let's also be objective and acknowledge BS for doing about as well as someone might do defending Trump.
Don't get me wrong... I think Trump is a corn riddled turd and I don't necessarily agree with him... but BS has done a good job with a challenging situation- standing up to popular opinion in this forum.
His articulation on the matter is far better than "Yee haw"... "Git 'r done"... and "I reckon he's gunna make 'Murica great again"... and "Heil Hitler"... that stand as the most common supporters' expressions of support.
With that said... I think he will have crow to eat at some point. I'm hoping sooner than later. The Trump family are insects. Seeing them on every homepage and news scroll is nauseating.
I actually acknowledged that pages and pages ago. but I still don't believe he's defending trump. I believe what he's doing is highlighting how and why Trump happened, and that's it's not all the fault of the Trump voter. the harder the pendulum swings one way, it sways equally as hard on the way back.
You are correct. I didn't quite know how to frame it... so I got lazy and said 'defending'.
you really don't understand how russian propaganda works, do you?
Evidently it starts with buying Hillary Clinton.
7Xs X 4Xs + recusal + non-implemented Russian sanctions + “I don’t know any Russians” + “nothing to hide” = impeachment. That and follow the money, from Russia with love and a PTape.
you really don't understand how russian propaganda works, do you?
Evidently it starts with buying Hillary Clinton.
7Xs X 4Xs + recusal + non-implemented Russian sanctions + “I don’t know any Russians” + “nothing to hide” = impeachment. That and follow the money, from Russia with love and a PTape.
you really don't understand how russian propaganda works, do you?
Evidently it starts with buying Hillary Clinton.
7Xs X 4Xs + recusal + non-implemented Russian sanctions + “I don’t know any Russians” + “nothing to hide” = impeachment. That and follow the money, from Russia with love and a PTape.
Maybe he and Hillbilly can share a cell together.
Maybe you can remind me of the crimes Hillary has been indicted on or the violations of federal law she’s committed in her 30+ years of living in the public eye? 20 years of tax returns released. And while you’re at it, maybe you can point me to the Obama Administration officials who resigned or were indicted for violations of law during his administration. Because everyone knows that without the Steele Dossier there would be no Trump-Russia connection, none at all. Nor would the Trump family and organization be personally profiting from him becoming president. Swamp has been drained, time to move on.
you really don't understand how russian propaganda works, do you?
Evidently it starts with buying Hillary Clinton.
7Xs X 4Xs + recusal + non-implemented Russian sanctions + “I don’t know any Russians” + “nothing to hide” = impeachment. That and follow the money, from Russia with love and a PTape.
Maybe he and Hillbilly can share a cell together.
People at that level will never see a day in jail.
"Don't give in to the lies. Don't give in to the fear. Hold on to the truth. And to hope."
you really don't understand how russian propaganda works, do you?
Evidently it starts with buying Hillary Clinton.
7Xs X 4Xs + recusal + non-implemented Russian sanctions + “I don’t know any Russians” + “nothing to hide” = impeachment. That and follow the money, from Russia with love and a PTape.
Maybe he and Hillbilly can share a cell together.
Maybe you can remind me of the crimes Hillary has been indicted on or the violations of federal law she’s committed in her 30+ years of living in the public eye? 20 years of tax returns released. And while you’re at it, maybe you can point me to the Obama Administration officials who resigned or were indicted for violations of law during his administration. Because everyone knows that without the Steele Dossier there would be no Trump-Russia connection, none at all. Nor would the Trump family and organization be personally profiting from him becoming president. Swamp has been drained, time to move on.
I don’t feel like talking about Eric Holder or the corrupt Clinton Foundation right now, thanks for the offer though!
you really don't understand how russian propaganda works, do you?
Evidently it starts with buying Hillary Clinton.
7Xs X 4Xs + recusal + non-implemented Russian sanctions + “I don’t know any Russians” + “nothing to hide” = impeachment. That and follow the money, from Russia with love and a PTape.
Maybe he and Hillbilly can share a cell together.
Maybe you can remind me of the crimes Hillary has been indicted on or the violations of federal law she’s committed in her 30+ years of living in the public eye? 20 years of tax returns released. And while you’re at it, maybe you can point me to the Obama Administration officials who resigned or were indicted for violations of law during his administration. Because everyone knows that without the Steele Dossier there would be no Trump-Russia connection, none at all. Nor would the Trump family and organization be personally profiting from him becoming president. Swamp has been drained, time to move on.
I don’t feel like talking about Eric Holder or the corrupt Clinton Foundation right now, thanks for the offer though!
Because the indictments are sealed? Or because you can’t offer anything up other than asparagus?
you really don't understand how russian propaganda works, do you?
Evidently it starts with buying Hillary Clinton.
7Xs X 4Xs + recusal + non-implemented Russian sanctions + “I don’t know any Russians” + “nothing to hide” = impeachment. That and follow the money, from Russia with love and a PTape.
Maybe he and Hillbilly can share a cell together.
Maybe you can remind me of the crimes Hillary has been indicted on or the violations of federal law she’s committed in her 30+ years of living in the public eye? 20 years of tax returns released. And while you’re at it, maybe you can point me to the Obama Administration officials who resigned or were indicted for violations of law during his administration. Because everyone knows that without the Steele Dossier there would be no Trump-Russia connection, none at all. Nor would the Trump family and organization be personally profiting from him becoming president. Swamp has been drained, time to move on.
I don’t feel like talking about Eric Holder or the corrupt Clinton Foundation right now, thanks for the offer though!
Because the indictments are sealed? Or because you can’t offer anything up other than asparagus?
Your food references are making me hungry, sooooo close to lunch! Just like you, we are all still waiting on indictments.....still waiting.....
you really don't understand how russian propaganda works, do you?
Evidently it starts with buying Hillary Clinton.
7Xs X 4Xs + recusal + non-implemented Russian sanctions + “I don’t know any Russians” + “nothing to hide” = impeachment. That and follow the money, from Russia with love and a PTape.
Maybe he and Hillbilly can share a cell together.
Maybe you can remind me of the crimes Hillary has been indicted on or the violations of federal law she’s committed in her 30+ years of living in the public eye? 20 years of tax returns released. And while you’re at it, maybe you can point me to the Obama Administration officials who resigned or were indicted for violations of law during his administration. Because everyone knows that without the Steele Dossier there would be no Trump-Russia connection, none at all. Nor would the Trump family and organization be personally profiting from him becoming president. Swamp has been drained, time to move on.
I don’t feel like talking about Eric Holder or the corrupt Clinton Foundation right now, thanks for the offer though!
Because the indictments are sealed? Or because you can’t offer anything up other than asparagus?
Your food references are making me hungry, sooooo close to lunch! Just like you, we are all still waiting on indictments.....still waiting.....
Thorough investigations resulting in indictments and probable convictions take time. Sorry you won’t have it by lunch time but I’m sure you can find a slice.
you really don't understand how russian propaganda works, do you?
Evidently it starts with buying Hillary Clinton.
7Xs X 4Xs + recusal + non-implemented Russian sanctions + “I don’t know any Russians” + “nothing to hide” = impeachment. That and follow the money, from Russia with love and a PTape.
Maybe he and Hillbilly can share a cell together.
Maybe you can remind me of the crimes Hillary has been indicted on or the violations of federal law she’s committed in her 30+ years of living in the public eye? 20 years of tax returns released. And while you’re at it, maybe you can point me to the Obama Administration officials who resigned or were indicted for violations of law during his administration. Because everyone knows that without the Steele Dossier there would be no Trump-Russia connection, none at all. Nor would the Trump family and organization be personally profiting from him becoming president. Swamp has been drained, time to move on.
I don’t feel like talking about Eric Holder or the corrupt Clinton Foundation right now, thanks for the offer though!
Because the indictments are sealed? Or because you can’t offer anything up other than asparagus?
Your food references are making me hungry, sooooo close to lunch! Just like you, we are all still waiting on indictments.....still waiting.....
Thorough investigations resulting in indictments and probable convictions take time. Sorry you won’t have it by lunch time but I’m sure you can find a slice.
Hope no asparagus was eaten before those illusive ptapes. Wonder if the dossier will mention it if it was...
you really don't understand how russian propaganda works, do you?
Evidently it starts with buying Hillary Clinton.
7Xs X 4Xs + recusal + non-implemented Russian sanctions + “I don’t know any Russians” + “nothing to hide” = impeachment. That and follow the money, from Russia with love and a PTape.
Maybe he and Hillbilly can share a cell together.
Maybe you can remind me of the crimes Hillary has been indicted on or the violations of federal law she’s committed in her 30+ years of living in the public eye? 20 years of tax returns released. And while you’re at it, maybe you can point me to the Obama Administration officials who resigned or were indicted for violations of law during his administration. Because everyone knows that without the Steele Dossier there would be no Trump-Russia connection, none at all. Nor would the Trump family and organization be personally profiting from him becoming president. Swamp has been drained, time to move on.
I don’t feel like talking about Eric Holder or the corrupt Clinton Foundation right now, thanks for the offer though!
Because the indictments are sealed? Or because you can’t offer anything up other than asparagus?
Your food references are making me hungry, sooooo close to lunch! Just like you, we are all still waiting on indictments.....still waiting.....
Thorough investigations resulting in indictments and probable convictions take time. Sorry you won’t have it by lunch time but I’m sure you can find a slice.
Hope no asparagus was eaten before those illusive ptapes. Wonder if the dossier will mention it if it was...
Colbert went to the room of the deed. He might know.
I feel like the dossier was likely shopped around after the GOP exit. They had the info, why not find a new place to sell the research.
What you “feel” is incorrect. Steele was hired by Fusion AFTER the DNC/Clinton began funding. Sorry.
WHOA! A little off topic, but everything I learned and later taught in human serves cringes at the idea of telling someone their feeling are "incorrect. OUCH!
Yes. Many are teaching the concept of subordinating “facts” to “feelings”. It certainly is a massive problem in the education system. I teach the exact opposite which is that feelings are irrelevant to the facts. No safe spaces. Your feelings shall not be spared. Ouch.
Speaking of feelings vs. facts, did you “feel” trump had more upside than Clinton or was that based in facts?
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
"People don't understand, I went to an Ivy League college. I was a nice student," Trump told reporters Wednesday. "I did very well. I'm a very intelligent person." Later, pointing to his head, he added: "One of the great memories of all time."
Hence the flurry of brilliance and not the ethical brilliance of “draining the swamp.”
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
First though, let's clarify what we both mean by "feelings". To my understanding feeling are what you feel- pain, happiness, anger, love, ennui, etc. Some people, however, use the word "feeling" as in "belief". Where I would say, "I believe we are going to have a war any day now," someone else might say, "I feel like we are going to have a war any day now." The latter us of "feel" is grammatically incorrect though somewhat common in usage.
So, if you mean that feelings (as in "beliefs") are being substituted for fact you may be right (though it would be more clear to say "beliefs" rather than "feelings").
But the things we feel-- pain, anguish, perturbation-- when we feel them, it is a fact that we are feeling them. (What we do with those feelings is another story.) And even when we believe someone is feeling something in a way that we don't agree with, I don't believe we have the right to say "I'm sorry, that is an incorrect feeling". If two people react to a situation with different feelings, as a general rule, there's no reason to assume either one or both of those feelings is incorrect. You feel what you feel, I feel what I feel.
Assuming we agree that feelings are only those things we feel, I don't believe a feeling can be incorrect and in fact, I would say it is inappropriate to tell another person that what feel is incorrect.
Now of course in what Kat said, she used the word feel to mean "believe" (no worries, Kat, we know what you mean. So that might make all I've said about fee/believe irrelevant, haha!
Carry on!
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
-EV 8/14/93
Don't get me wrong... I think Trump is a corn riddled turd and I don't necessarily agree with him... but BS has done a good job with a challenging situation- standing up to popular opinion in this forum.
His articulation on the matter is far better than "Yee haw"... "Git 'r done"... and "I reckon he's gunna make 'Murica great again"... and "Heil Hitler"... that stand as the most common supporters' expressions of support.
With that said... I think he will have crow to eat at some point. I'm hoping sooner than later. The Trump family are insects. Seeing them on every homepage and news scroll is nauseating.
that settles it: no more Homeland and McDonald's that close to bedtime.
-EV 8/14/93
Remember the first warrant was denied, FISA warrants are only denied when the subject has no pulse.
"By comparison, since 1979 to date, the court has approved 40,117 warrants but only rejected 21 requests. That's a rejection rate of 0.052 percent."
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Remind me again who the Russians are fooling?
-EV 8/14/93
You are correct. I didn't quite know how to frame it... so I got lazy and said 'defending'.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.