So the dossier was funded by Clinton and the DNC and likely used by the FBI to obtain a FISA warrant to justify Obama DOJ wire tapping...
As I wrote many months ago - Watergate 2.0
Why is this news all of a sudden? CNN reported this back in January when the dossier story first came out. Republicans (prob Jeb) started the oppo research and then when Trump got the nomination, dems picked it up. Why is this news today? Did you not pay attention in January or something?
Here's the article from January (which you probably called "fake" back then to refresh your memory:
"His investigations related to Mr. Trump were initially funded by groups and donors supporting Republican opponents of Mr. Trump during the GOP primaries, multiple sources confirmed to CNN. Those sources also said that once Mr. Trump became the nominee, further investigation was funded by groups and donors supporting Hillary Clinton."
Also--Obama didn't wiretap him. You must have missed the part when the DOJ confirmed that. Manafort was being monitored though. And Trump may have been picked up on some of those wires. Try to keep up....
Thanks for posting. It gets exhausting trying to unconnect and then reconnect all the dots. The professor’s next discovery will be Hillary’s uranium deal. Must be big big news forthcoming from the Mueller investigation to have Hill republicans start a prob into the uranium deal AND a 3D and professor siting all on the same day.
I'm honestly confused with why this is news tonight though....I don't think there's any info in the new story that wasn't in the story from 10 months ago
It is news because the timeline is shaping up and it has become official as to who paid for what components. The as yet to be named GOP candidate paid Fusion GPS for pre-Russia research while the DNC/Clinton campaign officially paid for the Steele dossier portion. This portion then was brought to the FBI via McCain. The FBI then (likely) used the phony dossier to get FISA warrant on Page and to reopen the FISA warrant on Manafort. Manafort was then “wiretapped” as reported by CNN while he had an office at Trump tower and was in communication with Trump himself. The pieces are all coming together...phony paid opposition research generated by the party in power was used to trigger FBI investigations into a political opponent. What nobody was counting on is that the political opponent would win and uncover this unprecedented abuse of power. Watergate 2.0
You're assuming the dossier is phony when it is, in fact, not.
I’m not gaining anything new from all of these articles about this tonight. I don’t understand the logic of a poster here that this clears anyone on the Trump team. Of course Democrats picked up to pay this! And guess what, Republicans did this sort of thing on Hillary- no doubt about it. But why are we hearing about this and not hers? Because there’s no illegal coercsion with a foreign power by the campaign manager and high level staff of the Clinton campaign. If I were Trump and Republicans, I’d get off this as fast as possible. The story’s on the Clinton’s right now, but it’s brief. It will quickly turn to that very dossier and how much of it has been proven accurate, and if that’s been used to tap Manafort, Page, Flynn- all the information from those taps that have been proven as shady. So, by all means, keep talking about it. It only leads to examining the info closer.
Let’s recall the AMT going nuts over Don Jr. taking a meeting that might involve Russia sourced oppo research but instead ended up being about sanctions.
Now let’s consider the AMT’s reaction to Clinton/DNC paying a third party for Russia sourced oppo research and then handing it over to the FBI to trigger an investigation.
You’re missing the fact that the Don Jr. was with someone LINKED TO RUSSIA WHO WAS HACKING OUR ELECTION DATABASES AT THE TIME!! Third party work with a guy who did British intelligence work for a time is CLEARLY just as bad if you don’t understand American allies and world politics, I guess.
I’m not gaining anything new from all of these articles about this tonight. I don’t understand the logic of a poster here that this clears anyone on the Trump team. Of course Democrats picked up to pay this! And guess what, Republicans did this sort of thing on Hillary- no doubt about it. But why are we hearing about this and not hers? Because there’s no illegal coercsion with a foreign power by the campaign manager and high level staff of the Clinton campaign. If I were Trump and Republicans, I’d get off this as fast as possible. The story’s on the Clinton’s right now, but it’s brief. It will quickly turn to that very dossier and how much of it has been proven accurate, and if that’s been used to tap Manafort, Page, Flynn- all the information from those taps that have been proven as shady. So, by all means, keep talking about it. It only leads to examining the info closer.
Ha. All of a sudden it’s “of course Democrats paid for this”. They have been denying it the whole time and Fusion GPS refused to devulge this very fact. The dossier has been examined and there is nothing there. The only thing left to prove is whether this russian sourced oppo research was used to justify FISA warrants because if that’s the case it is prison time for all your heroes.
I’m not gaining anything new from all of these articles about this tonight. I don’t understand the logic of a poster here that this clears anyone on the Trump team. Of course Democrats picked up to pay this! And guess what, Republicans did this sort of thing on Hillary- no doubt about it. But why are we hearing about this and not hers? Because there’s no illegal coercsion with a foreign power by the campaign manager and high level staff of the Clinton campaign. If I were Trump and Republicans, I’d get off this as fast as possible. The story’s on the Clinton’s right now, but it’s brief. It will quickly turn to that very dossier and how much of it has been proven accurate, and if that’s been used to tap Manafort, Page, Flynn- all the information from those taps that have been proven as shady. So, by all means, keep talking about it. It only leads to examining the info closer.
Ha. All of a sudden it’s “of course Democrats paid for this”. They have been denying it the whole time and Fusion GPS refused to devulge this very fact. The dossier has been examined and there is nothing there. The only thing left to prove is whether this russian sourced oppo research was used to justify FISA warrants because if that’s the case it is prison time for all your heroes.
I’m not gaining anything new from all of these articles about this tonight. I don’t understand the logic of a poster here that this clears anyone on the Trump team. Of course Democrats picked up to pay this! And guess what, Republicans did this sort of thing on Hillary- no doubt about it. But why are we hearing about this and not hers? Because there’s no illegal coercsion with a foreign power by the campaign manager and high level staff of the Clinton campaign. If I were Trump and Republicans, I’d get off this as fast as possible. The story’s on the Clinton’s right now, but it’s brief. It will quickly turn to that very dossier and how much of it has been proven accurate, and if that’s been used to tap Manafort, Page, Flynn- all the information from those taps that have been proven as shady. So, by all means, keep talking about it. It only leads to examining the info closer.
Ha. All of a sudden it’s “of course Democrats paid for this”. They have been denying it the whole time and Fusion GPS refused to devulge this very fact. The dossier has been examined and there is nothing there. The only thing left to prove is whether this russian sourced oppo research was used to justify FISA warrants because if that’s the case it is prison time for all your heroes.
While you’ve been crying fake news forever, a lot of that document has been proven very, very true. Maybe not the salacious things some posters here feel would change anything or lead to impeachment, but enough has been proven accurate as to where the intelligence investigations in Congress are taking it seriously. I could care less about Trump paying hookers. Like that’s never happened from him before. I care about the tiny details that you blow off as nothing burgers but they point the investigation in a direction where people (not my people) will go to jail. Flynn, Page, and Manafort are fucked. Maybe Jared. But I think that’s it. The others are given options to avoid embarrassment to the nation and themselves. No one is going to jail over peeing. No one is getting impeached over it either. But those guys I named are absolutely going down.
You’re missing the fact that the Don Jr. was with someone LINKED TO RUSSIA WHO WAS HACKING OUR ELECTION DATABASES AT THE TIME!! Third party work with a guy who did British intelligence work for a time is CLEARLY just as bad if you don’t understand American allies and world politics, I guess.
The British guy was paid to find dirt and he got all this dirt from Russians. We have zero idea whether these were honest Russians or Putin cronies but we do know that a lot of the data was certified to be phony. Yet you still put your faith in the bulk of the product because it produced a result you like. Steele delivered the Russian sourced dirt that he was paid to find and you can’t claim that it came from honest sources.
I’m not gaining anything new from all of these articles about this tonight. I don’t understand the logic of a poster here that this clears anyone on the Trump team. Of course Democrats picked up to pay this! And guess what, Republicans did this sort of thing on Hillary- no doubt about it. But why are we hearing about this and not hers? Because there’s no illegal coercsion with a foreign power by the campaign manager and high level staff of the Clinton campaign. If I were Trump and Republicans, I’d get off this as fast as possible. The story’s on the Clinton’s right now, but it’s brief. It will quickly turn to that very dossier and how much of it has been proven accurate, and if that’s been used to tap Manafort, Page, Flynn- all the information from those taps that have been proven as shady. So, by all means, keep talking about it. It only leads to examining the info closer.
Ha. All of a sudden it’s “of course Democrats paid for this”. They have been denying it the whole time and Fusion GPS refused to devulge this very fact. The dossier has been examined and there is nothing there. The only thing left to prove is whether this russian sourced oppo research was used to justify FISA warrants because if that’s the case it is prison time for all your heroes.
While you’ve been crying fake news forever, a lot of that document has been proven very, very true. Maybe not the salacious things some posters here feel would change anything or lead to impeachment, but enough has been proven accurate as to where the intelligence investigations in Congress are taking it seriously. I could care less about Trump paying hookers. Like that’s never happened from him before. I care about the tiny details that you blow off as nothing burgers but they point the investigation in a direction where people (not my people) will go to jail. Flynn, Page, and Manafort are fucked. Maybe Jared. But I think that’s it. The others are given options to avoid embarrassment to the nation and themselves. No one is going to jail over peeing. No one is getting impeached over it either. But those guys I named are absolutely going down.
Please list the things in the dossier that have been proven true.
Tucker just blew shit up. Source with Podesta group has been cooperating with Mueller. Manafort was working with Podesta Group on behalf of Russian interests. Podesta Group and access they provided to Clinton is key target of Mueller right now.
I’m not gaining anything new from all of these articles about this tonight. I don’t understand the logic of a poster here that this clears anyone on the Trump team. Of course Democrats picked up to pay this! And guess what, Republicans did this sort of thing on Hillary- no doubt about it. But why are we hearing about this and not hers? Because there’s no illegal coercsion with a foreign power by the campaign manager and high level staff of the Clinton campaign. If I were Trump and Republicans, I’d get off this as fast as possible. The story’s on the Clinton’s right now, but it’s brief. It will quickly turn to that very dossier and how much of it has been proven accurate, and if that’s been used to tap Manafort, Page, Flynn- all the information from those taps that have been proven as shady. So, by all means, keep talking about it. It only leads to examining the info closer.
Ha. All of a sudden it’s “of course Democrats paid for this”. They have been denying it the whole time and Fusion GPS refused to devulge this very fact. The dossier has been examined and there is nothing there. The only thing left to prove is whether this russian sourced oppo research was used to justify FISA warrants because if that’s the case it is prison time for all your heroes.
While you’ve been crying fake news forever, a lot of that document has been proven very, very true. Maybe not the salacious things some posters here feel would change anything or lead to impeachment, but enough has been proven accurate as to where the intelligence investigations in Congress are taking it seriously. I could care less about Trump paying hookers. Like that’s never happened from him before. I care about the tiny details that you blow off as nothing burgers but they point the investigation in a direction where people (not my people) will go to jail. Flynn, Page, and Manafort are fucked. Maybe Jared. But I think that’s it. The others are given options to avoid embarrassment to the nation and themselves. No one is going to jail over peeing. No one is getting impeached over it either. But those guys I named are absolutely going down.
Please list the things in the dossier that have been proven true.
Dude, if I did that, would it really change anything? The way I see it, I do a basic Google search, copy and paste the information, post it here, and be automatically peppered with nonsense from you instead of talking about the issue. Forgive me, but it’s late and I just don’t have the energy to go round and round with you where no one wins and energy and time is wasted all around.
I’m not gaining anything new from all of these articles about this tonight. I don’t understand the logic of a poster here that this clears anyone on the Trump team. Of course Democrats picked up to pay this! And guess what, Republicans did this sort of thing on Hillary- no doubt about it. But why are we hearing about this and not hers? Because there’s no illegal coercsion with a foreign power by the campaign manager and high level staff of the Clinton campaign. If I were Trump and Republicans, I’d get off this as fast as possible. The story’s on the Clinton’s right now, but it’s brief. It will quickly turn to that very dossier and how much of it has been proven accurate, and if that’s been used to tap Manafort, Page, Flynn- all the information from those taps that have been proven as shady. So, by all means, keep talking about it. It only leads to examining the info closer.
Ha. All of a sudden it’s “of course Democrats paid for this”. They have been denying it the whole time and Fusion GPS refused to devulge this very fact. The dossier has been examined and there is nothing there. The only thing left to prove is whether this russian sourced oppo research was used to justify FISA warrants because if that’s the case it is prison time for all your heroes.
While you’ve been crying fake news forever, a lot of that document has been proven very, very true. Maybe not the salacious things some posters here feel would change anything or lead to impeachment, but enough has been proven accurate as to where the intelligence investigations in Congress are taking it seriously. I could care less about Trump paying hookers. Like that’s never happened from him before. I care about the tiny details that you blow off as nothing burgers but they point the investigation in a direction where people (not my people) will go to jail. Flynn, Page, and Manafort are fucked. Maybe Jared. But I think that’s it. The others are given options to avoid embarrassment to the nation and themselves. No one is going to jail over peeing. No one is getting impeached over it either. But those guys I named are absolutely going down.
Please list the things in the dossier that have been proven true.
Dude, if I did that, would it really change anything? The way I see it, I do a basic Google search, copy and paste the information, post it here, and be automatically peppered with nonsense from you instead of talking about the issue. Forgive me, but it’s late and I just don’t have the energy to go round and round with you where no one wins and energy and time is wasted all around.
I’m not gaining anything new from all of these articles about this tonight. I don’t understand the logic of a poster here that this clears anyone on the Trump team. Of course Democrats picked up to pay this! And guess what, Republicans did this sort of thing on Hillary- no doubt about it. But why are we hearing about this and not hers? Because there’s no illegal coercsion with a foreign power by the campaign manager and high level staff of the Clinton campaign. If I were Trump and Republicans, I’d get off this as fast as possible. The story’s on the Clinton’s right now, but it’s brief. It will quickly turn to that very dossier and how much of it has been proven accurate, and if that’s been used to tap Manafort, Page, Flynn- all the information from those taps that have been proven as shady. So, by all means, keep talking about it. It only leads to examining the info closer.
Ha. All of a sudden it’s “of course Democrats paid for this”. They have been denying it the whole time and Fusion GPS refused to devulge this very fact. The dossier has been examined and there is nothing there. The only thing left to prove is whether this russian sourced oppo research was used to justify FISA warrants because if that’s the case it is prison time for all your heroes.
While you’ve been crying fake news forever, a lot of that document has been proven very, very true. Maybe not the salacious things some posters here feel would change anything or lead to impeachment, but enough has been proven accurate as to where the intelligence investigations in Congress are taking it seriously. I could care less about Trump paying hookers. Like that’s never happened from him before. I care about the tiny details that you blow off as nothing burgers but they point the investigation in a direction where people (not my people) will go to jail. Flynn, Page, and Manafort are fucked. Maybe Jared. But I think that’s it. The others are given options to avoid embarrassment to the nation and themselves. No one is going to jail over peeing. No one is getting impeached over it either. But those guys I named are absolutely going down.
Please list the things in the dossier that have been proven true.
Dude, if I did that, would it really change anything? The way I see it, I do a basic Google search, copy and paste the information, post it here, and be automatically peppered with nonsense from you instead of talking about the issue. Forgive me, but it’s late and I just don’t have the energy to go round and round with you where no one wins and energy and time is wasted all around.
That was the answer I expected.
You expected an answer that I’ve never given? The point is, why should I or anyone debate you? It is well known that many things in that dossier have been proven. All this news tonight tells us that either the DNC or Clinton contributed to funding the research. Anyone who didn’t know that was the case is out of touch with reality and doesn’t get how politics works. Yes, the DNC funds opposition research. Yes, the DNC favors loyal DEMOCRATS to represent their party on the election for the highest office in the land. Those jerks. Get over it.
I’m not gaining anything new from all of these articles about this tonight. I don’t understand the logic of a poster here that this clears anyone on the Trump team. Of course Democrats picked up to pay this! And guess what, Republicans did this sort of thing on Hillary- no doubt about it. But why are we hearing about this and not hers? Because there’s no illegal coercsion with a foreign power by the campaign manager and high level staff of the Clinton campaign. If I were Trump and Republicans, I’d get off this as fast as possible. The story’s on the Clinton’s right now, but it’s brief. It will quickly turn to that very dossier and how much of it has been proven accurate, and if that’s been used to tap Manafort, Page, Flynn- all the information from those taps that have been proven as shady. So, by all means, keep talking about it. It only leads to examining the info closer.
Ha. All of a sudden it’s “of course Democrats paid for this”. They have been denying it the whole time and Fusion GPS refused to devulge this very fact. The dossier has been examined and there is nothing there. The only thing left to prove is whether this russian sourced oppo research was used to justify FISA warrants because if that’s the case it is prison time for all your heroes.
While you’ve been crying fake news forever, a lot of that document has been proven very, very true. Maybe not the salacious things some posters here feel would change anything or lead to impeachment, but enough has been proven accurate as to where the intelligence investigations in Congress are taking it seriously. I could care less about Trump paying hookers. Like that’s never happened from him before. I care about the tiny details that you blow off as nothing burgers but they point the investigation in a direction where people (not my people) will go to jail. Flynn, Page, and Manafort are fucked. Maybe Jared. But I think that’s it. The others are given options to avoid embarrassment to the nation and themselves. No one is going to jail over peeing. No one is getting impeached over it either. But those guys I named are absolutely going down.
Please list the things in the dossier that have been proven true.
Please list the things in the dossier that have been proven false.
You’re missing the fact that the Don Jr. was with someone LINKED TO RUSSIA WHO WAS HACKING OUR ELECTION DATABASES AT THE TIME!! Third party work with a guy who did British intelligence work for a time is CLEARLY just as bad if you don’t understand American allies and world politics, I guess.
The British guy was paid to find dirt and he got all this dirt from Russians. We have zero idea whether these were honest Russians or Putin cronies but we do know that a lot of the data was certified to be phony. Yet you still put your faith in the bulk of the product because it produced a result you like. Steele delivered the Russian sourced dirt that he was paid to find and you can’t claim that it came from honest sources.
“Honest Russians?” What data was certified “to be phony?”
I’m not gaining anything new from all of these articles about this tonight. I don’t understand the logic of a poster here that this clears anyone on the Trump team. Of course Democrats picked up to pay this! And guess what, Republicans did this sort of thing on Hillary- no doubt about it. But why are we hearing about this and not hers? Because there’s no illegal coercsion with a foreign power by the campaign manager and high level staff of the Clinton campaign. If I were Trump and Republicans, I’d get off this as fast as possible. The story’s on the Clinton’s right now, but it’s brief. It will quickly turn to that very dossier and how much of it has been proven accurate, and if that’s been used to tap Manafort, Page, Flynn- all the information from those taps that have been proven as shady. So, by all means, keep talking about it. It only leads to examining the info closer.
Ha. All of a sudden it’s “of course Democrats paid for this”. They have been denying it the whole time and Fusion GPS refused to devulge this very fact. The dossier has been examined and there is nothing there. The only thing left to prove is whether this russian sourced oppo research was used to justify FISA warrants because if that’s the case it is prison time for all your heroes.
Where have you been? All of a sudden? You seem to have forgotten the length of time that Manafort and others within the trump organization have been involved with Russian oligarchs prior to trump running for president, corrupt Ukrainian oligarchs with ties to Putin and how FISA warrants work. Do you honestly believe intelligence agencies started listening in on Manafort and Trump when the dossier story broke? How naive are you, Professor? Blinded by the brilliance of it all?
I’m not gaining anything new from all of these articles about this tonight. I don’t understand the logic of a poster here that this clears anyone on the Trump team. Of course Democrats picked up to pay this! And guess what, Republicans did this sort of thing on Hillary- no doubt about it. But why are we hearing about this and not hers? Because there’s no illegal coercsion with a foreign power by the campaign manager and high level staff of the Clinton campaign. If I were Trump and Republicans, I’d get off this as fast as possible. The story’s on the Clinton’s right now, but it’s brief. It will quickly turn to that very dossier and how much of it has been proven accurate, and if that’s been used to tap Manafort, Page, Flynn- all the information from those taps that have been proven as shady. So, by all means, keep talking about it. It only leads to examining the info closer.
Ha. All of a sudden it’s “of course Democrats paid for this”. They have been denying it the whole time and Fusion GPS refused to devulge this very fact. The dossier has been examined and there is nothing there. The only thing left to prove is whether this russian sourced oppo research was used to justify FISA warrants because if that’s the case it is prison time for all your heroes.
So the dossier was funded by Clinton and the DNC and likely used by the FBI to obtain a FISA warrant to justify Obama DOJ wire tapping...
As I wrote many months ago - Watergate 2.0
Why is this news all of a sudden? CNN reported this back in January when the dossier story first came out. Republicans (prob Jeb) started the oppo research and then when Trump got the nomination, dems picked it up. Why is this news today? Did you not pay attention in January or something?
Here's the article from January (which you probably called "fake" back then to refresh your memory:
"His investigations related to Mr. Trump were initially funded by groups and donors supporting Republican opponents of Mr. Trump during the GOP primaries, multiple sources confirmed to CNN. Those sources also said that once Mr. Trump became the nominee, further investigation was funded by groups and donors supporting Hillary Clinton."
Also--Obama didn't wiretap him. You must have missed the part when the DOJ confirmed that. Manafort was being monitored though. And Trump may have been picked up on some of those wires. Try to keep up....
Thanks for posting. It gets exhausting trying to unconnect and then reconnect all the dots. The professor’s next discovery will be Hillary’s uranium deal. Must be big big news forthcoming from the Mueller investigation to have Hill republicans start a prob into the uranium deal AND a 3D and professor siting all on the same day.
I'm honestly confused with why this is news tonight though....I don't think there's any info in the new story that wasn't in the story from 10 months ago
It is news because the timeline is shaping up and it has become official as to who paid for what components. The as yet to be named GOP candidate paid Fusion GPS for pre-Russia research while the DNC/Clinton campaign officially paid for the Steele dossier portion. This portion then was brought to the FBI via McCain. The FBI then (likely) used the phony dossier to get FISA warrant on Page and to reopen the FISA warrant on Manafort. Manafort was then “wiretapped” as reported by CNN while he had an office at Trump tower and was in communication with Trump himself. The pieces are all coming together...phony paid opposition research generated by the party in power was used to trigger FBI investigations into a political opponent. What nobody was counting on is that the political opponent would win and uncover this unprecedented abuse of power. Watergate 2.0
You're assuming the dossier is phony when it is, in fact, not.
So the dossier was funded by Clinton and the DNC and likely used by the FBI to obtain a FISA warrant to justify Obama DOJ wire tapping...
As I wrote many months ago - Watergate 2.0
Why is this news all of a sudden? CNN reported this back in January when the dossier story first came out. Republicans (prob Jeb) started the oppo research and then when Trump got the nomination, dems picked it up. Why is this news today? Did you not pay attention in January or something?
Here's the article from January (which you probably called "fake" back then to refresh your memory:
"His investigations related to Mr. Trump were initially funded by groups and donors supporting Republican opponents of Mr. Trump during the GOP primaries, multiple sources confirmed to CNN. Those sources also said that once Mr. Trump became the nominee, further investigation was funded by groups and donors supporting Hillary Clinton."
Also--Obama didn't wiretap him. You must have missed the part when the DOJ confirmed that. Manafort was being monitored though. And Trump may have been picked up on some of those wires. Try to keep up....
Thanks for posting. It gets exhausting trying to unconnect and then reconnect all the dots. The professor’s next discovery will be Hillary’s uranium deal. Must be big big news forthcoming from the Mueller investigation to have Hill republicans start a prob into the uranium deal AND a 3D and professor siting all on the same day.
I'm honestly confused with why this is news tonight though....I don't think there's any info in the new story that wasn't in the story from 10 months ago
It is news because the timeline is shaping up and it has become official as to who paid for what components. The as yet to be named GOP candidate paid Fusion GPS for pre-Russia research while the DNC/Clinton campaign officially paid for the Steele dossier portion. This portion then was brought to the FBI via McCain. The FBI then (likely) used the phony dossier to get FISA warrant on Page and to reopen the FISA warrant on Manafort. Manafort was then “wiretapped” as reported by CNN while he had an office at Trump tower and was in communication with Trump himself. The pieces are all coming together...phony paid opposition research generated by the party in power was used to trigger FBI investigations into a political opponent. What nobody was counting on is that the political opponent would win and uncover this unprecedented abuse of power. Watergate 2.0
There you go this proves it Orange bafoon is exonerated is not guilty ok can someone tell Muller it's over all good to go let bafoon go lol
Let him go? He isn’t under investigation. Mueller is looking at Manafort and now Podesta. There is more trouble heading towards the Democrats involvement with Russia then Trump. Either way...Mueller has his own problems now as he quashed the FBI investigation into Russian bribery and interference ahead of the Uranium One sale. He will likely have to recuse himself soon or face his own investigation.
You seem to have purposely forgotten the part about the 3 foreign intelligence services that picked up intel, so shocking it was that they had Britain’s head of their NSA equivalent personally call our head of our NSA. Keep grasping.
Intel recycled through Steele. Continue to defend the indefensible. Your hatred of Trump blinds you to the fact that the party in power used the tools of government to spy on a political opponent. I assume you believe it was a necessary evil.
Your hatred of liberal ideology blinds you to the fact that the only way the republicans could beat Hillary was to sell their souls for nominating Trump and colluding with Russia to see it it through. Almost a year ago I said I’d enjoy watching the republicans eat themselves alive as a result and I am. Did you watch Flakes speech? 2018 spells doom for republicans while you were predicting major gains for repubs in 2018 and a sweeping reelection in 2020 in some sort of fantasy 4D chess of brilliant brilliance brilliantly making AGA. Remind me, Professor, what crime(s) Hillary has been convicted of? And in case you’ve forgotten, Follow the money, from Russia with love and a PTape, yes a PTape, all the way to impeachment. 7Xs.
Moving through All Kinds of Terrain. Posts: 42,780
Is there anyone on the face of the earth left who thinks this man deserves to remain in office? My number one wish is that he would experience satori and in reaction to his own true nature, quit his job and go sit on a mountain some where far, far away.
"Don't give in to the lies. Don't give in to the fear. Hold on to the truth. And to hope."
So the dossier was funded by Clinton and the DNC and likely used by the FBI to obtain a FISA warrant to justify Obama DOJ wire tapping...
As I wrote many months ago - Watergate 2.0
Why is this news all of a sudden? CNN reported this back in January when the dossier story first came out. Republicans (prob Jeb) started the oppo research and then when Trump got the nomination, dems picked it up. Why is this news today? Did you not pay attention in January or something?
Here's the article from January (which you probably called "fake" back then to refresh your memory:
"His investigations related to Mr. Trump were initially funded by groups and donors supporting Republican opponents of Mr. Trump during the GOP primaries, multiple sources confirmed to CNN. Those sources also said that once Mr. Trump became the nominee, further investigation was funded by groups and donors supporting Hillary Clinton."
Also--Obama didn't wiretap him. You must have missed the part when the DOJ confirmed that. Manafort was being monitored though. And Trump may have been picked up on some of those wires. Try to keep up....
Thanks for posting. It gets exhausting trying to unconnect and then reconnect all the dots. The professor’s next discovery will be Hillary’s uranium deal. Must be big big news forthcoming from the Mueller investigation to have Hill republicans start a prob into the uranium deal AND a 3D and professor siting all on the same day.
I'm honestly confused with why this is news tonight though....I don't think there's any info in the new story that wasn't in the story from 10 months ago
It is news because the timeline is shaping up and it has become official as to who paid for what components. The as yet to be named GOP candidate paid Fusion GPS for pre-Russia research while the DNC/Clinton campaign officially paid for the Steele dossier portion. This portion then was brought to the FBI via McCain. The FBI then (likely) used the phony dossier to get FISA warrant on Page and to reopen the FISA warrant on Manafort. Manafort was then “wiretapped” as reported by CNN while he had an office at Trump tower and was in communication with Trump himself. The pieces are all coming together...phony paid opposition research generated by the party in power was used to trigger FBI investigations into a political opponent. What nobody was counting on is that the political opponent would win and uncover this unprecedented abuse of power. Watergate 2.0
There you go this proves it Orange bafoon is exonerated is not guilty ok can someone tell Muller it's over all good to go let bafoon go lol
Let him go? He isn’t under investigation. Mueller is looking at Manafort and now Podesta. There is more trouble heading towards the Democrats involvement with Russia then Trump. Either way...Mueller has his own problems now as he quashed the FBI investigation into Russian bribery and interference ahead of the Uranium One sale. He will likely have to recuse himself soon or face his own investigation.
You seem to have purposely forgotten the part about the 3 foreign intelligence services that picked up intel, so shocking it was that they had Britain’s head of their NSA equivalent personally call our head of our NSA. Keep grasping.
Intel recycled through Steele. Continue to defend the indefensible. Your hatred of Trump blinds you to the fact that the party in power used the tools of government to spy on a political opponent. I assume you believe it was a necessary evil.
Your hatred of liberal ideology blinds you to the fact that the only way the republicans could beat Hillary was to sell their souls for nominating Trump and colluding with Russia to see it it through. Almost a year ago I said I’d enjoy watching the republicans eat themselves alive as a result and I am. Did you watch Flakes speech? 2018 spells doom for republicans while you were predicting major gains for repubs in 2018 and a sweeping reelection in 2020 in some sort of fantasy 4D chess of brilliant brilliance brilliantly making AGA. Remind me, Professor, what crime(s) Hillary has been convicted of? And in case you’ve forgotten, Follow the money, from Russia with love and a PTape, yes a PTape, all the way to impeachment. 7Xs.
As much as I disagree with BS about the dossier and its Watergate comparison, I also don't think I've seen anything that indicates the republicans are in any danger yet. Flake was widely unpopular and already in danger of losing if he tried for re-election. The only republicans really standing up to Trump are all lame ducks because everyone else knows that the party itself is not the typical conservative base so they are being careful because it's mostly people like in this article:
There is no guarantee Trump wouldn't win re election in 2020 right now. Maybe that will change.
Is there anyone on the face of the earth left who thinks this man deserves to remain in office? My number one wish is that he would experience satori and in reaction to his own true nature, quit his job and go sit on a mountain some where far, far away.
BS thinks there are honest Russians that worked in cohoots with orange bafoon's campaign which are full of dishonest Americans...
Is there anyone on the face of the earth left who thinks this man deserves to remain in office? My number one wish is that he would experience satori and in reaction to his own true nature, quit his job and go sit on a mountain some where far, far away.
Unfortunately, I know several people that still think Trump is the best thing that happened to the US. They proudly wear their red 'make America great again' hats and say that they wish the fake media would leave Trump alone and let him do his job. They are very pleased with his job performance.
Gee I wonder why the GOP omitted the part about this originally being ordered and funded by the GOP. Either way, what matters is not who paid for it but the subject matter as it has been corroborated:
Now let’s consider the AMT’s reaction to Clinton/DNC paying a third party for Russia sourced oppo research and then handing it over to the FBI to trigger an investigation.
Not the collusion you all wished for...
Third party work with a guy who did British intelligence work for a time is CLEARLY just as bad if you don’t understand American allies and world politics, I guess.
I could care less about Trump paying hookers. Like that’s never happened from him before. I care about the tiny details that you blow off as nothing burgers but they point the investigation in a direction where people (not my people) will go to jail. Flynn, Page, and Manafort are fucked. Maybe Jared. But I think that’s it. The others are given options to avoid embarrassment to the nation and themselves. No one is going to jail over peeing. No one is getting impeached over it either. But those guys I named are absolutely going down.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Says unnamed sources known only to the professor and maybe 3D, if you order a slice.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
There is no guarantee Trump wouldn't win re election in 2020 right now. Maybe that will change.