I’m not gaining anything new from all of these articles about this tonight. I don’t understand the logic of a poster here that this clears anyone on the Trump team. Of course Democrats picked up to pay this! And guess what, Republicans did this sort of thing on Hillary- no doubt about it. But why are we hearing about this and not hers? Because there’s no illegal coercsion with a foreign power by the campaign manager and high level staff of the Clinton campaign. If I were Trump and Republicans, I’d get off this as fast as possible. The story’s on the Clinton’s right now, but it’s brief. It will quickly turn to that very dossier and how much of it has been proven accurate, and if that’s been used to tap Manafort, Page, Flynn- all the information from those taps that have been proven as shady. So, by all means, keep talking about it. It only leads to examining the info closer.
Ha. All of a sudden it’s “of course Democrats paid for this”. They have been denying it the whole time and Fusion GPS refused to devulge this very fact. The dossier has been examined and there is nothing there. The only thing left to prove is whether this russian sourced oppo research was used to justify FISA warrants because if that’s the case it is prison time for all your heroes.
While you’ve been crying fake news forever, a lot of that document has been proven very, very true. Maybe not the salacious things some posters here feel would change anything or lead to impeachment, but enough has been proven accurate as to where the intelligence investigations in Congress are taking it seriously. I could care less about Trump paying hookers. Like that’s never happened from him before. I care about the tiny details that you blow off as nothing burgers but they point the investigation in a direction where people (not my people) will go to jail. Flynn, Page, and Manafort are fucked. Maybe Jared. But I think that’s it. The others are given options to avoid embarrassment to the nation and themselves. No one is going to jail over peeing. No one is getting impeached over it either. But those guys I named are absolutely going down.
Please list the things in the dossier that have been proven true.
Dude, if I did that, would it really change anything? The way I see it, I do a basic Google search, copy and paste the information, post it here, and be automatically peppered with nonsense from you instead of talking about the issue. Forgive me, but it’s late and I just don’t have the energy to go round and round with you where no one wins and energy and time is wasted all around.
That was the answer I expected.
You expected an answer that I’ve never given? The point is, why should I or anyone debate you? It is well known that many things in that dossier have been proven. All this news tonight tells us that either the DNC or Clinton contributed to funding the research. Anyone who didn’t know that was the case is out of touch with reality and doesn’t get how politics works. Yes, the DNC funds opposition research. Yes, the DNC favors loyal DEMOCRATS to represent their party on the election for the highest office in the land. Those jerks. Get over it.
The funding of the dossier by the DNC/Clinton was denied up until yesterday. Now it is official. The DNC/Clinton via Fusion GPS colluded with Russian intelligence sources to produce a document that would harm a political opponent and the election process. The same Fusion GPS mind you that previously produced fake dossiers on Venezuelan whistleblowers and Russian whistleblowers. Blind hatred of Trump has caused you all to sacrifice your principles. He wasn’t supposed to win and these secrets were never supposed to be revealed. Continue to protect your precious narrative.
Fusion was originally hired by Rubio GOP backers to smear Trump, largest donors being from CA and NY (shocker) Once Trump won IN, Rubio backers terminated with Fusion Fusion then shopped the "intel" to the DNC, with DNC attorney Coie taking a particular liking to the reports Coie after having had some confidence in the reporting, took it to Skippy Podesta and DWS Shortly after with the help of Mccain, the reports ended up in the hands of Mccabe, Comey, Rice and Brennan Comey and Mccabe already were funding Steele before Fusion began investigation Trump in 2015 Mccabe began his Trump counter-intelligence operation with the help of Brennan and Rice early 2016 Comey arranged the meeting among Fusion, Steele and Orbis mid 2016 Fusion hires Steele Comey FBI planned to reimburse Steele expenses for regular updates Once Steele was outted Comey reneged on the offer, reimbursements were then routed thru FIFA investigation $ FBI received the regular Trump intel updates and used it to get the FISA warrants (the first was denied) ....leading to the Trump Tower JR and Natalia Veselnitskaya meeting
IF the contents of the dossier are true and IF Comey was privy to that information (which I believe he was) then why did Comey not launch an investigation into Trump? Why did he tell Trump three separate times that Trump wasnt under any investigations (Comey testimony)? Is Trump currently under investigation a year after the "factual" dossier made its way to the intel community?
Just like I have no doubt that all of those folders on the table on January 11th... explaining the genius accounting that went into the accounting practices of the Trump organization, were just a prop. The flip dismissal of the ALL TRUE dossier, and Russian hacking then? BALD FACED LIES. Turns out Trumpito has a real aversion to TRUTH, especially when that TRUTH contains a #PTAPE.
CNN: Mueller investigation files first charges with sealed indictments.
Hence 3D,D’ing, the professor being professorial, non-partisan and concerned about feelings clouding judgement AND the republicans firing up the investigating committee machine to investigate a uranium deal, Watergate 2.0 in presidential parlance, for something that happened 7 years ago and 5 years ago when repubs had control. Guess Hillary and Obama, two private citizens currently, really fooled everyone with Benghazi? Or was it Podesta and Comet Pizza?
I wonder what I should pair with my music? Hmmmm, maybe an Impeachment Stout or a Money Laundering Lager? Or an Obstruction of Justice Pale Ale? Hmmmmmm, me feels like a lager.
Sally Yates’ replacement resigned tonight. Shall we add an additional obstruction of justice charge? I’m kinda feeling like Mueller’s menu is much more extensive than nothing burgers.
Washington Free Beacon brilliantly shining their brilliant light on the brilliance of underwriting a dossier. I guess Hillary has friends in unusual places?
Sally Yates’ replacement resigned tonight. Shall we add an additional obstruction of justice charge? I’m kinda feeling like Mueller’s menu is much more extensive than nothing burgers.
Apparently he was being very cooperative in the Flynn part of the investigation. Not a good sign for Team Trump...
REAL INDICTMENTS clap clap clapclapclap REAL INDICTMENTS clap clap clapclapclap REAL INDICTMENTS clap clap clapclapclap REAL INDICTMENTS clap clap clapclapclap
Donald Trump's motorcade departing from the Trump National Golf Club in Virginia had an extra add-on Saturday, after the president spent the 96th day of his presidency visiting one of his own properties. That addition came in the form of a female cyclist, who had one goal in mind: to flip off the president of the United States.
Pool reporters first noticed the cyclist trailing the motorcade before she managed to snake her way next to the president’s car just outside of the Trump National Golf Club. "A female bicyclist along the motorcade route, just outside the golf course, traveling in the right lane repeatedly extended her middle left finger towards POTUS," the pool stated.
The president's car was stopped at a traffic light near the golf course, just about to turn left onto the parkway, when the bicyclist successfully gave the president the middle finger.
Steve Herman, bureau chief of Voice of America News, tweeted the pool reportSaturday, writing "I just saw this happen as we left the Trump golf course in Sterling, Virginia."
For many, the pool report could leave more questions than answers.
Who was this bicyclist? Was she upset about the president’s frequent golfing excursions? Could his travels to the Virginia golf course and the resulting congestion in traffic have ticked her off? Is she one of the majority of Americans who feel Trump is to blame for the dysfunction in Washington?
None of this is clear, except for the cyclist’s intention to give nobody else but Trump the middle finger during his trip home to the White House. Pool reporters have yet to release any footage of the bicyclist’s exchange with the president.
Of the 96 visits Trump has taken to his own properties as president, 76 of those have been to golf clubs. Saturday also marked the second-consecutive weekend he visited the Trump National Golf Course in Virginia. It’s the first time pool reporters have noted a bicyclist has flipped him off as he was visiting, however.
Leave it to Christie to tell us the startling news that anyone who is the target of a special investigation should be concerned about the possibility of charges.
Would also fit in the Facepalm of the Day thread.
my small self... like a book amongst the many on a shelf
Leave it to Christie to tell us the startling news that anyone who is the target of a special investigation should be concerned about the possibility of charges.
IF the contents of the dossier are true and IF Comey was privy to that information (which I believe he was) then why did Comey not launch an investigation into Trump? Why did he tell Trump three separate times that Trump wasnt under any investigations (Comey testimony)? Is Trump currently under investigation a year after the "factual" dossier made its way to the intel community?
Just like I have no doubt that all of those folders on the table on January 11th... explaining the genius accounting that went into the accounting practices of the Trump organization, were just a prop. The flip dismissal of the ALL TRUE dossier, and Russian hacking then? BALD FACED LIES. Turns out Trumpito has a real aversion to TRUTH, especially when that TRUTH contains a #PTAPE.
He's the worst possible human being you could imagine, like pleased to meet you hope you guess my name worst.
Fuck that guy.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
woo woo indeed
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
ive got a feeling, a feeling deep inside
or something slower:
feelings, nothing more than feelings
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Richard Nixon clap clap clapclapclap
Richard Nixon clap clap clapclapclap
Richard Nixon clap clap clapclapclap
REAL INDICTMENTS clap clap clapclapclap
REAL INDICTMENTS clap clap clapclapclap
REAL INDICTMENTS clap clap clapclapclap
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Donald Trump's motorcade departing from the Trump National Golf Club in Virginia had an extra add-on Saturday, after the president spent the 96th day of his presidency visiting one of his own properties. That addition came in the form of a female cyclist, who had one goal in mind: to flip off the president of the United States.
Pool reporters first noticed the cyclist trailing the motorcade before she managed to snake her way next to the president’s car just outside of the Trump National Golf Club. "A female bicyclist along the motorcade route, just outside the golf course, traveling in the right lane repeatedly extended her middle left finger towards POTUS," the pool stated.
The president's car was stopped at a traffic light near the golf course, just about to turn left onto the parkway, when the bicyclist successfully gave the president the middle finger.
Steve Herman, bureau chief of Voice of America News, tweeted the pool reportSaturday, writing "I just saw this happen as we left the Trump golf course in Sterling, Virginia."
For many, the pool report could leave more questions than answers.
Who was this bicyclist? Was she upset about the president’s frequent golfing excursions? Could his travels to the Virginia golf course and the resulting congestion in traffic have ticked her off? Is she one of the majority of Americans who feel Trump is to blame for the dysfunction in Washington?
None of this is clear, except for the cyclist’s intention to give nobody else but Trump the middle finger during his trip home to the White House. Pool reporters have yet to release any footage of the bicyclist’s exchange with the president.
Of the 96 visits Trump has taken to his own properties as president, 76 of those have been to golf clubs. Saturday also marked the second-consecutive weekend he visited the Trump National Golf Course in Virginia. It’s the first time pool reporters have noted a bicyclist has flipped him off as he was visiting, however.
That's the number of times that herr dRumpf has visited one of his properties since he became president.
How much is that costing the taxpayers?
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Would also fit in the Facepalm of the Day thread.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.