How is it a lie? Not once did President Trump say this was true.
He said he might have Comey tapes. That was a lie. He knew perfectly well that he didn't have any when he said that. The man is a fucking moron. He thinks it is appropriate to "bluff" the American public. I suspect he does it just for shits and giggles.
Shits and giggles or attempting to intimidate Comey? The latter is probably something Mueller is looking into.
The president is so stupid.
Maybe. His "tapes" comment triggered Comey admitting that he did in fact tell Trump on three separate occasions that he was not under investigation. Trump had been trying to get that fact into the public for months but nobody believed. People claimed that was a lie and the memo showed it to be true. It also unveiled Comey himself to be both a leaker and a liar. The problem with the "tapes" tweet though is that it lead to the appointment of the special prosecutor. If the special prosecutor comes up with nothing though then the "tapes" tweet might turnout to be a brilliant move. Electorally it has already been demonstrated that the "tapes" tweet or special prosecutor is having zero impact on the GOP to win elections. To many of you label things you don't understand "stupid". This is not for you. Never was for you.
Comey admitting that he told tRump that he wasn't under investigation is irrelevant to everyone except tRump.
It was a fact that up until Comey was fired there was no investigation of tRump. So what?
Ha. It was pretty damn relevant. Amazing how the goal posts have moved. Now you agree there was no investigation of Trump previously but seem to think there is one now?
Comey said, in the same testimony you are taking as gospel now, that Trump was now under investigation for obstructing justice. He's a liar, except when he says the things you want to believe? Is that it? The fact that anyone would think the Comey testimony was good for Trump is beyond me. It was a disaster. If he had just left the investigation alone in the first place, none of this would be happening.
That's the thing. It seems like Trump thinks that America is just another business that he's acquired and can fire whomever he wants if they question him. Embarrassing.
He legally can fire whomever he wants. He can fire Mueller if he wants.
Sure. But he would be ill advised to do so.
my small self... like a book amongst the many on a shelf
How is it a lie? Not once did President Trump say this was true.
He said he might have Comey tapes. That was a lie. He knew perfectly well that he didn't have any when he said that. The man is a fucking moron. He thinks it is appropriate to "bluff" the American public. I suspect he does it just for shits and giggles.
Shits and giggles or attempting to intimidate Comey? The latter is probably something Mueller is looking into.
The president is so stupid.
Maybe. His "tapes" comment triggered Comey admitting that he did in fact tell Trump on three separate occasions that he was not under investigation. Trump had been trying to get that fact into the public for months but nobody believed. People claimed that was a lie and the memo showed it to be true. It also unveiled Comey himself to be both a leaker and a liar. The problem with the "tapes" tweet though is that it lead to the appointment of the special prosecutor. If the special prosecutor comes up with nothing though then the "tapes" tweet might turnout to be a brilliant move. Electorally it has already been demonstrated that the "tapes" tweet or special prosecutor is having zero impact on the GOP to win elections. To many of you label things you don't understand "stupid". This is not for you. Never was for you.
Comey admitting that he told tRump that he wasn't under investigation is irrelevant to everyone except tRump.
It was a fact that up until Comey was fired there was no investigation of tRump. So what?
Ha. It was pretty damn relevant. Amazing how the goal posts have moved. Now you agree there was no investigation of Trump previously but seem to think there is one now?
Comey said, in the same testimony you are taking as gospel now, that Trump was now under investigation for obstructing justice. He's a liar, except when he says the things you want to believe? Is that it? The fact that anyone would think the Comey testimony was good for Trump is beyond me. It was a disaster. If he had just left the investigation alone in the first place, none of this would be happening.
That's the thing. It seems like Trump thinks that America is just another business that he's acquired and can fire whomever he wants if they question him. Embarrassing.
He legally can fire whomever he wants. He can fire Mueller if he wants.
What's Trump hiding? What is he afraid of? If everything is on the up and up and there's no collusion with Russia or obstruction of justice? What's he hiding? PTAPE?
There is no evidence he is hiding anything. Currently it is members of his transition team who are being blocked from testifying while the investigation now turns toward Fusion GPS and the sourcing of the Dossier. Add to that an investigation of Loretta Lynch, an investigation of Assistant FBI Director McCabe, an investigation of Jane Sanders, and it seems to me that Trump is free and clear. The tide has turned. The swap is beginning to drain.
Oh no? Ok. Whatever you say. CNN is pulling Russia stories and cutting reporters. Obama officials are stating that Obama choked on Russia. Podesta is being brought in for testimony on the Obama administration's response. This "investigation" is moving in all sorts of directions that weren't anticipated (by most of you) while the Trump well runs dry. Wait 'till the prosecution against the "leakers" begin...we're just getting started. Swamp will drain.
And you predicted it all, didn't you? And Hillary Clinton is going to jail? The best defense is a great offense. Gotta distract from that colossal health care failure somehow. Like the Benghazi hearings, nothing. Meanwhile, Mueller, Treasury and GAO investigations continue. Manafort suddenly fesses up.
How is it a lie? Not once did President Trump say this was true.
He said he might have Comey tapes. That was a lie. He knew perfectly well that he didn't have any when he said that. The man is a fucking moron. He thinks it is appropriate to "bluff" the American public. I suspect he does it just for shits and giggles.
Shits and giggles or attempting to intimidate Comey? The latter is probably something Mueller is looking into.
The president is so stupid.
Maybe. His "tapes" comment triggered Comey admitting that he did in fact tell Trump on three separate occasions that he was not under investigation. Trump had been trying to get that fact into the public for months but nobody believed. People claimed that was a lie and the memo showed it to be true. It also unveiled Comey himself to be both a leaker and a liar. The problem with the "tapes" tweet though is that it lead to the appointment of the special prosecutor. If the special prosecutor comes up with nothing though then the "tapes" tweet might turnout to be a brilliant move. Electorally it has already been demonstrated that the "tapes" tweet or special prosecutor is having zero impact on the GOP to win elections. To many of you label things you don't understand "stupid". This is not for you. Never was for you.
Comey admitting that he told tRump that he wasn't under investigation is irrelevant to everyone except tRump.
It was a fact that up until Comey was fired there was no investigation of tRump. So what?
Ha. It was pretty damn relevant. Amazing how the goal posts have moved. Now you agree there was no investigation of Trump previously but seem to think there is one now?
Comey said, in the same testimony you are taking as gospel now, that Trump was now under investigation for obstructing justice. He's a liar, except when he says the things you want to believe? Is that it? The fact that anyone would think the Comey testimony was good for Trump is beyond me. It was a disaster. If he had just left the investigation alone in the first place, none of this would be happening.
That's the thing. It seems like Trump thinks that America is just another business that he's acquired and can fire whomever he wants if they question him. Embarrassing.
He legally can fire whomever he wants. He can fire Mueller if he wants.
What's Trump hiding? What is he afraid of? If everything is on the up and up and there's no collusion with Russia or obstruction of justice? What's he hiding? PTAPE?
There is no evidence he is hiding anything. Currently it is members of his transition team who are being blocked from testifying while the investigation now turns toward Fusion GPS and the sourcing of the Dossier. Add to that an investigation of Loretta Lynch, an investigation of Assistant FBI Director McCabe, an investigation of Jane Sanders, and it seems to me that Trump is free and clear. The tide has turned. The swap is beginning to drain.
Oh no? Ok. Whatever you say. CNN is pulling Russia stories and cutting reporters. Obama officials are stating that Obama choked on Russia. Podesta is being brought in for testimony on the Obama administration's response. This "investigation" is moving in all sorts of directions that weren't anticipated (by most of you) while the Trump well runs dry. Wait 'till the prosecution against the "leakers" begin...we're just getting started. Swamp will drain.
And you predicted it all, didn't you? And Hillary Clinton is going to jail? The best defense is a great offense. Gotta distract from that colossal health care failure somehow. Like the Benghazi hearings, nothing. Meanwhile, Mueller, Treasury and GAO investigations continue. Manafort suddenly fesses up.
How is it a lie? Not once did President Trump say this was true.
He said he might have Comey tapes. That was a lie. He knew perfectly well that he didn't have any when he said that. The man is a fucking moron. He thinks it is appropriate to "bluff" the American public. I suspect he does it just for shits and giggles.
Shits and giggles or attempting to intimidate Comey? The latter is probably something Mueller is looking into.
The president is so stupid.
Maybe. His "tapes" comment triggered Comey admitting that he did in fact tell Trump on three separate occasions that he was not under investigation. Trump had been trying to get that fact into the public for months but nobody believed. People claimed that was a lie and the memo showed it to be true. It also unveiled Comey himself to be both a leaker and a liar. The problem with the "tapes" tweet though is that it lead to the appointment of the special prosecutor. If the special prosecutor comes up with nothing though then the "tapes" tweet might turnout to be a brilliant move. Electorally it has already been demonstrated that the "tapes" tweet or special prosecutor is having zero impact on the GOP to win elections. To many of you label things you don't understand "stupid". This is not for you. Never was for you.
Comey admitting that he told tRump that he wasn't under investigation is irrelevant to everyone except tRump.
It was a fact that up until Comey was fired there was no investigation of tRump. So what?
Ha. It was pretty damn relevant. Amazing how the goal posts have moved. Now you agree there was no investigation of Trump previously but seem to think there is one now?
Comey said, in the same testimony you are taking as gospel now, that Trump was now under investigation for obstructing justice. He's a liar, except when he says the things you want to believe? Is that it? The fact that anyone would think the Comey testimony was good for Trump is beyond me. It was a disaster. If he had just left the investigation alone in the first place, none of this would be happening.
That's the thing. It seems like Trump thinks that America is just another business that he's acquired and can fire whomever he wants if they question him. Embarrassing.
He legally can fire whomever he wants. He can fire Mueller if he wants.
What's Trump hiding? What is he afraid of? If everything is on the up and up and there's no collusion with Russia or obstruction of justice? What's he hiding? PTAPE?
There is no evidence he is hiding anything. Currently it is members of his transition team who are being blocked from testifying while the investigation now turns toward Fusion GPS and the sourcing of the Dossier. Add to that an investigation of Loretta Lynch, an investigation of Assistant FBI Director McCabe, an investigation of Jane Sanders, and it seems to me that Trump is free and clear. The tide has turned. The swap is beginning to drain.
Oh no? Ok. Whatever you say. CNN is pulling Russia stories and cutting reporters. Obama officials are stating that Obama choked on Russia. Podesta is being brought in for testimony on the Obama administration's response. This "investigation" is moving in all sorts of directions that weren't anticipated (by most of you) while the Trump well runs dry. Wait 'till the prosecution against the "leakers" begin...we're just getting started. Swamp will drain. don't seem to have a firm grasp of reality and I'll ask you again to get your news from better sources.
These multiple investigations will probably take a couple years. So sit tight, snowflake.
How is it a lie? Not once did President Trump say this was true.
He said he might have Comey tapes. That was a lie. He knew perfectly well that he didn't have any when he said that. The man is a fucking moron. He thinks it is appropriate to "bluff" the American public. I suspect he does it just for shits and giggles.
Shits and giggles or attempting to intimidate Comey? The latter is probably something Mueller is looking into.
The president is so stupid.
Maybe. His "tapes" comment triggered Comey admitting that he did in fact tell Trump on three separate occasions that he was not under investigation. Trump had been trying to get that fact into the public for months but nobody believed. People claimed that was a lie and the memo showed it to be true. It also unveiled Comey himself to be both a leaker and a liar. The problem with the "tapes" tweet though is that it lead to the appointment of the special prosecutor. If the special prosecutor comes up with nothing though then the "tapes" tweet might turnout to be a brilliant move. Electorally it has already been demonstrated that the "tapes" tweet or special prosecutor is having zero impact on the GOP to win elections. To many of you label things you don't understand "stupid". This is not for you. Never was for you.
Comey admitting that he told tRump that he wasn't under investigation is irrelevant to everyone except tRump.
It was a fact that up until Comey was fired there was no investigation of tRump. So what?
Ha. It was pretty damn relevant. Amazing how the goal posts have moved. Now you agree there was no investigation of Trump previously but seem to think there is one now?
Comey said, in the same testimony you are taking as gospel now, that Trump was now under investigation for obstructing justice. He's a liar, except when he says the things you want to believe? Is that it? The fact that anyone would think the Comey testimony was good for Trump is beyond me. It was a disaster. If he had just left the investigation alone in the first place, none of this would be happening.
That's the thing. It seems like Trump thinks that America is just another business that he's acquired and can fire whomever he wants if they question him. Embarrassing.
He legally can fire whomever he wants. He can fire Mueller if he wants.
What's Trump hiding? What is he afraid of? If everything is on the up and up and there's no collusion with Russia or obstruction of justice? What's he hiding? PTAPE?
There is no evidence he is hiding anything. Currently it is members of his transition team who are being blocked from testifying while the investigation now turns toward Fusion GPS and the sourcing of the Dossier. Add to that an investigation of Loretta Lynch, an investigation of Assistant FBI Director McCabe, an investigation of Jane Sanders, and it seems to me that Trump is free and clear. The tide has turned. The swap is beginning to drain.
Oh no? Ok. Whatever you say. CNN is pulling Russia stories and cutting reporters. Obama officials are stating that Obama choked on Russia. Podesta is being brought in for testimony on the Obama administration's response. This "investigation" is moving in all sorts of directions that weren't anticipated (by most of you) while the Trump well runs dry. Wait 'till the prosecution against the "leakers" begin...we're just getting started. Swamp will drain.
And you predicted it all, didn't you? And Hillary Clinton is going to jail? The best defense is a great offense. Gotta distract from that colossal health care failure somehow. Like the Benghazi hearings, nothing. Meanwhile, Mueller, Treasury and GAO investigations continue. Manafort suddenly fesses up.
How is it a lie? Not once did President Trump say this was true.
He said he might have Comey tapes. That was a lie. He knew perfectly well that he didn't have any when he said that. The man is a fucking moron. He thinks it is appropriate to "bluff" the American public. I suspect he does it just for shits and giggles.
Shits and giggles or attempting to intimidate Comey? The latter is probably something Mueller is looking into.
The president is so stupid.
Maybe. His "tapes" comment triggered Comey admitting that he did in fact tell Trump on three separate occasions that he was not under investigation. Trump had been trying to get that fact into the public for months but nobody believed. People claimed that was a lie and the memo showed it to be true. It also unveiled Comey himself to be both a leaker and a liar. The problem with the "tapes" tweet though is that it lead to the appointment of the special prosecutor. If the special prosecutor comes up with nothing though then the "tapes" tweet might turnout to be a brilliant move. Electorally it has already been demonstrated that the "tapes" tweet or special prosecutor is having zero impact on the GOP to win elections. To many of you label things you don't understand "stupid". This is not for you. Never was for you.
Comey admitting that he told tRump that he wasn't under investigation is irrelevant to everyone except tRump.
It was a fact that up until Comey was fired there was no investigation of tRump. So what?
Ha. It was pretty damn relevant. Amazing how the goal posts have moved. Now you agree there was no investigation of Trump previously but seem to think there is one now?
Comey said, in the same testimony you are taking as gospel now, that Trump was now under investigation for obstructing justice. He's a liar, except when he says the things you want to believe? Is that it? The fact that anyone would think the Comey testimony was good for Trump is beyond me. It was a disaster. If he had just left the investigation alone in the first place, none of this would be happening.
That's the thing. It seems like Trump thinks that America is just another business that he's acquired and can fire whomever he wants if they question him. Embarrassing.
He legally can fire whomever he wants. He can fire Mueller if he wants.
What's Trump hiding? What is he afraid of? If everything is on the up and up and there's no collusion with Russia or obstruction of justice? What's he hiding? PTAPE?
There is no evidence he is hiding anything. Currently it is members of his transition team who are being blocked from testifying while the investigation now turns toward Fusion GPS and the sourcing of the Dossier. Add to that an investigation of Loretta Lynch, an investigation of Assistant FBI Director McCabe, an investigation of Jane Sanders, and it seems to me that Trump is free and clear. The tide has turned. The swap is beginning to drain.
Oh no? Ok. Whatever you say. CNN is pulling Russia stories and cutting reporters. Obama officials are stating that Obama choked on Russia. Podesta is being brought in for testimony on the Obama administration's response. This "investigation" is moving in all sorts of directions that weren't anticipated (by most of you) while the Trump well runs dry. Wait 'till the prosecution against the "leakers" begin...we're just getting started. Swamp will drain.
Difference, CNN cuts them, Fox, Breitbart, infowars, American Thinker, Red State would never fire a reporter or they wouldn't have reporters.
Furthermore, there's no evidence that Trump himself is hiding anything. Never mind the fact he reneged on his commitment to release his taxes, you're all just haters & losers. He won the electoral college by the largest margin ever, it was like the biggest landslide in the history of landslides. Did you see all the people at his inauguration? There's never been a bigger crowd assembled in the history of earth.
This is 3D chess in all its brilliance, you just don't recognize it because of all this winning & swamp draining. She'll be locked up soon, you'll see, we're getting near the end of this & all your outrage is phony 'cause Holden Caulfield sez so. #MAGA you guys.
Also, the earth is flat, the sky is green & water really isn't wet.
How is it a lie? Not once did President Trump say this was true.
He said he might have Comey tapes. That was a lie. He knew perfectly well that he didn't have any when he said that. The man is a fucking moron. He thinks it is appropriate to "bluff" the American public. I suspect he does it just for shits and giggles.
Shits and giggles or attempting to intimidate Comey? The latter is probably something Mueller is looking into.
The president is so stupid.
Maybe. His "tapes" comment triggered Comey admitting that he did in fact tell Trump on three separate occasions that he was not under investigation. Trump had been trying to get that fact into the public for months but nobody believed. People claimed that was a lie and the memo showed it to be true. It also unveiled Comey himself to be both a leaker and a liar. The problem with the "tapes" tweet though is that it lead to the appointment of the special prosecutor. If the special prosecutor comes up with nothing though then the "tapes" tweet might turnout to be a brilliant move. Electorally it has already been demonstrated that the "tapes" tweet or special prosecutor is having zero impact on the GOP to win elections. To many of you label things you don't understand "stupid". This is not for you. Never was for you.
Comey admitting that he told tRump that he wasn't under investigation is irrelevant to everyone except tRump.
It was a fact that up until Comey was fired there was no investigation of tRump. So what?
Ha. It was pretty damn relevant. Amazing how the goal posts have moved. Now you agree there was no investigation of Trump previously but seem to think there is one now?
Comey said, in the same testimony you are taking as gospel now, that Trump was now under investigation for obstructing justice. He's a liar, except when he says the things you want to believe? Is that it? The fact that anyone would think the Comey testimony was good for Trump is beyond me. It was a disaster. If he had just left the investigation alone in the first place, none of this would be happening.
That's the thing. It seems like Trump thinks that America is just another business that he's acquired and can fire whomever he wants if they question him. Embarrassing.
He legally can fire whomever he wants. He can fire Mueller if he wants.
What's Trump hiding? What is he afraid of? If everything is on the up and up and there's no collusion with Russia or obstruction of justice? What's he hiding? PTAPE?
There is no evidence he is hiding anything. Currently it is members of his transition team who are being blocked from testifying while the investigation now turns toward Fusion GPS and the sourcing of the Dossier. Add to that an investigation of Loretta Lynch, an investigation of Assistant FBI Director McCabe, an investigation of Jane Sanders, and it seems to me that Trump is free and clear. The tide has turned. The swap is beginning to drain.
Oh no? Ok. Whatever you say. CNN is pulling Russia stories and cutting reporters. Obama officials are stating that Obama choked on Russia. Podesta is being brought in for testimony on the Obama administration's response. This "investigation" is moving in all sorts of directions that weren't anticipated (by most of you) while the Trump well runs dry. Wait 'till the prosecution against the "leakers" begin...we're just getting started. Swamp will drain.
And you predicted it all, didn't you? And Hillary Clinton is going to jail? The best defense is a great offense. Gotta distract from that colossal health care failure somehow. Like the Benghazi hearings, nothing. Meanwhile, Mueller, Treasury and GAO investigations continue. Manafort suddenly fesses up.
I'm still waiting for those tax returns
Me too. Mueller will get them.
Yep. Game over once that happens. Anyone who has paid attention to Trump over the last 30 years knows the kind of murky waters he's swam in.
Legitimate business people don't have a list of 500 or more shell companies with names like "Trump Autos" unless you're not legitimate, you launder money perhaps or your last name is Trump. Or your businesses are not legit.
How is it a lie? Not once did President Trump say this was true.
He said he might have Comey tapes. That was a lie. He knew perfectly well that he didn't have any when he said that. The man is a fucking moron. He thinks it is appropriate to "bluff" the American public. I suspect he does it just for shits and giggles.
Shits and giggles or attempting to intimidate Comey? The latter is probably something Mueller is looking into.
The president is so stupid.
Maybe. His "tapes" comment triggered Comey admitting that he did in fact tell Trump on three separate occasions that he was not under investigation. Trump had been trying to get that fact into the public for months but nobody believed. People claimed that was a lie and the memo showed it to be true. It also unveiled Comey himself to be both a leaker and a liar. The problem with the "tapes" tweet though is that it lead to the appointment of the special prosecutor. If the special prosecutor comes up with nothing though then the "tapes" tweet might turnout to be a brilliant move. Electorally it has already been demonstrated that the "tapes" tweet or special prosecutor is having zero impact on the GOP to win elections. To many of you label things you don't understand "stupid". This is not for you. Never was for you.
Comey admitting that he told tRump that he wasn't under investigation is irrelevant to everyone except tRump.
It was a fact that up until Comey was fired there was no investigation of tRump. So what?
Ha. It was pretty damn relevant. Amazing how the goal posts have moved. Now you agree there was no investigation of Trump previously but seem to think there is one now?
Comey said, in the same testimony you are taking as gospel now, that Trump was now under investigation for obstructing justice. He's a liar, except when he says the things you want to believe? Is that it? The fact that anyone would think the Comey testimony was good for Trump is beyond me. It was a disaster. If he had just left the investigation alone in the first place, none of this would be happening.
That's the thing. It seems like Trump thinks that America is just another business that he's acquired and can fire whomever he wants if they question him. Embarrassing.
He legally can fire whomever he wants. He can fire Mueller if he wants.
What's Trump hiding? What is he afraid of? If everything is on the up and up and there's no collusion with Russia or obstruction of justice? What's he hiding? PTAPE?
There is no evidence he is hiding anything. Currently it is members of his transition team who are being blocked from testifying while the investigation now turns toward Fusion GPS and the sourcing of the Dossier. Add to that an investigation of Loretta Lynch, an investigation of Assistant FBI Director McCabe, an investigation of Jane Sanders, and it seems to me that Trump is free and clear. The tide has turned. The swap is beginning to drain.
Oh no? Ok. Whatever you say. CNN is pulling Russia stories and cutting reporters. Obama officials are stating that Obama choked on Russia. Podesta is being brought in for testimony on the Obama administration's response. This "investigation" is moving in all sorts of directions that weren't anticipated (by most of you) while the Trump well runs dry. Wait 'till the prosecution against the "leakers" begin...we're just getting started. Swamp will drain.
And you predicted it all, didn't you? And Hillary Clinton is going to jail? The best defense is a great offense. Gotta distract from that colossal health care failure somehow. Like the Benghazi hearings, nothing. Meanwhile, Mueller, Treasury and GAO investigations continue. Manafort suddenly fesses up.
I'm still waiting for those tax returns
Me too. Mueller will get them.
Yep. Game over once that happens. Anyone who has paid attention to Trump over the last 30 years knows the kind of murky waters he's swam in.
How is it a lie? Not once did President Trump say this was true.
He said he might have Comey tapes. That was a lie. He knew perfectly well that he didn't have any when he said that. The man is a fucking moron. He thinks it is appropriate to "bluff" the American public. I suspect he does it just for shits and giggles.
Shits and giggles or attempting to intimidate Comey? The latter is probably something Mueller is looking into.
The president is so stupid.
Maybe. His "tapes" comment triggered Comey admitting that he did in fact tell Trump on three separate occasions that he was not under investigation. Trump had been trying to get that fact into the public for months but nobody believed. People claimed that was a lie and the memo showed it to be true. It also unveiled Comey himself to be both a leaker and a liar. The problem with the "tapes" tweet though is that it lead to the appointment of the special prosecutor. If the special prosecutor comes up with nothing though then the "tapes" tweet might turnout to be a brilliant move. Electorally it has already been demonstrated that the "tapes" tweet or special prosecutor is having zero impact on the GOP to win elections. To many of you label things you don't understand "stupid". This is not for you. Never was for you.
Comey admitting that he told tRump that he wasn't under investigation is irrelevant to everyone except tRump.
It was a fact that up until Comey was fired there was no investigation of tRump. So what?
Ha. It was pretty damn relevant. Amazing how the goal posts have moved. Now you agree there was no investigation of Trump previously but seem to think there is one now?
Comey said, in the same testimony you are taking as gospel now, that Trump was now under investigation for obstructing justice. He's a liar, except when he says the things you want to believe? Is that it? The fact that anyone would think the Comey testimony was good for Trump is beyond me. It was a disaster. If he had just left the investigation alone in the first place, none of this would be happening.
That's the thing. It seems like Trump thinks that America is just another business that he's acquired and can fire whomever he wants if they question him. Embarrassing.
He legally can fire whomever he wants. He can fire Mueller if he wants.
What's Trump hiding? What is he afraid of? If everything is on the up and up and there's no collusion with Russia or obstruction of justice? What's he hiding? PTAPE?
There is no evidence he is hiding anything. Currently it is members of his transition team who are being blocked from testifying while the investigation now turns toward Fusion GPS and the sourcing of the Dossier. Add to that an investigation of Loretta Lynch, an investigation of Assistant FBI Director McCabe, an investigation of Jane Sanders, and it seems to me that Trump is free and clear. The tide has turned. The swap is beginning to drain.
Oh no? Ok. Whatever you say. CNN is pulling Russia stories and cutting reporters. Obama officials are stating that Obama choked on Russia. Podesta is being brought in for testimony on the Obama administration's response. This "investigation" is moving in all sorts of directions that weren't anticipated (by most of you) while the Trump well runs dry. Wait 'till the prosecution against the "leakers" begin...we're just getting started. Swamp will drain.
And you predicted it all, didn't you? And Hillary Clinton is going to jail? The best defense is a great offense. Gotta distract from that colossal health care failure somehow. Like the Benghazi hearings, nothing. Meanwhile, Mueller, Treasury and GAO investigations continue. Manafort suddenly fesses up.
I'm still waiting for those tax returns
Me too. Mueller will get them.
Yep. Game over once that happens. Anyone who has paid attention to Trump over the last 30 years knows the kind of murky waters he's swam in.
Uh oh....Big Boy President is tweeting his frustration about the media finding out he's not engaged "in" healthcare! Oh boy---this tells you that he is not engaged on the subject. Thanks for confirming Big Boy!
You know what, Mr. Big Boy know what would convince folks otherwise? If you would have an in depth conversation, on camera, about the subject. Forget your three or four talking points that President Bannon gave you. We'd like to see you get ENGAGED!!!!
But...sadly this will never happen because Big Boy president has never had an in depth discussion about anything that really matters to this country. Like, ever, really......
Salon’s Trump-free Tuesday: For one day,
we won’t publish his name or his picture
One-day gimmick or first step toward
national healing? Either way, nothing about That Guy on Tuesday, June 27
"American politics and culture and media, and damn near
everything else, have been consumed by one man for almost two years. You
know the person we’re talking about. “Consumed” is a metaphor in this
case, but sometimes it feels almost literal, as if our country and its
public discourse had been eaten by alien invaders or a viral epidemic.
sick of him. Everybody is, including the people who voted for him and
still support him. That might not be a metaphor either: This person is
making our country sicker all the time. So we’re taking a break. It’s
the beginning of summer; the kids are out of school. Everybody needs a
break from the normal routine right about now.
This will be a short break, a one-day experiment: June 27 will be Trump-Free Tuesday here on Salon.
We’ve been thinking about this
for a while, and it seems like the right moment. There are so many
other things to talk about and think about, in politics, culture or our
daily lives. We are stuck with this guy for the foreseeable future,
which is a difficult truth for many of us to handle. If we cannot
dislodge him from the White House anytime soon, maybe we can start to
deflate the outsized role he plays in our national psychology. This is a
baby step in that direction.
How will Trump-Free
Tuesday work? We have established some rules for ourselves — which we
are prepared to break under certain circumstances we have tried to
define in advance. (Those circumstances seem unlikely. But who knows
what counts as likely anymore?)
We will not publish the
president’s name on Tuesday or use his picture. We will not cover his
outrageous Twitter utterances or deride his surrogates for whatever
stupid things they may or may not say on television. (We try not to do
that the rest of the time, too.) We’re certainly going to cover American
politics and the United States government, but we will avoid focusing
on the dominant personality at the top of the pyramid. We will strive to
focus on issues and policies and how they are likely to affect the
lives of our readers.
doubt we will publish stories on Tuesday that will mention other
members of the executive branch and leading political figures of both
parties. You may encounter some artful references to “the White House”
or “the current administration,” but we will steer away from that
whenever possible. We won’t publish articles that are obviously about
whatever the president said or did but that navigate around using his
name or his face.
This is an experiment, which means we
can’t be quite sure how it’s going to work. The entire American media
has been caught in an endless feedback loop, and we are not immune:
Everyone says they are tired of thinking and talking
about this person and the enormous national crisis he represents. But
public fascination with his words, deeds and actions has barely ebbed
since Election Day or Inauguration Day, if it has ebbed at all. His name
and face remain surefire clickbait, for our site and virtually everyone
Do Salon’s readers actually want a day without
You Know Who? Or a week? Or a lifetime? Or is this the media equivalent
of buying three bunches of kale, knowing full well you will let them
rot in the veggie drawer?
We’re not sure. We’re excited to try it. Let us know what you think."
my small self... like a book amongst the many on a shelf
He simply cannot help himself. His self awareness, social awareness and self control are as low as they could possibly be. No joke.
He has the emotional intelligence of a reptile. Come to think of it... he kinda looks like one too- a tropical orange coloured one that thrusts its jaw out to stretch the flabby skin which rests under its chin.
Sure. But he would be ill advised to do so.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
These multiple investigations will probably take a couple years. So sit tight, snowflake.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
They would fire the honest ones though.
The only difference is in thinking. A good journalist reports and does not ask questions.
Edit: I forgot who I was responding to. Answer is meaningless
Furthermore, there's no evidence that Trump himself is hiding anything. Never mind the fact he reneged on his commitment to release his taxes, you're all just haters & losers. He won the electoral college by the largest margin ever, it was like the biggest landslide in the history of landslides. Did you see all the people at his inauguration? There's never been a bigger crowd assembled in the history of earth.
This is 3D chess in all its brilliance, you just don't recognize it because of all this winning & swamp draining. She'll be locked up soon, you'll see, we're getting near the end of this & all your outrage is phony 'cause Holden Caulfield sez so. #MAGA you guys.
Also, the earth is flat, the sky is green & water really isn't wet.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
This is going away soon you guys.
You know what, Mr. Big Boy know what would convince folks otherwise? If you would have an in depth conversation, on camera, about the subject. Forget your three or four talking points that President Bannon gave you. We'd like to see you get ENGAGED!!!!
But...sadly this will never happen because Big Boy president has never had an in depth discussion about anything that really matters to this country. Like, ever, really......
Trump Care!
Weird, Trump promised better care at only a fraction of the cost.
I wonder what went wrong.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
I didn't get time to even look at their site last night to see how it looked and what else was there.
Salon’s Trump-free Tuesday: For one day, we won’t publish his name or his picture
One-day gimmick or first step toward national healing? Either way, nothing about That Guy on Tuesday, June 27
"American politics and culture and media, and damn near everything else, have been consumed by one man for almost two years. You know the person we’re talking about. “Consumed” is a metaphor in this case, but sometimes it feels almost literal, as if our country and its public discourse had been eaten by alien invaders or a viral epidemic.
We’re sick of him. Everybody is, including the people who voted for him and still support him. That might not be a metaphor either: This person is making our country sicker all the time. So we’re taking a break. It’s the beginning of summer; the kids are out of school. Everybody needs a break from the normal routine right about now.
This will be a short break, a one-day experiment: June 27 will be Trump-Free Tuesday here on Salon.
We’ve been thinking about this for a while, and it seems like the right moment. There are so many other things to talk about and think about, in politics, culture or our daily lives. We are stuck with this guy for the foreseeable future, which is a difficult truth for many of us to handle. If we cannot dislodge him from the White House anytime soon, maybe we can start to deflate the outsized role he plays in our national psychology. This is a baby step in that direction.
How will Trump-Free Tuesday work? We have established some rules for ourselves — which we are prepared to break under certain circumstances we have tried to define in advance. (Those circumstances seem unlikely. But who knows what counts as likely anymore?)
We will not publish the president’s name on Tuesday or use his picture. We will not cover his outrageous Twitter utterances or deride his surrogates for whatever stupid things they may or may not say on television. (We try not to do that the rest of the time, too.) We’re certainly going to cover American politics and the United States government, but we will avoid focusing on the dominant personality at the top of the pyramid. We will strive to focus on issues and policies and how they are likely to affect the lives of our readers.
No doubt we will publish stories on Tuesday that will mention other members of the executive branch and leading political figures of both parties. You may encounter some artful references to “the White House” or “the current administration,” but we will steer away from that whenever possible. We won’t publish articles that are obviously about whatever the president said or did but that navigate around using his name or his face.
This is an experiment, which means we can’t be quite sure how it’s going to work. The entire American media has been caught in an endless feedback loop, and we are not immune: Everyone says they are tired of thinking and talking about this person and the enormous national crisis he represents. But public fascination with his words, deeds and actions has barely ebbed since Election Day or Inauguration Day, if it has ebbed at all. His name and face remain surefire clickbait, for our site and virtually everyone else’s.
Do Salon’s readers actually want a day without You Know Who? Or a week? Or a lifetime? Or is this the media equivalent of buying three bunches of kale, knowing full well you will let them rot in the veggie drawer?
We’re not sure. We’re excited to try it. Let us know what you think."
He simply cannot help himself. His self awareness, social awareness and self control are as low as they could possibly be. No joke.
He has the emotional intelligence of a reptile. Come to think of it... he kinda looks like one too- a tropical orange coloured one that thrusts its jaw out to stretch the flabby skin which rests under its chin.