Trumpito's giddy celebration of this person's murder is fucking SAD.
I’m the toughest president ever, no president has ever made the toughest decisions like me. I’m so tough I square my jaw for the picture because there will never be a tougher president than me, that I can tell you.
Trump has stepped on the amazing news of Baghdadi's death & the job done by our brave & efficient Special Forces by lying, leaking & boasting. And disclosing classified intelligence. And being so petty & beholding to the wrong people.
His biggest lies -
- He said that he did not send out his 6:30 PM EST tweet that 'something big has happened' until the mission was over & our military had safely landed.
- He said SF were in the compound for 1 to 1 1/2 hours.
- He said that he & others assembled in the Sit Room around 5PM EST. In answering a question he said that the operation started moments later & that was when the helicopters were taking off before the mission.
- He did not inform the Democratic members of the gang of 8 which includes the third highest ranking person in the government because they would have leaked the information & he didn't want our people killed or the operation undermined.
- I don't know how long it took SF to fly in & out for the operation & if they were actually able to accomplish this mission in only about an hour or so. They had to make their way through the compound, tunnels, kill or secure prisoners (some who had suicide vests which would have had to be defused) , dig out the rubble of the collapsed tunnel, rescue the severely injured dog, locate & secure body parts, do an on-site DNA test which he said took 15 minutes but there were 4 people in the rubble so did they get DNA immediately from the right person's body part?, confirm his identity, look for & take sensitive ISIS material, find the person who took the 11 children, load the live ISIS fighters into helicopters & secure them, do they take the dead too? Anyway...
- SF are elite military personnel so I will believe that they were capable of accomplishing their mission in an hour & a half. They still had to fly 8 helicopters out safely & land & inform those in the Sit Room that the mission was over.
- His claim that he didn't tell Dems in gang of 8 due to leaking makes no sense since he tweeted out his cryptic message 1 & 1/2 hours into the mission, if SF took off at exactly 5PM (he said they assembled "around" 5). HE leaked while our military was still in the compound.
- He should never have taken questions, he should have just announced the death & praised our military.
- Killing Baghdadi, who was not the founder of ISIS as he stated, is a big deal. It is not a bigger deal than killing Bin Laden. That made him look small, but he's obsessed with Obama. And when Bin Laden was killed, Trump & Republicans went out of their way to say Obama did not do anything it was the Seal's who were responsible. Trump made this mission about himself in the press conference. Obama made a 4 sentence statement, only saying he approved the mission.
- He thanked Russia first & many times throughout his statement. He called our allies disgraceful as he thanked Russia, Syria, Turkey, Iraq & kinda thanked the Kurds.
- Oil, that whole spiel about oil.
- Why is Graham making a statement & praising Dear Leader. If anyone were to make a statement, which wasn't necessary after all that Trump spilled, it should have been Pelosi.
- My biggest peeve is his lie about not tweeting until it was safely over & his further abuses of his office by just deciding to be a d!ck & not tell Dems, & lie about why. He is an embarrasment even when he's wagging the dog.
Well, I guess I can name one good thing Team Trump Treason accomplished. I look forward to Team Trump Treason’s rallies where he’ll play the part of Baghdadi crawling through the tunnel, the dogs biting his ass, whimpering to his momma and telling allah he’s sorry for messing with the toughest president ever, the toughest foe he ever encountered and he’s so so sorry.
Not telling dem leadership is a sixth grade play. Wait for the “can’t trust the dems with national security” response when asked by a reporter. And that’s the narrative for 2020.
"I keep hearing about, oh, bin Laden, the military did an incredible job and they called and they said, we have him. And he said, go get him. What’s he going to say, don’t get him? And he gets all this credit? It’s a lot of crap."
"I keep hearing about, oh, bin Laden, the military did an incredible job and they called and they said, we have him. And he said, go get him. What’s he going to say, don’t get him? And he gets all this credit? It’s a lot of crap."
Hey he killed a bad guy let’s give him credit ! Who cares if he has trampled the precious constitution to death ...
The military and our intelligence community killed a bad guy. Just because your in the stadium when your team wins a game doesn’t mean you did anything to win that game. Credit goes to where credit is due. Thank you to the military and the intelligence agencies. Fuck the orange credit taking traitor douche bag. False valor ass motherfucker.
Trumps speech was part good and part Trump. But this is a good thing. Did you all give Obama and Hillary credit when they were in the room during the Osama raid?
Hey he killed a bad guy let’s give him credit ! Who cares if he has trampled the precious constitution to death ...
The military and our intelligence community killed a bad guy. Just because your in the stadium when your team wins a game doesn’t mean you did anything to win that game. Credit goes to where credit is due. Thank you to the military and the intelligence agencies. Fuck the orange credit taking traitor douche bag. False valor ass motherfucker.
Did you feel the same when Obama gave his speech about killing Bin Laden?
Hey he killed a bad guy let’s give him credit ! Who cares if he has trampled the precious constitution to death ...
The military and our intelligence community killed a bad guy. Just because your in the stadium when your team wins a game doesn’t mean you did anything to win that game. Credit goes to where credit is due. Thank you to the military and the intelligence agencies. Fuck the orange credit taking traitor douche bag. False valor ass motherfucker.
Hey he killed a bad guy let’s give him credit ! Who cares if he has trampled the precious constitution to death ...
The military and our intelligence community killed a bad guy. Just because your in the stadium when your team wins a game doesn’t mean you did anything to win that game. Credit goes to where credit is due. Thank you to the military and the intelligence agencies. Fuck the orange credit taking traitor douche bag. False valor ass motherfucker.
Did you feel the same when Obama gave his speech about killing Bin Laden?
No, because both POTUS are not the same. Not even close.
Hey he killed a bad guy let’s give him credit ! Who cares if he has trampled the precious constitution to death ...
The military and our intelligence community killed a bad guy. Just because your in the stadium when your team wins a game doesn’t mean you did anything to win that game. Credit goes to where credit is due. Thank you to the military and the intelligence agencies. Fuck the orange credit taking traitor douche bag. False valor ass motherfucker.
Did you feel the same when Obama gave his speech about killing Bin Laden?
No, because both POTUS are not the same. Not even close.
Be reminded of what leadership and being presidential are.
I m not a fan of double standards. It s exactly the same, both presidents gave the order to execute the mission. It s just people loathe trump so much that whatever the guy does they hate.
Hey he killed a bad guy let’s give him credit ! Who cares if he has trampled the precious constitution to death ...
The military and our intelligence community killed a bad guy. Just because your in the stadium when your team wins a game doesn’t mean you did anything to win that game. Credit goes to where credit is due. Thank you to the military and the intelligence agencies. Fuck the orange credit taking traitor douche bag. False valor ass motherfucker.
Did you feel the same when Obama gave his speech about killing Bin Laden?
No, because both POTUS are not the same. Not even close.
Be reminded of what leadership and being presidential are.
I m not a fan of double standards. It s exactly the same, both presidents gave the order to execute the mission. It s just people hate trump so much that whatever the guy does he hates.
But only one president devolved into incomprehensibility and exhibited his blood lust, all while barely able to read from a teleprompter and embellishing while giving up intel.
”We’re going to fight for the oil.” WTF? spike the football and STFU. It’s like Team Trump Treason can’t help himself with the excessive celebration and making it about how he’s supposedly better than Obama. He’s not. He sucks and his fragile ego can’t stand it. Guess what? Obama was never impeached (that’s directed at Team Trump Treason).
I still don’t believe Obama had anything to do with the death of Bin Laden. I believe that Bin Laden was dead before. Not that I have any knowledge. Just my gut feeling. Trump may have given the ok. But those same intelligence agencies he bashes are the ones who deserve the credit along with the troops with boots on the ground. When you listen to Trumps smokescreen get the attention off my criminal acts speech he gives he sounds like he was there. There is no double standard in my book. Timing is everything. The walls of the castle are crumbling all around and the king is shouting what he has done. Obama gave credit where credit was due. It’s all theatrics anymore. Glad a bad guy is dead. Where the credit lies is up for everyone’s opinion.
TJ, being a Republican is a choice. Being a whatever(liberal, independent, satanist) is a choice.
Sticking with a belligerent racist criminal traitor is ignorant and just makes you look uninformed and gives your arguments no merit. This guy is the worst president in the history of the United States and it’s not even close. W got us into two forever wars. Carter was incompetent but had a good heart. Clinton and his wife are criminals too but guess what. News flash. She lost. The only people that still bring her up are Trumpers that have no merit for an argument.
Part of being an adult is admitting when your wrong. The laundry list of infractions and all of the associates of Trump and his family that have already been arrested and are getting indicted is growing. His prior and current administration lackeys are singing like birds in spring.
When will you and others realize that putting a known con man into office was a bad choice. Find another Republican with some merit to right the ship. I agree with some republican ideas. But I’m an environmental tree hugger who also understands that there can be a balance of consumerism and environmentalism.
This guy is a lost cause and from what it looks like a treasonous traitor. Ask the Kurds. Look at who benefits from that withdrawal. Russia. Remember when the republicans were the fuck Russia party and this buffoon welcomes them with open arms and gift bags.
To sum it up, it’s better to admit when your wrong and get on the rescue ship instead of going down with the titanic. We are Humans first and Americans second. History and present day will show that this criminal was the downfall of America and hopefully whoever comes next regardless of party can right the wrong.
PJ - I respect your opinions and you make some good points here but feel your opinions are a bit skewed as you believe mine are. I am neither a Republican or Democrat and even voted for Obama in his first term as I couldn't stand Bush and his war mongering. I think Bush was mentally out to lunch towards the end of his presidency similar to Reagan who actually did lose part of his mind. I agree with you on Carter as I am old enough to remember him and he was terrible. My problem with your comment is when you seem like you give Carter a pass for having a big heart? What the heck does that have to do with running the country???
The reason I and 60 plus million other people voted for Trump is the same reason we are going to vote for him again. He is not a politician, he is a shrewd businessman who is trying to get the job done! He admits he is not presidential with how he talks and we would all love for him to tone down his rhetoric but at the end of the day he is fighting for the American people. Would you quit your good paying job that you like if you found out your boss cheated on his wife or his taxes? So why do I care if Trump did? You mention yourself the corruptness of the establishment with the Clinton Crime Family etc. and it will always be there. I'm over it.
I didn't hire Trump to be my priest, my father figure, my mentor or tax consultant. I hired him to get the country back on track after Obama and the big government Democrats strangled it to death with their failed economic policies and horrific foreign policy. Obama wouldn't even call a terrorist a terrorist. He basically went around the world apologizing for America and let terrorism spread. Trump came in and squashed most of the high level terrorist threats by simply unleashing the military to do what it is trained to do. Game over!
Finally to address your point on admitting when your wrong and moving on with another Republican: Unfortunately there isn't a Republican in sight that isn't part of the Washington Swamp that I could get behind but at the end of the day it's the Democrats, the left, the liberals and fake news media that can't get over losing the last election. They all have been trying to smear the President and his accomplishments since before he got elected by spying on his campaign and then making stuff up to get FISA warrants so they could start the finally debunked after over 2 years "Russian Collusion Hoax". And now that didn't work as well as their failed race baiting and whatever else they can't pin on him they start this Ukraine thing which will also end up being just another "nothingburger". The Dems just have to keep chiding the President as much they can until the next election as they feel it is their only chance of winning and regaining their ultimate power back and in turn provide America with open borders (which most other countries don't have), less constitutional rights as in a dwindling first and second ammendments and more big govenment, not to mention abolishing the electoral college. If you all are wondering if the government can run healthcare look no further than the VA. It's a train wreck.
TJ, being a Republican is a choice. Being a whatever(liberal, independent, satanist) is a choice.
Sticking with a belligerent racist criminal traitor is ignorant and just makes you look uninformed and gives your arguments no merit. This guy is the worst president in the history of the United States and it’s not even close. W got us into two forever wars. Carter was incompetent but had a good heart. Clinton and his wife are criminals too but guess what. News flash. She lost. The only people that still bring her up are Trumpers that have no merit for an argument.
Part of being an adult is admitting when your wrong. The laundry list of infractions and all of the associates of Trump and his family that have already been arrested and are getting indicted is growing. His prior and current administration lackeys are singing like birds in spring.
When will you and others realize that putting a known con man into office was a bad choice. Find another Republican with some merit to right the ship. I agree with some republican ideas. But I’m an environmental tree hugger who also understands that there can be a balance of consumerism and environmentalism.
This guy is a lost cause and from what it looks like a treasonous traitor. Ask the Kurds. Look at who benefits from that withdrawal. Russia. Remember when the republicans were the fuck Russia party and this buffoon welcomes them with open arms and gift bags.
To sum it up, it’s better to admit when your wrong and get on the rescue ship instead of going down with the titanic. We are Humans first and Americans second. History and present day will show that this criminal was the downfall of America and hopefully whoever comes next regardless of party can right the wrong.
PJ - I respect your opinions and you make some good points here but feel your opinions are a bit skewed as you believe mine are. I am neither a Republican or Democrat and even voted for Obama in his first term as I couldn't stand Bush and his war mongering. I think Bush was mentally out to lunch towards the end of his presidency similar to Reagan who actually did lose part of his mind. I agree with you on Carter as I am old enough to remember him and he was terrible. My problem with your comment is when you seem like you give Carter a pass for having a big heart? What the heck does that have to do with running the country???
The reason I and 60 plus million other people voted for Trump is the same reason we are going to vote for him again. He is not a politician, he is a shrewd businessman who is trying to get the job done! He admits he is not presidential with how he talks and we would all love for him to tone down his rhetoric but at the end of the day he is fighting for the American people. Would you quit your good paying job that you like if you found out your boss cheated on his wife or his taxes? So why do I care if Trump did? You mention yourself the corruptness of the establishment with the Clinton Crime Family etc. and it will always be there. I'm over it.
I didn't hire Trump to be my priest, my father figure, my mentor or tax consultant. I hired him to get the country back on track after Obama and the big government Democrats strangled it to death with their failed economic policies and horrific foreign policy. Obama wouldn't even call a terrorist a terrorist. He basically went around the world apologizing for America and let terrorism spread. Trump came in and squashed most of the high level terrorist threats by simply unleashing the military to do what it is trained to do. Game over!
Finally to address your point on admitting when your wrong and moving on with another Republican: Unfortunately there isn't a Republican in sight that isn't part of the Washington Swamp that I could get behind but at the end of the day it's the Democrats, the left, the liberals and fake news media that can't get over losing the last election. They all have been trying to smear the President and his accomplishments since before he got elected by spying on his campaign and then making stuff up to get FISA warrants so they could start the finally debunked after over 2 years "Russian Collusion Hoax". And now that didn't work as well as their failed race baiting and whatever else they can't pin on him they start this Ukraine thing which will also end up being just another "nothingburger". The Dems just have to keep chiding the President as much they can until the next election as they feel it is their only chance of winning and regaining their ultimate power back and in turn provide America with open borders (which most other countries don't have), less constitutional rights as in a dwindling first and second ammendments and more big govenment, not to mention abolishing the electoral college. If you all are wondering if the government can run healthcare look no further than the VA. It's a train wreck.
No thanks.
“Clinton Crime Family?” LOL! Perhaps you can inform us of the indictments or better yet, convictions? Maybe it was those cattle futures? Or that land deal in Arkansas? Maybe spiriting Vince Foster out of the White House rolled up in a carpet? Or maybe it was those cocaine laden planes landing in Arkansas? No, I know! It was the deliberate crashing of Ron Brown’s plane in Croatia! No? Okay, Uranium One? Benghazi? The Blue Dress! That’s it, right? The missing emails? The server in The Ukraine? The unreleased tax returns or CGF false 501c3 filings?
Please post the link to the indictment(s) when you get a chance. Thanks.
Hey he killed a bad guy let’s give him credit ! Who cares if he has trampled the precious constitution to death ...
The military and our intelligence community killed a bad guy. Just because your in the stadium when your team wins a game doesn’t mean you did anything to win that game. Credit goes to where credit is due. Thank you to the military and the intelligence agencies. Fuck the orange credit taking traitor douche bag. False valor ass motherfucker.
Did you feel the same when Obama gave his speech about killing Bin Laden?
No, because both POTUS are not the same. Not even close.
Be reminded of what leadership and being presidential are.
I m not a fan of double standards. It s exactly the same, both presidents gave the order to execute the mission. It s just people loathe trump so much that whatever the guy does they hate.
You sure? After all, Trump is a damn liar.
There's speculation Trump didn't give the order, he may have found out after the fact. US military intelligence was compromised by Trump's order to remove the troops. This mission was hastily planned and put together because intelligence channels were falling apart by our departure. Specials forces needed to act fast while they still had an opportunity, but this does not appear to be their first choice. This was a messy operation, everyone dead, the building razed. Who knows how much valuable intelligence was lost there.
Kind of sounds like Trump fucked the military in this one.
Let's see the actual order.
While we're at it, let's see the tax returns, unredacted Mueller report, Ukraine calls and Putin meeting transcripts too.
Team Trump Treason notified Putin on the ritz BEFORE repub congressional leaders. I guess we’ve confirmed who Team Trump Treason answers to and it’s not the American people.
Team Trump Treason notified Putin on the ritz BEFORE repub congressional leaders. I guess we’ve confirmed who Team Trump Treason answers to and it’s not the American people.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
His biggest lies -
- He said that he did not send out his 6:30 PM EST tweet that 'something big has happened' until the mission was over & our military had safely landed.
- He said SF were in the compound for 1 to 1 1/2 hours.
- He said that he & others assembled in the Sit Room around 5PM EST. In answering a question he said that the operation started moments later & that was when the helicopters were taking off before the mission.
- He did not inform the Democratic members of the gang of 8 which includes the third highest ranking person in the government because they would have leaked the information & he didn't want our people killed or the operation undermined.
- I don't know how long it took SF to fly in & out for the operation & if they were actually able to accomplish this mission in only about an hour or so. They had to make their way through the compound, tunnels, kill or secure prisoners (some who had suicide vests which would have had to be defused) , dig out the rubble of the collapsed tunnel, rescue the severely injured dog, locate & secure body parts, do an on-site DNA test which he said took 15 minutes but there were 4 people in the rubble so did they get DNA immediately from the right person's body part?, confirm his identity, look for & take sensitive ISIS material, find the person who took the 11 children, load the live ISIS fighters into helicopters & secure them, do they take the dead too? Anyway...
- SF are elite military personnel so I will believe that they were capable of accomplishing their mission in an hour & a half. They still had to fly 8 helicopters out safely & land & inform those in the Sit Room that the mission was over.
- His claim that he didn't tell Dems in gang of 8 due to leaking makes no sense since he tweeted out his cryptic message 1 & 1/2 hours into the mission, if SF took off at exactly 5PM (he said they assembled "around" 5). HE leaked while our military was still in the compound.
- He should never have taken questions, he should have just announced the death & praised our military.
- Killing Baghdadi, who was not the founder of ISIS as he stated, is a big deal. It is not a bigger deal than killing Bin Laden. That made him look small, but he's obsessed with Obama. And when Bin Laden was killed, Trump & Republicans went out of their way to say Obama did not do anything it was the Seal's who were responsible. Trump made this mission about himself in the press conference. Obama made a 4 sentence statement, only saying he approved the mission.
- He thanked Russia first & many times throughout his statement. He called our allies disgraceful as he thanked Russia, Syria, Turkey, Iraq & kinda thanked the Kurds.
- Oil, that whole spiel about oil.
- Why is Graham making a statement & praising Dear Leader. If anyone were to make a statement, which wasn't necessary after all that Trump spilled, it should have been Pelosi.
- My biggest peeve is his lie about not tweeting until it was safely over & his further abuses of his office by just deciding to be a d!ck & not tell Dems, & lie about why. He is an embarrasment even when he's wagging the dog.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Silly silly. It was Putin's idea.
Ha! Beautifully done!
Be reminded of what leadership and being presidential are.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
”We’re going to fight for the oil.” WTF? spike the football and STFU. It’s like Team Trump Treason can’t help himself with the excessive celebration and making it about how he’s supposedly better than Obama. He’s not. He sucks and his fragile ego can’t stand it. Guess what? Obama was never impeached (that’s directed at Team Trump Treason).
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
I am neither a Republican or Democrat and even voted for Obama in his first term as I couldn't stand Bush and his war mongering. I think Bush was mentally out to lunch towards the end of his presidency similar to Reagan who actually did lose part of his mind. I agree with you on Carter as I am old enough to remember him and he was terrible. My problem with your comment is when you seem like you give Carter a pass for having a big heart? What the heck does that have to do with running the country???
The reason I and 60 plus million other people voted for Trump is the same reason we are going to vote for him again. He is not a politician, he is a shrewd businessman who is trying to get the job done! He admits he is not presidential with how he talks and we would all love for him to tone down his rhetoric but at the end of the day he is fighting for the American people. Would you quit your good paying job that you like if you found out your boss cheated on his wife or his taxes? So why do I care if Trump did? You mention yourself the corruptness of the establishment with the Clinton Crime Family etc. and it will always be there. I'm over it.
I didn't hire Trump to be my priest, my father figure, my mentor or tax consultant. I hired him to get the country back on track after Obama and the big government Democrats strangled it to death with their failed economic policies and horrific foreign policy. Obama wouldn't even call a terrorist a terrorist. He basically went around the world apologizing for America and let terrorism spread. Trump came in and squashed most of the high level terrorist threats by simply unleashing the military to do what it is trained to do. Game over!
Finally to address your point on admitting when your wrong and moving on with another Republican:
Unfortunately there isn't a Republican in sight that isn't part of the Washington Swamp that I could get behind but at the end of the day it's the Democrats, the left, the liberals and fake news media that can't get over losing the last election. They all have been trying to smear the President and his accomplishments since before he got elected by spying on his campaign and then making stuff up to get FISA warrants so they could start the finally debunked after over 2 years "Russian Collusion Hoax". And now that didn't work as well as their failed race baiting and whatever else they can't pin on him they start this Ukraine thing which will also end up being just another "nothingburger". The Dems just have to keep chiding the President as much they can until the next election as they feel it is their only chance of winning and regaining their ultimate power back and in turn provide America with open borders (which most other countries don't have), less constitutional rights as in a dwindling first and second ammendments and more big govenment, not to mention abolishing the electoral college. If you all are wondering if the government can run healthcare look no further than the VA. It's a train wreck.
No thanks.
Where I'm not ugly and you're lookin' at me
Please post the link to the indictment(s) when you get a chance. Thanks.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
There's speculation Trump didn't give the order, he may have found out after the fact. US military intelligence was compromised by Trump's order to remove the troops. This mission was hastily planned and put together because intelligence channels were falling apart by our departure. Specials forces needed to act fast while they still had an opportunity, but this does not appear to be their first choice. This was a messy operation, everyone dead, the building razed. Who knows how much valuable intelligence was lost there.
Kind of sounds like Trump fucked the military in this one.
Let's see the actual order.
While we're at it, let's see the tax returns, unredacted Mueller report, Ukraine calls and Putin meeting transcripts too.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.