Hell yeah- saw that the pentagon released 1 billion and they’re building 57 miles of it near Yuma and El Paso. Good stuff. The media was focused on the mueller waste of time but 5000 illegal immigrants were stopped this past weekend alone. It’s out of control. In San Antonio ice just drops off these people at these bus stops after they’ve been detained near churches and they can’t feed or clothe them because they’re out of supplies and overflowing with people. The diseases are worrisome as very few of them are vaccinated at all.
Don't forget that the number of undocumented immigrants that ICE detains doesn't correlate with the number of undocumented immigrants coming into the US at any given time - it only correlates with the amount of energy they've been instructed to spend to detain persons. If Trump had said "ease back a bit", they'd have picked up less than 5000. What you're seeing does not mean a problem is getting worse - it means your President is tolerating less.
I'm not opposed to building the wall from a moral perspective - a country truly is entitled to fortify its borders if it chooses - but I find it short-sighted, and unnecessary (along with the things that come with it - the perceived cruelty, the real divide, the logistical challenges with a major trade partner, the increase in processing needs per border crossing and thus potential for bottleneck, and the cost of the thing, for no truly indicated or expected results).
I also think from a purely economic perspective, it's been understood for some time now that the jobs occupied by undocumented immigrants have effectively established a new market value for that labour, because they take the work that US citizens never wanted, and do it at a price US citizens deem beneath them. This means that if that influx disappears, businesses have to bear a newly increased cost for the labour. Businesses don't typically accept increased costs for labour - instead, they hire less, ask more of current employees, and have clients subsidize these realities with increased prices.
Putting all of these together, I think it's likely that the lasting legacy of a wall will be exploitation of the Mexican government (just like applying sanctions, it's another great way to restrict a country's global power while exerting your own, and gain trade negotiating leverage), the de-weaving of the social fabric with respect to US-Mexican cultural exchanges, security risks (when you threaten an entire neighbouring country's livelihood and escape route to safety, you should expect this), a less powerful internal economy where businesses act more frugally (as discussed above), a more expensive life with respect to consumer products, busier borders making trade more difficult.
Like I said, morally, if Trump wants to do this, he can, but he should know that he will own the costs and not just the benefits he perceives of this. You should know the costs too - and you should be concerned (whether you want this or not) that Trump doesn't want to talk about them.
You know, I (and many others) have been beating this drum for the longest time that wall proponents simply don't get: the effect this will have on the economy as a whole and their own wallets, specifically.
-illegal immigrants are working in fields and construction sites for pennies on the dollar -americans make more than those wages on welfare
They are not taking your jobs. americans are giving them to them. costs will inevitably increase substantially, and then all the wall bangers will be pissing and moaning about paying $3 an apple and thousands more for renos on their house.
these issues don't matter to the people on the Hill. they can afford these increases. they are using your own fear and racist tendencies against what's actually best for you.
You guys are both correct, I’m sure. I am for obeying the law, though, and illegal is illegal. If they go through the system then I have no problem with it at all. It’s not the people I have a problem with, it’s the fact that it’s not lawful. I’ve said it before, but even my employees who are from Mexico (some on visas and some are citizens) are against it because they did it lawfully. They don’t like the fact that some get to break the rules while they followed them. It has nothing to do with race for me, I don’t care if they’re from Sweden or Russia or China or Mars, we just don’t have a problemhappening on any of our other borders, just the one with Mexico.
as for the economics, I defer to the pros on that- I’m not bothered if I have to spend more money because we enforce our laws. That’s the way it is and we’ll change our spending habits to adapt. Here in austin the construction guys are creating chaos because the city is growing so big- so many undocumented guys are just leaving one site for another that will pay more in cash per day (in the middle of their shift no less,) that it’s delaying construction projects by months in some cases. You’re right, they’re the ones who want those jobs. I think if they were legal they’d still want those jobs though, so I’m not sure I fully get the argument that there would be no one to fill certain jobs. There would be, they’d just be legal
just don’t get why following laws makes people so uncomfortable
that's not it. we've all been saying it all along: no one is PRO-ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION. I don't think everyone who is for the wall is racist, but the large majority are, at least in part, blameful of immigrants on their own perceived lack of success.
trump et al are touting this wall as something that will reap economic and social benefits for the US, and the ones that are buying it are falling for it hook line and sinker because of their own biases. they WANT to believe it, so they do.
if it gets built, and their wages magically don't increase and their costs substantially increase (or, in your example, things come grinding to a halt because the dramatic absence of workers), it will be proven an incredible failure.
"Oh Canada...you're beautiful when you're drunk" -EV 8/14/93
It's late for this, but I'm going to offer it anyways:
People can say what they want, but I respect @BS44325 for his efforts expressing where he is at in this entire affair. He's far from a 'troll' and in my opinion offers a level of credibility to the 'other' side.
I'm not saying I agree with him entirely- I don't. But his contributions are infinitely greater than 'woot' and 'MAGA' and 'lock her up'... and if I'm being honest... I pause for thought when reading his submissions.
Yeah, I can appreciate it to an extent, but it's clear there is some trolling going on to. Most recently the "MAGA bitches" comment. There is a lot of pompous know-it-all in there even though it's a lot of speculation and mainly just meant to annoy the status quo in here who despise a gelatinous blob as president.
Not to mention the easily dispelled BS that he posts. But one example as he repeated the Faux News talking point regarding the Steele Dossier. I guess now Senator Graham is a liar?:
Sen. Lindsey O. Graham (R-S.C.) said Monday he had told Sen. John McCain to give the FBI the dossier on the Trump campaign’s alleged ties to Russia, a revelation that comes after Trump repeatedly assailed the late Arizona Republican over the issue.
Last week, Trump accused McCain of handing over the document “for very evil purposes.” McCain died of brain cancer in August.
Graham, chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, told reporters Monday McCain showed him the dossier when he received it in late 2016.
“And I told him the only thing I knew to do with it, it could be a bunch of garbage, it could be true, who knows? Turn it over to somebody whose job it is to find these things out, and John McCain acted appropriately,” Graham said, according to CNN.
“He & the Dems, working together, failed (as usual). Even the Fake News refused this garbage!” Trump said in the tweet.
McCain was not made aware of the Steele dossier until Nov. 18, 2016 — after Trump had won the election. And while McCain himself gave the dossier to the FBI, there is no evidence he gave it to the media.
Former McCain aide David Kramer, a Russia expert, has testified that he gave the dossier to the media in December 2016.
I actually think this is an important angle to pick apart. McCain's and Kramer's hands were on it. Kramer seems to have done more active disseminating then McCain but this all needs to be drilled down on. Remember at this point the dossier was not new. The FBI had it months before but now it was being passed to media through Kramer and FBI again through McCain. Did they innocently have it handed to them and just did what they thought was right or were they participating in something else. This was recycled intelligence made to appear as corroborating intelligence from a non-partisan source. This story will be told. McCain's obvious war hero status is not a reason to look away. You all felt that way in the run up to 2008.
You mean were they participating in the coup rumor that you continue to propagate without regard to the lessons learned from Iraq?
Yes. They were participating. The question is whether they were wittingly or unwittingly participating. Lindsey Graham believes McCain was an unwitting participant. Personally I am not ready to indict them or exonerate them.
I'm glad you aren't ready to indict them, considering a few things: 1. You're not a prosecutor 2. You're not a citizen 3. You have no evidence 4. You've never interviewed a subject in the matter. So I have to compliment you on your amazing restraint, although you still continue to apply intent to the actions of people who you don't know, never spoke with, and are responsible for keeping Americans safe every day. But keep at it, it makes a difference.
Haaaa. An answer I've never seen you give to the constant insanity that oozes out of this place. Maybe this forum just ain't a place for you if random people riffing isn't your thing.
I don't mind random riffing, but the trolling you engaged in on Saturday deserves an appropriate response. Second, the conspiracy mongering is worse than the 'Russia-gate', considering there was an actual special counsel for RG. So until there are indictments on DOJ brass for violation of US Code related to the overthrow of the gov't, all you are doing is the very thing you were righteously railing against with the Tabbi article. Riffing is not the same as hypocrisy.
Nope. Sorry. The origin story is out there and legit. You are purposely avoiding known facts about the Papadopolous entrapment, DNC-Fusion GPS dossier fabrication, the participation of foreign intelligence agencies (thanks Halifax), FISA abuse, leaking to the media, the recycling of information, and the triggering of the special council. The only ingredient missing in this attempted coup was Trump firing Mueller. A necessary ingredient for an obstruction charge that never came to be. You purposely have zero curiosity about any of this. Are you concerned that it reaches all the way to the top? It's already been reported that the White House was involved in the discussions on the first FISA warrant. Some in the DOJ were uncomfortable asking for it. Page/Strozk/McCabe wanted it bad. What was Obama's involvement. It's just too painful for you to ask the question.
It's late for this, but I'm going to offer it anyways:
People can say what they want, but I respect @BS44325 for his efforts expressing where he is at in this entire affair. He's far from a 'troll' and in my opinion offers a level of credibility to the 'other' side.
I'm not saying I agree with him entirely- I don't. But his contributions are infinitely greater than 'woot' and 'MAGA' and 'lock her up'... and if I'm being honest... I pause for thought when reading his submissions.
Yeah, I can appreciate it to an extent, but it's clear there is some trolling going on to. Most recently the "MAGA bitches" comment. There is a lot of pompous know-it-all in there even though it's a lot of speculation and mainly just meant to annoy the status quo in here who despise a gelatinous blob as president.
Not to mention the easily dispelled BS that he posts. But one example as he repeated the Faux News talking point regarding the Steele Dossier. I guess now Senator Graham is a liar?:
Sen. Lindsey O. Graham (R-S.C.) said Monday he had told Sen. John McCain to give the FBI the dossier on the Trump campaign’s alleged ties to Russia, a revelation that comes after Trump repeatedly assailed the late Arizona Republican over the issue.
Last week, Trump accused McCain of handing over the document “for very evil purposes.” McCain died of brain cancer in August.
Graham, chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, told reporters Monday McCain showed him the dossier when he received it in late 2016.
“And I told him the only thing I knew to do with it, it could be a bunch of garbage, it could be true, who knows? Turn it over to somebody whose job it is to find these things out, and John McCain acted appropriately,” Graham said, according to CNN.
“He & the Dems, working together, failed (as usual). Even the Fake News refused this garbage!” Trump said in the tweet.
McCain was not made aware of the Steele dossier until Nov. 18, 2016 — after Trump had won the election. And while McCain himself gave the dossier to the FBI, there is no evidence he gave it to the media.
Former McCain aide David Kramer, a Russia expert, has testified that he gave the dossier to the media in December 2016.
I actually think this is an important angle to pick apart. McCain's and Kramer's hands were on it. Kramer seems to have done more active disseminating then McCain but this all needs to be drilled down on. Remember at this point the dossier was not new. The FBI had it months before but now it was being passed to media through Kramer and FBI again through McCain. Did they innocently have it handed to them and just did what they thought was right or were they participating in something else. This was recycled intelligence made to appear as corroborating intelligence from a non-partisan source. This story will be told. McCain's obvious war hero status is not a reason to look away. You all felt that way in the run up to 2008.
You mean were they participating in the coup rumor that you continue to propagate without regard to the lessons learned from Iraq?
Yes. They were participating. The question is whether they were wittingly or unwittingly participating. Lindsey Graham believes McCain was an unwitting participant. Personally I am not ready to indict them or exonerate them.
I'm glad you aren't ready to indict them, considering a few things: 1. You're not a prosecutor 2. You're not a citizen 3. You have no evidence 4. You've never interviewed a subject in the matter. So I have to compliment you on your amazing restraint, although you still continue to apply intent to the actions of people who you don't know, never spoke with, and are responsible for keeping Americans safe every day. But keep at it, it makes a difference.
Haaaa. An answer I've never seen you give to the constant insanity that oozes out of this place. Maybe this forum just ain't a place for you if random people riffing isn't your thing.
I don't mind random riffing, but the trolling you engaged in on Saturday deserves an appropriate response. Second, the conspiracy mongering is worse than the 'Russia-gate', considering there was an actual special counsel for RG. So until there are indictments on DOJ brass for violation of US Code related to the overthrow of the gov't, all you are doing is the very thing you were righteously railing against with the Tabbi article. Riffing is not the same as hypocrisy.
Nope. Sorry. The origin story is out there and legit. You are purposely avoiding known facts about the Papadopolous entrapment, DNC-Fusion GPS dossier fabrication, the participation of foreign intelligence agencies (thanks Halifax), FISA abuse, leaking to the media, the recycling of information, and the triggering of the special council. The only ingredient missing in this attempted coup was Trump firing Mueller. A necessary ingredient for an obstruction charge that never came to be. You purposely have zero curiosity about any of this. Are you concerned that it reaches all the way to the top? It's already been reported that the White House was involved in the discussions on the first FISA warrant. Some in the DOJ were uncomfortable asking for it. Page/Strozk/McCabe wanted it bad. What was Obama's involvement. It's just too painful for you to ask the question.
Whoa! Now it's McCain AND Obama! OMG, the conspiracy is just growing every post. You make Tucker Carlson look fair and reasonable. Hilarious. @me when the indictments for the US Code hit, until then, you're just full of shit.
Actually, Obama's going to be investigated. I tend to doubt there's really anything to attach to him specficially. But there could be a lot of indictments incoming at some point and a lot of democrats in prison. And it's starting to look like there should be.
1995 Milwaukee 1998 Alpine, Alpine 2003 Albany, Boston, Boston, Boston 2004 Boston, Boston 2006 Hartford, St. Paul (Petty), St. Paul (Petty) 2011 Alpine, Alpine 2013 Wrigley 2014 St. Paul 2016 Fenway, Fenway, Wrigley, Wrigley 2018 Missoula, Wrigley, Wrigley 2021 Asbury Park 2022 St Louis 2023 Austin, Austin 2024 Napa, Wrigley, Wrigley
YO don't strain your arm patting yourself on the back.
The bar is SO staggeringly LOW, didn't coordinate with the government of Russia to swing the election? Thank Christ. Statues for EVERYONE.
Turns out those fuckers were too stupid to collude. What about all of that polling data passed on by the campaign manager so they could HAMMER Michigan Ohio and Pennsylvania with disinformation and ads to sway the stupid? OK then. Sounds like Jared's plan worked. He's a genius.
The ONE page single spaced letters that I delivered yesterday to members of my congressional delegation concerning making the Mueller Report public were almost HALF as long as that thin assed document Rudy was waving around last night on CNN, demanding apologies and claiming complete victory.
Then, as a bonus, we're stuck with one bad idea after another. Dismantling Obamacare? The answer to a question no one asked. Wait until we move on Venezuela.
You enablers are MORON-COMPLICIT. Let us know when more than 4 pages are available for review.
Hell yeah- saw that the pentagon released 1 billion and they’re building 57 miles of it near Yuma and El Paso. Good stuff. The media was focused on the mueller waste of time but 5000 illegal immigrants were stopped this past weekend alone. It’s out of control. In San Antonio ice just drops off these people at these bus stops after they’ve been detained near churches and they can’t feed or clothe them because they’re out of supplies and overflowing with people. The diseases are worrisome as very few of them are vaccinated at all.
Don't forget that the number of undocumented immigrants that ICE detains doesn't correlate with the number of undocumented immigrants coming into the US at any given time - it only correlates with the amount of energy they've been instructed to spend to detain persons. If Trump had said "ease back a bit", they'd have picked up less than 5000. What you're seeing does not mean a problem is getting worse - it means your President is tolerating less.
I'm not opposed to building the wall from a moral perspective - a country truly is entitled to fortify its borders if it chooses - but I find it short-sighted, and unnecessary (along with the things that come with it - the perceived cruelty, the real divide, the logistical challenges with a major trade partner, the increase in processing needs per border crossing and thus potential for bottleneck, and the cost of the thing, for no truly indicated or expected results).
I also think from a purely economic perspective, it's been understood for some time now that the jobs occupied by undocumented immigrants have effectively established a new market value for that labour, because they take the work that US citizens never wanted, and do it at a price US citizens deem beneath them. This means that if that influx disappears, businesses have to bear a newly increased cost for the labour. Businesses don't typically accept increased costs for labour - instead, they hire less, ask more of current employees, and have clients subsidize these realities with increased prices.
Putting all of these together, I think it's likely that the lasting legacy of a wall will be exploitation of the Mexican government (just like applying sanctions, it's another great way to restrict a country's global power while exerting your own, and gain trade negotiating leverage), the de-weaving of the social fabric with respect to US-Mexican cultural exchanges, security risks (when you threaten an entire neighbouring country's livelihood and escape route to safety, you should expect this), a less powerful internal economy where businesses act more frugally (as discussed above), a more expensive life with respect to consumer products, busier borders making trade more difficult.
Like I said, morally, if Trump wants to do this, he can, but he should know that he will own the costs and not just the benefits he perceives of this. You should know the costs too - and you should be concerned (whether you want this or not) that Trump doesn't want to talk about them.
You know, I (and many others) have been beating this drum for the longest time that wall proponents simply don't get: the effect this will have on the economy as a whole and their own wallets, specifically.
-illegal immigrants are working in fields and construction sites for pennies on the dollar -americans make more than those wages on welfare
They are not taking your jobs. americans are giving them to them. costs will inevitably increase substantially, and then all the wall bangers will be pissing and moaning about paying $3 an apple and thousands more for renos on their house.
these issues don't matter to the people on the Hill. they can afford these increases. they are using your own fear and racist tendencies against what's actually best for you.
You guys are both correct, I’m sure. I am for obeying the law, though, and illegal is illegal. If they go through the system then I have no problem with it at all. It’s not the people I have a problem with, it’s the fact that it’s not lawful. I’ve said it before, but even my employees who are from Mexico (some on visas and some are citizens) are against it because they did it lawfully. They don’t like the fact that some get to break the rules while they followed them. It has nothing to do with race for me, I don’t care if they’re from Sweden or Russia or China or Mars, we just don’t have a problemhappening on any of our other borders, just the one with Mexico.
as for the economics, I defer to the pros on that- I’m not bothered if I have to spend more money because we enforce our laws. That’s the way it is and we’ll change our spending habits to adapt. Here in austin the construction guys are creating chaos because the city is growing so big- so many undocumented guys are just leaving one site for another that will pay more in cash per day (in the middle of their shift no less,) that it’s delaying construction projects by months in some cases. You’re right, they’re the ones who want those jobs. I think if they were legal they’d still want those jobs though, so I’m not sure I fully get the argument that there would be no one to fill certain jobs. There would be, they’d just be legal
just don’t get why following laws makes people so uncomfortable
We absolutely have a problem on the "other borders". Tens of thousands of people come in via airports all over the country every day and overstay their visas by years and decades. But the right doesn't care about them for 2 main reasons.... 1. They tend to be caucasian 2. The right (politicians and right wing media)is stoking fears about the southern border.
And just to be clear....as a leftist socialist liberal Democrat I want people to follow the rule of law and do things legally and safely. I, and most like me do not want, and have never called for, open borders.
There is no more "southern border invasion " now then there was 5 or 10 or 25 years ago. Just people trying to stoke fear and garner votes.
Actually, Obama's going to be investigated. I tend to doubt there's really anything to attach to him specficially. But there could be a lot of indictments incoming at some point and a lot of democrats in prison. And it's starting to look like there should be.
Actually, Obama's going to be investigated. I tend to doubt there's really anything to attach to him specficially. But there could be a lot of indictments incoming at some point and a lot of democrats in prison. And it's starting to look like there should be.
Actually, Obama's going to be investigated. I tend to doubt there's really anything to attach to him specficially. But there could be a lot of indictments incoming at some point and a lot of democrats in prison. And it's starting to look like there should be.
Actually, Obama's going to be investigated. I tend to doubt there's really anything to attach to him specficially. But there could be a lot of indictments incoming at some point and a lot of democrats in prison. And it's starting to look like there should be.
It's late for this, but I'm going to offer it anyways:
People can say what they want, but I respect @BS44325 for his efforts expressing where he is at in this entire affair. He's far from a 'troll' and in my opinion offers a level of credibility to the 'other' side.
I'm not saying I agree with him entirely- I don't. But his contributions are infinitely greater than 'woot' and 'MAGA' and 'lock her up'... and if I'm being honest... I pause for thought when reading his submissions.
Yeah, I can appreciate it to an extent, but it's clear there is some trolling going on to. Most recently the "MAGA bitches" comment. There is a lot of pompous know-it-all in there even though it's a lot of speculation and mainly just meant to annoy the status quo in here who despise a gelatinous blob as president.
Not to mention the easily dispelled BS that he posts. But one example as he repeated the Faux News talking point regarding the Steele Dossier. I guess now Senator Graham is a liar?:
Sen. Lindsey O. Graham (R-S.C.) said Monday he had told Sen. John McCain to give the FBI the dossier on the Trump campaign’s alleged ties to Russia, a revelation that comes after Trump repeatedly assailed the late Arizona Republican over the issue.
Last week, Trump accused McCain of handing over the document “for very evil purposes.” McCain died of brain cancer in August.
Graham, chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, told reporters Monday McCain showed him the dossier when he received it in late 2016.
“And I told him the only thing I knew to do with it, it could be a bunch of garbage, it could be true, who knows? Turn it over to somebody whose job it is to find these things out, and John McCain acted appropriately,” Graham said, according to CNN.
“He & the Dems, working together, failed (as usual). Even the Fake News refused this garbage!” Trump said in the tweet.
McCain was not made aware of the Steele dossier until Nov. 18, 2016 — after Trump had won the election. And while McCain himself gave the dossier to the FBI, there is no evidence he gave it to the media.
Former McCain aide David Kramer, a Russia expert, has testified that he gave the dossier to the media in December 2016.
I actually think this is an important angle to pick apart. McCain's and Kramer's hands were on it. Kramer seems to have done more active disseminating then McCain but this all needs to be drilled down on. Remember at this point the dossier was not new. The FBI had it months before but now it was being passed to media through Kramer and FBI again through McCain. Did they innocently have it handed to them and just did what they thought was right or were they participating in something else. This was recycled intelligence made to appear as corroborating intelligence from a non-partisan source. This story will be told. McCain's obvious war hero status is not a reason to look away. You all felt that way in the run up to 2008.
You mean were they participating in the coup rumor that you continue to propagate without regard to the lessons learned from Iraq?
Yes. They were participating. The question is whether they were wittingly or unwittingly participating. Lindsey Graham believes McCain was an unwitting participant. Personally I am not ready to indict them or exonerate them.
I'm glad you aren't ready to indict them, considering a few things: 1. You're not a prosecutor 2. You're not a citizen 3. You have no evidence 4. You've never interviewed a subject in the matter. So I have to compliment you on your amazing restraint, although you still continue to apply intent to the actions of people who you don't know, never spoke with, and are responsible for keeping Americans safe every day. But keep at it, it makes a difference.
Haaaa. An answer I've never seen you give to the constant insanity that oozes out of this place. Maybe this forum just ain't a place for you if random people riffing isn't your thing.
I don't mind random riffing, but the trolling you engaged in on Saturday deserves an appropriate response. Second, the conspiracy mongering is worse than the 'Russia-gate', considering there was an actual special counsel for RG. So until there are indictments on DOJ brass for violation of US Code related to the overthrow of the gov't, all you are doing is the very thing you were righteously railing against with the Tabbi article. Riffing is not the same as hypocrisy.
Nope. Sorry. The origin story is out there and legit. You are purposely avoiding known facts about the Papadopolous entrapment, DNC-Fusion GPS dossier fabrication, the participation of foreign intelligence agencies (thanks Halifax), FISA abuse, leaking to the media, the recycling of information, and the triggering of the special council. The only ingredient missing in this attempted coup was Trump firing Mueller. A necessary ingredient for an obstruction charge that never came to be. You purposely have zero curiosity about any of this. Are you concerned that it reaches all the way to the top? It's already been reported that the White House was involved in the discussions on the first FISA warrant. Some in the DOJ were uncomfortable asking for it. Page/Strozk/McCabe wanted it bad. What was Obama's involvement. It's just too painful for you to ask the question.
Just when you think you’ve heard it all, “the origin story.”
It's late for this, but I'm going to offer it anyways:
People can say what they want, but I respect @BS44325 for his efforts expressing where he is at in this entire affair. He's far from a 'troll' and in my opinion offers a level of credibility to the 'other' side.
I'm not saying I agree with him entirely- I don't. But his contributions are infinitely greater than 'woot' and 'MAGA' and 'lock her up'... and if I'm being honest... I pause for thought when reading his submissions.
Yeah, I can appreciate it to an extent, but it's clear there is some trolling going on to. Most recently the "MAGA bitches" comment. There is a lot of pompous know-it-all in there even though it's a lot of speculation and mainly just meant to annoy the status quo in here who despise a gelatinous blob as president.
Not to mention the easily dispelled BS that he posts. But one example as he repeated the Faux News talking point regarding the Steele Dossier. I guess now Senator Graham is a liar?:
Sen. Lindsey O. Graham (R-S.C.) said Monday he had told Sen. John McCain to give the FBI the dossier on the Trump campaign’s alleged ties to Russia, a revelation that comes after Trump repeatedly assailed the late Arizona Republican over the issue.
Last week, Trump accused McCain of handing over the document “for very evil purposes.” McCain died of brain cancer in August.
Graham, chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, told reporters Monday McCain showed him the dossier when he received it in late 2016.
“And I told him the only thing I knew to do with it, it could be a bunch of garbage, it could be true, who knows? Turn it over to somebody whose job it is to find these things out, and John McCain acted appropriately,” Graham said, according to CNN.
“He & the Dems, working together, failed (as usual). Even the Fake News refused this garbage!” Trump said in the tweet.
McCain was not made aware of the Steele dossier until Nov. 18, 2016 — after Trump had won the election. And while McCain himself gave the dossier to the FBI, there is no evidence he gave it to the media.
Former McCain aide David Kramer, a Russia expert, has testified that he gave the dossier to the media in December 2016.
I actually think this is an important angle to pick apart. McCain's and Kramer's hands were on it. Kramer seems to have done more active disseminating then McCain but this all needs to be drilled down on. Remember at this point the dossier was not new. The FBI had it months before but now it was being passed to media through Kramer and FBI again through McCain. Did they innocently have it handed to them and just did what they thought was right or were they participating in something else. This was recycled intelligence made to appear as corroborating intelligence from a non-partisan source. This story will be told. McCain's obvious war hero status is not a reason to look away. You all felt that way in the run up to 2008.
You mean were they participating in the coup rumor that you continue to propagate without regard to the lessons learned from Iraq?
Yes. They were participating. The question is whether they were wittingly or unwittingly participating. Lindsey Graham believes McCain was an unwitting participant. Personally I am not ready to indict them or exonerate them.
I'm glad you aren't ready to indict them, considering a few things: 1. You're not a prosecutor 2. You're not a citizen 3. You have no evidence 4. You've never interviewed a subject in the matter. So I have to compliment you on your amazing restraint, although you still continue to apply intent to the actions of people who you don't know, never spoke with, and are responsible for keeping Americans safe every day. But keep at it, it makes a difference.
Haaaa. An answer I've never seen you give to the constant insanity that oozes out of this place. Maybe this forum just ain't a place for you if random people riffing isn't your thing.
I don't mind random riffing, but the trolling you engaged in on Saturday deserves an appropriate response. Second, the conspiracy mongering is worse than the 'Russia-gate', considering there was an actual special counsel for RG. So until there are indictments on DOJ brass for violation of US Code related to the overthrow of the gov't, all you are doing is the very thing you were righteously railing against with the Tabbi article. Riffing is not the same as hypocrisy.
Nope. Sorry. The origin story is out there and legit. You are purposely avoiding known facts about the Papadopolous entrapment, DNC-Fusion GPS dossier fabrication, the participation of foreign intelligence agencies (thanks Halifax), FISA abuse, leaking to the media, the recycling of information, and the triggering of the special council. The only ingredient missing in this attempted coup was Trump firing Mueller. A necessary ingredient for an obstruction charge that never came to be. You purposely have zero curiosity about any of this. Are you concerned that it reaches all the way to the top? It's already been reported that the White House was involved in the discussions on the first FISA warrant. Some in the DOJ were uncomfortable asking for it. Page/Strozk/McCabe wanted it bad. What was Obama's involvement. It's just too painful for you to ask the question.
Just when you think you’ve heard it all, “the origin story.”
Actually, Obama's going to be investigated. I tend to doubt there's really anything to attach to him specficially. But there could be a lot of indictments incoming at some point and a lot of democrats in prison. And it's starting to look like there should be.
Based on an opinion article in the Washington Examiner? No offense, but are you that easily persuaded?
More that I'm that convinced that we're in a one-party system...or on our way there.
1995 Milwaukee 1998 Alpine, Alpine 2003 Albany, Boston, Boston, Boston 2004 Boston, Boston 2006 Hartford, St. Paul (Petty), St. Paul (Petty) 2011 Alpine, Alpine 2013 Wrigley 2014 St. Paul 2016 Fenway, Fenway, Wrigley, Wrigley 2018 Missoula, Wrigley, Wrigley 2021 Asbury Park 2022 St Louis 2023 Austin, Austin 2024 Napa, Wrigley, Wrigley
It's late for this, but I'm going to offer it anyways:
People can say what they want, but I respect @BS44325 for his efforts expressing where he is at in this entire affair. He's far from a 'troll' and in my opinion offers a level of credibility to the 'other' side.
I'm not saying I agree with him entirely- I don't. But his contributions are infinitely greater than 'woot' and 'MAGA' and 'lock her up'... and if I'm being honest... I pause for thought when reading his submissions.
Yeah, I can appreciate it to an extent, but it's clear there is some trolling going on to. Most recently the "MAGA bitches" comment. There is a lot of pompous know-it-all in there even though it's a lot of speculation and mainly just meant to annoy the status quo in here who despise a gelatinous blob as president.
Not to mention the easily dispelled BS that he posts. But one example as he repeated the Faux News talking point regarding the Steele Dossier. I guess now Senator Graham is a liar?:
Sen. Lindsey O. Graham (R-S.C.) said Monday he had told Sen. John McCain to give the FBI the dossier on the Trump campaign’s alleged ties to Russia, a revelation that comes after Trump repeatedly assailed the late Arizona Republican over the issue.
Last week, Trump accused McCain of handing over the document “for very evil purposes.” McCain died of brain cancer in August.
Graham, chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, told reporters Monday McCain showed him the dossier when he received it in late 2016.
“And I told him the only thing I knew to do with it, it could be a bunch of garbage, it could be true, who knows? Turn it over to somebody whose job it is to find these things out, and John McCain acted appropriately,” Graham said, according to CNN.
“He & the Dems, working together, failed (as usual). Even the Fake News refused this garbage!” Trump said in the tweet.
McCain was not made aware of the Steele dossier until Nov. 18, 2016 — after Trump had won the election. And while McCain himself gave the dossier to the FBI, there is no evidence he gave it to the media.
Former McCain aide David Kramer, a Russia expert, has testified that he gave the dossier to the media in December 2016.
I actually think this is an important angle to pick apart. McCain's and Kramer's hands were on it. Kramer seems to have done more active disseminating then McCain but this all needs to be drilled down on. Remember at this point the dossier was not new. The FBI had it months before but now it was being passed to media through Kramer and FBI again through McCain. Did they innocently have it handed to them and just did what they thought was right or were they participating in something else. This was recycled intelligence made to appear as corroborating intelligence from a non-partisan source. This story will be told. McCain's obvious war hero status is not a reason to look away. You all felt that way in the run up to 2008.
You mean were they participating in the coup rumor that you continue to propagate without regard to the lessons learned from Iraq?
Yes. They were participating. The question is whether they were wittingly or unwittingly participating. Lindsey Graham believes McCain was an unwitting participant. Personally I am not ready to indict them or exonerate them.
I'm glad you aren't ready to indict them, considering a few things: 1. You're not a prosecutor 2. You're not a citizen 3. You have no evidence 4. You've never interviewed a subject in the matter. So I have to compliment you on your amazing restraint, although you still continue to apply intent to the actions of people who you don't know, never spoke with, and are responsible for keeping Americans safe every day. But keep at it, it makes a difference.
Haaaa. An answer I've never seen you give to the constant insanity that oozes out of this place. Maybe this forum just ain't a place for you if random people riffing isn't your thing.
I don't mind random riffing, but the trolling you engaged in on Saturday deserves an appropriate response. Second, the conspiracy mongering is worse than the 'Russia-gate', considering there was an actual special counsel for RG. So until there are indictments on DOJ brass for violation of US Code related to the overthrow of the gov't, all you are doing is the very thing you were righteously railing against with the Tabbi article. Riffing is not the same as hypocrisy.
Nope. Sorry. The origin story is out there and legit. You are purposely avoiding known facts about the Papadopolous entrapment, DNC-Fusion GPS dossier fabrication, the participation of foreign intelligence agencies (thanks Halifax), FISA abuse, leaking to the media, the recycling of information, and the triggering of the special council. The only ingredient missing in this attempted coup was Trump firing Mueller. A necessary ingredient for an obstruction charge that never came to be. You purposely have zero curiosity about any of this. Are you concerned that it reaches all the way to the top? It's already been reported that the White House was involved in the discussions on the first FISA warrant. Some in the DOJ were uncomfortable asking for it. Page/Strozk/McCabe wanted it bad. What was Obama's involvement. It's just too painful for you to ask the question.
Just when you think you’ve heard it all, “the origin story.”
the Christians call it Genesis
Is that the one with the muslims dancing in the streets of Jersey City?
It's late for this, but I'm going to offer it anyways:
People can say what they want, but I respect @BS44325 for his efforts expressing where he is at in this entire affair. He's far from a 'troll' and in my opinion offers a level of credibility to the 'other' side.
I'm not saying I agree with him entirely- I don't. But his contributions are infinitely greater than 'woot' and 'MAGA' and 'lock her up'... and if I'm being honest... I pause for thought when reading his submissions.
Yeah, I can appreciate it to an extent, but it's clear there is some trolling going on to. Most recently the "MAGA bitches" comment. There is a lot of pompous know-it-all in there even though it's a lot of speculation and mainly just meant to annoy the status quo in here who despise a gelatinous blob as president.
Not to mention the easily dispelled BS that he posts. But one example as he repeated the Faux News talking point regarding the Steele Dossier. I guess now Senator Graham is a liar?:
Sen. Lindsey O. Graham (R-S.C.) said Monday he had told Sen. John McCain to give the FBI the dossier on the Trump campaign’s alleged ties to Russia, a revelation that comes after Trump repeatedly assailed the late Arizona Republican over the issue.
Last week, Trump accused McCain of handing over the document “for very evil purposes.” McCain died of brain cancer in August.
Graham, chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, told reporters Monday McCain showed him the dossier when he received it in late 2016.
“And I told him the only thing I knew to do with it, it could be a bunch of garbage, it could be true, who knows? Turn it over to somebody whose job it is to find these things out, and John McCain acted appropriately,” Graham said, according to CNN.
“He & the Dems, working together, failed (as usual). Even the Fake News refused this garbage!” Trump said in the tweet.
McCain was not made aware of the Steele dossier until Nov. 18, 2016 — after Trump had won the election. And while McCain himself gave the dossier to the FBI, there is no evidence he gave it to the media.
Former McCain aide David Kramer, a Russia expert, has testified that he gave the dossier to the media in December 2016.
I actually think this is an important angle to pick apart. McCain's and Kramer's hands were on it. Kramer seems to have done more active disseminating then McCain but this all needs to be drilled down on. Remember at this point the dossier was not new. The FBI had it months before but now it was being passed to media through Kramer and FBI again through McCain. Did they innocently have it handed to them and just did what they thought was right or were they participating in something else. This was recycled intelligence made to appear as corroborating intelligence from a non-partisan source. This story will be told. McCain's obvious war hero status is not a reason to look away. You all felt that way in the run up to 2008.
You mean were they participating in the coup rumor that you continue to propagate without regard to the lessons learned from Iraq?
Yes. They were participating. The question is whether they were wittingly or unwittingly participating. Lindsey Graham believes McCain was an unwitting participant. Personally I am not ready to indict them or exonerate them.
I'm glad you aren't ready to indict them, considering a few things: 1. You're not a prosecutor 2. You're not a citizen 3. You have no evidence 4. You've never interviewed a subject in the matter. So I have to compliment you on your amazing restraint, although you still continue to apply intent to the actions of people who you don't know, never spoke with, and are responsible for keeping Americans safe every day. But keep at it, it makes a difference.
Haaaa. An answer I've never seen you give to the constant insanity that oozes out of this place. Maybe this forum just ain't a place for you if random people riffing isn't your thing.
I don't mind random riffing, but the trolling you engaged in on Saturday deserves an appropriate response. Second, the conspiracy mongering is worse than the 'Russia-gate', considering there was an actual special counsel for RG. So until there are indictments on DOJ brass for violation of US Code related to the overthrow of the gov't, all you are doing is the very thing you were righteously railing against with the Tabbi article. Riffing is not the same as hypocrisy.
Nope. Sorry. The origin story is out there and legit. You are purposely avoiding known facts about the Papadopolous entrapment, DNC-Fusion GPS dossier fabrication, the participation of foreign intelligence agencies (thanks Halifax), FISA abuse, leaking to the media, the recycling of information, and the triggering of the special council. The only ingredient missing in this attempted coup was Trump firing Mueller. A necessary ingredient for an obstruction charge that never came to be. You purposely have zero curiosity about any of this. Are you concerned that it reaches all the way to the top? It's already been reported that the White House was involved in the discussions on the first FISA warrant. Some in the DOJ were uncomfortable asking for it. Page/Strozk/McCabe wanted it bad. What was Obama's involvement. It's just too painful for you to ask the question.
Just when you think you’ve heard it all, “the origin story.”
the Christians call it Genesis
Is that the one with the muslims dancing in the streets of Jersey City?
Yes, that happened at the same time Trump was running into building 2 to pull people out.
It's late for this, but I'm going to offer it anyways:
People can say what they want, but I respect @BS44325 for his efforts expressing where he is at in this entire affair. He's far from a 'troll' and in my opinion offers a level of credibility to the 'other' side.
I'm not saying I agree with him entirely- I don't. But his contributions are infinitely greater than 'woot' and 'MAGA' and 'lock her up'... and if I'm being honest... I pause for thought when reading his submissions.
I appreciate this
Since your so appreciative today how about appreciating that the whole report has still not been released and why not ? If he’s so innocent what could be in the report that would prove otherwise?
It's late for this, but I'm going to offer it anyways:
People can say what they want, but I respect @BS44325 for his efforts expressing where he is at in this entire affair. He's far from a 'troll' and in my opinion offers a level of credibility to the 'other' side.
I'm not saying I agree with him entirely- I don't. But his contributions are infinitely greater than 'woot' and 'MAGA' and 'lock her up'... and if I'm being honest... I pause for thought when reading his submissions.
Yeah, I can appreciate it to an extent, but it's clear there is some trolling going on to. Most recently the "MAGA bitches" comment. There is a lot of pompous know-it-all in there even though it's a lot of speculation and mainly just meant to annoy the status quo in here who despise a gelatinous blob as president.
Not to mention the easily dispelled BS that he posts. But one example as he repeated the Faux News talking point regarding the Steele Dossier. I guess now Senator Graham is a liar?:
Sen. Lindsey O. Graham (R-S.C.) said Monday he had told Sen. John McCain to give the FBI the dossier on the Trump campaign’s alleged ties to Russia, a revelation that comes after Trump repeatedly assailed the late Arizona Republican over the issue.
Last week, Trump accused McCain of handing over the document “for very evil purposes.” McCain died of brain cancer in August.
Graham, chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, told reporters Monday McCain showed him the dossier when he received it in late 2016.
“And I told him the only thing I knew to do with it, it could be a bunch of garbage, it could be true, who knows? Turn it over to somebody whose job it is to find these things out, and John McCain acted appropriately,” Graham said, according to CNN.
“He & the Dems, working together, failed (as usual). Even the Fake News refused this garbage!” Trump said in the tweet.
McCain was not made aware of the Steele dossier until Nov. 18, 2016 — after Trump had won the election. And while McCain himself gave the dossier to the FBI, there is no evidence he gave it to the media.
Former McCain aide David Kramer, a Russia expert, has testified that he gave the dossier to the media in December 2016.
I actually think this is an important angle to pick apart. McCain's and Kramer's hands were on it. Kramer seems to have done more active disseminating then McCain but this all needs to be drilled down on. Remember at this point the dossier was not new. The FBI had it months before but now it was being passed to media through Kramer and FBI again through McCain. Did they innocently have it handed to them and just did what they thought was right or were they participating in something else. This was recycled intelligence made to appear as corroborating intelligence from a non-partisan source. This story will be told. McCain's obvious war hero status is not a reason to look away. You all felt that way in the run up to 2008.
You mean were they participating in the coup rumor that you continue to propagate without regard to the lessons learned from Iraq?
Yes. They were participating. The question is whether they were wittingly or unwittingly participating. Lindsey Graham believes McCain was an unwitting participant. Personally I am not ready to indict them or exonerate them.
I'm glad you aren't ready to indict them, considering a few things: 1. You're not a prosecutor 2. You're not a citizen 3. You have no evidence 4. You've never interviewed a subject in the matter. So I have to compliment you on your amazing restraint, although you still continue to apply intent to the actions of people who you don't know, never spoke with, and are responsible for keeping Americans safe every day. But keep at it, it makes a difference.
Haaaa. An answer I've never seen you give to the constant insanity that oozes out of this place. Maybe this forum just ain't a place for you if random people riffing isn't your thing.
I don't mind random riffing, but the trolling you engaged in on Saturday deserves an appropriate response. Second, the conspiracy mongering is worse than the 'Russia-gate', considering there was an actual special counsel for RG. So until there are indictments on DOJ brass for violation of US Code related to the overthrow of the gov't, all you are doing is the very thing you were righteously railing against with the Tabbi article. Riffing is not the same as hypocrisy.
Nope. Sorry. The origin story is out there and legit. You are purposely avoiding known facts about the Papadopolous entrapment, DNC-Fusion GPS dossier fabrication, the participation of foreign intelligence agencies (thanks Halifax), FISA abuse, leaking to the media, the recycling of information, and the triggering of the special council. The only ingredient missing in this attempted coup was Trump firing Mueller. A necessary ingredient for an obstruction charge that never came to be. You purposely have zero curiosity about any of this. Are you concerned that it reaches all the way to the top? It's already been reported that the White House was involved in the discussions on the first FISA warrant. Some in the DOJ were uncomfortable asking for it. Page/Strozk/McCabe wanted it bad. What was Obama's involvement. It's just too painful for you to ask the question.
Just when you think you’ve heard it all, “the origin story.”
the Christians call it Genesis
Is that the one with the muslims dancing in the streets of Jersey City?
I actually remember reading this in the newspapers a few days after 9/11.
It's late for this, but I'm going to offer it anyways:
People can say what they want, but I respect @BS44325 for his efforts expressing where he is at in this entire affair. He's far from a 'troll' and in my opinion offers a level of credibility to the 'other' side.
I'm not saying I agree with him entirely- I don't. But his contributions are infinitely greater than 'woot' and 'MAGA' and 'lock her up'... and if I'm being honest... I pause for thought when reading his submissions.
Yeah, I can appreciate it to an extent, but it's clear there is some trolling going on to. Most recently the "MAGA bitches" comment. There is a lot of pompous know-it-all in there even though it's a lot of speculation and mainly just meant to annoy the status quo in here who despise a gelatinous blob as president.
Not to mention the easily dispelled BS that he posts. But one example as he repeated the Faux News talking point regarding the Steele Dossier. I guess now Senator Graham is a liar?:
Sen. Lindsey O. Graham (R-S.C.) said Monday he had told Sen. John McCain to give the FBI the dossier on the Trump campaign’s alleged ties to Russia, a revelation that comes after Trump repeatedly assailed the late Arizona Republican over the issue.
Last week, Trump accused McCain of handing over the document “for very evil purposes.” McCain died of brain cancer in August.
Graham, chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, told reporters Monday McCain showed him the dossier when he received it in late 2016.
“And I told him the only thing I knew to do with it, it could be a bunch of garbage, it could be true, who knows? Turn it over to somebody whose job it is to find these things out, and John McCain acted appropriately,” Graham said, according to CNN.
“He & the Dems, working together, failed (as usual). Even the Fake News refused this garbage!” Trump said in the tweet.
McCain was not made aware of the Steele dossier until Nov. 18, 2016 — after Trump had won the election. And while McCain himself gave the dossier to the FBI, there is no evidence he gave it to the media.
Former McCain aide David Kramer, a Russia expert, has testified that he gave the dossier to the media in December 2016.
I actually think this is an important angle to pick apart. McCain's and Kramer's hands were on it. Kramer seems to have done more active disseminating then McCain but this all needs to be drilled down on. Remember at this point the dossier was not new. The FBI had it months before but now it was being passed to media through Kramer and FBI again through McCain. Did they innocently have it handed to them and just did what they thought was right or were they participating in something else. This was recycled intelligence made to appear as corroborating intelligence from a non-partisan source. This story will be told. McCain's obvious war hero status is not a reason to look away. You all felt that way in the run up to 2008.
You mean were they participating in the coup rumor that you continue to propagate without regard to the lessons learned from Iraq?
Yes. They were participating. The question is whether they were wittingly or unwittingly participating. Lindsey Graham believes McCain was an unwitting participant. Personally I am not ready to indict them or exonerate them.
I'm glad you aren't ready to indict them, considering a few things: 1. You're not a prosecutor 2. You're not a citizen 3. You have no evidence 4. You've never interviewed a subject in the matter. So I have to compliment you on your amazing restraint, although you still continue to apply intent to the actions of people who you don't know, never spoke with, and are responsible for keeping Americans safe every day. But keep at it, it makes a difference.
Haaaa. An answer I've never seen you give to the constant insanity that oozes out of this place. Maybe this forum just ain't a place for you if random people riffing isn't your thing.
I don't mind random riffing, but the trolling you engaged in on Saturday deserves an appropriate response. Second, the conspiracy mongering is worse than the 'Russia-gate', considering there was an actual special counsel for RG. So until there are indictments on DOJ brass for violation of US Code related to the overthrow of the gov't, all you are doing is the very thing you were righteously railing against with the Tabbi article. Riffing is not the same as hypocrisy.
Nope. Sorry. The origin story is out there and legit. You are purposely avoiding known facts about the Papadopolous entrapment, DNC-Fusion GPS dossier fabrication, the participation of foreign intelligence agencies (thanks Halifax), FISA abuse, leaking to the media, the recycling of information, and the triggering of the special council. The only ingredient missing in this attempted coup was Trump firing Mueller. A necessary ingredient for an obstruction charge that never came to be. You purposely have zero curiosity about any of this. Are you concerned that it reaches all the way to the top? It's already been reported that the White House was involved in the discussions on the first FISA warrant. Some in the DOJ were uncomfortable asking for it. Page/Strozk/McCabe wanted it bad. What was Obama's involvement. It's just too painful for you to ask the question.
Just when you think you’ve heard it all, “the origin story.”
the Christians call it Genesis
Is that the one with the muslims dancing in the streets of Jersey City?
I actually remember reading this in the newspapers a few days after 9/11.
and it has been repeatedly debunked.
"Oh Canada...you're beautiful when you're drunk" -EV 8/14/93
Just release the report let us see what’s so ridiculously false , I don’t believe Barr or Baffoon and the public shouldn’t either Barr should be subpoenaed as should Muller ...
It's late for this, but I'm going to offer it anyways:
People can say what they want, but I respect @BS44325 for his efforts expressing where he is at in this entire affair. He's far from a 'troll' and in my opinion offers a level of credibility to the 'other' side.
I'm not saying I agree with him entirely- I don't. But his contributions are infinitely greater than 'woot' and 'MAGA' and 'lock her up'... and if I'm being honest... I pause for thought when reading his submissions.
Yeah, I can appreciate it to an extent, but it's clear there is some trolling going on to. Most recently the "MAGA bitches" comment. There is a lot of pompous know-it-all in there even though it's a lot of speculation and mainly just meant to annoy the status quo in here who despise a gelatinous blob as president.
Not to mention the easily dispelled BS that he posts. But one example as he repeated the Faux News talking point regarding the Steele Dossier. I guess now Senator Graham is a liar?:
Sen. Lindsey O. Graham (R-S.C.) said Monday he had told Sen. John McCain to give the FBI the dossier on the Trump campaign’s alleged ties to Russia, a revelation that comes after Trump repeatedly assailed the late Arizona Republican over the issue.
Last week, Trump accused McCain of handing over the document “for very evil purposes.” McCain died of brain cancer in August.
Graham, chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, told reporters Monday McCain showed him the dossier when he received it in late 2016.
“And I told him the only thing I knew to do with it, it could be a bunch of garbage, it could be true, who knows? Turn it over to somebody whose job it is to find these things out, and John McCain acted appropriately,” Graham said, according to CNN.
“He & the Dems, working together, failed (as usual). Even the Fake News refused this garbage!” Trump said in the tweet.
McCain was not made aware of the Steele dossier until Nov. 18, 2016 — after Trump had won the election. And while McCain himself gave the dossier to the FBI, there is no evidence he gave it to the media.
Former McCain aide David Kramer, a Russia expert, has testified that he gave the dossier to the media in December 2016.
I actually think this is an important angle to pick apart. McCain's and Kramer's hands were on it. Kramer seems to have done more active disseminating then McCain but this all needs to be drilled down on. Remember at this point the dossier was not new. The FBI had it months before but now it was being passed to media through Kramer and FBI again through McCain. Did they innocently have it handed to them and just did what they thought was right or were they participating in something else. This was recycled intelligence made to appear as corroborating intelligence from a non-partisan source. This story will be told. McCain's obvious war hero status is not a reason to look away. You all felt that way in the run up to 2008.
You mean were they participating in the coup rumor that you continue to propagate without regard to the lessons learned from Iraq?
Yes. They were participating. The question is whether they were wittingly or unwittingly participating. Lindsey Graham believes McCain was an unwitting participant. Personally I am not ready to indict them or exonerate them.
I'm glad you aren't ready to indict them, considering a few things: 1. You're not a prosecutor 2. You're not a citizen 3. You have no evidence 4. You've never interviewed a subject in the matter. So I have to compliment you on your amazing restraint, although you still continue to apply intent to the actions of people who you don't know, never spoke with, and are responsible for keeping Americans safe every day. But keep at it, it makes a difference.
Haaaa. An answer I've never seen you give to the constant insanity that oozes out of this place. Maybe this forum just ain't a place for you if random people riffing isn't your thing.
I don't mind random riffing, but the trolling you engaged in on Saturday deserves an appropriate response. Second, the conspiracy mongering is worse than the 'Russia-gate', considering there was an actual special counsel for RG. So until there are indictments on DOJ brass for violation of US Code related to the overthrow of the gov't, all you are doing is the very thing you were righteously railing against with the Tabbi article. Riffing is not the same as hypocrisy.
Nope. Sorry. The origin story is out there and legit. You are purposely avoiding known facts about the Papadopolous entrapment, DNC-Fusion GPS dossier fabrication, the participation of foreign intelligence agencies (thanks Halifax), FISA abuse, leaking to the media, the recycling of information, and the triggering of the special council. The only ingredient missing in this attempted coup was Trump firing Mueller. A necessary ingredient for an obstruction charge that never came to be. You purposely have zero curiosity about any of this. Are you concerned that it reaches all the way to the top? It's already been reported that the White House was involved in the discussions on the first FISA warrant. Some in the DOJ were uncomfortable asking for it. Page/Strozk/McCabe wanted it bad. What was Obama's involvement. It's just too painful for you to ask the question.
Just when you think you’ve heard it all, “the origin story.”
the Christians call it Genesis
Is that the one with the muslims dancing in the streets of Jersey City?
I actually remember reading this in the newspapers a few days after 9/11.
I think it's fair to say that 99.99% of American Muslims were absolutely horrified on 9/11, and for more reasons than non-Muslims. They all knew immediately that they had just become targets themselves, just for being Muslim... Hell, not even just the Muslims felt that. All the brown people did.
With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be careful. Strive to be happy. ~ Desiderata
I actually remember reading this in the newspapers a few days after 9/11.
The Muslim shop owners I knew were very frightened that day. Most closed up early and went home out of fear. There were two Egyptian owned delis on 84th at the time.
I think it's fair to say that 99.99% of American Muslims were absolutely horrified on 9/11, and for more reasons than non-Muslims. They all knew immediately that they had just become targets themselves, just for being Muslim... Hell, not even just the Muslims felt that. All the brown people did.
trump et al are touting this wall as something that will reap economic and social benefits for the US, and the ones that are buying it are falling for it hook line and sinker because of their own biases. they WANT to believe it, so they do.
if it gets built, and their wages magically don't increase and their costs substantially increase (or, in your example, things come grinding to a halt because the dramatic absence of workers), it will be proven an incredible failure.
-EV 8/14/93
2013 Wrigley 2014 St. Paul 2016 Fenway, Fenway, Wrigley, Wrigley 2018 Missoula, Wrigley, Wrigley 2021 Asbury Park 2022 St Louis 2023 Austin, Austin
2024 Napa, Wrigley, Wrigley
The bar is SO staggeringly LOW, didn't coordinate with the government of Russia to swing the election? Thank Christ. Statues for EVERYONE.
Turns out those fuckers were too stupid to collude. What about all of that polling data passed on by the campaign manager so they could HAMMER Michigan Ohio and Pennsylvania with disinformation and ads to sway the stupid? OK then. Sounds like Jared's plan worked. He's a genius.
The ONE page single spaced letters that I delivered yesterday to members of my congressional delegation concerning making the Mueller Report public were almost HALF as long as that thin assed document Rudy was waving around last night on CNN, demanding apologies and claiming complete victory.
Then, as a bonus, we're stuck with one bad idea after another. Dismantling Obamacare? The answer to a question no one asked. Wait until we move on Venezuela.
You enablers are MORON-COMPLICIT. Let us know when more than 4 pages are available for review.
Tens of thousands of people come in via airports all over the country every day and overstay their visas by years and decades. But the right doesn't care about them for 2 main reasons....
1. They tend to be caucasian
2. The right (politicians and right wing media)is stoking fears about the southern border.
And just to be clear....as a leftist socialist liberal Democrat I want people to follow the rule of law and do things legally and safely. I, and most like me do not want, and have never called for, open borders.
There is no more "southern border invasion " now then there was 5 or 10 or 25 years ago.
Just people trying to stoke fear and garner votes.
-EV 8/14/93
-EV 8/14/93
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
2013 Wrigley 2014 St. Paul 2016 Fenway, Fenway, Wrigley, Wrigley 2018 Missoula, Wrigley, Wrigley 2021 Asbury Park 2022 St Louis 2023 Austin, Austin
2024 Napa, Wrigley, Wrigley
-EV 8/14/93
-EV 8/14/93