Rough day at work. Got a couple no collusion! shoutouts from my fellow co workers, lol. Fuck my life, lol.
Detroit 2000, Detroit 2003 1-2, Grand Rapids VFC 2004, Philly 2005, Grand Rapids 2006, Detroit 2006, Cleveland 2006, Lollapalooza 2007, Detroit Eddie Solo 2011, Detroit 2014, Chicago 2016 1-2, Chicago 2018 1-2, Ohana Encore 2021 1-2, Chicago Eddie/Earthlings 2022 1-2, Nashville 2022, St. Louis 2022
521 new posts since I last checked in, lol. I may never know how some of you feel about all this.
Long story short..... It's a dud
We all want the full report
Halifax says we are the Patriots losing in the Super Bowl 28-3, with the comeback about to start... i like optimists, so i hope he's right
Thirtybills hates me, i think...
BS - "MAGA Bitches!"
Rustneversleeps has the best board name, enjoys the cod sandwich at Wendys, and wants to party with Halifax & Bob Kraft
The witch hunt and Muellerites now desperately pivot to obstruction
Weird I thought you were one of the posters that wanted justice to prevail !
Where in my statement did i say anything different?
He's not a Russian stooge, thats a good thing, get over it bro... the report does not support the bullshit narrative forced down our throats for 2 years by US intelligence services and the media that he was in cahoots with russia and beholden to russia
The dossier is manufactured intelligence to smear a rogue politician... it's pretty obvious at this point, so dont hold your breath for a Ptape
I call it how i see it without the bullshit beltway narrative, that doesnt mean i'm voting for the guy lol
Couple of issues.. 1. Agree that if he's not a stooge, that's a good thing. Although interestingly, it makes his actions even more curious and idiotic than before. 2. The intelligence agencies didn't force jack shit down our throats. 3. The 'media' didn't say he was in cahoots, the left wing media did. The right wing media tells us he's awesome. I'm drawing this distinction because I'm tired of acting like Fox, Breitbart, etc. aren't the mainstream media. They are. So every time they lie, spin, omit, etc., that's the media too.
1. Your guess is as good as mine, if not better lol 2. Sure they did... James Clapper might as well have his own show on CNN lol 3. Fox is the most watched cable news TV station, i understand your point.... your parsing a bit though, since pretty much EVERY major media outlet not named Fox has run with the Russian boogeyman narrative for years
Did You know...
libs get split between MSNBC and CNN, and taken together they have far more viewers than Fox?
Although Fox is the #1 cable channel, MSNBC was a respectable #3 behind ESPN ?
So Trump is either a total moron, or is a diabolical criminal mastermind in a vast international conspiracy
Can we make up our minds on this one?
I think he lands somewhere in-between. "Shyster" seems like the most appropriate word to describe both his business career and his political career.
I think he's both a moron and a mastermind. I think he's a political and administrative moron. He doesn't read briefings, he doesn't trust data, he doesn't listen to his advisers and he can't talk policy because there's no depth. He only has his prodigious gut to rely on. He's a moron in the Oval Office. But he's also a devious grifter, part of the NYC real estate developer game. Those guys are sleazebags and straddle both sides of legal. So when it comes to running an organized crime family, I think he's done a pretty remarkable job. But when it comes to being a President, the guy is clearly a fucking moron.
"I'll use the magic word - let's just shut the fuck up, please." EV, 04/13/08
I don’t understand the anger by many after finding out we don’t have a Russian operative in the White House. I understand not liking the guy or disagreeing with his politics, but I’ll opt for the outcome we received over the alternative. Imagine if we found out that our current system truly allowed a Russian spy to infiltrate the highest office in America.
I don’t understand the anger by many after finding out we don’t have a Russian operative in the White House. I understand not liking the guy or disagreeing with his politics, but I’ll opt for the outcome we received over the alternative. Imagine if we found out that our current system truly allowed a Russian spy to infiltrate the highest office in America.
I don’t understand the anger by many after finding out we don’t have a Russian operative in the White House. I understand not liking the guy or disagreeing with his politics, but I’ll opt for the outcome we received over the alternative. Imagine if we found out that our current system truly allowed a Russian spy to infiltrate the highest office in America.
Oh yeah? Where's all this anger?
Or are you mistaking us calling for the release of the full Mueller report as anger?
I don’t understand the anger by many after finding out we don’t have a Russian operative in the White House. I understand not liking the guy or disagreeing with his politics, but I’ll opt for the outcome we received over the alternative. Imagine if we found out that our current system truly allowed a Russian spy to infiltrate the highest office in America.
this 100%
This 0%. We haven’t received the report and there’s multiple investigations still on going.
I don’t understand the anger by many after finding out we don’t have a Russian operative in the White House. I understand not liking the guy or disagreeing with his politics, but I’ll opt for the outcome we received over the alternative. Imagine if we found out that our current system truly allowed a Russian spy to infiltrate the highest office in America.
You trust Barr I don’t let me ask you if there’s nothing to hide then why not release the whole report and everything that was investigated & found , I don’t trust Barr or this Baffoon at all and he might not be a Russian operative but he sure as hell is working For Putin’s best interest period !
And let’s just call it what it is , Muller was hired as a special prosecutor and when it came to making the tough decision he punted it to Barr and now its two times someone from the justice dept has helped the Baffoon 1st Comey and now Muller !
I don’t understand the anger by many after finding out we don’t have a Russian operative in the White House. I understand not liking the guy or disagreeing with his politics, but I’ll opt for the outcome we received over the alternative. Imagine if we found out that our current system truly allowed a Russian spy to infiltrate the highest office in America.
Oh yeah? Where's all this anger?
Or are you mistaking us calling for the release of the full Mueller report as anger?
I’m not mistaking anything. I’ve seen plenty of anger that there was no collusion. Here, media, colleagues, friends, acquaintances...plenty of it going around. Everyone would like to see the full report, I’m sure.
I don’t understand the anger by many after finding out we don’t have a Russian operative in the White House. I understand not liking the guy or disagreeing with his politics, but I’ll opt for the outcome we received over the alternative. Imagine if we found out that our current system truly allowed a Russian spy to infiltrate the highest office in America.
You trust Barr I don’t let me ask you if there’s nothing to hide then why not release the whole report and everything that was investigated & found , I don’t trust Barr or this Baffoon at all and he might not be a Russian operative but he sure as hell is working For Putin’s best interest period !
I would love to see the full report, just like you. I’m sure in due time we will.
Moving through All Kinds of Terrain. Posts: 42,802
I don’t understand the anger by many after finding out we don’t have a Russian operative in the White House. I understand not liking the guy or disagreeing with his politics, but I’ll opt for the outcome we received over the alternative. Imagine if we found out that our current system truly allowed a Russian spy to infiltrate the highest office in America.
I guess I'm in the minority on this as well. If there was true collusion and it's kept hidden, yes, that would be a terrible thing. But I agree, biggs, I would rather find that this was not allowed to happen.
Some will ask, "OK, but how you not be angry?" And I would say, "Oh, I'm angry alright. Somewhat angry anyway, but at this point, mostly just very, very disappointed that this country has fallen so low and is so misinformed and so poorly educated and so prejudiced and so sexist and so short sighted and so uncaring about the planet that sustains us as to elect a man like Trump to the highest office in the country. That's my biggest disappointment. To me, that's the clearest sign of our greatest dysfunction.
"Don't give in to the lies. Don't give in to the fear. Hold on to the truth. And to hope."
I don’t understand the anger by many after finding out we don’t have a Russian operative in the White House. I understand not liking the guy or disagreeing with his politics, but I’ll opt for the outcome we received over the alternative. Imagine if we found out that our current system truly allowed a Russian spy to infiltrate the highest office in America.
You trust Barr I don’t let me ask you if there’s nothing to hide then why not release the whole report and everything that was investigated & found , I don’t trust Barr or this Baffoon at all and he might not be a Russian operative but he sure as hell is working For Putin’s best interest period !
Speaking of periods, you have to start using them, man. Obviously English isn't your first language and I admire you and anyone that can learn a second language because I don't think I'd be able to do it. But after over 20,000 posts on this board, you should start putting in some sort of effort. You have a good enough grasp of the language to be able to add sentence-ending punctuation to your repertoire. And I'm not trying to insult you. I want to read your posts and opinions on here just as I do everyone else's. But they're unreadable.
I don’t understand the anger by many after finding out we don’t have a Russian operative in the White House. I understand not liking the guy or disagreeing with his politics, but I’ll opt for the outcome we received over the alternative. Imagine if we found out that our current system truly allowed a Russian spy to infiltrate the highest office in America.
You trust Barr I don’t let me ask you if there’s nothing to hide then why not release the whole report and everything that was investigated & found , I don’t trust Barr or this Baffoon at all and he might not be a Russian operative but he sure as hell is working For Putin’s best interest period !
Speaking of periods, you have to start using them, man. Obviously English isn't your first language and I admire you and anyone that can learn a second language because I don't think I'd be able to do it. But after over 20,000 posts on this board, you should start putting in some sort of effort. You have a good enough grasp of the language to be able to add sentence-ending punctuation to your repertoire. And I'm not trying to insult you. I want to read your posts and opinions on here just as I do everyone else's. But they're unreadable.
this is pretty harsh dude.
"Oh're beautiful when you're drunk" -EV 8/14/93
Ferguson/Michael brown baltimore/Freddy gray trayvon Martin/Zimmerman jussie smollette duke lacrosse kids at Indian reservation trump/Russia collusion
is it just me or is the media in this country selling a false narrative more so than just reporting the news? It’s always guilty before innocent and it snowballs to epic proportions sometimes including riots and violence. What a shitshow.
I don’t understand the anger by many after finding out we don’t have a Russian operative in the White House. I understand not liking the guy or disagreeing with his politics, but I’ll opt for the outcome we received over the alternative. Imagine if we found out that our current system truly allowed a Russian spy to infiltrate the highest office in America.
You trust Barr I don’t let me ask you if there’s nothing to hide then why not release the whole report and everything that was investigated & found , I don’t trust Barr or this Baffoon at all and he might not be a Russian operative but he sure as hell is working For Putin’s best interest period !
Speaking of periods, you have to start using them, man. Obviously English isn't your first language and I admire you and anyone that can learn a second language because I don't think I'd be able to do it. But after over 20,000 posts on this board, you should start putting in some sort of effort. You have a good enough grasp of the language to be able to add sentence-ending punctuation to your repertoire. And I'm not trying to insult you. I want to read your posts and opinions on here just as I do everyone else's. But they're unreadable.
this is pretty harsh dude.
I expected some responses like this. Hey, I said I admire him and I'm interested in his opinions.
Detroit 2000, Detroit 2003 1-2, Grand Rapids VFC 2004, Philly 2005, Grand Rapids 2006, Detroit 2006, Cleveland 2006, Lollapalooza 2007, Detroit Eddie Solo 2011, Detroit 2014, Chicago 2016 1-2, Chicago 2018 1-2, Ohana Encore 2021 1-2, Chicago Eddie/Earthlings 2022 1-2, Nashville 2022, St. Louis 2022
libs get split between MSNBC and CNN, and taken together they have far more viewers than Fox?
Although Fox is the #1 cable channel, MSNBC was a respectable #3 behind ESPN ?
OK, spinning continue...
It's where we raise our eyebrows and look at how suddenly Russia feels very little threat from the US embarking upon South American soil.
I'm not sure.
I think the real question is: would Russia have done this with any other president?
Or are you mistaking us calling for the release of the full Mueller report as anger?
take a look at the other presidents when they called a national emergency ..and it’s misleading stats too I admit it
Pearl Jam bootlegs:
-EV 8/14/93
baltimore/Freddy gray
trayvon Martin/Zimmerman
jussie smollette
duke lacrosse
kids at Indian reservation
trump/Russia collusion
is it just me or is the media in this country selling a false narrative more so than just reporting the news? It’s always guilty before innocent and it snowballs to epic proportions sometimes including riots and violence. What a shitshow.
Pearl Jam bootlegs:
There was some Russians at the white