forcing someone, much less a child, to do anything to their body against their will goes against every fundamental human right. look, I get it. I don't want this shit coming back either. But you do it through education.
Education doesn't work on a lot of these idiot anti-vaxxers. That's where the problem is coming from in the first place. I think it's much worse to deny a child vaccinations than it is to give them vaccinations against their parents' wills (the child's will is irrelevant ... LOTS of things are done against the so-called wills of children all the time, by necessity, as dictated by law).
Post edited by PJ_Soul on
With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be careful. Strive to be happy. ~ Desiderata
of course it doesn't. but forced (anything) against a person's will, especially when it comes to injecting something into their body they do not want, is not the answer. never will be.
"Oh're beautiful when you're drunk" -EV 8/14/93
Medically, biologically, we don’t need 100% compliance to have robust herd immmnity.
The very act of measuring a behaviour generally leads to change in that behaviour. Though we don’t know the details of the registry yet, it seems it will need to involve parents providing info on vaccinations. That act alone will push some parents into vaccinating, where they were on the fence or just not making it a priority. The publicity associated with this outbreak has already increased rates as well. The registry will provide further opportunities for targeted approaches to parents to encourage vaccination, and will point out the weak links if an outbreak occurs. It may well help quite a bit.
my small self... like a book amongst the many on a shelf
I have less faith in the anti-vaxxers and potential anti-vaxxers than you do I guess. If they all get in line because of whatever actions by the government, fantastic. Of course I hope you're right that that shit will work. Obviously, if those things do work, then my radical (but sincerely held) idea wouldn't be necessary. But I don't think this ridiculous movement is going anywhere. Not unless the internet goes away. And this is an international issue as well, not just a local or national one.
Post edited by PJ_Soul on
With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be careful. Strive to be happy. ~ Desiderata
I'm not suggesting they be detained. They should be taken to a medical clinic and vaccinated if the parents refuse to comply with the law (that I think should exist - it should be illegal to not get kids vaccinated, just as it should be illegal for unvaccinated people to enter the country - I think it should be noted on every passport). That's all. I suppose you could call the time it takes to do that detainment, then sure, detained. I understand you disagree. I think it should be done. I also know it won't be, which I think is too bad.
With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be careful. Strive to be happy. ~ Desiderata
What a joke. Can we publicly behead these cowards? /s
And one of them was narrating a bunch of videos that ISIS created showing mass killings and beheadings and this clown will be allowed back...what is the matter with Trudeau. The UK has said no, and I believe they encouraged the military to leave them dead on the battlefield.
I hope to be able to read testimony tonight. I can’t watch or read from work.
I'm watching it live, and it's not looking good for Trudeau. Now the public needs to be constantly reminded of this in the same way Duffy was flogged leading up to the last election.
"The world is full of idiots and I am but one of them."
10-30-1991 Toronto, Toronto 1 & 2 2016, Toronto 2022
One of the most troubling things mentioned was how, if JWR had played ball, the Liberals would have commissioned oped pieces to run in the mainstream media to back her up. They clearly knew they were over the line and needed cover!
Seriously, I hope the only way out for the Liberals is for Trudeau to step down and choose a new leader before October. Worked out fine for Ontario’s Conservatives, lol.
"The world is full of idiots and I am but one of them."
10-30-1991 Toronto, Toronto 1 & 2 2016, Toronto 2022
Ummm. Pardon me? Are they, and you, claiming that's actually what was said? Because of course that's ridiculous, and kind of a weird claim for a publication to make.
The whole affair certainly appears to be full of unethical behaviour and wrongdoing on several levels, from what we know so far. We don't know all of it and I'm sure there's more info come out. It's puzzling why anyone thinks they need to make up shit to add to it, particularly the ongoing personal slurs that seem to be featured here lately.
Here is the text of the actual letter written by Butts. “I watched the testimony of the Honourable Jody Wilson-Raybould yesterday,” Butts’s letter said. “I believe my testimony will be of assistance to the (committee) in its consideration of these matters. I respectfully request the opportunity to attend the committee. I need a short period of time to receive legal advice concerning my evidence and to be able to produce relevant documents to the committee.”
If anybody believes Butts, I got swamp land for sale in Alaska...
Gerald Butts is a spoiled fucking creep and his influence in Ontario politics lead many in Ontario to energy poverty. He starts the process of the ship sinking then abandons the ship.
Of course, they'll let him testify. The lieberals control justice committee. I guess some Canadians are fine with tax dollars going to a corrupt company so they can hire prostitutes for dictators sons. I guess the hooker jobs is what PM Mr. Dressup wanted saved.
-EV 8/14/93
The very act of measuring a behaviour generally leads to change in that behaviour. Though we don’t know the details of the registry yet, it seems it will need to involve parents providing info on vaccinations. That act alone will push some parents into vaccinating, where they were on the fence or just not making it a priority. The publicity associated with this outbreak has already increased rates as well. The registry will provide further opportunities for targeted approaches to parents to encourage vaccination, and will point out the weak links if an outbreak occurs. It may well help quite a bit.
-EV 8/14/93
What a joke. Can we publicly behead these cowards? /s
And one of them was narrating a bunch of videos that ISIS created showing mass killings and beheadings and this clown will be allowed back...what is the matter with Trudeau. The UK has said no, and I believe they encouraged the military to leave them dead on the battlefield.
The stupidity of the anti-vaxxers continue...
Trudeau should quit. and the liberals should nominate her. It is only appropriate that our 1st real female PM is also 1st nation.
This is the PM you are so proud of...
10-30-1991 Toronto, Toronto 1 & 2 2016, Toronto 2022
He is a liberal. Telling everyone your PM is a crook.
Seriously, I hope the only way out for the Liberals is for Trudeau to step down and choose a new leader before October. Worked out fine for Ontario’s Conservatives, lol.
10-30-1991 Toronto, Toronto 1 & 2 2016, Toronto 2022
10-30-1991 Toronto, Toronto 1 & 2 2016, Toronto 2022
I believe every word of what she has to say, but her pauses when answering certain questions were telling.
I loved that Gerald Butts is going to be taken down hard in this. That dude is fucking fraud.
Trudeau really is not very bright...
Skippy McDinksocks
-EV 8/14/93
He stands by Canadian
Ummm. Pardon me? Are they, and you, claiming that's actually what was said? Because of course that's ridiculous, and kind of a weird claim for a publication to make.
The whole affair certainly appears to be full of unethical behaviour and wrongdoing on several levels, from what we know so far. We don't know all of it and I'm sure there's more info come out. It's puzzling why anyone thinks they need to make up shit to add to it, particularly the ongoing personal slurs that seem to be featured here lately.
Here is the text of the actual letter written by Butts.
“I watched the testimony of the Honourable Jody Wilson-Raybould yesterday,” Butts’s letter said. “I believe my testimony will be of assistance to the (committee) in its consideration of these matters. I respectfully request the opportunity to attend the committee. I need a short period of time to receive legal advice concerning my evidence and to be able to produce relevant documents to the committee.”
Gerald Butts is a spoiled fucking creep and his influence in Ontario politics lead many in Ontario to energy poverty. He starts the process of the ship sinking then abandons the ship.
Of course, they'll let him testify. The lieberals control justice committee. I guess some Canadians are fine with tax dollars going to a corrupt company so they can hire prostitutes for dictators sons. I guess the hooker jobs is what PM Mr. Dressup wanted saved.