carry on not addressing the recent wikis and her unquenchable thirst for the dolla dolla bill y'all.
I am confused. I thought most Americans are really gung-ho about making money.
that's what funny about this. nothing is addressed about Trump's legal avoidance of taxes and bankruptcy claims which left thousands of workers and vendors without payment, but aw, "Hillary likes to make money making speeches! for shame!". And all this "queen" talk leaves me with a bad taste in my mouth. You never heard anyone talk about a male POTUS or candidate as "king". what's with the queen bullshit? I'm guessing it's a dig at her supporters that the perception is they are grovelling idiots who will bow down to her and believe everything she says. which is rubbish. almost all of them have already plainly stated that they'd only prefer her over Trump, because that's the choice they were given. no other reason.
"Oh're beautiful when you're drunk" -EV 8/14/93
carry on not addressing the recent wikis and her unquenchable thirst for the dolla dolla bill y'all.
I am confused. I thought most Americans are really gung-ho about making money.
that's what funny about this. nothing is addressed about Trump's legal avoidance of taxes and bankruptcy claims which left thousands of workers and vendors without payment, but aw, "Hillary likes to make money making speeches! for shame!". And all this "queen" talk leaves me with a bad taste in my mouth. You never heard anyone talk about a male POTUS or candidate as "king". what's with the queen bullshit? I'm guessing it's a dig at her supporters that the perception is they are grovelling idiots who will bow down to her and believe everything she says. which is rubbish. almost all of them have already plainly stated that they'd only prefer her over Trump, because that's the choice they were given. no other reason.
carry on not addressing the recent wikis and her unquenchable thirst for the dolla dolla bill y'all.
I am confused. I thought most Americans are really gung-ho about making money.
that's what funny about this. nothing is addressed about Trump's legal avoidance of taxes and bankruptcy claims which left thousands of workers and vendors without payment, but aw, "Hillary likes to make money making speeches! for shame!". And all this "queen" talk leaves me with a bad taste in my mouth. You never heard anyone talk about a male POTUS or candidate as "king". what's with the queen bullshit? I'm guessing it's a dig at her supporters that the perception is they are grovelling idiots who will bow down to her and believe everything she says. which is rubbish. almost all of them have already plainly stated that they'd only prefer her over Trump, because that's the choice they were given. no other reason.
So Bill Clinton was expected to do what after leaving the White House? Never work again? So you think that people who work for government have no right to secondary incomes?
With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be careful. Strive to be happy. ~ Desiderata
carry on not addressing the recent wikis and her unquenchable thirst for the dolla dolla bill y'all.
I am confused. I thought most Americans are really gung-ho about making money.
that's what funny about this. nothing is addressed about Trump's legal avoidance of taxes and bankruptcy claims which left thousands of workers and vendors without payment, but aw, "Hillary likes to make money making speeches! for shame!". And all this "queen" talk leaves me with a bad taste in my mouth. You never heard anyone talk about a male POTUS or candidate as "king". what's with the queen bullshit? I'm guessing it's a dig at her supporters that the perception is they are grovelling idiots who will bow down to her and believe everything she says. which is rubbish. almost all of them have already plainly stated that they'd only prefer her over Trump, because that's the choice they were given. no other reason.
So Bill Clinton was expected to do what after leaving the White House? Never work again? So you think that people who work for government have no right to secondary incomes?
jesus, no kidding. what a stupid argument.
"Oh're beautiful when you're drunk" -EV 8/14/93
I stopped by on March 7 2024. First time in many years, had to update payment info. Hope all is well. Politicians suck. Bye. Posts: 9,487
That is a sad assessment Gambs but I won't argue as it is your state and there is no doubt that you know it better then me. I guess my question is if your state in certain parts is as racist as you say then how did it go for Obama in both elections? Why is it trending towards Trump now? Has it become more racist in the last 8 years or is it simply that the African American vote is completely unethused by Clinton. The racism argument just doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me considering it's previous voting record.
Just from the info you guys have stated here, I would assume it's because Ohio was a lot more eager to be xenophobic against Muslims than they were to be racist against black people. Being scared about and angry at Muslims is one of Trump's major platforms, and a lot of Americans are eating it up for breakfast.
Yeah, why? You don't think that a lot of people have been lured in by Trump's very extreme views when it comes to Muslims? It's one of his main talking points.
No. I don't think that explains it at all. I think that again is using the racism card to discount the real concerns of the working class voter that democrats no longer care to address.
But how does the GOP convince the working class to vote for them? By suggesting that their lives are worse because of affirmative action (racism), immigrants that take their jobs (racism), taxes that are increasing (which they aren't for the middle class).
Or things like NAFTA and TPP are outsourcing all of the manufacturing jobs.
Now I'm really confused. Are the factories moving to Mexico? Or are the Mexicans coming here to steal our jobs?
The jobs are outsourced and your shit party is subsidizing an invasion of third world countries.
You get what you want, the end of the white race, endless dem votes, and your "diversity". You won't have to worry about rigging elections anymore.
Unfortunately it also imports a real rape culture, unlike the imagined one in the states, a real war on women, and imports people that throw gays off of building roofs.
well that was the most depressing thing I'll read all day. it's so sad people actually think this is how the world is.
You're in Minneapolis have you looked around the city???? Parts of it look like a 3rd world country
Yeah and 99% of it doesn't. I guess you think poverty is something new in this country.
99% of is doesn't??? every city have poverty but Minneapolis is a Somali ISIS breading ground...i used to live there and go back often to visit and i don't even recognize most of the city anymore.....anyway irrelevant to this thread i suppose
It's not irrelevant. Hillary's America will be like this in every town.
Fear of a Black Planet right here. I thought you gun owners weren't afraid of nuthin?
Black planet? Uh no.
I've never claimed to be unafraid. The prospect of a Clinton Presidency terrifies me. I don't want to see the USA go down the drain to pacify her globalist boss.
How do you ever step outside of your bunker?
Aren't you in Canada?
oh, here we go with the "you aren't from here, you have no valid opinion" argument again. "america is an island, unless you support my position".
Just wondering how you became so much of an expert on illegal immigration and the importation of thousands of "refugees" because your country manufactured another illegal war with a country that is sending these "refugees".
How much of a burden is it to Canada? I mean, from your personal experience of course.
Does Trudeau get his strings pulled by Soros and the Saudis as easily as Clinton does hers?
I didn't become an expert. never claimed that. why is that retort used so often against the left? if you are disagreed with, somehow that person is claiming to be an expert. it's either we are idiots or we're experts with some of you.
And if we disagree with your policies we are accused of being racist.
wrong. I don't think everyone on the right is a racist. nor do I believe that all trump supporters are racist. I do, however, think someone is a racist based on their dialogue. yours today seems dangerously close to that classification. Which honestly comes as a surprise to me. I never pegged you as someone who was concerned for the "preservation of the white race" and the "influx of rapists from the south", to paraphrase some recent comments of yours.
And yes that's paraphrasing.
My statement was that the left wants to see the end of the white race.
I stand by that. That is not racist, well not on my part anyway.
I also said your desire for diversity will import a real rape culture, and judging by the events that took place in Germany and other parts of Europe it is a factually accurate statement.
Are you concerned about cross breeding between whites and other colors? Is that what you mean by the end of the white race?
I can't tell you why the left wants to end it, you'd have to ask a leftist.
That is a sad assessment Gambs but I won't argue as it is your state and there is no doubt that you know it better then me. I guess my question is if your state in certain parts is as racist as you say then how did it go for Obama in both elections? Why is it trending towards Trump now? Has it become more racist in the last 8 years or is it simply that the African American vote is completely unethused by Clinton. The racism argument just doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me considering it's previous voting record.
Just from the info you guys have stated here, I would assume it's because Ohio was a lot more eager to be xenophobic against Muslims than they were to be racist against black people. Being scared about and angry at Muslims is one of Trump's major platforms, and a lot of Americans are eating it up for breakfast.
Yeah, why? You don't think that a lot of people have been lured in by Trump's very extreme views when it comes to Muslims? It's one of his main talking points.
No. I don't think that explains it at all. I think that again is using the racism card to discount the real concerns of the working class voter that democrats no longer care to address.
But how does the GOP convince the working class to vote for them? By suggesting that their lives are worse because of affirmative action (racism), immigrants that take their jobs (racism), taxes that are increasing (which they aren't for the middle class).
Or things like NAFTA and TPP are outsourcing all of the manufacturing jobs.
Now I'm really confused. Are the factories moving to Mexico? Or are the Mexicans coming here to steal our jobs?
The jobs are outsourced and your shit party is subsidizing an invasion of third world countries.
You get what you want, the end of the white race, endless dem votes, and your "diversity". You won't have to worry about rigging elections anymore.
Unfortunately it also imports a real rape culture, unlike the imagined one in the states, a real war on women, and imports people that throw gays off of building roofs.
well that was the most depressing thing I'll read all day. it's so sad people actually think this is how the world is.
You're in Minneapolis have you looked around the city???? Parts of it look like a 3rd world country
Yeah and 99% of it doesn't. I guess you think poverty is something new in this country.
99% of is doesn't??? every city have poverty but Minneapolis is a Somali ISIS breading ground...i used to live there and go back often to visit and i don't even recognize most of the city anymore.....anyway irrelevant to this thread i suppose
It's not irrelevant. Hillary's America will be like this in every town.
Fear of a Black Planet right here. I thought you gun owners weren't afraid of nuthin?
Black planet? Uh no.
I've never claimed to be unafraid. The prospect of a Clinton Presidency terrifies me. I don't want to see the USA go down the drain to pacify her globalist boss.
How do you ever step outside of your bunker?
Aren't you in Canada?
oh, here we go with the "you aren't from here, you have no valid opinion" argument again. "america is an island, unless you support my position".
Just wondering how you became so much of an expert on illegal immigration and the importation of thousands of "refugees" because your country manufactured another illegal war with a country that is sending these "refugees".
How much of a burden is it to Canada? I mean, from your personal experience of course.
Does Trudeau get his strings pulled by Soros and the Saudis as easily as Clinton does hers?
I didn't become an expert. never claimed that. why is that retort used so often against the left? if you are disagreed with, somehow that person is claiming to be an expert. it's either we are idiots or we're experts with some of you.
And if we disagree with your policies we are accused of being racist.
wrong. I don't think everyone on the right is a racist. nor do I believe that all trump supporters are racist. I do, however, think someone is a racist based on their dialogue. yours today seems dangerously close to that classification. Which honestly comes as a surprise to me. I never pegged you as someone who was concerned for the "preservation of the white race" and the "influx of rapists from the south", to paraphrase some recent comments of yours.
And yes that's paraphrasing.
My statement was that the left wants to see the end of the white race.
I stand by that. That is not racist, well not on my part anyway.
I also said your desire for diversity will import a real rape culture, and judging by the events that took place in Germany and other parts of Europe it is a factually accurate statement.
Are you concerned about cross breeding between whites and other colors? Is that what you mean by the end of the white race?
I can't tell you why the left wants to end it, you'd have to ask a leftist.
let's say they do (they don't). why does it matter to you?
"Oh're beautiful when you're drunk" -EV 8/14/93
That is a sad assessment Gambs but I won't argue as it is your state and there is no doubt that you know it better then me. I guess my question is if your state in certain parts is as racist as you say then how did it go for Obama in both elections? Why is it trending towards Trump now? Has it become more racist in the last 8 years or is it simply that the African American vote is completely unethused by Clinton. The racism argument just doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me considering it's previous voting record.
Just from the info you guys have stated here, I would assume it's because Ohio was a lot more eager to be xenophobic against Muslims than they were to be racist against black people. Being scared about and angry at Muslims is one of Trump's major platforms, and a lot of Americans are eating it up for breakfast.
Yeah, why? You don't think that a lot of people have been lured in by Trump's very extreme views when it comes to Muslims? It's one of his main talking points.
No. I don't think that explains it at all. I think that again is using the racism card to discount the real concerns of the working class voter that democrats no longer care to address.
But how does the GOP convince the working class to vote for them? By suggesting that their lives are worse because of affirmative action (racism), immigrants that take their jobs (racism), taxes that are increasing (which they aren't for the middle class).
Or things like NAFTA and TPP are outsourcing all of the manufacturing jobs.
Now I'm really confused. Are the factories moving to Mexico? Or are the Mexicans coming here to steal our jobs?
The jobs are outsourced and your shit party is subsidizing an invasion of third world countries.
You get what you want, the end of the white race, endless dem votes, and your "diversity". You won't have to worry about rigging elections anymore.
Unfortunately it also imports a real rape culture, unlike the imagined one in the states, a real war on women, and imports people that throw gays off of building roofs.
well that was the most depressing thing I'll read all day. it's so sad people actually think this is how the world is.
You're in Minneapolis have you looked around the city???? Parts of it look like a 3rd world country
Yeah and 99% of it doesn't. I guess you think poverty is something new in this country.
99% of is doesn't??? every city have poverty but Minneapolis is a Somali ISIS breading ground...i used to live there and go back often to visit and i don't even recognize most of the city anymore.....anyway irrelevant to this thread i suppose
It's not irrelevant. Hillary's America will be like this in every town.
Fear of a Black Planet right here. I thought you gun owners weren't afraid of nuthin?
Black planet? Uh no.
I've never claimed to be unafraid. The prospect of a Clinton Presidency terrifies me. I don't want to see the USA go down the drain to pacify her globalist boss.
How do you ever step outside of your bunker?
Aren't you in Canada?
oh, here we go with the "you aren't from here, you have no valid opinion" argument again. "america is an island, unless you support my position".
Just wondering how you became so much of an expert on illegal immigration and the importation of thousands of "refugees" because your country manufactured another illegal war with a country that is sending these "refugees".
How much of a burden is it to Canada? I mean, from your personal experience of course.
Does Trudeau get his strings pulled by Soros and the Saudis as easily as Clinton does hers?
I didn't become an expert. never claimed that. why is that retort used so often against the left? if you are disagreed with, somehow that person is claiming to be an expert. it's either we are idiots or we're experts with some of you.
And if we disagree with your policies we are accused of being racist.
wrong. I don't think everyone on the right is a racist. nor do I believe that all trump supporters are racist. I do, however, think someone is a racist based on their dialogue. yours today seems dangerously close to that classification. Which honestly comes as a surprise to me. I never pegged you as someone who was concerned for the "preservation of the white race" and the "influx of rapists from the south", to paraphrase some recent comments of yours.
And yes that's paraphrasing.
My statement was that the left wants to see the end of the white race.
I stand by that. That is not racist, well not on my part anyway.
I also said your desire for diversity will import a real rape culture, and judging by the events that took place in Germany and other parts of Europe it is a factually accurate statement.
Are you concerned about cross breeding between whites and other colors? Is that what you mean by the end of the white race?
Would you like me to start quoting the "holy" Talmud and it's views of us goyim? It is a collection of the most racist writings in the history of the world. lmao
I stopped by on March 7 2024. First time in many years, had to update payment info. Hope all is well. Politicians suck. Bye. Posts: 9,487
Calling someone a racist no longer wins the argument just because they don't agree with your desired direction of the country.
Keep deflecting on how your policies can't be implemented without the use of force, and how those policies bring crime to areas that didn't have it.
How is Sheldon Adelson Gern's boy? I fail to see the connection there.
Well it's quite clear now. You see first Sheldon Adelson is jewish and a big supporter of Israel. Second according to Rssesq, Gern's support for Hillary, who happens herself to be a supporter of Israel, makes Adelson "Gern's boy". It is convulted to be sure but in Rssesq's anti-semetic mind everyone is just in the pocket of that "yiddish man" Sheldon Adelson and the rest of the big jewish cabal. Hillary, Gern, Everybody.
Should I add *Adelson fanboy" to my signature? I don't want to misrepresent myself.
Ha. We've gone head to head many a time. But an "Adelson fanboy" I am pretty sure you are not.
That is a sad assessment Gambs but I won't argue as it is your state and there is no doubt that you know it better then me. I guess my question is if your state in certain parts is as racist as you say then how did it go for Obama in both elections? Why is it trending towards Trump now? Has it become more racist in the last 8 years or is it simply that the African American vote is completely unethused by Clinton. The racism argument just doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me considering it's previous voting record.
Just from the info you guys have stated here, I would assume it's because Ohio was a lot more eager to be xenophobic against Muslims than they were to be racist against black people. Being scared about and angry at Muslims is one of Trump's major platforms, and a lot of Americans are eating it up for breakfast.
Yeah, why? You don't think that a lot of people have been lured in by Trump's very extreme views when it comes to Muslims? It's one of his main talking points.
No. I don't think that explains it at all. I think that again is using the racism card to discount the real concerns of the working class voter that democrats no longer care to address.
But how does the GOP convince the working class to vote for them? By suggesting that their lives are worse because of affirmative action (racism), immigrants that take their jobs (racism), taxes that are increasing (which they aren't for the middle class).
Or things like NAFTA and TPP are outsourcing all of the manufacturing jobs.
Now I'm really confused. Are the factories moving to Mexico? Or are the Mexicans coming here to steal our jobs?
The jobs are outsourced and your shit party is subsidizing an invasion of third world countries.
You get what you want, the end of the white race, endless dem votes, and your "diversity". You won't have to worry about rigging elections anymore.
Unfortunately it also imports a real rape culture, unlike the imagined one in the states, a real war on women, and imports people that throw gays off of building roofs.
Well, well, well, you finally show your true colors. Let me guess, you're voting for David Duke? Deplorable indeed.
There have been a few unmaskings in the last day. Very interesting and enlightening.
I hope we're talking about the Indians.
I stopped by on March 7 2024. First time in many years, had to update payment info. Hope all is well. Politicians suck. Bye. Posts: 9,487
carry on not addressing the recent wikis and her unquenchable thirst for the dolla dolla bill y'all.
I am confused. I thought most Americans are really gung-ho about making money.
that's what funny about this. nothing is addressed about Trump's legal avoidance of taxes and bankruptcy claims which left thousands of workers and vendors without payment, but aw, "Hillary likes to make money making speeches! for shame!". And all this "queen" talk leaves me with a bad taste in my mouth. You never heard anyone talk about a male POTUS or candidate as "king". what's with the queen bullshit? I'm guessing it's a dig at her supporters that the perception is they are grovelling idiots who will bow down to her and believe everything she says. which is rubbish. almost all of them have already plainly stated that they'd only prefer her over Trump, because that's the choice they were given. no other reason.
So Bill Clinton was expected to do what after leaving the White House? Never work again? So you think that people who work for government have no right to secondary incomes?
jesus, no kidding. what a stupid argument.
Having his Secretary of State wife line up cash donors from Russian oligarchs to Moroccan Kings for PAY FOR PLAY services is wholey kosher. lmao
That is a sad assessment Gambs but I won't argue as it is your state and there is no doubt that you know it better then me. I guess my question is if your state in certain parts is as racist as you say then how did it go for Obama in both elections? Why is it trending towards Trump now? Has it become more racist in the last 8 years or is it simply that the African American vote is completely unethused by Clinton. The racism argument just doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me considering it's previous voting record.
Just from the info you guys have stated here, I would assume it's because Ohio was a lot more eager to be xenophobic against Muslims than they were to be racist against black people. Being scared about and angry at Muslims is one of Trump's major platforms, and a lot of Americans are eating it up for breakfast.
Yeah, why? You don't think that a lot of people have been lured in by Trump's very extreme views when it comes to Muslims? It's one of his main talking points.
No. I don't think that explains it at all. I think that again is using the racism card to discount the real concerns of the working class voter that democrats no longer care to address.
But how does the GOP convince the working class to vote for them? By suggesting that their lives are worse because of affirmative action (racism), immigrants that take their jobs (racism), taxes that are increasing (which they aren't for the middle class).
Or things like NAFTA and TPP are outsourcing all of the manufacturing jobs.
Now I'm really confused. Are the factories moving to Mexico? Or are the Mexicans coming here to steal our jobs?
The jobs are outsourced and your shit party is subsidizing an invasion of third world countries.
You get what you want, the end of the white race, endless dem votes, and your "diversity". You won't have to worry about rigging elections anymore.
Unfortunately it also imports a real rape culture, unlike the imagined one in the states, a real war on women, and imports people that throw gays off of building roofs.
well that was the most depressing thing I'll read all day. it's so sad people actually think this is how the world is.
You're in Minneapolis have you looked around the city???? Parts of it look like a 3rd world country
Yeah and 99% of it doesn't. I guess you think poverty is something new in this country.
99% of is doesn't??? every city have poverty but Minneapolis is a Somali ISIS breading ground...i used to live there and go back often to visit and i don't even recognize most of the city anymore.....anyway irrelevant to this thread i suppose
It's not irrelevant. Hillary's America will be like this in every town.
Fear of a Black Planet right here. I thought you gun owners weren't afraid of nuthin?
Black planet? Uh no.
I've never claimed to be unafraid. The prospect of a Clinton Presidency terrifies me. I don't want to see the USA go down the drain to pacify her globalist boss.
How do you ever step outside of your bunker?
Aren't you in Canada?
oh, here we go with the "you aren't from here, you have no valid opinion" argument again. "america is an island, unless you support my position".
Just wondering how you became so much of an expert on illegal immigration and the importation of thousands of "refugees" because your country manufactured another illegal war with a country that is sending these "refugees".
How much of a burden is it to Canada? I mean, from your personal experience of course.
Does Trudeau get his strings pulled by Soros and the Saudis as easily as Clinton does hers?
I didn't become an expert. never claimed that. why is that retort used so often against the left? if you are disagreed with, somehow that person is claiming to be an expert. it's either we are idiots or we're experts with some of you.
And if we disagree with your policies we are accused of being racist.
wrong. I don't think everyone on the right is a racist. nor do I believe that all trump supporters are racist. I do, however, think someone is a racist based on their dialogue. yours today seems dangerously close to that classification. Which honestly comes as a surprise to me. I never pegged you as someone who was concerned for the "preservation of the white race" and the "influx of rapists from the south", to paraphrase some recent comments of yours.
And yes that's paraphrasing.
My statement was that the left wants to see the end of the white race.
I stand by that. That is not racist, well not on my part anyway.
I also said your desire for diversity will import a real rape culture, and judging by the events that took place in Germany and other parts of Europe it is a factually accurate statement.
Are you concerned about cross breeding between whites and other colors? Is that what you mean by the end of the white race?
Would you like me to start quoting the "holy" Talmud and it's views of us goyim? It is a collection of the most racist writings in the history of the world. lmao
thought so, lol
I stopped by on March 7 2024. First time in many years, had to update payment info. Hope all is well. Politicians suck. Bye. Posts: 9,487
That is a sad assessment Gambs but I won't argue as it is your state and there is no doubt that you know it better then me. I guess my question is if your state in certain parts is as racist as you say then how did it go for Obama in both elections? Why is it trending towards Trump now? Has it become more racist in the last 8 years or is it simply that the African American vote is completely unethused by Clinton. The racism argument just doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me considering it's previous voting record.
Just from the info you guys have stated here, I would assume it's because Ohio was a lot more eager to be xenophobic against Muslims than they were to be racist against black people. Being scared about and angry at Muslims is one of Trump's major platforms, and a lot of Americans are eating it up for breakfast.
Yeah, why? You don't think that a lot of people have been lured in by Trump's very extreme views when it comes to Muslims? It's one of his main talking points.
No. I don't think that explains it at all. I think that again is using the racism card to discount the real concerns of the working class voter that democrats no longer care to address.
But how does the GOP convince the working class to vote for them? By suggesting that their lives are worse because of affirmative action (racism), immigrants that take their jobs (racism), taxes that are increasing (which they aren't for the middle class).
Or things like NAFTA and TPP are outsourcing all of the manufacturing jobs.
Now I'm really confused. Are the factories moving to Mexico? Or are the Mexicans coming here to steal our jobs?
The jobs are outsourced and your shit party is subsidizing an invasion of third world countries.
You get what you want, the end of the white race, endless dem votes, and your "diversity". You won't have to worry about rigging elections anymore.
Unfortunately it also imports a real rape culture, unlike the imagined one in the states, a real war on women, and imports people that throw gays off of building roofs.
well that was the most depressing thing I'll read all day. it's so sad people actually think this is how the world is.
You're in Minneapolis have you looked around the city???? Parts of it look like a 3rd world country
Yeah and 99% of it doesn't. I guess you think poverty is something new in this country.
99% of is doesn't??? every city have poverty but Minneapolis is a Somali ISIS breading ground...i used to live there and go back often to visit and i don't even recognize most of the city anymore.....anyway irrelevant to this thread i suppose
It's not irrelevant. Hillary's America will be like this in every town.
Fear of a Black Planet right here. I thought you gun owners weren't afraid of nuthin?
Black planet? Uh no.
I've never claimed to be unafraid. The prospect of a Clinton Presidency terrifies me. I don't want to see the USA go down the drain to pacify her globalist boss.
How do you ever step outside of your bunker?
Aren't you in Canada?
oh, here we go with the "you aren't from here, you have no valid opinion" argument again. "america is an island, unless you support my position".
Just wondering how you became so much of an expert on illegal immigration and the importation of thousands of "refugees" because your country manufactured another illegal war with a country that is sending these "refugees".
How much of a burden is it to Canada? I mean, from your personal experience of course.
Does Trudeau get his strings pulled by Soros and the Saudis as easily as Clinton does hers?
I didn't become an expert. never claimed that. why is that retort used so often against the left? if you are disagreed with, somehow that person is claiming to be an expert. it's either we are idiots or we're experts with some of you.
And if we disagree with your policies we are accused of being racist.
wrong. I don't think everyone on the right is a racist. nor do I believe that all trump supporters are racist. I do, however, think someone is a racist based on their dialogue. yours today seems dangerously close to that classification. Which honestly comes as a surprise to me. I never pegged you as someone who was concerned for the "preservation of the white race" and the "influx of rapists from the south", to paraphrase some recent comments of yours.
And yes that's paraphrasing.
My statement was that the left wants to see the end of the white race.
I stand by that. That is not racist, well not on my part anyway.
I also said your desire for diversity will import a real rape culture, and judging by the events that took place in Germany and other parts of Europe it is a factually accurate statement.
Are you concerned about cross breeding between whites and other colors? Is that what you mean by the end of the white race?
I can't tell you why the left wants to end it, you'd have to ask a leftist.
let's say they do (they don't). why does it matter to you?
7% of the babies born here are born to illegal immigrants.
It's a problem when they don't bring anything to the table.
The USA is turning into a country of consumers, not producers. The gravy train will end at some point.
That is a sad assessment Gambs but I won't argue as it is your state and there is no doubt that you know it better then me. I guess my question is if your state in certain parts is as racist as you say then how did it go for Obama in both elections? Why is it trending towards Trump now? Has it become more racist in the last 8 years or is it simply that the African American vote is completely unethused by Clinton. The racism argument just doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me considering it's previous voting record.
Just from the info you guys have stated here, I would assume it's because Ohio was a lot more eager to be xenophobic against Muslims than they were to be racist against black people. Being scared about and angry at Muslims is one of Trump's major platforms, and a lot of Americans are eating it up for breakfast.
Yeah, why? You don't think that a lot of people have been lured in by Trump's very extreme views when it comes to Muslims? It's one of his main talking points.
No. I don't think that explains it at all. I think that again is using the racism card to discount the real concerns of the working class voter that democrats no longer care to address.
But how does the GOP convince the working class to vote for them? By suggesting that their lives are worse because of affirmative action (racism), immigrants that take their jobs (racism), taxes that are increasing (which they aren't for the middle class).
Or things like NAFTA and TPP are outsourcing all of the manufacturing jobs.
Now I'm really confused. Are the factories moving to Mexico? Or are the Mexicans coming here to steal our jobs?
The jobs are outsourced and your shit party is subsidizing an invasion of third world countries.
You get what you want, the end of the white race, endless dem votes, and your "diversity". You won't have to worry about rigging elections anymore.
Unfortunately it also imports a real rape culture, unlike the imagined one in the states, a real war on women, and imports people that throw gays off of building roofs.
well that was the most depressing thing I'll read all day. it's so sad people actually think this is how the world is.
You're in Minneapolis have you looked around the city???? Parts of it look like a 3rd world country
Yeah and 99% of it doesn't. I guess you think poverty is something new in this country.
99% of is doesn't??? every city have poverty but Minneapolis is a Somali ISIS breading ground...i used to live there and go back often to visit and i don't even recognize most of the city anymore.....anyway irrelevant to this thread i suppose
It's not irrelevant. Hillary's America will be like this in every town.
Fear of a Black Planet right here. I thought you gun owners weren't afraid of nuthin?
Black planet? Uh no.
I've never claimed to be unafraid. The prospect of a Clinton Presidency terrifies me. I don't want to see the USA go down the drain to pacify her globalist boss.
How do you ever step outside of your bunker?
Aren't you in Canada?
oh, here we go with the "you aren't from here, you have no valid opinion" argument again. "america is an island, unless you support my position".
Just wondering how you became so much of an expert on illegal immigration and the importation of thousands of "refugees" because your country manufactured another illegal war with a country that is sending these "refugees".
How much of a burden is it to Canada? I mean, from your personal experience of course.
Does Trudeau get his strings pulled by Soros and the Saudis as easily as Clinton does hers?
I didn't become an expert. never claimed that. why is that retort used so often against the left? if you are disagreed with, somehow that person is claiming to be an expert. it's either we are idiots or we're experts with some of you.
And if we disagree with your policies we are accused of being racist.
wrong. I don't think everyone on the right is a racist. nor do I believe that all trump supporters are racist. I do, however, think someone is a racist based on their dialogue. yours today seems dangerously close to that classification. Which honestly comes as a surprise to me. I never pegged you as someone who was concerned for the "preservation of the white race" and the "influx of rapists from the south", to paraphrase some recent comments of yours.
And yes that's paraphrasing.
My statement was that the left wants to see the end of the white race.
I stand by that. That is not racist, well not on my part anyway.
I also said your desire for diversity will import a real rape culture, and judging by the events that took place in Germany and other parts of Europe it is a factually accurate statement.
Are you concerned about cross breeding between whites and other colors? Is that what you mean by the end of the white race?
I can't tell you why the left wants to end it, you'd have to ask a leftist.
let's say they do (they don't). why does it matter to you?
7% of the babies born here are born to illegal immigrants.
It's a problem when they don't bring anything to the table.
The USA is turning into a country of consumers, not producers. The gravy train will end at some point.
That is a sad assessment Gambs but I won't argue as it is your state and there is no doubt that you know it better then me. I guess my question is if your state in certain parts is as racist as you say then how did it go for Obama in both elections? Why is it trending towards Trump now? Has it become more racist in the last 8 years or is it simply that the African American vote is completely unethused by Clinton. The racism argument just doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me considering it's previous voting record.
Just from the info you guys have stated here, I would assume it's because Ohio was a lot more eager to be xenophobic against Muslims than they were to be racist against black people. Being scared about and angry at Muslims is one of Trump's major platforms, and a lot of Americans are eating it up for breakfast.
Yeah, why? You don't think that a lot of people have been lured in by Trump's very extreme views when it comes to Muslims? It's one of his main talking points.
No. I don't think that explains it at all. I think that again is using the racism card to discount the real concerns of the working class voter that democrats no longer care to address.
But how does the GOP convince the working class to vote for them? By suggesting that their lives are worse because of affirmative action (racism), immigrants that take their jobs (racism), taxes that are increasing (which they aren't for the middle class).
Or things like NAFTA and TPP are outsourcing all of the manufacturing jobs.
Now I'm really confused. Are the factories moving to Mexico? Or are the Mexicans coming here to steal our jobs?
The jobs are outsourced and your shit party is subsidizing an invasion of third world countries.
You get what you want, the end of the white race, endless dem votes, and your "diversity". You won't have to worry about rigging elections anymore.
Unfortunately it also imports a real rape culture, unlike the imagined one in the states, a real war on women, and imports people that throw gays off of building roofs.
well that was the most depressing thing I'll read all day. it's so sad people actually think this is how the world is.
You're in Minneapolis have you looked around the city???? Parts of it look like a 3rd world country
Yeah and 99% of it doesn't. I guess you think poverty is something new in this country.
99% of is doesn't??? every city have poverty but Minneapolis is a Somali ISIS breading ground...i used to live there and go back often to visit and i don't even recognize most of the city anymore.....anyway irrelevant to this thread i suppose
It's not irrelevant. Hillary's America will be like this in every town.
Fear of a Black Planet right here. I thought you gun owners weren't afraid of nuthin?
Black planet? Uh no.
I've never claimed to be unafraid. The prospect of a Clinton Presidency terrifies me. I don't want to see the USA go down the drain to pacify her globalist boss.
How do you ever step outside of your bunker?
Aren't you in Canada?
oh, here we go with the "you aren't from here, you have no valid opinion" argument again. "america is an island, unless you support my position".
Just wondering how you became so much of an expert on illegal immigration and the importation of thousands of "refugees" because your country manufactured another illegal war with a country that is sending these "refugees".
How much of a burden is it to Canada? I mean, from your personal experience of course.
Does Trudeau get his strings pulled by Soros and the Saudis as easily as Clinton does hers?
I didn't become an expert. never claimed that. why is that retort used so often against the left? if you are disagreed with, somehow that person is claiming to be an expert. it's either we are idiots or we're experts with some of you.
And if we disagree with your policies we are accused of being racist.
wrong. I don't think everyone on the right is a racist. nor do I believe that all trump supporters are racist. I do, however, think someone is a racist based on their dialogue. yours today seems dangerously close to that classification. Which honestly comes as a surprise to me. I never pegged you as someone who was concerned for the "preservation of the white race" and the "influx of rapists from the south", to paraphrase some recent comments of yours.
And yes that's paraphrasing.
My statement was that the left wants to see the end of the white race.
I stand by that. That is not racist, well not on my part anyway.
I also said your desire for diversity will import a real rape culture, and judging by the events that took place in Germany and other parts of Europe it is a factually accurate statement.
Are you concerned about cross breeding between whites and other colors? Is that what you mean by the end of the white race?
I can't tell you why the left wants to end it, you'd have to ask a leftist.
let's say they do (they don't). why does it matter to you?
7% of the babies born here are born to illegal immigrants.
It's a problem when they don't bring anything to the table.
The USA is turning into a country of consumers, not producers. The gravy train will end at some point.
That is my fear.
Nice prejudice there. Immigrants bring more drive and work ethic than the ones who have been here for generations. But you do reference your fear, so that clarifies where your bigotry is coming from.
I stopped by on March 7 2024. First time in many years, had to update payment info. Hope all is well. Politicians suck. Bye. Posts: 9,487
That is a sad assessment Gambs but I won't argue as it is your state and there is no doubt that you know it better then me. I guess my question is if your state in certain parts is as racist as you say then how did it go for Obama in both elections? Why is it trending towards Trump now? Has it become more racist in the last 8 years or is it simply that the African American vote is completely unethused by Clinton. The racism argument just doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me considering it's previous voting record.
Just from the info you guys have stated here, I would assume it's because Ohio was a lot more eager to be xenophobic against Muslims than they were to be racist against black people. Being scared about and angry at Muslims is one of Trump's major platforms, and a lot of Americans are eating it up for breakfast.
Yeah, why? You don't think that a lot of people have been lured in by Trump's very extreme views when it comes to Muslims? It's one of his main talking points.
No. I don't think that explains it at all. I think that again is using the racism card to discount the real concerns of the working class voter that democrats no longer care to address.
But how does the GOP convince the working class to vote for them? By suggesting that their lives are worse because of affirmative action (racism), immigrants that take their jobs (racism), taxes that are increasing (which they aren't for the middle class).
Or things like NAFTA and TPP are outsourcing all of the manufacturing jobs.
Now I'm really confused. Are the factories moving to Mexico? Or are the Mexicans coming here to steal our jobs?
The jobs are outsourced and your shit party is subsidizing an invasion of third world countries.
You get what you want, the end of the white race, endless dem votes, and your "diversity". You won't have to worry about rigging elections anymore.
Unfortunately it also imports a real rape culture, unlike the imagined one in the states, a real war on women, and imports people that throw gays off of building roofs.
well that was the most depressing thing I'll read all day. it's so sad people actually think this is how the world is.
You're in Minneapolis have you looked around the city???? Parts of it look like a 3rd world country
Yeah and 99% of it doesn't. I guess you think poverty is something new in this country.
99% of is doesn't??? every city have poverty but Minneapolis is a Somali ISIS breading ground...i used to live there and go back often to visit and i don't even recognize most of the city anymore.....anyway irrelevant to this thread i suppose
It's not irrelevant. Hillary's America will be like this in every town.
Fear of a Black Planet right here. I thought you gun owners weren't afraid of nuthin?
Black planet? Uh no.
I've never claimed to be unafraid. The prospect of a Clinton Presidency terrifies me. I don't want to see the USA go down the drain to pacify her globalist boss.
How do you ever step outside of your bunker?
Aren't you in Canada?
oh, here we go with the "you aren't from here, you have no valid opinion" argument again. "america is an island, unless you support my position".
Just wondering how you became so much of an expert on illegal immigration and the importation of thousands of "refugees" because your country manufactured another illegal war with a country that is sending these "refugees".
How much of a burden is it to Canada? I mean, from your personal experience of course.
Does Trudeau get his strings pulled by Soros and the Saudis as easily as Clinton does hers?
I didn't become an expert. never claimed that. why is that retort used so often against the left? if you are disagreed with, somehow that person is claiming to be an expert. it's either we are idiots or we're experts with some of you.
And if we disagree with your policies we are accused of being racist.
wrong. I don't think everyone on the right is a racist. nor do I believe that all trump supporters are racist. I do, however, think someone is a racist based on their dialogue. yours today seems dangerously close to that classification. Which honestly comes as a surprise to me. I never pegged you as someone who was concerned for the "preservation of the white race" and the "influx of rapists from the south", to paraphrase some recent comments of yours.
And yes that's paraphrasing.
My statement was that the left wants to see the end of the white race.
I stand by that. That is not racist, well not on my part anyway.
I also said your desire for diversity will import a real rape culture, and judging by the events that took place in Germany and other parts of Europe it is a factually accurate statement.
Are you concerned about cross breeding between whites and other colors? Is that what you mean by the end of the white race?
I can't tell you why the left wants to end it, you'd have to ask a leftist.
let's say they do (they don't). why does it matter to you?
7% of the babies born here are born to illegal immigrants.
It's a problem when they don't bring anything to the table.
The USA is turning into a country of consumers, not producers. The gravy train will end at some point.
That is my fear.
No, your fear is elimination of the white race.
I have ZERO problems telling you or anyone else how I feel. You don't speak for me.
I see people fighting over a $30 electronic device made in China on black Friday.
I can't imagine what people will do when they fight over a can of beans so they can feed their kids.
This country is heading in a direction that will bring those things to reality. We don't produce, we subsidize nearly everything, we import just about everything, you disagree you get called a racist (who really cares anymore) or get locked up.
That is a sad assessment Gambs but I won't argue as it is your state and there is no doubt that you know it better then me. I guess my question is if your state in certain parts is as racist as you say then how did it go for Obama in both elections? Why is it trending towards Trump now? Has it become more racist in the last 8 years or is it simply that the African American vote is completely unethused by Clinton. The racism argument just doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me considering it's previous voting record.
Just from the info you guys have stated here, I would assume it's because Ohio was a lot more eager to be xenophobic against Muslims than they were to be racist against black people. Being scared about and angry at Muslims is one of Trump's major platforms, and a lot of Americans are eating it up for breakfast.
Yeah, why? You don't think that a lot of people have been lured in by Trump's very extreme views when it comes to Muslims? It's one of his main talking points.
No. I don't think that explains it at all. I think that again is using the racism card to discount the real concerns of the working class voter that democrats no longer care to address.
But how does the GOP convince the working class to vote for them? By suggesting that their lives are worse because of affirmative action (racism), immigrants that take their jobs (racism), taxes that are increasing (which they aren't for the middle class).
Or things like NAFTA and TPP are outsourcing all of the manufacturing jobs.
Now I'm really confused. Are the factories moving to Mexico? Or are the Mexicans coming here to steal our jobs?
The jobs are outsourced and your shit party is subsidizing an invasion of third world countries.
You get what you want, the end of the white race, endless dem votes, and your "diversity". You won't have to worry about rigging elections anymore.
Unfortunately it also imports a real rape culture, unlike the imagined one in the states, a real war on women, and imports people that throw gays off of building roofs.
well that was the most depressing thing I'll read all day. it's so sad people actually think this is how the world is.
You're in Minneapolis have you looked around the city???? Parts of it look like a 3rd world country
Yeah and 99% of it doesn't. I guess you think poverty is something new in this country.
99% of is doesn't??? every city have poverty but Minneapolis is a Somali ISIS breading ground...i used to live there and go back often to visit and i don't even recognize most of the city anymore.....anyway irrelevant to this thread i suppose
It's not irrelevant. Hillary's America will be like this in every town.
Fear of a Black Planet right here. I thought you gun owners weren't afraid of nuthin?
Black planet? Uh no.
I've never claimed to be unafraid. The prospect of a Clinton Presidency terrifies me. I don't want to see the USA go down the drain to pacify her globalist boss.
How do you ever step outside of your bunker?
Aren't you in Canada?
oh, here we go with the "you aren't from here, you have no valid opinion" argument again. "america is an island, unless you support my position".
Just wondering how you became so much of an expert on illegal immigration and the importation of thousands of "refugees" because your country manufactured another illegal war with a country that is sending these "refugees".
How much of a burden is it to Canada? I mean, from your personal experience of course.
Does Trudeau get his strings pulled by Soros and the Saudis as easily as Clinton does hers?
I didn't become an expert. never claimed that. why is that retort used so often against the left? if you are disagreed with, somehow that person is claiming to be an expert. it's either we are idiots or we're experts with some of you.
And if we disagree with your policies we are accused of being racist.
wrong. I don't think everyone on the right is a racist. nor do I believe that all trump supporters are racist. I do, however, think someone is a racist based on their dialogue. yours today seems dangerously close to that classification. Which honestly comes as a surprise to me. I never pegged you as someone who was concerned for the "preservation of the white race" and the "influx of rapists from the south", to paraphrase some recent comments of yours.
And yes that's paraphrasing.
My statement was that the left wants to see the end of the white race.
I stand by that. That is not racist, well not on my part anyway.
I also said your desire for diversity will import a real rape culture, and judging by the events that took place in Germany and other parts of Europe it is a factually accurate statement.
Are you concerned about cross breeding between whites and other colors? Is that what you mean by the end of the white race?
I can't tell you why the left wants to end it, you'd have to ask a leftist.
let's say they do (they don't). why does it matter to you?
7% of the babies born here are born to illegal immigrants.
It's a problem when they don't bring anything to the table.
The USA is turning into a country of consumers, not producers. The gravy train will end at some point.
That is my fear.
what the hell does any of that have anything to do with your perceived leftist agenda to end the white race?
I'd argue more legal white citizens white bring less to the table than illegal immigrants. but again, that has zero to do with your original point, so don't deflect on that again.
"Oh're beautiful when you're drunk" -EV 8/14/93
The corruption by the Clintons is undeniable now. I accept Trump is an asshole and yet still think he's a better choice by my own stupid calculus. I wish the Clinton supporters would at least say "I know Hillary and Bill are corrupt as fuck but I'm still with her". Can't we all just be honest at this point? Even is she wins don't you want her held to a better standard?
-EV 8/14/93
Imagine the coverage at Breitbart if this is the coverage at Bolshevik News.
-EV 8/14/93
So you think that people who work for government have no right to secondary incomes?
-EV 8/14/93
-EV 8/14/93
Keep deflecting on how your policies can't be implemented without the use of force, and how those policies bring crime to areas that didn't have it.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
It's a problem when they don't bring anything to the table.
The USA is turning into a country of consumers, not producers. The gravy train will end at some point.
That is my fear.
no wonder he, Hill and Bill get along so well
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
I see people fighting over a $30 electronic device made in China on black Friday.
I can't imagine what people will do when they fight over a can of beans so they can feed their kids.
This country is heading in a direction that will bring those things to reality. We don't produce, we subsidize nearly everything, we import just about everything, you disagree you get called a racist (who really cares anymore) or get locked up.
It's unsustainable.
That is my fear.
I'd argue more legal white citizens white bring less to the table than illegal immigrants. but again, that has zero to do with your original point, so don't deflect on that again.
-EV 8/14/93