OMG my aunt and uncle are being ridiculous today...they started at 9am this morning by calling ME while I was walking the dogs, and my aunt left a message to text her, so I did, and told her that if they want to see Keyton they go through Jason, not me...and it took umpteen messages but I finally got that through to them and gave them his number so she calls Jason and doesn't like what he has to say, thinks he's being unreasonable, and so after that texts me again even though I told them I was going to work and couldn't talk anymore, and tells me they called CPS and CPS said my grandma could supervise the visits, um, no they didn't, we spoke to our CPS contact who agrees that Jason and I supervise, AND said if they keep up the harassment and threats that we should call the police and have them put in a mental health facility. But they blew up my phone for like 4 hours, and they think that because I said I agree with my husband and am backing him up on this, that he controls everything I say and do and is mentally abusing me. It's laughable, if I don't laugh, I will have a melt down. We don't trust them, if given the chance they would take him and go on the run kidnapping him. And my grandma couldn't stop them, that's why we need to supervise and have security measures in place. And they are all kinds of butthurt over this.
They have it in their heads that we're all conspiring against them, that my grandma and I have been conspiring for a year to take Keyton away from them even before his mother went to jail. My aunt posted this all to facebook for the world to see and called my grandma a pill popper, and all this other nonsense about how everyone is out to get them and they are so wonderful and never did anything wrong with Keyton. But CPS and the state of KY found them guilty of neglect, that ship has sailed. They think that letting him do everything he wants and not having any rules and having it be the party zone was caring for him not neglecting him.
And my aunt seems to think that we need to keep my uncle and Jason as far away from each other as possible, like my uncle who isn't much taller than me(I'm 5'6), and weighs less than me is going to kick my husband's ass...Jason is 6'5 and 300lbs, he would beat my uncle senseless if he attacked him. I don't think they realize how big Jason is...
My mom went into mama bear mode when they started threatening me and harassing me and told them to stop or she was calling the police on them.
And Jason and I have a theory that they believe because they're coming to a new state that KY can't say or do anything to keep them from getting him back and that they are just going to take him back and be on their merry way. But unfortunately for them, KY is transferring the case to OR...and they will not be getting him back any time soon.
you got this, PJS! Between you and Jason, I know you do.
the truth will out.
If I had known then what I know now...
Vegas 93, Vegas 98, Vegas 00 (10 year show), Vegas 03, Vegas 06
VIC 07
EV LA1 08
Seattle1 09, Seattle2 09, Salt Lake 09, LA4 09
Columbus 10
EV LA 11
Vancouver 11
Missoula 12
Portland 13, Spokane 13
St. Paul 14, Denver 14
Thanks guys...I know, it's just so hard. They think we're being unreasonable, but they haven't given us any reason not to be hard on them...they effed it up and ran it down their leg...and even my grandma said to Jason today that they are both mentally unstable...yeah, ya think? And now this afternoon my cousin, his mom, is blowing up my phone from jail, but she can't leave a message because the call has to be accepted like a collect call, and she KNOWS I'm at work, so I'm not going to answer her...I've told her I don't get home until Lord only knows why she's calling me in the middle of the day, but probably because she talked to them and is pissed off now about something they said.
Music is my Religion and Pearl Jam, my Savior! Tattooed Dissident!
I'm sorry to hear that you are having difficulties again with your family with regards to Keyton. Stay strong and are doing the right thing on every level. We are here for you if you need us and sending you all of our positive energy for a quick resolution. Take care of yourself.
Anything you lose from being honest You never really had to begin with.
Sometimes it's not the song that makes you emotional it's the people and things that come to your mind when you hear it.
Far out, it's a slog for you right now but you can get through it. Kids need boundaries and deep down crave them ,especially boys. Even if they go kicking & screaming. You're doing an amazing job. Big hugs to you x
OMG my aunt and uncle are being ridiculous today...they started at 9am this morning by calling ME while I was walking the dogs, and my aunt left a message to text her, so I did, and told her that if they want to see Keyton they go through Jason, not me...and it took umpteen messages but I finally got that through to them and gave them his number so she calls Jason and doesn't like what he has to say, thinks he's being unreasonable, and so after that texts me again even though I told them I was going to work and couldn't talk anymore, and tells me they called CPS and CPS said my grandma could supervise the visits, um, no they didn't, we spoke to our CPS contact who agrees that Jason and I supervise, AND said if they keep up the harassment and threats that we should call the police and have them put in a mental health facility. But they blew up my phone for like 4 hours, and they think that because I said I agree with my husband and am backing him up on this, that he controls everything I say and do and is mentally abusing me. It's laughable, if I don't laugh, I will have a melt down. We don't trust them, if given the chance they would take him and go on the run kidnapping him. And my grandma couldn't stop them, that's why we need to supervise and have security measures in place. And they are all kinds of butthurt over this.
They have it in their heads that we're all conspiring against them, that my grandma and I have been conspiring for a year to take Keyton away from them even before his mother went to jail. My aunt posted this all to facebook for the world to see and called my grandma a pill popper, and all this other nonsense about how everyone is out to get them and they are so wonderful and never did anything wrong with Keyton. But CPS and the state of KY found them guilty of neglect, that ship has sailed. They think that letting him do everything he wants and not having any rules and having it be the party zone was caring for him not neglecting him.
And my aunt seems to think that we need to keep my uncle and Jason as far away from each other as possible, like my uncle who isn't much taller than me(I'm 5'6), and weighs less than me is going to kick my husband's ass...Jason is 6'5 and 300lbs, he would beat my uncle senseless if he attacked him. I don't think they realize how big Jason is...
My mom went into mama bear mode when they started threatening me and harassing me and told them to stop or she was calling the police on them.
And Jason and I have a theory that they believe because they're coming to a new state that KY can't say or do anything to keep them from getting him back and that they are just going to take him back and be on their merry way. But unfortunately for them, KY is transferring the case to OR...and they will not be getting him back any time soon.
Definitely do not hesitate to call the police. And, of course, keep all of the texts and everything else and show it all to your CPS contact. They might actually decide to enforce a no-contact order or something, which would be good thing, probably. Do you know if it's legal in your state to record phone calls without the person on the other end knowing it? If it is, do that too. All of this will eventually blow over.... stay strong!
With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be careful. Strive to be happy. ~ Desiderata
I'm not sure if it is legal to do that in Oregon or hubby would probably know. But yeah I am keeping all the texts and messages. They were being ridiculous again today started harassing me and I told them to leave me a lone and contact Jason and so they did call him and then because they didn't like what he was saying called him a bunch of names and hung up on him and then text me again tell me how crazy WE are...
They are the crazy's ridiculous. They even told my grandma that Jason told them he was going to kick my uncle's, no not even close to what was said, Jason said he was going to supervise the visit and have security measures in place because we don't trust them based off of their behavior for the last 2 months...
Music is my Religion and Pearl Jam, my Savior! Tattooed Dissident!
sorry for all your troubles and your hard work but i do appreciate you for what you were trying to do, but now i think its important you get some sleep and look after yourselves xx oo said my piece whether it matters or not im hopping off now..
Vegas 93, Vegas 98, Vegas 00 (10 year show), Vegas 03, Vegas 06
VIC 07
EV LA1 08
Seattle1 09, Seattle2 09, Salt Lake 09, LA4 09
Columbus 10
EV LA 11
Vancouver 11
Missoula 12
Portland 13, Spokane 13
St. Paul 14, Denver 14
I am doing OK, the melatonin is working to help me sleep, it's been a lot better at night for me, I went to the doctor on Saturday because I'm sick, I have bronchitis, they gave me an inhaler and Sudafed, the inhaler seems to help my coughing and lungs, but the Sudafed doesn't do a whole lot...
My aunt and uncle arrived on Saturday evening at my moms...the messaged my hubby on Saturday and finally said they would agree to his visiting guidelines...and they apologized for everything and asked to start over, I was forced by my mom to tell them we are willing to start over, though we are still going to make them go by the guidelines my hubby has made out for at least the first few visits, until they prove they aren't going to act out and behave ridiculously anymore.
Music is my Religion and Pearl Jam, my Savior! Tattooed Dissident!
I am doing OK, the melatonin is working to help me sleep, it's been a lot better at night for me, I went to the doctor on Saturday because I'm sick, I have bronchitis, they gave me an inhaler and Sudafed, the inhaler seems to help my coughing and lungs, but the Sudafed doesn't do a whole lot...
My aunt and uncle arrived on Saturday evening at my moms...the messaged my hubby on Saturday and finally said they would agree to his visiting guidelines...and they apologized for everything and asked to start over, I was forced by my mom to tell them we are willing to start over, though we are still going to make them go by the guidelines my hubby has made out for at least the first few visits, until they prove they aren't going to act out and behave ridiculously anymore.
That's great! Be cautious about backing away from the guidelines. With what's happened so far, I personally wouldn't trust them with unsupervised visits for a very long time... probably not at all, unless it's court ordered, TBH.
With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be careful. Strive to be happy. ~ Desiderata
lots of hugs to you...remember to take a break and BREATHE too!
The joy of life comes from our encounters with new experiences, and hence there is no greater joy than to have an endlessly changing horizon, for each day to have a new and different sun.
Glad to hear you are getting some sleep. I echo PJ_Soul's concern about backing away from the guidelines. How long are your aunt and uncle visiting? As always, you have a community here that supports you and is cheering you on.
Oh no the visits will always be supervised, it's been ordered by the state of KY that they be, but some of the other guildelines may go away after a little while, like the extra security and stuff... I don't know about how long they'll be here because they were saying they were moving here, then on Friday they told my grandma that they were going to only stay a short time and then move to I have no clue about that. We shall see...I am hoping they do go to Texas...because really none of us want them here...
Music is my Religion and Pearl Jam, my Savior! Tattooed Dissident!
I've strained the muscles in my back from lifting Keyton, had to miss work yesterday and go to the doctor, spent two hours there and then almost another hour waiting on my meds at the pharmacy. They gave me a muscle relaxer and pain pill and prednisone and he said to refrain from lifting him until it's healed and I've recovered, luckily my best friend is here and can help on that front, and I was ordered to start core building exercises to strengthen my back and to wear a back brace belt when lifting him.
I'm at work today and feeling a little loopy on all my meds...kinda sleepy and stuff. Sitting here with my heating pad on my back to also help the inflammation...
Music is my Religion and Pearl Jam, my Savior! Tattooed Dissident!
The joy of life comes from our encounters with new experiences, and hence there is no greater joy than to have an endlessly changing horizon, for each day to have a new and different sun.
I am trying. He's just so heavy, and when you're not use to lifting a child, it's hard...I twisted wrong or something moving him from the couch to the floor a week ago and then woke up the next day in severe pain. But I am glad it's a muscle thing and not a bone thing because I already have a little bit of a back issue...and I don't want to make that worse. Taylor is helping me now and I am going to try to start Yoga once I'm healed to strengthen myself.
Thank you for the thoughts and vibes, I appreciate it! :-)
Music is my Religion and Pearl Jam, my Savior! Tattooed Dissident!
PJS this might sound dumb but my mom's PT told me a good trick is to wear a spanx if you can't get a back brace to fit correctly. I was demonstrating how my back brace didn't fit me and she told me for women is better to just get a spanx or spanx-esque thing cuz the back braces are designed for male bodies.
There's a posture thing I've seen advertised on tv that I've been meaning to buy.
Back is getting better...just took a few days for the prednisone to start working. My best friend being there is a huge help, and she's been helping me a lot. I'm still having a hard time myself...just mentally from being off my meds and stuff. I am trying b12 for the anxiety...just started it this weekend. Not sure anymore when we're actually going to try to have a baby, and I kinda don't wanna get back on my meds if I can avoid it because of the crap I went through getting off...
I'm having an extra rough day today as it marks one year since I lost my furbaby, Tabby Lu.
Music is my Religion and Pearl Jam, my Savior! Tattooed Dissident!
i hope your day brightens up... otherwise just make like a hermit and see nobody lol thats what i do hope your managing okay back pain can be nasty sometimes put mine out a couple times hope keyton is settling in nicely now see you around..
am praying for you to God despite people around here perhaps criticizing my religious views in the tranny thread etc and despite what people think i stick to my guns even though it causes me to sway and have problem but main thing is is stick to my guns and rules meant to be and i am praying for you..
Thanks guys, we did have a nice holiday, my bestie and I cooked because my hubby who usually does all the cooking, had to work this year. I got a free ham from work so we had ham instead of Turkey, I cooked it and it turned out great...Keyton had a rough day that day though, resulting in a 3 hour stand off with my husband about asking for things, he doesn't ask, he demands, and we're trying to teach him manners because no one ever has...he's improved since that night, but it's still a struggle...just hasn't been as bad as that night.
Found out today that my beastie's in-laws, soon to be ex in-laws, are totally on her side getting her stable and her son back to her, they aren't going to try and keep him, they want him to be where he wants to be and he wants to be with his mommy, so that was good news for her. Her MIL said that her soon to be ex husband is being as ugly to them as he is to her and they are not allowing him to see their son, but that he hasn't made any attempt to either. So I was just very relieved that they are holding him accountable for his horrible choices in this. My bestie also told me stuff that he used to say to her, and it was verbal abuse, it's no wonder she had fallen into a depression, she said she had started to believe him because he said it so much...and this was even before the mistress came into the picture. So I'm just relieved that that's going well, and I let her know that she can stay with us as long as she needs to and get a job and we'll do what we can to help her save up for what she wants to do that seems to at least be headed in a good direction.
I'm struggling with my emotions over this whole thing, because now we have to put having our own baby on hold due to finances now that we have Keyton, I don't know for how long, it may not be long, but it's up in the air and we really don't's just frustrating to me and my family(my aunt uncle, keyton's mom, and my grandma don't seem to care about the fact that I'm doing this and don't seem all that thankful that we're doing this...which is really frustrating, because if it wasn't for us, he'd be a ward of the state of KY and who knows where he would be. I'm suffering from anxiety daily. I do have a good lead on something to help with that though, it's called Confianze Stress Relief blend by a company called It Works, my friend does them, it's kinda like Mary Kay but they specialize in supplements, and she says it's worked wonders for her while she's been dealing with her health lately. So I think I'm going to order that and give it a try because the b12 is not doing a thing.
I just have to take some time to myself sometimes even if it's just an hour in my room at night and not deal with Keyton or anyone for that matter...I did that the other night. My husband and I really need more sleep and rest too, we're already getting worn out because he has so many needs and lifting and carrying him is so difficult because he weight between 35-40 lbs. He's really heavy and he does this thing where when you're carrying him he leans backwards which makes it even harder, I know this is how I messed up my back, and we're just having trouble getting him to listen and it's a typical thing for a kid who has gone through what he's gone through, but it gets so frustrating and there are so many things that a 5 year old should no and be able to do that he can't, not because he's handicap, but because no one ever worked with him on anything or taught him anything, they just did everything for him, babied him and treated like a complete invalid.
In just the short time we've had him, he now crawls on his hands and knees instead of scooting everywhere and he can get himself mostly into his wheelchair on his own and he's pushing himself in his wheelchair. He learned yesterday how to put his own pants on, he struggles, but he did it three separate times on his own, and with practice he'll get better at it.
A big concern I have is that he's obsessed with death and killing and my aunt and uncle brought some of his toys from KY including three guns, we threw the guns away, because he's 5 and 2 of them were cap guns that looks exactly like real pistols and didn't have the orange ends on them anymore...and my aunt called me about a visit place, she wants to take him to do bows and arrows because he likes them...NO, that is not age appropriate...not to mention it was during the week when she knows they can only have visits on weekends because Jason and I work. My grandma got in a fight with my aunt this weekend because all my aunt and uncle do is complain about the fact that we have him and for some reason they have issue with that...and my grandma told her how well he's doing with us and my aunt said she's tired of hearing that, and my grandma told her "well I'm tired of hearing you bitch about it." So I don't know why they have such a problem with us having him considering the alternative is foster care...but they don't seem to care about that. My uncle did however tell Jason and my grandma he was very impressed with him crawling and getting in the wheelchair on his own. So I guess that's something.
Basically though, my mom, my grandma, my aunt and uncle have put Jason and my bestie and Chyann and I all on an island by ourselves with their behavior and that's frustrating, and my mom is putting my aunt and uncle on her lease, after she already said they could only stay 2 weeks, she said to me yesterday I can't just kick them out their' behaving....yeah but they're not working or really making much of an attempt to find work and doing nothing but sponging off my mom and grandma...and they don't make any effort to call Jason so they can talk to Keyton...they have my grandma call me and then pretend like it's an after thought oh yeah while we have you on the phone can we talk to him? And they have decided again that they do want him back, but how are they going to prove their situation is better than ours when they're sponging off my mom and grandma...? And we have no idea when Krissy(his mom) is going to get out of prison, they transferred her to a different jail, no one knows why even, but she's got to serve quite a sentence, she does have a praole hearing in March, but her first one was denied and I'm pretty sure this one will be too, because she went on the run when they came to arrest her and was gone for 2 weeks...I'm just like really? Plus she has to do rehab, and I don't now how she's going to do that because she has to pay for it, but it's been court ordered, and she definitely has no chance of getting him back if she can't get clean from the heroin.
Honestly some days it's so hard I just want to go back and have it be my family only again...and then I feel guilty for feeling that way. Because I know he needs us. But like I said I'm really struggling with my emotions and feelings about this whole situation and having to put my life on hold to care for someone else's child, all of whom show no thanks for what we're doing or care that I'm putting my life on hold...I cry a lot. I mean I was so ready to try to have a baby that my heart is literally broken over having to wait longer...
alright, I've gone on long enough for this update....sorry it's so long. I just kinda needed to vent.
I love you all and your thoughts and prayers and encouragement really mean so much to me, you have no idea!!!
Music is my Religion and Pearl Jam, my Savior! Tattooed Dissident!
Tattooed Dissident!
2016: Lexington and Wrigley 1
the truth will out.
Vegas 93, Vegas 98, Vegas 00 (10 year show), Vegas 03, Vegas 06
VIC 07
EV LA1 08
Seattle1 09, Seattle2 09, Salt Lake 09, LA4 09
Columbus 10
EV LA 11
Vancouver 11
Missoula 12
Portland 13, Spokane 13
St. Paul 14, Denver 14
Tattooed Dissident!
You never really had to begin with.
Sometimes it's not the song that makes you emotional it's the people and things that come to your mind when you hear it.
All of this will eventually blow over.... stay strong!
They are the crazy's ridiculous. They even told my grandma that Jason told them he was going to kick my uncle's, no not even close to what was said, Jason said he was going to supervise the visit and have security measures in place because we don't trust them based off of their behavior for the last 2 months...
Tattooed Dissident!
said my piece whether it matters or not im hopping off now..
Vegas 93, Vegas 98, Vegas 00 (10 year show), Vegas 03, Vegas 06
VIC 07
EV LA1 08
Seattle1 09, Seattle2 09, Salt Lake 09, LA4 09
Columbus 10
EV LA 11
Vancouver 11
Missoula 12
Portland 13, Spokane 13
St. Paul 14, Denver 14
Tattooed Dissident!
i know your not well but have
the tabs kicked in yet
probably take a while
but it will work..
My aunt and uncle arrived on Saturday evening at my moms...the messaged my hubby on Saturday and finally said they would agree to his visiting guidelines...and they apologized for everything and asked to start over, I was forced by my mom to tell them we are willing to start over, though we are still going to make them go by the guidelines my hubby has made out for at least the first few visits, until they prove they aren't going to act out and behave ridiculously anymore.
Tattooed Dissident!
Be cautious about backing away from the guidelines. With what's happened so far, I personally wouldn't trust them with unsupervised visits for a very long time... probably not at all, unless it's court ordered, TBH.
- Christopher McCandless
As always, you have a community here that supports you and is cheering you on.
I don't know about how long they'll be here because they were saying they were moving here, then on Friday they told my grandma that they were going to only stay a short time and then move to I have no clue about that. We shall see...I am hoping they do go to Texas...because really none of us want them here...
Tattooed Dissident!
I'm at work today and feeling a little loopy on all my meds...kinda sleepy and stuff. Sitting here with my heating pad on my back to also help the inflammation...
Tattooed Dissident!
Good thoughts and vibes sent, whether requested or not
- Christopher McCandless
Thank you for the thoughts and vibes, I appreciate it! :-)
Tattooed Dissident!
I was demonstrating how my back brace didn't fit me and she told me for women is better to just get a spanx or spanx-esque thing cuz the back braces are designed for male bodies.
There's a posture thing I've seen advertised on tv that I've been meaning to buy.
You never really had to begin with.
Sometimes it's not the song that makes you emotional it's the people and things that come to your mind when you hear it.
I'm having an extra rough day today as it marks one year since I lost my furbaby, Tabby Lu.
Tattooed Dissident!
otherwise just make like a hermit and see nobody lol
thats what i do
hope your managing okay
back pain can be nasty sometimes
put mine out a couple times
hope keyton is settling in nicely now
see you around..
Also that the anxiety and back pain have subsided more.
Found out today that my beastie's in-laws, soon to be ex in-laws, are totally on her side getting her stable and her son back to her, they aren't going to try and keep him, they want him to be where he wants to be and he wants to be with his mommy, so that was good news for her. Her MIL said that her soon to be ex husband is being as ugly to them as he is to her and they are not allowing him to see their son, but that he hasn't made any attempt to either. So I was just very relieved that they are holding him accountable for his horrible choices in this. My bestie also told me stuff that he used to say to her, and it was verbal abuse, it's no wonder she had fallen into a depression, she said she had started to believe him because he said it so much...and this was even before the mistress came into the picture. So I'm just relieved that that's going well, and I let her know that she can stay with us as long as she needs to and get a job and we'll do what we can to help her save up for what she wants to do that seems to at least be headed in a good direction.
I'm struggling with my emotions over this whole thing, because now we have to put having our own baby on hold due to finances now that we have Keyton, I don't know for how long, it may not be long, but it's up in the air and we really don't's just frustrating to me and my family(my aunt uncle, keyton's mom, and my grandma don't seem to care about the fact that I'm doing this and don't seem all that thankful that we're doing this...which is really frustrating, because if it wasn't for us, he'd be a ward of the state of KY and who knows where he would be. I'm suffering from anxiety daily. I do have a good lead on something to help with that though, it's called Confianze Stress Relief blend by a company called It Works, my friend does them, it's kinda like Mary Kay but they specialize in supplements, and she says it's worked wonders for her while she's been dealing with her health lately. So I think I'm going to order that and give it a try because the b12 is not doing a thing.
I just have to take some time to myself sometimes even if it's just an hour in my room at night and not deal with Keyton or anyone for that matter...I did that the other night. My husband and I really need more sleep and rest too, we're already getting worn out because he has so many needs and lifting and carrying him is so difficult because he weight between 35-40 lbs. He's really heavy and he does this thing where when you're carrying him he leans backwards which makes it even harder, I know this is how I messed up my back, and we're just having trouble getting him to listen and it's a typical thing for a kid who has gone through what he's gone through, but it gets so frustrating and there are so many things that a 5 year old should no and be able to do that he can't, not because he's handicap, but because no one ever worked with him on anything or taught him anything, they just did everything for him, babied him and treated like a complete invalid.
In just the short time we've had him, he now crawls on his hands and knees instead of scooting everywhere and he can get himself mostly into his wheelchair on his own and he's pushing himself in his wheelchair. He learned yesterday how to put his own pants on, he struggles, but he did it three separate times on his own, and with practice he'll get better at it.
A big concern I have is that he's obsessed with death and killing and my aunt and uncle brought some of his toys from KY including three guns, we threw the guns away, because he's 5 and 2 of them were cap guns that looks exactly like real pistols and didn't have the orange ends on them anymore...and my aunt called me about a visit place, she wants to take him to do bows and arrows because he likes them...NO, that is not age appropriate...not to mention it was during the week when she knows they can only have visits on weekends because Jason and I work. My grandma got in a fight with my aunt this weekend because all my aunt and uncle do is complain about the fact that we have him and for some reason they have issue with that...and my grandma told her how well he's doing with us and my aunt said she's tired of hearing that, and my grandma told her "well I'm tired of hearing you bitch about it." So I don't know why they have such a problem with us having him considering the alternative is foster care...but they don't seem to care about that. My uncle did however tell Jason and my grandma he was very impressed with him crawling and getting in the wheelchair on his own. So I guess that's something.
Basically though, my mom, my grandma, my aunt and uncle have put Jason and my bestie and Chyann and I all on an island by ourselves with their behavior and that's frustrating, and my mom is putting my aunt and uncle on her lease, after she already said they could only stay 2 weeks, she said to me yesterday I can't just kick them out their' behaving....yeah but they're not working or really making much of an attempt to find work and doing nothing but sponging off my mom and grandma...and they don't make any effort to call Jason so they can talk to Keyton...they have my grandma call me and then pretend like it's an after thought oh yeah while we have you on the phone can we talk to him? And they have decided again that they do want him back, but how are they going to prove their situation is better than ours when they're sponging off my mom and grandma...? And we have no idea when Krissy(his mom) is going to get out of prison, they transferred her to a different jail, no one knows why even, but she's got to serve quite a sentence, she does have a praole hearing in March, but her first one was denied and I'm pretty sure this one will be too, because she went on the run when they came to arrest her and was gone for 2 weeks...I'm just like really? Plus she has to do rehab, and I don't now how she's going to do that because she has to pay for it, but it's been court ordered, and she definitely has no chance of getting him back if she can't get clean from the heroin.
Honestly some days it's so hard I just want to go back and have it be my family only again...and then I feel guilty for feeling that way. Because I know he needs us. But like I said I'm really struggling with my emotions and feelings about this whole situation and having to put my life on hold to care for someone else's child, all of whom show no thanks for what we're doing or care that I'm putting my life on hold...I cry a lot. I mean I was so ready to try to have a baby that my heart is literally broken over having to wait longer...
alright, I've gone on long enough for this update....sorry it's so long. I just kinda needed to vent.
I love you all and your thoughts and prayers and encouragement really mean so much to me, you have no idea!!!
Tattooed Dissident!